Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 1955, p. 2

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PAGE TW THE CAADIAN CAMPIONM351nNONTARI First Notes Sounded The firsf nofes mere sounded today and fS-c irst estries are skipping orer their songs infS-e 24tS- assual Halfon Confy Music Festival, in Mii- font KnîoxchoroS- To any ou cte ito ilave ttoto eut Hatot scS-nnis dnrisg the pasf 24 years, the memorues cf music fesfival fime miii stand ouf because ifs ap- prooch aimays sigsified busy times for contest- anfs and music testS-crs, This year fS-e annul event ilii ttlade sisg- ing by as esfimated 950 voices fro thfSe choir classes for rnral scSoois mitS- enroimenfs under 24 to the SigS- scSooi choirs. Solos miii be presenfed by girls and boys from seves and under fa fSose josf onder 2f. More preliminary etimisafions had to be in- asgorafed fS-s year tf0 tope mifS- fSe gromieg event as if keeps pace mitS- rapidly eopasding Hait on coan fy. This year fS-e erent iv compleied in a pacS-ed tmo day program fSaf ncludes compef ifions os both TSursday and Friday erenusg. And fS-e an- suai eoenf is noS mifS-ouf ifs dfficoli es and prob- lemts. ScSools have fn arrange fS-e transporfation for fSe conesvants, fSe esecofive Sas f0 taS-e cars oS the fisanciai probleots and musictfeuchers have f0 cromdin S-cnrs cf pracf uts. From fS-e cSilden's point cf viem, fS-e fS-ill cf being chcsen f0 parficipafe, fSen ssngung for fS-s traised ear cf the adjodscafcr, and fS-s breafSlest moment before marks are assoon ced, ail protide rîvid memcries. The Music FestfivalSas become on important phase cf scSooi life; ose cf fS-e ccmparafuvely smaii fS-iegs fSaf go f0 maS-e up tSe mucS- brcad- sr aspects cf a rly Canadias culture. ftis hoped fS-e Halfon festival milS ccntiue as a soanding plafforet" for ycnfS-, as meli as de- veioping vngers. The Important Person The follomisg appeared infSe publication 'Good Impressos"',and shoold prove cf isferest A cusfomer iv fS-e most imporfant person tc enfer your business premuses, othether in peeson or by mail, A cosfcmer is sot dependlesf opon yo . . . yoo are dependenf on S-sm. A cosfomer is sot an interrupfson to yor work but fS-e porpose of it. Ycn are nof doing hiot a service by serving S-îm. He is doîng yon a ser- vice by givieg yoo the opporfoniiy. A customer is not a cold stafisfti, buf a humas being mifS- feelings and emof ions luSe yours . . . mifS- foibles and prelodices f00. A customer s ocee mSo brings ycu his mants. it iv yoor job to handie fSem conrfecnsiy, sntellu- gentiy and proftubiy, bofS- for Sim and for yoof firm. More Underground This age mughf meli be fermed fS-n pipe layung age. Ouiv beisg piped acrcss fS-e contry. OS course, Mcsf musîcspaliiis are piped for mafer supply and semers. Isdications are fSat more lites miii serve this area sopplyueg nafueal gos. eifS-er frcm local welîs or rom Texas, AlSerfa, or noms place else. These honen'ft ome sf0 S-irg yst and fS-r Premier cf Ontaric anroonces morn pupe urnss fc cosvey mofsr frcm fS-e greof laSes on munîcipals- fies sitoafed os far as 60 milessrcm fS-e laS-es. t't a vision cf the fufure mS-îch moy oS- good fc places socS- as or fcmn mS-eecfficiais aree Srd- îsg fthe ever incrsosisg mater demands oS prsser- supplies a maffer cf cnncern. We are frnly a generaf on oS inger-fip ccntrol. Flsp a fap cr a hoffon and me S-ave service like maving a maguc masd. Most f cffS-s mugicvservicr has S-ens dsneloped in the lsf 30 y oors osndmit oSf the gsnerafucn mS-o Snem fS-s dnyvS-fore fhese ccsven lentes marneS motS- moretfSan o ycnngsr gsnsraficr -oSave almays knomsn these services. Some cf os, fto, mS-o ecali fS-s constafntfcor- fusior oSfS-rrcmusg aoi th Se vfrers dit furd thit dugging oaS-t minoftitous.Onm citnsolationit lcun ever, crf snfS-s fvmrs and corovrysidr, noe hane rot yetsf sfrd ft pottfrntuvporfofior underground. % ofsithe Ontario ____ $3.50 se Office1 BUSINESS AND E DI1TO0RI1AIL PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 7MRMISDAY. APRIL 28th. 1955. TEGOOD OLD DAYS 4, IMAY HAVE SEEMED BETTER Paddy's Pi Fifty Years Ago Twenty Years Ago Ontario hog producers have estabiished a co- From the Issue Of the Champion of From the Issue of the Champion of Thursday, May 4, 1905. Thneoday. April 25, 1935. operafîve which wtil acf as a sellirsg agency for The new pipe orgos for the Mlton tomsn' ouri i s appoin- their hoqs. -ellMthoclt Ctthurhas avtved and tnsSHry Lndonto the housg thiosThte acton mas takes, ti issaid, "be- the orkmenvarebho nstaiivo mot tts fw ibi oe i ic l f thte-fait trthialM 5 M Mil.r ot IL ht.. m M M zs, tofBuffaoo site (J ndLostckhle 00 cl hOOCtd SodIiO -. -5 ~~4ii~ eoostHotoHighSoh rovlttvs-into-s over nIser. agent for the prodocers for the past Imo years - oh n onods ae10 r eJBrtmsfîm mas a prîvafe companry and had made sobstanfial the ye $7142 Gogetom05 haseers .si atlsgearef imsta pois"$1924. end Mrs. C.A. Hemstreet. pi f fsA deputation of mornes frocs On ond ater May «h relief vcu- its rather isterestiog 50 note that this nem Toronto, Hamitton, London, Barrie chers ii ceaie ta be issued. ta ait selling arrangement oniy effecfs persons mho selS n ilrpit atdo h al dc e iigi itn liogs for slaughfer. If yoo uof 50 keep pigs for preemier yeoîerday, askisg for thie Childees miSS bie glatib o ere. extensos of the municipal fran- Shah o lenttosots o daim young petsyouarenotfored t beomea mmbe ofchine ho ail wmrn on the same graso is mnre saluabie a food than the co-operaf vo. The pet pig field apparently i bouis as il is soot granted t0oîsiach. 'S w idomu and upinsters. Mr.Whitney 'In order osalinsiote relief needa stilS lefS open for loyers of animais and privafe irnmîsed searnst attention. in Milton, the toms consieil ha companies.i The otd office of the Bank OS deetded f0 ditrîbute semis ad morhmes are soot ossoged on the lief recipienso Distribution mit ie- fosudtoSn o anomneon th inthe hads fCsaseilorD.C Take Another Look i;me 'lie. The office iii bie 23 by Martin,.Dro E. Robertson and Wray -Photo by Esther Taylor. 65t fret aed it o-iib eqoipprd is the Bouotîetd. Nom thaf OakvilIe and Burlingfon have grown GOIN' FISHIN' are yoosg and nid sn fhis part of fthe country Most modemn styte. Jackh Ct in %tons the 4 Ilb. 82A f0 be big fomns the Oakvilie Record Star rases thîs week-endoas the 1955 season opens to beckon hondreds f0 The last and kr t ot the "noies (iS'1 55' Eotr Egg at Brsard's son- ogaîn the argument f0 have these towns ifhdram Haton's streaots and creeks in qoesf of the fosty tronf. This C itt'ofvth eitosn bictnsiv lc-Ottort-tsth r Foan nste ats z fro te cuny ad herbyeliinte her lvy yoong lad, lins and pole sinng over ose shonider, is off 50 an -.îS vil bivn on iFîday t tht. and in the dOonJach dreetsthe foomafntenacoftyanhty sttutina.te hei evy voter fthe sparkling mater cou o osport and en1oyotenf Town Hott. Itttrhy ticket. f0 mîîrenace o confyinsftotonsWe blieeOc Mond;ir' ov'siiiothe oTiti Mrstoaid Mi,. W BR. Wheeler, on othen fS-e cify incorporation is mode by a coot________________________________Ciiosoît groo'ts-if eto tiMessrsithe vtof their departore for otonîty provtsion is mode for sncb a step. Ctuuuttts and Co. odîsthct widn, uit Sd. nvernes fturneted i Tite Gakvîlie poper soys thof tomo for this u ST % UlHtitutttvo.vrdr leoM -syfiewr esstatooqett e A S T , ti tSokiît hoditicît ilky-1ien Ctanot JovoanutWheheee year hos o ievy cf $65,738 and moînfains fSat for 0UliHtn. Sbcoivehe lrntbY i Cronkisg et. Athe knmse $5,500 a month, ncariy $200 o doy. fS-ey gef ose EST T-vos it tt i tit e u v.. a Wmokigst. t thWeoeo of a regstfry offSice, o coonfy iodge a nd occos tonal N oR iittha ee onodttkotui nd voici Spottradito dertisinoioon., ose of the conty. The othe r services iftgels oin.t.c otofiiatttoodervmad ykýsts ilhnîmotdna be p tn BuOlidsVoyage ' 'Ie il m i;'1111c oîtfi ,ms-îl.t If v ,ni'st Ca ialt a i ttoers hegîssisg tMay 5. tetono for fS-s heolthy payotent cnidit f s cvsv'tf. o str Cli'mvst., &Co t' T'hs-MilttînCommosity Cam-' yor eye mîthSont sot iceabie dîscomfott." 1 t1,silitîs,it tiit F,(if ntisd ivs titit I ii s tu itis otttte Si i f îvk for'thelîn tav and tht i;co vous came o tiii one onsSatur-' LeS s loch ot some of those services. HSlSoihe! Oi ri isîît îttfis hî s is'rn- tt sit tth- Pol i nci'-bois oali i:taîntîît n aý atril.At ttvvenst oct dayiv iîgkt, Eteeo nowinst mev hosp.tl bis of indigent patients cornes ftom sîîîlîî iîsît i32 tout sintite Out of the Dock 'n risct o' kvns di, totiùrs nd sedlierof utNelonîsTownship wnns irn conry fonds; fS-e Halton Cenfenniai Manor otîtv ic -ito o t- u ildingitin 1si 5îîîîîîthsklotait oîvoo evodînt- ti isonstaîto in tho vontios t if tcîo$310.Thetoloin tf nene ais& lits thak yid. Whoriioimietetd iti s Idtit illage tooittibls-the betontlîidîng' Anytking wiîtido brick, pritoinso s Gnorge White, maîntaîned fhroogh the coonty; there ate the ser tsito'lv,(iatt'iot Il htîos 0551 thtîsi tsini'.vîil'i thon26 olvont smo, vîonoto. hourd-. logos, stoho, Mos. Watter Hay ioi Gerna vices of the Counfy HeaitS- Unit, the Chiidren's Aid abot$3,000,tîsîinc tîo gdioesel015 c omm. iht-itilitstitti'd kîtîsto tht- vsd oftîtocti kirk on sodi titdctng tvnm Gontîn. Mrsv B.rdge. Maxeey Ti us'lîîîdvî'sprv cisn pooisor Jun, i îotîoft$1.700th**No nihor tkv action tif o majnîty of the Phtip EnaStieesonstWR. Society; the money retorned os coontfy cnnectîn g ls in uiig Sans b is hîîtomsand ast-ic, iciih, iil, fs omit." ts-o.honncil aiinithe voi-e iAllts.Evttyv Walth, Morion Mor- roads. These re jost a fewo f the coont y services hlititii iin sEsgiosd. otîîîotheîkssoî'ThetO soi, n rid scsg. in defeatig a motionsfot' tir, Genrge Cousntinrs.t N. Laws- thot ome t mmd0f fSe mntî. There are more Ford Baonds Oser 950000 o il lsssîîilisîoîod ivdtvî'rîtyýoas ho ntodnoivtifroepoando ioose o rdSvseiRr trtcm o da hemre f. In altS,-iiti'iv tfiiited'thv Ford ,i5a rOntSpnrseHeletotavrt(Jorsisl Mrs- of fS-sm thot Oakvile moold fînd cnmforting f itt îîîosou CtîaLf ts Lowes By-bas'Baille ,.crti to toton 'tîoyti tsinS F oe the eye if everyose mouid taS-e a reai loch 0f the Oîosi tuni ttsli iiiottiti5,01 i ostutinlîSolt sirmr -_____________________________ stuaton. tîoîs ctii HospI iîo tal> Theso-s i t h t îi, ons tshîs ovetison r We imagine fS-e rest cf Hoifon ccnld gel alcng P5ti55 (l itO lv doti i$lt0no0 fiili-sig i( ai ta'i.ls A oivil conurt ,lidî lX-,>tu îîîîîsîssTh, 5.W dehriiddw eiso at P O ESONAL DIRECTORY without Oaknîlle's contribofion, bot could Oak- tîiiiitii'inttsviagel-oiotf $71. hi.ioid.îîîvî îomn ______________________' ville gel al the erv îces if reqoires forfS-e Monley!- 03 tfoisachof ltheo7f)Fodtfmile 1A ,cil'sîtot'o oilat iattihe oatid- AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE iconfrîbofes f0 coonfy maintenance.W i t theS-e dn itic issu otîvir tsi tito ti of tic s s fîsandoe iti2 clsisoîi,'îtîiîon tvileonanexttn r i is ot $2,5stitIS stasd.MEDICAL LEGAL decsîn ye pedîs osGabîll onassnafion Georgetown Sifis Applibacis iiosugh Tebmmbngs Anym'ay bîd for a big cS-onk of Trafalgar if Iem ran îttuu lsto o ilis w5 os(-i- iA',î issl osttson TESEESNCII IK iE£MWLIM opprfoe fmef0 ais fSe uesion 'tro tiice sîsîs r tfMora tLi sîand lotit that okos if Phoses: W. 1. DICK. -C. damai fro thfSe coonîy. We believe fS-e opinion isihts 's--sîîî 14tsf thi- 89 mesn itîlti,-itiidivs titithoetîfi dihoro Mtes Nomnber 2 K. Y. DICK eorese b heGavîieppe sno idcaîn tti oli thîo.fnoossi'. to p 5,,î ls 'va'ktu v-nt Dr i. C. K. Stevenson - P. K. MeWILLIAMS ofOavilepope enrll. iebifo I L, wk l;(ý.-"'1dîîlîîîîî Aîîîtlîoronom and' DrR. G.Bines BaonisersSolicitors cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Ial- tahileeoi eealymii cîoîsîîkssLs mook 'îîîîîîî- 30 chais wmono vosuis tsod Dr. B. Fitz-Geraid Browns Street, opposite Acenu îtîîîî'îssst-în-saîr sloc- adlhi-oi'stîsîood As iltoes-Office Haurs; eepse Bre C m en ngt s'liuoieviitdamore fs ,istkIlerows eough roast tur- A ypssmsal soeingthPlIca s Thave ttîro egi- 1J l hd tS IIIiti, u suonoil aOioid PM-i-4 7-9T. A, UTCHINOrlOC B nf C mmet sii ii tiiiitoîii too bvitiîkod 1i'To Piek Quees of Peanuis SUNDAS-Emeeg9. rie. A.y. nmi*r.SOiio, b.C The resîdenfo of sew subdivisions fSese days 1t) ii vi thlis tsovb. tiAtlsbuiStsUitOtftr IN PRIVEmegeHisOrPTl fr-ehDoeCopo have feelings akin to the pioreers n1fS-e maffer homboom thresCoe eriut tito-tisent RsîtîsSoClcbthrn vaiS cfrodsan aces 0 roerie.In b3LoOttigtiliti -streýpîrted thatsirttdintsoisipaigs îoîth o 'Qoors X-RAY Office-Main St., Milton cl radsand cces toproertisî hîlî- Luii-hore residents are hsl-.titi i W-k cnîîsotîhhmîîîîîîrecConere, CP.and Gasi Surgeon Telephese 54 s n n n Isilin ku l iii- hat t îtons îssîvt t , si îsîî1îî -.t oi sttes I-n -%,-rv cas Th istiOOftetngacsomdO dy ;ýrrvjisgDîtio tho tif îs,'îîsîo-t "9lpit ths ts i îîsss- DR. G. E. SYE GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Oi. he îst meg skof g tefing accTsainmsced 0da1 itiuiîoil5 sllotîsiiiis o' n-i iii-o1 oiî . Physician and Surgeon Barrister, Soblicieir, NoiaryPublr lîghtsenîn s oiays f-e m rst. rain chedoes toiisi5iililiivif loatio oott o, tii - ititu v n ;If, o it trîfî ti,, Sf i ais fS-e Mostvofs0 nrg itemit h e changeoner. tliO itt o sttoi , tl -,,Office-James Street Office-InFrmrbsuldn Phone No.I i Frmr'3uldn Mais Steeet, Milton Office Hoors. 9 arn - 1-3 Teiepboee70 This is the msek when*the deodlîve for filing 7-8.30 pm. cf income Ian reforns cornes on Safordoy. if's ose Corone DAVIS AND BALDWIN of te pymets tat as o bcmetwheherBarrbsters. Solbiiors. re. cf he oymnfsfS-f hs t S- me mhfhe ~DR. J, W. McCUTCHEON S81 Mais St.. Milton yove thoe - cash ons hnd or nof 1,57 Mate Streot PHONE M0 Otfieîou lîîit1-4,7-9 pti Ttoplîîoe395W9 COIROPRACTOR If the e maîSer is gond tfS-eks-end miliisen' ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCH Rifiintie395J fS-e itfeamsoth fe districf o favorite spof for MlinlRereRFV J L. BLAIR, BA. RîV. (.>RSi5ORN ministre ______________ A. M. NIELSEN, DC., N.D. sSermnn. 0f corse, eennfSh eoSer motO' O1no iMIt iMsi Sroid if r-oli A LDEINTAL Dorbor nf Chiropracteiiaond ('ýM andNaturopathy deter fh SlUNDwcrollYatt cfMhAT It. M t ott otti ocMtti DR. G. A. KING 42dîtsYearofutPractîce 1000tani Iii h iti olîioltNSOAY, MAY I.j< . DENTAL SURGEON Ofoors 2-5 prn. Ciosed Thur@. Wsarproof clofS- s n în uhoîlth Sreaf, ftîtîks (i)t lt10, O-h,-îîîî'S,,,, iiiOffice in otoysl Buiding, MiItL Lady Aftendant the Fort William Times-Joursal. -"Mit fmes atd iluol TI ad uttr- '.îit 11utoiti J f Sil i hi -t Hnui'o9-5PhonerTRiangle - 7.3612 momes are mcarîed S-y monofony.Tîs rsfr-,ts ClST tiilî. îi7ts 1Eveultuishby Appsîstrnent 164 Gueliph St. Geovgetown -tii, tarh ilus-utSîiitt:1tî8Telphoseb caver mont ng o change. EFonn Soogh if bn moyen tut t-o of n M ltt"i1',thlitîOtfi De,--H. F, GALLOWAYWM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. I. vrs re oin ttîtîtM".Jtiti. urliDriM*Docior nf Chiropracie fo, as onlusteanme oor ealtergousg fnsrsà,M. Sit t u3.5i ii t-ut it titi Surgeons Broste St., Milton V Ii.- . .116i7T il tt--Mii titI8 itîitîHust9il6I ui us PHONE 102J X-RAY Wr cnri rernmbmer mluss chlorer mr'tf ft ied h-utut' ttutir - St tr. . -tEuttns ii -i lcittlmool. __________________ ai th hou setby teir arens, sys th Pefr- F,,,,lîu.r ssiîbeuX-R.iy Ses-vice. Tii. Office Of FUNERAL DIRECTORS aif- itrstbyf-s prtf, nsf-ePtr, GRACE CHURCH __ s:.]____________,.(')ITIGM-ESi-HACE horough Fonaminer. "What iv mroîg mutS- modetm' AGLCCONTN farents, fS-at tfS-anyor n flu hucrnuifi ANM ICANîî.îi AVAYTBENCELEVER & HOSKIN cESEHACR ge-hi hlrnit 'lrCLAYTBRAL FUNERAL HOME S-rd Sf tSrn s TV o bc sers5 The soluftiontno fthe i-t î-~ iA 'uu Pentiro'ssol iolbsess (hareieeubArrooniania unerai Borne, Ambulance Servi«. 1 - I \I - B, A 11195 ifI1TEST uicessors to tIIIONE 637 NIGHT OR DAY dîfu ut sotuo ie balum ti -o tsoS parnstîuAnd SI v O'i tiiî ttIloA CT Salai 1 JENKINS & HiARDY Ssnes-e. Coîsr'eons Service t p oten t woe s ito ot artedfoflî- oroîty aouti i ilutî,ot, uuhi t 219r'1itS 135Mu'etopoitun Btdg. t P i Stuti t'tuiitti 'u l 1 betm p net mS-iSuttuof tottIronie;suatluonuty olitfu ur iuîu u.utt i HVoi iTrtli PUBLIC LIBRARY HOUES litrf.e itri nifoturg nlutre1s v fr1o P, itii I I :,t . .i , t .cit 4-9131 FOR ADULTS l a od in h us ,rut v r-po r ne " l I , 1 11 i'1't11u :ut __fut-ion _- - 130 f0 5 p.m. n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (i 1,dsgSr or rs vyptrm u -t, --tý ouî.ul tiiIJOHN J. KIDD AND COMPANl Tuislar 1305 5p.m. and 7-9 p. __________________________ htNitS us t it.î. iharered Arcorooionis WtniudOyS 9.30 a.m.-12 nocin EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Jtti'C,~ ohneJ. Kîdd, CA. Ttitrsddui..I130t-5 p.rn asd 7-9 p.m. Com erialSteet 1100a i Mq 111g w lsipA. S. ttîtho.uv. C A. Ftidîlot lt.30-5 p..ond 7-9 p. Cusms(r' B wsrr ,l Stont C I tutt00 i t63t. î i tt tt tCtol iin St. E. Sur'd,î .........-o ......1.30-5 p11 'eeti tiioorarlî a.ti C ulto i OA tuttiubliciloltuot-îi tutud "or'jý '\"eý I)(.i;, Te (,l hineSchol hilren hase seporote romTO, REV. R let. SNYDER it uum. bu .Ma> s601 YuuîîîîOtfice: VI 1-3891 Ret. VI 5-02at hosrs lid Pvr hrdayatMin i, itoOn.Mebra . MY S. 51 t1 ci lvJAMES & WANDABENSE TRAVELLERS' GUIDE AuitBreu fCiMuaio M te . MNA.adshe i u91SîutcY Sluuî utiAst SURVEYORS os .w Rile'CI,,. Ontario Land Surveyors CANADIAN PACbFIC RAILWAY -Qnohoo Dvsion eC.W NA. Adnetîsîsg rates ons11t lit uiMorg o otît. ~ ST, JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA PORT CREDIT - Crecesi 8-2034 Sadr in -' SnhseriptîonsoiaYaSle is adsasce, $250 isCanada, 7.00 is csîîsiSîci'. Miiandno îcs cU G SttoEand74rotT 2m p i e C A .ter Otea ' sSos s a ilob Tîtosdas* y, Atîsil 20 aS O p.m. Wot ST. GEORGES, I.OWVILI.E DOWasdahessr. . 0.., o820npm doit o vvePt Sussday. Sun- Deprtset, ttmaitou '; Miit-tioar'Societyir tlte Angilosi Ceaksoos- TAylor 2-0544 ulty i'905 p.m.c G. A. Diuls, Edîlsr-is-Chief homernsfiMr'i. Cituoîn Mortn.it Ri'o RP.EJefit .isSefOSO.e.66p DI Msgisg EFi trday. Apiil 29 ai 8 p.rn Yitiiîtg ReioîseOPTOMIETRIST 1t1 Si) îsDauty reoieptSSnday. James s, Edîtor ~~~P(ofeiuuocetuvy aiStheho hme ut_____of____________ David R. Dis, Production Manager M;.GRoboeri Draper. SUNDAY, MAY St 1955 ARTHUR A. JOHNSON îed bY the Dhua Prbnting and PubIighinig Ca. Linnied Tarodor'. May' 3 t .30 Pîoneece Seonsd Sîusday otler'4 as t, ilo CNtbN AIOA

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