THIOSDAy FI1IRUAY 10 iNITHECANAIAN HAMPON. IlTAGEONAPM One of Canadas news an fateMagowiug crocs -tfrom tse Great Expansion Man Sentencedl Prominent Record Films, Draw Pelzes tandpoint of spreadiug productionFo -i tsesoben.For Retail Stores For Q ~ ualif icatioflAnelrP "Tise retait food business ibis On IUveIUI %VuIID Artaso.vcepeidn t D aer ogram year bau witnessed the greateat ex- George James Harold Hnad, 23, thse Milton Chamber of Commerce. Ant estlesated 5U0 attended tihe peansion in lits tustory," T. G. Me- mas rerentty rnitw l art as rereutty notitied he hsd quat- aussuat John Deere Day deesan-A,1 *Cormarck, executive vice-preoident rates Court for breaiig, entry ified for memtsersip iu the, LUS strations and filma ai Milton Town i of Dominion Stores Limited, dectar- and theft, and tisefi oof n automo- Leaders' Cub for 1954 spon ored HaIt last Saturday, spdnsored by W~7~~ d bismeos.bite trom Joshnsuon 0os. garage on by thse Nonth Americon Lice sud tise tocat deater, R. Mcflsffe sud $ "Durlng the crent fiscat year, December 29. Casualty Co. Son. nominoStor cesaton ilan ares He wh eaking, e t udonef fouet Ds olumte fostoca n-da Filmsever tu ateudatce ro- prsaimatety 400,000 square foot of defisite and one year ludeflujie on oursuce represenistive. stood gramo with tucky draw prises going ' (?rmest t Do iion totes te miniod ap e wand uete e t u e ad M and o u iso e b0trot - Fimplafrmed essitof, tieApron Stores faititiesil service 25 years oue year indefinite os tise theft of tise ctub was one of tise 20 tup Cook, Mattsn, won traclor thin- " aosMr. MeCormnack tld tise an- au auto. The sentences are to rus sales representatives ou tise Norths brettas; A. Parsinen, RI. 6, Mit- r s nuat meeting of the Dominion Stor- concurrent mith lise sentence ai Amerirsu continent, ton sud Jies Robertson, R.51. 6, moun' Tred Tlly finc l *, es Quarter Century Club. Burk'o Puits of ose year definite oit; and Mrs. JHaroldj Mirbie sud . Toshpigolhofnfor hacroc an offensrce meupon. ot' oa vuic-Mos. Vetirgaurd, Oakvilte, maon~ 6h eadfi. d l dssOl f tCanr I stotalilad aroor15.5 I Dt floscu ~ " Ad holf herwories adsne. petrcet i etrnt id .as orrtale A reori47A4,000lItt îý,îot'.. r' lorrrodoi a r t ot Ms. Charlsaardoartistfront for outtration and s litte lorm laa'd tht urgh Cacadn ptcrsala fom ram sou re other than Hamilton, provided piano selections O' ru ocuprel ai rosei ru 053.per saul iscome taxes. duaiug tise ecciof peogra.Abu ' 200 atndtise ufleonoonrogru WINS TV. SET Tise lucby dram for tise tetevis- ion set. sonuored isy tise hockey 95 YEARS 0F BROADCASTING club, mas etot tst Fridsy ulgisi. Tise isader ufthtie inniug tickset 0'Os Misa B. Hancocis of Toronto and thec tucisy ticket mas soldi by Ca-Op goatie Marc Brewer. Te Ce CeOSITUARY Yes he anadan hamion as eenLast Resting Place T .CTe.ondnC ha pinhaHoe Fnraysere s eld ortOIcmagu~TrnoonFbur 7shr hyb Mtnduy, Febrsary 7 for Mrs. Ru- THE 1955 TIMMY, 1 t-yesr-old Ssndy MacDonald of Hamilton, wilîl iseri Fou ut Mittuu,miso dled lu ropresont ail of Ontarios crippled childrcn ddu9 gtise forthcoming broadcasting every week since 1860 Mittn Pricate isspitul ou Thora-ste oe yteOîcoSccyfrCip day att ebeing strucis by s car.Ese elcmag pnoe yteOaroSityfrCpld Hev. N. Green condtrcted tiese ur- Chidren in association with more than 200 servicc clubs throughout vce0ir Grare Angiacisurrh the province. Campaign dates arc March 10 until April 10. Ray THINGS HAVE CHANGED IN THAT 95 YEARS SUT THE AIM TO KEEP SERVING Mlton. tutermout fltuwed ln St. Badgcr (kuctelingl the 1954 Timmy, will accompany Ssndy t tise MILTON AND DISTRICT IS STILL THE FOUNDATION ON WHICH THE BROADCAST- Strphlle'schur he eryMuru-w NGO0F LOCAL NEWS AND PICTURES IS SASED.iSypac aerWisonere rnephlson* ilI be honorcd guesîs. Lloyd Fluber, Cisartes Lerichse: NOW THE CHAMPION IS NEARLY TRIPLE ITS ORIGINAL SIZE. THERE ARE MORE Wiltiam Both andGsy Bussoîl. OBITUARy tisecures sympathy ut friendos oi PAEMREFAUES OEPITRSAD OESECA RICE HNMca. Fuxs mubumai Mumonhy. uuty here but lu a Wide circie in PAGE. MOE FETURE, MRE PCTURS AN MOR PCIALARTILES HANdraghtcr uf tise tate Joisu WilsonA.T a iochis bu ife touched and bildan EVR n anhG suad murrier .T e rwnHinflaune. Tisu ynpatiyosy as Rüiset Fou lu St. Stephenues crl tiste soter. Miss Albserta Brown AN OE ER IPOTAT HIG S HEEXELEN AVETII MDIM 1 h-. c in 1900. Tbey muved frues tise Ful l **yLfutofActun aud bru brother, R. N. AND NE VRY IPORTNT TîNO THEEXCELENTADVETISIO MEIUM trth true ut Trafagar lu Milton l in î US m eBruwn, Actun; John Kerr Brown S CONTINUINO TO SE IN PROVIDINO MILTON AND DISTRICT MERCHANTS 1925. Mr. Fox pusord umay three A mas whue frrundsmere myr- cf Winnipeg and Hec. J. R. Brown eaf. ao. She mau lu ber 82ud uf Turner Valley, Alberta. WITH AN OPPORTUNITY OF ADVERTISING THEIR OUALITY MERCHANDISE. Ocam. at, misuse rutrgrty mas un ou- O uaueensaaoj She was a life ~ample for aIt and mhoemorts sudOnTusa vigaMsoe Se asatfmeber ut Grace rterest sacre alruays for tise guod fueral -servicc mau boid itise THERE HAVE SEIN MANY NEW AND NOVEL MEANS TO ATTRACI THE ADVERTIS hrhWumens nAssoriatlun sud out b,rnuecoummuity, Alexander Ramtey fuerai hume in Actos sud ING DOLLAR 0F LOCAL BUSINESS OVEli 95 YEARS. THERE1LL SE MANY MORE. __a_____me'- president:se.aisu ho- Thurtell Bruwn paaoed 5way on wtad lurued Wuttis dgeA .. sud BTT E ORSLSMESSAGE TO IHE LOCAL MARKET, USE b gd nthseiO.D.E She attended Wrdncuday f ou eekin lu is AHM. in 1898 andI bees Master of BUT T OITVOURSALE Anglican risueci. crghty-thrrd year. tise Lodge iu 1903 and active att B riviug are tbrer daugisters A T. Brow'umau thersnof the thruuh the57 years of his ner. anda on Littian (Met. Dan labo Alexander Browan aud Mary bcmuhip. Me ouvas revcred isy bis 1,rhLondon; tus IMru. .Jack Tharleil aho s-roc caoty selers hrhru aud bs-j mauy Masonio Fahrslonel. Wumdstonis; Marlon ut thrs diutrrct. Ho o'au hors ru Ac- houurs hestumed uou hies dsrlug ýMr Brare Berry), North Paris, tun aud upout uoarty attit h lrfn tise yearu. Torunto: Wilson. Woudobocis: a bru- tore.For 00cr 50 ocara hema ru On Friday afttrnoou tise Burnley h ie.John Wiluon ut Londou: a husiness ou MiII St. antil he uold Furral Homo vas flled witb eu. sTom Fluber. George- hro auurb usiesoE. trerdu, sut outy ftsActun but un he re rndbidrn n urlvn. , .- oues mny parsumbucame to pay h fral gandoslldeu. yearrr go anrdr- tribal t e liIfe of A. T. Brown. tirod tu tise teet v Theseervice mas rusducted by Mmoeied mil iumade by frame bouse ut p' eT B E.EA. Currey andHrRe. B E 191 MAIN4 ST. MILTON PHONE 220 forcngt milse throscis tiuy botes Mrll and Jobsn ,,, Armstrong. Masy floral tributes arde r an0tpressure.Tissbiseaks Str,,ts thal oc- j"also bosre teulrmuuy of syepatby d.on the isutterfut iuto minute oapied tise lot and etrrm. Paîtheareru more H. s tactroîru fomrcasier digestiiiity. Masurng'u ors F. Bran. E. J. Hau"ard, Orvîtle hlocis urrupies, ,Jihucton, E. S. Cooper. Jobs Lam- In a f ut1bert and G. A.Dillu. Flower bea- rs that of A. TBrownu t s diir-s00 ore J. MoGruobre and Merb t l chrllut coco hrretly. As ,Cus cerment u'uu in Fa!rie tr hach as ur rac ooletrrlotgueu rmloy hecousu art asher ru tht United harc obtr otrc 25 yearo ho rcau Ansiher Censin sperten tctrlof t the uday Lrîhhridgo Alherta tCP-Au ot- 'o tttr Shro a r rudr u lre ldfrorot croro ctronus s-II bche od tis _ r rhîtu ri Ir.grtr aochorcoirder, - tour secontd year in a rua', tuback hme ritouîttdHe tgave the of futdspad tanuaîy by the SavtontrrAma hasdrin lheir Alrta overococosatonder tise 1 culeton lt,, Lrds, 'tMutttctptalIActt Ut' Allrrtro'atnd horded tire lot1l Sot oh ut the' Btble o hrtlo ri titIheo otmitctttt tots a, rulr-1 WNA TTEY SAY -tedand ctiN inthf 5C1-05 ME TO THIN. Ilrotiii rionttr r0104.a r tar mor grCONFEIENCES! 't t' t t o lt e rito- rrcvtg native thntut ofNI!. aud Mru. A. T. / Brownr. t wau ihsstore1 0thut the tbic- pttoeruchangoroau ftrrt set rrp and tor yeoasheouporaîrd andt mnarged ise Brll uystrm in Actuu. lu rarlror yooo., hou druf 010r mas WHAT THEY 00 A GENERAL MOtORI VALUI ameetring plarreasecond outy tu lise t pot offiore. Muny of aur y oungor -m readiers ilîl flot eroall thr"e aclin- r trosutulnmacy ut aur older sais- W henyo nt ~ Go hrocle-and il mas stmays for taudueus tisaI A. T. Brounstoud faur square -> u~egonna oGo!flunhis be*ylirfe holisadt tiseun-. farlrug support ut a loyal belpostase aud ru is passing is mite, tisesw N o ifs, suds or buts about it, omrMs amn akr a When you gine tise gun to s 1955 BuisI pou mono, lu tise instant you pusis domu tise pedal,3 calird for-imesedisîr geîomup from asssar ssfety-surge oui of s igisî spot on tise iigh its uDt mugic, ibis tirillisg sud pulse-quiri it feels like tise closesitishing 10i. Its a priscipîr of tise modern airplane, br as automotive transmission. Twensîp"variable pitcis propeiters' muside cas change tiseir angie-like tise propeller is piîcis froos take-off position to cruisisu Aundmisat issbrings to you-uî tise mis nearesi îiing 10 ligist ouniseels, Far b( normal driing und crusiîg. Spectuculurr for quick geîamay or eesergency accelcrat But ailt tiis, mmnd pou, iitise absutae sut in Dynaflom Drive. Surely, a demousîratios of Variable Pit inus' tisis peur. We'II be ihappy îo do til in tise doisg, misai a misuir of a bsp pouj meek, mont pou? uyafliun'Dreir stadardsonSsadmasor, opriar PHONE 633J k mush Dysaflom Drive*, BWICK ULNE OFFERS YOD PUSCAADSCIOICEST SELECTION p ou get tise action pouve Oil MODERNi FasaTURES ANI) EQUIPMENT tuding stant, or leseediate AILL uhlLS>L IflILLS FOR '55 - .ssssse ,s 'd.t , 5esdo ismsp. 5 RaId New StEFIIFa Ss oa,5sn kening response-tsougis sNew Color-e.yfd g'5f*iee ai rrsaasd0sseis rougisî for tise rsi ime to s Ce-ocmplt.4-seesWrd, Ita.edtdr Zae Pris. Range adre - psdM ... le tisr Dynatlom unit itseif * Variable plcýh 0ynofIe, r.o.d .« oj Et, r of tise airliner cancisange 0N ghs'osa,'seHosopowea T.TnredRs,5s îg position,. is c is rF T -sd T vý-EI"Io* et of s '55 Buick-is tise * Adaced ICsise 1Cissrsea ru T.P eetrgs ilerage ip our Ml05 DollarRe Wr, Wies response misen pou mastitIlFslbRoeOnOe A0dfo uootisuesu tisai is constant .îcis Dynatlow is & Buick Th7riII o:f the year iesake iserr. Drop lu ibis nal aiora crros oabtur e irs. A9 Dulok MILTON MOTOR SALES MILTON, ONTARIO KEEP AIS5 1 1 . 1 1-1ý1-1ý"- . ýl.,. 1-11- --1- wu THUMDAY, YMBUARY lo, 1955 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO IpAe-1p vwvm ris M-655D