PAM lumIOKT GROUP ASKS APPRO VAL TO DEVELOP Arabia Has Most CEMETEitY IN SOUTHERN TRAFALGAR ModerRird Th orl'mot modern rail- Group Asko ePrmisson to Develoli *-- road, run by Arabs raigt from Trafalgar Townhip Councl at the carnet saddle, is bringing ai- the final meeting o 154 referred 10 OBITUARY mosi "fantotic" besefito ta ai. Dr EG Faludi, planning contilt- rich Saudi Amabia, reports the a01 ae frequet rm l ocallopeo- Funeral at Hornby RadersThe ~ rira u non-profil jaf For Mrs.tJ. Swdizer 3M0 miles frorDammam. on the Rond. F rM s .S iz r Persias Guli,!.aRiyadh, tedesert R.aC. A. Cumerland, speainf Set iously il foirItie past three capital. Cojopledin d 9s1ltSl he ofltcal btsinessiin Ccvi.ý r- Jotseph Ciie.-tSwiitzerr ilrioad wasuilt t the nsistane askd lhtt an iprttir ody te 6, i , r t, o 'it Otîrl1t f thi, rKng ltoSaint.Th, maiio îrite trtîrof liit (ifite L- r. et%, flt llbrr f-rtrr.trr ,or u m A-1, 'r t,u Wisoni Estote latttt btweethie Dtiti- Dc-crl2r 2. trilourig atîrir ilelws Nomber toro Higlssay and the iserv-ce inthet chocch i-îeductcd tty Tire orst t itiace i o Radial Road as a emetcy olbc- ReJE.Maxwell. rtruction was the crecltîng satd- boer2 and 50 acres. 1 Mn. Swttzeccdtettin Aetot, ofte deeret. Tierofincers lev- He said the group wouldlboy the Iecesuberi19.Ste wtsthecformer eld a broodostip oseiicsidesor tond, te respossibîr for mainten- Blinda Prisi,îia lngram, daoghttc the t-ct and sprayrd tit crotte1 anoce and selI off faîily plots at ofyFredlîîoramo ad MariyPiceoand ail. which the sus bakdtcd a $200 eoch, o-loch. lr ad, is tess ,as hi-in îtctr Hornboy. She attei-- mooth croit. Now mheo a sndi tlan averaechtacre. dPiiiegici-e Setool. Siîttc hecrîute mrehsop to the ttactsaithe -There are no oras inte tc 0010 martage is 1908, ste and lier ho - oiîd-blowns sand stido ocroos the bylwstaiefo eeeisa 1btdhdlvd tterfr n oi culaoîr vec e tcraiiroad recail, Reer EmersoonFord said. the lt h Lisr elhctiritRtsalt Slre %itîtoalostippinf. -Wr sel ast Dr Falodi if the by- aa ebro St tflcis Eryoomivansainhs loti cas te amesdrd t10 octode Asglian îoemhitf tSt-ati-r vry hlo ferttcyrtdolo l c- thits. Sh eavshlerhhuind and atphoncyltîotfcqocyradipoetind Cooelrefoed taoih as$8famtty f scvschidri. MacsrottgrAphscsmilYntttherdbe fisc icsncd aanst DG. Kennedy, Met Douglas LamidtNarval; Jcan ctccpiortslodt for faiînf ta mcclte deditorfoi rs rak cootGoretw; ue th idisfs ttnd partietes tax-paymentslt.p i . .Bt c.Mt oîthosardisotth itres set or sa Irene Mrs J. E Blor, M moon; h statto that onversuation î Conel aeerd taconstructittsitl AIttird triStirels-lle. Maeloe,. mpose i a irnafe ticaissent plantit10soreAiM-ossiFle. 'fI esieetson tc akepct c- LoydFisher. (ieo-rtitoviî Twotpaiseifee trainstof air con- 78 rsidntson he akeortDe-Fceg of Norvat, aid Doris. Mît Tud veiopmnent sotdivsiîon oscer tthetisddietectccc ai iot-dirtder agreermentl s signrd. IBrou-ii Limchouse Siteîc o laves rneti actday. one i raeh dtrect- Tiplnappcovrd tby A. E e- n- le fcasdctitdrctI aid threerin - tenfegttrisawe Thîs plant. -~~'itiecu. Mrs.Lintdsay NeetairdeO itefctttanai ry,isanitaton dirco of teDe- Icaryfosdiilandicatesias toi partmeni of Healt, mil ctenire- Biedi)atnd Mns. Wiheî MoCurdy as ose-fîortentttc cte foc ca- porary mennre. r oerton Oaklce) dof Bramo sior huave dEaved rota s tc50 Unra1 Ca toti Ste oas pcedececa-sd ty asi- perrcent." sioce ttc ratlroad cîlat- O înanrînt matres. cooncl ter Gertode and a braile hcctihttdrd îstrd refutar service. passed a by-law callitif for sop- i tnancy. plernentary expenditore on rondo o! Fîve nepets and a neifttbouc______________ $15200 1taenter the cmt o! damage 1 acteul as palterero ait te tonerei. reeoltiog from Hurricane Hazet. t WlherrlMeCurdy, Slrcetsilitc, Reg Thc additional espenditure would Neriandi. Hamilton, Harold Ro- r Ii bcbng tbe Towntips rond budget bertson, Brampton. Johnstos Nec- for 154 10 more Ibon $14000. lasds and, Fred Robertsun. Horety Arcountu acreprd for payment roCeter Eaciy, Roreai.FoerF E lnclnded $1000 ubmtted by Bar- baesr a cdkCt FineyH E. noster J T. Weir an thc balance o! Guy Wilson. Bcrt Gibert, Arthur efl feeo incrred one ttc annexa- May, Jothn Venlis, Haroltd Ettcty, lion braring. and $4727 îobmitlrd EgrMy n- ate rot by D. A. MrCooacbie, t0oshipEdaMa ndHteAroî solicitor, for general legal adoce- Gatunt-Tannaa-Bo oelnigInCo I"" driof 1954. More Law-Abidn Cosocil reappoinîrd Norman ' 'ta Smail as is rcpreîrolalîvr on tein a aaeh nUS Board for thebe ct t breyarîSe1shryiosteUnmed Statesaoî Appoinîmneol ltatce Gabvlle-Tra-1 ogter iicUntrdy Siathe .... folgar Hîgb Setool Bord ocre MIi-ftt perodc entareadyonce ttcav Audn for trrcyrarsand S.Tati- smpcoarrf atn crage foc 1054 ta date ta.- bren: mon for 100 yeacs. mrdeci 35, astaulto 22, apes 48. . - ears toici 608, otteies 19. Take Court Action rEnn ed. -o, anrmc os nedirl Bite etti rît lo tigt0-. Against Nelson F- 00cm-t aisd t i. dcfccvihedhYio- I,îFBIlîas alacmtcg" Action in te 'tt icitnt.Coort of' Hec- as i sinomeitectiaî,t- Ontario tas titi stared agatnsot oti.iottenttttire Fîttini. Neson Tonsipoastîsffio ti-ti-- ro t, Ciidits cr.c dîi-itr ftc perfomein onn i-on i th ittt mOt-r LUS. A--i- a ir dustctllandlto an sioamd British 1:1Cttntdt. tii rat-iI e-nd - metpantiiioficmThet oint wO- Ut5i-t.Oi La tr-O issd alOoiod Hllihy tosiri -t, end fi'iiî.andottîo Robertson, AtîhîsotPcîp eand'i foic-u ri- île iimlirl fortc-o Calin. atingfo ED. Hctyte 1ttint yar. i ist ievi tllit thur Hamlton solictor ti-orepeesents, i tltiihi-nsirnif.çrtîtihrlig te Briist conceeco I1 Ttc mcii mas ierrîd on Tomnsipj GOOID START Cect William K. SîmsDecemhr1" Mîccit1ir, -Onît CPi A M-r- and pontded a 10-day pccîod lite er.-îhocgn r,)t vt.ii:ped hy M.Bal! iter an appearance or a itole- sorcid te iro-t ,.igh-tcidriofte ment. nenncrlng sot-osironte disttrtct. Te court actiocootdhbc tedtinl Hl cs ie.h 005 thisri 10-2 i o ToronooHamilton or Miton. M OCritasuosirîcgong isto thc Hictey said ith elelitood tif 1-t 'n, n-iia tie it a match a Hamilon loaion o tecon- -,tai -mlkohippedby W. Mati- ON I vnence ofmoil parties cern uke cd'- Ttc action as tegun. aI rNel-THAT onnul ils appeoval of an agreemnent o! purbase for ttc 21 acre picce o! lasd on Mountaînsîde Anc. Cooncît gare turrird approeal o! ttc sale i a prire of $55,000 and wtrn word oprrad ttc folloig day tat il mos foc a mea-paciof plant and abis- loir, muet coolroversy derloped - Couniltor Adtîos smid, "We werr smembt surpriord and a ltuile dis- oppoinied tat Me. Hictry stould sec fit ta enter liigaiion agant a munîcîpalîly mtentere lu so muet public opinion and gond milI op- Q pord 10 tce establintment o! iis DAILY SERVICE- - LOW PARES Z D undesirable business binbiat par- ticlar loclily. Wr moatd melcome TO ALL CANADIAN on opportuniiy t0 it domn mîtMr. ANDUSA. POINTS1 Hctey and is principols i n nce- deavor 10aieret temi a sit- HRED8US able site locaird soorewterc 1n Ne. CAT0L UE son tonhiptiratould not te o- OFFE lfi EASEVCE letionable 10 people linin 0 te Ai ATTRACTIVE RATES immednte 0m --FOR AIL GROUP TRAVEL BLOCK-LONG IIAULS A toge ouger nom usrd in coola Bl ss 11 cîciNoAnnîin miotng con drill a bote oearly a îity SU ons. LOCALino.a blckliong in 15minutessays the AL Readers Digest. Ttc iliavings" Traynor's Str come otaitce rate of fine tonsaPo 0 minute-nearly as muet on a sing e Pon 0 miner cao dif and load in o fuîtll oahU e day.Ga Coc ie BANQUETS RECEPTIONS I ARE BEST AT_ TI-IF CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON. ONTARIO TRUIESIJAY. .TANUABY tEt. SURI t arn a rclired psyctoanatyot, but VUiOl'iIII Lhws my fricsdscsonc anyway 10 me for C u eo c ie t adiewtotexpenne, naturally.C u eo Aci nt Ttc otter day rny frlend George n mot Ira!! î cociedntssomm- corne 10 me to cry os my stoulder one concerned tas becsn iolati, about is maritol troubles, ose or more iraffie toa. There l'n Wbt in ttc motter, George?" I a definite rltiooitip btieexn stcd . troffle tom vioations and ra!! te "Ot, in safl, te sigted. "In accidents. ttc morninf mten t note up. my 'Gui o! every 10 drivers in fatal mife sto for mooey. Wten I corne occidents, tre mccc viotating o tome to luort, nte sto for money. sperd tam-Gter vtolaions inclod- Wten I gelt act from mort in ttc cd negeet of "riht-of-moy, m- evnngsg.i-e ats foc moncy, aid ooper possiof, fattore 10to ep 10 r-t-n t ttotti t0igtshe asto cght of i-inier ltoc. dîsregacd tnt irrîfoi prîrîr - aiirafie rigttî or tittnieciiit Ettttrtttrtttt-ovîitt.1loîii fllttilttitt9 I VeIC10tt meiri- trf pity. orhtl s yooî ortî doisg atonil condition. mtatlthat money? A god masy pcdestrias accid- -ldont know.rcttted George. " ents arc pcenotcd ty ttc pedeil- don*tgiveher ay.-iao - coiitg bt nintceect- dttn fis teraoy.ions, eht dren playtng in roadway, erossg against signais, eomiif CHRISTMAS SNATCIIERS feon tctind paeted coco a mis- KitchenieDOt. (CPI Scori rît placed confidence ortiet prcsumms crati- ioisetoldeci reporecdtefi cf thalt te motocitt(ai cas sec toits fion Chcistmas leces ot- l-cm. tht o eady to stop,. tel con dooce, Boiho nee tati-s coco eornsop thei- City Hall dioplay. To o tui-t TrmEn mcccdrvnof E. B. CLEMENTS alosto a ttgtnay ntcn ltcy came to a ccosscoad omta -CLDSED usgo 1 Insurance htcttnf ttc mais road. Homcocr, tey otticd taifeîtire tracts Fr uooie-Csat led acoond ttc silfa so tey dccided Fr uooie-Coat 10 follon the irocti and discegard te sitn. Ttry tod ail gise some Manfacturers Life tccc miles ntcn ttc rond eodrd aI losocance Agent a trotms bridge. Ttc only tblng tcy cootd do mas la lacs aroanrt, Corner Main ani Martin St.. and on posin! ttc oad bloctk agt0 r MILTON tbey otsccned tttîîinscriptisoo lbhe revecse ide o fte sign: Il Phono 428W Ron. 383R21 eeally mai losrd, maint il?" EV'RE ,R Eoe0cer~ c THe-- DISPLAY TODAV %J rN EW es,4- t W1111 LOliii SUPER A GENERAt MOTOlasVALUE Neirm -oroî- os noe . . . nrer no for atcsd! NÇit a o tld. manse-ne. front-cnd design .-.-.bandosme ors loondcd lîcailigits. .. a dramnatir ors flair ait te idmî!l Ifs lllîlmîîtiles dardo! 0cm--Gso-Ahead** ook! New poncr, ton. nit thtie -- Ilocket" 202! Ilbis mcano -202 horscposer sn the mifliimt --tocket" ytl Neo color, n it the n dent selertios cicr in brilliant aicos flyinf rolur patterns!f Nes interiors ..a cnperrb oms 'itortet' ride.. ailte ncwstncwides on -hie/s! Si-cus and sec the cor ttot's ont aheod ... OLIESMOBILE FOR1 '55! cL8NA D8I 1LE C>KEF=reS A ousERt Mt OTORS VALUE Nmiisessi vrvcîîltîcJsînîiitsibtIoeroof! Andilien.%011 Sising scd itloottr >o opencîaiiiintlrladtlf rili faiii'andi Iîailiscideplieîiiilotliglilfil Iini, eIi-iicisiiiii-iciîlo ncss lieigitstoo ît!lTe sci - Iitke2112 lglsIli comprssioniifto 8.5to ît l .. and zr ati iii 20i212! IOf i-atl, f poimc foi turcs are as ailalile, ~lliilicforc *tdîc «, e, b O . ai y i ght. Sp, 'Oed. BELL BROS. Sales and Service PHONE 89r2 MILTON, ONTARIO BRU CE . Work Guaranted R.R. 3 CAMPBELLVILLE PHONE NE. 4-2840 1 i r(c HAWTHORNE LODGE WE SPECIALIZE IN FULL COURSE CHICKEN - STEAK DINNERS RESERVATIONS PHONE MILTON 532W . Stemm Baths Availabi. DaiIy 1 1 - agU lIL D E R PHONE 158R13 «MILTON TED STOVIR R.R. 1, Milton NEW HOMES,- ALTERATIONS - CUPSOARDS 1L Fr.. Estimates Prompt Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FURNACE OIL BURNER SALES il SERVICE NEIL McPHAIL Charles St. Phone 432J Milton APPLIANCES AND FIXTURES 1 TRUP.9DAY, JANUARY Oth, IM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO