PAG9E TWO Champio at 96 ricous argument, ginen by those who mi-srd' Champin Si-acerýbi-ig. 10vie weuh United St-iesiad Esrope Wth iis snue The Ci-nidun Champton i-it-ns asaa pli-ci -her- coasumption of ilcoboltc liqoor ils nnrty-srth year of continuooss publication as S is volonly easy but excrrdingly comfortabla.' nrasspape-r -ri e oint o ti-muof W M istic, cite 0,f. i-, b-i- cný he,,-i-,- ii- ri rtanfi-ri- oldeotirvas paper iin Haire,, kaanly. Aimiýiir a fatake tier,,îîkni "C utfaut cofi ai oir ii- iiy i-i-liround wîîh rigslariy for bosineseses imliyasao o e n oe r emt an individuals. We lsok on them an imes for r te yi-srgi-.tNables.aBdtvoer i-e pmermotfad flection iad more flen of enîioaiag the futur.i-i tig il lytag cdoms ta a louage il appears tOit There have been mai-y changes la those 96r yea rs enth o rbdnhuiss are shocbi-d. in Mlto whch avebeenrecrde inThe Some day ail couatries ii amakea 10 the de- Champion. gradiag tri-ad of driaki-g aicoholil beni-rigen. la Perhaps the pist f vi years hi-ni-si-i-agi-iat-r thi- meantime thi- toI1 of the htghways, the brokea changes thar iny prenlous fine yearn la histoty. homes iad the los n production is going to be The Champion haî made eoery effort ta keep trgc. abreast cf the groming aeedn of Milton. la tha tfegc yearsi-hi-ad i il mii hi-oui- constant endeanor 10 fuifil mhateoer namîpapet iad priating requin-- Weekly Editors in the Fore meats i-ie aeeded for the toma me serve. What Pot the fini-I tîme an many yaars thr adîtor mas thi-y milha oaly the future cia tall. Miybe more ual obprsnatheOtario Weekîy Nemi- frequent issues than once i- mark but mhatener urbet th-y i-te me promuse to be ilait 1 the r-qui- pi-pets convi-rtion receatly ha Id ta Ottama. Gar mei-ami-pi-ppets me-a, hommver, tapri-iied by the This meek me introduca a i-i-mfi-itoi-e to thi- younger members of fhr Company. Gar informa- ai-ms columas. It s a sommai-y of moi-Id nemi-, a i-meo theough Git ha engbetOus pi-i-tmrk. i condenation prapared iad vritten an the more cm hog u xhne hsps ek ieinurely mebiy ri-t-. Wr hope oui- taidata Congratulationsi-ai-eia order to the nemi- mill find il iterastîag iad ime ad verve sai-ig ~pi-pets mOîcO mer- adjudgi-d prise mimner- in in is mre ompacet pesetatonsof ve Gi-Otari-o. Wr i-te famîliar mîth i-Il of tOi-m ai-o ot ilsmorelocompfild.cetrseton of i-i-rts fhey wmn desri--iie thrbonor. Congratulations i-te outi-"dewtsa loilih-d. Whainucer bsh--iahoi-on order to Mn- K. Miriton wmO- as bei-c day Nem- Sotlgbt to hamioni-iadii-o makîng a fi-e communîty effort to Etora. Mn- - . -. Mari-for mai- cted as armopaper moman i-f vh- Farmi-s New Look The old-type fi-im hirn is goiag thi- iame may i-s the lttIe i-ad school bouse, ouf dated by pro- Folks travelling iround the ci-anti-y ti- suiv- mer milsi-il si-e maay pctutesque i-idhiai-s But owadays mhan these buta doma or hi-ci-me moi-n oufti- nemi-r type repli-cas tbem. There are narious-ii-isons foi- fOr change. Pilad hi-y for instance takes lass space than hi-y mois. Instead of stables for motkhohii-iai- mode-a fui-ms hi-ne a mal-built shed housîag mechavized equîpmeat. On Amirican fi-ims. tai- National Geographic Society reports lai- tend i-cas against a staîl for ai-i-iy ci-m T0e cows are g cri- li-ifiag" quarte-s iasti-ad. Amkng the aras bai-ai-are 'cmv b qI-0fui- tii-val aluminum structures. Ove cf i-bevai-u 20 miles wr-t cf MontreaiI. iai- i-er tsi-c r- lrplane plofs fi-r a fyi-g saucer. S-hviyfib1r- glass ieton- ai-e fued ia al/cocie *re fo-mivg i- doive 32 feet ergur and 03 f-i-r ai-rC glînting ivfOreiun. Beneafh fbi- pi-itiisar roi-f fi-e du i---ciai- thalle-s ahi-ut 23 Ayrsire caitin., a /i-aricur d feediag lot, mi kingitaIt, iseraI i- ci- c hcens end furkeyi-ad hi- îcrplemerts. On i-i- miard farm in Pri-rci- Ed cari-rIsi-i-i sbedi-ad harni- gradually giras op fi- maire a sclîd mati arouad a i-mail bai-iyard. I the i-i-vr aisif effîcrency the foi-mer, wii-h h rd ci-rair- tai-s, hut a buge nari-- of tîmber fiami-sci-v tri hindlr ilt is aared operufions iadi-i-ie hi-via the old i-heds. Tbis i-frcture nar North Rusifcc, ci-it moir tbana in entre fi-im mas vorth i-ima years agi-. but il miii pi-y for tarIf in i-be long iuc Itis ig eaough for trai-ks and wagons fi-dri-,ve ivi-ar va. iad oui the othet. New ar iini-toi- ara hepf patted. The marc ideai t i-pirani-ne the arai-fore, bat i-ime fir-i- ar r iy 0 mi-ke the hi-in iad fi-i-hiuse ciloi-f harmonîze. Nowi-days yoo mili iev more meli- pai-itedhi-rai- shomîag fhr omnero prîde ir buidingi- that rflect the efftcreacy if b,-i-pers- ions. Not Lying Downi Moit receat of tetstOi i-a- 0rf ict growisi opposition to the i-ileif hi-ose t-s racehridga. Hi-ie a note mas ti-kea on the estahbli-hments of dining louage iad lounga lici-aies.BSi- f -fthei-t que-tions mai-e turard doma hy substantial majuritira. The Bracerrdge Gazette potsi if Iis wayr -"TOi ieuts of the vioan Weriararay shomea verý pliai0 ythat a cirai- ealorifyo if racehrrdga votai- did nit ci-nfspecautci-aei-ena-r-for drinkini eicoholc heveragri- and aere naG i- sind hy ih. year iad acctaimed i-y ver ftnt-m puoîîsveîi- for ber moi-kin pi-i-i-itii-g the eitablii-hment of the li-ia Gorge Park and ptei-i-tiing ove of Gtarîo' baauty ipi-fi- hermoi-k i-ver yearsi-nvcri-itii-g public itri ti,-prou-ct t- accomptîsbîvg irtc raality a i-siion htis commi-rdable. Hearing i-ffOthri-art conven tii-v second havi- is nem fi-oi-sbut fi-im tOeegatheri-gi- mvare ilad fi- knom thi-f meekty nemi-papeis arr mak.rrc ruch conttibutioni- o fi-r varfarai-d sdvacar- mient if thefi-aini- tOry reprri-vvf If s i- i-itri-fi-c ttoi-k on ai-d fi-I cul triaf tirs ccvmauir i-si-c i-cr simkrd ncf oly iii ssniri-i-cîrratiîkri-f avasipaper foi-k Ibct- i- -i-i-g sitv I i-ci cii'i-lsi- i-su-hase 'iai-y cci- cf u i-i ecic The Prize is Good THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEME]D yE.E- I.- 'Ji-~~%J Twenty Years Ago Fifty Years Ago - .qnli a rom theeissue of ise Cuad]n Frou tise issue of tise COuai-ia Champion, May2319. Champion, Jume 1, 1905. ~'7-7 # cia ughtr - cbrt(JfTirrnv i in - W -arai- auokflfrit t areref-r t w- ail aval Nuiren HB. Cvii ho bual the rn-er ir R. B. Anderson hai- discardd lire- of hsarbershop adhbeaaty par-ai1 husanad hbu pavaingrratu anar lar pin-ted redecaraled. R. M. firnm the railway station are cr Fa nhsata thintérior ofri-d n averyn i-ell euer-d ca- hissh a tre redeasraled. nae W.- .. Clemenîs arrived home On The township coanaut af Nansa-' .W.,Frîday lait tram an enjayahini gaweya met on Marsday anad pasneil ' e tiree manths trip la Vancouver' .an-aaiaanhvra itna C. and Catîfonnia, retunnuing via the the loc-ation of the counly hoase. ef 4 i- i- . Panama Cana and New York. refuge. It aiso delared ilsef l'i, pe On Salai-day. May 25. thei- ades agaînoltirhe pi-apasid aasaty sya- propose haviag an Apple- Day. An terrmaofgavri roads. appir for 5c viorahatever-Yuo tike The spare hi-Irai-e the fi-ast of to gve.Ihe HatliMeibvn andl the pave- Oddfelaaa af Ci-van Distict Naai-i-t af Main Si. haa bei-a noadeal 4 3i-trited F .W. Babvavir. Miltonr, anal the grauvalhi-ves ethe boletl rtDistrict Di-pty Grand Maitr, anal ar.d BiranBt. i.- gi-ien eilh grass. EE.Young, Gerigi-town,. Distict-thleiai-id of rhirh waa soan fiat c, P Ta eputyGrand Warden, at a mi-i--iping. Whev Janora Houalans - hui,'yeet4li Tylo in hed inthfO daliovi i-llu, "brick rrvrdrorron the site af 1he NO DAIIEi-EE hwver white they may look aib is Brampton. aid rolli-r i-rabun the i-ai-si-rf* blak-ndwhte epodcton, but ciardabons as golden as the Thi MitonLa ' ovnrrg rasoirMai and Brawna ts. bas hien hioftels h' lckirngithe sprivg aerd for a ni-ch v u.1rroi r gi,i-ra ay i petdand the lot ai-aird oi string, Rghi ahoot vow -bei-e are vivre gaitri- than sot sin i- era wllrsio lin ad-luberadrabbibh. ibi-re i- ieh dani-ionsfo an ruba-of and, gent.alirr itvid fi avi'imi-rvnain ivheiappeni-- rown ir w,?moi-a than avough dacei toi-an nubeta Ala raudenearra.d he yalow aekaes.anrua WCT.U i-ircairrn corrr fthvirirnr hi-didn Si. Puai-rUted falriarrh or Saiuiday, hi-ig thei-eivial af TOurstay. Tri-eaarJun itrotesi-wasSi. JVhvthe Boptiot. tOi-i-asai ioa by An-vo Norrir. Milton Aod- srimira 10 thei hi-al oi--nviSt.Clair ai-r Jornes rotLigri- rihoîîri ara-Lodge No. 135, G.B.C., aillie- A S TCOUTH n r - ei-arrn arutThe- i-i-t-,i- reai-bcd aI thn Mithnliat i-ha-ch. ra riudby Mrs.AK.Lniiltr roamoriarvîîath inst.,by arsnrlO Oi r astbrrb i-îtGrand lChapîsînoaiGrand N O R TH iW E S T M R .Gabirith, A crrrrbi tri-) LrdgriofCanada. r.riliiuh Sa- ref.,Mai y Gîi-* Abaut 145 ..May 27, Chtef IFasrîiiAllai.. iN-gcGaitirir-ar Thc r-fr-r- iof Toironto irivrd a oinIliriig SpCeFord Pries li-irmih -,Mîrîri Mini-rit. andrîMarrrie i-ovni- iait fi-sm Mayoar Robnrna î ~ ii-,i' r --r,, i tri( t ri- iti.t i-eh'.i frr îivrid tir aloi-i i-y iof-Oshorirea-bin-g tutansistance --ru tr-., ul -.Forirî ri.Crr-iiri Avrilir.,. nd Rîrah Er- i-sntfrrrarTorroouhelp fiht i--i-ti- unt. -- .tfi-'rfr i-hiliiq:i ilz, fliiiinrf hrrihrri-adl ri-a irfOir thtt thiraîrrd lhi-- ,î i-,rti.r O zrt(1 -ie-n,,,hi- Eh. Whieaaalri-i-rii-iii-of the Han. Sifore fi1l No Smokinsci0 (riieon HBrh u Rris-n. hi-f0p 5vai-i-nt, thi- Mayor cilied 'Y f a" Me,.',ýý,u il al ý n,,-- l Ori Sndaar r i iiofficiai 5h5aald as-d tiihi bai-r osaunder iris liiriiif rie eimOiii ui-ri.rranalthlviOghrrar c(nitr. Thi- lire annsmel. ifi .'n >i-dad-ir --i fil r-vioONiiffbabey-ai-tOsirie ai-d A siII-r ntfi fU,'i ivý.l si-rira trdi-lfircatcOh f--i-rmi--listructresrio-oi-made iii- f**if ii i-rfCsrr Gi-rirFei-' utheaprrrarai-ri-thrrateivia. Tire v ar il..s fui-dr ai rillefr ngîvr ai Gabrîir eanal luttfls (aoniOi-Sr L:, iýl- i a 1 ni- ,sh ai-rlr i-Mai- 17.1Marr i-ît Kia-Mîilr- Iii Mil-tsi-n (i-.,Ai- Mr ndM!, hRBSrvice M iniManday, Ma 22 y hehRHv.C. r '-- Cii *rkiir i-t, i-ih-if re-sanri T. Bu-r.niltFn-a C Kirrg of Toron- i-r t r fi- i l , Miss Jo -ini-Millfi- ai M ilon- Irasing utaiftIha-- - - - i--- I -- - t ' r- 'i T rtc - rr iic- -'ýr- s- I'c1 'c1-utt.i- iv-kI r, i-rai-i-c Jc1a ri-iiiv r-i- .,l ,iij-. i s'- TIaCci-Gi -ia gCkiviier-i -0i-ii Si"îal- - sVher 100 nec-i-sarnpIc -i-es t1ar,urcff rrr-r5iha.j, ce n a I It 0il ce'r.i0 rg f 1 r-ch' c f j i-i lai-si nd i-usr, i-ci c.. - , . - tvdvi-trrs i-utti-ci- -i iciesc- I r ', c mililion dollasi-ia yvai-r v irial pra rs ..I-ri-i -i--. ' i st bal a melh-vn.Nvarly threa miliîoni- mill beîi-- -in- e dded io municipal taxable siasservi-t, $ 100,0c i- -r- mon- aaruatty pariIaii- opi-tion-faai-s, an $670.000 r- persorat taxes- Treeceas reai uiti- rei- sali open ii-be i-i-n and total refait baiicsi-s as,11 ha up $400,0M0 Prvalth i-e is lhi-adclvr 369ni-ra ss.135 addr-ii-at i-hi-ai-h 102 i-i-c households. Brief Comment lui-t treaf i-ar ivuri-i- as aae mould lhe i-c ha firai-rd w nvci-i-iqiheirurivn-i-y.If"i- do tibs ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCHè MBsster-RIiV.J. L. BLAR. hB.A. Orgnai-iMci, iiri-ti-iMagi-, ATCM oi iii ni-bt -olong ii-nefo i-i-e moi-vgeti- S1",ii-NiiiVMAIi' i-tii-i , aroovd that me ai-t oaly bave the moi-0hsii-ba ifatii ut ir uI-rn'.Sunh-- ahi-s iad aourvi i-v hi- efoui-h. hut vme ahi-o nir ui-in,-c-ni .1i ave the frtvadiri-i- pr-pie. Si-astvad lOue.i) iii ,jofic 4>15ii t i -i r jovurial. 4i a i , 1>Il .rC AI-unMýi-i 10-ai-in lui-t a short i-me agi-, tOe teotie ndustty P-n-tin iri TT i -Tr.ui gene-ai ers in gi-eSt drffiulty dureio ailump i .i Su-unCiinu Tructint ,Muy 31. 1ti5-I i ru, Mu iaies and I- fotrga cor-petrtin Tvday tbe i-on- linn r Mg unîtt ditvanbas mproveci someashat ai-d thn umptove ury.Filin mni--c-can ha iaid fi- kave bhena brought ahi-ut hy i-be nitiative if the rrrdastry i-vilf.. No help ba CALVARY (ABLRNI-CLE Penrorsi- lisntnse,9 hi-en fortbcvmiti- iny girat eofrvfBaui-i-ing- IBR NFE ST ~I~r (Jhuîa?~îau QJt~arnpiuu Pabisihed , is heehian nif Ialton Poual(d (-'i-i-ir Thuriiday ui tars S. Miton, Ont. Meber ai thi--Auîit Burau i-f Crerîflaîronathe- C.W.N.A. anal the Gntairi--QurbrDOui-riona CWNA. Adi-i-iti-g i-ra a n i-i-i-triaISuriptrana pai-ablerin adi-ance. $2.50 ia Canada, $350 inithe USA. Athaeîsrd as SecandalCias Maili, Post Offi-e Dapai-Imi-s, Otaa ta LPî Jamesa Din, Maaagiag Edtar Dai-id R. Gils, Pi-adi-i-ion Manager Published by the Dil, Printing and Publifbing Co. Lmted BUSINESS A ND E DITORIAL 0OF FIC E T E LE P HONE 22 0 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE 1 I r A 't -.- ,'n u N,, if ' -r t. '.1' N, lii "r-ri't o , 1 rf igi-.i-f- i-n in KNOX PRESBYTERIAN C4URCH REV. Ir.. thii-imRis, iniser, tir ZabriFPZaokar,.MA. LL CMGon- i-t an-îtCluneirIu-tur '-iUNit/tV. MAI 2hittî. fi95,5 ai tii niu irn.i dc fiho 1 tii-i--o cru .t r rr S un ]n tiii-n r ir Mr ii-i-i h i- r iunr ii-n 'A, i i.- , -tir iiigirtt...-g-- GRACE CHURCH H ANGLICAN Miltofui, Onrtanrio iii--i-, Rn-r 1.). A. Pni-innfi in uit, -ii- ,frA 2 i . 95 8-i-0 Ire i-i1-%.î ' .ici-i - Cr-mr-r i iul Stri-i-r h0 tiiiiiNrnn- iiitii PASTOR. BEy R. F. NYDER 7-i-ii- li, in- rh i iin i tr .I- FruI ru Sf r Ytu Viii- SIINII.N',it N ' i-lui . 95 i-n-r Ou rf-,, v Sý,,ni toni-ul - ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA f10i-t- r ii-rM i-un ru \.irt i-ihifi nir Pin ni-u u in i-icv and T itdý a 6 ;t l , w ' ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE Tîrrr vtn Mr oi-rty aitlivhni-rur RmR.P E Jfirs Fi-rai, Miay-27 ani8O--rYv1î1g Rrcnnr uniMi-. ninilMi-. Frrd HvIbI Tirni-iai-. M-ni- :if1 nithii-Pur SUNDAY. MAY 2010. 1955 GurI i-a eürrr munitn rbrIne voici-navalio-uatie r- emnor- nif 5fr.i ald 10.00tia.m.-Mrrîîîg I-Ir and Mis. Drapr. Siuirîiy-Sebunutai St. Jnon's. Wruln'oniay. une i ai 0.15-Prii-(i 11.15-a.or-Hi-ifi-Commurninaiai-i riald Bibi- hiudi- rîthlei-O-rr SrianriSci-ri-u-ut St.Geoirgc'. ofMr.andIMrs.Georrge'Maitra THE STEVENSON CLINIC ýi-ti-va Nineri-2 Dr.e. ,K. Siesensnn tir. R. G. Nineos Dr. R. Fitz-lIer-Id i-fini- Honni-t SUNDAiS-E i-i-tri-cini-avay. MnIL.TON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-RAY si-i-ni-r, C.PIianalGiailai-rgi-sa DR. G. E. SYER lI»sssii-ian an.d Surgeon Ohm-ric-ari-a Street1 Phone Na. 'I GOtfici- Roui-a.I ia .. 13 7-.30 p.m. Coroner DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON f1T7i-tiaStri-I Offii n--iceHus -v.14,7-9 p Tfcplinrrnr395W li-irce r395J CIROPRACTOR A. M. NIELSEN, D.C., N. Dai-ar ni Cisiroprarie and Naturopathy i-2îrd Vnr otPi-ai-ti-e tiiue 2-5 p.m.Ciased Thons Lady Attenant Phune Tinangir . 7-3612 ti64 GuelphrSi. Georgetown WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. Dsi-ior of Chiropractic Hi-vairSt.. Milton By Appvnntaarra PFOGNE 102J X-RA- ACCOUNTING LEVER & HOSKIN Cisirtered Arrauntants Siraraes lii- JENKINS & HARDY 1305 SI-finîrrflian Bidg.. 44 Victoîria Sf., Toi-vals Brrr 4-9131 JAMES & WANDABENSE i-fR VEVORS Ont-rie Land Sureiors PORT CRcDtT - C vii-i-vt 8-2034 Milair clientsrlapis craill D. Wundabcîr- O.L.S.. Clii rvua - TAi-for 2-0544 Oi;iOMFTRIST ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184MNin St-.,Milton i-Lloyd Dravi-' Ji-a'iiiviyf Phonei-634 Mes. 192i-21 Tued-ydand Friday mrnings Evnirg, bi -pprintmenit. DR. G. A. KING DEFNTAL SURGEON Officei- n oai-isiBuidrigMilton Raurs 9-5 ci raungî hi- Appainnment c Rai-Si-iv-ici- Triephane l19t Dr. H. F. GALLOWAY Ouatai Soi-fion 1,5i-trio St. i-r iitreDoor onu,' 9i-r,6 o r-. Fuir, igshi- oppa 'nmi-at. N-Ru Smo:ci. Tri. Office W LEGAL DICK- DICK & McWIWLAMS W. 1I DICK. Q.C. R. Y. DICK P. K. MeWILLIAMS Bai-i-loi--, Solri-itoi-s Hi-r-a Street, opposite Arena Triephane 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. Barriste, Solicitor. Etc. Offire-Nent Gaur Champion i-fie-Marn Si., Milton TeI-pliane 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Q.C. Barrisier, S-ohliito, Notaey Publie Office-ln aF-imers' Building Mare Street, Milton Teirpisane 70 DAVIS AND BALDWIN Barristers. Solicitors, etc. 181 Mata Si.. Milton PHONE 6500 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL HOME Fanerai Horne, Ambiulance Seetae. PONE 637 NIGHT ON DAY Sincrr. Caui-teaai Service PUBLIC I.IBRARY HOUES FOR ADULTS Moi-day .. ... _ 1.30 laI p.Zn. Tirrina-' L30-5 pm iad T-9 pýM i-alasda- _ 9.30 a.m.-12 nona Thri-ay ..1.30-pm iad7-9 p.n Firai 1.30-5 p.m.and 7-9 p.en Saunrdasi- _ .......1.30-5 p.m. Pal li oudan-s not inclsded Ochool rhnflirnhave lapai-ate TRAVELIERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Standard Time,2.04ps.; t2 liifir la -ai-ar-ml tStnda-. bran- daai-rifi-05 p.m. Gui-ing Wr-i- 0a0-.m.:e.36pin.t 1.10 a.Dori-s ecrpî Saday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY DotigNoith-7.58 .m Garni Soalh-7,10 p.m. i-I Us * * q * ' dilliL i-~ uhi~ o ~iiIii7 * -w a & , 1 1 ýýeq o: P;ý,t-: Huv. A C. T. Sarà SUNDAY, MAY 291ii, don (Que.) Gleaner. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THLTRSDAY, MAY 26th, 1955ý e 1-1 it n d ej S. ie Il