'ruuuu~ue l hr n u rarue ~Halton's Pages of the Past Ea . D.tLEERI > Insurance ire - Automobile - Ca.ualty Manufacturera Life Inaurance Agent Corner Main end Mactin Sts. MILTON Phone 428W Res. 699R21 Peru Migl't Have Been County Capital, Once Larger TIian Milton In Heyclay 100 Years Ago DY GWEN CLARKE Aod yet oeeordong to localtIradi- Io tOen ototOadistntlfature Obeelion, Fera 20 10te irtanod Second m.Y e rasedeyebowsif ape o oetoýinsofa!Eoqoeing Townhip, moy~~~~~~~~ brieeercooyeonaaaeuyagoaevillage big soaad deacrobe bi oaoa s betng lboo Mitoan and son baoy bat pres ty. qoorlers o tavoe t code the Cunnly Camp o Summer Cottage PACIOOOELOWATEO ORES- SUItE SYSTEMS-CnotnOiOlO. te .otl-connltn.d. sody ,_,.1 0- lui0tbooeconu- tOn.-ooft.o dgb,00000002n100h onînobok-ne. En- goo...o d..d ton lcong. nbo e,,service, 22-t. .onioIlt.lm 2..0 1 ,40 Io. Mn.s.ista pl.e suto.yfo veae allt ureeti.Foolooed ai Canadlien Tr..oattrctiveo loctoo.n dO.tbot. 'Pot... (1) PACKAGED ROTARY GEAR PUMP WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Thb _i.ttol und «o.polo..O .1o,17"tlon,9, " do .0 S0"hgh. C.. ibr 000a 0 n0 0i.00 ...$.000 000 3IIv*00 _oP*,Ii l*n,..mn, t . EATURES: A, C--t'al i..0ootooîoly o ce0,on0 le0001-,1 in tank o.id .,.oot.iboîoo 'oh .oOnvi h no,Inod Plaotonoo t..bl Ro o ootaypm;.o nodadtootulve ith Onabn.. o, .loîoi....0001 nt ontlv; HoI oge.. Font d Steel2Tnk.ie W.igh. nolt St lb..cmltviha. 66cno74.50 yl-eyt79.50 (2) PACKAGED PISTON PUMP WÂTER PRESSURE SYSTEMS 5100. Pstont.nd obleson Pî.lo ,o.oSo.01o-O yI 000 ooî-E..iI o...blo .d0,0 on.itlt oI..llooli g E.q..îog fotr,,, î001.do; O.-pooo trnt too.ioprot001tg" nu.0i,.,ro,; C.o.bo,d.ood t.1 h.01000ud p0in liOO fit. ...l Pi.to.. Roil ..n--cosnive; Bonetolve1Sa1urs - di-00.0 inone0 oiplac otlongq lts, e0000in botnote, Dt- sign.d t .ooply ooonooîielt u""Inqg-11, "odedo» 20 On)40 lb. P O« .ot, bab., ..., .unorn0~or t.ýi or_ a,,, 1, icebthoo«., Ioodoo ...d todeoto bo«n oandgrden .claiemento.Complote .10 th oGlvooooood 00-14 lm Prial 'a- . G.Y. A , olme ontatad t on.otooOPrssur SniOoh t00.n0ett20 lbn...il cuool 0000 ut 40 lbs ,... ot;0P ,0.0.0 Relief Voloe; BoooOOi S,, ve-. 0.011dome,oint-b.ioht 2412", d.tb 27", vidOb 5OS iner Cldo04bna. ".n1 1 Clind..olb .«!,.,b Stooio. D0,'; Oî . oonti. Oo1; obo.oo, 60-nynlo 119.75 60-nynlo 138.75 ZI-cytto 124.50 ZI-cynto 143.25 Jon CONVEonSIOeNKIT A0020000-ContnouOoble CYlindet Oo.ootaoDono 22,11 50-lft .Lft POoo. 5 4 ROTARY FORCE PUMP Ct,t.IolaG.. ...o-Vn,ti- 1200 1On800 00 . nonvît2 drive -or by be t o ... - Ocoo tda -11-, ..,ebody; N 2.05 One0BROn, In.d1'.np LNkIo.Nlg-o on, 9.,e; 3009..opconoen 17.90 ;35:0r%;0'"Qh., 21.85 Flexible Polythene P! TIC WATER PIPE sr ter insooioins-~indoso0d outdoorsioi0l 000 pl.bing, iogoo tl.ot. Lighoi ot-gl- 0$ tOootooOobl PisioP0 .igb lot; lotion ith ooîy-On'tî noipbo.go Thelon Ioqoht ooioblooao.oo thinunb.,oft otopl.o.qoIl - od 0.10 oobooOooooo.o100t in toelobo, end is . n"-Onoo o0 tend o..ndedfo, .oto l nIof oter sopl o r nhuonend aio oni, t lo n. piooOio pipe i. ot-proont, "'...0 W tOon "0, ton0-no ...d- . I nl b.Ontot.t ln. Poy.oo_-oo soon.oble blooopcood to olo,.nol ppeoood i't0 Ppo Wn.btg n. te, 100-00. Longob Oîopo.. enoo Ooo Wright Poon. i.1ln Ilil 10lb. .000 0 b.. 10 ., . 1 240 8 0 Onl.129 18 Ib. 2440 3 0l. .2 33 b.. 2020 2 Cn50olog 45oot 45, Ib. . t 0 C AInoo On thnat n onfo.11.. i g 0.0 P 0 oTCoIoFIt oI ,oonno Ciuoo nke o b i.p. t N onOin n. t o s ro 9 jit MAIN ST., Milton Phone 647 A. Desjordine w MRON SOAP CAULORONS a dbyteCetrbrohr ntel Century ta bail cp ccap, merefu etaros he tdeep ad îhree inchea îhîck. One, ahw ee tl so he McGibb> farm cn Eaqueaiag where the Brothera mode tbnir amnlly brome coap anti charceal. lia. ioiatca ct îllu Thi anea aec abîarbed by adjaceat praperly. .ttttt.'t-bat bacd ta blciceeat, Oc- The Hiti tamity aI ane lime nwned ,or diteggOc thi aid HcttconAlas, tanon bath aiden af Ibe First Lino, t',-ttt ttc-tee, eta cacoly re-cc, artaofmb.ch remoaed in their cal-. d utas ile ttcc .cdid it bave!-camne antil o rcmporlicety sont ias et e chaci, tchad aor-pcut et- wa bd o lie-.On the weal ide ofthlie raad titere Il lîcca., 10e as a tacming eam- tclu tndiog an lO-nanna, twn- mccîty bat cradaalty dccctcped ino t otrey baaae mîitho aItullbosnent. ce îed,îato-alceotreoatco theDoc- Thisaoabaoltca-toend inwet ald Rabecrton Lomekîtenscamne inoa acero aodred yearsolad. Thos a os tîcîcc. The ft ttIer, ccc.e the' haîlt by Duocan Rabertoon, non of Htit-. Rîbetlacu-.Cent t . M.îc-theaoriginaloeraofte Rbertsnn MeCtarecsancd Acdc-taoa Ocrui- 1eîcoacîl. Mc. Rabertsontoarriedoa ccc. -soale oftheeland waahed as'MissaStuartTbccceretîiesonscin (Iicitenerce. 1the tamîtyt Duanc. aclabecome o t'eîaci o ,cI bcck ofthebîS ix- tct alrgeoio Chicago; Doacld, tecMile CIecba sufcoureeîta%,as h ibe tîcal a-crte Limeiln; catlongc be-oce tho- i-criy et eîîî Edw'inacbcbeccme a ocdosrgeon l:ad rtbe cee-r, fet tc btee hbar' cd iedîtricicot at the Hospitltfor i r tei itend iat1at r-rat-a iOck Cbilde;Eresettebo as kill' aaInli wt ettpconethe batksaf cd te Wcrld Wor t. antd Alexnder tb- ee-, bat noeoe t IIti date e-ha dîed in Eogtaod. Ootty 00e îîîîa-ît owed t cber oftOhetfamilyoa titll livng QOtord Aslooy Mias Lottian Rouberton, of Toron- oti rtîrc.WIaiadta. Anoaher daughler. Mina Isabel, b-e au,, ele t,1 French destreodcaetecaa Toitra an -etldîoLot 2.Ccessicona1, lionbas been earlicatarty bard ta lb.ý tarol ,att- cîî-ed b. Dan Me:jclt. We hoeeilioaccurole. iottîî Besidia tac-cou Inth'1 Mmm nf Disasior biaot bei, ca-ed c lieue ashere oond J 1Edwio Rabertot srepuatian aa fitoedaysc Eacta- einter gr Rat Btil cctac anoccideot whîeh toattius.,oetache,,.,,e ratted brau.ghl hlm et-en greoler tomne. An fo stlera tac mitet aound. accident whicb pracove bsoa aatand- 'Cnbea lie ic-ate- of trac:- îtg caarage, mobiegbimntleaof cccad o-mcboog 10 bage iran the Maaae Ricer Mono dinanlar, ea in pcticaty made fortîrObt avheer. len1936, Dr. Rabertsn a nd pur 1.,.ta-a cumpooiaoc ere teopped for 0,of e tIe -d caaidrnî- tt te-o day.Thrc en. trapped ban- ou eGtlîGb-olarcî I isabcaut dredtctffeel beta grod .. trop- fufeindiacîcer, Ibrea etedlicd, ebile oetcae gongs warbed day i.etb.ccl acale tac tîc 'a-ndcîcbtaturelratelbhem .. Irop- ilw on iergng o a h"kr ,d an thaaaandt and Ohaaaoodn of bf h-ire cl, a ai thbe tîcîoît ai-fn a bsd hesm c bîîccketttî a acrehaodt- Iwdtcotta btîde ofh atmebo ed yateî a l;td nfrth acpce cftolleisUrrn I cbld she ýlit ce thc lae %\asthetîmice. mi, a ta,, - onîth ari t llte 0',chabla- te\% epeotieo nn h ,a, lîoaclt lslîtcb,, tcot ttîaa \i C tîtîîîî Ilîctît îîdcb CroIencao Prfatel h îlIe lîtile tvillage cf or t i,; 111A tbîcr t lqactieýfio t uaCe tson ,Pru e- c hcaid have tame recaf- niti-i-îi ascc- Iiîte birilîjlace oathet tard t.. pedo.i c Ibe-tati a iLlatDr. Edcin Robertson. ttttî'Mitnanîd Pera. ertsieî- Pt cetîcii ccv onbte edue otf era tdccccli)bîforcashsThe bort Ilere c attîthar tarm praperty. tfîî-îî ,bridîscîîbcas 'tc ill wîe d by WilliaomAnder- ý.ý lenga et e bîce c and cry" cî-c cOa sch bîc cote and foce 1 j, cebitd ee rime tu atoda Ocam Soa- Bulaîcaîcaratt al actbrtcladthlevoagelatcf avrlsie sitîl-efatceCecite aitr This aves. Mr.A.e-accral hoodoî don'. bî dtccelca hcccewpilîtcb mkithoe rat aId cal cîîddîe er.hih lietsîttcd.covlct cace.This the adardicaeered îitlit ctur îadtîicdtfimtietaoin 1heccoicya trac dayeaut frn îîîaeb the canie-,îy asc-a desriîed bhore. et tac thercat ai 00e voyage riîicneoaoar Lc-oite criîomoo Mesndersn aoaeplboy mark- nosy Tannery -Iîoatceasfar thecrewoaswetllea Art. cthc rad tram Ihe Ceoler hrr ao n mity. -a nirrecot ca laoocry, aoed aaac aller 0he famdc osettted na be JhnKingc-he dîdoa oderflul Pru i ttdougherewasornîta business. The etîce ateto faen the Mca. Aodcrocon. aod Obro 0he unor- inoftebouhaatenrt oilth1e way leotate wao tan otber hoobond. The dîîe c l thercraeb. The pronnrty .cîtbr - er fiee daugloero and 0on0 %vas ctor baagbtbyleorge Peeaontion, George, dacided la renain on cnd then oda the trearot aacoer, the taria. Asnthegorlsngrem upîtwa J.Nolon. at them laab 10 dreto-moking; Imo Atongsdeoeeraof ath1e bounes cf trt aarbed an the forroad the lOrre wc-o nce aaItr eetaott1aaoote ito ne, Lienie, orîrd on hooteon, as butl ihere the rotr eelo cd a o nnthe tomity beconc e maî-bomofor tîrnîn ta bo heorelo20c Coolioooed on Pone Minet la" RESIDENTIAL UNDUSTRIAL FARM Milton L umber & Cool Company THURSIXAY, MAY 26th, 195â. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE THRM