Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Feb 1955, p. 5

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1'MURRDAY. FRBRUAEY 3rd. 1955 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE RIVE SHOP AND SAVE AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED PHONE 112 MILTON Ose outhe grratiot urcoîiplisiîetsioftheiiiAiican auto- mobie indiisiry haslarcn iii risg awsrrship ut a car sothin sight of clieryone. A ot of hiogs have omade it possie to put a car, or Smo cars,inrevcry hoomr. I have asneatsîng soech that uostahout the monstimporant ofthema ws the introduction of the self-starter te 1911. It made the car crally a family cr for the firsS ime, ho- cosse a wuoan ruuld hen hundie i, and she dide't hase to atke along a chauffeor. Thats prohahSy somethif you'vr neser hooght of eor,tht ass liac lu iidnS toPe the ids to shooS. or go shopping, te thr famiSy ar hi-turc the slf-starterrrame on thencens'. Tise self-starter saved a lot of broken arma, too, and mode thse car a frtend instead et a staishoso. tasiuman heast tisat hcd ta becenstantiy battled. Il heiped change tise worid'as whole atti- tude ta tise mter car. Lihr a ot of thinsgnweow ahe for granted on eseryrcar, the slf-startetrsas inSodsred hy Ornerai Motors. ThaS famoon mieelone folloserd another lst ie 1910, ohen GM starSed makieg the fires closed hbodirs is any volume. Thalsscarally oaethin,easeeveeby199 runeaout af 10 crs made sereostilI opeeodcts. Sosetimes in the hrly-haî y ut tivingtut for Sday, ssr forgeS thres aluhîr irssonssro the pasl Yoîî an vsecSîday the value and the leadrship tatoh's enpacsduinto Siiitiars, bat that hccomes a littr lessoiirprssiuig ishen you remeseher hat il's always heecn hat way. ODUR USED CARS THIS WEEK ARE REALLY OUUTSTANDING VALUES 1952 BUICK SPECIAL with air condition heater (a lovai;- car.) 1953 CHEV HARD TOP with air condition heater, radia, two tano white wails, anIy 22,000 miles. 1952 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN, air condition heater, diretianai signais, 28,000 miles (A beauty). 1952 PONTIAC 2-DOOR, air candition heater, oniy 24,000 miles. 1952 CHEV 2-DOOR, air condition heater, aniy 19,000 miles (spotiess). 1951 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V/8, radio, ir condi- tion heator, aveedrive. 1951 CHEV 4-DOOR SEDAN, iseater, a reai boy. 1949 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN, air condition heater, radia ( a nice car). 1936 FORD COUPE with a 1946 motor (A good littie car). WATCH FOR 'VIC'5' SPRING SPECIAL COMING SOON W. guarantee aur service on any car or truck '11111 ~ FORMERLY MITCHELLS BAKERY Ford Strike Ends Affer 109 Days Off The Iongrst strîke in history of the Ford Botor Company of Canada w s rttled fot seret, pavinf the way for return to soorla of 8,500 oorkeeo OS Ford plants in Oakville. Windsor and Etohîcoke, a soborb of Torooto. Thr trikr Sstrd 109 days. Both the com pany and thr United Auto Worhcro' onion (CIO-CCL) coocrded ruajor points ta reoch the settleoent The coospany gained reviscd srniority provisions to help ouiintrestra root and ineffif- o c' nshort-ttrrîo tay-offs. The paai ueks'a îwaiorI atiur 15Yîuisanîd ixtt*z statuts, y oi day, loîinginti,otal osvn bFoui sssikrsuaiWindsor and Oakvilîc ovrîr grilsg $1.69an hîo AS Et,,lcoîk,, hy vrrr gettng $t Oit. Georgetown Man Heads Horse Assoc. Pcisidrîîit asyvrrofi hu Caiii,- sliiui Stihiv Hiiîi Assoicia1l. Ken, MeMilla ' ,rî Il 'îîî"Ili l.is aiî Ir col 1hti 1'1h ,,i flue M. m 1M'il î "ilIl -li i. thimîiglii.îiit Ooîî,î .1 .l 1 "I called for you to stand by jm< in case I get TOO__mad .at him.00 maiiyftilt l, i hr., t NE od i1ii Frai utua 'N Paintings Bring Artitritis Victim y Reunlonvincognptton Is Steady Worker f Swift uronî i alti t SzM PîîCPî-Fîie OihuRec gniti nsei-,nt, 1 ,hîîss.îOeu- h od ru I lirin oý.tl- vh ý h s n dice s ogntona a i of ii îîhriîthritis. A Ms Otta Car> 8. andflot-so pa s ad lsaisiiiiiisîli hresie Esri-ttetar patersi Ottîr m- hsianftii ie tiitrait- of rhîtdrenv a chaii . fot-i scocal yrars. hersraitheln gathrrdtforwhat tIri. llt 23yerii heliaa1,itîi-Foraalong iilieeIdreamrdutf Mr. C r said was inderd ahap- o__.îr.. t, 500 toi t ,iiîîi ft iiiuse. iiil, ildo 1 ilgihottr," slc, py day." ut<, iîîiian .ire ShsrIl. utl nedyI ltced thetfact Iiiiei Ah itrlios fm iiiisiiiiiili tlit ig i iipptiiiiifg, 0 I UPHOLSTERING Sîl Pi i S,ýt-t iiiiiihîîiiîi lirî pn nia li, c ihingi a uit COMMERCIAL Kg DOMESTIC W ,1 1 :e;tl I scr iv* îîîîr iiiiiî i*,1,g tiîiîhinc'hai- Addilossand comforlseth tIl do , i: ,îrct-:il' li .t an]> C. shildrd i spd ng, Vourfu - dý1r11' - ;.C , trn sli-*-i j.b , i é r de gi. iur e h bc handssmne as T ilo:-I )il -, iitrd 1 ,dr i itglit n noe i gain iI itý . .., i Ili,- , -v itom ' -r m CAF jtic i îîîuctu., Lui s s r - iu s nd'it-iAu ,ii 1ceit ,î i t, :i-i l hiir:ighiOi 1. Phone 259 Waiii îîîîîîa m il i«yir CENTRAL RADIO REPAIR Ir 01ai iitiiiiîi , i l t i idî,> r ito d W* o.5 i,705 as l m b I laylil tilt N.'c' I 0 v li 1 , '.iî S .iis 4 LaW .Em s id 1 , i.o lo ig thmi J'roi ', i ,JoiJii Mý.' iuiruuc M th Ti,tridît evhKi,, .ihiiirr hr iralli i.,oialîl i iie, liii .01..uhîmrnin M ELE TRIC àil SPo>'îý ihiiiiuitp igý iî..i,od 1 î î,iîîoîi h , i., ,stricl M Cantracting W iniseli ilis -th chitrrî iand ther Siip in titiesn-agers. and Servicing ri . t> wr ptr.îvît' i i. jt.S t 1dol -v r i v s te firls *Thtîîrî haveiriviuiusnîaid..î 180.,19.tri iaî. Aterrhat *~~~~ *Ltight,-rgî.. r iillIIo pends on M PHONE MILTON 270 « Oeo heMs as o ml- i u hbiat,>ern » Lri,Id îîîîî bt Il,î, oi r, (i.î.iiii, iiît andl sagazisc th of a195rri hu ýptre ime R.R 9 - MILTON H 040 DO U LIKE«tb is(0-09 I _____ I32% DARYC0NCENTRAT,? 0 MARKERS no 0 MONUMENTS ETAIYFP1 0 CEMETERY LETTERING EVER FED - 5AVES MiE Q uotutîons by Appossmeont ~i- MONEV TOO 'CAUSE 1 USE Phon Muts 95r32MY OWN IHOME GROWN ihn ito 5r2GRAINS! More Production and Greater Profits YOUR COWS when yau FEED Co-Op Dairy Concentres Said Oniy AT YOUR CO-OP Halton Co-Operative Supplies Free delivery os routIs dys MILTON Phono 127 GEORGETOWN Phone TR. 7-2981 THURSDAY, FE8RUARY 90th, due ta Hydra conversion we wiiI net be able te ronder service in aur miii. HYDRO APPOINTMENTS ansousced last ooek muke A.W. Manby, 12 Lucky Winners Is Yours a Lucky Name? Ail this week and cantinuing through neot week a beautifui cake wiii b. given away daiiy. Ail you have ta do ( is ave youe name as you make your pur- chases. A cake wiii have been prepared with a name on it but remaining cavered. For instance, Mms. HELEN Do. calis and ieaves ber name. At 5 p.m. when the cake is unveiied and the name in the icing in Hoien, Mes. Hoien Do. or the fiet Helen egistered regeives the cake. The iucky name cantost has bogun, so b. sure you isavo your neo and peehaps youIl win anc of he 12 beautifui gakes. FRANCIS HELLMAN, Monday Winner JOAN WILSON, Tuesdiay Winne THE BAKERY HAS BEEN NAMED. THE SUGGESTED NAME "PURE FOOD BAKERY" WAS SUBMITTED BY A. WHITE, MAIN ST., WHO RECEîVED A BEAUTîFUL DECORATED CAKE VALUED AT $10. Fresit Baked Bread, Buns, Honey Dip Donuts and Cakes Every Morning Specialiiing in Bithdlay, Wedding, Anniveesaey Cakes-Very Boni Products Usodl PURE FOOD BAKERY PHONE VOUR ORDERS TO MILTON 494 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE PIVE MRMSDAY. FEBRUARY Srd. 1955 ight, goseral masagor oh Ontario Hydro, saccoedisg Dr. R. L. eoarn who has boen amed chairman. Dr. Otto Holdos, loff, han boen appointod chiofenogisoor, alto succeoding Dr. Hoaro coho helci that position as wveII beforo his olovatios to the H.E.P.C. flest pot. Link Paul Revere u!IMM'IIMI IIUIIII9 Nith Nova Scotia ü- Mlou Anrcanshaor U rs-somtio h ýputed-wth Nuos., ia historU Figuring in lthe siories arr a na va ScnooI a- litth awahit oual, tArcadia und a dîg-ercd parih rrgisier aT ia cadie. News à The ülderri denlts ut Arcadia U in uc, errn Nova Scotia suy ils a ~Ml îU MtMIMi I lIMiU lvit thai Paui NRverc. tomrd for By Art Couliseni bis midnightride. spent some timsi Sports: Ahoot the gante shiott 1h sre and Sooh hi s srcond degrr. 0in ws playedson Thorsday. Janoary Masory during the stay. 20, t pan colleet no more informaS- Thiy say R evere crume So te ion than that Chartie Augero (nom tamrd Burtirît hoa5c ow reno- was heaten hy o horrible score. svuSed and romplete with teteviajon On Tumsday, January 25, the teame in heeping isith the timeS-with of Thea Charlton and Charlie Au- Yankeie traders and in 1772 stodted ger played and came Se a te. his second degeee. CharSton was more sohdoed than in At Tracadir. there are some uchu the first game, scoeing onsly one la'm ihat James Bowie. uchoso ggoal. with Doof Dredge getling the famîily name remains s'ith the other one for his teom. On thse oth- tiseu o. hie ifetruiaSfy eocap- er side. Fred Bornes and John Ver- d itîath ut the hatîti- cifthe ASmo lis goS une eaoh. Penaltiensewent ta ini the Trouxawof oindepondeso' BbhKerr. John Fiso andNuss Et- in 10.16 aniS lîs.d ut Tracadie. iott for trippinf. A locallrgrrid says the tiîst On Thursday u very unique tliîwieins Novsa Scîitia irttlcd ai thisg happesed uchen the girls Tîraiîliandît%%,retheiooitort ofttried taplay hockey with disost- îînAsehriacîîttiorr.andecareiardoiiu.eautt oroteam A and C, saüdcaei. The stîs g- that he ishohothtlosto team B.Twohalf rihvd NoviShotiuihîiurdoamer- hour gomes wreeployed, the first rhintthip. hetisees A and B. and the second Thý Trîrîdia pari*h'nrcgiltar re- betweenBoand C. rîîrds thr marrîaeor i ae Rower.Is the tirot gasre Betty Andee- dtiaglicîtfa JasSoîiranrd o- sion lBi whoserrsetohbethe ail :iPvtiýi nîî Jauîar if 1842. iround uthlete ut the yeor, scoeed six ogoal-,a hich heot Seon A's ose ahîch oîasascored hp Gailte Ander- Has Rigi-t To Play son. Daitie got the only penalty, Bagpip in ublic otnd fume, goals for B seere scored Bagppesin P bli byJase hSeith, Betty Anderson, Vaueîivr, CPi -John Suther- an11d tas hy Mary Wood. Carol land svho won the right ta tulay his Tutturd scoeed once for tram C. hîîlîved huppipi. in puhblie, dao- Social: As for as soi' lnose.the o't heliv, ins rahhiog iohis slietory dance seitl stilhe held on the 1185e ,and nu1 losger puitsils impromptu of Fehary. hut don't he surprised coscerts.ifitis postponed for aweek. I be The highlisd-hors piper. uhosa' nord everyhody is supposed ta ininc .l onîî the rightd to play came in a sweater, or a fine seill he aherever the orge crarde, oeimpooed. Bpeoking of dancing, the wochs oS his ifr-Sosg.oc cupýait i on siouamplifier sitll he installed of scissor-sharpesinf. and he. Pis; con and that's ohot may cause the dag Bitl and piivh-rt auea oimn pootponement. It's 60 cycle and the mon sight os the streets.. ae sehoot mon't Pr changed aver un- He srer soixvrehko s ix.ouf lcoat us hillios,can't ho paid ci-îth sentencr fur dioturhîsg tihei tii the 141h. This amplifier, which lîrarîlshes hiz appeuS resufted in1 for unSess more people hoy otudeat hîs retruse. The B.C. Pipers' As-. caeds. -riation prlitritedl the cono ictioin andîrguîîerîthe appeul fuod. I.i Suhelad njý>d irhi ,Nurse Expiai ns h,.îchand fotoin oaiiv rroidcnti i1 ýný udiv .îithliz ipe-îr Tuberculin Tests hîîrlîîîc lîîdlv flllîîîd hr an as- Thr Rural Techers of Esqueuing Buriiiviiîîdrirrî,oliefr to set onMonday, January 17 ut po.lic.cc AfIe he covirtioniras GcnWilliaspublic ochool weon îîîî,îhîd listhr Cout lof AppealthiîrtistrictlHeath Nuroaseaean lb. r .1v Irea uicclosrd the rase iîîeýircrlîanud infoîrmative addresa .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e thiae~î rîeî u i ue r i i no îheallh progruant.and a S10 -tlennit or flse r- breulis test heing carried sot in -tlladiaicious prlseutoi. lu, csrloli Phe expreuard lier tlîaîîhsSo the truchrs for the co- i.îîratiaonch. r«ecc:ved teom PSsem A generl discussiosprriod wao FOR SALE tîîSSaord Py a motion of odjoues- w,,1. Thîii.prrseot aI the meeting SVE SAVE is rr Mis o Rsell, Mru. Beaumont. CLIEARANCE 0F ALL Mii Garîdiner aod Miss Browen a! LEAIaINfI BRANDS, thc GSrn slatf; Miss McEdseards. ALL NEW Wateloo;a Mn. Presiwiid. Mountain- viaw: Mru. Cromar. Aohgrove; Mrs. Frigidaire 30" Ranges Paltîrh and Mec. Oory. Stewart- .9*' 199.00 lois o.Miso Sincluir, Horohp; Mct. Frigidaire 30' Re- Sflopci at. Strwurttown; Miss Sin- frigerators - 199.00 claie. Ho, n5pu Mrs., Hoporaft Frigidaire Dryers $249.00 Qatre Bpus; Msss Kidd. Cedacvale; Beatty Washere .$99.00 1 Mr. Copelusd. Musa Carson and Beaty ryrs 19995 i Mes. Cascaddrs, Norvul. Beatty Irossere......... 69.005 Moffait Ranges $ 169.00 [ Mosement Siowed Crosley Refrigera- Rgn C)Mvmn ffr tors.._ -9229.9-00 aiCtMvmeto ai Admirai T.V. $169.00 papulation trîîserural urean 59 Admira] T.V. Console tlIs tanîd citir in Saskatchewean .$299,95 levellrd cff in 1953. arcording Su Admirai 30" Ranges $189.00 carrest provincial reports. Urhan Admirai Refrigra- rentres osilS showed iscreaneo. with tore ............. 199.00 tiiwno hovisg the greatrsl propor- R.C.A. Victor T.V. .. 179.00 tiunut gains. Rehult Wases..$49Gant00 Wsier Rpaisd GuelphDOnt. iCP)-Mrliesed ane Weinge Rolis of thr large-t rlor.uin Ontario, a Thor leoners . $119.00 ISO-foot Iree n the harkyaed of rechi Srsning Mach- Garth Neloo is utu down heroane tre -_. 99.00 lws endusgerog neo hy bounes. 011lSpare Hraters ...$7.« The reestrochhby ghnsga yeur Moffat (tas Ranges $149.00 ugo, ou 23 feet s cr e sferenre 4 Rsrner Eleetete andlsPrnchh ud a spreodof Ranges .. 9ý 129.005 150 feer EXTRA OPECIAL CROSLEY SHELVADOR REFRIGERATORS Punsh bstton astomnatie de-I frosting, nsc 1i,2 ru. ft* rigist acrose top fezr SPeguaL $429.00 SPCA ALE PRICE $299.00 Weei' rt5r and Servire CHAPPLE'S Saspecous Som soui4p owore APPLIANCES To gie upand stort uew, Phsone 431 51 Main St. N. And thon ho fried our ciossificd BRAMPTON Sam's happy, Fou could b. *00.

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