HYDRO u nd the Weather The man on thse pole is typical of the many Hydro ersployeen who stand ready, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to reopond to emergencyZ cails for service. If trouble je of a minor nature service le reetored promptiy. Sometimno however, due to severe storms, niet or hurricanes, trouble reaches major proportions. When this happcns, creins work hard ond fast, to repoir iree , replace poins and burnt out ditributing equipment. This work in carried out at any hour of thse day or night until service is restored, for these men apprectate tisaImierever mires run .peoplie depend upon eiectricity for most of the convenlencco and comforto of modemn living. Tihe great ecope and iiexibility of Ontario Hydros province-wideONAI operation, its resources of manpower O TR I and equipment, make it possble to, cope with emergencies misen they At WURK Fû occur. CARVING SET LAST WEEK S WINNER: MRS. MARTIN KELLY 422 Broadway St. PM9121l'ilii~ FOR YOUR FUTURE ASSURANCE CALL DAWSON INSURANCE A. R. (Art) Dawson 443 MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE MILTON, ONTARIO rprestng Tbe Norths Smerian Lfe and Casalîy Co. 47-49 La Pltanie Ave., Toronto, Ontario Lfe, Accident, Sickness, Incomse Replaecement, IIospitalization Group and Moregage Insurance CALL MILTON 661 NOW GIGANTIC PROMOTION CONTINUES Through to Saturday, May 28 Bargains cf Shop This Week-End to Save Bring in the Unequalled Money. Something For Ail Family Today Quait in utPrices Thot Are Sure to We wiII enjoy A U eality in t helping you AilDeprtmntsPlease outfit them 1 e amui THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE NINIC TRIMSDAY, MAY 26th, 1955. E.IUIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIllIIIUIIUII.IIIIiIUIUIiUIIItIgToronto Ho rticu tu n st J ud ges MILTON FIRST OPPOSITION TO ELECTION McPhail Electric 90 Displays, Shows Floral Designs HIGH SCHOOL 0F TRUSTEES BY WARDS VOICED Inutil-C m eca o etic e tTbe Mlton and Ditrîit Horticul: Dancero gave an cntertaining ex- FrNEopoitoNtSa tdyofe bamhouci ado fdoreaMrtne- me C ton High School on Thuecday, May Miss Vera Holsmortb of the Gar- recetved last meek by Nelson town- less fine per cent. as bis commission 19 he t uar meeting tliiene Club of Toronto gave an inter- By Art Coibeek shipecouncil. In eeply ta a coanicil on the sale. Wiring Septmbeýr3 TheSping Flower estiog talk an deetonstration f Field Day: This was held o M y ete Maron Keens, secretai-y- OjilBurner Sales and Service & eopectetl ond the bus tripin Joly tbe many fine exbîbilo olof pejf- middtiog peecenlage of the stuoleo trboard tsole ai oos opinionher Aa O c tsnnme place ut horticu locral ii- tlow-ecog boîbos or a fteuaiosoiu terenlb ntco otrpo rz. on mrdtcMe..1 noulation tOnne. Milton mode ita tttssystemmould netin any PruW S O c PHONE 42J MILON 66 HARLESST. W ram. Hatley Adersonfor clss 1. y n -glcccous lourtb Congratulation0 tayipoetepraonfth tMILTONxcelARLESSTin graenaldcl s 5,c;?oilaea:l o Larger Than Milton letlsot n an Ihiccorîmntcf ormoeccld o:mping fSade lc Te ina e Ecctoncfrutoe bywaslln Cotiuel geTbag eelee Mr1c.N!xtc, clasc t.7 niix(d tLolcc.II, IA New.,:C.clc t-locc'tc h,, icla tatcofaclltr rom the On s pcclc.ss, and theclsodessm kcers oy varrly,cinve;rand MrsLu-ascd meloertt hat Geoîge-îuccsc ,,MunicipaîBoard. Telte ee ngetdmn enause tif J.A LLOT cas, claso f. arrangement ut 3 or lon-Mlton romances anc mainglreceived by Nelsoncooclpromisiothe exeltlensceof their work. Liendmore bîndsof sping-flomercecl heodlicns around M.HS. cri te gve il s request considecation In bis wilîl thse faîber bad requent- LiesdAuctionear boîbu for living eoin; claso 4 mas ________ belone tbe nent session of tis ecd Ibat tbe moîben aed daugbters ci 001t illed. tegistatone.' be given tbe bomeptace, tbe betise MILONREAL ESTATE lsa. heroption eceined their omen of the Church îett'e O isai:Iding dponat outte Ised ssc netose, dtoenbepsa- Under the personai nupervision of Mr. James Croil Phone 376W - bîoe nad the meeting losed mîic T cu Ibat asnebohol board in a mon- tino pige. Son George was te bave POIC: woSow Nghl 7an 9 Mtnes atdysrercenncn Ar e Speaker's C'C icitsaîiîy tisat is dinîded by mands 200 acres aceoss tbe Base Lier. Thse and olicayset 130 pm. ilto mayreqest Oeir scbool trusteeso ý terins of the wîl mcc obeyed tethe POLCYtTwoShos Nghly an 9.Matnes StuemysMUtISThe May meeting ut SI. Georseb lacrted by wards.' letten. A borse, 32 years oîd, was ____________________________Canadaos most vatoable postagerWA. oas Old ot thn home of MI*e boglt foc tbe cenvenience of tise tampne e tOn 12-penny blacb. inord and Mcc J. W. Harris. The mnee- Consider Agreement 1 momneefotis freintishe Rev. Anchie THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY MAY 26-27-28 sn 1850 and envi prieed aI $3.500. ing oprned ilS a bymo Me. Jet- Foc mocre Ibas tbeee boone. court- Blair of Campbettvitle. Fo_______ l-w BgHt frýle npayr rs uhcioscmbee at aspeciatimeeting on FnothThe.. DaydeO aIc-T31, 195M, stir ed tsrpeaye es HugO Monday nigist. ment oven a draft et Dîgnifîed an Royalty Ies thi yecded acrOthe, 193, Honiiepdtn oe ilreteson.itbcthevb-division ageceinet ton Enecy Soeday tise etd herse was THEME NLGHER DAMOD UEN RO PT I oo ulerndb Oytlrnier- cpctoccEtnliizabetomithEcebeb Gndesmis eoge at btcedeorbefgie eeeoale PROMPTctoloc age pension ttle $291 Icro unie gione. The colt cati l- csnîtcb ofthIe Hamilton Conoteuc- fourorfsthtie girls, as digeified as in ecniolr ilson hile pension paymenets c-o bdS namcng youe favorie icen Co. Ltd., and is soliîcitor, F. E. Royalty, deone 10te etod UP. FRED MacMURRAY FERNANDO LAMAS,,ïI,$35milo.foe Teewr24lde rz gl hr aMnsod Oeila- BARBARA STANWYCK ARLENE DAHL 1 GUARANTEED eI i cAntnd $333e million. ficcos ni h mc 4 aîsPrc iorCue idat hmeinDchaget af Hi Kidsl Your Biq Saturday Matin. at 1.30 PTcu ic, er a fi,îctcihc Tolcp Kcncscounlvîînvny croco Bon Mein- tefr.Nne of tbe istees mac- MONDY-TESDA I EMEI BLCKS Tlclesm dccalcd tecsork di loi Oas unccptnd ton $3.500. Tbe: rced and an lime ment on tbcy pais- MA 3-3 arfsaPP c ouMcdr MsKcng and Mn ! o uc30 tnon ccu oin tc, i as left. Sbe evectoatty made Taca Day. OnIy 1 ERVIC.E Wcn Crc ,ýcrildtco eaout "1thei icadsuand tth otoing tenders'bc bome mite a nphew inn Toronto. lELTL ETCTNK crni lt o et ycrf The propecny mas boogbt by Ro- WE-L.IL -rEPTC TNKS ccctroeca clIrtccle mulî,cnulshe tn o.r are1.-,Onnîson and McCannett miso by that S U D EL LAE BULLDOZING - TRENCHINO . hC bai ou ici lhc lun Cc linc ad becoime neof the il- TO ALL MAKES hic bit c cccc dî..plac. ic110i tîos of ccshed stoni, MMcncipal 5 en ln be etddts Starrinq FRANK SINATRA as asavaqe, sensalional OF Ir. McJrttacs on Oc tcclccludcî Sîcaian d DîlînciCo. Lld. s-tn ick0 bosand bac nle ItPes Edar H .owd.en c.nTcWomnotleChuch M icaandccmaadnclaetcParu.n hangry killerl and STERLING NAYDENI 1lntThccc I cscd orh mhcl' M_ To prmeanTsae teate As Peua mitbîng bccd and a coom- Phone 1SSR32 R.R. 3, Milton Jîcc.costcrthe eti ngc ih TOctcosbisAtiîon oa n-mociat daiey mece nstablisbed, ALSO SHORT AND CARTOON Television pae.Alrtef(%ýradbliTetisi oiio a n making tOercky Can h sots ýluccc-h wccc5.rcsd. sliuccd Ici tabn action tic ncnvris icccn icbyaeso fudColinethe $6.00 frm Wilia J. toneamMilton distrct. WENSA-HRDYJUNE 1.2 i Car Radios _______________________ ciuestalc brîcbe. oho nnnotiatedI cc si- ftheb 3-ucîn parccct f Mors more csuld be said about It'sher inTechicoor taring i,%nshpcodustcial lton Mose. tOc Robertso Limeiis-but tisaI lis ece Tecoîclor farrsg * TL 6Rd.0. for te FW. nacmans aostocycinîitsnlt.Homevec as an JANE POWELL AND EDMOND PURDON Radios A.gain Tis ,eek. C Lîd.Thc cinoiît sus paid s a cndicatcon of tOn amoont of business c(pil thsiteIo Mr. Stoshamdoncnbythis Company me mtgbt Hv1 .ikey, sclcloctfstbF mention il, pasng tbainthe fafl A T H E N A moarnn Co. Lld., obcch 000 ,of 1890 tbeIRobsetson Qoacey netd Sspported by Glacier Park Sinoile and a Pete Smith Short R.W'R N U KY C S O E R L~ Incclcd on Apptcby Lc n aftnn$2.00 onth of Itone foc tise Te- R. . RA T UC Y C ST ME D AWc.cui,,d lastycrcù n slan Beasoaler. AIse Celer Cartoon PHONE MILTON 15BR32 (ilbcthod oicemnî ln the Sirdcs Occsescr _________________________________________ ____________________ FR AHAOSME0FOR Acîcc &cuclNhiS seMe