Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 6

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PAGE SiX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONTARIO THLPRSDAY MM? tUile 1096. From Halton's Farmn Lands Dr. N. Fish Speaker Expect White Gus~îiîi For MiIk Prducerso Not Serious in '55 A forsser Hlifate, Os.Nissi cpeficshite llus nssof , Fish o 'aIffthestffif h ti, Whl iii c. fng il- if eti fîinl Cii C i fOec elies sisîi th' ii,'111iiî.îîs,' î.îîee nuaafmeefinig of tfeiletaios 'Maflk o esîsî ite 11h gsoTl,,c:,'gi'îî O ci,'sîîUîî*î*îîMîîIîiLîîîuîMîî' Pradacees at Siewaracffisi eslfthe acfive larvaf stiscenof Joaise wesis. bef les. o'hirh Ocre so nîmecoas i 1gb Jînks on the Klondike D. Finki*s addce-a Witt hisîsa ring fate May and Julie ai 1963.I by ibard OCannor acsasd the s ubjerlof Masfîlîa Coî- The isjacy w'ih they ausedfto Ose airfise malt tasinatisg as- test and milise lfastealed by cl- pafataes, sfcaa'beceies. geais, las ns piect abcut thse iamaîîs gaid cash creeSfilms. Other speaker., at tlii1 aisd paslirsdurcii 154ws r dayos nthe Kloîndike a ise sssttey dspcataemssrfsgsflceo- Tobadof ocses wofssnd tieir inclade W .H Wimaî, serefacN- titre on tlilgîe andmare fiuimy may ce vsyori Tiersied b c en manageof the Toronto Milk Pros oîs.Tise grubs aie soo' aimost Oe ateit.îsbcdbue uce .Amcitio ad . . ande. fllgron nd wil o oui st lIend isaiy ai tisens aiasted rio tisse manageofthe Co-apecatis'c Sur- ferdîîîg.sfates D. WE. Hminin akngad fnag oflthesituif- pusa MilsPlant. had iffOrheEsîsoa.lagi' Departc- "Tisce oeetis e fgcdacy secs se We andecstasd tram JohnsîlM. ssnif it he OAC.tise doscerhasictiheaetn of gald Bird. sereelaey af the Haifoîl ssoOli ArrîsedîigfîsoDr. Hemîsîg. iii"benraflithe irîîades sicrieaets bias. b tat rfceshmens,\% iflObc -ru,,isu fh elneansinîactivs'afîfiiîg tac gsid. lise ases wo seced aîftelinr r o As tfie iercidd îrîcihîcfieh t iii sicl- dedicatcd tleisenes tassiig meeing. 1pare foi andii.,sfliiiliili he pu- dsbiaos'eafthlii a f mor tf isu - ,l stagelInîAîgss he îîiîieîsiillc bak honssstheps'rfcirafssess lA fetaiifeissislîî fhcadîLIt 0i-bîrtlir a sa îincd skie Wiissai's Efîssdîke Hanton Boy Star I -i. ldsiiabecrle,îslifirm.ii ilniclub il't1898 ad lient nordfs fi 11fi'îcisess%%inter and ini flicestabfîshbiitisscs L1.. * irig 0f1936 u illireîae tîs he Ose sscmisg iemaaideîîlîîded 0f *New Color Film soil. iiy rocs and ise csfis s a els fries -cin iigofd befrice skie oiid genrii oulîsfsiie rcai. sîaces Hec fsbiasd-fa-be dîscar- Therpremieshaaîsgaofscî,îe',1 rcd.alfter agieeeg. shisr esd a fimîintechsîic sifl H Doîc . Iniiisspasffthec fiilso.fîlisp sdis lretias lisefiait Cali Ciais a'ack iiOnlacia.is la sialea rHemîsa lîftler as .icraasedas-bat lise iandcdaser tise tise pace iii the Miltas filai danmaea il be raa-ed by wiîe gId dant-930,0sf Tise bride and Seisl Friday evening. 1giaisotho Ls ae. Gcaaersare tseg ai0 îapae icsn Tisilm fuseaatakes in Haifas ftheretareeadvîsed fa catnue a'ifhth. .d isper hen eaanty le 1954 isy the Publie Relt- pianfîeg asîd seeding apecatijasace - sci esatectotsntrtae ions Depacimetaof the OntarioAg- gardessaofthe peesenre ai Ibese assIs Kiaptdis ois 515i tle ritucai Caitege. The star ot thîs penla. Ifthelise cîl heasiy îsfeted. 0"steKlondie Hrbus prs ii tues .ew film is Paul Fusrd. sas ai Me. seed and tertllîe a life heavisr e r isninse h ik o and Mrs.Caece eFrd oOmagh tha sa tocomtensaefor an Klondike dsict. damage vihki mgisifabe plaae Tise film depicis the saeîaaa befnr the geisa sap teedîsa. Fart as Fîsery: Canada" atîfis- stages et tise year 's laesgeam. t In Tbe aoc of insecticides in aaeicor- ditîse lu seenes oas abas tabe.tenl as 1 sot r0 immnded as tber the Ford homeead.aiifbeseen a ers-loo,,,rkiingearid espenssîe clubs meeting sn prucresa; tise bas.Insaeeasoferc telbeoii., Ariecement Day at the Miltas lsgbt and aisere oms snîury teans fair. etc. Needfess ta add, in addit- ohîte grabs ias iees rnin n sas to Paul Fard preeiouaay reeie- ey nssecc sre aeaeut reS ta, a-litbeeesmaety oalbrery ehar,sseldrcinde e a ýrfsn Nattas4-M Club ssembmns. soald be appliîd 10 and scckrdý Wr rosit tell yaa ai abes inter- inIa tOc sai. rsfsng leataces of tisissea filmstsksi se muot teace sassetbîne to y5siu imaginatinsun rame and sec il foc yaarneit. *FOR YOUR FUTURE ASSURANC Halten Hoisteins 1MA mn I A Are in the News tenithe May issuae ai the Hostein- Friesia n Juoàrnai oe reeinteceat- ed lu note thst Ifartag Jessîssa Sadlle, tisaigreat (Id rua' iseentand oscd by j C.Bclliond Sose cf Nelsanfto'nship, oaa inthefOrs As a 14 yeac aid, ashemate ber hrsI renard tsi date. samsly 21.000 lis- miiad 70lbs. B.F. A yar ao askie made 20.2M1 lbs, of ostO and the pear prensooo 19,216 ibs.'ci nils In ber 10 lactations cie 2X she aa pradared a total ai 171.574 tb,. of mls. 5.973 ibc. of fat. WOic aOc nompîsîrd ber year os Januaay 30 cOr cru stilfipssdaccag arsasd 40 lbs..pWr day o b os e eestli~ s - ted tise Brullcîrsi. Needies 15add. Carmes Bll and snFred are bulding fOere cec acîntkisagreat ca'. At fhr prea- eef time thrceae rersdaogbhtre and 27 gcandaaghfrrs cf aid Sdie la the Bell Oent. Lassas Haoprial fOr gand ebamiona mal i t tlb-' Milton Halsteinowic' act f ail fac Gordoc B. Sinclair, s a great graetsus of Sadie und tOceire ai SaSses yongest daagbter. Ansiber gceeuosteaisn, brentis skie utIle esasty ai Huton, 10 Lor- raisetie Drees Paseki. taseabelia oas bret isy Victas J. Law'rencse aI Merlan and i oas isnkie Lawirence herd that she made lier frat tbrs records. Lurnaiselina 12 lactations fs a itetasse prouactionnif238,955 lia, ut milk ast 8,4623ibse ut fat. Senen ufthtie 12 lactations oece made uýn 2X. Hec Iiciesi record is 29»W lbs. ut mis, If044 is. otsflat. She is nomoned in tise becS of Merle H. Green of Elsîr, Mien. Weil me recuit Doseen as ibe Lasie- enes rlieS ber and as in tisecrae oi Mrley Waisn's Snoisati Syl- ia Aicatra, me o ere srr y tise hiec teane tise esasty. .- iialfloers nd eatersissassey elacmpriseasssme 42 filrses asna esottfa aed at more chas $2.500,- aON anci aty. Thie eight tarba oi the Wellanîd nCana'a 28smile lengthifit orlowe rshits a ttaleat M5 feet as tfiey taly Jýbetoses Pari Weiiec and Port 1Coibre :E CALE DAWSON INSURANCU* A*K MT Wo 443 MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE MILTON, ONTARIO The Noth Amrenan USfe ansd Casualty Co. 47-49 La Plante Ave. Toronto, Ontario Lfe, Accident, Sickness, Incarne Replacement, Hospitalization Group and Mortgage Insurance CALL MILTON 661 NOW STENDERS : SEALED TENDERS moîkesi 'Tender on 3 B- all be se- a * eîoesf by the andsrscigseel p ta Wednesday, May 25th, M 1 955, for the p Purcitase of S.S. No. 3 B School : Buildings and Grounds ssîaated on the 010 lins, Trafalgar township, between q Qaen Elizabeth Hghway and Uppes Misdle Road. *Tenders sobmîîîted ssisîest ta tille M Highest or asy fendes sol secessarily accepled. Masked c heque noversng 10%. ai tendes fa be ensiosesi. Bal anse sash sn 60 days. I Secseiary of Trafalgar Aiea Scisoo Board,' * f80 Mordes Road, Qakisle, Oet.00 Halton Co-Operaive Suppies Free delssery os roule days MILTON GEORGETOWN Phone 127 Phone TR. 7-2981 Awider, safer view ahead -and any truck without it is behind the times! It Can't Be a Modern Truck without New Panoramic Windshield - New High-Level Ventilation - New Conceuled Safety Sîeps - New Seat, and Controls - ALL the Chev. rolet Features that make Truck Driving Safer, Easier and More Comfortable Thon Ever Beforel Noss uscroihs si fl ite hogisetng! I'vcotlting cahout thse Ioiclis sCroc td idv;issordin design. I'rcises ie ew a oei tiserturd. I egincs trr necocssd so liare 5555 pensionse Ssteffi-. 'liere hIîc neyer sors tiicko 1olsire sîo n i e riruen -s rintta Wtus. Il'e<cc ir dse )50hc so sI i ki tire 'sck iii p;iý lîfl ()e (Ilsusss r so anspjoi çc sihit giin New Cevoet ~~ dTru cks A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CANADA'S NO. Y TRUCK See Your Che'vrolet Dealer CT SE BELL BROS. Sales and Service PHONE 89r2 OVER 45 PER CENT. IN COUNTY JAIL "INTEMPERATE DRINKERS" - REPORT Asnang thse ntewothy tacts re far he mast-RO3--were lteres. veaedin thse anaal reportoft he lustaaoad no occupations ralai Departssent cf Reform Inatiuisan_, An enen 100 of thase emprisaned was thefteth a t oer45 per cent. a'ereesacs'ed, whie155 wee sn- cf thosec emmslted rit Hait an coaun- esarried. ty jatl inMiltona'ere cassed as Oniy 76 'ithadvanced edacatian "înlempccaie"' drînkees. Of the 255 a'eve listent, whie 178 wo ajant had persana esspeînaned dueîng the year 1etemes tacy edacationsoere arrest- esclisg Marccb31. 1954, oiyifc- e. abatai ies. Cliasng thcy ece Mocf the sentences oere fui, , - - % - cll ,: 0 fll,. ?l , ',il1 , 1i a2 Ofi _ 115,tî 110 ee ieta d fv tit nulcp lty TOce îhe stOe sosc[aiHiil E Th egh ohe wme fl a ' E chre, Bridge caaty ja idur ing te erwe "ieesperael,"dcsnisecs.Nase0fîthe a . . soeni the jail waoce abstineca,. Viell Attenasa TOc avrage casiber of inen andc The eseisce and isridge heid in 1 )mien hid filMilonjail tirn Milton hiah neiasi hy thse Heisse da r d l - whcye as a cli over chaptec Ns. 280 Ocder of tise Easteen cîchi pecsoris. thc e eportindicafent. .Niar, Oas sceli attended onWee- Th'.cicligcoistsoftach pcsnecday May Il.Anecetnini cccr day ciii BT.54. taliaerd the evenisg'sgpiey., LLtsison filc jai ece gisans Wmsccs Owece, bridge, MS, . fihcc:ý cion forceitysaceonty Cailkc.C.Cunîingamn; eehee, js iiflecceccly cicased ceport Mcc fR. Bash, Mr. Babsesei. Win- Of ai th- eummittci. 42 eces sof the iacky draws anre Mes, 0f iiiils ceomsîicd 24 liccE. Ostcassec, Beanie, Mes M. John-i meand jutco 13 ioses. ssssasid Mes.L. Needisans Tîsîs-are 10e(fil îtheistafif. wi drecoa total alary osf $20.20011.W, Pcoductio of saosiossbci andi J. ffsbccf sons itheîshccff and E. fics infBeitshbColumbia tfaaiics Gl tyi e th,- jic r.Chiicf malo Os4.233,10-6,M0lfetein 1954. Sanie fo fi 11) i Mlton î,îi lie,'- -- - - - leicibdiiill.. sme c aqLliffcîi, ssnw' cd fine,and wO e c c ,scd . ro ~r siic. o sierd fîî aller i ssit - >rbiêta s stississ Aiiîociiici 70 secs and to R.R. 1 MILTON falilicd eneces these Of ail fiiose o iaht tufalu169 meni and cîghf a'omes Oece s ee 0MARKERS foich sietîctlisse.Bat 35 of thea mes toad pcevîaasiy becs accested 10 MONUMENTS ovrthree tisses.a Neveaiîg talies sshotise a oup- *0CEMETERY LETTERING atioasnni thîsse sin tise jaîf do sng Quofaf ons Isy Appoitet the wo liiycac. One ina.,aprao-mn citesia s o ais Mssefcqcoeal Phone Mlton 158r32 men, mschasses and dssseitir. By THE FLOUA SHOPPE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR MARTIN ST. PHONE 360 MILTON ANNOUNCEMENT For tihe convenience of our customers and the public in general, tihe underlisted Barber Shops wilI remain open until 9 p.m. on Fridlay nights in- steaid of the. present Tiiursday nigiit opening. And will remain closed aIl day Wednesday except in tihe week of a holiday. This is being don. to remain within tihe working hours as laid dlown by the Industrial Standards Act of the Province of Ontario. BILL ARTHUR PARAMOUNT DOWNTOWN BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP 188 Main St. 153 Main St. 201 Main St. MILTON, ONT. MILTON, ONTARIO TOWNSHIP 0F NELSON TENDERS for MATERIALS TENDERS w i be received by the andern gned unt i 5 .00 p.m. Tuesday, May 24th, 1955, for the following a) TENDERS FOR GASOLINE, DIESEL FUEL, MOTOR OIL, GREASE AND ANTI FREEZE b) TENDERS FOR DUSTLAYER IN BOTH CRYSTAL AND LIOUID FORM. HAROLD ADKINS, HARRIS BELL, Reeve Road Saperintendent R.R. No.1 BURLINGTON, ONT. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TýHURSD4Y, MAY 19tii, IM.

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