Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 1955, p. 14

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PAGENDANCAMIN MLON NTRO XMaDYTAIIL2M,1N Fishermen Take to Creeks As Trout Season Opens Sat. By Staff Wrter bsrdered by a biish halo. The tead- of even the iaziest fisherman. The' Hatton Cosety, sorti suppiied withinme dge of eaeh tower fin bas a best placesT Tieyr a secret ta evea aparkitia, rystai cirar frrah sater miIiis-white border. Breedief maies the motiser-in-taso and the seretive treama - nasurai habitat o the arr paricuiariy rotorful. habits oi fisherasen are sorti iaewn. sasveimus fontinalis or speekird. Bst urriy, cotoring doesnt ai- But thero are spots shere fiis are traut as it is more commonty isaowe tract fishermea in the quantity that piratiful that arr rommon isasw- -soili be livecwithefisisermea 0on finds a fasrination for trout. yoo iedgr. Toise Everton, for instace. Saturday as tis timt,-hoaored rite soy. Wisat a aill ibis tremendoas The bg beson trous sous their tee- of the openiaf oi the trout seasse 's atraction tisaitraces se maay Imrsdtons figt raho had ai Hor- abserved. idosos? toa's miii pond aad furiher dowa Weeisa ai aticipation, iliaf recta, As sorti s bisa coloriai. the iirsh the rivrr ia Rorisooad. chrokisia lises, diarassai the merits of troutl a dliaus. Sosor fis are Futisr iip the rver inv s souirr ofif fisiibsa s oppioad te vrinamciisr. pîis tiorr ed yhilr othrrst-ibllal.ii-a îiayscta esharo doariliig.ailcîndona rie oteul atr kh,,un fro ccii ulevatr.îîave'îii p. îrî Ill gih "ltl'i aste llz' tiiicti ead wite .it-Il. An litadi-au thi t.- î aîîîîa i-'.i ttiia oti- foi theifavorite isivhtg hle.ailen;,pce-îke iof lthe liis rld re sîsîcnt,-ie lcUtîîono i'i te f Most ais omia tram omo. Ti cuqiprdcaisthtsorîsdoss figbiag tisai haver brios psied ostot Ibir mou miicomi wîglogpiisquaitis talmaisrrvrry bite a water are te Fos o the Cedt garden worms or fat ed nigisi îhrii ofirapreiatioa. and Bellonaini. Thr ho Crudt crawlera inoathe prief waters. A Seven f..ches Legat Renifl Rer erasitesacdowa throagh tise few parissil 1try sot fics and tn sptr ai tise 505 aumiseraCaiedan buhis pravidiag aactay &il the rathussastu sili ho soakimgcaugisicrisyear, Nature ldors a for masy a soiopper ncldinf sn natures relaxitiif alefafresis gooed job o propagatiso tise trotrvrn tisrodd roîobostost air and samshine. Intea sutama. tise mature fiah is Masy a fiaermans a a O dia- Best FlisIni LaSer gratroupatrram. Spasoing taises tre h qaiiyo eo Ualortunatriy, few sili catch aey place in loito Octobre ta eariy De- ..rrtbcshrqeand wy ostat- iig pecimeas oe picatoriot plea- cemberein ahaîloso, graveî-boîîomod acisotfbroa d cna dour despte thcîr yearsait outamart- hrodsatrrao trramsandoccasion. tise Crdita saui r trbutoriru le sof tise wiiy specisirds. aiiy is labos. The aduits comitruet sarh of troutsoithsote sOrrets Eaperts conted that tise brai o shaitoso doprsis in cloea gravet Tise Bise Sprigfareek that bas apeokird trot arrflot caught until The ggs arr depsitrd ad fertio -i ta source sauts ai Ar os and i fdL mid-May or lter shen tise fiy bt- cd aad tison eovrred witis gravri. by samoler fochts alosf tise woy la ciscs have providied naturai food in Tise yoasg, ater iatching, live dur- asotisor favorite stram for trout greater qutitirs and tise fisises iag th iseoeastise satotnts ah- Some places are sgsed sp loaf lis ALL SPECKLED TROUT mode ep ihis butch of 19 casght by Mol have faterdo. Ater a siter ai serisrd feos tise yoih sa.Wisra the toute but tiserer sit spots toit Whiney. His biggesi meauoiog 17 loches, and meighing smo isactivity tise fiis arc st gauat and yoik is oisorisrd, tisry iegia ta ford tisas yîeid iis yer afe tr year. pouads, ove ad u half ounces, sons hîs the avouai Champion tise specimeas tisait are iairhed ata os microscopie rgueisma. Tise esarpmeat soies vryanear-l wiho iersor ta tisose iasdod luire By tise time lho ta sveraisehes ite lyctîccoedas nrttinf Hatitios amard in 1952. He aoghs the strog in the S o eaMile Cree k vah le tise mentis. irsgtis lie legalbrit- tise troa stashu mase tasordfiîsbîsf places on of Mltov. Tise specisid rdout la perisapa lise anadot fisTisn e s aprry for 5iseihsandvî iltwnalower sottinia manlda mess eautiful fis. its oreryone ta tise distit ie ut s s vadaa Ti sireMile reris basl Wbeetorettatiiîs and consserva- acisiagrrsisisto darisbrosoaand to try. long bers therhaiitit o adtaiovtare ebrisctsgrstrrasbuei doris savy linera eteed an se tise oeintseday esuallv attruots friytsomprtingtaaodr eti retstataiiitrsg Trirramsa L O V E T T occaiosiiylmothicis Hrvy tiisrseisalissoadaoherditietirbrsoaadeoat~1t.t,eroilîTe eitvis r min Ngts dorsa ad adai fias. Othe sidra mor nle s tari ' heearr prograso bise rondîtteiby Gas va ilera oodroxasolettoisat are smali ueldeîsrd rrdci ssacrerisand icet s uitbiaeasy reuh Wtden Dudley Hitcheux. erai-t-doie inthistregard.Some of thteitigti tîtt cauit b i ti o- S G tyhv o tfrmisonesrawators ad- I N May Get Hooked jcltt h ai liThdceek, ai tm-evtaa,, i fCOOt- For ary parpove On Fishing Trip Itittix i es-rtoiia t tutt htisai7rt- uheuaeraistiî,a i atilttu -liscrittat,-i UICK SERVICE The av oge rgirr cariici u th, it- ettnucilt Tbey havie indîrîdoal but smilitonstofaisli- ttils ufIni tuti-littitnaî rs-rislOand an TRUCKS iooh areoued eacb cum r br epiiual sildfrdnl tisousavds of ovglrrs. bcidonsaota it ii smetîme. ocrer and tise asol-- 202 Bedford St. r instra aith is O b iti bc tise p -.sIh ih Arte fhol isah leiged foi'h itti i- tiit t sîrot GUELPH tise parpoce ot qacly prs iaingteris-iv îstrt îIlîr Vod m l iai- hn11 a fiha tirai- . .and stayivO si-rer. et-t o al ttil ici d ith is-Phoe il5 Fiais do't ba-e co misy lire earn - 9 Ite t- unis it__plea_____________________ es"astamana. Having learned tttlu -- fth or tact, Iere omoreie heoksrtr a a .- - fiais astislittiecanceres Bt iies a fis-bois a mbed- ded ta hamac fies. tieres a dît- ferener Tiere are ceas l esc ocre- esyelinig fo eirlad reliefcil c. isaman l s zfie-b t ta ca bI- - ion. Teisg ta rermaroafis-isa iii fronmtishe humas ibody by pulilîse t oui hacis iards o -cv il ia, terat- raîrd isefilh evbyard tise-brbi-1 at once pairtafl. serdams airer fui, or ta-il ause as neemrl kege. tafird waasd. Oneof the be-t mrtsad aofri moatsgcafiisiseek fotra mîoîtn fiesis. aîprerrd bise iais and rramedd aDparmert oa> LadandForcecnserveation of ficrs ivasfelea TO IN THE CONTEST tn 1953, Tommy Park-ci andcd tivis 8iveh Fissuyteworc o -browntout wiiith veghed aporciad heeacrtesHa caghi ALI BAKING 15 met n dcdete et ircio t nth irtSaoday a h esnnerhshm tCasopisliilir ibroacis tise flieutsi ctobta asytisigrairreabir ýcris a-a bnrr ile cuttil-i.g ai-rtc(a pair oai iitao is-hiitis uniior roe lFRESH DÀILY orblond vessei. t" , u t il, V,-Iycie boaid.-tisgrvy iti t-ai Tise bei, Carrfaily and fiimly tara is A itlr«a,.vtir rematadere aftise tt.imî-otti tere un(tr.giig tii-- BAKED GCOQS FROM THE PREVIOUS DAY poit of the hooahe drctionttitiioo ak-arte-ia.y itarrtil. -titoi lîtit i it ime, i- titi ARE SOLD AIHALF PRICE deidedeuposad frre il rîgit Fii-ric-k tic cacsat- veaiiii'i tvr-t . imit 'ral through the flesh attisa isicc.iieîoeîired Ttlah gKr is oetcmtrti castrolird mties. Wisrrthe i-e et odr pand close ionte et vin.i îîî-îeîî iy t-r i î.,ia iv fre aatsîdc tise fims. calutt fr ac i-tir pos-ible'germa ri-ri te ootas oca .tFRESH EGGS, BUTTER, MILK tarhed poiaI aitisa pcir ofi arp 1mi-eitdt-,Ii iidt- r te tavite 1tGoler. allorbaisedqeodsTiasvwhy youeari 0ceea t _____ ter mTh laiil ataiiiiiett CHANGES COURSE i lfaie o .c t hr--. ne Cr . c i ltc m-ieici acailtt% iti ac geec oaffrorat Theo Mssouri rver iscrosaiatiy tir it a smaty ie - oti m w tirE I changng is couse. armerAttîl tatîhCOMERCAL&daOmIarT us isasfagir ilss evr.Faor eigpt Th aer -aiua(it isaîîd bencr;iva tatar I lCoM sRCaln& Dom ESrT it tP U E FO O D BA K ERY miles fraotishe presretriae aile-it(,ecdoreiita -c-i- alteir te sis silirdrer-atyt se Yaue far trsup grrattirerrins oneascdistie isr, aedilThisivil] relirev sttître asibs hudsie asaa MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 494 tomrcor steamhat. Laaaitaecrriie ofic>,,meofthie dirt,îa-d sesougasn frqust and bitter; tise rivr.o ieg- p-t-at-h,- g-emeý Il seîîid tîiwale Lau CosI Froeutmu alisaasdayaofiahdingaf ad, riiieii-h ici h oru-tut toyautit; Ose Weeh Ser- uiitmnoe and put the-rpeyin-tYtst iad git oa ittitmodir (btisi: Phne 259 ie avaliser caoîY or eren r attiss ot iireîîai toi aa.eaa îîîîiîîe CENTRAL RADIO REPAIR tato-Tise Readera ODierst. - tirai Net-e tiare adhi tr- et- D I f ALL THE FISHING GEAR FOR EVERY FISHERMAN NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY!1 F REE TO THE WINNER OF THE CHAMPION BIG ISHCONES[ ENTER VOUR CATCH 1 MILTON HARDWARE I REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING FRED OLAN PHONE 561J 42 BARTON ST. MILTON KITCIfEN CUPBOARDS ARE A SPECIALTY Because you con trust this dealer- You can trust his USED CARS & TRUCKS mnarked with the seal of SAFE BUY Behind every Safe Buy Used Car and Truck stands the name of a reputable bere-to-stay businessman-your Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer. That's your assurance of a "Safe Buy" -a dependable car or truck that's been tboroughly checked and reconditioned- tbat's guaranteed. y E aumolw M 9 A.M. SPECIAL CLEARANCE 0F Gents' Dress and Sport Shirts ALL AT "1HALF PRICEey THESE ARE BROKEN UNES AND CANNOT BE REPEATED. ALI SIZES. 141/2 TO 17" NECK REGULAR f rom 4.95 ta 7.95 REDUCED: Now $2.48 to $3.98 See these Shirts Today--"Save Money" NO EXCHANGE OR REFUND ON THIS OFFER fi 'il THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSUAY, APREL 26th, 1059. -.- ým y

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