TêtECANDIANCHAPION MITON ONTRIOPAGETHUTES B UIL DE R PHONE 158R13 MILTON TESD STOVIR NiR. 1, Milton NEW HOMES'- ALTERATIONS - CUPSO ARDS Fre.Eltimates -Prompt Service 1 SAY, WOULD YOU LIKE PA-IS ?o No thanku very mach. We knoon' ua provide for the wmîter byaccomlarîg a oardoflnure bur wth peopie ires diffret. They have a more advontageoae way. chey invet ila. 312%Y GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIICATES 4bAutttoid inetnt for trautfuods * Short trc-flou paons *1131% yoorty lotret payable hlf-yoely lein t 5 yopuant, obrotent ut $420.36 oncorrlatos $500.00 for po. WVte for free detcrrpitw fa/decr oda1. THE STERLING TRUSTS CO0R POR ATIO 0N HAD OFFICE flANCK OFFtCE V2 "y t.ToOaOt6 1- DuetpîSI, sSda T HIS PEDAL does more thon jost feed gos 10 an eager and high-pomered VS copine. When you ive it the enîra nudpe Ihot moves rt beyond the fall throtie ptositioun, sîrmeîhinp hap- pens that neser happened before in an autoamobile. You hear a bsinessiike prt. mhich nells you that îcenty powmer canes, deep inside the 195 5 Dynoflooc Drive,0 base chanpnd their piîciî-just like the vari- able piîch propeilers on a modero airliner. And wiîh the samee reso tin1 the may you gel-up- and-pgo, mitli a safety-surpe tof pomer fore piiinp oui otf a ipht spot on the hiphmay. Words canIt describe et, Il's a new senstion- someîhiop stuc siceply mut try for vturseif. Theres ncthing like it on the 1955 nec-car hori-on. FarI is, theres a lot tii see an ycur Buirk dealers. Thene fresh new sîyliig. Theres hipher horse- pîccer in every Buirk V8I engine. Theres a new Airpomereeurburetor. And there'spcodtild-fushioned 1WP. COMMI1TEE TABLES REP RECOMMENDS PERMIT REDUCi Report et Tratolgara opeclal fin- miltu prevîousty corn once commitle, preuented to coco- ulecatînn lu tor 1951 cil, read au tollocet: the 1indenîrlat attesur This Cemmittee bat mode a tha- creaaed in 1955. it tar reugh inveatigation loto btaxsta that the nember cf te received from each type ef building permito tor houee chlch muy Ïte beill. We have te deuticatly reduced alto caretully eladied the coulta comptetety, untilt hei the lexpayeru eofprovding the ad- tesemet lincreaeu Io ditional cteolu, witt the neeaaary balance, le povidea upkeep and leachero, etc., addition- rate oftIan. ai ire ana police protecton, and 2. That tte Building .thrtev ices w chotmut te pro- inorectrd to issuer c vtlddfor teaddtioai hoasu. Os rordunce wtu tea ove p",1t l_'111111vtevRIîut1Tlhitvltttt tsIn _ tlihomesd sot pcsidc ul- laoset ivsivon tecîrnt tanxebo pyfor the servicestePlanning Board a mentionna ceiohthtey require, on- te allncated te eact Ies accompanird by trter indes- percentage buti. The trial deveiepmenl. lun te reniewed in Ju On thceoter baud, me muet ce- plane recived yty fluzer tenecroiîyoet uer seccageBosarerm nom te t disposaI plant, cithet wceio e3. In addition tlett indulry will comete te Tewnsip oued, if a develeper1 and teneceîty et obtaining tub- dustriai onnssentn, re dicider' contributions tocarde fin- mils cdl tec ioued i anciefte disposai plant. ttf 125' ofthttcindu WtthetcTocnstepe creograpti- mient reughtlin. rut lecation. and the atome pros 4. Ttot the Building and covs te mind, mc matîetot-in.trsctrd lv issue RI loming reccmmrndations wmîtct emil-, is thcearraeto trel mould gcode the deeelpment eat-ofutOubvitir ste ia progerssive, ordrrly aod tes.- stttermnttcst-d t00, lcal monnerp' tort > its Commirt t. It i5 rcocemendrd tuat ie c__ arofcdrvlttpmrsî ecct and OOf.00tot lei wrst et Ostmlle, 1t100 prmtts let e t cl tiesotn. C iîtOCed in 1955, ts iceiode osy per- .sc otr cett e prccusly rsometted: ovd'1 thtnthle rsers cf drrlvomevl Illoo l pitd t)y estetofflOtllr100oRIls-met te Ctts duvvr3vteuli tý,.vaed d00 R2sertRI Perecei.s tsts al dfrations tcisud.sl ttsenelodesvnyvpr- leetmetsand reoe COLE-STEEL r Products CABINETS - SHELVING - DESKS FILE CABINETS - TYPEWRITER STANDS, ccw obrtnubic vn MILTON or ROM HAJRRI1 STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 162 MAIN ST. PHONE 420 sJflI ilctrce -totv 2dovrO -pososeeýRI Ste iotegrity in every flot, boit and rivet. But, tis vo. dont simpiy make a visit t the shttwrtutm vwhî these rim and rhrilliog new beauties are to displa, The smart thiog to do-if ytsu wiot tîtkno what's what n 10 0W tttmobiles-is to pet hehin the wheel otf a 1955 îloick anod drive it. 1-ow atht doiog that so000? *Standard on Rsadipiavter, o/tioa/ ai extira cet!o otser Sec/eu. WMON tETTEROAUTOMOBILES ARE OUILT oatctt WILL OUILO TH- Suik Power Hts New Pnuks I 236 hp UN THE ROADMASTER 236 hp N THE SUPER 236 hp UN THtE CENTURY 188 hp UN THtE SPECIAL -anod ail witl ttfer goi mleoge ta boatl YhriI ff the year is DUIrCK MILTON MOTOR SALES P hone 633J Milton, O(RT Old Cheese Plant ios For Exotic Fish ~ '<s« tCC i Oloncertt, Ont., ICP)-A fermer mtitted. Thia cheese factory un ti littteviilage 87 DON PEACOOX t5 nnly and if nine miles nertet St. Thomat hous COSAmI.rouwn ffwrtter rnt lu not In- teceme the dlatribctlng point tue recemmended ceenîtleun nmbede et cure aquori-Ametnof M. ezisapldfrmi. tl reuidential um tiot. OTTAWA, ICPI etn t e enitapae u an rfueto ittenye -- ale Alan G. Citfe tederal - provincial gorernena tenance et Western atonde ulrength peau ~ yeatnhadu nflscal peotlema--and lite- in a leneheen oddrea tatethe Wa- O ce cltletetd etarted a pet eupply businesstin one hly enmîyet-bube r-mn aoinCu.Drn indantrial as- reem in Muntreal. Today the out- yuepomn isbe r- e' aainCu.Dr h tebte proper fit tianstineeomed lui a coutntry- posed by Prime Miniater St. Lace- Ottaca section of lits tire dIyvistl a resonblewideconernfer he holsal enlieor April 21 and 22 te Ottawa. te conterred citt Prime Miniuter a caenale id cnorn OrIbectlealng Ttc prime ceiniter bold the Coce- St. Laurent, held a presa conter- et Insnamentliasufpl etsn.aurImmono tie tan critten provincial encer ninited the Comns u here te gemt inspeterT heup ille cea. fcoy rvdpremiers ecggeetingthat tteygel eeceived an ovation tramntthemain- terilsin c- tr dt otrsetacery;coedtogrter itît tim Ibmn te dînconu an trs and later teld tatte mdlt Ou- ottsrcd list. do-st fer the uses oet tesuew ageda andadedoraro encrl f,-tenrMinlter CmpneP. Ttrntoi Loe ureothavevocco lier tvlsttd ctsttt l5orifvvlcltccrto irntitheyeor.Heilivbforsotrrolte rcveonten- vutitid t ro ~ vcdlotirvtevl fot decoîrd, dering desvussion alteeory dcecre roinvMrflttUivrs- a lts aret ote hct vOs eely. survieaI o tifie bis onnoseicementthat te enpccte ity. h ointaniequalcandtsteody temperature The lucg- uneepitymnrnwiti tc trnegtcp CCtua egla une for te te houme ttc bordier geldtiut. Ttc prctiminary meeting utema tetd ttc Cemmenn thalt the golOOtt ttc Planning Supplice are mnaestained ty e partly frsm the federal geveen- ment dons net intend te ctange tte tut date. tertnidlvtly run ty epecial tant- cecete recent action in allecing systcm under cte t Canadian te permila lu- Ironck froenNew Jersey efles carry- Quctro provincial bocom0 tan pay- Breadnantteg Corporation negolatea rtringu in le- tng 100,000 ciot and ty o fsrtnighters a il per cent. allewancc againet treadrasting ib Canada and ta cusidenlial per- teem Tumpa. Fierida. It eteIderat persenat inceme tan. dirrrtly recpennitîr te Pactiament ias ameent Tteuieh arc tondled mitt greot Qoctcc in thce nly provine tee ils actions. eustriat assese- cre tteeugieeut trir jeurney. titt apeessnal inceme taeand tte He suidthersytemtadcered Tie. port ecflier tuet-tesetcetict enip vne citteut a tus rentat agee- wctl and the peivate radie statiena ng Inspecter tie cres thtrpiclct tst sinsutt ment miththttc tdecal goernment. tad dene well fer themuetrea. Juut il building ppr-e- d and teotcd tu 80 degrceo fat-Ttc Irderat goerrmente Quebtctecause Progreesive Cvnncrvativc fdceepoimest tervtct. Tie fies fremn Fleride concession es te te effeed te ttecrcitices epcatcdlp asted toc a seps- ote 751oethle trovel tin rerrugsted rordbeord etter Provinces os an altrnative te rote rcgclateey tedp did net matre Dond then ce- Loveoti9Itierliers, cochtaluerentai. ttataesound argument. itree ,tcrstcd btp teruftd bOPa oien- Ail Premervsaeeceerrîrd te ot- Ttc Opposition, te eaid, trien le - per-s e Ttctmpccoître change ttnd tte ceeccrence. eeecnutcthttthe poticlp-omncd leiv rs mptov-I duoce5 fltgiei v les-v tieun ee de- Ausale uPM. Vists CBC ie eunder thethun ftet t Carvsdu, 95 grec"'Ausotcoin PriemrMenstettMen-,cevcrsmvnt. tceaunet. Im as zeovod doreng a tm-doy Ottawa underelomemadctbyeoeliametand teIn dlCv9ed9 o pooaid nts oisiotmwer tt te Resseans ceavrcseenitle te Peiament. r Caadin RA l zi: 9t1,tteitro ocit titi !of viud teceme ceoutrs etEurope in Dr. MrConnceasrecptying le ne- Css.ucds vaine-f, 54Pt- otl ,savoc eecbvifttheWest acreeote vemed Opposition criticismeofCBC risco ec l-7,000,0o.0.eî ba15ni ittt ttO hie irtoce toet. lIce aid tiere eperatiosand te act et isthe l- v ter edrlîietî.t atesailt o etpopIein theWestmto ere recmmndtnf aetturity for crie.e tvitcA-tomt tosnrdtutte, pctvaîeradiouandTV saios.The Ttc Canadiun Red Cro soprrei' suatrdt thast euutarcanstbterust- debtî came en a geveesment me- 73 Osivoot Horettanotd Nuvesieg eduand ttot ste tus evecmtetcrjng tion tosettapua sprciat commitcee .tttottteinremoer ers troce N octvaosperit intecenrenîtenai weap- mtracatngwict mitI ge Inte Soois ito BrithColumbtis. 1ores , the anncol rert oeteCBC and ite ergulaliens. _______________________________________________ Aller the mîsister spotie, tte Heure uppreced tte motion miteot S . A Soerting outhttcpersenut lite et ETC. er a fermer Canadiav tangasantua -t S K bers describra le a portiamcnlary 0$ cemmittee. J. Aten Edmisen, assistant princi- pal et Queen's Univrsity, Kingutone, Ont., said tat lin sdupe au o Mentreat lamper sittth13(lie k nrcewte tale Arthur Ellia as "a loecy manmîtvrrytrct riendy 'ns j contacts. - He naîd Ellis, cets dird lu Mont- it2ein et8aitage 74, leld tim, te ted certed tee 26 pears an an ex- ecetîoerand tad "etticiutcd eti56M o Cemmene cemmitter on capital and MILTON N - s ccctiens. He leld ttc Scoute- N t rerperal punîstasent and lelteries tuttebccold neyer catI Eltis a mdll if udjusled pernen. Belt e meutdnt uap tth ategmas ceas cruel. Me. Edmisen. long assecitedmwit 4pcnui retocceand pant presidcntnof neyeraI prises asseciotions, uoid Ellis setîceu dcncuoncd bis per- sot lpreis mitt tice. f clle ceas sot to rut sucie, tut imueasthe one te uecd protession- allyv He teid mc e estctcesucer i t o hs ele Jots Ettis, c-te mat l coticiautBritoth tuogman trece -Hetsd tetpcd bis unele asd tco otee Britiist tuegmen ut emecs- .tctiobth in te United Kingdsm anvd ttc Middle East. Ocring in- vcestigatioson Cusadian Crimisat Codre rerc tp u sîmitar cemmitree 20 eomu ufe. Elîtu tadlcerittmo a lt- o tet tteoaseeppmrourgisg thtlex- reottvoste trld in o central place, At', Beloogu te Faut Me. Edmoson, cete eaid te himnelt FAMOUS TRICHOLOGI WILL tulis noe reconvictton os capital ponthent, ttesgt olrstngty DEMONSTRATE HOW TO uppfrein ne r Et os tolel-a 7 natd: GR<DfW THICKER HAIR 'Hungingbelengs e te p a p .tIom stongtp intfaoretflth . .AND GUARANTEES IT III tigrorscfhir. so t l ns sEti er vnccccpycap and it la inulun-- Demonstration To Be HeId Here Mr. Edmisen oaid ttc tangmanos cidecelitd rillen brtîce tl e ad Tbhis Oeaoreilbofethorne trut- 1eroithisexrameteatien and se ap- tees mocried te Ellis lueor sixada tetotueaviug anud gromlng tino- 1peiteerl leneccmsarp Aftcettc taIt pears tefure seleurncd lits r r ale llibudemouutrated Ila scenotiones cprmsen ietetd tte truc eccupation. Miltoa. Ontario, Saurday ONLY. rreceirrd ltr oftIrrulment and -Ho certomptaint ceas thal a- naibtt towmect l litte t. teocttcbconsidcccdtimnct a part or, Tarhn rvîr1d9. uldmn- Atc eutolclent,the per- et ttc todecial epte-ilte the strationus oll te brld ut tueKun-vos mut es rrgslar rcports te ttche icimler uf justice',te uscd te tell re Pnrdy Botlton Satueday OLY tOrir1cm in Holitax lu chekthetcme-htcltaidneobtus auddrmas set OCy. Moru-12tPbo'teSPl.M, Ypregese ottthhme tetmmnt. errenpaid osnusoual saloey." March19 9P.M. Tv sprcud thce pperîonclp of Canoda no 1on0cr tan fuel one 10,IALIrAX. Pet. 24, 1055-to an normat.,tluiîtp aie te thethocs- teogmas. Qsctec and Ontarioecact ind tttittor brr îodop, WilliameL. onde mto auedenperatctp ooetisg tuvmescnepaping ttrm a retainer Rrrl,entet totiolîr lameci tri-i1er belpi, independent trietuIogiolu bec ,Ttc Qurtec tusgceon uncally iut ctvlttgeitund direrter etftheree erevisitint variocsecitico lhrosgt- en culled tecon fer tunginse10 ether tltetrexpertosoad -Tterr ure 18 ontCanada tocesdc eaminulioss provinces and tten in peîdasettfris. detteretrscslp divecdestalcasendctltactthome treatmst. Tte luctofnaocpmaa e ere vvottorvsnduttmcs tv leboir.rIluvdic te EilsMr. Edmison nala, oing rttt.tenotesenue,.s pervon mont NOCURE-ALL 1r e, tccuescot noeial stigmu, e otnr tuetcie se-cutied' ttut nce patte etter- coud orec al hedi- r We bacc nocure-att ter utirt, mise ." He bod got Eltisa obetn10 tOM sdctepined. - sttiytutdnnn, Krtc mponied. deprttmenttre, tsliecustle ut "fthere is fuce, tcmml iotd stem f daps lalrcssbcstrmas re- GUARANTEED capableeofrreeslîngtuiruandmw ccu regscccdtpcentttm rs. -"The Kecîr tirce. ecegnininf tal perttrm wet eems e bcb a mie- He eennidcred il natter rerting ttot prople are nbrpîicaî et rtaime acte 'Itteebpuid bthttcjob-coth taIt cc Ilot bir con lte gronon tutding ITbecm is oetbîng Kcelc mantse bs trce as a commutation. brode, obir a geaaonîme,'Ketre te tie certi eveep man and me- Eltin, os rceîin ofrd tatOt- seîcd.minobsemu. Ittareccsinuappeacltawobaidcommstmd onerdcatsen- Oneapercsnuvutîs hbîselet tthe temples or a spot begigs te tnc hd rontebtibMd. Edrsoun ad îmî- ee tetelp teîkt. n1so u nteer the "Thir n vrrpbadl secs fer imdaeydinoppmare. Tu oinse c e nertisg mcong and Il me."Mc. Edmîsensnaid tIt a munel steee."f hud lingcvr imcecdiuîcuatten-tbecacnelthetangman wuscrueleor ths eofrti n ýtees, ndielir, btlbc lbudtptanncd un ttc you re set coinptctrlp satistîrd c npodnmi esclt at witît pttsc bir pregereatitce ed mHAlOad FORi LtFEutTIMElf et 301 dupe pour mnrp w l te ne -__________FOR____________ tonei Ifcrlients flove ue direction, HOPELES CASES Idsîcrng trealmeci. and aitler tiep HOPELESO ASES ftnssthIe course.,thece lene ceasn DISCOURAGED cebp trp mdil sut bore hboo ail ttc foort, the trcrtlcgisl b quirkteb rcetotteirbcies.' Kci sid. "0cr UIf ts Printing ttepetes caues tîtltbrp cannoltortasdebesttctp tetîsd Ibis treat- tr tcipmd. Bot Ibm bttpeless canes met. i il depende es ttc individ- are frocOnlp if aomtous bcoc- toi clirplv falîtul ebservations et - Cal1 - plrctpl, stesp tald ic e in Ibis lest a ewo'simpleiule.- If ttcre ila teco. nemaîtr hum HW'YOUR HAIE ? The Canadian - 1iegbt,' tIm.or relorîcc, e. bmKmctc treolmev con permmmu wndro. If il moncten yoo rail Teluluologlat C a po A remple, prîvotirenminuties lA.F.tteWieeu ut thtu Kennedy Motel C a po i.s cîcen tv o Irictelist le duten-' in Milton, Ontario, on Sadortlay lberhectnditionotit apfr NY ac 91 No a9I bis tecir trouble. eTbihsalpco blieMarclu 1Z2d. Nantatpa tls Prntng & Publtshîng Co. 1 Lcmîted You o nneoed an appolatasunt. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 9MURMAY. 19ARCH 17th. 1955 1 PAGE TEMTEM