THE CAADIN CHAMPION, MILIUN, ONIARIO THIJRSDAY, MRUIASIY t7, 100 FO lSTREULS.. CANADIAN CHAMPION .IRIDUS(ASFF D BORF COMING IlNT (Cn.) FOR SALE (Cont.) F R RN E LET T Foclîci Pa -ty. . S l,,. .t FOR 1 SALE. ot i 1 i ien GIBBS L1iîiand Bill Gîlah Hall 'Lî.îiîlle,. Ciiiday, F,Lb. onCîîaîîî l Si. tii,î,î, .XARTMENT FOR RF.NT-3 are happy la annoance thoe i Ia t 8a 030 p.c Admpissian floc. qaîck"sle. Phone 425w alielceulm adbthaalbi ac al et their son. Gordan James. - oce1.hpl-oFrdPapt et Miton Peseate hospitai on A Mîntrel Show, Pet on by th, eS.AI. Flt Pant332King Monday, ýFeruary 14 1955. men t hnezen United church FOR SAtE-Thor weshing mach--5.Mione SMTH-Mr ndMs.Lr . omnt Heainen h ilhride ije, perfect conidition, 60 cycle, ORREI-Apertmeet, 2 large MILTON SSOTII- M. ed na.Lary G CmmuityHai onWenesay 45 m 'Neil 384 M.oactain and 1 smell reoom. Privat entrance, Smith wish te ennoance tteeig eray 23 eit .30 VewMilton.aot3mlsfr'MionPhe' $,000FL RC birth oetilstiion, Damd11W- .oclch.udertheaspics etK284rah23 5Miltrom tnPoo $50,0PL RC ard aiMilton Private hospital on bride Cborch Womnens Associai- FOR SALE - High tetiofg l- 23Mo c Cement block home, 4 rooms Saturday, ebruaey 12, 1955. ion. Admission 50e, rhidrro 25c. stebn row. 5 years old. due Frbra- and bath, fu basemens, aol il. radtierdig Arcttr 1etRR .Nc-heating. Small cdown payment nr oldngnopnmetngnLOST AND FOUND mili necure. Nelson Tawnship Hal, Thursday, FOR SALE - Theetesrturli ____________ D lED Maroh 3 ai 8 p.m. Thetiopic te ho nîp tiia ide et heaven. 50e hatilN A DE"IsZaning and Planning Recta- $1 hochet. Cali ai Chas. Coite. anc LOST - Octe mail whie nS&ilr% _____________________ ary in tht Pensent Day Ineran iebleAtno 5Hean brou o femelle dog betwee e ar. EA ILO ieg Deveeopceni for tht Manten- j uni abuse Sheil Gos Station,. a ingion and Milice. Comete the MARK-At tht Bellevlle Centrai ancreet a Sound Agricliaral LacS Ipanne of PaI Cbld ee' petl. Insul-brick olden home with 2 bonpiisi on Sanday, Frbroary Use Policy'" Thene will bc a pou- _______________Fînden cirant notify Miss Franrco acres of land. On good peved 13, 1955, ?taey Jane Stoan. bc.-el diacuasion weuh J. E. Whiinloeb Lnwcîunî phoner59, Main St. Rn-ra.5 ossad ah loene widow of William James an chaîrman. c-38-2 WAus Owrd. ra.5rosadbt.Fl Mark. dean coiher et Mne. Earl basement. Fonnace. Grape Wagar (Ildt of Thontom tome- Eîghih Anneai Meetineg of tbhe'______________ vie npoery 700 ship, Mre. Miton Clemnenîn HîltioCa-eiaeratiîeMedical SIre-IWANTED PapesonSs nhîghry.$700.0 iMyrtiti et London, Rosa et Ton- nices iii he held je the Courteai.MliiySorRpae, aie i. M 1.11 foupnîce. Rasonable cdomn onoe. Harold Ot London, Lorne Hüacr. Milton. Gel., on Wedncha r itnSo ear Mi t IC LA E U et Belevile and Joenph 'et Vie- day evereîg, Fehroacy 23. 1955. PROPERTY WARTFD-100 acre payment. tocia. S.C.: sisler et Mrs. Annie Registration ai t p.m. BusinesasI arm mîtOhuidings modeeeîeiy TV SERVICE -For ft anad re-- Bomen cf Edmonton. Mrs. Netir meeting wiilsiart ai .15 p.m. pied. good caeh payceI. Joseph IllTVoeînhie37r n Brome et Toronto, Mes. Lilty Gaeai -peabcna wîll bc Pal Met- Anderson. Beoher, 35 Laocelîno beT srie hoe392 MILTON Peaeoeh of Mlion and Mnn. Alice hancTao-onto, serretay-tiebman I Bled., Toronto 7, HU) 9-6776. e-37-31 FLOWERS ten ait cain.Hn atl iihdnw2bd Threionofetilnnterd andHo,-. ci the C-aperasice Medical SInn ----1 YGoroccasibrde PonRen-Patl fnihn n ard Stoan et Lindsay. vices Fedieratijn and Sac MeFa- i WANTEO) Pari-iiwe serei, omhm.Cdrsaeîd Fuenral service wao heldid M afle. eceeaey - manager of bîito atai itheîgi aMltn injro hm.Cea haesd Rellevîlie os Tuesday. Interment1 Wentworth Co-openative Medînai oenh tram O p.m.oit 10 P.m. Must PLASTERING - Free estimaâte.ig. Fu basement. $4.500.- Bellevsie Vaut.Sereices, Hamilton. ont. Eeeryoee bhe r hable and hav>e eeod efer- se or eld worh. repaire a sprc- 00. Reasonable dlomn psy-r a leome. ba ence. APPly Norm Guild Motore ialiy. eeasooahle rates, Promet and ment.c - ,________________Lid.. phose 239, No. 25 Highway. n goaranined w-orh. Bob) Watins. IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE DEADSTOCE SERVICE Milton 479r. - -I-8- 50 ACRES Fl LAND _________________!__I$500 eaeh ton dnad on disaahed RAWLEIGH business new ope About 2 miles from Milton ROB-In ioeîng ceme etofMy GEEherses on noms, en Milles. TraditwIl etabliahed. Excellent location, $750000 da ubnwopse ,y1GSEF0R 01 -Ph15N MD ORSES le LB. Excelentloppoenisup oulet deba hshan, wh1a94a9y. SLE4h-2898rprcpt cileepone colinot Wrieat onleawleigh.eDPiB full1 pice. Good cdomn psy. Fruay1,14.430 Freetise 22r23 or Hlannon 21r2 284-189, Montreai, P.Q. et In asear and sieigraeyard. FR AL T- -aeo J Siee--e Whe tht mecilton6their cDEADSTOCK receeed tnec yot ,1 FULL PRICE $5500 mve. branehes'aPdheti. Mîlionb27r21. 36"31-5 WANTED -. The C-operaîîve. arc precpiiy ton sanilery dis andloin hvhnd FR AL-Coie ao9or20Lite bnsunee Companuy. cnchrr pesai. Teephose Clel iltILtna o 5 highma t a/ lhie cold and sileni grave. tuo bated. Mlton 5t4r4. n ofthte Co-operatierve oto Car. 2101 on TorntEelM 3-3056ilsfocMltn6rotg Rt hade no ont a test faremeil. 1 ada. have an opening on their sales GORDON vOUNG LIMITED)I Me ? jndS b . h n o e. FOR SALE-i pîiga. O weeho id., staff ton a tfltic.(,repreneneiaiive251ex2l8 depth. MS ie pit Gem hefo ene mewte RayneteBroi., Mlton 59r4. c jenthne oenteîs etHatos and Peel.! SIJGE MILKERS etc ted oue- Thai he teain us liadt gant.1 Training g e. Satary and cnm. ed machine. Second hand mithens,ý toviegiy rnmembernd by lhis-FOR SALE -Mo Oflaose atîison. For partineîann re îrle.Ofteaioescail aeîîahîe.Hree O E VC ite and facily, Mes. Sarah A.! trav.Wil hbale. Brocie 21r23. c ager. 30 Bluior St. W. Toronto. h Toclieses, No. 9 Firsi Lise Wact FRolR I Rohh. rampton, phone Brampton 1872. 1FOR SALE- Fresh regiotered TOWNSHIIP 0F TRAFALGAR c-fN ALL Holstinse 2ed cait. Milton 98r22. cl Teders o il hrreeîeed by the t TPSO i vdrrigedaviti 2sock ienaos CARDS 0F THANKSi FOR SALE-2 branS cew sumi) Movday, Fehnîîary 21, 1055. Tes- Alfred J. Bishop REL ST E ____________1_____________ 60 cycle, $55 tacl. 200 M erfrTuoîr Raneh Wagon. PhnTR751 wol lk e rsnm inStr qaippnd ucîlb air condiion brai-i Pbomnedap -331 REAL ESTAoe I oldlbei tpeeep i- -and direciional igaias. LomestiFda crîahiolthose eho sent 1FOR SALE-Ketoivator r igý n tne nOiOesriya- 0ac lst50 m. TRANSACqTaIiONS addget-mell mîshes teomer1teaton 0e cycle. eery reassne r cpea nien niya- Cerlified Public AccountanS derie mrecent stey se thel 200 Martie Si. cepSe. A eteooe ir. Mi îel ereenC SouhWatnrloo Memorial hoapial S .Fahrtne lr, -Mi-p tet er etony G TRA atGl.FOR SALE--Complele net of us e Tratalgar. Ont, 15 EADtnaoitr- w O D Noma A Lwrnc.1ed hathroom tîxiares. Apply 10 -$100 RWR o n nom ,OntarioaStletiSoth, Mlton. c SPARE TIME atîev reading te the eoryfanG.W GO D T A S - --- - - 1 GOLEN BUSINESS orPart Oethie toiiowieg Ihal mere RA SAEBOE FOR SALE-Timaihy end. G OENUINESS 10ev front Garnee's Garage aboau ELtSAE RUE cleeeed. Apply Rarey MaeLen ciRTNIY Drencher 20: Wincester 12 geuge Main St., Milton COMING EVENTS BS-. 1. Aton or phone SII2l eSI Mi reculire: neliable part5y oauto laading shotgan; Remingten Ofc 4 ~ b can Oril- oaus12eioe mn auge auto loedlng shoîgos: Palermo Hal Suchre and Dance, FOR SALE -New shis,t. 1i;claie of cachinsfortn a eaonîîyBRmington 22 seIo loading ilh ite Friday, Fehruary 18. Cards a p.m. boots. sizen6; harneos and poies. udvereod peodiint.Wrejîil promeer iropr sughî. Ail informatieon e- Res. - 392-R-31 Dasting 10 P.m, Milleru eorcetîra. Mr. ýLaury, Bank of Nova Scolie. locations for yoa and set yaou pusn eievd i iibe sîintiy rostidesîil. 2 Admission 50c. c Mlton. e' husiness This cen he handled i Calet Ceenes on police otfice. bla ______________ Thereulr eein o te om MRSALF---pyâde-- Iy.,SPARE TIME ANtD NIE ___________ Thtregte metig e Ie Hme ORIAL-Itycd, bouse, hp- NOT INTERFERE WITH VOU an &Shsai Asseiation le Bruce dro aed weleonvesîet te igb- PRESENT El LOYM rT. fyà n Notice ta Creditors St. Publie Beheai, Monday, Febru a- lwdonPymn.Appt7arenete employed onsatraI any 21 t 8.15 pm, c Speyside Slietlb cas he handled is sparetlim I AND &MTRS Nasagaey BrnchWoen' FýL-ON -PO-&i-i--pR b- oura and he bujît sp nlo a prot-« InsttuteOldTim WDan ens HAL U T-ON POLTRYPaitable and pleasant part lime bus- In tise Entatlle fHenary Matila MILTON Fébrury 18 BrSkilIýssd eggslty Manîe ss.enPhpjrcai conditio n oedulie- Hll, lie et tise Tewn af Milo. Lunh pevied.Goe Hal. oulrytstem pitle.ttnd5~ atuon s aoftno great importance. No It the Caumiy et lltonfIm-B orcesta. nu uv Phne ills iinnl hsesnlingneor sliisg. taar inctome ny of tise Townsip of Naa-l rn rw Knox Preshyterian Ladies- AiS FOR SAL-Brooder bhueeso ill Faruitiveseh the sale oetIhe tamepa.,In tise Caunty of Hailn. eth . rw SI. Palitho RBazear iti he held 12, iealaîed; 2 oil hursîsg breeden frsi package. Eetlred Fainer, Deeeaaed. Real Estte -Ganterai Insurance on Saienday, Macch 12 ie tht S, S. tones. MO0 eapaily,ic goed cn-Thisn.n snetiaaGET ErClu roons Futhr PrtculrslatrSdiio.V esnS. .MltnQt.ICE' hasiness. bot i shnatdI Ail persana having ciaima agaiest We have an extensive listing Dane,-Trda, Fbrar - 8,9 p 27r. c372 gveyn a STEADV, DEPEND h Esiaeeoe Henry Mathias Rail,0 Dane. Tnday Feearyl, 9p.e-S-SABLE [GICOME fan thenreaeof yoae laie oathîe Tome of Millesnjinhe of homes, choîcesbuilding sols. M., Logion Hall. membere aed BABY CHICKS. HImp - RockElte if yen arr ciîed la busines.Caunsy of Ballon, Betined Fermer. indosîniai sites and farmnsin gueula. Spot dancea, dean pise. Ad- echeneis. $50 pen 1000. White1 A CASH nver-meci ni $74-4.0s deeased. eho dm4d on on about tht oa ied pnîce ranges. mission $l Per couple. Coupleson.e- cros-nbeed hnoîten ehiehs, $120 per' ail thet s reslirtd. Vser jnveoî- i ltI day cf Augusu, 1954. are ne- ty. c100.FedlienY. alehen nverment is re ted he machinen. qoesed tis tend same le the under. e 1e lmitFns phone 70 s an n hyOtFEa E URA- sugedsiico on on hetene the - Consoît - f iLgny tarcm forum are holdingoa Beamnsvil e. --iTEE agaiesi rlanieul detecia tOil day ai Mareh, 1955. ethencise tachre le Mloe High Sehool on l byletîe casuiatarnneUp iv Ion theesiat in ciiidslibuted weuh- *iI.R . Wedeedap. MachS2.CGood peîa OR SALI Tberel ep e recentgroussprfitca cmadie. oregard taoheireljms. Beta .Brw es. Admission 50c, Everynet cel- Igenune Ry-Line eChinhen. Do etsolOlecer applîicnsciiile pc aid .AbUCHNOQC. ELO c-Ioverlioah il. Fishen's cansuspply PoO uîairatie.-nl inceorai t10000a ,Milton, Gelerio., cie23 IH-Lunes and 10 aier stendard mnanirianS e afiarded île appor-: SolunîotonE Mainr 05 St., Milton Phn23 Paper colecion oi old nespap-'heerds and cosses. Write on phonet mmliv ouf lIsticcediair exi-! oirFs fo71055 e 33 ebr a nina ra ni es, Sturday, Febraary 26, hy 1he île Fisher Oclards, Belingien. Pae-uîun. if deirSd itn F .15. Bý3Mmbr o nari ed lE en Milton Scout and Cab Avecation. Ont. c-25-16 Ifi yo vas tialiiy and bave îleBor Yeurco-opeeeîîoe iii bheappre- ee rapitil andda increece iaied. c FOR SAL-Nec 6 o uoc brica ire fo i,-fnencii ecuritiy, tibm i Cemmuoiiy Cub Ele adbnaoulr oeni dsgoeeaio-frfrhe'ifr-h DannTrtalerBelFriSay,, piciore cinsdon. atacbrd garage, inn n giinc gr e.addrr--i anSF R Fshruany 25. Admisson75c.le.Ev. Lawcldosn Peyment NH.A.mort- phose ounibren vBn xlo3. Cee-edvSha rdo nStlflrseiunbaioinAKVLE B igor eln ? ellers orchestna. Gesd food anS cage. 345 RîgI Sdr Drive aIe eduan Champion. Milluin. n F RGelIL ln prises, t .oSpc r week-enda. -SI-S2 f uv. iuinnl arrvsSvre rfo. paouriinf aemoivntern Tht GoodejlGroup ot SI. Pauls EIG AHNEedvaem omve- asî uou c Unln eorl W.A iii bolS al nîtaner sales and service. MNeand Sor t APPLICATIONS vo le ng act tee and al ae suitle i he Sucday, usent machines. Bentaîn. Oearenteed tear oing for, ceptent for positions, openivg in1 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F cho omon Saierdap, Febnuaay! repaured te ail mals A ctte ail clases of aatomobie ossembly THE SERVICES 0F 26, 2.20 bm Hlie C-Si-3S lin of ewing audo ai Meihovd ON SL mo. Dent miss J Bl onuor SCwng Machine, Genrgetown. ,AU TO S LE w k Faeros' Drame Fentival, Fridey, 17-2802, 45 Maie Stneet Morth. -fA E.LP G Fehraary te, 8 e m., Geheille HugI FOR SALE-tesal brik louve, 1 5,O f rture ansd BtusehosId Equlp ae ELOR IIE School Audiorium. Foar ove-eci ,iedroos, bicien , lv es ent. ModeranAtiu Good Wae IATR MTE plapn. Admission f5ne. cn nuocand honh hutelen, byden, Fi The Womeea Wold DOpof gh aiteron12 Eage Pag.For OY Company-paud insarance, lospi. ieOfcsDrwn let Prayer ciii bc held Fidap IFera gooni acre. 2 Miles tram Atenag2 PEECY]IIl taiton eclndrie-FvOfcsDrwgCins eny 25 ic Enox Precbtranfroc Guelph, on nvod ben route' Ai bus home in v eetnn auaun eaadrtr- Frees Bath Toronto and nbuch.Serice to th laiesaiPri"reneOn 011e.Eeeiy pvs-ciov. OATIRDAV, FEBRRUARVtif, 19551 ment pension eplan. phrc.m.ervic. GinhladrieatPlane i2ji2 Aeonv. b-33-2 AT 1.30. e 3.men8 ..Grssevc tjAil hunds ni Sîning roumi. ilrd- Suburban Areas pm. Loua have a esod t etendesce. O A. 0eeroaivraîum and hiieben tariiere aS CftnaSrvc oermt cotnsavc n-37-3 machinevon codSiion; lirgt, fu îuîhîgo.CaeriSrvc Fopomt utosadc B A three-aci nsmedy play, Plaienie,. ua rp cok -love coarcuvo HINDLEY AND ELLIOPO', Egish" ie Beoheil e n eanSdreeaie. guiod hllber; Auclîvnerq. os selling yooî home, vacant Wedneeday, Fehruary 23 ai 8030 he hot cafte iscîri braser uiih oi Plane t9r3 Ronhwood land os faem, cal tht Pesliîecb Junior Fn hum ler:ecuaheaieeewitil vithre- h-S3-S pl npra sosoved ly Nasageea Vr. oui borner for range; liit caie Sl u ebi ne asru p npmo cols Iatitute. Admssion 50c andraou Edeurd Fi I. phonve 0,a1u- jîle venu of hunt eceite. ta the rBaIcn 25e. b sie VI 5-4914.cMrBade Esobreitend Dane 'Eqeu FOR SALE- Peel îeavd ion- Notice ta Creditors Employment Office MILTON 418J Communiiy Bll, Steeattoen, 1"pat ni emo; nianiv a a Frjiday, Fnhreery i8, 83 ..Goo p G c ixurs Ot riovaiiz N TBF MAT1'ER et thet Enter et Oakille Asseesbly Plant or EM. 3-5661 - CR. 8-2711 pesces. Betresîments orisHul' laf RedClDAY!) ANDEBONk..Isr et ise ueen Elizabeth iha orchestra. Lachp de w. Frt tbeCorcmnadCix T T w etofMilon, tiseCsustyhHihy amp; second, nc cam Hirtobas Mneblnth eread Mva oStr bel of gmcerirs. Amisin5 N.Ohy etiiLaom rss rb fH on hnsîvteîewom Sa.________ Auspices St. John C G Gras Ldn Coe. t.Modyt Spmud Proeedu je aid oet u c m ,fratatv rc n,.W l lteEstae ci DAVID ANDERSON. Provnaiet Fnd. -3721 l amCous an Son Ltd. pone lt of he oaesdaMltonThn rsdaysdy If TItsds if Printingin A night out- admisinfe.1.Stretv ae -I4i onyO ilnlin. Marhinistde- 5PM a9PM Grand Open Migt flheMilo ra who dineoreîabopmthepm- Cati Nigh Scool Dae: ebrury 2, th ay0f .lessarp. 1955, are me- Tuedap. Tictu 8.0 .m.Place: James A Tele uII oen h ai ethTeC nda Milan 505gb Ichool. A der Aged sallicie neor beiveFO RDTeC nda grec.n FeebjSos perA fied la 9 ,gtday of MarrI. 1955;; vibreF RD MOTOR CO. etam. honAce Mgad nddPAY Chartered Accountant steielae iii be disiibsted C a po tes High tonOpen Fluat I c-nthu egard tInîbtir claimes. ilPrntg&Puisn C. Ftoday.Gh oargeta ebp cf gi, MILON CLIENTS GEORGE E. ELLIOTT, 0F CANADA LTD. bilPînng&PbshnCa Inliellon ton ihe Exepenens.hLimnt1 W-.... iglem P1N 5WMilles, stais, WANT AD RATES No charge for announeements of Bicihs, Mariages, Deatisa and Engagements. In Memoriam 50e plus 10e par lino for verse",. Articles for sale, rent, etc-Se a word. Minimum cash 35c. Box No. to this office 15e addltlonat, Coming enent-ite per count lise; 50e minimum. Carda ef thantea 50c. Billing charge ef 15c added toanai acesunla if ast pald untit after insertion and added for each bill rendered. LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 1 PJSL WRDNRSDAT REAL ESTA TE (Cool.) =Notice ta Creditors IR TIEMATTER ef thse as aof ANDREW RUSSELL ELIOT FOR SALE laieetofthse Ttwvmof Racha, h LOT 22x 125 on Main St. caad Alitperoocohavmng elaisaagainst LOTS-Three on Martin St. tht cotete et Andree Rusaell El- Dit, late ef the Town of Miltes, in LOT-.66xt32 in East end, the Coenty of Meattes, Barber, de- e ased, who dted se or about the $ 1,000. A very nice lot. 101h dsy etf.tansary, 1901, are re- queoted te tend the same bo the aoderaigned solcitor on or betore HOUSE- New, $10500 ful tht 4th day of Mereh. 19M; ether- price. Very reosonable down ie tht elttte wmli be dttibuted mîthout regard te their claims. paymnt.GEOGE ~ ELIOrrMilten, Ontacue, Sotîîo iton ortht Admînsttrnx. JACK MOUNTAIN Mîlîsel Jan. 31,19550 c-M6-S Real Estate Representatîve of Snelgrove Iroker A C I N S L PHONE MILTON 55IJ A CIN S L 0F HOUSEHOLD FURNIUE, ETC. Tht uedersigned haveeceintS P EKR UIAL intruciostroc the Enecuners of the Estute et tht tale HUSBANIOR5 WIVES! VANT DAVID AP4DEERON PEP. VIM? Osîrex Tonît Tablats To neil by Publie auction et bis revitalise inon-defîcleel body; je- lat residence, Merlin St. Hilton, gresse vîgon Gel -acquasnttd" on aise ovlp 0. Att druggists. a SATURDAY, FEBEUAET 106, 1955 Ai S o'clocb, the talloming - General Electrin retnigerator HAVE TOU A culh nec ueit; 4 berner ettîtnie stove iu sheif; uprsght piano and Leaky Hot W ater atoot jen excellent shape; studio noanh; large mînherettee mite ? Ta ka rge nicher chairs 10 match; Tank ? emeillsaleet sîde table; magazine t oilpuy pee îe replace i lSrack; smoking stend; round oelk an AoderTann cu a tple. dieisg rsomr table, buffet and six able magnemism anode. chairs le match; bitîbtertetble aed "TheA ,dr bcair:no:for lampa; deain lampe; Me. 0-2 tmpGal. ~ table ligbls; O duy iiealt dock al- No. 40-22 tmp Cale. 1$350 armc rocn; Premier electrir -va- NO. 52-40 tmp. Gels . 1.. 4920 euem; 5 Piece buretl mateut btS- Pricen inciede detivery. rom suite; thnee-quarier sie Sic- 1mens bed mith speinga and mal- Wrile iodap for oun FREE Piemh- mress; Cuehione; Pillews; btenhets; 1 isg andl Bealucg catalogue. book tale and hut-je dlock; band Open Mon., Wed. and Fni. evenuege made mardeobe; umaîl chest or til 9.0 .M.aen a] dy ady dramee;maasig machine mille lut 92 pm. coton; Power tmtey mith ne, coter; electrije mon; 5 lOwn chairs; Ilace table; arc chair; 2 tome v omsowmocers; extension ladden; ateet cheebarrom; lame relier; smsaIt sam Quebestove; 100 ft mater bern; Sireelevîlle Phont 352 temion ladder; mead ptane- adOt pic: cnde hldes;odd dishea; hitchesaîensla; ganden teeto and - nmeroen e ter synetiouseheld TERMS Cash setlecent mille c erh day et sale. Meting to be rtmovtd untIr Au utN ls TO B 9195114 1 INDLEY AtN) ELOITrr 38~ tI~ F00 -- Auttleneers- AUCTION SALE MONIIAT, FRDRUAET 20,t 19 - At 1.30 PJs0. Ineluding Reglttered Hoittelua aad FouIlLIa tf FutesMaeisinary Omned by: J. B. ILLINGWOIETit AND SON E.LB& t, Oalsvîlle, Ont. * (Saieta10be held on tht tarm, corner 411 Line and Bach Conem- -ion. Pl islues meel of Neya Sales Aea on No, 5 Righway, t mite And wm ske sure welre neyer cnîrh quarter mile mest. Waeh beeten, when it cornes ta uaed ion siges.) car buFs. Doten t EARLY 15 lead regisîeced Hoisteina have hau ees seiecled moslYfrac the Ail- MOTORS we'Ve built our busi. Cecadian and Mapie Sales. Tht ness on a simsple formsula: that oely hall je a Manch, 1954, mon of CONFIDENCE builds customers Ahcgwet Lîcelighî, weuh S sean- and st dams avecagîng 21,616-888-4.11 mdconfidence is created by per ceeu., bis eme dam having 22, honest value Fou cen TRUST 1 837-801-3.51 per cent. and foan 20.- ()0 lb. records. Tht oldent femait 1953 Fod Coashbame in 1949, and incluSes ont 1952 MFor Sanornmcae daughtera hp tihe fotiom- 1952 Meteor Codaehung sîrea: Monîvie Bag Apple Dube 1050 MeFordCacb XXxi; Simerott Splv-O-Cram 1050Fon Csirb XXXi; Lancina Tenal Pichwiek; 1050 Austin Sedan Lonelm, Eeg Apple Ramadan; Les- 1940 Monerel Club Coupe eim Eeg Apple Ivan; Bond Haven 1949 Che Sedan Soveeuge Prince; Egleeliens Emp- 194i,FoeS Sedan trramSaupeeme, tr. Sevenat of tht 1947 Mercrn Sedan iccales seiling have bigb necord 1941 Dadge Sedao dams-t ouIh 22,063-751 and VOG.; Seceral Used Cana troc iacaiber c'ith 19,807-676; atil an- $50 to$150 1other o il over 20,000 lIn. soi pet $50 ta 150 . IOciaminliiesioch uncluca sEngliel TRUCKS AND TRACTORS Yorkshire boar and it oca; i 1950OFodS-tee Heieland sow, due ii Apriîtaed 17 fellrs; letform ,Olso 190 pelleta. 1947 Dodg--ton Pick-up Full lune of cechincey and 1947 Hait Ton Ford Pick-ep caey piecra branS cee inctudieg 1941 Ford i-ton Stae uewo'Hlieîîd halter; sec ' 'mocer BýfOre ou deaii c'wbain abate, 2 F engeson Iract B1ooPadaornnheespetmneos;l1Feguson diseT; set ofhar orneeed caritruckorînraeîenmcil us' i,,:1Feeguon 2furSt io br 10 polie adeensage îc sec EARLY i Fergusan pellep; t Fergoo MOTORS-e cansnase pas mesey canere 10mb; i Fengeooe biade; t Ysa tan dral wmus confident. iMesney Barrie .15-ren power-lft at EALY MOOR eerd eill; i John Decme side rabe aI EAEY MOT 1S rtilîzer and lime spreeder' Keliy-Byee P.T.O. mevoreespread rr;S2 wagons; i tIret foro Caokhluî puas; 2SuSrge mihers t MeCormcch Deering mocer;1 Cluipper; I iaseieg miii acd bho gin; 'I electii Vega cream sopar 'imar; innirecmr heaien; boy fomb; I Beever bond soc; 1i bIhe 1 i ejcolor vue;bater moine; oluan tily ai bay anS grain POULTRY EQUIPMEMT - iSx ebîchen crates; neenly IOM Iem egg carions; S bnooders; egg ceaIes. A OUSEHOaD FUMJSITSIRE - 1 ehina cabinet; I Electreomae ir enter; i Io-piece bedroem suite i hutches bettet; i bell tmet;1 Eopaluie vacuum celesen; Itend table; 25 jeboxes; t Aeme eleti 4 banner range. Plie.. al Sale under tht management et BAVS FARMS LTD. Osîvitle e-SI-S Box 470, Ph. VI 5-0571 PAGE TWUL .. MI 111111M THP rAtJAnIAKI rWAAAOInkl àAmil-