~aUt¶LbÎGU Volume 95.-No. 37. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1955 Twelve Pages- Six Cents Milton Council Tackles Submit HeaItIî Unit Budget $82,850 Fire Alarmi Problemns Sees 71 Lot Subdivision County ueuoys, ruons Furtner Study Ia five houe session Monday night Mlton couneît heard satesmen Budget for the Hatton Cournty Heatth Unit thoutd be hetd ap for describe the advantages of various types offtire aarmsystemrs, discassed futere tady ho the Hosptal Cummittee, memhiers of County Councit the dvanagesof cmentpipe head anOverl trm00hPatients andSee India Through 113 Past Masters decided at their regutar monthty meeting inMitnTedy frc, DititAscainfrRtre hlrn oudterpeci eeaeO e 0 ainsThis action was taes souri attri Dr. Arehie F. Butt, Medicat Officer et ptant Iood bcexetended: and viewed a nem plan for a 71 lot subdivision ? vtr riui. Lire in O.ne Caity tod ê êo. Health, prescr an $2,850 budget for 1955. et <Ontarjo St. otrIib e At Tuesday's meeting of the Af-A' geM eig Wbite if mas emphasizrd lhait o* Earty in the evening delegations fid ait the avaitabtr chars i More than 100 patients gatherod tenoos W. M. S. Auxitiary if Th eewais a good attendancc the $82,850iras paid for by the pro-ooiagvenmt.ebrset the counicit chambersoamnrmerniraded throagh therhosy ooe ta hanor Dr.1H. R. McDonatdOf KenoxPresbyterian charchMrs.T 1tram att Lodgs inl'atH tîi,__________cit0'ueecoeindth eers veigoeKilbride. In an ate of speriatiots.1,ud y nrded te as loa heot wesaigadteews councillor ohort. iCooniltor Pearen mas addressing the Kicsmeni Ctub.) Dr. McDonald isoneofu the fer t^ydi y iiedcd t e soers scosCuinty Orange Lodge insafticirnt information as to hem Engineer Ross Sîmnmona oatamit-* rmigodtm armily dcCto îoysa.Fcet aewt t-v attemîe raoet rrann ltiefdia gich o Canadiaos a irelcome ta meeting heid on the L1. F. Hall Traffic Fatality i h oe a pn.Menibera toe reot e ibted eafex-hocili t0 at' he use af theio pipe Duriog hblo30 yea c rcir lountîry and rupeciatîy ta the 111 Milton, Satuoday, Fehruaey 5.I RsiW.Fx81atnS., gcithaied g t rn ut ritîris- cnclon toPosiiiy fe-rooduot cather ttian tant cant iros i cmmuniies srroaoding bigriy of Nagpur. 'liich cao necr Ati odance fi om the dîfferent de sts eai tMri in. o O raiato u eeat pasding the prescrit semerafe dia- 1dmtrmî slatt o'asîteieDrthDet bidmeWstrîod ntbcnie irioftai At an acidntinterrsted in artiher informatio. rio cecflttIastarr oationi poat plat and tbeadvisabiity ofThpredin î.temainpislain.shomin Kldroci D.i ofonrerly lhriîhoetrifoofIndîis oenn f al-tws ere out on cossatiga cor pat oibrmadeof asbeiios and portand cre.îîîrr tram hbn--cart tae ooma>t- islii.dlmbers o idrrty lst;f south. ient iit orreode anidîcltre- IleIilriri.irli)i. ilns. inostlr.rim Hiîi tempe toProatestant bi ..BronIr bu, tdirnbo ruigol sear the Armoies jiit uuth ofthe Boaed of Directors of the The report poioted out the des- ma nisraua tt neiie rlrsadm.i O li h u ftas ilnsvn twrtw rean ssecosdtera Uttommessol ersn sgnated capacity of the prmciss in ta ual13 uat iîrîîdrsto- il IdHI .arsa i moel i cer and tmi.'oîuc t, i pttho ob uttn - bar'.i.Cmbîoie ss5eCPR rrs rtbUî lmsfehraer plant iras tcascrvesa papuatasi îh. nC ottegbaIîiH .utiionrr ofrr tt C"'s iiia li 10toa .rl le tr i> Gî.and t. deofliorias ire- atee' yards tram lher home tui couccil. Ctork Witliam Draii ld 3,000 ta 3500w mb.c poin iresilioCu tit ras. 51 i0101 h lielalinthc arra. 1s500 publicrickshaaoo. DOrmiy 'nt, tiese 'ast aide cf the road aboutf r ascii thbr adl brin nouchange rrrhdndeterpn arîyioidorraceut. rbraper andis appcorel tDi,. Mctdoald is an carly ris,cuearriil otrnia lhroiiob the lis'L6tpmhmasrrha ucbprontfhhadic heaire h erftr by tbe Amerîcan Wateru'urti As-,and beos bîmolîi Coud pîysc- oil lb peleorutNagpar. iTh,'clurlian uf ufirrarrsuitaî u er yIhsNSel,'laogaiecgterao bcrqurd nth ea utr. oiaation. aairiraodiJonlNîuîa h i wa o bnied imarbaut go Consultatio isitb tbe Departmenl Ni, action \vas tabrn by cooncitil. illu a pLiniorg ifbiCrva es marc- Cales o aoici)- frnaire ircgom- itlas.rosymir.J ro wadinar v.Tisen MarinSi.SleesBgt uf Heallb isdicated tbe preseot Jmo, b f'b'ft1di aî1r irîrio tln aCc- Lub. Cimptirlirlir. Diii CM.,peedl atlosMrnS. pln o einraedtr raJae oerts;anod GeoffrGui.:i i orrae raks.ciamnirofficfîiai snd tb erpre,- Einc.r i W.ison, Mlton; Chap..misen tise accident happened. Deputy-reeeA. Norton, George- por iantzra heinresed iberen rmide mobrsacorEn foar imeaotatieo îaaiesod lue cisthr eabiih or Fo sel-scries of mrcdc- R 'nlarite diani' Mca. Yoles, Mc-Hrîi;rla onîi5c a. Men. Fox mas runsed ta Mil- oo1 .cudedomre$a2ro0diug preseeman itn atocateion îP.dCookilttbctefiltleotabti.hw tîitFdn-ltonaPriirrlbanDr H.R tis re sune bcîth thr flamaailîticg factor igcd Oshi' le and Ditrict Asocial- MrDoniald of Kihbrdr. . HAîîîtîrsan cd Mes. W. P osi iriRi"i rrrîî'î î-tnPîaohsia ieese puîd ouItueorsalaries arhite il onty te toaoosofdyîg e u taRtrdedçbldeC Meh î- Maisy flauinetribiili'. ere r, îîrr'lry, al l iib.îm gave iiîlSclfouag Ctîs.d r aehausslater. Fanerai the loaont uf1dr cila bl.ide.M.R-tiey ifainnerio ', Ci mpbellallir; Tri'asuieer, C. .eHa-servicersvorreheld In la eeAng-ati $2000He 0 erti a the rfnî LieyOetxPat bîri- sptais d ithe cildrin cari d ta Dr. MeDîisatd.At the parie ti.îrîcontinl mat oaeeris in" at.ios. MeMarsfrîtrythia irasn sumemonbatda for i ihrssrîîîîîîrî'îbc b-nrsîîGergeiVn Norîn anihe. uHteshy; Mach is, nPc orn-al leu heha asa. nt of lise. Wurdes Robert Shan- The engineer suggeted that snce fiasbedishooulie cool she ah-lMcracuher V aftrir, sd brebinsii anl, ,d' " t"îaî t'ccuprationWs.ui Hrs- This Miltns seeond traffle ous de h aaismeOtS soreda 1e ublc chot yatingraddîîcir. Caî rioîhns.. ii ar fl lai -cndlteclurer, tames Mr- ftauilty la 1955. inonîracîe' taa iet hee neces- the scu' developmrst ta the suaS ut lrîîbO oîhasda-rruiidhm stiiiîsrhd Ila to iflcî(if thsrist- oi - îa.ooy ayoueetrmns iras tîhely taocertax the plant,.bt pron 10 eda-1foeoiedbni vt inisrbe ucesi heafis fgv Lrnn Hrb. trciv"we i eae rcs pilans should he hegas to hundie poc othe poeîîht eîcole are 'chimeo ckronaubrOu f fhi, pal- 'nCiayt nk elcmns -uchkiof ta fti hem for a place as ' rot-in Mîlli raise, and Walter Ci,-romenti.TOeimeeting 'a ahonoaed islui £ Onovs .I Arrordingt 10 te peoposed had- lhen epaseforthe. ee i. oefcliti îeoo etin ad bis doîîghîrr. P5ggy.palo i Opîîîîîathe1etrlig. 10e pccc- ii lc"seft3,cICîol Fa S s gIalaries umoaîted ta $62.820. WhnpasfrHh era e H rplaîsrd the achool maiblrtîîl r,,MiMcDnd ad pre- 14101 sii.îudrdthe ds'a îf ie Milers. Thecroille ma tirr a- eu1v Carcidda fultime medicai offie- sytem for the Fallisghroîsb Etai- lartird s Ostinilir about isxIrslid tire iîltiaran rahîd Crsrage, nîîsof 1 tepeoiple of ail lardi,. idîrropacatocî i 0 1truck Dy eCa ar i hsiin.1 es suhdisvisioa'ere preeesed eart- m' lias0a C o'tadlurîl- i- oaebls IiIectr 'ioii iuiiry "r t Iy iii lil tadar aices u yar I cî rîl aaotîc m r sac oartctieî sarian te'e0- ire, a pampina plant irai prooided otsaaadn .hdtnhi" Thoecnrbtn ithene-1in ii ipev'*n hy ilialLde ot esu-Alclcidwsuijrdwe ue.oevtrnratresr- toretocrrythe se'eeuge 10 the vinrll rl'insgIao teuCherIsirl,, lîinrrîîl 11r Mii Erie c oas, uhI.iiiîuîrofiaiiîht.Eat and frlim c"rinstheromiog year. hiîhîo unisi'ove ' arionsMartin St. Clis npeis sand theecleeicat preen plnt Cunel onsdeearia riediii astîheiy theree muotebonîri.Mrîha and COns Fîtl. Ilb Wes.îît ahilltild inth"---____ _ insTilrsdaysr nar the Armuures.The aurkero. Travellnstexpeosesoam- the s lst Co osrcrnideerd c here40 srhrhldeoMr. Darenead NancyisDaftbriiifliKiîgilm fl.iiîd"rs theCralil ta rtiîdîapîarntidarIrd uut trao baitedtii$2.WOand ooipmeneo ch diaiiyu cosîeritaRoberts rnplaioed. Wroo Duiscan. Kîlîr MrPherýo.îîc.uîrshuî. Scripuîurr m'as rrad by A Guiad Thouaohi raad by Mca fJ. lîriîisrrsparhi'd cois aed lurnshios $435. Fse mateelal secand plant farîher soo th and asti- Tnsaporlallan Dlfliculiy 'Me-. 11. lueur Robinsîo and tireMrebtî'eur lOm he101h chap- Mithellsaiîl Wrrhold art itiThe drivro e îitcar eepurted the and sopplies. $4500 and rent and ed for the rogiseers report. The dîff clyi cetn pl ' el.Snr ae n a- trofS, iesGospel, rerss25 is mnih eerry asr lOuer isbaex--uincident III the pisice.The roano-j ulîly sevices $20M. Ottiereepecn- Coancillue Charlton. rhaîemuno sfo m, ilto n acr 1,,o ap r, o.Mli'. Ascd Csorto Lis1crcf S7>ubie p'onicue h etîv yhn o hmeve;se a oth nteacàn. $05 extesioinofthe plant tu tutecacwas oe of tanspoelaln.îilalîiirfarmdh5 VîirserHamilton, iî.îale of The' Gcid Samaeiao.land isriild prayo'ilh as moct inmaki gieportDr. Bull ot soathero drvelopment mîght b'pitdot ie ho s e]RbnoVen or.adJ-ý nuito.'G n o aretàý ,teluoep- h ulvnmn a ibresî h onyscnrbto ol lîmîîog factrîonodevelupmenî in fransamoaid peetlymellraoveire Ca tIRobinson,. Johnbs uiui.tir uim l.iu'iu'.reWi. Dîrirît ucrl irau od. Abymîîansd 13C.p-iîdores oldrppe. slIve'Or. aI 10e soime rate per rapituau carl t olearberi TIrselocal ap-Ceansd Aie MPhrc~s iii in river ut gratiude' for dauislOi'heMezp:i h bnedielîiiiîbrought luiliilu'norncuisre. cul. lid' aid lat yerna opuplationof55784. therouth oftoin."-Wohavrs'I goI oîliccuios bad bren rece ved. Th buisred uaril and tulîrr 1 iiuru.andîlif îeilîcuuforuie neetn eeigt . il ,uu.iuiiuone uiimruof lithe.liunnfOusrd' 'ead- Thou'e wuudhbcan antiupateddef- ose lise is four bat abat arr have tc pormothesem'eeafe" heranriad- uwarrpurlrdand th, sOc rolified nr dlnc.j lusîcif ilher lands. Iii umeprodurr.f lead and z.r jicituof$150W0ht thism'oldbe co- ed. luîkîg aller tlb. oboi bad ii _____________________________________ ered by a surplusa arried trum Wiao îîgstdIhlcreased ia memberntiup tu 77.1954. Tetf100Cide Cosneir ilsn stdtht A rant af $500 ias oaggestod Urbari Board Members: AmTe ensta0, for 1950 ut If ilwilul ob aftee 12,000 la 14010 flu cthtowlusnFac eron ieu- AmjrporInfr15 j pouaini il okatr erenust cgicnt"emte.dy staeled mur tuherenlis test- elopmest tue a long time. llinsiishgioth e me oEn *f Ilt1000prmr sh NeiudvsinPa ecoofingrider thr NorthHal r S u y Tr d air D spLy ng lneer's P o ; lj-chuidrer .n Hulton. Dr. Hait atao O. W. Goldsteaifr. te ostructrîc FinHadpanu iilims O. Puti.os. sabmitîrd a Propose] iabtisifiio utltnan tnbve 10,hourd. t povd plnoOdiinfra71ltaf ergdton, Reev Martin pcînîed dusua'ay if the Nuorth Hall on arcsa ra. ift lb mahnethlac- î.îîrr'îuî.uuînc-mgltb.m fthe bor.ciead la eapee ferovd euuîhnathsetsofl f'stlualtOcheoriginalîda wouilu e-tala- ai the Internaiounal Trade Farîcîlîli 35 unrclored 'ludes. Ni, Au mnitIci' ui thruommbs DrputI-réeve S. Cbutdsrerpurîrd in roan tre lu peeple sanner-f Ostacia 01,usd neelbofMouolauo ri ritl o.1 ith,,machine waaupi- of the boalrd.ionedlromrcadhlea'i i- uuMiltonîîIatîthe suggestio.bas- ll emaertcsilomo OtroS.adnrho onanlsb acerlae nginereing ofiireuuu.110e the Norcth Halian Uchan l,,,M *,, - c. .u as letbus;gaîg for us-sanatorium, med- View Drive. Feostages rie de a r e d ,1kas,oll sgt or n1:irsmnh . anîuhiganrspliîuart ofualMayaîe Tyler edi.. At ayorui ai'fint eirigial dos. t cal and sargirai rare. ehngng to onfoemlutothe 60foaltaeeuo rhteiacîBîrîîîî,îoy metingîFlrt'un i rmtuIltriî'u36 1,rl- Armstrong, iGergoetwanoandReene have oeentraltengineeringoattie ti oe ht ytetss ree5ieed hy the ubdividee's agreee- dahat.H ugguîredrafethîugupti"t 10p r,,nTo»di veig ron ig a res discovered wmîltbc teeated, ment. M. Palisncommeoted hr ' sggd c mrdteîogllia eel.us'nTalady.e.us. are tms$d0,ril a u asoduuass suMacs.tMituo r îîonrdRons iii ibtain ei eul trî hug "St a boprdthlythesetests.en allia idt bu 0cmoesiictheamical "J.oosugan rresentîng Dyn' F..'liuuh,-ldFlil.uy. board sec-uui a stiaudylthe espncibil.rsfueee.agrs $11eiedte h2,00 ldhsoealin mis-hetare one office. 'amie D.ptaya. appeaeed wtmb ,tal-y'.rJ Mereaiahii' reprti'li 0tirs and exPecîrd resoltîs o et ucllrC Lnsyfo conaideu a m nd aigag $10.0Drai$12.00erasfthe oetid mas- TOc discussion arum mOenramem- saffrisîd duruuraluuoplais uitthei']lait usacd four rompanuer fisc ibeer ona' engineering actieme. aibid if ilm'osld tir pussihle.in04 l o îy. De. Hall emphasic- Onrio t.ea obeottheem'agetsbersof the board feum canci araî1oetb 1 e etcrî y ip i-ýteit-sso cnm.t d Onues t ra t h inetuaîd Kbdfgudance fcr tbh mee nlteboard tfor0 2ter t eru- bs ap.c, lf'tin odacor- Ti uuuLre tlcrdds Orildsi0 eany 0g The Gazette Pristisg Company, and moee deinite intermation o n Iis merb In disusote rbim.,jo10een eIl dusy the is (m i if ta tue 10 e Si as endusilmeeaisg 10e na guluo tim n1e ut foralthe adderio ut ahetad- Barluoln n'as aîuded the con- he utaised. The plaonmas tu 0e Fuether hbnp hud bOre earted .iuunMay.iui buflsiui 0emd ulltI.OIltOhir sntaiheeeartamet- neliand monuunfIha fuîet fme e1i- 'iontfac ulhd immr aulh e ad tracintes f or he potsethy-la M. sahastted te the Planning Beard aI the fîem of asoîberefullitllmeengu- TMay. ua.uald td y lli ngoftir ordnt aiprescritmecsir merad sihty abladrol fnr 10e dulîîun4 if att i'- oîseer- iue n te eutmueM Faisg the prbeiniof satinfuel- i1roeisanerîscer asimmna ru-Huosugao uîcuciît'asn auuunalus uutlunes.iengineeroigsafftuuhnrpsup "'îlO ainy heIý alu the barbrrecords . Mitsia uie h Presnt ngieerSimonsex-peujecur ta shbsai'dnuc d pur.- >Maingsiuaft 'rsibiuuwaaaiiithem'rbsand putpastecosrds (i. fthelaaisraîsght up. otat' print the agistrate' r tire luem '30er te notit1 5in plaunrd tOut 10e deelem tsoi reserontiul i. TOc errcarntau- diruosu d uaud lbhea clu e r Cnir ucon thelrre sons us suitahte chapei o , cToriuee tudy on 1he maier 15 oa- ounte phones afre iseodweedito tms nxpnsonhud ta he hept sp ta date une erphasiud tOc valin a dis- ithat tait ime reprerenlatuve onf tOc Rernr Suas Allen fnr George- tOe rammilteeoutilrr mas enteS- Appuinled la 10e Ceanty Road phoes nare r osscil to ois and it'us aiiosneeessary tagellthe playoyfutiii typa' îufallc.rtltin-!buud sold bc a-ssteld hy os o uiserporîrd no deisin hybis luîhed.Cnmle mee Ree eet th umr orcla te st hurh aerb andreecordaeaaghsop grîîuug animaîtein.lrciilaioafrcaehluau'srhrcoasrd un he feasihlty oftheuad-:TOeinsltmetngofuthehboard l Mehut t95-67-8- ReeveAbr- meeting nvited 'Bell Tetephose und for fat ure reererscr. Ceunrul mem- Totaltiîualnd ruaI of the dis- day iiufii'red aisMure IbaugOl îcitionas OPPunrd tai use fuiltlime \%a,.sut far March t ai Actas. Mrhl,1556789 ev r Generat Etmýtricerepreisestutives to berdso'eee istrurled 1.0 deteemuce chue Seeoice. 1955-6-7-8: Reeve WiS' expIais vaious systems. 'sOe attiude efthte olherîcusriiîtferd Bird, 1955-6-7; Serre Stan At- A. Oel and R. Sirror repees- louard continuation aie dissoautio les, 1955-6 and Deputy-reeiae Fre entng theBell Telephose Co. ex-,o h rsn agmn. Walhee. 1955. The marden and plindth yse ue b re-An lthpeeta lreangem e. I pon.aie 1e yer sA. dE. y es- :pAs elmtram thMil pton Hro-a elerk mere aathorized te petition otne thireie . eeolu arca tnrbc îbsHe he Ministere etHighrayx for the oster 0 srirerqued . sarectoc $89.50 fureie hee o wbb n st 'atuaey gruots ons$231,033,92 es rover the cucul asuoel os turban bal expended os eounty couda in 1954. ares. 11e poinird nul tht ontv 12 'Asist at, Tade Saie The ussual hy-iam tauheorw l .- miembere of t0e brigade attend A telere tram thc Mitun(Cas- 000 aItfoise and a quarter per crnt. countryi tires*. ada) Indusbriat Deeloprent C.'nmerrntepseau- The Bell uystem mes deseihed. odicaîd beya'uaedth pieuud lii rproved A ~ ~ ss inehn a viat ore-aa repreoentung Mlton ai bOa Waren Shannon and Treasarer iselo fre ni ea Ien tesrnatioaiTradc Faireandmeouid Mise Margaret Maxtead mers cp' aI he ireha t recevn10 -m reeso alivra la disruss bbe poinird le the County Board et Au. sisrlions on 10e tire, tOrs pirEs pans lter. idit. Other membrs miii inctade sp a second lelephocue tat auto- 'Aiscasernent and the by-ium au- th 1e Coeulty Jsdge and Crois Ai- matially risfthe pone ineabihuoriig î.ignng ofil mer' torsef. fi eesas's home and elayn the optîcord mut Mes. Olive Baher CGeiscib endoesed rerolutions mesage. Any tleeihoerconeesat- a- oeryfrdrainageeat ror Wentmurtb Counly and Ox- lisn un the peuate triephanea in the ui Bll t.h homnes iu; utomairatly istercapîrd 1e el toreio Ihe irest sîde tord Cisanty irbo mere seehing te A upervisnr cabinet indicates ilftOc agriusturat igrounds. haise 10e proincial gavrnrent aba poss avTbrsan meetiengo adiaurr'd uti 12.1 place more cuntrol oiser tise detiv' whtpoe aebe nw da rney ofetlto ilohand gaaetine. They nral tO- at nyslr prto re e ' ' seghl le haveetroche carry only normi pcisat terphoe tie Aose type of fart and aise baise a eoitbly rertal th Ge ire 'feueCar Skids onIe propre pristing and metering de- ronlesci eequired fo 10e hisvieiir ndchr 0a- wooad bc$122.80 per mnth an mlliett 0 a ai ut tte l duordtheamra- as the suraIpruvate teteohose 'o 2 0Dan gut or. eierdt aes rharge. Sun ta sior montOs deiv- John Pittriss aitTruafalgar toFleNamgmea eitl rry mus reesîired 'cOup. atlier an accdntin oMilto iFieNai te eeo etitnoet Twa-Way Radic 0 on isFereasy 5. ramd ibaSveragoemesltioidofer ids Fred Wued andW E. MVieaei sipted ontheiey rad t athe; have rot patiena adioion - repezeetgthe Groerleui FtrieI<tle ideiio htbr redi'iosut .dnt id ntsrbanraatinal us oa- tur. exptaisad lOir irra-mowyeur'aliioniismth a vile rancs h meoredeke eaevbeionormut-, dioi syter uggenîrd toc tOua lyse mrd Armstong R.. ,Mult..nMr. ; eerepoefrs. o frhr omt of mach. The oysenm eosisîrd of' a Pîttir s a travelingof asI os Maisn "t-'eecrepr.apevdgrulo 1- train station. monioaestatinesioSt.uinhuigAutin and Mr.Armstronno '., carvel rati h eachtireemuouiOhomeand possiiy a btaellingmest in big '52 Mete'o. CaisudiaIs tiOlitfordte 0e'lind a moblut i the e truc.AI- The cident arrerd îstnofMar- sinofaSe () or195peoiess fasa arisa'otd bcreinrd ut s cent- tue Su. scar therinoîsaîîîao' A ries e r e ao atam'ey rat ddpab and 10einoorations e' - o araage moo rtimalîd aiA eiontathNsagwy TaedbythIrdi tihefie B'u20,Rtrpiyeeui -pussrerd ai thcereg- Ttayed y 10oaiul1e i i the 0 uar nominatinsmeeting, eeod as tOuck couday m ýailConitasn bb fullur.. 'Wr lIse rstepayeen of îeunicbatd swteve ainuislrvr- Car Stops, Skids ln5~effdnenîebîio Cool of the ysemir as outlined * i 0eCkofacnfidReadceiner bla pra- as $770 fr e Orain sttion: $215 Hits Hydro Polee Cisidr adeoa E resîlyrapro-h fr eurh monitor set and $645 for~ Atemptiog tu stof bis caruaithe' tow'snhip ni Nanoaaaf.' the moObiesnit. Toaltosiraies-'Base Lise Tuelsday alg6p.m,Harold lursîrd t $6297 pIslu, rherobii aecn nR.2,Aer, nsedBath WarelesShanon îand Sere Maderosof fl 2 AurraincuredService eegod coasiciltolefile 10e soit. Detivry eosld Or rade ;n $125 cdarrage te tOcerbu ile mOrs il eouinslealywnthe- tren messand 10e unit icsusd shodsd, crossedltheeiiadand steseb ierîsîto ePeeia tuy Ospi10e I bure sconscient poere ta serise a a bydro pote.WHNTY radius of 15 te 20 uiltra. He iran drsisg n50db on Ontarion HNTE TOURED Ontario Hydrons big 25 le 60-cycle change- lion officet, vilho FOdsFted the toar; Mes. F. Seroice, lors steno- bas ecoestohpia Outb A deronssraties efth1e radio St.t the time of the accident. 3vcr beadqsorîers le Ilincilon recently, Milton uiiund local hydro grapheru M;Ilon Hyclen-ElecI.ic Commission Manager Clurence Rid weekosfgatee a heert ailment. cyster iran 10 he rade ta tise tire officiais met W. D. Mceezie, Ontario Hydro peojecî manager for dell; HE.C. Chirran J. Rush; and Coancilror E. R. Peuren. The A petitias front 10e iail rem. brigade, -The eulsg et the Municipal convesion in the Milton orea. Wr. WucKsnzie is shows flefîl ex- cisîlors agreec ilse ec impressed by these and compleoiiy ployes seebing inceeased puy iras Bob Castettari and Jack Morgan. Board on Oabritiees application te cp eu o rerr elIeCut represestisg Atlias Asbestes, ap- annex land tramer Tagar town- pluing mhat huppens micen a record playor in lerrd for 60-cycle of lthe cisangeover operat in Buidiisg Ceerridtte o ute peared bel ore conne il to asîncorun- hip lsexepectrd any day. opertilon. Thse ineresied onlookers are D. H. Cook, Hydro informa- Buildin . itefr ut x - Poo ïýkt