Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jun 1955, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TI6URSDAY. JaUNE Mb, 1955- PAIGE TWO Toot -Toot The police ciief of Long Branch has issued a warning ta medding celebranîs that those who follow a car carrying a bride and groom looting the horns on their cura milI fînd themselves in ail churged tander the villages anti-noise by-lam. We agree mith the police chief of that comn- manity that tbese horn tooting processions are a nuisance and do not puy ribute in anp may t0alire nnnctity of murage. Matrimony is a sucred cere- mony blessed by God. Il is a soiemn contracî be- Imeen two people ta join forces until deatli parts them. Matrimonyis lire mont sacred thing in the lives of any couple. Il doesn't rate as a cfteap parade or side show ilS noise just for the suke of noise and to attract attention. We do not kcom nihether Ibece is an unt- noise by-lum liera or sol but there are munp folks niho moald welcome sach a by'lum if il mould stop Ibis cheap demonstration Ifiat han become part of the weddîng proceedings of todup. The Real Highway Menace Accordrng ta Prof. Joslyn Rogers. anulyticul cliemist and consultunt ta. tle attorney generai a depurîment, lcoliol is isvoived as upproximately 85 per cent. of the trattas accdents as Ibis pro- vince. The sume atharily expresses the belaef thutit waus t0 blume for betwnen 200 and 400 of last year's 1,000 truffis higlimay fttitea, Professor Rogers discosses the mtter, sot as a temperance advocate, but as un anulyticul chem' ist, nhen ha explains the effesî of aisohol cas the motorist. "Alcoliol prodoces a sense of eophoriaa." ays the professor. "Thut meuna poa rhish poo us dive deeper. swim futther and came out dryer Ihan aspone else. Or pou thairk yoo cas pussaa car going t 50 miles an iroor. But you may ment someone coming from the opposite direction mho s lso suffering trom eophoraa." A lack of discretion, an aniostified confidnnce in onens abrlîty us a driver- these are aisohoi's fatal gifîs ta the matorint anho. ta lrnady feavy program. An effort in Milto0 10 stir up tome interest cn the comiag date, by the Chamber of Commerce, got exactly nonihere and an apathetis attitude hus been genecally adopted toward the nery sigaifi' cant date. Ouitc trac, there is jst about tmo peurs to plan for it bat the puce could bc a little lent hectic if work mas instituted soon. There is sofficient time t0 implemnent ideas that could bring Ibis county toms articles of excellent poblicity that wooid muhe the nume of Milton stucS more iSe- y known. Then, to0, fer from the material or signif trust benefitn to the communîty. sacS un occasion would provide u common meeting lame for the frundceds of people miro mould en1op u return 10 the oid home-tomn if tirey could lue ussared of greeting old friends. Nussugamepu u fem years ugo staged a cele. brution thut residentn could be proud of and the en1opment of the orstors mus evadent as aid friends met und old fumaliar pluces were seen. Other ctaes huve spread their celebrutions oer the mucole sommer clîmuxing with pugeunts. mooden nachles and dozeansof other noveltars and program feataren. The centennial of Halton County panncd on- nrred us officiaIs deemed sot nofficient lime for the pIlans necenssury for a reul celebrataon. The e nly mark of distinction mas the namrng of the then conntracted Munor as Haiton Centennal Manor. Devciopments tiraI are contano alip increaasg 1the toms busaness maireit almost impossable ta expect ail the leadersip to came from the toms cooncai chambers. Leadership for such an ecent sooid quate raghtiy ome fromn the Chamber of Commerce or csp anrerenîed groop of catizena bot anteteat in the fotmer hes 'mareeleosaderliy. s A meeting'if rrprreretacr-a frsm aleh w orgeaiataona. seiied by tire cooso i, wMaiptobablry ire tire ooiy vay a start cold ose comopliaî d. rt rý to oseliopeso ea ontsiaion ir llas' cjvras tthe maltert before ai ataolie crus o'imaocrcanl tit en, irs tlire coosty, rae osi race to say flot enoogh lme to rememloer the past 100 yerts. THE G< I UT MAY Twenty Years Ago Fr... the fMma.etthe ______ caueésm or J...1.5,5lm Therseasa for backbarilsfsbng M li o rno wad crgii Oai-agement for heinnu>.ex euon on CrwnLake nearHane "The Quaker Ressedy Ca." s gnvng a sema ies fcfeecoacertsaia the Agrieultoaral Grounds ti n ari and incdentally sellng these m- edien There are samne lever per fa merstia te cumpay and maay peope go ta, bear lem. The annual exuon of Haltan Furmes ta a ttut e he Ontai Agrioulaual Ca egeGuelphper CP.R and GT.R. camne off last Monday. It as he argea aon r nord, aner t1,000 tickets hcing uald. As, the calaacity of the canered carniage in wbich R. B. Andertso hut heen canscyiag passeagcrs tu -Photo hy Esther Taylor and tram the railaayastations a i a uffîcars t for hîs businsts. he has JUNE IN THE COUNTRY is a lime of growtir and green, whcn incested in a fine ara bu, rhich ire usrd foi the f iraitarnin yetter- murm wcuther brings forth crops und gurdeas. fuily Icafs the day trens und pots grass und punrore lasd in a rich verdant garb. Na. 4 Company of 1he 201h tartre The scorchrng heat of July and Augant, the ciier monflis, ha!: Rifle. Caphelînille. comrmaaded yst to a tuniaithe green sheen thut coats tire coantrynide. hy Lieut. Brattar, and N". 7"M'- ton hy Lieut. Clements, turneS aut _________________________________________________for the church parade as Sunday eseautig. Na. 8 Horahy dad aat par- ode, no daabt on accouait of the E A ST T 0uYH uaettled 'eathee andhbaderoads. Agent J. M. Carmpbell of the k E ~ AIBanks of Hamilton. bas been trunu- N"(E T irred tam Lîstoa'el. This ia a pro- N o i T W ES Tmotion of abach Mr. Cumpbell's Milton Irienda o Ilire glad 10 heur. In aeear-ead csll srion on the Grand Truah ut Ouhoalle station at MoneyerHospitl a tua in trry diraut the lrenint ,rur'loc on Sonday maerng- Iii Oalsall'rtrports'tlthe Oak "mlistaothnt rstfcrng 1., fogorcmsara'yeotedar vlui-ruutic Menioizl ltir, ttilordos,'"th'Hî'ruld orsnrst An eag.nvan and carbudhbes Ooý!, aso'mîriorrt Os yatrdti o Raei-Tlrase.'ainCoeurt tandng atthe ationuand er' wrtil of$360t.0K) tri d.rte. Tiror , Il a uholîr tlrie hirys . ot mocîsg eastrvhes aneastbauad ta 'ner egirt apprraihed. A heuhemun liii 'acre $7,0000 b be rard b- li. ore iputrnprch.itronafor'ayeu a îhuentba oflag this train did nat foiesliarojeciveis reuces'l Prr'- hya utiili'Curtngitrar fr etfuir enaugh ailsspeed culd aif. rthe genra.l haoa,aao1ltlttka lcal -n trh tne-. otabcecheced in time. -ira'hi'il 52JtOat. tirait St3OtOtO Oha>Tfot'u'rmnn aid'uicit hare noffen- VTRNFEA ta..;rttrlgifttsr aridt ro tI as'red anti legs VTE NF MN $123,M) mr ar oas ant or 11(ltrl rfrtir cia. tvol cacaca t WINNIPEG aCyr -.Alexaunder ira atatarei'. tatiti' ira at.rlLiaroks aSundy) Bochan. thr "grand aId 1,- h a vdl .. ti fie an"ofWinipeg, drcd aut utc battent. or Seisenin? titt9i. sas iiHr rat.u arhrr rf the face t'Il .r"Crtr. aof l aîrmar Private le Publice rispacten frm 1894. -ome yeuîs i '.1-t 'O Sernadla irata-it'ndu., I r; ra riitonts , .a .'ar ratr, rn O'arriiod a.u'aorauth trots aI, t1l ..r..t, the' t Il ot' ItîrI of mz,] st l birit %v r. , O -tttt ' rr ac'trts'in raa l'yra aar,ci'al a h l . n W' r._ tr.a rtt'î.i.rt --aOrnafa t t:,am. 3ta tort 1 " , PROFESSIONA ara ..I T r. top a ii 'frt..a.rltot .outarktoia ia raa.I t tAND TRAVEI ri,, r.l! A t: ria' Srai .ta , I: t. a 1 . r'ai t t-1ad':r r1 ' n'r '.l1 r 1:tc ', 'aa THE STEVENSON CLINIC i ari 0 '.iPhones: tt'"tl' a.I'd a ',of rr.'. s 1ta a Mlton-Numer 2 d i .. a ' . . î, a ,'P a.'at, s. Dr. C. E. Stevensnn t'aia',Ira.i.'t" tt'i'ti'ttarita,'. O ,p'Y M CA si Dr. R. G. fines Not Always Price11 ".iJtt rai-dr a iri ai r The other day me sotec thet in New Totosto tNeas lumis laie6 <srdae e tevder had been let for certain mruteiacIna ;. 'ta" àar !..,a- $20.4677 The engaveer's estamate ftrcotf".ir'ai.etia 1the mon lied bers $32.352. A dafferevse an thea.ii"i rIno estiates of epproxîa teiy $10.000." Otn',' .. i: r..'aa ar a sometames mosdets et tire mrde variance mhev brds are operaed ov buildang and eostiacon j:1irr.rrr1,t .artir..r obs vahetiner îhey ate estîmates or pore gcesaes. 1, as qoate easy to resovorle moderete dafferences v i prions sboiamtted by tender of e fnm dollars but ms hev e thard of the total emocet avcolved an the C U C E â m hoie c5maI50 the drfference meny of as miro pre. l libations, adds "one for the road." pare estimeres on smuiler items and ara. criticized "n - - - -- - - -- -for dîinrenees in cst are e bat fleirbergested et ENOX PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCH Pre-Vacation Dreaming the mîde spreed in construction bmSs.RFV. E. <5RSORN, Nfinlater This is the ime cf peur mhen moat Canadiens This ocars on mnoal nety construction job 1O' M Go.r.t iral Orne M.a IraL enjoy mirt aImy be lire besl part of somme r Sali- caeied for tender and is fot pnculrar t0 Hem To- days-Ihe anticipation. at ier tn rororait.Adrgtrie 50N>YIIO 21lii n an idia houe lSey can relaand draam confusion s the tact Itha Ste estiates are pre. ata11 .îîrraîtiirtil, about the pieusure soon le come or plan a vuca- Paurnd tîom idential specatications and tir emgai rata rata. Morair raoar aa. lti lion even more idyllic thun thm ove lSey mimtd 10 neers mli aprepere the plans are very laisinIo ire 't -trv Yarît A. r'it-rrt., y lake. Ths dreaming and planning cun exîend ea îecarsemti h ffrc oe opn t,-ani titi ai rliai ra tire ir over saverul meehs and il doesn'î cont e sent. tao nderteke tire morr. ' ..ua.trs14 I8is GIt Evec if a mufle mite munIs 10 go 10 Ithe Atter ail, as in mont Ilings. me suppose the Ovttîti i ottla , tti.Ma M. mounlains and the macnSiiseitfuvors poing to Prime tactor for consideraîjon is relireblity cf the tlie seaside, Se can dreum anpmay-about the sea- firrm tor sascessfoi compimîros of socS mork as GRACE CHURCH side, of course. mmii as the prise eonideraîion. Meny e munici- ANGLICAN Theniesltlingabut hi pr.Slidpntii-peiiîy ad individuel have foand Iliat prce ns nol Maltara.Gatcr pating is that in il everything morks ouI perfesîîy. almeys Ithe prame fuctor n getrng morir done. îo. lItai The finheman fulis bis armaIs. The golter shoots i'c'rrS'F SNIAY AFTIT tINjITY bis hola-in-one. The motorist colis merrrîp aîang Brief Comment a8ro00 a p ýMYCammt rri ratai aMýst ltOi.a Soirita mitir neyer a raffic jam or a filtire. Thie bashful Tame is et bend mhen saliool pupîls are berng I pr;..In. Ma rigtaitîii 'îr- youlS finds a sweethearî or the shy Miss lands a Put to the test regarding the slodies mbrch Suce -ir t'a s hsand. mes assigsed îliem over the pesl peur. , CLRY TABERNSC Penlucestal Helineno Il ISEONTE ST. le Lp;jstiar RBi'ACT.Sara SIJNDAY. .UNE t2tIî. 1955 0,001 aa. 'Siltrrfay Siltarand Itairîr'Clîa 111.00astMaririafW.r.olaaî 7.00 pî.m. EearngtelralreSersice. ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA and ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE (Anglcan)t Bmv. R. P. E. Jrffarns SenItor St3MDAY. lUNE 121h. 1055 Trnîty t 10.00 uni -Holy Coimmuioin aind Brandon Snho arlut St. Johns. 11.15 r.n.-Muening Prayer unS Sîradan Scirtirl at Si. Gent Sac. )OD OLD DAYS HAVE SEEMED BETTER Fifty Years Ago T"aken umthe fil" .of8me OUR- adi.. (lisa.n of Ij 6, 155 At the largest attrnded convent- io evr hld arr the hrotory of the ib bt ai-Ca 'raiveAsociation, of Halton caruaty. George Cuerr.. reeve of E.9uesngtownship and a creIl known farmer, cras on Tues- day night chasen as candidate ta-' content Ibis riding in the coming federal electian. itereila arecrd that is going to- be bard to heat. A white Legborn h en owned by J. G. Elliott of Es- quesatg laid an egg lust week crhieh measued 8n 7 inchea. weigbed four ounces and containedt three yolks. Oa'ing ta the insistent demanda of the taw n couacil ta rut dama. expenaes for locaI institutions, the Milton Hîgh Sehool Board has bern forced ta dispensr wi1h the services ofone of the teachrs, aaaking a saff ofsi instead of sevras, prev iously. tStan Fuy's Mîltanss ooak stranglehald of the leadership af the nova Highaay League whmn thcy baaded thr pride and joy of Oakvail. 011w eJabaaaa's bigh scor- ing Oaksallitrs a 9-7 trouncatg at the Lakeshure grounds lat Sutur- day. Under the leadrsahip of Prestd- rat Stanlry Hall aad his fellava af- fiera. a plaa.iag match for jaaior farmera under 20 is briag held ut Gardon Chiaholm's fa rm aear- Hornby tamaorrua.. AIt four town- siap cvuocîluhave made somati grants ta encourage the pina. boys aad separate clauses wiii be held for ruch towship. DIESEL PIYRCHAS Why att thresap ani ntbe purebase af mare diesels focrouatern Can- a rda? The aew ealutpmeat it heing 1haught ut u lime when excellent tpeagresas reported in the per- Jfection of the ara coaî-fired gaa turbine mhich wmut continue ta use our ros. and urhtch o sil iethe cuîtcaads mare efftciency than tire rpresrat-day diesels. - SpringhttlY 1 N.S. ecord. e An estimuted 2.419,000 families, shud chîldn 24 years of age and nundcr liv'ing ut home ut the ataet oJune. 1954. U DIRECTORY :LLERS' GUIDE DENTAL OR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office ta atoyal Building. Miltom Houes 9-5 Esenîngs hy Appointment 'Jtir mlta , 'Office Houers Dr. M. F. GALLOWAY No Costra(sîniit A .- ppinr oony.Detal Surgeon fn i-ý! g l ~P M-1-4 7-9. ny 15MiStonsreflo la Or"r ara l.r'rI i'i~' Ot SUNAYSEmrrgenrîesany I ,M intoscret.o i r' s Y r t t..1 tak rMILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL Houri 9tota6 p. r il 'a. 1'a n 1tr X-RAY corsanga hy uppa.stmrnt. r ta i , r d' tai1 ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Mlnister-EEV J L. BLAIR. B.A. Orguis. Meo Hajraîld Mtgre. SUNaxnY, UNE'c tr, o955 Il j"Iý. rua a rt lttlc lital tri o fiilt iaraîsa'. orSap .rt 1 taildHNta- 8a trot SîlrrarClatir. S(î.iî lîîî.e 19 Il iris. Cranmîr EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH "15 ('.smmrrioai StIrast 1tar. laIobF. StYitarr FFCA.OPFNING, SUNDAY. .JUPfE 1210 9A5 a. t.tfitlaouingCrsnr...ayý Mer il. Oarcrhll rît Crr 11.Na0munIiniiala tsinrtServie. Kayarraîr' ni'..e ia P r 2t30 pst Gadrorît ratai S e sr ne o'rS rec'rr rtti fhs'lprs. tIn ..piratiaaniI ;.dre'o..by Ses RegîraliScrtt t ofTronto, tIre mni. ir a Iaidi'igstel tt'e ohuareO. 7.30 p.m.-Oî,ir'is Eisigelistir Servai'e, Puatre akinrg. aS3PFCIýAL WEEK 0F DEDICAT- ION SERVICES. vaitb Res. E. A. Nrilmeyee ut Barrie. speah- v.Spi.rial muic at eanh mIe- ing. Mnondaiy.-'Fllaaasbip Nigbl. Tttr,-day'-Cisie Night. Wi'dnesday--Sinduy SrbouI Srght. dTirrasray-Furmirs' Nîgbt. Ferday-Yrath Ngrt. Coaroiner, CPSu nd ant surgeon X.Ruy terv;ere Te?. Offie M LEGAL DR. G. E. SYER Physirlan and Surgeon DICK, DICK & McWILLIAMS Offite-James Steet W. i. DICE. Q.C. Phone No.aI K. Y. DICE Offine Haurs. 9 a.m,; 1-3 P. K. McWILLIAMS 7-8.30 p.m. But ristr-. Solicitors Coroner Bromn Steet, opposite Ament ________________________ Telephone 4 DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. 1.57 Mais Strert narrîuter. Solicitor, El. Ofitae Hnîîrs. 1-4, 7-9 p.m. Office-SeatDonor Champion ~lWphrne 395W Offie- Main St.,Milton BResdonce 395J Tmlepbn 54 CBIROPRACTOR GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Q.C. Barrleter, Solicitor, Natary Pub A. M. NIELSEN, D.C., N.D. Office-In Farmera' Building Dartor et Chiropractie aand Main Street, Milton Naturopathy Telephoar 701 42sd Ycr of Prantrnr tun 2-5 p m. Closed Thuen DAVIS AND BALDWIN Lady Attendant Barrlstere. Solicitor, etc. Phone TRiangle - 7.3612 1n1 Main St., Milton 1645 Guelph St. Georgetown PHONE 600 WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. UEA DICTR Deetor et Chiropracie McKERSIE-THATCHER Bronte St., Milton FIJNERAL HOME By Apporntment PHONE 102J X-stA) iFanerai Home, Ambulance Servi»s PHONE 637 NIGHT OR DAY ACCOUNTING Sinrere Coueteous Service LEVER & HOSKIN PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Chartered Aeeeentante FOR ADULTS Saeressnrn to Mnnday .................. 1.30 tu 5 pi&. JENKINS & HARDY Tuesday .. 1.30-5 p.m. and T-9 p... 1305 Meteopolîtan BIdg.. Wmdamsday _.... 9.30 a.m.-i2 nonm 44 Victoria St..,Tarants Thuesday .. 1.30-5 p.m. and 7-9 pi. Feîday _1.30-5 p.m. and 7-9 pin Em. 4-9131 Sauuduy ............. 1.30-5 pa. _______________________ Publie Helldaysno netluded JAMES & WANDABENSE School ehîlde have eeparate SURVEYORS boums Ontario Land Surveyere PORT CREDIT - Ceent 8-2034 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE Milton rlients pieuae cuit D. Wandabecse. O.LS.. CANADIAN PACIPIC RAILWAY Cluebsan - TAyIot 2-0544 Standard Tîme ____________________ Gtriag Rant-7.41 a.m.; 2.04 p.m.i OPTOMEIST 8,20 p.m. daîlp esrept Sunday. Sua- _______________________day only 9.06 p.m. ARTHR A JOHSON Gcring Wmst-9.54 sm.: 6.36 p.m.i ARTHR A.JOHNON 110'am .Oaîly msrept Sunday. 184 Muin St.. Milton (Lloyd Duvis' Jewettery) CANADIAN NATIONAL Phone 634 Ses. 192r2i RAILWAY Trrcsduy and Feiaupmarninga Going Nttrth-7.58 am Essniîrgs hy uppoisîment. Gerag South-7?tI p.m. Pulshed in the HBrn et Haltan 1u hPablsbd enery Tbusday aiManSt.,MilanOnt. Membre of the Audit Barrau nf Circulations, the C.W.N.A. and tise e Ontaria-Qarber Division C.W.N.A. Adnertîsing rates on q AoeJ~Orequest. Subscriptions payable in adnance. $259 in Canada, *uiI $350 la tise U.S.A. Autburiaed as Second Class Mail, Post * ImiI.!TROffice Departmeat, Ottasta. ý* G. A. Dîtîs, Edtsr-in-Cbief t' 16% Jamnes Dilîs, Maaagiag Editnr David R. Dilîs, Production Manager Publinhed by the DIII. Prlntlng and Publisbleg Co. Lisnited BUSINESS A N D E DITORIAL 0OF FIC E T ELE PHON E 2 20 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, XUNE M. 1955 1

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