Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 10

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PMl~TEN HE CNADAN CAMPIN. MLTOi.(lJTioms vT51RSIXAY, MAY 19h, 1005 Polermo CIurcl, Nurses in Canada Wedding Setting Always in Demand St. Luises Anglican church, Pal- TORONTO <OPI - Tise shortage termo, was the selting for an ai- af nurses s notbing nem-it has lractive springmwedding on May 7 exsed since the ea.ties days of mhen Anne Petielterino and Robert the profrssion in Canada. Daid James Wheelband wereaun- ThisiLreealed in the golden ited in marriage. Tise bride in lise joliler nymber of tise Canodian daaghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nu reMagazine. Franks Pellelîrrin af Milton and the A cri ao hoc age oas noîrd io groom, lies on off Me. J. Wieelbac Winoipeg drng thr typhiod cpi- ard tlisete Mes. Wleetband, Mii- demie off 1905. Tise rrso l maa that toc, Threrisoech mas decralrd w1h docoeoao Iotanalely addedane .sprig bouoquts cfwite rlum . SsIi ordonure,, tlis oterlp..l. cccveOy. led letht pulicaton lu Ici tie D. THudonoStewaort oiciated. sremryerutfan articlreo The Joseph Pellelleria. Maple, thr n eontng and heorlitso of staieremg- brides oncle. gave ber in marriage. istration.' Tbe article raid. "Il s Sbe more a floor tenglis gome cIfiigh tir nurses off Canada began obite brocaded satn ilb long eeriouulyty isising os ibis mporlanl steeves and bouffant sirt. Tiese ubet.' se they moald "tag be- caitped neclinemwaoftembroid- ird orosleraîinalheriansd." eeed tlte, ilhs mcd resets. A car Acother rallueorlise etablisis- of brocaded satin iseld ber linger. nient o acrlunig regisrel lie tenglis oeil. oas sounded in 1906. A nurse meule Sise bad imo attendants, ber cou- lises: Somne horpitalu ar endeavor- sin, Joan Pelletero oftMapte, andiotrbaeieinaigdreo ber ~ec~. Maîree De o f l reapiy as possible, isesce tise in- Mimîco. cree ioamers ofnurses-in-1 Miss elteterrO us uid t raining, auins reoultîs siseor set- iss o. ecetta baes ic alofîseclion uf tudents." g nr. cIcr-laaicosliese ialsg The usrie udded: "Tise lime bau wilis a malcising headdeesus he"rme utes tise greaetnpaci cI srccd a cascadeisbouqet ofldaii rarsing sbold bedoneisy eper- pioh k carnatons. enced, re..ponsible graduates. and Tise jnrecrueiesmard, Miss Dr Mois worc arcimilardre flur -ont It ne bodisLase gousFoua O"taros s bloc is-or is s ung Hfý ou euh *s ss.Hee aresonme of the sardielsisebttie fishnetted ccd scsrlc l maaflY ýtbosisands. as a Wisis' sseter sorte s e o. carnaitis Oetario Dejrt. of Lands and Foresîs erxrerts ig catchs thIis yer, AIIan Wisc rlissd rof Brampton, ______________________________________ the gccroo eosstcousin,-sbecramn. Ushircrg thc gects to10 iet5placer BieT y acororcuthst Gereuny gavera.tiere Use biesdrohr ai Bi T yFa try mettjaprv te oeIrlltera. Mitron. and ber isrtirhL K Tise cumpany soon tt rtgre a ils c-111-turc. Bramurti Oates, Br ente. I I For Quebec Area oaateeeandcr-secondisuildinrguiw-crL. Wartisisgurt.Brcote, sangu BEDFORD. Qe. CP - A toy ürecedOne r uedoasCa ucr- 0Promi.seMeoandO0Perfecl Love. taory fonded i ermanyine srt. t hertersa srese She wacr.aemtrcrieronlthe rgsct niais induntiesein thissteruen liem tisre Germans.oneIte cir-a, Townnsips communiey. sîcran tlu art as luceman, tise tiser Fetîciti thtie mairiagi btis80ri lau caomes, te trais sewercmli- gîrerîs g.isred fole is reeplion Tise Gama rompony. te operatorurlryeso trey ugrerd tii 01Cr a yezit n St. Lober Fair rHall. Potrm lhere onylfoeayeor. ocomblesbLtîîîish oa n îsgn o wntngTire brides iter. Mr.Josephs Do T H I parla monulactueed in Gremany c îc t lCsc thire adotrd ecountry. Moitererverd tis etos irint srodure mechonîca t Iys. Wien 'Aoh..0Gr aslae a e adusiyroe siot. Siese 05 sird tise rompony ient decided lu ex- Ayie 0Gemn ar pond naiside Germany, il seeteî eenterd nt fn ob ithegom itD auaWe Canada biseof t rs market ferois tise ompary. teban hmd foa bn ilk R tnys Tise officiats say ibrîr CasodiCid pc r eue 01 'mpoves ae ecepionllyguîîd J. hPrIttlrîe, cho vre rcue- Me. and Mr.Werner Mai.cptee aeeceto ,ty oodsertir and lace. grascbîtrenut lse ousde ode arsra buhase apidty teamned Fotltouicgth Ie cetphc , grandhilden ofthe ounde is e hili ut CSembithe isrîy tJei fist tripltbisoun c Cl ia ICs n mcsncteupî leticon amotos trip lic 1952 lu pics a sile. - nuilrtis ric OntCriso rd roIr points.Fttr travellig.hebrib Wisen lbey tld Otawa oficiais Tise GaCma cmpesy tr'is f Iîde .c auo bei uge oc t h muthn oI their ptans, tbey mere tohen on cr Fuerti. Bieuria. inll ' ceii- n t8 s dafr ekpe a touraof uiobleeegioni Tie George Adam Mangetd, c sel gif is e romHe o g- strted atBedford and aises tiser bhi'5iialut t o fr cam o i,ýsJ rs weeal Ibrougis tisey louis Osutis tirm. us r c fo lr;; Isnls atlthis cnananitydecidisg it1Tecomaîsuc mlos8f4 .Bam ptonsc MilonMaoHa non tise best for theni uurhcrs sinis home sln n lonaý rnc Ahbuildng toassemisete srFaerti sisiecomeîisheii M CeMtre ur put op in 1953 but il tois a rf Germons.M n i> nebn i FOR REAL SERVICE STATION ATTENTION Swiss-Born Chef Plans Many Meals CALJGARY (CP)-Adald Maeerai says lhereeiuno end te psib- ililies for tise preparalion or enen tise deenration of fnrd." Principat chef aI lise Palliner crtel berrr. ie plana 2,000 serais a day. Mr. Haenni doen admit ise and bis rIafftonee neied seerlime pre- paeing bage rarved bumîs ut ire for fresis ravins and giant sheimp. Tisey lere Ires liess in tise ire cnditt ilftil tisc isîtaictis unis cd and greenliglits.Hessuitirld thisrCed rIghs gace tise impeso tisai tise shimpr mers "actnatly cooing.îî Orty a cntinaey mmnd crald base mnaie a pair of borts Crna tvp ox longues. Mea. Maenni naed btanrtsed grees Ieeis forsh ioesltngs and traiMtna ans yelets. Me aflen prepar- ni docks ne piseaaanla in bis ume spesial may for gusats. Chie!aeni mas taugist bis vur- ations by Fresses experts. Ater lus and a bail years mut lisnry and practice mits a young sean, he roobed in Paris and Lyon, France, oefore coming to Canada. tise smaiere part oniy isy narrer i training, EVERGREENS HEDGES NOW AVAILABLE AT Mtdo#s QeeidOU4" 429 MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 151 Want Ad Page: Where OId Friends Meet PERFORMANCE, NOT PROMISES IS STILL THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE MOTTO These ore Performances. . THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1953 Ford Custom Line Fordor Fully rqucpped wclb ors condition heultes ouers drive transmision, anscretom radio. You'1l op- pîeloîs lise inrior and sulscriorîcnniio hîr A-1 value. THIS IS A CAR YOUUL BE PROUD TO OWN 0 Hi cccdîicîned mhri-seces- rciyby enpertrrcsvicemen for .tcerceandiperfrmance. * c r a n d ardrt lly riseced. 0 f or t lc rsstcrrtg vairie. 0 r 'titliftill>r.eccrcalrly adv(r 0 bcrîic'inlY dîne Fui d-Mcîr- ci ch Dtiiir eandci nie id is i STONEHOUSE SALES LTD. m 409 MAIN sT. Look for the A-1 SIGN 0F VALUE whn you buy a USED CAR To give producers a voice in product marketing, ( littti lîcîr s Iîsthelic tis cd\-ancerl legislatitîîtof cmvprîl ice. For the befterment of rural liv;ng, the province irrakes specicil graîîrs toward the building of commnuîity halls, arenas, skating rinks aîîd swinirttiîg poorls. 86s4 prcjecîs have been develîrped utîder ibis pîrlicv. To ighten the farm Ioad attd brigîrîrî farni hrues, tîte province pays haîf the cosi of item rural hydro litres. Over 850 of al farrn hornes have hydro. For more profitable returns, the )epcîrî- nent of Agriculture, tlrrîîîgh ils Livesîrîck Bruîîch finances a sire-lesting prîrgraîrr îîrîlk- îesting service tand preuvides assistanrce ir tIse eradicatiotî of firccellosis tînd Warble Fly. For higher income from dairying, legis- lititrît illosss producers by collective bargain- île 1cr cîhtaintbesi possible returnis. Onîario's luid îîtlk price formutla hais mainîained price Stabîlity. To i ncrease the productivity of the land, îtew seed varieligu have been introduced and policies adopted providing for a sound land use program. To open up farm areas in Northern Ontario, the Ontario Deparîment of Agricul- ture gises special granlu loward the clearing anîd bretsking of land; assistance in the pur- chasse of livesîock; veîerinary aid and farmn water supply. To promote scientiflc, high-return farm- ing, conîstant studies are carried out by the Farta Econoîrics Branch, wiih flndings avail- able to ail ftrrers to assist in the lowering of productioni cosis. Uîrder a f'armîer Minister, F. S. "Tomnmy- Thomas, and iîh farmers like W. A. "Bil" Goodfellow of Northumberlasnd and J. N. "Jim". Allan of Haldi- mand-Nirrfolk inite Cabinet, rural Ontario bas an importatlaptce ini the Progressive Conservative pronratîr. !Jaoy9e EDFA&RGO r 1 with POWERAMIC design ER automatic transmission your job! . . . DRIVE UP TO OUR PUMPS TODAY, SHUT OFF THE KEY AND RELAX ..-. OUR ATTENDANT WILL FILL VOUR TANK, CHECK OIL, WATER, BAT- TERY, TIRES AND CLEAN OFF WINDSHIELD AND HEADLIGHTS . . . VES, SIRI WNEN YOUR CAR IS SERVICED OR GREASED, YOU CAN LEAVE WITH THE FULL KNOWLEDGE THAT EVERY MINOR DETAIL MAS BEEN CHECKED. OPEN DAILY AT 7 A.M. EXCEPT SUNDAY Milton . PHONE 519W m 1. l PADE TEK THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO SL 1 1 1

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