TI1IURSDAY JUNIE Snd. 1955. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO ---T :L. W.EMMS : ELECTRIC : Contracting and Serescing MPHONE MILTON 270 3:tm à a a 11 !I MAIN STREET MILTON <'AU EftLU LOVER LE"I~ 7 BEANS L:EK 2 ,,2 7c TOMATO J UICE 4eýN ix29c Grand Union Coffee BG93c TOILET TISSUE <ROLL loc QUIX or MAPLE LEAF 5IAlFP A 25c LIGET BULE 7 FREE IN EÂOH PK.-DOUBLE UT 67 YOU SAVE 25o ON TRI BULB PLUS 8c ON TR£ SOAP New Marbie Cakce Mix or ROBIN HOOD PKG. WHITE25 Margarine GOLDEN Dwaw-Lm 25c SANDWICH BISCUITS .ONOOOLATE CREAMB, I RÂSPBERRY CREAMS or MUXED L.-3 VINEGARWMTE - 1M. 16c, 25c CHILI SAUCE IMI3Z-HBTU 39c Heinz Ketchup -Tu27c, 33c WATERMELONS F ODA WIole meoos I-1b.average $119 Haif Melon 65c Quarter Melon 35c _ HEAD LETTUCE Lrge & 2heas 17 RADS H and GREEN ONIONS3bcs15 B E E T Homegrosen 2 bunches 19c TOMATOES C.11. Tube 17C GRAPEFRUIT Fl6'sa5 for 29c Dad, Three Sons Ail Medic9, Men patient tlephones for Dr. Goagie. il's a n alImont sur e both10eoilt bc ad.eorin the h..... In lin Gatineasattey village 20 mites noth of Ottawa,."Dr. Geggie" ran Or oneofaIfour persans. a tther and three son,, ohavae for the ditrits m redieut needu. The lathor, 68 yeae oid Dr. Haroldl Grggie, is kostî-sthe tvxgth aI the Hi., ltvtt i,.. ti,.Ot a s3. DUi d, 33. suld Stîîua I. 20. oiard thiboî 1010crastîs lsesgi.aduaîrd Ictîna Me- Gili. Att toin*ehin tîlO Oeeîînothîng lîk he Il s- rîofil soutnry dortor ansith tOrlu,-nrsar-vtd GatineauiMe- t ralHospital Osris t10e pride aI tlhe n,cîatlt-nogir faxitpy TherfItttîciketO.1,,c511-oc lias- tel' s Oitcaîg ntoî îs,c,îsaîîîanad sýtîpp,-cili lue oîaittal sîtb tii- dîters la rtdg-cil, tiebookiofh 1tis cri h, rhc iitttl (iîsd otii ne51 fia il cr0 Dr. Gccoîc th.ittiOil is te oi iitspial.ai ptietit airit.- did lsîlcîl, O il, liclCcreoî-0 A tilt lic iýs.,, O .t , olicn ili tus 5, dît stain tl I ii., a [da"b iz hai. e il p*li7i17Utt **u* . Exceptional 1949 Dodge Contons radio -tires gsod1 msore msies -Flaid drive a opholtlry, 1953 Mainline F Four-door - cosiors cradis tisser- Hester - botter thai tires - atractive isterior teioc. Values in Used Cars 1954 Clievrolet Spoîloss ltertor and nîterîor - cus- for o-svp tons cadis air conditionnr - heaten - and cieux better tha avenrage tires - menchan- 1951 Pontiac~ Teso-o dos posh bottbn radio - di- cectional sigeals cloe inside and ot. A good buyI Ford air candi- s average and ex- 193 M ocie A Ford Sound Motor - Runs WeII THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL IMORRIS CONVERTIBLE Wîth radio, bouter and good tread on ailtlices- Thîis car is mechanicallp I fient rate. A top sotomnotîve value STONEHOUSE SALES LTDE m 409 Main St. MILTON Phone 519W m Look for the A-1 SIGN 0F VALUE when you buy aUSED CAR PAGE TEý Council Members Like OId Custom OTTAWA tCPt-TOc mecnigne. 1conon nonoies cealaino Es- Ois tan o onc il. For sa msny peara Oas- Obat rie conilrcnromomber how -t s tarted .tOneoolril meetings huvr broun ndîing oisba prossion of ceeero.doputy-roeoo and councit- tors pasl 10e mayor's chair ler saabohio band. o-iodîng op tOc eveongonanaal-s-negeen note. In Ottawsa, the railerit sections il ýchh.c,îoîri, ýtisia,,cisnil htacOve,, n kOwnîttî. tri iae iîost the mayortand bandy ords ta s Oold riever ho atteînd daeiisg thc One hasben sorîtdîotby a plnicerns.Othc, bave ber,, sOrea- Irvned i-thsisilaîr gress E Il, ýditîero, tIt ti o isrighoaing H1111.11,Que. Aldeco-en sIbîle off -ittîno saithonslcrmment, or r 1ttilîl tisee,,îîîrcl rOunsOncbattlcs ) tii rontî,,,t el-afvCity Hall ai ilhey Il-tee HBilt-nt - tlinte hrnssod-i,, LILrll tîsîti --I E;:ti- - r-c î tAotIii u îl lc , al r ;lta - -hk s ttc,' il.. troc 10 r a ho, lelîtî Ilsftl 1-e o-s îî lOch. iof lI tsncl, Iî- .îdo,Il tsI 1 I at ti e d..%*I l -ik - ai Ma,,, G r sr ,- I l,, i fl i -- titis t h itîl .-',the,- lîîîii - tll ltIre -o-la- d t- th-il 'ît ailil i Il-o, s- I-ai lit dli t ii 5.1da, ".1 1: 151 t .îî-Cîîîî -lîtt Ot , utt - I.- .11 -- I., A New Feature NEWS SPOTLIGHTBy the Canadian Press By Hars-y Ecoles purpose. Itobas ceased to be an in- their own trust tond and Invest t Canadian Prei'sta~f Wrtter strsuanent of poliey. It snerety they Morley. They have shown na e Prime Mifister Sir Anthony Ed- speits universat nain and destruct- desire to spend any large anounst ýfens Conservation governmnnt gain- ion." ofila. -ed a sotid majority of 60 seasin Ad enaue sald the Soviet htoc *the British generat eteclîon, ron- rassot continue the presenit rate oI * aelwt lr agnof1 nierammn."nte ontrary, Chef On Liner 1the otd bouse. vsingilmust suhstantiutty redace ita ex- f Ressîts of the May 26 vtnpenditrs for this parpose if il Cooks At Home 1aitb onlYonenscat tacomr at the va ts ido sonneme arce onIbat- ,QUEBEC <GP)-Tbe besl-liknd occk-tit, tit-C,,c,,e344 , _t-s s,il ,, p essiga,o îe olbioîîf Nino msisano, maire Lah,7'71 ,-,, s - ,1112 Ol',-, î [ sli -a i hotel ofthe livereHosssrrî, is Ishcla- 1 ttalia6r3t. n partd fAmerîcan public opinion" cnnkîsg hîs favorite disOns ut t therast nsrlîorandwiartc 1,a lomsd talk of creaing abome. t 65Irs b , obe 3.Lerruie adaso-ls i re, eta ar rosa t'rnparation of food has heen , lais heNa322io olita293, sOLeaor Europe. Adenauer derlarnd: "IfNinsamorO sinon hn graduateal 6,IihNtilss2,plusish Speuhr. snob aa Oiltooe rrealed, aIl Euc- Iros a otel sehool in 1934 in Euer- a lu sorviSpeaker. o o pesor vld in a short lme lalpreyope. Mas irul job uns ai a big Th Onsraietimhmastcmuiy. o n C1Goneva, Oh n esoitcheal thtEdeno- cabert caO sonv on- t h ewrigaor eea hînderod lbrsagh ils îve-yea-- Provilncial .Votes lters.e ana1940wohas aboad vea f cm at 1he laskof Islrenglbening In te 10v fu i yar prbov~- mors.New 1940 horo-us FnagIandu -0 Bitisb-Americanrelations and lb-- incilgenoralctrciss, Pinc 10e Nailon.m loig hth setste voren trcture.Atbnome iard Island last wenh swept tihePalienFnhtîl atsx lto-seau s.the Cnnsecostives have promised Libocals bac, toto peower for the nmaîtedse iovoltpto suppornttorcapcioatrventerprisee- s isth c,,oooactior timo. Promieso NewoYork clusnand botls, thon onisytessand agooorninsot AlexMatbeson. fghting hs i0p,bacb again to sea. admnstccd ono progrcssive tinro. eleetion as premier, ebtajord 27 On Oil presont job Ambruniano Invaisson le Lobor charges 1001 seuls agaioet thee r the Cone- and bis vOnt de voisine. Maris Biai onto,- s boadrd îer a spent oisives ander N. N. Brll Mr. Bell RatIo. proparo about 4,009 moals a fl tcatittnal Toryises Lored sool- i.ctually steonty osilofaith1eday. i. Covecceative port y s.rervlav. sixConservatioi- irimbers et the * ~ ~ ~ ~ h P..I td- Oîri tin cale las wo ea, sees..ettion Hits Ther ieno ignofîgoing baco. tu tePEî ooling r.o-lwoac Wl,,t scmec rm ong in fo. nowies, heh ay a ilises . aesorni it-,bccsive o lversment» ea n-e OId Flour MilI a, prmierta suceedt ale Mol 1UTNVLEQu.(P - Thei- ,teld Laoîs- eg.)erTorieso.o-ho Oas appoinîrd l HNINVLLQu CPI il pciiod ofoul-serircbing. T h tesenatlo A watec.powereed flur mill.hand- îî-llsncosîsapor.Dsîly Mit-I ThO ncio provincial rîvotios od cdownothrougb lour genonatios, loi,, sî,d thc Soriaistl losI Orb-1 ,. being beld June9; Alberctaon T~otnsitpocillage.x Ibis Nutorn ca ie lc ladercs aectoc old. oo 1tiiev9. s Toonnbipeavilgein tiril, t,,-c.îObcaoe the Labor' Butîthe pceenî osncrKonneth nssoi-,nt baso 0cm baflîd. bc- Dionnes Nom Il Hountîng, fbars opecalon of Ithe sclderd and betrayed by intrrnal Te our oc.ociing Diene i.Mil ineaing an en beceseof IisI.bcasse theornganieuîion is tLPlitsoce rinited a0ibhefarnsly: conspetîlion flonanbig nsllîng camp- cic.ty. iîîîfcet aînd psthrlîealty homo aI Cilndec, ncrcNorInansies. ol,-ciec b liseIlick Tocy machinc e..ayoit Satocday fiî,ctheir 21s1 -Or milt s no longerprooitable Adenauer-g Appeal lsîclbely. ta-t minute acrange- ta us hocasse the largo roncerns rl Cha-lorsKoncd AdenuelJf entsena.bled Annette. Ceilc and aeqoing mucb lower prioes W,-1 t Unmony ha, ellcd ,Il he Ycoiiie. wo,hasve Ocon slsdying tho n se an aîloed, Mc. unling ViidStoli-.. t sbnil a ne, o lMoirl. t jin Mare.andlheic1aid. Overeyeacs w e bn - e,7,1 snsaansî-,,lplan 10the Big ---ti-tl-Theoi-tlher qusnuepc, Ens- ocdually piihed ouI of Obusnes F-,i,l crcescth,ssome, lîci-, e lait August 'andoDuroperli,,on ow are peaco Il siei i s-hles Ocbe-c Th, is uasoatimotcani t ctli cl nil." i-JIf> loýein'Jbat i te ý%r orthls. lOnltcnios21, acJht Hi-greos- gsndaheeWilliams l ý, oilt se Q , , Dion,- quitulist, 1,0 in 1816, a yecraltero0e cetlîd i mctscolhc Thondlittdttal ioutovnd-ît-ios eco-vhieh lîeeo-ns namned tlan1.icTc e,- Ocu-iat I 115551, - thI i-cOeconiso ftc ies . -le r - Il -1244 10 14e en bit $1917J)0011 cch. plus o, Thcvitl. drivsen Occaervc. iorau.s polc of pot- it E7is-,. porttt.hich_ hSamo n Rier. s eqipped 4 otuswd irci-! !1 c-i i grind t0e gon 0; 1 va , fatise ilfltThc dislavc e,- bol-n th0e stoneo T; _1 .-11,, tOc qo1tl as ;;e...tltitrdOsrandlvoproduc.t mu-t btii-i 1944 asti idminil -'ii;,stpeof iloulstt-eqoired, .1- tii- liii ttc Iltfir op1t, TO: i-ttebcoont vlorn s s - 71lu.,h r F,,ýi île >t. 1îna!. a tîî.,Sa;, il titil the ecocîs 1011 twhethle ti.a i N] a B la if ittit a tsid n. Het rot Hurt- ' 'H! ttt Thei, e,] ,71i cîs tochot. -ta estalîrd 10e roiler uystens, ,ý,i u, 1 eeený,at l". "in, 1-- I1o t ey pniislt i,, i s vtl n sercalisn it- tit,-cTt)l.he-et ,o,%t 17T il mlI ais irndusaclie- vaI fo. p'ý(e is ýý,trdme. lbcv nove, discs l, t-Olio cinhttttprecritnttan il ;uý ',ild ý: 11 ltnýt-t ct1 l onyetQ i bbis vctiicO gratinowaoîsecduced Oitý r'. -1,1 i- t . ,r I , b.! e-d. ioit-cc i -ist-beosetOc pcairiexs evre 1. a i i a 1 11 qoit. tI1 l-i,îît t c ais.i.ti i t o liigetv ratilds. Heres a Good Ildea.. *When You Replace or Repair, Sbe Sure of the Best in Value and Quality for Your Car... Genuine Ford Parts pct . . . PROVIDE -~ YOU WITH THAT ASSURANCE! \ i. Remember Mlton Rotar-y CIubs SATURDAY SPEANUT DAY JUNE 4 ICHURSDAY. JUNE 2nd. 1955. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PA(Tr qqçmý a