THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TH& SGQQD OLIl DAYS AèAY RAVE EEMED Towns K..p Pace The imsportance of tire Arabe, Milton, George- town area jr esidently realized by those salIr rer- vicer 10 55pply there three eopandisg commasi- lana. Receatip applicatin wasnmadle ItA alof titiin for tire rîgirta 10 55pply gos by Imo companres. Undoubtedly with tire riing cots of electric pow- ei, enpecially wheîe ased in heating procennen, tire use of gan can fil many needs in thene coas- manitien sn industry as meli as in home une. 1Tire probleas will of course iretoi bring gas heating int0 competitive pricing mitir other forms. l irowever eemn inevitable tirat tirefield mili ire opened in thirSection and asake tris part an even more desirable location for industry and homes. Wheîher tire gan me ure will come froas acrosr Canada or ire developed rigirtis our omn district n sufficient quantities t0 serve tire needr iras pet to be determined. Of only ose thing are me sure -tiraI in thir day many dincoveries of our natural resourcen are being asearthed mincir a fem pears back mere deeased imposrible. There used 10 ire talk ofcfsip eonaeienaesr making eveey day life more pleasant. Tirese con- neniences are no longer confined 10 tire ciller as tomns have mater services, semers, garbage col- lection, paved roadmayr and miti tire addition of gas every conven ence tiratis available for mod- ers living. Trly, tire ast 30 years have sers tomns make great sîrides and tire end s nsot pet iv sigirt. Beware thte Stranger These sprisg days brasg 10tirte tomns tire usual crop of door-to-door solicaitors for sabscrap. tiorrs to a great variety of publications. Tieres also tire group miro mant 10 ire reim barsed for a minIer in tire soutir by a quicir returra profit for slick sahemes. Il's a ime 10 revesîlgate before pou invesl and t0 deal mth those whmir yoa hnom 10 ire reliable. There nie ns bargains offerrd pou in asy deal tirat cannot ire duplicaîrd or betered ragirtin pour oms commanity. There fast deais are ise grass fîres as spring-toc plentifai and mach to0 costly. Every merchant, every buiranessman and saery irouseiroider mil nerd 10 ire os tire alert for rire spriogîlme invasion of tire local field. Yoa can gel satirfaction and a gaararrrev tishasi mrs o deal mth fouks tiraI pou hnom. Gave tire strangeri lirai gors frosa door t0 door lire irrasi-off before hc. starîshina sales talir. A New Hospital ? Tmo public meetings have bren ireid nom to discurs tire pcsrabilalp and necersarp plans for tire construction of Milton Generai Hospial for mirai a provincial charter iras been granîrd. Wiîtire elecîros last Tirursday of a drector- aIe Rmore concrele plans cas bn arranged tomard tire eaentuaaiconstrurtions aia irorpatai. Neghirorisg manacapalalîns have mesn active sn lire eariy planning stageas of tire iroaptai rancra iny plans mIl laclde tirose areas ammediaarsi sarrcundisg lire toms. Members of Mlt on couaci have been ootceabip absent froin ail tire anar iags 10 date. A suirataniaul drecrorare iras lavrn namad tirati me fsvl sure mil provade tire round pliang tirai must of necesrîp precede a driae for th rirriarmar- ed $600000 required. Tirose, miro have asnrire part fem peurs found ý il necessary 10 reekh iospatal accommodation, miii realaze ful 11lire dffravirres nvolard and tire1 necerriîy or pandang facilties. Before any morir on aclual construction can ire dose, tire requrred mcney mort ire on hand or pledged. Thins s a goveromental precaaraion avoid repelilions of incidents ruaic s ie s n Grangeville mirere lire baildas9 mas aimorî cm pleîed, tire drive for fonds fr11 short and tire doors of lire addition merent opened for scme ime. Care in planning tire building iras bren slressed t0 produce hirgi effrciency n administra- ion folloming erecîlos cf a building. Defîcars in operations are common mtir iospitals as tirey seemt 10 iremtirarlifîcial ice arnas, bat effective planning cas reduas tire administrative cosîr and proside deficît-free administration. 5EUB ~ .9 -- 'AIIILL ~ -lu'- o ~~iIiiy ~ -w o * N ~U Out of Control Doms in Houton, Texas, miren council refus- ed 10 raine lire municipal tas raterlire mayor laid off 70 streel employees and public services are to lae Lrai ltiri uutic' itartrrep s iarthiacrang ta meet ire cosîs of serces. In Chicago tire cily fathers are considering a saler las to augmenf tire municipal levy. We quote tinte instances aserely t0 shrow that tire probleas of municipal meien heome no bosndary liaits.* There are plenty more instances liraI could be gises on botir rides of tire border, One of tire largeral oncontrollable espendilur- mn in manicipalilies on Ontario aporars 10 be fthe Pubillhed le tise HBrnef aieon Paublirhed eveey Thmrsday at More St., Miton, Ont. Measher ni the AadiBureauoficlmations, tire C.W.N.A. and tise Ontarie-Qarber Division C.W.N.A. Advetisnag rates on rrqaest. Sberrpîrees payable en adonce, 92.50 le Canada, $3.50 je the U.S.A. Authorrerd as Second Clane Mail, Pot Dffrer Depariasent, Ottawna. G. A. Dilis, Edrîm-in-Chiet James Ditîs, Meeaging Editer David R. Oite, Produetion Manager Publiuhed b, tise Dîlls Printing and Publlahlng Ce. Llmited Fifty Years Ago Frens the Issue ofthtie Chamepion of TIIursday, April 27, 1905, F. L. Whirte ai tbe Ridgrtamn Doastionas raeras oaad Frday and Eastar Subttly araMatura ut tt ho.mrof ia riiiM' nid Mes R. White. J. W. Bengirg. Canadasgreatral - artaanirt itI grve an etertaîn- ment aItbtherre irhaItanderetire aaspiceas nitire Mechniner Intitate. Tire nrwiy rireird eiders nf Knox Obareh ir miibc nedained ai tbe assening seviecenet sabbatb. Tbe Bramspton Connarr'atar e .parts tbat Edanard A. Coer ate ki Milone, bas beugbt art J. P. Ahlanas ireigbt and drlivrry business. Twenty Years Ago From thse Imue ofthtie lClsauplon et flflfldByr O4118, 1935. Halton sait entere tbefieldt eeap esaspetitran airtirasaI. Tirre arersany smsara e.apaper girls a(l tamrti. taiail r atti Dvasthy Draxmirseratauma appeara daiy le tire Hamiton Herrrd. On Manday nigiri 20 asembere ai Mitoan D00F. Irarige paid a iraternat virilts oGuelpb Reliance Lsdge and eonnerred tire Ibird degreersen2 candidates, ane fraya eoeb lsdgr. Tire Cbampio4 bas receverl seneral enqairer as tr mietier May th illmiibc abseeved as a irsliday. The Dominions0veenasent ban pealaiasrdtire day a publie _. .. ....... _1 -- 1 __ ..-A -handsme Ilaie -Cross ci terra rrsrraay. jut th ersame as iliranls- levy for education. A report of a srrey iry the cotta has bren plaeed on Ail Saints giving day, and thre observation aof Canadian Teachers' Federation recently issuediS mabrhand danebrias Wmr. eitnheaey sa idhrn aresate mort intresting.wha mas assirted in plaerng rt upaso ren According to the report ertimates indicate that lh harrir evrlmebesa e Nnrlalnddtem tire proportion of provincial tas dollars allocated the rangregation. Thre iran mark mseetrng on Wednesday nighl gave a to eucaton as sown irtallyno cang sine ws amade by James Hamilton. shorat addesrand presented Sm, 10 eacatos as srow virualy nschage rnceJames Flemirng iras baugirs lie lot Sassîlar. vatral leader af tire Brae 1946 bu tiai he popotio ofmaniipa ea ~'and da-ellrng aitirhe stls ers'ePatral mith an ira atrsl Gag- on4, ed aatipoporiasofamudnoc3paer- -UIU AVSglakcroi ie Photaotsy Esthreaylar ai Elizabrthr and Mill Sts.levas Mr. Tire iiag Oaa iaeriinning tire penditares o dcto a updt 5prCUIU AVSgtakc u ftecamera bat sot enosgh to Allisan: Josepah Triresirs bogirsgreatesnumber aipoints je patesi cent. from 29. ocggle their calas as tirey gaze halrlslly tomard tire pirotographer irvas Jo-ýepir Bavas a drarilivganad ceaîtion raver a period of one who snapped tire imo goangirters as they mere qaietly misding ltatas West Maey St.asastir Geore C Crskey, ecrearyof he eac- wTire Miltas Bea' and Rerd iband Tire Halttn Caaaty Music Festi- elrore saC. Cr oskryScetarjion tiereptecir- irarOms business. iras ireas engaged ta play' aI tirrIval irelat as Trsty United Chueeh, era lera s adiacmenrgo ierpraanssat ieniv rthrie Hoase ai Pro-1 Barîngla n asTirsday. Feiday 'rI becomes increasingly clear tirat educatios costs vd-ne. Trnt in ay24th. and irarrday o a trteeb mas os tire municipal levy arr reaciring a point mirere iTeler Braa lIaI5usrd srrze for i.and succeas. eeey anerai tire 43 f_ tira irhacbnry staltran, Waavicievensirvîngaeîl .aetirbeajag. greater assistance must ire obtaised rom thre sesn- A S T 0% u T H t'aricon. rn sodas, ai 17 and Dr. 1insla-arasi-.M. rnyrs ai Miltonr 1 fB.llaiathird tai-hiras mare. Wood-!i ias Chairman and tire adjudreatars i dinsrtintire provincial and fereraI GJ 'TE loI5 I ari.s irs sr>PGMrtil r ataiareahav, avugr atr Wha tire Taa-naloksrir airea The Part-Time Job vr chaetaarclit tir a Cadras B(r: i. aatae rireSatiday ivagin, tire Cam- aaaan ornto. moi teCasaocian it braver - l feei tirai proaadang more part-ime job op- VttteFisrtFseaGil sesr'ah Tra.oia amne5ra r-n portanaitars for scîrool chiradren is someîiring thatItir Brira ,r aharrge oif In 1v Oaita 1,tvlaaaga 'r tara - -i ed irY tht rai a'aY avommissaon VETERAN MEMBER irauiat a lr cartalr"lc: ýcnva i-r a- iit.eaa tir a ri i nal on la, ai.aaoirtire-slialibriuam ireto-er 1 Hamnptori N.&B Cpi - Samuel sirovld ire rrdird orry seraoaasly by isdustry and th(a.rira-a' l It l'i- tira lnialar a ta- hi. tî anard il i iii..ttirt ri onrai n ar adita Wila Pr z iague rererard a 7 yrar commerce an co-oiperatron mth ail tirree lIrans ofCUti ,ltai- C.atraiaa.. iati- ratlre-prtad tha-ar tand Iotal arletcirainadaauagtir a raes nov- mall iraas lb' Ma-sci2 eLar. goarrnmrst, Hon. James N. Allas Ontario M in- t,, raaaa la.tu t p $20 3ara 50itraoundas ratf aie iltri-eta r ar- Il- charger] (in mird prodvets au. at age 23. by Caeanlhiae I.dge iýIer of Higbmays, declared an lauding mirat darly - it aatti. lofi ~ l-ia~tdtria -nsal22 ral-t rrerat. No 13. and merkly nemapapers are already doing t i at t a ' 'iattt ll h. ,UC fire utrIra. i a ania ttiri th,, srpir regard. %-at.- ,a-aataitolerdtr-maria aI OtROFar-ta tata-at IR taaiarti- 'afomatio taa moi, . i "Gar Ontario daaly and meeklp nemapapera t-atoA Lorng. Lon ri A D T A EI:C UD t, provide iroys and girls, 100, matir ciraracter tritri rikilI att ta klirk ar,,ia ..t'aiac t 1lnt tainaaI __________________________________ building part-lime loirs. Tiey earn pocher moraey ita.- It - - tI arla at a' a i iatru i "IrIh f t.r ai a al arriME IAoD N A and, attire rame ime, taire some of rire fasancial b .iiaa ack f-Il ia-a t',riraild',',i __________________i__oný EDIALDETA - -.,îlilsia,--itraaasaaîa and-rlpa-drItlail R, G, A. KINGl 'tt-Iliaar--eb Orale irai THE STEVENSON CLINIC OR.G .KN pressure off thirarparents." -tao [ra aa itaa' teriairra a tri ttair titi- iiPhones- DENTAL SURGEON Hon-i-.-a-a r ,atou.aî. de ocrh.anal-.-ta-a o -, 1 HonMeAlanponîd uIthr emaay an tr a raaa aia- 'l-rrt al i-are Itata. ',iTt iatoareNair ,tte nrmIBrdeMlo Ontario s based on Freedont of tire PressmIncir t-t ra i tir ,r iraa- -unir i h t li id rl ai t al - - i]' t.ficn,(ya uidDg ilo co a~raia in rr.avlekatii-i s-tra.-tCa.aart e tevnson ur95 irelps 10eiralmarir saab aalues as tolerance. Baby-Hora.G ie vnnsb ponmn 11-1i I in - afiailt tata -tiýl- DrasOlrr. .Fitz-Gerald X-Ba Sericer Teleplsane 197 cenfor tire unfortunate. and parrnersirpira car- fieHus rying out of lire dattes of caizenshap 1 si ets u i t.i~'~ r riitt, Dr. H. F. GALLOWAY irak iirrita itita:t.%raattir4it 4 AMBy appsrermeessenly.'atîaga 11, Iîr-rt .tri -ni'r ta. nif ar sa'h-a a-tta aras ia-ai 1 P M -1.-4 7-9 .5ý ugo He marnrd, homever. that saab ilesaincjs aav 1- , 1 i a iii ia iat -aîI.lrtItlaa'rtrten. SNAY aeg [ee ny. 5 iManStvntrtile ire lest theougir îakrng îiem 100 mucir for grantrd, iirra'1,u.taa itri.ara. ar itae t ra iant I-1 MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL E Hoarns t tappiitena I. 'e t riai tititi ilinugai itucataîaa.irî.rîvirî-ai X-RAYi Eengbapoesrt and ire rged more apprecration of commvnaîy ma-a a ta airi-le ;I 'alitiira irdbt-Cre.CP md asSagnX-ySene Te.Gfr ampapers asd tire splrandad service tony conta ae rin aataabil ki lbttri at et ir-aal. __________________ itaittita-siat titifdut. he igtstndtaitl:, italslofh-i -a' ,tata taira atard OR. G. E. SYER CHIROPRAcTOR ards of icarnalismin arOGntario, ire dnlared, are' ca-rt;r avl i t-I Jt IrI rPhystela ancd Surgeon cutr1 nemapaper people operatrrag under selfOfirer assSre .M ILErDC5ND , i egPhone Ne, i8 ADeeter etCLSopraDtC.,assD. amposed codes of edurswmiaicli pvr lin golden raie'BETEt TASTE i OtterHoas l aasf1ChNiropatiean Tss Iteeket Isinsier i ai ailaîîiat7-0,30 pas 42rad Vear ai Pruetice tri daip rocacr i itila ta.i ii iiaàt aCareret-taara2-5 pas Cîrsed Thur@ :",a-. rits iu îî9""1 îîditLady Attendant Brif C mmet rati ae iai aia i. a-. DR. J. W. MrCUITCHEON Pobne TBtaeglr - 7-31 rail tata,, ' m Ir"" o,-ira .aurlrnb-3t612rtp a Dageo Thrase are trenoa iralia aîrr aacya,.tiat -iir ai theraaaa t-a ana -a atitat-atrisa-ges n ar nidrvr raaanr raalmpknt rteta-. Ta la-rtana .395W WM. G. RIDDELLr D. C. gradýrsaremuc in orn ncicrithe IcirciJs.BitearSt.. Mlton i...LEGAL Bp Avuorntasns Tirrara taavariaî acîr aap aiiry tris oCK<, OICK & McWILLIAMS PHN tOJXA ariran pilesoaa rosit rIdiaarelarainateiy arn tht- __________ W. I..151CR, Q-C. OTMTL roarla comm inia naîrînra-- aie-te saam lias ~K. Y 01CR _________________ - o"We P. K. McWILLIAMS gone.Ba rinai - Sotiritoas ,ARTHUR A. JOHNSON Bt av-e Stretopposite Arroi 184 Main St.. Milton GRACE CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCHý Tetepirse4LadDti'Jrlry i Spraag this prar brnrgsa anm r- rhalbulding ANGLICAN RFV. E.ORSBORN, itPirtor 634 Rer. r92r2l actaaity not only ira tomra but out on tirehirgirmayaOtasriobP rr T. A. HUTCHINSON. QC. Trrrday and Friday asaeniega and roads brtmevn lomns..j.A oiiNDIAY, APItL,24th1t95Oi 5 O O O b-ira,ýit Sîîîîî t v i-aE tr' Gi course, pouli remembea rhiaIfor prompta itri i(()aî1la ý1YCoammurrrnin Iode pou mil serd t adoance ail docks and ime r rtit arrg J'rarra aChita- pavars ara iour on trus mach-end.a 11i1111ctair * * titi00 ;na i Evattirag Il'atea TirreareaIros Io trmgs Oifirtre do EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH April brangs 10 tire fore tire openrngcftr troul f Commserial Street fishng easn ad te cose f te prio fo r iFurmerly Rames Baptiat Cirurîbt frshng easo an tir clse f tie prrodforre Meraang teramartly aMilton mission of acome taa forms. -î' Town arrrHallt BATR Ey. R. F. SNYDER sn ntrioera vprorvincial election preparations SUNDA Oaîaaî,î md Ad195 saem 10 ire îaisg on acceleraîlos -even if officiaIl ril BttaCiras., I itiatm M -itai a tltaaîatîrîî asnounicemesî of tire exact day is iacing. IPuy rats Ida Ev(iitiiuSa-rice. -- Matra,traaa -aria 1ýI1-tpartîbene rut Ma-.Babriet Daapr,ai-adev T rue ay. Airit 26 aI 7.30--liraneear Wr-rtva, Apri 27 ai t 15-Pray- ar ted Bible Sîardy ai tire ta ma nul Me. and Mrr. J. Bran- ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA endt ST, GEORGE'Sr LOWVILLE (Anglican) SUNDAY, APRIL 241b. 1955 Canas OD. R. Smirthr mi Dabsitir FireriSanday alter Eiavire 1100 Praere andt Chuer hSeirse ai Si. Georges. 200 -p.a.-Evrning Prayeruand Cirureir Seiroa at Si. Jaunes. Ait Are Weieoasr CM a, arinaîd Choir Mactai. S0INDAV AI'IL 241h, l955 Ail ornr raiaD.aplrght Soinrr, Ti me titill) rn O-niatSrbvai. tai ,m -Jînrrîar sctl iii rra Maararrg ttatr.tirrma' O arIa litai-tie Battatiain,. 7.1,.in, -Caitsbnedsearerian Knîtixaiai ir B. er. J.L. Blair ptican rg. Mmaîrri, Apiait25, Oui tam. -Tire couprrla',club catît trt ,tth, Itaîralaia Alia-i. ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH Mleloer-REVý J L. BLAIR, B.A. Orgararat Mr-, H.arlid Mager. A.T.C M. SUNDAY AI'BII, 24t1î 1955 i 1.01re Ortt.Servait t1O i tro Wva.bhip slcer Jnieor Sairan ad Nuaiasey Ciars. 7.001 p.mi. -Cotsbrnrd serviceri KnoxîrPr rsbyierrran airarcu. Maanday, Aprii 21-4.15 pas., Mis- raite Band; 7 p.m., CG.IT. Faaduy. Apeal 2D-7 p.m.- Tyro Baya: 8ii.ts..bSenir eChoir. CALVARY TABERNACLE penteenniel Bolneu BRONTE ST. ParIse, RevA. C. Tara SUNDAY. APRIa. 24tir. 1955 t0.0 a.a.-Smnidey Sebasi. 11.00 arn.-Mereieg Weeebtp. 7.00 pas -rEvangelistic Service. Itarrlster, Siciletor. RE. OtfieNent Dose Champion offrse-Maie St,. Milton Telepbarr 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT O.C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary loisI Ofi e-le Farasers' Building Maie Street, Milton r Trirpirane 70 DAVIS AND BALDWIN Barrinlers, Solicitors, etc. titI Mare St.. Millon PHONE <as ACCOUN.TING LEVER & HOSKIN Charteed Aceountanie Surerrars te JENKINS & IIARDY 1305 Meteopoitan Bicag., 44 Vietoria Si., Tronto Ras. 4-9131 JOHN J. KIDD AND COMPAN' Chartered Accounianlu .John J. Kidd, C.A. A. B. Hitabeon. C.A. 63 Coîbarne Si. E. OAKVILLE Triephones Dffrea VI 4-3891 Ses. VI 5-02&' JAMES & WANDABENSE SUR VEYORS Ontario Land Rueveyre PORT DREDIT - Crescet 8-2034 Milton clients pirate eaU D. Wandahrnse. O.LS.. Clarkson - TAylar 2-9544 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL HOME FueraI Borne, Ambulance Servi« PHONE 637 NIGHT OR DAY Sierere. Corteus Service PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Moeday .. 130 teS5 p. Tursday 130-5 pas. and 7-9 pmn Wrdneday ...... 9.30) a.a.-i2 noon. Tbarsday -Li30-5 pas. and 7-9 p.m Frrday --1.30-S pas .andt 7-9 p. Salarday- --.............1.30-5 p.. Publie Bulidayineut Inlue. Sebeetehrtdrebhave seperane homes TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Standard Tîme Gorng tm Toronto - 7.41 a.m, daily; 1.44 pas. darly; 8.39 pi.. darîy eeeept Saeday; 9.24 p..wtt] stap lm derrin passeegees from London and mesi and watt nieop te park ap passeegees Sunday enly. Ceasieg iroas Toronto 9.25 arn. daily; 6.31 pas. daity; 11lam. dnlly exierpt Sandey. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Dorng Noeib-7.58 ar. Dring Sotb-7.tO p.m. u PAGE TWO i 4p QJatîabl-au Q1iampîrn BUSINESS A N D E DITORI1AL 0OF FIC E T E LE PHON E 2 20 AIrkuIL Zist, iv53ý TRURMAY. APRiL 2ist. les&