THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TItOI2SDAY, MARSOlOth. 0955 ---- - --- -- --- TE GOOD OLD DAYS -L tHVE _ ME A Common Task Thisn mueducainn mk. n au oues misicisare eopondiog f nnnd a ueek n micir io eau ai to, the financial dnmondv of li schools at bots public and higt iems ot which everyone is cm n tise fonds necesuary toume rising touts. ~i~l 4QL( ~1Uê * 4 * q e * 's ~5tJ E Ii'~ BUSINESS A NI Buf there is a need for nd bringing home and choul inI flun. There lu a nieed for attent oms tise relationship of parents ar lu a need for dloser co>-operatios standing of tise problemu msic uupplying tise needs for guui tisai milI fit tise young peuple ileir paces le tise morld ut toi Mure elaburate buildings more attractions and ease for continue their educoolun, lowi raising of salaries, frictions belý parents. and criticium ut tisu chuul affairu are not alone th moke for better education and Canada. le this education eenk mn ter noampîru and clouer co-opai es if tise pruduct ut better cili parnd fur tise future that faces Peehapu le thisseducaîlun meek realization usai me jusi connot and pay otisers tu do tise jobi Parents' rsponsibiliunes arn mcr the tas lnvy for educational pi We nord educafion unni -part of ties eveu doys of fisat s thougisîful connuderoîrun on t and nuampîn this ouaur and cai by maney. In Time of Need Evnry monts le tise yeor Il' rnady la ment aey disavier, a ony couse of mercy. luniisis e- have yaum apporlunnly t10 iî ganizotian by your donation. s for 5V2/ million dollars. No one questions tise nus, pnnditures and nu onts vends lu te keep tise Red Cross sirong rh nenirs ut peaunrime and morti accident vicîi of aur ownur- may be o citizen burned oui cf oufmisa nords food, ciohinngé Crosv is almays ielping people acroslise natian across tise w This iv aur upporiunily o1 gnzaiau aI tise reody iO su Hurricanes stinie sacleniy. Ci munis ta tise ted Cross. Early Optimism Ferisops ru eorly Morehis nu mention lise faci of the cemy fin have nupeieuceir inv is parti os me meli mnou, and even ei a loi of svaou liste cocoîrysuc camplimeniamy commentraou spire of lise factStisaIlise caleod uhat spring ilîl arrive on tise2 Convemsing wmur folk ilut tise province andr a receut onsut shosus uai aur torluvate positi 001 generol le tise province. tome usai isod been forced by bey nuira equipmenu for suc% every penny counis inutise la seau is arritem thtisaiinbot municipal councils lu lomus onc remoual evîlmones far lie yea considerably frour aIrer yeorr. municipal bodies wmou isopeu nalising accorts ta spoil fils pl lack of seau. FLIGE TWO cmrfl Keeping Pace -,Tenty Years Ago Fifty Y.ars Ago communities such The othier day when me noted the many hours Frmte Issue et the Champuion eofmrainthse lause of the (Ihaspia. or apidly we do flot clipped off the transcontinental run of Canadas TusaMrh7h 95TuaaMth1,111 tentiori paricularly great railways, arnd ie saw initihe station yards in,.~ The ssso s on lis usds. On Tuesday evnîng about 30 ie qeston. ew oroto te fne nw seelcarswit thesceicHeu. Ewan MacDonald, B.A. alter hriends ut D. A. McClure asembled e qeston.New Torntothefin ne sin crs uit th scnic~nine years pastorale at Narval and ai bis lale residence, Trafalgar, and h scoollevls re dmesandluxriou cofor fo traelwe on-Union Preshyterian Churches, liait gave hlmn and lirs. McClutre a fore- sl achol ean ars, e dmefin sd xulosofofr adhg ytra, we n restgned awing taoifil heoti. weli nytersptser. P. MeDuffe ws tI awe cnan lso dere duif lei taythofartandheimaysravwe Sait, nond and ashes hâtdfle lac valeri i ta the chair, snaking onex- et te cnntnîl gae de cedi luthepor tie rilmys avequiekiy appiiedt e the sidewaottan crlient aisening addreoo. Obar plydi h eeomn f acutr sucs as Monday marning an their try candi- speecheawere givra isy Walter, Caaedan ichseteve ront oo conrytian made travel for ede rinHerb andi William MeCartney, Tisa- Iduco ek l aaa hintrthsfro ca t ca.mare af o testof aiaeroaotiesthon maa Farlow, Ed. Bausitelti, E. mn- Mony of us con recail the days when the haïr- pleasure. Phai and otera. Me. and Mra. Ne- tclouer co-opera- vosteru' excursions to Western Canada moved itheerackHardeyhfore he tepete i ar raemv oClay itio tabe ocused athr'shore beorebc e- ît ta the intention te cotabitisa tnb bece focused workers for the fields and the railways, as nom, hbledlit te readst ils hareones He ladge of Doughters e of oeoem tedgh theachers.ath makThereralwytaissuffering tram tee bralen riho ohortly in canneetton witlh MI ,nadbetter under- bogttehrett h abt h alas-StaffPtbýceause the saortloti horse kieked Ladge, Rai 92, I100OF. se thi e oilie and have carrird the early settlers to the new homes WINTER IS WANING but theres stili plenty of sflow ta be hlm 12 tedt theauostiste air inle a gave an "At Home" on Thuaesy ich are common te in the neur froatiers in the west and north long found in this part of Ontario. lu Halions Nossagomeyo, ai these mac anta. night. Between 125 and 150 aUud- ,cl our edcat ort-wet crnerof he ount, mre nowfallis ecodeded. Praminent gurota cee iaila 'on dcton before highway or air travel were dreamed of. orhescrnrftecurymrenwfo srcrdd Sigm aiof prtog: Hundreda oand Mater Young and Ma'.. l ftdyt aeeach inter in this section thon any other port of Hlton. This crama have arrived. egMagrshallradSeetrya tee hatglp hl out af tise berea Asaemntly, Hamilton; Neft,. mof oda utk hs er o h aso lorostae farur scene under a blanket of white lu taken from the Blue graund and John Timbres caaght O araD.G.. dliO.M- nro. the imie mas slomer. Many of us can recaîl the Springs Linn in Nassagameya township. hatlerfly an Tuesdoy. Ble, îod.D Paît rand is n Mm and equipment, loaded trains that crried the meek-end and holl. Mararet Rbinsa and BaPraKnatn t Geprnd Wilsen e- youn pepleta ay ravlles inquatit ifnotin omfrt.Nixon pasard their elementary rx- berra Ladge miii be leatituted with- yong popf s dattaeanrdaqaridsfotncofot amleatian le piano at Toranto Cas- le a fmi ereku ctth about di) mam- Ifn f tnars doesnt require a long memory ta recaîl the__ A S T 0 ILU T H evtr fMscls ek es ,twen tachrs nd eavytrafictha th ralway carie duingtheAt the Chathame Serd Faie anly Fred Wales of Milton exhibitîd 68 'me teches ad havytrafictha th ralsuys arred urîg te I ~ AI ~ Ifinetcounties mere aliwed ta ex- hieda at the Eastern Ontario Stark me ho administer mac years whbm armed forces and mac materials EHshibit grain and serti. James C. and Poaltry Exhibition in Ottawa. th hig ta wl hdtab taspredfomoea a ca O R T Hv t S T Cunningham nf Hornhy mon firat Hercarriedaoffu58prizes: 26firsts, 13 cl btte ciizes o No th ralway sem t becomng ntoan-Prize on mhite pea bransanad thîrd secands, 17 thirds and Smo toueths. i ~ te boteritznso .NmThe sira w i ema s arem t eh c mgint a1 n- sweet crm(Golden Bantami, C. MeClesahan of Nasaaaeyo othr ea. heulik nm iesls re liinaing t'nned Acter Accident Charter NichItaorHotary The Y.PS. of Grace charrh scere wn $5 in the Mail and Empire con- pechapu nerd bet- the cool burnicg locomotives. Luaury cars are tI Erns the threur par-ald son10fl In Georgrtown plans wsere final- cntertained ai the home ut Mes. J. test for the rînsent gurus ta the trtin e urho- urn tovllrsrous rimas ho hveai tea local .couple naroly earaprdized for the charter nt o teT.Hannars as a ruchrerParty an namber of votes plîrd in the errent eraton n or hm- urig taveler ta se ailaystha hae al teusrious njutitn aan accident tant son*s ueoRutary iClbfheMo-Wrdsesday sight. The priocu mere provincial elertios. The total vate izens is tobe pre- comforts of a home on miesn The nem eqoip- woe h om ni as pînned hetîes day night vi the Legin.-. Hall. Banil won hy Mes. R. Beush and Frank was 444,497 and Me. MeCienahanas Cndmentis flot su noiuy and tihe 0cm diesels pull the front uSeamad doue ufthe fa--Tippe-tDistrict oncrnor wsvapr- Cartwrt isAn ae n us a 4,W sgreater Caad.iy car alleriefStured unrirn a vîn t, as vas Jus Carilder 'Past Don- A.00 e. Idanager Clements bas maveti m ie should get the cithuut the terrrfic tarîs and stops of tise sîeam dirchuts theBeRlloiiriin ltiad suite j iriseirilndoiiisianding Cinadias Ru- The Waeld Day ut Prayer suit be feon bis lempocaey quartiera mbt the amiv -r Ou for ýtaian ho as t gust seak r. ld)ois.Drue Chiîich Soaday the Metropolitan Bank building, t fssin urdolar loomtiRu.soh parensnod aintdubsrS.i'v'ial gui-vu, sureuon batid trous Sebîu1 Roum un Fiday, March8th suhiuh has bren renmodelird. tisat iv 00e own. rIloncofrtanly appears tsar the ralways and tise o'i.e ui'iiinbii,,, 5heoîhap, disii ici Rotaryn Clubs., ai 3 pi .This day bas bren set aside Warden McGibbon asd Caunty riboverratel il copiuerpuseptesutsf pr.uîotiug aies ow Do-d y Couneilluorrhesuros oSmithnga o-Wilsonos Sit, Warrenaren sIene iicontnuesutcuperesatrfac BuFre ie! StetIvanD a tir he nGrtrdhyMusenc Brpo iitt I n ide înteîdiensîîinational Cook and Ford met in Hilton on irpes ojotpyn îorily for many yearu uis tise transportation sys- Jo ni-s lRed"* Wauîily, hi-ad ut the Su'rrsci«y ii iithe pi-isonnet de- WI ns Day .1fl'ayer lue mis. Saturday and ocrord 26 tenders af teo.u.Srvusointri-i Fiec elîpnrtsoî'nt el.îrnîuîîîîîî sBerdo ad o tebouse ut refuge chtrh ae ffronyaterr is aI have developed inr ment years Tisey liii35ys'aio andîl o rîenbe rîtftire LIA.. vos lîîed by the toits couosil rIna si-ruin sopiseotdr ut nurne mvri atso h evni o nya aie certainly flot taliing o bock seat ru ony alirer d iiiiSuint i*e30 yi-aro. hbon civn- :'.. r iv*k tlmmiiitrciCiii olsePrviceteats ue nday o cuThedlîotybotteaan week me grue somO rvlr ts rsurdy b Ii I uit wilcontv-riinueasar, la iaiitrriiivlue hu- inSf'o mrit no x ubrul thi ro rn orrr ud W. Th beri letheabueofthe ata, tise responsibilities tirîiin-'e reirt ar.Ob rar ,ptirviii d. ruh ii"vit;iol l-rh ît(if orli an od a-lflieb sitb a bi-autiful lloîînated honing brrr adiasted, the Milton- lui, .t the i.ivrîlfi.i li uult rrîsruîrne MrenHe- i rdirsuand an ehiiny siluei mouant-Ladies Hockey tram trirdtliaiar- e,'.ici,îin ii-iitvihiitJieh..o' nnis. a lrt,'-long i isident Oholr.i ianc Men DcI)saPruscnted range theccetorn mat h with Artan be purcisased Dolla Value ivirrriîugror ilTrsuintr îrîiioîihi' i-i. i si- t itsoetsutb o brautîtîri springbouquet. but lrled. Streetonle ladies tram Tise-e ru no nerd tSu ose any ieep ocer the ti Il3,'y, .r1tc r.'iiiirseil tiActeon beames' Local Ttr naino ceadeswswr vtd and areepted but due drap ru tise premîomn of tise Carradian dollar, de-i ,it'r 'iriiy vri ' i.,,i1ýIniii r ton î.rvii ni rrdcd ro 1).Ny HRevJ N. MeFaul, the Sutiste ilînrsofs foreraI of their i-rire biing hr-s-virýd hy A. E. Allen.pioner, oece orable ta come. Ac- clases Tise Firaucial Fout. Ocr natioual oanîty may s ,îuî i , i '. rî,(tla i-tuT 1trr i. icii ir ic, i i n rî ,t, ri h lMode li risne hebu ut soffer aubile but not or pocisetboohu i 'i Arra,it, Ii'rrritiii- Iui fi]"' a,îrri -i ler tiseOltair ne RedCross tandslii, W fru r i r-n It wruru 1i.iiiîiv Urîî,îr n -ljh iriîri-id.i Frbons tise roporter and tise importer it wul ti st tiialtir, 13l1,1rt, iplan 1iiîirrritc,ci'rvr, ,ha,', oehresed ruy ted geCoross stands F o tsteg stireir competitior i ha- tlir, tbu '. pani-dl t,,up-r.a iielri r, viril, r tir lie.rî0.rerx. I- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i. rP , - ;I,îir iri r15.00 aIIiiii malccr- rii SiS, c ii, u s-nrail mni n a roulis of Marcis yoO position. For troue c terested in thetocrîcî trade, îîî!:11l:, ,rri,'ie i-irilid.vrî,iAN T A EL RS GUD itain this greut or-, toc, a ireadavise hou been nased Tire eviorcement t.a'h. Mrs. (,hosh ouirr N T A ELRS UD Tise need ths year of tise discount on U.S. fondu may isave broogintt I l airbi lti,'I.ifi a tr Leruteogesceoasil_______________________________ c I ltîlîrue t NIrsv S K SIl i ii iiierio ris ii i-vS n somu umalfînancral rencre, bus însîsrîng ou tise c arîr. r iv -is n AStrru ii rl aitii Sur hîr il, vio'MEDICAL ,DENTAL ud for defence ru- nuIra penuius, ofîru îu1red good wirl, isî,s 5. l iiliil5 uSi s r-s rii h iivi, an i, irul,,. ru tirveths H SEESO LNC R . .K l question tise nerd s0 vital lu this type of i u iei.i iîi .i-riviili i-nchlîrrlbord.I v "Dima ee ;zin i. sc rt-iche îrîrrrTire Adur ..Ls t, lice vi uiciih-ene. Ph noru DENTAL SURGEON irii ayme ie Ou a cery lrge proportion of 0cr eoport ;rri ii rruriiTire prazu:;,i - i- , I r îrî iurefire,reitei ofît Mltos Nombere2 Office ta cloyal Building, Multa me. Maybe is an traire, regardîrsu of tise ctîmatu deutination, tirh~ ie licii -sandliii' i tirir c iiS,.. iii.iiui irtrirsir, vri. touS De. C. K. Stevenson Houes 9-5 i.strii b', Iii, Si rg, Dce " tS i oSI Dr. . G. Hines i Evenng by Apintîent suen or district. t 1prive lu set in U.S. dollarswmincir, muant tirai ru- 'antsr 'y "coin îîîrie har;îitrrarîr c 1h.'siutionir rDr. R. Fitt-Geralti XRySrie eehn e f home, or flooded porters recerord Irons Candiaro dollars for the tIii Oik,ris lieiii ,,itIiriiic 5 ' nA,-rta Osjrtsiî GALpOAY 1 aed help Tise Red l'oie amout of goodu liii ti., eriii;,oi-nrun-t SIlit'iîurrrriSire (ih 1 th.. rriiio AM-Ryapporntîent oiy,D nS. a SOrgeo nb Sur S'Matie 1r ii S, mun>r i ni-st >îrîeyi i,,îi il ý î .îrrd M-- - le acruss ties ureet-- For tSeirImporter tmm mou salvo a painir urieilil, itlin ., i clii o ill ,ticii, iii iiv465 u rP;.C-i,, ro C.I-DA 7-Em9gn. e uDel ontalStonuren flo rond uqnea riiilirr ,rc ti iîs i Sîrîrri iruun ie 'liui offsiilii un lîl rîrl ad' MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL Hîours 9 Sut p.m. neptir grut ~ Tise higiser tire Canadian dollar, tire more tire :î'irSer u i 'ririri-i lDiseiriii iicici iîuvriitc, ofi.rir etnîuCvraer.tutRAY Ee' O b apPofnS5es5. net ail eiergency. exporter ru West Germauy, Brtaîn or tire Unied ciili!- aii ,rr riiui 1hii hi î ii'îil da' i,,i itti i tirepulicr EA 3ive generoosîy triîs 1States rncnd lu inhîu ownumouey for tire goodu Tu,.,. liIi îiiii. O Ii tiii hnuiu'iitt,.irr 'iiilii DR. G. E. SYER EA ire uold toauand Stru butur position ho mas I fI'i()k lv .ilik iiil hystrtan asti Surgean DICK, DICI< & McWILLIAMS cuithtie prives of those goodu cfflrce Jarmro Strert W. I. DICK, Q.C. Because of tire cery large îwo-w fowof 'huneNo .38 K. Y. DICE Oici, H.uru: o9ti.;i3 P. K. MeWILLIAMS goodu, peoplu and capital acrcuu tir UýS -C ac 7-830 pi H.ariii-ci-- Solicitors border it csruntise bnctinlururnuruof both o u sCorconer BronStreet, oppouite Arens Telephone 4 s dangerouime tO 1 hv 0cr rcupectiveudllars are aboue n DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON se mîntur wmincir me0 15ManStTA.H CINO . IST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH l"MirrSrci-c.A UCHNOQ ofl Onilarro MthOther Paoers Sav ýMiitcr-RP.V J L,. BLAIR. B.A. Clîmmerorol StretieHn- -. - u aeaer îttoRc vannda t ewimgrnsfomWsýOtr.,îî ' Mi li..crid 'tiil "'itre e Huus Hapîrut Churehi Tir'1uhine 395W Office-NexI Door Champion id aprd uî IcCndagengeimugoisItuWet A TC M 'Me." ic igeîpurrarly a&Milton Heurlîtîice 395J Ottîce-Mar St, Hilton de~im andchngea Trîrpiione 54 it Or mnters - i iGnrmauy on miliihave ta gel more Ir ot lirer i'A.TOII. roirF.irSNYDER CIIROPRACTOR drgesasrne coostries Neut to tire United Kngclorand SNI cu-s, StARCH it ci, 195ltGORE,.r -OT icrgvsasrne Francemiros e cirzens sisow ltle inclination taf0 am iiuvS'tîii- SoirîrîrltSINDAY. bIARCH larn 1955 A .NESN CND EREE LIT 21ist of thinsmonts. A.ii rruMW.u c coc cimElue .m Sordy CceN iiDd.Barethter, Solliciter, Notary Publie emgrote, 0cr besi ber for new culuarus seem tf er u A LuerMesuoc i-.rrî1îî oililbe Clous. Dartar aof Chirapeactlrani ffice-bs Farîmes' Building the easîern part of from îîaîy. misere Canodran immigration officiais 5i-hooîl and Nurrveriy Clasir 1Il.00i om. -Moi-inn0 Worehrp. Naturopathy 7.(M p.. Cmbier]serice ili .00p.m-Evnin S"vie. 4nd earof raciceMoiniStreet, Hilton it lnenastere Ontario are suamped wmur applications. -Piocher Crue eis ntu .C,lrd toateudcf'r 7 ii p*ýi EocîMrrs c a -mcri tio42- YroCloPacreTuqelpo 7 lio i sowallwa ( It,)Eciro. i.rvi ofMr-. Giî'î'îIl, Misîsuo 'diSocicty autiheiom-ad ttndnuDVSuNDBLcI i rît Mci Fd Robbino.LayAltdtDVSAN BA WN We heard of une s nCracu'Angiracurrch. Triesdav. Moeeb 15 ai 7.30 -Prroce Thune TRianglr - 7-3612 Baretaters, Solcitors, etc. this year's smou t0 Every tîme o scisool iras roaire enlarged or .Mîra r ,Mîir1 1 uio a ý . ... Minv- dlu. Sdd Durlh St.1Draigl815 tutHOtiSt.6Hito w reoval Mmv nu oe ihre i tis usul amant f cc ~,ths' Srudrîy ,ehiul rîr. Peryrr and Bible olmdy ai the ~N wrae Ihe lacis of e onebut, teei h sa muto o-F dry. Mucru îu8 --7 urne- Tycu hîrîr' ut Bru. and Mcv R. Suy- WM. G. RIDDELL, 0. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ixrtîh ako roceesy, espevually i if is goiug ta roucis our Bocs; o or ScnoreChoie. dee .Dace ai Chirspractie ________________ en very ielpici ta pockerbccirs Tise trouble s ir aimosi oi os are - -- - _ . -- -=1 Brotite St,. Hilton McKERSIE-THATCHER d townshsips. Snow mucis more sensitive about our pociserbooku mien KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHU.RCH GRACE CHURCH By AppuisSsci-s or sirould be dlow n i oines to taons, scirool or otirermise, tisn onie 13EV'E ORSR, Minister ANGICN IOOE t2 xHomFUeRAmlaOMe ri Dr. îîr P. Zcuhro.MA. L. Bm tisimn Grsesen, HA.. Tb __________ hea asAsuoc eva s.lie members uft ae airons a ni cor or teluvîsuon set. Siansîead '.M.cor,îcîaisanîd Cihoiir MoSii Rector TRAVELLERS' GUIDE - PH-ONE u37 NbDHT OR DAY unlil mid-April tisai (Que.) Journal. We'oe even ireord tise argument I - ARI 3h 1.5 CNAINPCFI ALA Sitcere. Coueteous Service casant inier minis pot forfis tisai urha of lelevision wasaufor lire SNN3'YMAIlCIt 131r, 1955 TSONdSi'. dAbluuin liaS ANADandPaCd iFC RAILWAI benefin of tise educatuon of tire ciildîenu . iiiO Siin i ns iiiiitil'Ciiini. Cuw r-ir G o Turooto .3901 a LEER&-eSI l 10a lnun ornre Sihiiun. i tirrunn' C rrrranr nn iire WA i uins, b 4-t tri.doy 9.2 ps.l LhrEE HoSKitNt "Wh m i unrr'A-. ." oinui nrStiiiiir Shhvl. sip fil derain pen s obrs, Sîmecessoucolu T lii nirSirrur riile,,iLîOO rnu ,11.rn lSii'-lc '~ii i in , riudcroand rient anrd uniIlstop lu JENKINS & HARDY hi witiierniru n'nir -tal Il 'iciut)nissîengrrs Sndu suIly vil týý fir-wjisuvi, f l'n .11.Mrnrnnîcirrye Cosro fotTrotc.5am 35MtooltnBd. i-luv N.uni, n - 01;,. E , ill .1pm dauly; 1l10a.m. dollu 44 Victoria St, Toronto N B' hr usiIn.' ast drY th iii' "Tube uyfyrrec" uSt. rrr uir on 1: ' _Eî. 4-9131 for ne oeluicru " " 1 i CANADfAN NATIONAL Puiuht bImitas CatsI Tai "ri,iy, Maruclu 15, 8o uni Cornu- JH .K N OPN PulshdI teHar fHatnationu geuop. FIvutýs vMe'. Oic- ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA RAILWAY JH .KD N OPN PubshdeeyisudayîMsîîMltn.Ot.Hîbe mni. riscMar. Martin St. andi Dorvu Norlis 7.5t ea. CharteretiAeesuntants of tishee it uryau t cuaiOSt. imtoWnA.nti.hem Sprcmal speoiscr. Pucis mnmhrc ST. GEORGE'S. 1LOWVILLE DrG Soîi71p.JutJ.iii.CA hi-mgino gomot.7.A Pgm. Jnhn-J. A iR . HthvCA. Ontiaro-ganercDvison CWN.A Adverttamng rates on 63 Coîborne St. E. moqurst. Subseemptmatis payable n odvatsre, $2,90 in Canada, Bec. R. E. Porritl.Nca PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS OAKVILLE $3,50 n the U.S.A. Authorizeti as Second Clama Hait, Post CALVARY TABERNACLEI FOR ADULTS Telephotses 81 Ofire Deparîment, Ottawca. Penteeostil Boîseu SUJNDAY, MAf4CH l3tin.1955 Manday . .--..1.30 10 5 p.r Office: VI 4-3891 Res. VI 5-028ba >G. A. Ditîs, Edilor-in-Chtet BR9ONTE ST. Thieti Sunday i et Tesday 1,. .30-5 piM. anti 7-9 p.n Jamem Dibla, Hanaging Editor Pastr Rer A. C. T. Sors 1-1.00 a.m.-Murniîrg Prayer atsd Wednesday .....9.30 i.m.-12 non. JAMES & WANDABENSE Chureh Sebuol ut St. Deorges. Thursday 1.3i-5 p. md 7-9 p." SURVETORS Davidi R. Dilla, Production Manager 2.00 p.m.-Holy Communîionuant ida .05pm n - .. OtroLn uvy Puhlaed hy the Dîllu Pritmtîg sud PuhlushingCo. Lisolteti SUN-DAY, MARCH 131h, 1955 'Chuecb Sebouq iu St John's. Ftriday ............... .. 1- p .30-sd 7-t P OTaCRloLodI - reses828 EDT RI.(OFCE TLEH NE 20 tMa.m.-Sunday Scbob. Wedtsesday, Moreh 16, 8 p.- PubleleiasntteU« Mlo let laecl Lenten devotiunss aitîîoust nîd. Stoieitiipem.ri D 0 11.00 ara.-Mrntsg Woenbip. Deorges.. Sehool citbdeen have srporate D. Wandaste. OLS.. 7.00 p.m.-Evangrbitic Service. AIl Are Welmome hours Carsa - TAylor 2-0544