r)RUMOUIN Succeesafia Euehre ___________________ a ~ ,, ~ LT ~A very sucensful eucbre and ¶ . o mmunity Club bridge was held in Trafalgar ball. FOR YOUR FUTURE ASSURANCE CALL DAWSON INSURANCE g ~ i LiW A.Eere were 37 tables of eucbre and To Make Dressings cight tables of bridge. The Commanity Club met Wed- Frayer Servie Miss housse OConor with 21 lad- ion and Mssonary Society met at 443 MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE MILTON, ONTARIO QUA IT w ALON~UU IT HEDS On Fcts bot ies prescrit.Aller tbe business per- tbe borne of Mes. George Bon suLT FH LO O N YHED Sm a bu id, Ms Dun bosoed tbe lmok- idge. Mr,, Brownridge presided representsng ng of ancer dressings wbicb tbe for tbe W.MS. Plana oere made The North Amerlean Lite and Casaaty Co. club is goog la make. Il is boped for lbhe onnual Blossomr Tea. Tbhe-9 aFateAe.T.at. nal ATTRACTS TOURS BREEDER GROUPS !The Swine Industry 47n-ton9beea oPlbentebnAve.,ldDTorofntornOntariooa Reei tou r Hal On l -- n en a----,i'[nh M FLifa, Accident, Sickness, Income Repacement, Hospitaizto Ian dlinn i bcod ,iaa~'. ni., 1.3..3 3 3.33 i i"33333, Oth',3 Mr , zl, 3 n3nnionn Group and Mortgage Insurance iniaieoft 53 îbsodo s AUCTION SALE nsILiit3'Ago Os s' sn33tsd ails 11 i bet u.3onnce as' sen .fi5bWAascn tained by mony Hallon 1erdosud p irorinces runept Ontario and tri- Fnal arrangemntsaoece made byn Plans orne mdelfor IbeCAL ITOs61 O anoisg re e probon. ASIMAINYAN s-bClumbia. Ontarso mureeingas i he euchre and bridgr in Tral- Preebyîcry dsnoer nibi he ebureb thy rebed lsobren bePC. ATM'E .in 1954 sbOwrd a drop of 31'3l rom algar bail. Tbe meeting wns and for a banquet in Trafalgar 5350e. 1953, and approximateiy 31",blx bogtt ls n uc o'hi.Temeigwscoe n Tlnle icol gnoop 10 jaursey la The undersigned bhave rrceived Ibose of 1952. -mmvd b bytebhosess. soialbhalfbnos'o'osrljoyed. Hulons ln 1955 o au Ibal ut tise Instructions froiss Brant-NorflkibJersey Club. Tbnsr DONALD E. ORB In Halolsîsî a r's arkon tsg., firt top wa mae t Aonea To el by Public aucîson aI is 5oo'd a ds oP of 10.9' ý,bcînsw tIb liaI 0109 m anmd r a e a llu, lot 24. 3 S.D.S.. Tow'shuip of or 1953,.sînd 42b6' bel,, o' ine- 'I Frm.o'nd orocrd bYTrf.2mâls 1st r Baont,192BTeralityof an IlJan Feuibceatooe Bssss.. ocar Traflars. 3 mils s3ofsîaOakmie. au Radiai O '333 ous dropp3d adforTisAthe - Beete eemtb rsdn d. besorco Hgba'ay No.a. n sdoi3W e weaeeau ng . wRne Wo nsuuU hlde s Mac Alexnsdcr aofibheBoison Ciao. Queen Eizabetb Way. ons 33g33533 555cs,'4 ar. Onai* T sWekw arfut in orNwR ng of om n ndC lrns and thbc' wbBil ad Jack Fa- TUESDAY. MARCH 29 3"irgcntufA, .i14 as Ilnrslasissni hrge thv mai,3i33oinecn 130io'ooklleioIS¶i kM tout*foihc 70o dd his o faIJesr'eys.1011 M 1119:# * ~ * %vi e3 e 1,I0 0 tscîr o irst- C(ATTcE-i reg. Guernioey C.ais Tso w h,33s3a33,ri,,u ICIAR 1 Wfr th,- * Cil on resident che p ii2".7 ýrs. Ic 1gade .3h3 33'3'33 fi'3l A 3. T ri ,3sci0Li3naoi.s1',i' Gu33333 3333.333a3sdu, M.32'25, 4 y3 .3a9, ; In114.2,33'31'333 al3'3s333 3een01d, Con' O0 3333333 33333330 l. i3 433>3,. 03y 3,313113,loi c .X T3ecBEAUTIFUL CARDIGANS and SWEATERS .1wai 3fora M. C. B siy0330 NI ACHINERY. urc - ,3. I/ 3 3'333333' 3333 _________________________ ci33 Sons1n7? F033,3 i'333333 H Ia 33333 Fb 333033 i -'dre-nnt,- I33333l-, 3333 A*aFlly Fashioned by3 "WOLSEY" of Englano Un,-o. 'c i- sa lii. 1:_ 333LI 3,3 14 Ei l va\3,3333, t'333333333 13 3333'ofmd 003Graham3.t Ascy-Lv,slaels('amLnslasserr"HOULINO KNITWEAR" F3303O1c'3avIdEG3oh3d niion; 1001fi.7,snib'iM Canada 5'a3id bi'3complet,3'w03313303133a 3 33333bndr,i10 ft; M. ,rain3 lent3of130 3330's'013333 and3six3h43' allthe ionne LofHall,)'.3e3.533* 3.34,' a l. 1 s3 ingle pi"%%;M. 333333 3s033 snd 33333.. Thsccepe'- -dent1. Mau Alexande H. so lbtey H. oin nîd0331r.401Il. ppe eorno - Lis a le1301;, of Elle toa.l num- sa teJ r33fird333,3ui u; iLi t .2 %% heeiii ut.crn .,Obinn- De m.rketed. nQeot33 533r b.snnn SWEATERS AND CARDIGANS with the Long Look. tbe pg h 'lceons 3n3133 35450l beaod (tel* lut. c33353n33 box, 12333i.; M.H. cd3.nslî3nisappeaan c arnn'r 30333 1 soo:ë;andb-icrnofgol's hch is 2333.sr',nnn3 oefflerr 2 MH. Il-, ,, >3.Iu*ox1334330 0563,in'd iîd -33 fLRl eupidiy flu , h AIrs- '333 -s' corn s 'auffl33n'a.M.H. teel d"R S FANCY SWEATERS ETC. ETC. .,.dr family.nind rolien. 40 EfI ladde. Fenguso a pta arderfamily. ,-nd doivv'ry robe; 2 Ml-. domp, Grllsîsg 3nck o LiaI3133 the 33333- Jodgîng by 133. eomm33nîo on bA s..33n's Frn Oîî-onn oeedee rIt s 0 333-3033 331orC 33333.3 133at ng- o n n1954 nscorýi«er e 5' ors eo33.ei 33333333333 13013nt.Oilad; 14fi .3as709'; aisonpired \%ithb2W; murle hn 'elar 3ed y haps1hlati3 3 , 4elean. nire. v34 fI. Cuil- 150.- EE OUR NEW RANGE 0F BABIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR 33.533333.U, ssagon '1e lu ',etbbec ,>lrc-. ""1 51n endnîrlOien cnlcnnded ~~F333337 Etl ponaer mowerce.arly Oîtario 3333 3 333333333303lonEgUTST TYES T OWET OS Guernisey Çlubs' V3n11 n.' :î.h. y doly snoon ploo': le-roeceen iiy laled W P. Wats-on. On-T EC ES SYLSA O S O T Thesecond srooioflhe yeaiio Lu 31.ne3r 5 etionoredboeham i, tock 1mbCîîmmissoon isil Balonwastbt olthe" s 2 I udr: erînPrirgns ,3 ) tînhe 3h33 pekr COME INTO THE STORE ANITAKE A LOOK Goernnsey Club tram the Oshanana'o 33333clivator; M. . sed dm5 lîl. iion S nS -i Fi-ad Bao Dstrct. Ter fîr.înalion Maen 3o ldIse-Graham 6in.nebsel ploa. 33333333 nlu 3in. ______________________________________________ 3ous a CaiînminaFarm of M. T. 10«331 -voMe., igb arseac.and0 T31 MewNabb & SaIno Esque-3n.g Town. 13n 2 B3et k e g e i1lln3es,3 ro(ol The n aI racan g 1(io-r sip-then or nn 133he T3s 3o Eim-libro dem. S îSowartClipm.scr clip- m .. IL in be a3333.3 ni jene t heîd nil Joyne Bru. eor Milon. 'inra: 40034,15 oI singi le r; snoým. ly I 1' (e ult*ll'1 Hrrestheyimerc pain larly ir h )velý.anrs naîl torsn etC -""fil Ahit n o,..,n tereseiian nnpenslngltheln3o an3-L.v n 1rkb.ope. fulllngOf' buîý Lcd C'3333003i1 333cu3 * * *.nst ma3- brcd 't Toie Eiîo , hne ih , .. ta,: sîri stel ,hs'ci wgon; ,t033 . 3-Tfus hnn3 o t33 n k htal5kid cenly vo A]-andin cýrd 'TEtMS: Cish o'th leb 3,on duo 3the3o.me pr33n3 ai3' t cn' heonr sho i J. L. Chsholma Aruwanuh3nd Osn of saet tberenextlpoint ofncaii.and thronoronmeo;rs.sad .!,3. oing tuh'.'133113nd an3335'3' l3nuly. 10 tbe Craîg Madow' hee.i 5SINLEY ANTI ELLIOTT 3333 i .e3l3O.naiisi ol Wm. G. Booth. Ther loue Bai- Atici3e133n":- 33. 3333331 1330dennstorat1333' i ton beeda bure estalisahcd qunle a Crnie. cierk. b-39-2 ,ver- record for temseles both in tht hs ion g asndin record of produc tionsmork Neediesto addth Elle rsAting breederus "ce i npro se an ao del b$,a 3e~a ~ ~ A. FA Y and SONS taily etendm4 IMTE Canadian Awards Plumbing and Heating \\t 1 'A,~ i.DM I I To Twin EIms Herd Sheet Metal Work '- Ir b Ih i ou nasad MPORTED FRUTS UDPEjniSLE ceoty rlascd byhIb Canadian FUT Gaornsey Bn eders Association ti,, PHONE 205W MILTON, ONT.r -'~ To r Eims b 4 or JoiyceBroI - Miton, osreayi n the n ,d In short. Ihry have sa a AII-ai - adian unima". plus un HonI uu..rnni.iOSomîabg M nior. Ibsir junior heifer af "e.'.....ri - 1 - l.- ii in s Eims Nîmbie Jessica isAl-'.b.dý". Canadacnafand their snor*W 01 .l.Uy 9 jerigbeifer, TwiooElms MaryTO N IG HIIT 1. '--mheebiCUfoanina.Tss yearlng befer. Botb animals eed- h Ile-l I sied by their Honourable MeTH RStioCn1 aged eire, Fruseedle MereyA-T U S A C 7J«uf h -y -.M Tbat the Twsn Elms herd s800 PM production as melI au type isub alanîsal by tbe tact batt13e danI -Mary Heirmo. Ibeir Al-Canadsao sEiryaln efr aeyGENE RAL MEETING Handy 8 Perfect Sices Richesello a oz. pkg. Aunt Sllys with Pectin 24 os.Ja sta nding R.O.P. records, ose of daei 1,1 IE f -ik n 5 Milton Dist. Chamber of Commerce CHEELIE --25 RASPBERRY JAM 35c extndbeaioft ooealla MILTON TOWN HALL Tllys Deliciou 16 oz. tar tiun.n 10 ail memberu nf tbe TwsuinIT DITE 1 Clark's Fancy 20 oz. tin 2 for29 Elsetbiheton tbese ouI- ALL ARE WEI.COME IhIU T BUTTERfor31c sanding aebierements. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..T l A f 11E 48 oz. narsussmqlasaxs*.sn *1Ti. In JTDU1111 in959J00 Halton Group Hears! Dr. H. L. Patterson ".BettereFaem Businessa Manage mens3 ofers mucb t.,theiîndsedua frm ope ra tor wabs a desioseo f improeing his larm ineomne. stat Dr. H. L. Patterson, bnad of the Farm EeinnsmsnaBanrb ofthe Ontu irs Dparîmeol of Agrcuure nhen addressnng the 1,110 anS 0 fsnal meetsng ol tbe ornes on Far Business Msagement spsnsred by the Ballon boi 33-Crsp lmpcv,ý ment Assoiaion. Peiously meetings bad be beid in Mlton, Sîrmarltwn Brnsbniie. sud Nelson,. hr Agriultual epreentaiveJ. E. Wbtrloek bad demossrated boa ta de4enî 13e o'eaband nrong leatures, of a farm enseeprisa wiiîbS THE SPICE OF LIFE BUT iT'S ALSO tbe aid of tbe "Farrm Busnss WHAT WR OFFER IN OUR BAKERY PRODUCIS Analysi.s" Sissel Fsrmi. Polioa'iog a nst la the arm. tbe BUTTER COOKIES - HOT CROSS BUNS business of mbncb oad bmen unnd for demosstaion porposes aI tbe RYE AND EGG BREAD WHOLE WHEAT LOAF prelnminaey meetings, Dr. Patter- COOKIES- PASTRIES sona on Mrcb 7 led a discusson au adjusting the larm businessins arder toi improne 1the tarmn inrnme Special Attention to Birfhday, Annieeesary Certanniy Iboe wm ataîended and Wndding Cakes tbese meetings fauud tbe subjecî s a most inleesîing on aud judgnng by tbe comments eard 10 date, aBA E sodyprcnaeot Iosembuoat- P R Iended are comsideingmwayu and PU E WODWW K R mneani. of adjusing Ibeir amn res- MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 49 pective ares businmssen In rder lu mneel tbe "CasI Pice Squeeze". _________________________ GLO- OAT - - 1.0 YVolons Quik Margarina 1 lb. pkg. Ale hieCul 15 oz. tin GREEN BEANS 2for35c BLUE BONNET 39c, I-AUNT SALLYIS ORANGE SMARMAUA CLOVERLEAF SOCKEYE SALMON Rind On BREAKFAST BACON - Flavortite SKINLESS t1 WIENERS 24 OZ. JAR Woodbary's 4 Bar Dal MDE 29<t FACIAL SOAP - 29c Whita or Brown 24 OZ. oai 'î LB. TIN RICHMELLO BREAD - M5 37c Aylmer Choice 15 oz. lin 37c PEAS & CARROTS-2for35c 1 lb. Cello JUICY CALIFORNIA SUNKIST Size 288's 4c ORA NG ES 3 3 cdoz. 4 C F-LORIDA No. 1 MARSH SEEDLESS Sica 96's lb. Cell. GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49c 2c FRESH GREEN TEXAS 10 oz. Cello 2 c SPINACH 2 bags 29c 1- IM I THUBSDAY, MASCH 17th, 1955 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO