THF ANAnAN HAMPON.MILTN. OTARO PA955 CONTRACTING FURNACE OIL SURNER SALES & SERVICE NEIL McPHAIL Cfiarles st. Phone 432J Milton. APPLIANCES AND FIXTURES Power Shut-Off SUNDAY, MARCH 20 1.30 - 4.00 p.m. AFFEC ING ALL POWER LINES IN THE TOWN 0 MILTON AND AUL SURROUNDING ARIA. 9 Ti'adt*ýi N SA.LE TRADE IN ALL $ 00 YOUR WASHER TROUBLES FOR 1 ON A OR MORE ~ AUTOMATIC '4 WASHER eYul neve hVaut1.sihs.iondaisasndaobasmasi R osa eedias clatias niao hiing aingerasis - HT cha. yosavse a n wDominion i.Auiomotic Wastia. Dop h. cotehs istoi l coin. bock ahan pa pes,.. Eeyihinq itt b. dsne,anrditheaoshaensd ot drined ast rody toa th neai oshiagj. Wondsatatt FREE NO EXTRA PLUMBING -No aSOLENOIOS AND 1NO0SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION WIRING - NO BOLTING- NO IN YOUR INSTALLATION COSTS- NO OWN HOME NEED FOR NEW HOT WATER TANK PUTS IT I N H.,aueait, ther- YOUR HOME wosingaction. Gises astanialainq Moet*4. d pattasach as csffs Vear oid asher pays a large part af the balance. Corme inand ne null gise yos an exact appeaisal an ita vle.. COME NOW FOR A FREE DEMONSTRA- TION IN OUR STORE Merritt Hardware 136 MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 499 BLUE GOOSE FLYERS DROP SECOND ACTON WIN NEXT WEEK 'MEANS TIULE GAME IN ROW AT NIAGARA FALLS [EIN~ IN JUNIOR FARMERS' HOCKEY LEAGUE ,n Niagara Faits 0on Tuesday eV-* FNqS6 About 200 watched an exciting enîng. thte Bloe Goose Flyes lest Junior Farmer hockey gaeino again to Chippawa by a score o 5- * ~ Ial uhGergtown rena Monday as tihe- 2. Il0 was a very fast and cdean Hardware, m LedwI iii eres nearte cnlso.Ti gamne, with 10 penaltieso handedaitT - m*nay weli have been the second lut out, fine to escis aide il UM I î eams On o Fnls gamne of the seson, as, foilowing In the firsi period, Clippswa Things are humming aeound O the decisive 10-4 cin over Nerval. acored twice on goals isy Psgdon Branch 136 theae days. on March 7 Isa the firat minor hockey gane Atos lias nom wos ima games and asd Fellinger before Bass scored, a grop of Milion comrades vlsited asot meeli the Redit ounded the Norval ose gaine of the ibree-out- asisted by Cherry asd Bass, ith Oreetavile Branch for a eucehre Blocs 9 t0 0. White got the Oai of-five sectes. enlY seodnetintepro.ight. streetanille gave a lesson on tick wish Tomes getting two. Wth a aparkling goal diaplay, secterondslef nthe ateeri Ladies' Afiernoon Legue-The the fine points of playing cards, and MeCuielseon. Pandal. Pawley and Jacks Malrshsall kept the Norval Putiol fr h um sl Pink, 49. tise Brownso 45. the Bobys ail enjoyed s large eveniof. Patteroon eccO scored once, score front moontiof. p tl i llnd ceiid on aeîteogd. hp steB oMoeh Il foosid the Millon club [o fhIc Ocot game the Haedwâre 1Spike Scotand McKenzic iepi Pagdo courofed 100 more betoce High sngle, Roby Chîldo 2009; 0oomsilicd for ucotsr euchre. beof thc Depacîment tore te con- Acfo'ocscorcoociog. Scott scoc -d tise period cos one. 'igis triple., toiy Chil do 719. Comrade Babcoci wasotise lucisy tinue t0 the finals, Ambrooise and four goalosand wa crediled cotIS TetidII wsavr 50wiioner of a ban. Lambtert cous Black geiiing assis ose onist. MeKenzie kept isusy Tis tir sirid oss _5T00-0 Legue-Mix-ups 42, Top- Os March 14 a regular meeting of os bots goals. Brown g01tishe onlY mta tisree goals and theee assista. cloue checking duel and il cosnt ceus 28, Champs 23. Fisons 19. Brandi 136 mas held in tise Legion goal for the Oeparment Store on0Scoot ucored imice for Acton in tise tijl afier tise 18 minute maris in tise period tiai MeKenzie isoke Bigli single flt, Norma Brown Hall witis the Oest attendance seen a paon froan 7ong. Gervais. firsi framre, ose with assista giroin acosy and oored, te give Chippswa 291, Andy Grahami 244; mush handi- inrerrent years. Preneni as a vsiter lIn tise Ist game of lise sight D. Crnie and Tyler. Boi5 Tyer a52 icteueca, Aima Hopin 229. Andy Gro- mas Captais Lewis of Halon Manoer Ledili'sa ieat Knighto out 4 te 3 and D. Corrne eopped penalties. hiir.iam 249. ho massmetcomed by the mem- te continue te tthe finals. For After Gerait cored -his tird aitishe Penaltieo for Milton ment t0 becs and expresoed Ois desire te loin Knigits Peddie iit tioce cith Wit- top of tise second period froin Me- Basse, Bridgman, Patteeson and Hîgh triple fiai, Norma Brownon- , ranlis. so scoinf tise otiser goal. Fac Kessie and Someevilte, Norval Hubcosa ae rie etgose60 Ei oet= . 01 il sad- A good drat of bosiness mas ce- Ledmitiso Dredge ilated imo mitOs ttemPrd tb equsliae tise play miii iti b ptayed sn (teorgto Z. s,EAlima Mopiin 6580Andy Gra- cîrcod, of miici me note the foi- Gerevais ocoring os a posa froin imo goals,Rbinson feom 'B. Wtt- lWatcis for ad) ham 0676 lomîsc highits. Tisere will Oe a Goedie Bell. Bruce Bell scored tieseon0and Pomeroy. Acton eetorted eccise in tise club roocos and saconig gol foreLedo'ithasin over- miitiree in aroc,counted byïF. crîbisage tornament in tise club ime. Crnie from Scott. Someenilte frorn run;ait cribisage players are in- - Metbenzje aod McKenzie. Ross vitecd to attend. A dram for chicS- . T I Conninghsamc eogit tise pueS froso ns oba is wnitt Osean added wiitn r D. Smithite espond for Norval ciolure. TrafalgarUI5 1 Oefoce Actans acooped to tOe oppos. The seot begion Stuc Nîgisi a1suilion sets ugaîs, cots goals by Scott mayE siseaCoufclIs To Me et Irm-. Crnie aod MeKenzîr fross A N T E D p tti mad.Tise bei s a nd frens Tise cleri s 00diierîrd te ar-i vlhad the tant if mil tooecf- masn ef good appearance, frendly per-sa Id coscering tise Stuc Nigistaron,.crltaut ions a poosible 10 docuss coul iy Richarsdoon from Pomeroy cocn wre laid tor efo lanning and other proiscoout ise and Bons Cunninfgham. Score: Ac- senality, living min Miltos or district, who Cborch Parade on OSaday. Aprîl 17.iimeeting nf Trafalgar lo Ion80 , Nornat 4. Penaltienin tise Mesîbecu milfalitnsotth is o orcl on Mosday. Marcis7. perid wet teM. Sprol, F. Wit- is nteestd i a ettr tan verge n-Hall asd marris toeleure Anglican Police officero corer grad'd as oOn aod D. Corrie. camne as a member ef oaa car sales staff. chutrcseh 0tiste music of tise Lorne IfllOws: Cons. A. Terilîl, irst There mere 11 penalties in the Seols Pipe Band. Final detailste 1bOe close. Cons. T. Sqotee, second clas-; uira herbad, mont of tisem te Ac- Esperience nt essantial. Apply perses. onsounced lter. Cine. T. Bremner, oecond eas; ton ployero, ecnstisougistise gaine all toIva CydemenatTise Ladies' Auxiliîay ieid a nery Conss. T. Collins, thisrd clas. seemed ose-ided ielore tais point., alI telea Crderan I occennîuî party in tise Legoos Hall Tise appoîsîment of Johs Walsh Cooling thicr Oeels mere McKen- .1, icis a atended isy tise Adtos as radio operator for Trafalgar ie. F. Cornie, Scott, D. Crrne, n. and Georgetowns Auxîliaries Toes- 1. nsip police department mon Wilson, Tyler, H. Wilson, Bemsley, diy evening, Maeeis15. pprocedai aualary of $2400 lier J. Currie and H. Wlso, it a10 laA darta tounumet isiseîng pres. yeur. minute miaconduet te Wiseeler. Stonehouse Sales puredanad those isterestrd are in- The teoder of Deerisuc Crosisrd Tcoo more goals for Adtos round- liedto enter theîî names. 'Stone LId. for gravel oaS cccPl- ed out thse soring. Mcbenzie front FORDMONRCH he ra 075 asaa'o ed. Somneenille and Wieeler frosa F. AUTHORIZED FR ONRHBy teyar'7 Cnd'set- Tiese b of $1,575 mon advanced Cuerie and MeKenzie. Ken Ricis- DEALR mted opuatio ned is30 il- liste Oakinlle-Tafatgae-Bronte ardson of Norvat ptayed tellar MANS.MILTON lio. lnning Board as as advancee - ihockey for tise losers. MAN T.sord tieir enpenseo for 195 Anythiîsocon buoses sent Mon- - day. AIR WAY SANATIZER St. Patrick Dinner WnTheoe ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ Sales and SrviAceKWibride Cliurch FOR BAGS AND REPAIRS A ib ieC u c ____________ DIAL GEORGETOWN 1Tis Ladie' A coiation nI Kil- ~umL~En ue ed elt- F uthS risTilt T R. 7-3487 iîe n i tPîîioee atise Frîday. Banch 11l. lie Blue Goose - er i,doy ctwoteîlmoun Tocdav. Fyerît ua close gane teCbp- BOX 114is. Wilteît Ford. Mee. Fric e-O1'ing the firet tisre gamnes of tise Canadian Chamnpion, Milton Arthuor. Mr.Wm Pîcietl and Mi ný erie. lise boyo mere a litile iseci- ______________________L]q )yd o i*zer, e c ioratinu oino- dered. or mayise 100 overcoslîd- Iliter are Mi- Mal Hou ard, cnt. ohm lise Chippama club isasd- Me.. M. Cartwrighit and Bru. Jov edîisemîtis ne.buvb Tise serina lr.Proigeua cîmmltri' mrs 'tards. nom aotîree gamesteone Jo)hnson's Sales Hine . Sisarpe r,. -J. Piriseit andll a I, r ofMitn tssRobend an fKSielar Mi.1J.Hery. The fient peeîod. Mitonisol a a dS rie Donn:a Aiiisn iKlildea IIngoal lead ongoal by Hu Oanad Maervic3-25 l,)p. Ca rslst o:rtlsoo Gi-fo, mS:iBa srd . arbenSisolm asnd Outboar Motors3-25 h l. mon.hp î ase, oclo o-, ianJia ua sseii, hile Soi i.. Retar .amnMa haes lt.nad plîino Nloon orciondianadMKni or frt vs- Welîom il sdeerl goltar selertllllli Loin and lvUuirivs Mcon ilreyannîe Grrîoleeu. Campbel- 1 ile.> vocal duel and Me, George * a Gî,ggs. Carlisle, eadings. Lya aiMcCutcneon lai denilîrd egga.oolads. oral- lpe otons. olt.. rlîîhrv.trt. 294 Mill St. Phase S65J itiipi eomîîi.ed the menu for '1, iin îrer. MILTON I fîrmrely H.V. Merretl) j Pease and Gar Wood Frae LPHONE MILTON 443J OTELLO SCUISIZZI Tieseonod perîod, Billon ueorrd luire more mils Carnie f ront Bs,- nil and Chrerry, und Mills front Pot- tîero. doîsg tise brick. Cippama rame bock very strongcoith thee goals isy Moenie, Urrisoisand Fe- lîngor. lu ed tise porîod in ta 5-att lie. Tise lird pnriod. Chippacos ield huro yn coreless miie getting a pair themeelvea. by Bokoimoaki and MeKesoir. lv end tisecamte, and the fient vîetoy olt of four gan for lheae boys. 'teferees Boyd and Marsall isasdlnd tise fume meli, giing oui 14 penalties, eigist t Milton and six 10 Cisippama. TiseOsaS men for Bilton neere Scott and Patternon, e.,e is tis singles, coiile Hat. Barber anS Bridgman dreco Imo upiere. Playîng a losisg gaine and altisougstisey eoeis fol imo pen- allies, tis esat mes on tise ice for Billon corre Harry shoriy" Bar- ber and Vers Bridgman. Tise fiflis came of the oeries a played as Niacaro Falls Tusday. Billon tine-op: Lever, Bull, Ar- bic. Bridgmsan, Barber, Mila.BSals, Pattero, Emma, Bcott, Timbers. Carie, Banco and Ciserry. CONSERVATION AWARD CH ATHA, nt. ICP) -Msnly F. MiserZ o fkisgsnitle, son o! tise lobe JacS Miser, mon mode on hon- oeury mnember of tise Detroit Sporîsmena s Cosgreao rerently. Mirer iras presesîrd mils a scol eommesding iim for carryisg on conservation mors isecen by is baliser. PROMPT GUIARANTÇFl SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF Television Car Radios Radios R. W. GRANT PHONE MILTON 15BR32 TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR DOG LICENCE NOTICE Please taire notice thal the 1955 Doq Tans are available at the premisea of the varieus venders lîsted belose Dag own. ers must purchase their deet tans prior ta Apr IlSth 1955, after sehicti date, the ramais sq tags w Il be clîected and kept at the Municipal Office, Trafagar. VENDORS IN THE NEW SURVEY MR W J.'rHOMPSGN Horoby Generat Store, eornier Trafalcar- Esqoi-uing Baseline and Serenth Lise. MR. 1G. W.IîICAMMON Store, criner Fil st Lino and No. 10 Side- rîîad. WALTER C. EVES Beidiiire, DingOs, corser Foselis Lise and No. 5Sîderoad. t. FEATIIERSTONE Store, r. ciuiîil.corser Sevestin Lise asd No.,5Sideroad. VENDORS IN THE OLD SURVEY MBS. W. E.GENT Stolr Trafalcar,.crneer Serentis Lise and Dus- duo Hîgiscay. R. B. MeGILL Store, Paierro,, corser No. 25 Hicismay and tise Gondos Hîiscoay. P. NICOLS Stoîre, Kenît Dardecn service road off tise Quees Eliza- beth Higisscy, isciers tise Sîstis and Senentis Lises. W. FERNIHOUGH Store os No. 2 Hîgismoy. near tise Fosîrtis bine. Jý BEEGIE SenviceStation, No. 2 t-ficiswîy East, Lot 3, Concession 3 S.G S. LAWRENCE PAUL Genersi Stoire,rSieridas. Ques Eiaeth Hîgismay anS Town Line. MRSS JACK CHANK Bcndence. Nurths sîde oh No. 2 Hîismway, WestofaiThisrd Ltr Lot 26, Conceasion f 5.S S. A: FEATHERSIONE, Clerk, Tomnnship of Trafalgar. m q PAGE PM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 1 Wlien aî,(opltti iît bo i )i,it Lughllit-eOldi ilrst ho,, eles lriie 11,,il d l:i , iîîi*prstd his,,iîl.og uoîî th,îy fiî,,.saîî tiselr wa cng sct,î îe anin-i,tîtîte înflitrt ispedestrians. Th. irstnîb l h iit,îit,îmoiiuitlit hisî'p froinf animoali\,as ass,sîibled in14inNililîng.Colriiliy.lisrlrd thest,,revîîvr-tmeio iind lîlied ilîthe tiseiday îniîîeder to pa, ilon Thie eai' cttitd ,loîo tl s,-ilerti,îtiout twoimies us hoo . and iltnleed tîîrnnt maier t uasinîtitceksafttr Ins iet demî,nnteOt îîîîtisat theb ,lltr d îttigiteord peupr dis- ecireS tise tcoî mri u'isn mcm isddrn n stise uîctes bock sc tion. They las rd a wichisand thissmîîcrd therersole. TIhe ehirle had a mehantsosfrrclearng the may if aay- oe orared leuaccime feu' dîd). A rat draca'sa head sock far oatinsfront. Il msed freinaide teaotdeanldospayed a sîream of water out of il& masth for more tIson 1lfrel. 'Moîyiîctissu orren'tusorracy afler uit, ilsîîght tiraasidru tii adptt tise eoîtioatir mîsdshisîîd mascru for aise-saine pur- enxtra cîît.' as tisey say sîoadaya tis the optional equipment on a large niîmisrr ,ofoî iiiîd cars. tise itttcentras. htisao maiiy îrnope lis,lisat maiesnhiinoîchotstasdlsgtlays. Inîîoreianc a gîcia nord car you u soally sae ri-ndnîinty in thec etras tissI lise original sosne', aisnisnauttd. Thtîrei,aîalie isîard oftthaoi1loiililli'eeevel -antt tuiîietl TeIti raotilîîît 'niî'k. OUR LOT IS FILLED WITH SPRING SPECIALS 1954 CHEV 2-DOOR mith air cendition heater, misdshield mashers, eze-eye glass, radie (in perfect conditian). 1952 CHEV. 4-D009 SEDAN mith air condition heatar, directianal signais, and a complete mter job, lA real buy fer someenel. 1952 PONTIAC 4-DOOR DELUXE mith air condition heater lika nemi. 1951 FORD STATION WAGON with radia, air condition heater, 6 pîy tires, esîy 28,000 miles. 1951 STUDEBAKER, radio, heater, overdrive (smaîl mile- aile). 1949 FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE, radia, air-cendition heater. 1949 PLYMOUTH COUPE mith radio, air condition healer, direciesal signala. 1950 G.M.C. 1/2-TON PANEL lPriced tesailI fast). 1953 FORD CONVERTIBLE with air cendition heater, radio la dandy). 1951 A.J.S. MOTORCYCLE, enly 4,700 miles. Cemploe mith saddle bags. VICS SPRING SPECIAL startisg FRIDAY, MARCN 25TH 1 WATCH FOR DETAILS NEXT WEII< We guarantee aur service es any car or trucki