THE ANAIANCHAMION MITONONTRIOTHE URS DDAY BU S n.1 THY HAVE SEEMEDT ~$JÇi~J~SJ/Nj.tri ETODOL DY hE th p h p ei Fý ti ir p vr tl 9 t çr F fr i Twenty Years Ago1 Fifty Years Ago Better Understanding Road Subsidies- Change l'ronm the lsue Of the Champion Of Frotti the issue of the Champion o The nems that the su ike in the Ford plants Budgeftitme for mncpal cuiii mnara ;î hrisJauairy 31, 935. ti , usidaiii ave 9,d1tis. ad ended was indeed welcome here and Ira d and tlise annual effort t0 heep dlown the tas o -il crfndt nd -emtr ieri h plsometThen "IlagateI, aedstr aslares te'd htlcl uiia oismutfn husentt dt; ei..... .'uî1,î Ç,teim Issr- have alteedin ternisofthavel anci e fnd eni tr~ sstriof provinc igi ns by the. 1 iii o rcts hi ave th [h[ie Galt Inici cmid ta [vn ployees residing miles from tiseir place of actual prvnese that fluctuaies soatruc h fram year ýi rýs ýiete o h itsti h ... employmnt. Thn'again an inustry a largeas ta yar tAitlocaasunicSpnusodge thstrinrues ethis anseutUnd. T s'rtteeco s ofshetedrMInttar Ford han parts and materials made ie many places dtfficuIt te coes mtt iltin mak ng estimates. siriitr distiusid tisur cuntis inctasisundùwitersuni itdtiseton throughut theprovine and he workstoppae Whil the sbsidy tmîtiscp1934isigeenclewplate 194oultesbeplnespwhaitbecsnsedad tiseed the neaîsgngno throghot te povice ad te mrk topage Wh l th susîd temue pa t s gns emiicituisidtotetaise heed tisaStthe thren hydrunts trsm mhieh iater- n tise companty's plant imnedîately affects sup- the gas tas andli cesse ceetaîn uîchanged. ccc tfohinplsetsî eorange seunidise requirertins ras etffier. plis i may pace. W hae vl mny sesio ofmunci-mîith islacks tetters instruitofetiteîrThn hydrast.s [ern thawrd sut by tl s estîmatnd that $11t,000,000 mas lest ie pal ceuniils in strikîng the rats. The csunc i ii aiîhunacu and thte mt n Tise fstts'isg atticirst ers ntsc- s liai Banis propoesate cntinue tise HulttesAgrieutturat Society tant mges ilbyepîsyedn fmthe millio hîtha an he ac e m ailfstend itues are dupes nii t semn aite tisas tise sewCen- tcr! ut tise ansuatmeeting et tise ht sII e adedman mes mlI ns hatandmhee mnt f te ct csm f mtepyer 51issue oetwosedollar bist. Tisnde- ces FePr-itent Franis Greestees; mers lest by wres nindustries tatsupplîed hapdfor municipal txe.Actually Ithe ouiciieminato ntessîgurrnd Iseas iestvie presdet . . GDte; statenial fer thîs ose auto plant. Ne estimate of i leant te biame fer taxse Scheel hoards requise eieîsni e pepenesngn d te asîedte pAriantaP. . DCee- th oa oswl vrb opld ecte fends. The amount ns estimated and ceuîîc i gets ,pticueofeuisse netes if pesibI'à. Iningisam. W. N. Scott. Eitr thhe total ons mIlrsen be cmpîlsdHencethe t .Tise Milttas ttersaniiatenss- MeCiti. Jams Iit.. W. Agnew, geerl eie na ealmet tereqltiertesffnd.Otnrtoeimreeilliisiitt edeeaie etestatFrnik pene G me, r We dent propose te discute the terme of set- ments arr required for expaesion. A debestere BIRCH IN THE SNOW, impaied in a sas floeded issoîl off Ns. Mosday sigitin oses et tise tantes; Roerets, Arthur Hrstep, Adam expeditre s pasedandmustbe rovded ron uses nuyed isese tis se uasse, isyJMeKe Atlbert Patteenen, Jams tî in nufficinet mhen leaders of both epedtrsspndudmetbpriddfm 25 Highmay bemmec Acieri und Miltos, throm long shadems a sasre et 5-3. epitisg BIl D ent. J. F. Breeneride. W. Reid groups fisîd them natifactory. Whether tise ave- the municipal lesy. acri sthe ilite grsand ceverîîîg bennath thrm, As Februsy cisunes et eeterieg tise setermiti- r. T. T. Harets. S. H. McGibises. si nap icolii anal inreryseme of the seasen's brîghtest [leOH.A. playeffe. Eacb tram Stantey 'Dynes. H. P. Moore, and rage employese nderstande them or sot ie est im- A provincial goserement changes its pelicy sîennry cdii befud in tl ie lseand busesof thîs district. seruad to bcesages toran nfîht,unit Johiseare. Auditere, W. t. Dicis portant appassntly, snce it mus a mers mtter et on rond grants or nebsidies and tise berden falle ta ait hee ter tipalty isane ad CbEs lnrisettesofaireerey formality in getting acceptunce of thsm by hege in tise lap of couecil. This years change et road Misnare ritte ctubs ban bers n- or a treacs en. majosities mises they mers prenentsd te tise sals-nbidy is going te be a reul hindrance in milng t ovl n ilb f Poe lt ormnfr10. oats groepn. Its psrsapn a bit igeificant tisat a more favorable tan rate haire. Semisse tise tan L mssT AUY riiae tste DoindonesrssSente shnd Daest rangeed fa workesnfalin n saily iti tise proposaIs of rats te aneoun ced for tise ysar, dent blam en  ~ha, bren scrd nsd cst rIais seet at, att tishe netelrîngs, risecks, cilenirlybu gvIth fgueuni'ES rebetnarruegeit. and, teipeseut sprie sisat pleane- thisisleaders and by nuis ovsrmhelmîng majori- i t5ybtgs iefgr osseyadHAsnappral nis egmuade tisngisThsene ans gonde hat genit dresners tien in evsry cane, pluie blame misere tl rightly belenge. It may be ' ti 0DE 5, sde saeîtisnt. proenestytes, andt a iseap nf Ws e op tsa tmens etesheatonhin nicipalitien are havigtî,n frth frtise Western provinres. Wilt'rsmfort assuerinteey tisread. thato tise mat sîsgeatebpuyerforattiseipi anypeas buraine tboks rmage- W. Brun' Sens. by al îoncsrnied. If bettes endestanding han otat runouOt'ehiha Bttse ('orbtng the ('urbsiders Burlingtao eatte Continues suy-iairsaîemt At tise smnest et Rend Commis- bess aîhîsssd tise oscf production mili sot yea mî gist meli usk mise got tise big fines that nan tI, l h iiesvl Irpeecnrbt.soe apelo h e c,îiî tt'.'iInti,5aCcmiofit$100a untt ciacta îprtssstnt f Pnblic Woriss, Warden hase been in sain. Thons mise have bec deprie- wahîiiihutiîîmetiii.îihui.ri,acte-aisicetiiimi nit te rwsrfnI" ,t -TratulgarTwi lr k IBE îi.n sitt naît a crnenetion msreeaîdtobeîmponedi.e-iren d r o te eceail KJames'sandtreunurer WE. Ford o t Muniipal couriillos of thes ed of sarnînge for nuis a lengtisy strike îertainîy ---tm-i-- -t-- -s i [gne rfi seair St ut'a .ît [ IiI*,c,r a.,ui'i' [tic .,uniai1r oi Bî nîi vei relie raitnsntsu see uris in teneseity te a rssvetand i tn e denerve a long period of peace ilteris d ustsy . [n ml'se .of'anmebiai serit'. i, III, i-m a.ii iilmuby the citsaiz is othniniassrmie 9 ebrsten Mtten cnn tin255h es.t Pregresmas sheme in ssîationhipn by tise fuît Jilting 15 Ousted i the- -siiuii. lat.sin p a mci- it i, '['i expts[et tisasttisnt- yens. nnltrSh uns1cfrntie that dusîng ail tise long days cf tise strîke ne We heartmîy approve of tise craft and handi , t, !Ii, mcine all* ,ilm i~ .iSi.iiitiiiii d d-,s'rss iet I preerathe. utison 5ofqurainse on isn ya iti it' ~î,-'.ii.'iiîta.titmuei..aTitiniiiui atiiisynai -di Natural Anuet abount thsr eresstyfor betterrmails violence mas rsported and ne damage mas dons msrk classes tisaS have bsencaîrried o hsya -i, u ed ,tiuii5' place cf aia beingici iaboutei5i' Tir ronsnisnat enHie, a hi ierv to psepesty. in tise iigi scshools of Aises, Milton andOGerge- bii.dTciai'l.*.A.i(,.%ri'1chare [atis reccamitet'ciriiuna - a esare asitrtenos al eu in halbrn, it fsrei fessersente tome. Oas uppreval cames frem tise fait that ii 1 To Regolate (Irowti toa ntets nditleStishesdie ns tîse n se rrun S et tise ripese. ------------hsmoved m s of tise fans and mes rom tsthe lored Litghts in Acton In GN.g'iî , aîîot J.Ais- aIcut The eiy ee u st censes- han ont ess ' 'ii'eiiiit' ii-'1.sitetiy ie rune andin teer sys Total mesbesip et att lain Birthday Congratulations Im triho.t if: C. iin'uir.sneiii ,e.etci. eti atititniseleCnet1 I i, ibuH G Fh "tI aS.)'e,,i Optiiut. efthie Des ios u abrfere. Those miso Iitensd on Sasday svsnieg te tise Trînremus a tîme est many yeurseugo wme n tiC li-c-it -eul','tisra-t ii ,iismii CBL breadiant masiing tise iSti aneîvernary of qaiiting and heekmeg rugn mas a pepelur hoeCil,],' il, s lea-i~iiriii îi'mîîtilci ifcS aiii,[ Neighbosly Newns got a peep behind tise scenes sîpsenfrtsehusîe iebumems .. a it. [îiFltt las eae cf misy thîn featueehan centînued ta grsm in big and amismurd aed sisey reqaîred ens e le il Il fi uai t',t)' ih Wx'isIii t pl.atiihe . R FSIN L IET R popelarity. Grsg Clark, misa han nuis a geod rocm wmiîci massally the mont cnesîcmîent ad I;*I ' imm" , , b'. iîe c.c t.., AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE cemmand of petting oses feelings ilto ords mn sdre is os hr esPartsylIn(ieorgetawnn semmed it ep meli. We m ie isn tiseeisport-i qaitmeg bers that precided fine social gatherîrîge <OulSsk tise Brent ,orG--t %,.lti t' . MEDICAL DENTAL ast places that lie oetids tise cttes aederstand frfoî,e nd negho s hn is o u ii t .. th i i i' t , - ?. 'tî -t;mi I C ia it sîi tise importance et tise littîs things tutgotemaefienised tise tedieus heure of mork made gesd e-,Ijlý,ýýý"I.' A, l u a[i.ýritiit. ti- ~ ii ,[mf TH SEVNSNI DENTR.G.A KIG ha ot ae huhtn at the fuir or heiped tii1 cp mors spaîs or ttRi, r. 'sl.., i ii u i-iid o I-;AItri.I - t'îiui.ît uîumuI[i iPhoness E T L U G O sp lifs. Tise package deal that CBL preparen sin forfr eess[uttpr1mt a a' 'ý[t'[["i Iall tu. a il iyI-1 i. i l:_ îlh t'a [ad Msttn-Numes2 Oftsce sinni Building. Milton cuisnecseui 'iumib.u.aam mînruiti"'tti, . uuitti d lu Ii.u î'îîs-itut- I Dr. C. K. Stevenson Hns9- Sendy mening mimie bref.hsatueg tise beds tisat used ta requre tuas or tisses t' uI,,,,t.' I [ua. t It ia rt 'ic fitalt-.if i 'c in es- D.R. G. Bines Enenîogs by Appnintiment bsingn better andertandisg te rural and cty-li tIlil hal: old!o ni o exR.FzGrl XaySvce Tepn l' qutîts arn usneîesnary for a geed nugist's test, .a. " 'taîa.iîi ui .ul-' ue uc Ie D.R.Ft-Grî -RySrîe Ttpoet' dwsllers. Here n Ontario CBL han bren fortuate m ii'eti.n îtî.îî , lîufi Il t i i.tiIucrtntila fit mttisrOfficenaorotD.H.F ALOA ie ecaing sacs mes us tise ltsAndy Clark and Stuli neesnsry, homee, s then eend fot sec a I tiu~.i.ttri'tmi, Ilti Il anc1;1tut titi fî il, Iili, tmu- AM B nonteu ny I Dr.Hn.tAiSengee Don Faisbaîrn an commeetators te interpret and gatheruege of housmuars asdthtie bulflmsnt Of Il " , '"'lA c ' -o ' ,ý a lI1 - FB tM-t Tf i [-9.MaeStuneet to a ~ ______________________________ SUNDAYS-Esarrgrncesnonty 1,5MiSttn reflo ift tise items fres tise meekles. tee dnstre to acmplitesnnthinine spare ime. MILTON FRtVATE HOSPITAL Hîtas 9 te 6 Ths nugist classes un nmm crabts have met hat X-IAY j Eeningo by eppeîntsiest. We keev frsmeperience somnting iof tiche rbe1emsssrtyae u -UCrnr CH ntGo urenXiySr.m. Ti tie6 mors thut goes ns te tat 15 minutes evesy Suiaet.aybestemsne1he aept i ooer alSrgo L Srie el. fie6 ,oagi thes quiîtung rames and te dodging an mossing. We daredtat be critîcai of tise broudiae i DR. G. E. SYER EA on as occasion and premptiy got a challenge tea rdugecsuy ie ia Physelian and Surgeon DICK, DICI< & McWILLIAMS tae t ie ms ssel f quiltusg m asn unvogue.n a tOttîns Ju essStresS W. i. DICK. Q.C. taise a tuna h oh. I apprscmtrd sll - ----< NOX PEBTRA CHOJRCH S JH', SAA APhonn e 3t K. Y. DICK ras tise fuit rtht muws dfferent rom mring- -RVlaRBR.Mîîrr S. ait 3 editoriele for u mnek. Wn mers glud tisere mers e REV. E. ORSB\5t titustre 'ai fice GORESLWVLE u3ese Hait SILeMSe ten afun o d tie 'h ecans 5 meut ~ ~ ~ AnuticanI CoroineBiso-n StreeS. oppnsite Arena long tise ta taiS nase froai a preparcd test te as [t 0ti ut ycuifu (,ltd tasasucerl RevI etRiti'., lt[titAiHectolrt-..DR.J. . MCUTHE anssenaudiene ~, t"as nu,î îîîî1a57i iMaîiStreet ' T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. i s e n . t it.i tut ttu. i lu lu1.1i0itutti Iii tiiy (muo îîîîî.îOfftite' iti c t1-tc-e pni. Barrster. SolitaitEtc. George James in Bommaniulle and Bill Savvdos le Motets Canaduaus hase a lîmrial aimtage tl .'. I or II- -', la ii p" iin m nCatmn iluand uttul ttc'sîa395J Ottice-Bain St.. Mitton SakilN.und risut deep teudy coisc f sues tise Roans, says Bruît- Haîiil. i n the lii CHttIR .icOPC.iiilRAiii tSt Ciii. _________________Telepinne 54 unitFeene mss an h seuesprun aedcalmng ictoria Tmes. 'Tiny (thse Rotmuan)iucd ,ît cuit Io "o " " s m'u' ui' l,it -si t,,, It i .1It.ii GEORGE E. ELLIOTT n diseîtusg u broudiant. Tise t5th aenicernary of cuals tete Colissam ta sies i cususWc-cuit t .îu uuîI EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH A. M. NIELSEND.C., N.D. Bareluler, Solicter, Notary Publli l.1 Commsseiul Street Dortur of ('hiropractis and Oti-sFree'Bntig Nsighbesly Newnsmuaafinestestimonial taonoscf s5ev ut hy rrnueg a krîoh le cuir omît lvinîg soutis ' ii..t.îS'ca niiil t"te s toese laptîsi Cisermisi Nutoropaohy'Buidin the Mont pepuaur radio pregramn and tise cam- A mue casi he a skillsd atîetom.acays wcahutc uttFmItii,.e tih 'fitintum~epîrasîty a' Bitttton Vl eusuoftPrctîMain tet.ilnton mestaters misa from ceunt te Coast brme n ie umn in ueamîan seHmlce i uuaî) unsi'iîîî 2i [r ,t.XTlv evncSNDR mîî 2epi i7e0 br humas îternnt thisngs cf lifs from vmenSta e mee laîaildyare." L[ tutu«Aii.h Slor PS TOmuî,umsn. NYRLuady Attentant DAVIS AND BALDWIN Ws lois in etesdieg congraulations ta CBL onit ii '8. 245 1,11m î SItNI)YiA'.FE1IttASSsYbuil t.1e9Main Ct, N. Geengetnor Barristeru. Solicitors, etc. I t ,u ... :' S [otlun. ýSuItm,tte S ali n d 'uiiAt- Tisor TRiluer- 7-3612[5TSas t.tittn th nivrayan i hoto artnte .loii,,u ClCass.______81__MaiHnESt,6Mlto tise asuvnnduey and ait mis wsab par tatie i Speaing ob haggis. Refahie Buirl ia' hntiil.nyj hliiuiit i. il mi i [tuti cam, Mm.îîummnWormaatuuPHONM.6G. moeyand ofeeendy suir etisn. f an cd otisen tîtnge Scottîis reminds ua, cf a storyl EIIl g ft utS iht li, 7. utu cttii,n uriiu G.RIDDELL, D. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORO beodiat.IM uiuiuuiFsieuit-y c .5 eue Dortoir of Chiropractie mos sen f rîsdy o peuten"Wydo ys u rntey sens agpipsn utpame__________- v m ntni el".BassinSt., MiltonMKESEHACR sisope)" aske a puragrapiser. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Tcat5Fatmuus S7.0,Pionu earApenies Iltust, l wrld l i.3, Wuuo' Mu -uctearna PEIGNE 102J X.-RA FUNERAL HOME t aVsmis c ld ina man sbnrs "Ment liSly." rnplued bis Irsh counterpant, Minuster-REV J I.. BLAIR. BA. sortui hmul utlMca W. WiS- - FurraIBouse. Ambulance Serviez people as, "Hem s tise mstisn?"When ie mas-"misent a hugpmps n fouet to he oi eo iuther une iganu t Mut, suulM;'i91 ltuesTRAVELLERSi GUIDE tPHONE 613 NTGHT OR DAY rien, tiseyeclumm, "Wist a lacnly heutl" Ast an a musical instrument ttisrifty omner fille _____A[t [[Mt i"1 Stut;Il.' 9 t8.t[S tua I î'ANDSAN FACtF1CeRAiLe mises a Hemiut tuumoîntutheMuANîmuui MmCliî-uuîlnW vl he tues, tisey leqauie. mach dîtis cuiShis eons acatirmeal, houl l uit dclli t i [C -SeuNiAY. t ittIlAtII a'tit te9M55 ,Standard TIme ACCOUNTING se s e her?"" isi.i"i iit Gi.ut l ign Il Tvrontom-i 7,41I .Man il mi - u utt u [ii 'a oi, uc GRACE CHURCH dtliyi [,44i [o dily; 839 pse LEVER & HOSKIN uCluis, . ANGLICAN 1uIl )-isactainCuupaly,5.2rmn ii Chortered Arcoontaulu 7tiiiu 7mtii Ttui Ci;' Ri Normanu Grecon.HA., LTis . ui nducumuzl.uni-t tt uîttstop t, ucsost f Cectrinsuaitriti taaiase.iSoi ois ENKINS & HARDY Iu~ N iiI e. ~'iiiii. y8 c tuti te Cuuon SuuumeeTorontoia i925.11un.t 1305 Meteepatîtan Bfdg., P ~~ ~~jjJ ~ ~ j~~j f imîtits WA.'StNtAY.flSSltItSVii, titdaiIm;: il iimii. dilit 1.0 t is. diu 44auVictriauSt..Tont lE uIt~ huLîm.muua thfMu ilau.uouSitttt.îIRUA Y anmei Ca1955uE. 4-9131 Publiîhed lu the Is-eat of BlIon bI hum, a i uu andmu dotIi îil m- a Ic . [tltu mm tuîy Cm.mmuîee uCANAGIAN NATIONAL lii10.1titinut. -Sicumuay Sltt AILWAY JOHN J. KIDD AND COMPANV W.ut,i.udy, F t"ul .,i'iy i 11ci .0[tti me 'tututumu lieuit i the Gmg ucts cs .s(harterrd Aeouutants ~~iUB ~~Pubitu ebsac'y Tisniay ut Main t,Million.înGt.Mesebe Fiîuuîuisip Gîu iumtW.A u usaiiicthe ovun SuNorth us7.se5ub Kti. .A * ~~~~ifthebsAuditBurastueofICirculations, tise CW.NA. andt the lîîfcutMi - Miraîum[ten. tit1il0laiin-.e'Huuta C.uoemuum _titi______ion.____A. CRHuBileC.CA. Ontaru-uîbsmDiisn CWNA. Advertising raten on MarintsSt. Laie's cit Mas. cati1un EisstnegPieutn.f etseeS AI~ILesqurst. absrîpseons payablei n daiteusm-.$2.50 insCanada, i S t. innteti 8.t5 Oilish, leLert et ail." Act'1;3.6Clontif.'PBICLBAYHOEAVLE, $3.50 in the U.S.A. Aîtberizsd us Second Otuni Mailt. Pont tivi-titiBiais Aunutî;ry iftut PBIC[tua HUS AVIL * 'uIUlW Gîice epareen, Otasa.W.Mc. atit niatu ts itut CALVARY TABERNACLE FOR ADULTS Tetenpise G.A il, dtr -C ifT usdieiil uttu 1-ini. In eite t olve« Bnniay ..- t.3o la 5 p.i. Otfice: Vt 4-3891 Bei. VI 5-028 * % G ~a.esDitts n. tîorin-Ciniutor stayrn iseuary f th[[ . ti PefTr ST.lHoun Teesitoy .1l30-5 and 7-9 p.î t. pî~~ JnvieeR.Ditt, BngPrEod s feue uuctionettiseW.nRgNTrRTWsdnesitay ..--9.30 .s.-t2 nos JAMES ilWANDABENSE Dos S. itnPodctonMaagrMCS. lt the hisseetfMes. Rua- PasSo: ent B A. C T.Csa& Tiusday .. t-3e-5 ese. anuit7-9 pesSURVETORS sulse yteDli rnin n ulsigC.Lmtd sii] Ctnmnts. Bnnibesip tesFriituy .1.30-5 ast T-9 es. Ontario Land Surveyors Pubîlhei y th luIsPrlnlng nd PblIuhng C. Lllted are dtue. Enpnnsest it onat- SL'NtDAY, FEBRUACY tis t955 Satanituy ............... .........5.0-5 pa. PR ROT-Crset825 BUSINESS A N D E DITORIAI. O F FI1C E T EL E PHON E 220 inse rtaitty enlnri. 10.0a a.s.-ýSnnday RmSuato. Puble loliday netlIncitation MT osEtIeTa-ptescoBtil Feit,îy, Frsrury 1t-7 p.n, Tya t Site use -Mornine Worsbip. Sehot childreruhane oeporate Diltondintsease Ol. Bouys; 8 p.. Senior Chois. . 00 Mp s.-.Enungmtiatim Service. houre j Cînebson - TAytur 2-0544 PAGE TWO eV r bu THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TRURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3rd, 19"