PAGE POlIR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON. ONTARIO TWTJSSflAY IJECEMBER 30 8054 LOWVILLI OBITUAR W ne e dn Ofies ecesRasberry's Enjoy BWintofBrdgsr c W eoddingr Off iS.S. Seece Family Christmas Bie fBigs Rcwo Iuc Atf SeSanneleetigef h Mr. and Mrs R. E. Rasberry btsh, on Highway No. 2 Rockwnnd United chureh wao At te anua metin oftheceiobraied their 80th year ai o faim- James OConnor paooedl away on deenraied with baskets of yeilow United Chureh Sunday Sehool on iy Christmas ai the nid tarmr Thurnday, Mecember 23 in St, and rani ehrynanihemums for the1 flecember t, the fntioeing officers home, Cedor Springs. Both re ens- Joepbo hnaspitolinje Hamilton in marriage of Shirley lireee Meloîn- and teaOtseros were etected for the joyleg the boni ni beaith. Their hie 64th yeor. He leavro his eu.nd aned Sanley Charle'Mrris. pear 19W5: eapeiniecdent. Ntoroman fomiiy hao growe for the pont 5M trneriy Edith Rogers, ore dsugb- The bride sa the doonhier nf Mr. Langton; asitants, Tom Poster and yeors and Mr. and Mro. Ranherrey tee (Vern) Mes. Aime Mothy. four and Mms. Stewart MeDonaid of Geo. Couisn; seeretory irenourer, bave fiee childeen living. One sonsn, Warren, Aired and Rnger, cf Hnekwood amd the groom the son Merle Gunby; assitant treasurer, daugbirr, Vera, Pnnned OwOy. Bramptone, and Stanley cf George- oi Me. aed Mes, C. H. Morris of Jfim Storing; pianiot, Arteane Me- There are n0w four generntînes town; four siniers. Mes. Dan 0'- Roekwood. -Rev. J. Dilis cfileiaie.1 Arthur; asistaet. Elten Foster: and the famiy, nnmhering 26, nOl Connr. Torontio; Mes. Russel Ccd- ai ihe wedding. wbneh wsa attend- Terree saperineieni. Mes.F. dlons t îrhey nuppere sdh al the i-e, ,Torointo;.MMss Tores-a 0Con- d bye OnecisfencMilles, Gueph, annente Msn.Stn Cniun Ci, M, Hssli Ranbeeey. Ced,, Miton d Leo,,JiPorneC-dii Oncin cisinage. Sb- isine a flune 2. Mrs Eriand Cniiieg; assistntsSprngs;M. and Mec. Aeeie Ras- danohie predeeeaied him tliength gosaisof satin i, au ail- Mrs. T. tamshaw, MisscC. Freden- berry and famiyCarlinse;Mr. acd yars age. round acisedion piraird nylon burgh. Cass,Mrs E. Fnseir; as- Mrs. MrreyBnsberry andfamiiy, Me. OConnor aias bsec aed ierskir. The icai,,n oiere dress sitansMsaMary Jeeeingspani« Miton M.and Mrs. Mercin Ez-livesrdthce eaii'priofhisIllie andithe matig jaenere of tnerçailing. Cacc4.Tos Fosier: (lard and iamiyMiton- Me. and IallHaintyui. ishere lie and imp,,iied Frenh lace. She or sociate. V. MeArihor. Clans S. Mes VîieMollie and iami. Tor- ibhese.buiîiithe crment ieaddres., of nylo and sain aitil, Ms.. Cniter; asisanMriF. oii; M. ad Me.Duglasnas bride onghay ni).,2ai Port b. i dpn-rlande.îrrdahînn- Cciiing. Cascf6,Mri. H. Coiiece ber, Hamitn; Mi-, nd Mn .Credîl and iiceie. Laser he que ifdeiel ri rsetes. Sbe wre asssat, Mr. C. F.Waiîe. Cias7. Ward Fielding, Sudbury; Me. and îaed forcasiinhereof ycrs in aieaiid of iiiisrcd unl,, the Gen. Ciniiieg; assiants.EFPose Mr. Wiinam Viias and facile. Mlton. Mecîns iii Bramptoin1i gi iii he groom., C. Watr. R. Conter. F. Cniiieg, J. nCýolph.iang.h c , in caid Ms a, lNec ,ic Dacey. T Miliar, V. McArthne, G.1 Ai,,,,'theChriiiists .us,iMi'. yew *ie ho dn de. isns neigd r,. ni ,ile Nede.i of Miln,,.n CesinsM. eadesdElyn, Erard, actisg as Santan C a-i, TIse forneai wsheid h 5m the si. ,n..,She ici,,, a sireri ircgih The ympsihy of the eemmsciy .5d.isbnied all the gilin. The es'i--DedMCn-iieriheii il-.iigeneiniaderîl sinerryrnieddeiibehcsss.cgiasieniia 9iipeogrersii,,Mry's chiuch Iiiecriint wCin a bouqueiofgld crysanthecinmn fomly inheiosnofa dear sister, u,,he iigh msîe 'aîd 5,s:'55.HeBrmpiiiiie.eietvy.iilgee.iladesrnm Miss Gesse Thomnai, Toronto, nb, Dspei'nigiiiliene hoes,,,lite- i hpiiee'-ieiiii i 'isgeei-iiad'eci mafi H o Chrismas onert the,, ennig, eeeryoneemish cde eh n-îau- LawrenesecMalthy. Allen î.aon asca'higeev.'l ChiîeaCeer sher n h appy and Ppeons n5e%5Malîhy andiif. 'ni lifore Mitonîaî a f aciggre e The Si. Geores Angican hrhi ear. 1atciil oMr n rnghhcei. Wi-ri Ferd, Rîbeci reAssîflsesmid Mr rdona ar heid thene Sunday schoni Christmas soRck dwrea tet cnerionFeiday ev.eieoDerci. 'Broc'nendge Wilniii Declincand engih sre elcen ridegsewi ber 17. te sPir aiflbhe CîcîrsY ou a' Jj _______ iaihs bianuor h weathee ihere seas a go ted o n o k td " mthn a n he.Secr gond andtthed-ildren lid a bouquet of goid erysanthe- acre ohedihe rîideneerrdFood For Health Pee tPo r m rnbonoie hr mati awaited Santa Caus seho did flot The third meetine ofiithe Omaîh Prse toro rdocncia rrisgeef gidocod erd disppint tem btptin his ap Cooinîg Milicies nas heid ai itie A H lOn Mano ho besihere brbst man ilS Ros- peranre ni the opponetime. The bhome sf Heaiherasse Haysard one Tesdayreeisg. members nf ii MeDonaid ef Guelph on ache'-. ehidren serre rewardrd by criacSaSnirday. Deemnber 18 Th ere nIas ArîoneWsme'e niuenîr sie Bec. Drisg the cerrýmcey. Nsrmon rerrivingoagiftend bag ofcandy. as exhasoreof gis asd earaiE. A. Csrrey and Rec. Roberti1 aciei, iBebsdsaeg "Re- iselivt e ebado.TrnosnîArmstrong, preen-d a prcgram let cause" and "The 22rd Piaic e kiiedot -enilcherrparrents, Dicsion feiinaid one food Haltes CeîîieenaiManr. Mrm-eompseîed by Martin Bauser ni Mr. and Mes. H' W. Riehordeon. gundes foe hraiih. cegriahien. me iii bers nifthe band anierunaied theBebid M E..CouisoMrc Wm. andifish.eeralnnidhbrrad. honeIo geup and payedecaenic e A eetonfloedi h Ganby, Mes, Geo.BReadhead andnuseîfruitifor supper and god food Me. Ciie rodn-nlthe SeripuInrcre halls fewrd ns ith e Mes, Roy Celler ttenedd h- es enmira'. The demunsirainn d prayer. aed Mr Armstroeghnenidceidhsss.n foorrai cf their cousin, Mes. Ficra iedithe nrditin. Me. Cnrry brisdcrtdtewno Sullivan, ai Lacpocre. N . on Wed- I rabie eainid and a scaiieped d:siî ehîîned slide, iof cureisn cd Mise Me,. MeDssald recerned lber neaday iasi. Thedeinhes demonissieadipe- Andrssoaco'irisedithe nnging gurssnearing a siai gras dresu pnedhbythe meciheruimadenopnnsnihe Piano.nihhblackh aceseninreandnacniagn Trafa ar Reve Ithe suppee ii iah Wetesnnii n uii ad sgs ly Les of deeperedrosettes. Taag rR e e Te cnimeetincg o ma Duby. Gais, i Rose, and îinHu The geneim'a mther asiei.d. ChkngMadesia, brid ai ici Braiina iieicii-iidfeesnte tln nýýi-ii.gshiebi ad witeeeosiumc PUCHea Ho ore nioeofBuis and Jine Robertsonî,tibmChristmaus peocaci, Mes.Wii-l hiblakaceecornea and a deep OhsrmasGordnsLacr.ocnbe- .iSitrda, N,,sie 7. id,,eIlion,,,Bileeineeiedlbhecrne-led roetecorsage. hall of the Trafa grosePni.e Uij_ ciiniesc, i lld fir isehîngi i' l"*ien ~5Fora ei-dding leip iiiNiagan a ie Colmanssinoand staff, preser- Cheismas gîî sai Ii, utý-Sl-n sdesofni ls trîrip toIhe Unted Fuli 'eNsirst,i. teus yas.î rd club bans asd otehre gits ta ing. Dosinenniifnliinid o st, il ingdin, i,,m înnni y Mac' mniand NwVYerkens.%.ihehbride don- Harvey M.Lyeonisho aPtee 22gdeierhe.niibiieaýns f., hiniiL Thii,ln,.i (ifhe w.Iserv- ied a uit if softleigre wool wi yeas .a 3 anuoi.sioereisîeavi, fiid gude nci.i.nd enn.i luch ia(]gnave randhes n sd.'l ihu ed îachn.Her ccesr therdistict,'.andit eingrree e The, d.býsc1edm.isr.nii- d ailnng'sit,,allihfo.ieiunsnaiit'le wnercheryîeodnsdhlercoresage EmesneFord.inmi'iaedlnYilthiebme r ndo 'Si Mine î ,fiedi reties. Ai the Partyons Deember 1 i ii nmim Mn .,i n i, veni Sinwi niiihiei there ucre lamiqu -sfDc MLynMnnd,, ar, eid and MsFord s eîs'-iaýancellicn Railieraniiineiatnin :_ :h n11, 1kpati baseiiforetheLyon&,s-hehave b.n.c syînmby s' Canaa, i,,ingaen purhased as 2mm erSheih,îser g idua-e irsespîrird iiimarbel. and pan i rn,:c,rserearlynnn't rilanieyi n gn n , ' , Tweae n:, n,iiin s ET1 ier h at ,shl nt- ransiportatin e cpuiiies. t, i n CanadaLT U EibL Uer firerliai rereaion.n ugithermnîsi ginmimi :tihin .ln1icii IC!iniaiýnn f roeuse1 siied .,f ali bni-ins.. s, iîîi 4000KhitOHO E ln 1955 there wiii b. googi business for the go-getters, but more volume sl comm oniy te thon. who pursue an aggrenive policy. There may ho nom.e changes je the business personnel brouqht about by the naturel consequences of inattention te cutomers' needs and inadequate promotion. Thes. pitfails can ho avoided by the wise merchants. In 1955 there wiII ho more than the unual nomber of so-caliegi fly-by-night stunts termed nese and smart ideas in adverfisinet. They will ho presented by slick salesmen or maybo aieswomen. Examine thon. carefuliy and do not he hasty in igning your came ont the dotfed line until you have had an oppor- tunity fa study the contract. It s quito ikely yono wiIi ho approached when husy with customers. In 1955 just an in the pas 90 years, you wiul find the bonI advertining for the Milton and district marIket s available in THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. Weve kept ahreast of the timon with new idean and can offor hoîp and suggestions in presenting your goods to the folks pou seant te, meet each weelc. Guaranteod coverage, backed hy the bonI halimark in the advortising field-the Audit Bureau of Circuiationn-you can <lt better business in 1955 by concentrating al pour advertising roguierly in <1/e a#facL'a#o Ckmpian LIGNY-DUFFEIN Schools Present Annuai Concerts Ligoy shbol mas filird M ocer- fieming on Derember 13 for the annuai Christmas concert mhngh mas thcrcagbiy rejayrd hy ail. Congratulations te the papils and ibrir tracor, Me, JamesWaton, also to the papila and teacher, Mr. B. Stephenson cf Dafferin scbsni n the spirendd concert tbry hit on Dreember 23. Christms aGuestb CIn.lîn g' n1.' niMi,.A M'c k, inný', Mn .,anlMr.. Sii- mun asii Duvid, Hai itn Me.and4 n Mes. H. Smith, Jacbksnasnd Mar-f iba, Toronto and Miss Rida Flinti- off ut Si. Catharines. Wih Me. and Mes. S. J. Brown ai Pieehruinh Fars e rer M. Bay Suliso. Teoronto; Me. and Me-. E. Cinsch, An sec nMe.andai Mes. Jin nBruwn ;nidi aiiiiy, Viineilnd. Wih Me. andlMrs. C. E.Duci-.,- lirt and Martin were Me. and Mi s Arthur Dasen-pcn and Jnimmy; Mn. sud Mes. Ver,, Cuir and David. Garlins . eaid Mec. Met Zicier- mannd chîldes iii undas. Me,,. Fliniufi i., sîndng the weeb'ith her daungbiers atTore- inuo asd Si. Catharinsc. Guesis îcith Me. and Mes. Edgar Hninden teeChristmas airre Me. and Mme. JJ. Kenedy, Pearlaand Marie and Mes. Ths. Kesnnedy, Milten. Congrauains Mr. asd Mes. Verwey. mbe aire marred rdec- rstly le Torente. Mise Wima Wi*- haente, sîsier eftihe bride, and M, Herbert Vers ey. rherofuthie groom.. aire ihene atrsdosls. Mr. and Mes. Veraey arr mahîng thibr home ai BSR 3. Milton. Me. and Mes. C. E. Dacrepore syrsi Mesday aiiib Me. and Mec. Arthur Dacespor. Gueiph. SeaonssGreings te loh ue i cadrs. Sirrnliinncandwa-bing duais e.quipmeci ai a mi b plast labro simosi s u ch lime as ail eib,,e plaint speeuinsiugeiber. UPHOLSTERING COMMERCIAL & DOMZSTC Add looks and eciferl seis shiled rer-cyIiîeg Yocamfur- nniue cutibc bandeome as Loci Cool Frer Estîmotes One. WenbkSersîce Phono 259 CENTRAL RADIO REPAIR Alln Clements & Son (ý- LS1*OàLMIRSý BRONTE ST. MILTON PHONE 483Rl2 Halton Co-Operative Supplies STAFF AND MANAGEMENT / 1 2Y Once again, wih he approach of the New Year we resolve o seve pou chee f5 y, courteoussy, and to the best of our abilitîp NOMGUILD MOTORS LIMITED MILTON CLOSEB NEW YEAR'S DAY WATCH OUR WINDOWS COMMENCING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3Oth 1 Sale of Ladies' Coats, Suits, Skirts, Blouses Children's Snow Suits, Jackets ALL TO BE CLEARED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES LOTS 0F BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS SO COME IN AND LOOK AROUIND SEE -- JOHNSON BROS. G AR AG E Your CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH and FARGO DEALERS FOR BETTER USED CARS THE B. F. GOOORICH TUBELESS TIRES We may flot soit the most-But we soul the best. PHONE - - MILTON 586 SBUILD DF TOMORROW MODERNIZE YOUR OLD HOME ESTIMATES FREE CANNON BROS. Phone 109 MILTON Phone 269 .111 1 rÀ0mîmiý-ý- -- - PAR POUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1054 191 MAIN ST. PHONE 220 MILTON