PAGE sriXIUK OId Pirate Ship May Hold Fortune St. John's Newtousdtand, (CP)- An nid pirate hip rests in the MurkY hottorn of St. Mary's Bay and an authority on Newrfoundland history says it rnay hotd a treosuce. It is pretty weti estsblished thot ship now half-buried in soott iud once ftew the back flag, and L. E. F. Engtish says there is a esn able posibiity that treasure i aboard. The ship i near the shore and at tac.'tie hec iftri- crnri, i hel ti .'c cc fro i, ,.xc . Ect' Ccii thiciki fic.îffrncccfmoe et cccct of locating treaooi'es. it coutd be worth white for some adventurous apirito to vsit the tocutlity and per- haps tocate o fortune." He says the ship. opeating from a French port. rode the hifh seas Borne 250 yearn afo ond for a Urne rotsbed eaety Newfoundtand settt rs of fiuh and oct. When a British waests.p mou ocdered to tiast down the pirate ship, he says, the Pirates tools their vesset into St. Mary'u Bay, on the Avaton penin- tS u were if mus caught in ice and foeced ahore. 'there is no record ut what happened to the crew but tradition sayu they becarne ick during the intec and uit died. He ayu totes of pirate gotd have been connecfedus.îth this vess elan d if ated in the days when pirate TH-E CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILtTON, ONTARIOt 1 ý SIXTEEN MILE CREEK VALLEY MAY BECOME PROVINCIAL PARK If negofrationu nom underway srec ng, pîcnîehtng and parking, ho ex- suensfalt he vattey ot the Sîntees ptassed. The stopes on the ousteen Mite Creek,,at the Dundas Hsgh- und western tringes of the vlley may, iti becomo the noeot ad- peovidcosnsuepatred sceneey, and dition tu the Ontario Provincial the stretches ut Sinteen Mite Cceoh Park uystemt, according to W. B runcufg theough the propely peu- Green wood. Chiot ut the Division vide ideal bathing and ishirsg oe- uf Poark tocrIhe Deprîment of cas. Lands and Forest. Iepsty Miniter ut Lands and "Nefutitiosu o'îlbthe omnerscof Foreuts, Frank MeDoufaît deetaccd: therpropectvoareprcgesg faovr- Tes atenaveu' fovorohir .vhf." Mcrc'e',cccccd',aid ..'P,ý,icctreclocffthe ,ie.ttesz.éc Il l f i l ,'i f" , t 1.'.o 'c'11 l'lleccc'l the i tec andccl ccccc hîgh prioriybasis," he ,idded. h osblt ficuino h M. Geenceudaid the Depart- accu colto the Provincal Parti sys- ment bas been louking for uitablete 1m liod ils begîsnisf duing the paetsites within aM0mileeradius uimmecoflast yeor. Game Wacden ut Toronto, and that the tocal site Dodley Hitehcos mas cequested by 'vas by for the mot suitable tound the Depocîmentot ands accd Foc.- in the western hattuofthe radius. ests turepuorcyoeeaoin this vc, The areo is ntucatty adaptab'e înily ocîtoble toc o pork site. for a parb. having large areos ut Mr. Hîleheos. famîllue o'îtl the flot table tonds cuitabte for camp- ereo. cmmediotely înformrd the de' patmenf ut the Sinteen vattcy. The Departmeet immedîutcly meut shipu toulrd Spansh vescels etoro- incrtion, sendîng Regional Foc- fg humnemard wilh gofd frcnester P. Addison ut Mople tu vie' Mexico and Central Amerîcu. the area. Mr. Addcson, ie toriicc. ""Il iusntut ntibely that the otd riotrd cf i oc uet "cotable" for ai ok relie mou' hold somewbece i Procincot Park. the cabin portionuaocheuf slucbed oith doohtoonschorh ornmen.c Peope bccthe Chaompion fccriu ,ndîugotueof pecioliî'ccvr." and rcodthe Championltohbuy THUP.SDAY, MAY lthItsO10 I4ALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR Rector Welcomed To First Service Os Susday. Muy t5. the residentu ufthfla Mano0r had the freat pteasoce of metcumisg Mev. D. A. Powelt, the flOw redue toofGruce Angtican churrh, Mitton, lu his firutusevice aithfli Manor. Atter Mru. Clache. the Mateus. hud intruduced Me. Powuelltotuthe cesideefu ansd tendcldda crcrr ulcomu' tu hcm o lcrcr behaif. Mc. Pcoell detc'errcf a~ c', fmu acccf rn MMic illiceect GilheV ,f Milccon cdMr Alfred Baker of the Mcuccr td in the scgief of tehymans asd Mes. Boy Wuters ptaycd tfl accomecooîmnt onthetpiano. And hueoweres ofBtmen, sroseB and cblidren are fttting sac store overe day . . .and s'its grrod reasoof They are maki srisnaiiBnaIsaanBgs! Came ioday ... Tomarrow and ati NEXT WEEK t Every single item &MILONY THEWHOL TOW IS ALKIGta the store redoeed at toast 15% JOIN THE CROWDS . GET YOUR SHARE 0F THE BARGAINS Fnredays'oe thavebeenrs ted offtaur feetfrorn'Milnliosn srton G o nd leom the ertire distrcteorne thouas .o .haying as they a " r bought bofore. The enthastaam and espnsetat has geetedtits %saleis edenceoftths res etandtloaits ostsave for tins 'tare! Aithe gfar'ioasnvaesthat àmmed uste % h eu ted bnppeer, s theaopesns toraruttbchnsale agasnridsy andhSaturday .. ltssoaut' OUR 15 YEAR REPUTATION BACKS THIS SALE!------ F E9 RDY&SATURDAY Men's Hankiesni hes Terry Towels Boys' Long Ponts SCRIBBLERS N YL ON S Men's T-Shirts 9a4te am CoB OYS, FRIDAY & SATUROAY Tale lts n ]Ar 0pg e S ip *r ,,,i0 FIRST QUALITY .'..c. ....c dcc ,cc s îîc c.Iic cc îcclafccc Polo Pyjamacc sq c *ti S ",iayad 1GAUIGE,15 DENIER 43,,,k t ccI cc S', ci lC c cc1,066 ENTIRE STOCK 0F II y1,,'"'PLA&YTEX"" DRAERIS 6Ar RES SM SH! GIRDLES SENSATIONAL!1 HALF-PRICE! COOL SUMMER FROCKS FOR ALI 36'r PRI WOMN'SW7W ANt i Short and lovu utservû shirts in a wce coi ur of fiscecrauhahie fabricu insmany stytesuand col- or.Att sizec Values tu 3.9. INIVERSARY SALE-SATION 1 MEN'S SUITS Up to in te -minute styt $ satiouai Anniversary sur logo! Wide echo fcotaon and fabries Ali ocs.2 OTHERS REG TO0 49.50 ...$37.88 fT AItf Basdssmeroi MO CATS gabardines and 16.88 conori ,* Ai it s. SALE 1 FAMOUS MAKE SHIRTS 2 FOR 178 $35 8 F OR OCCASION SUMMER WEAR AT FABULOUS SAVINGS! Sizes for Everyone! Splendid chute nf retin stresses ln the mnssi popotar trusts faheles for sommer n'eueStines and types for Misses, Ion- tises and Womea. A greai Annvrsaery Slse Speebatf Feiday asd Saioeday. q3.a88 Better Dresses Rg. 10.9 10 12.95 value%. AUl stars 5,o88 Irsartrtths ut greai Sue. 31c yd., 3 yds. 89C WOMEN'S SLIPS Reg. ta 2.98 vat' ues. Fine estios. crepes ad sais. T attored and -v 1.44 stytes. Ait',res ' WOMEN'S GOWNS Rayon jersey gaws and P-IL armas. 1reetn trim.. Reg. tun ff1*6 BLOUSES Ilisareidu op5'tty nom sututru trie h.ose fennu Ny- lons eCtionsu ad crepes, Values tn '.95. 1.66 & 2.44 ALI SPRING H AT s 1/2 PRUCE SHORTIES4 The h'ggoat savins louar es- tire t story. Fne aU wool fab- ris martlyyotyled and fully<a.î satntsied.Boy or sassand'~ for weur exsesprisg! Reg.~ vatues ta 24.55 and 14.88 BELOW ACTUAL MAKER'S COST SPRING COATS AND AIL WEATHER COATS Ret,.5 tlStto 39.50 Vaines! t f n sucrIlot facst,' and nt rrss a r retrettcîrt falunes. Vitsu lengs yetti Wooriatetoti' of stytes. nier 15 8 prired ! M ILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 1 6 MAIN ST. MILTON 1 1 * OBITUARY Mother of Three Passes in Hospital The deutti of Mtarion Pearl Bar- ber carne or a shoote to ber friands à and furnity on Saturday, Msay f4, Mes. Barber was in the Western à" ~houpitl, Toronto The mife ut Charles James Bar- ber, ehe mas the mother of ttseec' ysungcbidren, Gloria, ntsc, Wayne, six and Connie, fine. The>r tire at 43 ElineSt., Arton. 'sic,ciber ,,, incccc1928'îvý Oct.,s , tro, Hrr paents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Krvocth Coxcu re de- ceased. In 1945 she mas murrîed ut Mat- tunvitte. She moved from olton- vitte, mhere ahe mas raised, f0 Ac- t on seves yeoes aou. Bey. E. A. Coecey officiatod ut flic funerat Tuesday ut the Burnfley .e, Fuserai Home, in Acton. Inteernent fottowed in Fairview cemetery. Pattheureru mccc Mervin Barber, Harotd Barber John Buyton, John Btack, BiltWoods and Calvin Me- Rernngcau mett us ber hua- band and chitdren are tueo siaters, Mes. Henry Kconof Actoeoand Miss -terr.i Lu da.Ftrrli* Loisu Cuxe of Owres Sound. NEXT TtNfE? TAK-E HtttM WfTH YOU-Yut have more fun, _______ ton! Even bis pop seems inlerrstcd as this young lud ut Dorset, Ontario, elt reody tf0o f0 tr-bhg vues". Casadau tahur bruome reache ais att tiene prak ut $tt,900,000,00 im 1954. High School News By Art Csrubeek TPhe trmièl ofMoy6 a sacver g,tcsiee-"s . he dcratccc, %l letI cc, ';ci'r fo " r en Nîuc oliicc cus held t.oMa, ,1,l3cic cIIS a'ccecc. fncidcntcitll. tf5,1I cias Elsiccor Cairns i ce icu' rIc, lc,ct ure h. udt Mcri lvs cfcc'cclField Day Wdccc11-dci. May 18 lu Ar tccF ci".ullc,.i'i'n rstccee'scicm ----------------------------------- it- 1