Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 1955, p. 9

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THMDAY, RS OIR 1, 1968 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO MILTON PHONE 448 Under the personal supervision of Mr. James Croli POLICYt Two Shows Nightly 7 antd 9. Matinaes Saturdays andi Holiys at 1.30 p.m. FRIDAY.SATURDAY MARCH 11-12 TWO BIG HITS Gig Young Jean Hogan YOU FOR ME Peter Lawford Jane Greer ARIMA (Color) Girls! What do you think? Great Western Romance Shoulci she marry for love or money MONDAY-TUESDAY MARCH 14-15S For Two D.ys OnIy-Big Comedy Hit The funniest story about fouled up romance PIF F FI JUDY HOULIOAY JACK LEMMON Dont ay it-Come and sec it! Atded Shorts: Gona ishinq (Tech.) anti Cartoon WiDNESDAY.TSIJRSDAY MARCH 1617 SEE THIS OUTSTANDING PICTURE David Leans production of HOISON'S CNOICE CHARLES LAUGHTON, JOHN MILLS, BRENDA DE BANZIE Sec Charles Laughton at his very best Coming: This ig lEt in Color-FIRE OVER AFRICA If Yeu Have an Eye for a Bargain -Read the Want Ads TEA BAG SPECIAL TENDER LEAF A 60-BAO PRO. 30-BAG PR& 0cOFD St OFF DE"L . u OFF E-A73 BLUE BONNET (in the Colour Qnk bag) For Lenten Sandwiches - CHATEAU SE/,.LB. CHEESEPKG. 29c PURE LARD ESSEX 1PKGS DEL MONTE CRUSHIED PINEAP 2002 27 PINEA PLE --TIN 27 PINEAPPLE JUICE DEL MONTE BAWAIIAN 48-02. TIN 29c SEIRRIFF'S PUDDINGS and JELLY POWDERS - LUSHUS 3 PROS. 25c J EWEL SEORTENIN - LB. 25c. FLORIDA ORANGES VALENCIA M5 lb,, 5 DftTAT~~e New.Brunswick i1I.39 POTMOES ~Canada No. bt 9 LETTUCE Cadrî 2 for 25c CARROTS 20 o.cel bag 2 for 27c W R Calîtorni a large CAULIFLOWE ht ed37C BRANANAS Golden Ripe Pound 19C LOWVILLE Attive Groupe The engutar meeting ut the W. Fam o ulton M.S. and W.A. grouof h Uie Form opula ion harch naheld ut thn home ut Mca. Thuma Rarmshaw on Wednea- Just 15 Per Cent. day afternoon. Mes. S. T. oin Tihe Limetone farmn forum met conducted the wocship service, con- at the home of Mr. and Mr.L.W. ductedby M. A. W. Coter ho Coulsus un Mooday evening with read the criptare tesson and led Mes. W. Carter anld Mru. V. Norrds in prayer. The president, Mns. C. acting as joint hotesoos. After a F. Waîîe, cundacted a short busns discussion peclitd on Education toc ces prciod when it sas annuunced Facmisg, J. E. Whitetock anulu that the Bey. Jean Dnlono troducod and gave one ni heosAmacag udBeustpa- ual infocmative and incctuog ccau the Eater thanhoffrring sec- tatho. vic in Apoit. Mcs. Thomas Rm c hau ocirurd the stody hooh NL' tatLnd ttlî 1i- li -ini-iî, î-v tOc v I jtl tI rir 1ire.n mviii,,, .f t,1vi decnvcod tthce itîîhni-ctody A vshorthbns meeincvg w 15 Percenr0t. ut th, ocopto vît Caad-i hctd toc thc W.A. and Pions for the were Pcoviding agicatura prudh and concert wccotnatiecd and it otatfor the oher 85 pcr cent. ias dcided to hotd aquilting on 'Mas, educatian n-au needed to pro- Tueuday ut the hume of Mrs. S. r. vide efficient methodsofn farm iCouaton. A group ut the tadies de- management, soit consevation, lcidcd to attend the short cour-n eto.. ponting nu tut tOc ý4-Hi at Five Ouho. Paris, at the endvf .wnk forYoungpeopero.auan in-Ihlemoth and wiimstoc up for vatuahte way ut otaioing prrtîo- a ove day session. Bru.Geniger cnt information and aiso contrib- tReadhead ctuvd lemeeting itih tcd tothecsocial sidr f ufrat prayer. Lnch was srvdand a1 taife. ociat timc prot. N. A. Speers mnvcd the vote ot thaon to the sopachr savdhosto Mc. and Mci A. W. Dotho vte the aroup hi thcir hoime foi, t meting net werh J. A. ELLIOTT Litenîpti Auctionear REAL ESTATESne st . Phone 376W NuPP p Haro d' s arnilin no 8 H. used to frOwn oadntseC LIS. 18 nOuaht but c.,e FAMOUS TRICHOLOGIST WILL DEMONSTRATE HOW TO GROW THICKER HAIR ... AND GUARANTEES Il !11 Demonstration To Be Held Here This nes% mthssslof hom treat-,i ili, ,an lill mel nt o 3ing ascnd soing tlirk- I-.iir-.rinisil, i ii Atilîttin e haie uilltt r h e m(unNteats-d in - ... iîv, o i li-v i, it the- Milon. Ontario, Stardas ONK.Y iînvi i îfci -ihIvîtirvtme:-t and Mareh 1t. lh-,i ii-i ivdli i'-1 These priels indssat drassn- Aiinviîmiîimc mir it.Ilivlti-r- strallse-.nittlle- h-td at the Kent- >f'il ,ah-cinoi-glavis.,, tel the nedy tistet on satuedan 0- ici niviii t.lti nîhe ktiîr Marh 19--12tNon tn9lP.M. iinvovttOi- hine itreitvcnt. HAttFAX, F,-i 24. 105.5 to air "'aîîi-lihall* Ilhi trohîrî- interviewchi-iv ivihv. Wili tI. ovi s..Iri*iisiiitîyîiing Knv,-s- iinii;itîcvvuàliy himiviio tri- il,' iiti iilîuii)dq I -o,ýt tiictiloistn nhni,,i t n dnciidinuivîter vîtth h iii- vil,, i nitg î i iOcstht*rIîi- fiaiepr,isid Thi,-ian, lit.ut Canada iivte) condvit f-xminatiuons di-I ent scal ,iî.ishotaivovîv and.ivmit h tiiivnv trriiist. Motmenv;endnnmo, ti los(> hir. Usz n vono a.iivi. t-rîn mont, NO LUltiN ALU - fthms-ric fizz. ,ther rnt iv ýtilt (ttARANTEED Ca aiiihh4vîti-iting hairanud w:-car TOnev-smirs, e nsvgnuasno tht li-i ivvm cOtst i-es to bc alu r 5, ls-viss li- kcaltî o f îtciis vui tOht hai n lii-onvî o n Ovlduno TýhInnis sonnthîmvo Rnîj-(- -Inorvtt iîv fsîc. sui a unsîuotuts. u- t u l1), - l vv n v an ;niilsd 0- (iin vi i;f -, vii ii vîvs l tvoss to "tluihei orli-Iv potv- inv bcei mOnI ti tir RimioissimmuiO hik-titiissowvvsilsvvte i nvmvco îf tht- lîeasl ilomvclvî(nY o t-n Ovosi sOr din v roogiiv- Ict. il issusre n tivvi-satOns-neo, tiliBttiFTM vît ýd"f clo t iiio' siîmoiis uis-.reî i t 30 c i Ys -. tivy winile r v vilsFOtvvii vi Iv,, vi, ii DISC tUAED the iiiruiilil tiihtcitillAGF-hy civo iiil o-vt nul v.ii ailtshevi th(0vis, .5 iiv-s tOt us- icisi ofth - ivci 'ir s-iiv ;liii Ol1 ti-hit si vitlsha titsIlv.vscaillotv.Inu-si i. it llîs-îlv hýtizl vu, innpe, dOuvîfi lu hü ,sese vse v iî l v ;11miv ioîttîtîl on csOt1w inti ii îss-tnsiuucuo iculii-n tit ss itfs-v iiffils- If tiu- si-so isse, nuro atinr Bisse OWS VOUE IIAIR ivhi. thue in, rcntnnim-no.the Rvvtc trinuevot nn smrirse nndccs. A. lt worrie ets ucati Trieboost AE. DcWees ut the Kennedy iSotl A rnmpeit, r. tureinatiio In'Milton, Ontaiano, seSaturday un nmncn hy a tcîchniogist tu deter- ONLY Marri. 19-12 Noes ta 9 pm mins- thecocnditions niis scalp for Thec publie is lnvited. Bs aie trouble. You da not eeed an appointment. FREE EXAMtNATIONS The esaminations are private anad This enuminatien is ney thnrnugh You wiii est he embarrassed or eh- and highty technicat. it requtees 20 iigaiedi n tep wap. BoIh smen aand lu 30 minutes. There is nu charge; womes are weicome. RATEPAYERS, NELSON COUNCIL PACK Halton TB Sales Up ROOM FOR BUSY MEETING MONDAY 15 Per Cent. in à54 Faced w-its e heavy agenda reet the draisage pvohtem un the Sale- ni TB Seats aut Christmas- Monday nsght iNelson township iRohert Lyao farm. tîme, 1954,Oas reportrd tu Be a 15 counrcît exended ls meeting time Conseil refused the application per cent. increase over the prev- ontit 1-t.30i is order to deat Burried- ni the Potinh Alliance Society ut muas year when memhers ni the ly with hy-taws and motions atter Canada for permission lu eect a eaeoutive of the Hatton Cnanty hearing depatatins. sew baitding on their tands ou Tubercutosin Association met in "Wwitî have tnseetet 7p.m. Headnnfoad for use as a dance MitonMonday evenisg. sorder lu finish hy t arn. sent hait. At the samne meeting the nificers timne, erve Harotd Adhkiss ce- Questions Aaaesâment -al the Association plassed tue marhrd auttr ho and memhers onf At the hcginning of the meeting. annuat meeting tu he hrtd iOc Trat- couancit patientty tîsteored tii mavy Berne Adhioo innvrerd the const- algar huit sn Aprît. îîrî,hîun i falpynmnwilhvt citandtlargevnumsehr oftratcîîcy.î foj0, er o.nsini rdtiinvest.. heing a tt-I -tii-v .îany IlI h v, r, i vtooi1-the i-,vnn thI - i. imv no--ohîiblvî of a moihle ch-ci sol ti i to liy f thn. i.vange cnlplunl hadhvvvn ecv Xvay lîniv to serviocethe northern John Mllsonf Mills. Speine and cd fîîm one rnatopopor tîvut hîv as- Oars ni Natton county. Sua cl is- Cosspay.uddccssedcnuncuilcn- ssumntnd taxsetnere tnnlno.îcwoold extend chest Xray facil- ccrnîng a hid -toc the toushipos This lcd the verve to question Bow iies and ailose district medicat fsrthcoming deheotare issueruontmanyveidontu neve ont payiez practîtinners a more cnvenient $200ltOW and $140000. A competitor sn accordance n,îth the value of meanasu B ave patients X-rayed, atmo spolie biefty os the sahjecî. their pcnpevty. Ose piece sut prop- it was pOinted nul. "It ia gcnevut hnovtedge thut erty sotd tant munth ut $1.500 an Dr. A. Bail. Naation Medicat 0f- the bond market c nstvong ostO acre for 40 acres. The assessment ticr of Healthreportelthat-over liîety tsi ho stronger; we are sot nous nnly $2.330. The reve fanocvd ise-Baîf the ichoot childi-en le the yet in a position tuolfer dchrnt- tahing np the whote question ni conty have had TB tests this ires foc suie escept under provis- eqoîtahîn usorisment witB the as- tinter. The "patch tests" are made ion ni suie." Renne Adkins aaid. -mosment depactmrnî. to, determine, more directly, if a There nus a posiility ut $220000 chitd Bas ces- erse in contact voei addition in the $340.00, THSE FAITIRFUL FEW nith TB. It inansnted that only whîch woutd mahe a better and When the meetings calted to order about tnn per cent. of tIhe tests ce- mor nu btantial amousit to put on And yeu louIs scnund the csnm uctcd pnitively and tIsai nu active the market. Youre sure tn seea nome laces cascs have Been discoveved su far. Aak for Eoelng Thut from eut the shadoses Ionm J. McCrmach nas upnhcnman And thcyli tay ustît itns through - CAMPBELLVILLE toi a droututiasi from Rno-sd 1Theocrnen that Iccnusid mention Heights ouking prîmucîly uicoiiîi. Arr the aiwseatthfui infiew.. iigin thatuarva toprrennîtheeo- W I e tn ctoofdîuplen doîlîigs and1o Thorsthat youuciylon AtH t lîmît the zosie tu ingle famiy rc - Are threutovayn faîthfui fce. A H on Manor idecls.Itc vn no-er. Becr Adhiis Thvvv arc isn othev mcmhccn The Camohelivilie Womens In- tcnsscd the rncy of o oror Whou mît corne cshc in the moud. stitute oonductrd their Mavnh a-nivg bho un , hich iltcschîîpcd WBr n ecrvythingsconvnsiest meeting ut Nuiton Manne, Milton, io have nîthisi90 day,, Thec il- TBry cas do a ittie gond. .itc. Sidney Nuctiey pvenided and citation lso di-uussd risads. str-t TBvccc afactr inthermeeting coneducîrd itemse of business. Aftee sige- treci eumesvo. nt itîght-. o And arc nrccsnary, toci. the teatitute Ode and Mary Stew- fivot puih for uchool childeci unseIBut the, oes oho nveefuit ius urt Cottect, Mvn. Roy Parker read iii odîuirdîîvvrrn o-a cîld Ai th olsavstuîhfuites' the minutes of the tasi meeting. ccv's playgvond oa nc-v, to tho E. C. Wtins. Mvs. William Bucks and Mvi. loBe. Jameshcnductod a vacicd pcugram Drainage Prshiem a ohih the cesîdente of thse Masur L. N. Shawuso o nnhomuvi ,v ie thnrnughly rsnyed. Those tuhieg Port NelsonuUnited ohuî-oh i ek- N ew Association 1.1wMr.JmsWlae lmfrtech 0 hpoeryadRecej ves Charter ouct 0cloy Mcv. Jams Wayark- i-m îîr î-cnco prprîn cd vr. Mce. Murruy McPhait. Mv:s. il-n toi,i the iieighhnring tond., The Wellingtun County Associa- George teglua B Mr. Catvin Evuns. shipi ubdiii.onagrem nts il rcivd thirrhartr frontthe On. Q- - BeelîHary hus, Mcv. 5cav ivI lteccsivithtit. uill not bhvtariîAssociatin lt thecncgasîca- ate..HctPiiusM. ii-vnncucy tic thevCsuhdioid.i. tto tinul meeting f Bcin Nsrfolh Si tc . .Mro agasl n c-.îvtcnct guttcrs.Corhoib1l i sted church huit. Guelph on, Fn r . .Mhu oî 5 n bo incudýd.day eening Mrs.E im htviGergBlcgaecavead- lv eivuidvvnn .V. Hunt andMvg uret cnitn fMs The vcncs- ndvitri-oc viii, v,,MruO.Hnlmcs ofToronsto csnduct vivgAquuvtciltvciir JaeisugofM .iitliioned t,, plyc$63ttit v -H Pd thie lvctîusn otticcru and uffer: oc htioMsJmsWtae E.P.C. forthe pIchauof fi~,- "c suiggetiosns tnl.the opvraîsn. îMcs Muîrray McPhaîl and Mrs. ,Ptln oxed cnanil.thassoniation. ;nocýge tngli.,.guve mo-icut setect- i-ive, matiru.oAccommdationoisuplies-a -divin' M «s Hau Pordy o-ns pian- F Gaolvinhni< vt iv vinvotîtîrd that ti-onhncn nrthrce oftheBvpruhîremu Oc-no-nl îîvva-n 00rgive. tu the inn convvmn-l iîl i nidiovir tiicorn di.eusciadt themeetingtuitisowing iidn-tld.lady wih thecmosthbut ___ __ __ __ __ _thi-lntiiviiofiitc1ro ivtosiciv hnv dc-and au Mcccl bingoc vi vs cnduntcd. A St. Pos- PROVISIONS ri ch v ty ho-ht oni ndy Ysvo vir viPr viii: n - 05dmto uit ludies and gentlemen A v rA i vin v.,:) ova 1,-1_d, îr1 h- Maoiro. A -sociul haîf Bou. M .. iI M lft ui.H-,v di oulion tîvilioýv A Y A R Wl.1hadOan isuîcn pilivo Raaehaii tuchre se h O vk, nand I vg.h Moiad Mre.JamesRuyetunM.% on , o e, , e il ,imiMrs.Leslîc Lonos-ecccnvev RESTAURANT discfoc the Ovuocholl progressive v unhcv p.vty in S.S . .10 uchoot iN.ll oin.ithivd v iao o n iiToou(- ioevning. Prizes wcrc Acton is in 1mcv- , xIv(vv-nn o- icaîditî Mo.onhuî1t Eas onNo 7 ighayM.-hah ced Mc.GordonePattcr-un. tant n No 7 HihwayAmvvthev porto o il bce od iu tnn o nnha%% .îtO Mc. and Bre. Hncry OPEN DAILY 'Rvmshou and Mc. ond Bru. Steow- fs-cm act Cioeip un charge. 8.00 A.M. tu .00 A.M. NATI ONAL ASSET The conditiun cnustnsowhere one- 0 BREAKFASTS neri ffuvrcn. .-.are prejadiced 10 LUNCES couist the Buvung ni utder r ners. * LUCHESîW\ W, ar ont cluîmung that age Bas a 0 D.NEnv orvnpoin ni hruunu but ne do a * DiNERS e.- ~that tîîch rnprrirucc and ahiity as ID FISH AND CHIPS 5IM s ovîuî rd thcnuîîh prars ni appli- A SPECIALTY ca rtîin vue and dors cunstitate a TiredTilTI lyfnoîîy 1io un siinaiionl s t tuutshnuid not Be TIsat shopping coaltib tn luottc- duongarîdd -Assininisn 0000 F000 AT She reati tha as,1tn tssîtîid 505h imîes. REASONABLE PRICES And huit hier woeb was dont. Rîco-si mvcrtn Bd ~ ALKYD l" Tho perfect somi-gloss enamel ... ideal DULAMELIS for any wall or woodworlc oreas that COLOR MATCHED TO must be washed. ALKYD SANI-FLAT CANADAS FASTEST SELLING GALLON1 $7.25 $2.15 0F. FLAT PAINT Benjamin USE ONLY THE BEST .,so Noorepaints ALL TYPES ORNER AIN OF HARDWARE AD MARTIN SIS. 'I PAGE SWE pAr-W. IRMV. E

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