PAG WOI10EENTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THIIRdiDAY, MARCH 1th, 1966 DEVELOPMENT FIRM GUARANTEES " * GEORGETOWN GIVES PRELIMINARY BRAMPTON INDUSTRY ASSESSMENT O.K. TO PART 0F DELREX SUBDIVISION Rice ConsIracion Co. Lld ouil pi-c house bond us i be furfeîled.Rez«."wa Wi1h pre- minary sppcuval gises tf toi- landhi-foi-i final appi-uval iecei- Biatplom peri-iInfor A fi-ursui earirRci-had of hpCtGeorgeown for-alarge-portîion i ive ots he bi-usivîsuon. bauilng 100 homes on tht, formuetgi-i-il te $50000 lesn sicarit fteDelexsbdivisiou, dulailetl Cîtani-al Msnday tam -plans and Arnuutrong propieîty. Ru-e mli be osfti-i-îg lu po> tbe tomn $10,000 IIIIUIII IMIIIIIIMIIMIIIIiIIiIEtIt piano aci- nuw intOu, bandsaouthebi-hail het exploinei by Dc. E. G. gîten ciedil for indacing Chi-. Han- focrushii-h they moalil i-iceii-e the CRERTTEKR DepI. of 'Planning asti Deselup- Fld ih umibn o c sent Ltd. tn locale a toclory in 100 building petstî, plus $300 pi-c RENTTEKIGFld h s okn o r -Hensio, auch ai-oillai usu u gai-nte f outath by Eselyn Anthony tment. Heslop as a planning connultant. oeeb. in si-i-siing the indualial asnets- Hsîsiical ficlion tonn-hei-i -s ifg aill gui- n ootlheuCai beidi-pTnentop-ofw4 e deoifsilel-5 Bra iin ilr-fibe froit test. Due mainiy lu tbe piris- othci-l tui-e reaîîy oui-lcaîei-eîingularobHCag$iJOpettiSar4ut1e74 Broamplona uarntelait iththenc ofutliei-os Rssli-lus tutYu adaye.ysitustosud- rnbyhethtrparcofMa.pany.bythSitman. Stesfo two yiaisafle the issuing of the tuttiFuît Jobheliig.ticrto ws i dtl t. tried by tuturlurmstrong as tutiectubl-a ic t- lîrd îposilet thyi-ytlllhavru-rtiluulurucuuut rl fitaltu-uil Tetine iranu .t 1 thonylîu insffu.luI roll -u l-Hcsiuiuuu. i-uar-u-i îniluuulyu ruamponîocquauîthi- tii-arsi-ac itaimous-iloui thein- uftfins Mltliruy boouhanilyen t la cuott-clhtilus a u lu fiei- mai-hi-il oi du avesbelOtiIssus asestenl ut the, 100lhotes. As usi-sof Coussilsi-rBillOl-ni-y. usîli buuw the, nscl i-l -iIhavcraltiiliodollarus gi-ossvalaeibis Totlnschsl acz agi-is40 aici-, and o bond Race Brun. mili be i-iqured Tht, cagh cdrait fthe agi-i-iment, tht, ngccdientn il shouid. A tophîn-yeifeglcsintnnuh.aoc-31a--sufalylnl ho pont $9001 wilhtbe totun au eoeh passeti-lb y couascl. mouthe mork thîîted blond wîth tynlerloun eyes, lu muilif el-pndolnguiîepluhan sl oide13acgien be ll.yln bouse is olil, the bond lu ci-main ut Mr. Prouni-. snbi-looing ovi-te top ot an. o i d-prent nd aunIlthe pas- wTht, noi-w abd"grein uli eut witb tht, totun until the peopor in- The agrei-ment Monday ended A back lace faIon. l -s. cunin g prspu an w l hea dutriai aueaanienl in acqsiced. esi-n months of haggling bteieen Shi-els hi-iIi-ieatiii hso-i-o aid gun sei--xti-h must havi- a pose as indulcial aresa mml of Obhoulil tbe 70-0braiosnriquii-ed Ri-e Brus. aidtdoun coancil and and uli-emely iuanîii- îoi-y of Hughnioy 7, cotmmercial in tht, Ro. by thet omo by-la o slibe met by une ufth1e mol explotive issui-t Catheiine tht, Gi-iat u Raand Cucli ekn ayrHr -t ieaeadtrersd Suc mihintheIm yers he 900Hiampus us e-sinyti- i ei- aon Paul. The -ongle i- y Wiilis' aqsice ansoell as thai t tnliai rai--siastut otehighmay, _____________the ___________the_$M __Brampton __________in _______ motbt,-lovei-ad on. ran OGoi-ge Hi-u-on, the so usho ai-t- whii-hianhi- devi-lopei as si-par- Dump Continues As Rêcommend Parks Board Approves Oakville ProblhmeSbivso Teproblent of th amil In Omagh , Palerm BronteSu dvso tnwnumpprennaianrceoon-Broltetpiopoed ni-w housing tow dup, erenia sorceof n- The Trafalgar Pai-ks Commitlee, subdivision on the wsist side ut noyance to townspeople and trouble hi-adi-d by Couaiillor Ernest Heu- Mississauga Road i-i-ieived condi- to iounicilloi-t. confronted co.uncil dersou reei-mmended that Trafal- tional appr-oval front the Oahsille- onceagoui-ga Council pui-shaue landin t Pal- Ti-flgar Bi-unte Planning Boardd ut .1hae ad46cll drig e-i-moand Omaghtfor spos paisreul eein.Itisas r-om- pool two u-eeks about odois front faiililiet.. ntended by the, planning consu ltant the domp and popers blowing Up The, recmedto tme httevlaeasm h te the ill, Coueillr Hebertfrosmt the orth-a-eut Trafalgur Pi-o- is thtsuuhbdivu'î0on. thauthIe Halloo Mer-y. i-ai-tan of the sntatiou et wlr'Ascainsr-Hat ntsapoa ftesp somtnittee. infui-ned counicil. He-P--YOiiu uuulou ic olhslap-vlu h-tp wouted 10 hnow if counicil usuld us o ieo i arsfritctnlaclt n h iiu tueanote imnt-ainu h all fi-Id hehind theuneu Pulermu lot ize- ut50 fi-t hi-obtaintd.asnd tand-fiit method, u-th heavier sechool. owhin il a-au Iearned Cous- thot the, oubdîvîder hi- riqua-etl equipment thon wasued atutime.cil lbait sxcss poui-hofsamonuuut- dtdi-atethetocusul tpi- esinI utthe '1 hih l wIh wonglie f ng lu o 00. total ai-i-ofor pai-h pui-puui-îtu >1eac na i Maeyoi- Miîht,.f* Si-boot Huard ChaiucnaoE. J. nah-a cash contribution. Houseu suggest you w-it untîl tht, f-ot is sand tat a park ilute rhafelduu f o îth- te-l bihne. -u ic ouai-il mem , Celo erry-Seco ineat hi-hge ofthe sbdivson o te ndertanini tati-d that the Ieavier eqipment, vi-cudl i-a aIte-.ig if th udi--athtro si-sbctaden hnown, au a bull i-lam"., ouldcio-t 1lai.tu d-ua-poiush-mi $13,ODO. Il wa agreid thaouri-so- IPi-nably Huy 25Acres fo luining ii-ili-tantil si-h time iil would uuoîdei-tht, malti-i- ohi-o The Pochu Commîtti-i-fel tht tasdi-silîupmi-nt ptucei-da Tuo luIs p-epoiing the yiarai-ttuimates. sou- uat thi- tii to purchaut, niuat bhi upettd furthetbi-fi-er -pai-hpcupecty, ad GeorigeRic- heliy ianbhi- at on. Ouni-i-ut ai-du. pi-cidi-tof u tht, Pi-pecty tht, unhdiisiuun lis Ji-f Cnouu-n if So g t Ouini- i,*Asociation. *Cuani-illot, Hi-i-t- Consultant Enet. ______idtht f h Unable toitd toAlogtthre IICE PLANT Una letoAc 1ahi- fu-orpk ui-h pUi-5tt,. tatvofîit tciit. hbuines-s and social Nlo onhpsni-w Planning 1Mr. Rchai-du odded Ihat thieeuiganînatuonsuun Wattui-d and suc- expected uf il and tbi-n had ils fîrstt in thei-eti-d whti-t tht, Pal-mi-tu- itall a $30000) Stîfucial ici- plant diappointent whi-n Hughi T. Le-- -tihoul and pruposed hall fiei- i n ti- t-un aea mon, consultant lu tht, Hamnilton- situoti-d. and thal thc Pai-hu Cum -____ WentntotOPlanning Buard, iaid mîtti-c si-ci-thininguof pi-ha. Tu aid duatin anyprtfh liei-oald not tahtonnsamu-hi-xtraa ng mai-t lasd that lti- i-iquisI-iolo-d yuui Cunaduan Re-d Co, moi-k.The board meeting in the s~tix-are.tuchpuîru i-mî-gîncy i-ilif -ii-- coui-it ihamberu-as unuiieusfuil Pal-i-mu hall li-amu have- hicii ili- insSuitelanid. Ati-alua.Titi-- in las efforts lu piesuade Mr. Li-- playîng in Gi-i-igi-Fonts pattt, hi-ey and France. mon 10 change hit mnd. tii-id lu dati-. Tht, i-o-istitant waa amouf s haIt- Cnnbini-d Operains FPl-d dozen me-n hiing i-utaclcd hy Mi- Jams-saaidaftec theîjoint boa-d mi-mbei-s i-igaiding thi- poti- mi-eting hi- ddnt aulîcupat, ana- lion if consultant. In a bhi-i-ttaItquai-einsI sthei-futare-c hi-lu i-i- t C ME BO K presur ofwor wih hs wn a, iikn pacerrcnty uinDO- WELL TILE -SEPTIC TANKS lahi- tht, hiai-yextra oui-ktai land uii i- beasailabli- at Pal-i-mu BULLDOZING - TRENCHING moldhbeîsulscdîinîhesîoinîhu ut, expnsionand hsth Hoai-ds Mtu Pi-ai-I luhm asd R. Whte agi-i-c hat thîuugh usdcc ti- Par-hi appear-d hi-toi- ttihu ai-iltu p- oCLiote adca cud E gar Howden tot thet, octitisou a danci- hall lt-c if us-i-l hi- liii playuri-i ii Phone 15SR32 R.R. 3, Mlton- on Hiadun Rd.. uhucit hail hi-t ýpaci- hi- cplaitrel 'he lu undi-idiussuionatasuPct,-uusBoadu s tuInt, thOrt u^i,> meetinug, allhough uihcduli- i tIh.rui-ghlvs - qrý ubci t Fi-b. 25. A ci-outios ai as liii a oi ýudsi--tmsd i-glI- ri-itiidinig a pcusuouss motou n h adwihtePisC stating thL. uard-i~d-uî,ti-ret1 hl aisn ýd autucit tIti-P k Cml th aplctinIfth ili dli-mE. B. CLEMENTS hall lu hi--on Hiados dcr- bl ,i1 . Jl - loi-msu el and-u,,e no-,n s-fo i.udi-c- 1 Insurance tece ntad ti-c Ni-h-us i- b- Roui-il ici-omssnds to th- Il il t --11 il bý;. M.icIni-r Fiee - Automobile - Canualty that titi-applications -ittr_ fuui-d. MORE i-I Bi-(RI15PR-, Maufacturcîs Luis Rsoert Serena. sici-itac (,t butR, lu i-pot-il Issu-aini-Agi-nt Boai-il coplaissd ti- pio-îiu ifl- uI 0ruli uit 11i, 0422 Coi-ner Main and Mai-tin Sis. loisid hy his uc-uniratIon n h Ot lýiIMILTON plannîigfui-rteai-ca. Hi- i -l-t,-n i ah rutlui-in iai-uh uitthi- ,toit t-193,r;, If Phone 428W Res. 699R21 usuld bhi-xciti-ulof 1hiI Ruai-ilandsiiug-ýti-d hua hi- hbodies i-aid wau.,ch tuuîhtr.C-I A. S. L.Nshoflthe Cîmmutiu- p-ugi-umu hi-ai-ih outIhe Ontariou Gi-ouit i-st uf Planning an-d GDi celomiut. amiasahle tii atti-nd the meiting. Hi-uce AthicoftI. luu-chip hUîil- îng inopi-clu - uau appistril act- igsuc-taiyauntillthe-huacil-iM l i n ganiaatiun iw cumpîcti- ThtcIi-ch. William W. hint, hail iaric ii-a the, duti-u pi-iviously.- of Baby Chacks Georgetown Seeks wlb. f.d on ... Full Time Engineeri Aftea yi-a'a i-periemcin uharingi-ngineereing series i-AS Aiton and Miltun. Gi-uigetlown couancîl us Munday il-hiddltugi- minate Ihia tht, end of Apiil andl engage a fu-lime enigne tuhu H C iili hi- usnte Ge-oretown layi-uII Rosu Simmoou usWho lîied M Gcorgtownuincs- hi- wus i-siairdST R E hy tht, ai-an huai-i lait ycac, has hi-ciapaid hy thet li-ittownntand KUM divîiddho duti-elmi-co e thi-n Couiil fi-iluli taIthtap il geoth nticipati-ilin the ni-w Di]-- te uhdiisioin wîilciqui-t, th- oOon n15 uimiletti-eniisiont alocal engi-aai In15 A itî--pilt-oia iig to "HiGH EFFICIENCY" MASTER CIIICK assistant sn thet unn offi-e Whu t STARTER KRUMS litdeigned to not amwa-sctuan in pefsi-ssi-i-î an ornlcast wîth wacoseri-vci-w prodoce foster-4oles pdr pound of irailt the, mi-iting. MayurAi- feed. Recommended by hotcheres uhun tIihitIi-c wao ailfrqlkfoteig orlvcblt diessed fi-ont thtLi-gion -hcnch, si hthi-wmuîld anuwec thi-let- FOR THE, T l d Iceahed igor Ivolh tee, ioni-ying i-unei-ls iw ing o Sf n the matter.i" ORDER MASTER CIIICK STARTER RM TO Y MASTER ANTENNA O LCLMSE UR Victoria iCP)-BiiiabClambia moniipalties houve appleil for gvrietpei-mission Iongo into E Ua B M the tel-vision antenna businesso Tbey seek power 10 ionorucl nto *u-* E tee antennes10tai-i-i-thoaneholdeen E B R T D WE by oire, olmitar la powuer and tile- phtone Unes. HORNBY, ONTARIO PHONE - MILTON 152R1 i Council Seeks Site For New School Theoi- vbslî Publie Si-huaI Huai-, iushed oi nl scoauisi v--y uuicssuinits cnd-aoilur tuîfni ustabli-pi-opei-ptu treplace Ce- tral School giousnds. RBut loi-y-il hacetu dotumcrei-s usecksîbsu wi- Orsi- hi-u ahI-tludu ur p-ai-s. uuuid chat-mus Allai- Wea-ý thi-rStoni-. wOiutheu huai-i agc tu gi-eccuai-il lu Jane 1itu funila tii-wc ihuulsi-te. Tne-boad wsuti-ieciiptut a lli-i- fi-mtthe10c ioui-i-ilstIaliug ta)t i-onilW ouaId si-ik suitubli- landi toi- a site, tbu the- site moulil hi acceptablet. luthi- uchou huard, uni te su teips would hi- lahen tu- oar utlahng oser Ci-trali-ommuns ai-ila ) sud (tht ulîpu lations hat heensmet Of couss. counicili-au't tathe tOcaud wtutîutl aplucu- i-aI uitthi- si-hoaIbtodi- n u uuy ci-sol. Mi. WeatOcctone puitt-i Couassîbauhi-ben dei-tiisaou î-rasiug he Ci-nI-aI Si-boul pi-o- lsiIY a a titi- tus s siw ui- pal building ut a nominal fi-eut oedollar. ubucb the huard fouani aiceptable pi-oi-titig a suilublc ir-. plaucemets site was availabli- kule enliien. Mi-thi-maofthIe pubi c thoul huai-i atteudeil the, meeting anil wet, gis bae plans di-aworeose ni-m publie UPHOLSTERING COMMERCIAL & DOMEMTC Addlookba andi ent witwh nhîlteil re-slylîng. Ynur fue- nîlure i-an hi- banisome as ni-m ogain Lot Cut Pr-eeEstimaI-n Ont, Weeb Service- Phono 259 CENTRAL RADIO REPAIR RO1 IFEATHERSTONEI PHONEMILTON ISr2I PROMPT SER VICE 1 Roihe shif fi- y ourself ..or let Pnntergiide do il? Shiftingu stosth aildi-usy wilb(Cheui-ttii-ls n* ni-îi nci- Syi-uhi-uMscsh titînnt issus- (icitrshit ai-il ern cnt i-halls arc uunicaicdiun a Pousi-igidtilc o1,.i% hi-etiic bun i-s-ci-hi- icii-. Stiîth-i, i-lui- diîci. ai-il imuli-abiI quick on hi-'s thi- nosl putpuaiui- iuiti t snsmis- sionin ' hi--siitfie il! Don al our omi- uiutchinis. .ooi-ae efforti oui gos milO Overdie-? auit f(lierlt u-t i%.lltit (-i-iitî.u i-l (lici h ilu.h i-sgufcutrnto1er e% Roi-bei- i-nl pose omn Cbcuriîlct givusuitn spati-ii cruinb cît-Istis oth forc Win- iows mildsci-tiprnc. Ihîs is pi-t aîouuhci-if tbhe mnygfcat g ansi-nii-nics offercil y Chcu- rlt- - ocust of ncmi-ai-s. flc -fi-ci- uheciiig clfrcat of fvdiuuir lcts ni-s l% it- lun of)u--th r h clutuututur i-ti- i-ut Liiiu qlttthsrii- i-uAnd tit tehg w il rtci-uittii- intc spi-cul Os221,--gui-tus n- or oustpush o button? liii- to ut îlst tnp toce winilow tii-ail fourii--f 'i- iih thc i-ci-cpîusb ai a ballon? Auto- tutti- sinilotu ailseuil con- ros' art afi- uabli- on Bel Ai- ail ITwa-Ten" tod-i-i START YOUR CHICKS with CO-OP CHICK STARTER end You WiII Soon Be Singing ts Praises SOLO AT YOUR LOCAL CO-OP iton Co-Operative Suppies Free deiivery on i-oui-e dayu MILTON Phono 127 Phono TR. 7-2991 GEORGETOWN Positioi- the seol etloieleetii-city do i1? Chesi-olcî's ig, beaulifsiîp apholtîsîc-cilfi-unisi-ait outs sp ai-i focs tcd or- ilon ai-i backi-b mb our tost ront- fortahlc posito.lbccs mai-c tineios soi-m Ibis si-uc for- Applytebrae ieti . An ut pi-oui-il aki-g issIei-n nl i-cu s %i-g-t-pc pi-daIs talc ilt tii-ih Io %top si-si (lCu-iulet (intu heprosi-chiaI (inie. AndI i-husi-ilt«s tutti- ito tiiw Aîutî-Di)uuc citirai gis i-s ou -hi-titIp ,stops!I Nt, ni-cita usai-iy about edcc- tri-aI cqoipmcnt cano ing pour bat-i-y daun in a scus Chus- i-olcî. Il gises tbecreese pouci- of a 12-volt elcîitrigal sysîcm -casilu capable ut mccting yanf cacu dcandsa or have ponter moe i ensie? iWhat's iniani- ipfoved atOi lCbcs rolet? Esci-ylhingl Cherviol-t lou-ci-Hi-ki-s ai-e hi-tci-thon ei-sirIcIou stop susifily ail safi-ly Oy ut simple- pivtif u o ot fi-ont agi-I cialo-(o Osuukc Ocial. Rnlhee boue standarid he extraeo ese of Power Sieering? Howci-ii-Panil isi-e i-an sie-- Foi- parking andilosau-speed mng hi-f Tc ibis neus Cbcvi- - rning. theres naîbing quilo luI ai-ilsuc. Chcvcolct uses a sa i-lsp as Pauser Steeiig, ot bull hcui-ig syslei-nsoi-si fri- cioui-si-i Gaoni-ms: Cheuro- liont lau minimum-uni la getl et'sni-m linkage-tppe Poweri ieally fastl slccing ieupanue. Sleeiing* s ieiocei in PtAicE I motoramie Are you a Do-It-Yoursef Driver? Or woîdyoît ratherbe waited on kand andfo~ot? Automatkaliy - Chevrolts st.aling th. thundor from the high-priced cars i A GENERAI MOTORI iVALUE The. Bel Ati -Dooa lain laiIl ti n rfrte l-i-l. c tc -i *eteg Chevl.À t .. injitJ.. .1 Fithe o o.i- Eau-C-1aii. BELL BROS. Sales arid Service PHONE 89r2 MILTON, ONTARIO' PAGE FOMTEM 7 el' "Ir lhe town in the annexation Zý