IJ_______ .-- - - THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THIURSDAY, MAY 2000, 1005. Ask Speed-Up of Overail Zoning In Lower Portion of Nelson Twp. 'Neson Planning Board ma re- Sima informesi Reeve Hrold C. quested tao peesi op ils plana for an Asiina: -I have bren adviaed by overail zaning ai the lamer portion D. A. MeConachie, township slir- of the town-4hip bost meeh shen itar, tht Sherrif W. J. Roersos Nelson rount ldelayesi passage aifuill tOto tMondayl enening serre 6 by-lom' 10 etend restrirtoas a motion for contempt on Messrs.t alune the Lakeshore highmoy. Ther Kowol, Kulinownki and Fli. This1 realrirtesi by-lam, gamen an extens- motion milI 0e heard hefore Mr. ion ia monthn ago, rxpires Jane Justice LeBel. oi the Court ot Ap-t M0. pral. on the earliest dole, m.irh1 Tua ther h-lasrereirrattheir is May la. ThreOr rmi il Orhld1 fortherMuuataisid rDive rcrl iastla iflpîru'rdiii..igiîderiO inçClarksdalro ndthre seond for araontrmpl motionmwavgrantrd prnd- by-tam ta prahibît obstrurtionnifîng 10he herrng ai apprals agaînal draina andi natural mterraurnen the rerentrconv iions ai the ramp andi for reglating ranstruction of aunera. 1he tomnship solicitor "mît ralverta andi bridgea, argue that ander the irramotanrea Qaeennmoy Drive as Ofiinlly the appel shoolsi he heard i0 the taken over asa ohigttwoy bthesaJane sttîng o 10e Court of Ar-1 township on a y-lam 'la assme prai.'1 tonds for highmay purpauen. The 6perataru oi 10e tua traiter mhich gaI îhree readinga. Clrk W. parka, t thc rerent Milton upring X. Suims explamnesi ha1 oHamiton osizes. urre toansi ta 0e aprrtinf lawYer hosi broaght sp 10e fot il their romps in violation oi the mant legally a treet andi tOt a township y-la. 'They meer givra by-lawmwasnrresnary ta Once il îîntîl tat Satarday ta have att regitere s narh. trailerraremared tram bth pIonna. Befund $8,000 Thecrasap aunerafilrd notire ni Amanenranta gcnopprva intentinataapprat nnthelait lrg- Oa a finance crn.mitter item te al day. reiund $8.000 ta E.D Hîrhny. Hum- OStarday. May 7 tuowsip ilton solitr.wh hd ardiaor polirr.îrrvrd camp uvd traderi F. W rarman and Co.Ltd,in ther airrr rtOrcopes othrraourtor- orgnatpîrrhanr of 2 acr 'itder Tly had untlîllast Friday tî Manntinidr Drvr for a mrat- .tiîn a tay ur judgmrai aider paring plant. The manry ra a tOut îraîld huve prrmittrd tOe depant in coarnetion altO the snaîr rilerrn larermain îîntîl hernng ut last Nvesbri. thr apprul. Hoîrrvri' thrrrvas i). Mr. Hirkeand the towunship attempi lu atain sach ail rderr ssrrr invlvrd in a Irgal action ut- ter last vears rount retanesi ta go on mth the drul. TheOr-Lma Fuît Line ni aInre bh o aeoîrns Walkeris Linr CONCRETE, CINDER & SLAG andi tOe uction dirutinard Nain - 10r.te towrnship the prrriaii- BLOCKS ss'rk oered lta solicitortaorbgîn actiona lu errver maney piîd a aît - William J Solaaham. Hamlton ru JAC altar, i n tanner ion altO theOrst JACK HALL saule. MILTON 28803 John Stepheno orating tue Gar- Agent for don Cherry, preenerd a petiias. J. COOKE Concret. Blocho) sigard hy 18 nul of 19 residienta in TD rannertian mth a praponesi ouar on a divîired lot tOt irai undete minimum lot siso. lHe ma nme il ouId Or nrcennary ta dpa rheque for $75 for a hrring byl Ontario MunicipaBad n rection ith 1eapiain S. 5 A, Fn. Fane Court Charges Denpite a May 14 dradline. 118 L I M1 traîlers rrmaînrd inv m a Lkrahrr trouler camps at uweek-ndanad the camp amnerrI. a a renult, arrelmbn faring nea'nhages af rnntrmpt o aIbnga rouet. Ti aanrevrulrd on naun- Sie M cil meeting althaugO lOrre mus rioii t e indiration uny uf the trilerr muldbe mvd ut in the ei future. PHONE 205W In a mrmraadum. ClerkhW K FEATHERSTONE 1 Electrician PHONE MILTON 158r22 PROMPT SERVICE ____--iYO<10 ,TI4OJ6'OU USE S IOR COAL OROIL. IA HEATLEGS I4EATER MAKEs gONE BOL,( REPAIRALL KINOS MAYFAIR RESTAURANT Acton East on No. 7 Hîghway OPEN DAILY f rom 8.00 A.M. to 3.00 A.M. " BREAKFASTS " LUNCHES " DINNERý -0 FISH AND CHIPS A SPECIALTY GOOD FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES CAMPBELLVILLE Auxiliary Studios Missionary's Work Mms. DouglaInglia iras tcostess ta the Blair Eveaiog Auoîliary on Wednesdoy eveaing. Mrs. Andrews openesi the meeting mith the rall ta marahip, a trymn mas sang andi prayer affered bty the presidenl. Mss. N. Clark led in the norip- tare readingad sameOarizdthe paelias ai scriptare reand. Speciat prayrr wuv olirrd by Mra. Il 'thvMr, Aul:atiw urd l O J. lt'io "o n I,.Il Ram ha. guave.an îalerruing tarir tram thr utudy book, dwrîlisu chiefly an the mark of Dr. Ida Scosider in Indusà. This iras follomesi Oy a short disrussion in mhirta Mn. BaulcO gave r. Orief report ai Dr. Mr- Msrrhy's mark milh the Meiial Unit. Thr nariasreports wr e reivesi. The ortromne and meliarr haît mode unr rall Plana mee made for roring for thr rhdldrrn op jto four yrarsaof ion duriog tmi hurrh servire. A rommittree as appointrd ta look afler tlIdoboginoîce thr tiraI Sonday in Juor. Theroll call a inaaerrd using the mrd Srnth. The giîud lhuught %van givenhy Mms Menuirs. thr suhjrrt Orm g Frîrods andi Frirosinrus. TIi' meeting was rlort ith prayerrhi Mrs. Draihur I. A nov Ii eol Thirlyy era o Canadai s %hia eps ecded toeo l ta he FARM MACHINERY FISHER EQUIPMENT HORNBY ONT. Phono Milton 74R14 SALES AND SERVICE and SONS 1 TE D nd Heating etai Work - MILTON, ONT. Bleakness gves may lu beauty sahen yoa plant a garden araund yoar horne. The <trt slep is li make a pla hich provides for a gardes of the right size and type for yaar properly. X s. ts ne ok Mlton Branch: C. 00811, Ménager .1 Mi n m LETTIR TO THE EDITOR be very pransd o it in Trafalgar Memorial Hall knowinug that aanae u receivesi the name throsagh u Report H sComments yugmngigoesa n *. aying dlown their lices ta fight O onung Prbems dicar jip, onl ta have our May 24, 1955. Reeve act as dictator ta the pteaple Dear Editor: here. Theer members aioas na mmittee The aboce tatements mode by hant a meeting with aur Reeve, Mr. Marshalt were mode in the Robrt Marshatl, an May t8 ai lis preselneaoftree mitnssea. year. ai shint time Mr. MarshaltlYA C raty, made tua statemnents which ACamttn el e tnaepayers af Nrth-Trafl- ga hudknaw. Since 1949 tue grass pablie debl gar~~~ uudnithe irdoral gaverement han tai- P'îrst a'as. that ablunh aiap ith erraîr rm$19blia u$ jOr: a iUiM.M as m- oiîmirn" hiou~ght us, eryl tthut the peopleU that tOc Municipal Baard witt ont aaid. quolr: alîmwe mant iacon- tWr. the cammttee, asked Or AR H L Reeve as he Oew mr had a ie nOte petian, ma lPie goIng fSmà mrk againt the peuple. iane n Hiu insmer mas quate: "I anm: D coao treeve of Trafalgar andi I dont rarr _ crao mhut thr peuple af North-Trafalg.îa! Free Estimates - munI. 1 a toing ta try andi pul, tiouoning intoriirrct." a1usuate . PHONE MILTON 503W T'he people ferl aur lRrevr mus' tîîîîîîtîîmîîhîsîmtiuîîmîîî LET US BUILD YOUR HOME 0F TOMORROW MODERNIZE YOUR OLD HOME ESTIMATES FREE CANNON BROS. Phone 109 MILTON Phone 269 WOODS ELECIRICAL FARM MQINMENT HOME FREEZERS Upright Chest Type. Cambination Freezer and Refrigerator BULK MILK COOLER Drop in Sealed Unit Mitk Cooler, new spray type. BARN VENTILATORS - OAT ROLLERS GRAIN GRINDERS Robert Cooper, Box 67, Brampton (Adîoining Brampton Golf Course) Telephone Brampton 1311 YOU CAN WIN ONE 0F EIGHT FREE BOAT CAKES, uvula aiily dîfferent, attractive. Estmate the number of charries in the jar in our window. The eqht closest estimates receive a cake on Jane 11. Oeil Cakes are still gven on Fridlay and Saturday. Don't forget to enter! YOU CAN COURT ON FRESHNESS, QUALITY AT PURE FOOD BAKERY MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 494 S ___________________________________________________________________________ YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE OFFICIAI OPENING 0F OUR New Garage & Sunoco Service Station and 28 * 12 LUCKY DRAW PRIZIS* Sunbeam Automatic Frying Pan Reversable WooI Blanket Pair Foam Rubber Pillows Hassock Electric Table Lamp Motor Rug REFRESHMENTS SERVED 3 TO 5 P.M. AND 7.30 TO 9 P.M. Representatives f rom NASH, ALLIS-CHALMERS, DE LAVAL AND SUNOCO WILL EE PRESENT ALLAN CLEMENTS &SO BRONTE ST. MILTON PAGE UOB'M By improving the appearanne of yoar home, o garden increases the valuae of yoar properly. Youa milejoy, lau, the gaod impression il ceales. MAY 27 FOR BETTER USED CARS And Reliable Automotive Repairs You Can't Go Wrong at