THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Pàf UN FOR SEST RESULTS... CANADIAN CHAMPION 4nr C,1ASSIHD AD WANT AD RATES No Chag for annooncementa of Births, Marriagea, Deathi and Enaementa. l Memoriams 50e splus 10e per lins for verses. Articles for sale, rent, ste-Se a word. Minimum cash 35c. Box No. to this office 15e additlonsl. Comlng eventa-ifle per cousit mne; 50e minimums. Carda af thanka 50c. Bifling charge of 15e added te al accounts ifnont paid untiiialler insertion and added for each bull rendered. LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 1 P.M. WEDNESDAY DIED BORN FRSL Co. MISCELLANEOUS TIS OWt'RN O IT LOST AND FOU ND SPENCE - At Milton, Ont., on THOMSffl-Mr. and Mrs. Glordonl Coach. Phone Mlton 317r2. c ACÇOMMOI)AJ¶ItN for lady B L W o OUND - Black and grey Chow Ssnday, Decenoer 2, 1954, Mary Thomsson (ose Bernice Sacte) are pensioner in knd home. Write Box A bylasr t0 cse op part@ of Mis- dog Phone SEr22, Milton. c Ann Linsay, wfe f thee ate happy ta annoosice the hluth of PMO)R ALE-Choices 1)ybae 3 Champion,.c sndsi Grave Sreet&is.IC Charles F. SIence dear siter o thei augheian Gail, os hay and baîrd wheal clcaw. Milan Jene aid e1 tSrs C. B. Tued ReebrS, 94 I5w AVE your l furnaceecleanci WIHEREAS Grove Street ling nhbe ou r ealhoitl srpand cheched nw odyadcuth-west c Elizabeth Streelte- or Dutehagshtmul car. ton. F~~~~~~0OR SAlE-Table carrote by te Son. phone 313, Milon. c-tf cludng that part described as par- N tc oCe ios Det hne htme MteIS at the Mesdse and hu. Or cellophane -bof. Jos. Pick- cri A herein and taI part of El- AND> OTfEERb. made on oui' distslbullois Thateher Funeral omne, Milton, MONALOÀ-Bab antd Joan Me- rît, phonoe 82r2l. ec sfO'l'C-I will oct hc respon- izabeth Street desribed as parcl-aytm nprarleie where lsneral service wus held on Donald (nec Clore) of Stewart- ible for any dehta incurred in my B hereisi, having heen assuaned tmi siaain o TousY. lItes-ment StStephien'a owarehapy te annoonce thee lOR BAiIE-l 1944 International came ou cf December 15. and cdcpled au highways by tee In thee Ratiea etey Mellrea Anlcn eeerRrny irho terdaugitter, Sharon K3 three-quarler test truckt wth c4-t- Roy Bruce. Town of Milton, have net been ns- HaBM lis of thse Towen af MiRas, conversion to 60 cycle, eur Anne. ai Bramopton boupitet on liste body. This truck e iu li oessg - ed as uch for ntany yeara 5In the Cossity of Dalles (foas- ClAi - uddenly a Milton, Ont., Christmasu Day, Saturday, Dec- ordre. Appty Milton Hydrd Elet- DEASSTOCK rernovedi front yeux AND WHTEREAS the Canaclian erly of 1the Tewmddhp ofai u consumera may expeci 1la- on FrIday, December 24, 190, ember 25. 1954. rie Commissio. c fart prontly for sanitery dis National Rilway Company ia the e7m tu the ainsi, et Maltas), terruptIons in the pewer' George Edward Gail. betcved poal. Telephone Colet: Mitlo& ouner of the lands abottrng par- Reârdainser, Deed. 1 hnuilbnd o! Dorotby Andrewo NON SALS-t salt size Quebe 210 or Toronto EM 3-3636. cria A andi B.At- service at Inteis ca drin and~ dear fatiter of Gwen <Ms heater; itthe55 010e; pal ir Opeu? GORDON YOUNG LIMITRD tl NOW THitEEFORlE the Couneill persans havtng dlaims againat .od ri . Carrco) astd brother cf Emoma MARRIED white figure skateo, uic 5%; in- f the Corporation of tee Townt of the Rsatesof SHenry McLaren MHul, the week-nsfrma (Mies. Prker). Florence (Mm-. tee asti ummer cato ond oirto. AU n . Milton enacts as !oltows: late of te Town o! Miton, In thes until conversion data, la>- Wilson), Mary <Ms. Patie). Lii- EAR- <Rvc-E- . sic ,e 11 t0 13. Phoce 130 MItlon. c Af~ured 5J.* 1is115V ..That prt f Grove Street 1y- Counly cf Balton. Retire aSamer, lian (Mes. Monden), Wiliam;, AI- WR ienPoog 7331 cooolh-wnest of Elizabeth Street deceased, who died on or about rsary 3, 1955 (Christmas hee ati s-ie.nea.30 p rmby er F. M. FletSALE Office hocco Monday 10 Sriday sthaaithocccd is hcoeby stopped cp the 101h day of Augoot, 1954, adNeaearewe-ed Funerat service was betd Monday FORS LE2 That part of Elizabeth Street reiiuested ta scmi came ta theeun- anNe asweknd tsiToono.Inerstet ise itsOf Tabernacle Holineos, George- ieim ea 9.10 am. to 5.10 p.m. describesi as parcrl B itrerîs shaîl dersignei solicitor ost or before h ineTrt. toas. VilanJan Srvic. dacit-1933 DeSoto FrdmeSdn Certified Public Accounitant ho aod is herety toopeci cp. îiîtday cf January, 1965. other- ecpe> tee ofMr. asti Mes. Wmn. Service. 19513 Dosge Noyai Sedan Maio Street, Georgetown. 3. Before Ibis by-latc is passed: mise. tite estate ii be distributed MdSN'iXlSI - At Grand Valley, Milo ta Donald Ross Stewart. 1952 Citev. Pooeeglide Sedani ____(_-ai Titis ity-law sitalhoiublicited wmAboul regard ta titeir dlaims Ont., on Titursday. Decemiter soc of Mr. andi Mc. George 1952 Pontliac Sodan A HAPPY AND PNOSPENOUSivitstoforucsieisua TA gc N NO CASE WILL AN INTER-. 53.194. obet ronseMrntoh Iesar Pcîc R OralVît 152 oniarCo hNEW VEAN TO At..DATRY- te Castadiast Champion before be- *Miton. Dt. RUPTION BE HELD FOR A belcvec huiband cf Eltrea Dl- lage Nova Scoia. 1951 Dosige Regent SedastENENFUEL55 AND BAL- îsg pacsed. lb) Tite Cooncil citaIt Solcitor for Executors. losiasti fatiter o Mes. Artitur 1950 Oodge Dluoe Sedan TON COUNTFE iear in persanor s by hi s coassel, Mltost, Decemnber 16. 1994. c-S-i GREATER PERIOD THAN S Aie- fvory, Toronto; Mes. Wm. Nico_________________1950 Poniac Club Coupe May 1955 bristg yoa a paant astd solicitor o agent, aoy person wito ______________ oi. Mxwell, Ont.; Mec. Ed 1190 StudeitabeSedas.rftbeya. dislt)bsln ilh js- SOLUTELY NECESSARY Bes-nard. Toronto; Arc hie o f MN UC T 190 Frd Converible TsrofStage SeriesD cleirul estosilandy leby-lam ad EPOMN ADCA Merlin, Ont.; and Gosdon f Mil- C MIG EV NT 100 Hudson Pacemaker Sedan Vu ug evc elr iion 10 fe ited. h ylwad EMLYETADCAM Ion, in is 141h year. 1948 Ford Sedan Horace Tominson 4. Thte Cavadian National Rail-l OFFICER, GRADE ONE MLTN YD - Funerol service was ield on New Day ansd Evenîng Clams I 94 Mercory Sedan AIPTNayoliteonmoitfntto $29 - $20 Sustday. December 26. Inteentent commence Monday, Junuary 1947 Mescar y Sedan dRMTO ate alofre pasning fr thec290-i28y-ILONamRO Gmat olyctle. Robnson Busness College. Mlton. 1947ve Citryclter Redanforthefo MILES.-At Qaeen Eizabelt h a- l946 Cirysos- Sedan _______________ ofhaelieeiOn pecitaro(1.for toee o pitl on Tituesday, Dacembes-23 1946 Citev. Sedan no !0rDla $.0 ioe Unemployment Insurance ELECTRIL COMMISSION 1954, Hugit Mites, belovei bus- Nem ear Dance. ilbride Hallprso Elzbt an Gav band cf Viola Miles, deas- fatiteo ..At ff hv ea Dlv E LES pu tret ec ibeth as nd Oes-oveCmmsso sif MuriayIMea.RugitrM31.- B ierrin. OAKVILLE, ONTARIO mand),co $210(M eaOsca.BTr-eheyidlnch0213 Inlenaoul Expes EAD s fiot avd secnnd tinte Pull partielare on posteres dis- to) ndralenr<s-ofhuste- rvdd -021953 Meord 1yonExpesu 251h day cf Nns.rmitee.1945. playrd aicfficesof te National________________ ni) st s-tie- f oh.LiuiePales-mo Hall. New Yeas-s dancr. 1953Fndget1Ion Expet. THE CORPORATION OF THE Empîytent Service and Post Gi- and5MaDy dirst FtonaExpress tTOWN OF MLTON ices. Application gorns-suschialn- Maseof Todmnordesi Lodger.A. Pia eebr3.Awy rh 92Ce.hi o ae etra. 'Buffet lunch. Admission $2 1940 International Express. G.H. Nelcp. Mayor. ubîrltersat, sitoosdihe filai citt r tn F. and AS!., No. 647). epenn -t- - tlr A O. Specat. Ciert. te Civil Service Commeson, 1200 U Fa I orioseriemhednn Mon- Hew*sof MoTorS C leso d tu nd correoct epy. Boy St.,Tor-onto, Ontario, SOT da A Trato Itemet ve-Lineobne FarmeForum arreihold-.A. DO Specat. cîerrit ATERmT.IO A MNIARy 15. 1985 greeni cemnetery, Milton. ing a rucher party aI Faîrviem sZLLAND SrNGUTLAR toecr ITROYEP-.At Hilton Prîvatirebs- scitoo!. Monday. Jansary 3 ai 8.15 Ltd. t*as Lp.1relorl c tracs o! land and _______________-Cali pilai on Monday. eember 27 p.n. Admission file. Rrfrechmentns Doige. DeSoto Cars and Truscksa - remwsts otute. Ivine ansibriog L 109, Kaîr Elizabeth Mary Pym. orerd. r SALES AND SERVICEi teTomv of Milton. in tee AUCTION SAL The Canadian wiom o! Jacobt Troyer asti 6 Mill sRt Phono TN 7-2422 vnycf Ballon ond Provnceoff mocthes- f HedleyS. Stmith of Hornhy St. Stepens Gu i 1 d GEORGEOWN, ON~TAIO 0 .0 5 Ontari oand brivg romponed io- f Lvstca-mipeon. C m in Tosa Ota. Wilr tis uchrerpaeîy, Wednecdoy. Januaey b h hI, rtt oocoSmreeto a nOf iesocynxeiat decrased) and Raipi E Smith5. 830 P. iv inte Parîsit Hall. ehSrI cod-gapa elFtt and rs.Joh T.Frae (etty God pize, rfrehmens srve fiectin ho NRcistrv office for thr asToti. Jon Tbr 6hami Adtysion prc. rfeitnssscd______________Go . W GOLDSTRAW Rt c',toc Oiii.n of te stad Cccv- Thecondernîgnec bave receivri Dilîs Pinting & Psbtishing Co. fuTro eic er 10heai. dmssin Ocv onitmbr e nrntoon (17i undinsîco ins tO rom thr Etiocutric.o Limited mafa e a ce mon heî utnle _________________ WANTEDItREAL ESTATE BROKER i ito i das parroin "A" and B" il the Estolo cf thc nesa nterast i n Ctapelon Wed- ____________osî c ~LATE W. A. HOLMES needy. loIrs-mTonto 1. Jh e FO SALE MainSoi.,Milton PRNMIdSýTNC, tho vothooter To ccli hy publie aston ai lit Phone 220 Milon telTy NemyToono.ORWANTE-Woeh for ohain saw: imI t(If Geic,. Street h.snao hrng 10 cat.n. 4,Tiownshhip ofI'Ruaaga- LIiRBY- Suddenty aI Peel Memor- aI-Otree or to lgc Aif Turner, Ofie -f 0 iNcrth fbob derrîco 1,10v Min- mrya. lisMiles corth cf Camp -_______________ ai bosptai. Bampton, on Solse FLO0WERS foralI occaions. Bm M Mý;,ie) sJ c Of c - 3 9 l,,F-!'sIN 40 e:,-.)7v Fi h i1i lle. o11 day. December 25, 194. Chits- ryGctor. iltde. Phone 4tOrlI. WAyITNo l50 ,mIl ia-o îr 'int ail bitiorig.o hirr.other-- SATURDAY. JANUARY 8, 1951 ana Dobo . itlovett mife f ltrei ton. c-lfh(Iati. T. S, Alcitrsîîiti photie Pu- Kes. - 392~-R~-3> 1 Cm îneiiiiiai. 2 clo kil, oIte Garfield Kirby; dear mctoe o 2r4 ARE,--floig of Mencît îMrs.C. .Evanso) il SONGE MILlIERS. nom and~ ,d us t L or t IBof i i lerc' îmiirdi\llOis 3WhteDu Stoîcîl:Kthleen iMec J1 cimachines. Second bond mlitoos WNhI3-Briio, tle. ct ohP(,;iniS. Iri 10toreohen ln A Srnt: But cfKBuetistgtcn: Dcc-, phostc Brampron 1872. . . - Drkr) f Ahgrovc: MrCeofvao:ous makcO availablottoOe1cieiiimtlos,î-c(iftaltled aofiirînii r: h- hoe n rc lantoi ai th RaiDurham coo bcd hil reh îMs. William Wringtonof T-Tomlinon. No. 9Fiecl Line West. ,,rm intMilton.î Wtt, Boxc72. in -if i es1h liieninril: 1 chi îiAoril;Bai othy <Mrs.OD.Ntitrcuti aI r-If Caodî:i..iactîiiiM loti c i rI i uit If r. lýIOt lii l ot..yarc li. 9051- home asti Charles f Aohgeone -WNE 01 i athm MILT'ON I of Lor.cirr red;liNoanODurham s01000. iteifor. -OFull or partR lit 9)MILTON . I, in ler 741h yea. -BABY CHIQIS. Hamp. - Rocit ort cn officeror ,t or by xo,- n tii -i r vil tof s i liii0',) h; 21BReavDcrham hcirer, I 10t-RttcIAR.ltt -RI<5)111 9)58 Funerat ervice mas ei ,t ockreis. $60 per- 1000. Witero-ss- ienîo oe, amn top!5orWrîhe Boxs7, LdvFoim) rordi ov a1ci 1 Oflts:2 Dieiam curames 8 mJon.l 19001I014 5W 01)U Brampton on Torsduy. Itîemenit rei hecîher chichu, $120 per 1000. CandianChsm ri..Mîtcn c moL B. 'ývnen 1) 00ýs'-5Dra cle.8 e.1 cAflM Gien Wiliams cemrteey. FNece dlîcery. Batelesrvery etk. - MBerthla B.DB ownl THENCE Ruit fiito doere- ,d:1 d urhOam toul.114>ycaia Flein Ns-s. itne70 Brma "LTN PULTRY PROD- I-o vnvtoo West (S.40 deg- li Theoesecre elh bredrdhsamt ville. c-If UCTS-Poulley and eggs aolai Resi EsaIe - General Insusance .. 7 iW1 cong sainû rIbaco. eathl, I1 Pereheroc mare. agri. i~O*- IN EMORDIAMA FOR -SALE-Theteris cnîyonpoutry customs pchri.'cleacri and er;, miciGrocoStreet.o alt. HAY-15 ton Tm.lby ahi AlilI- * o. - cut sp. Phocnr Miltont 1 (one). l-l We bave an eeie aitn ce (f 'Irve hîîvirod cvi lrleeîifata lesihay. __________________ genne y-Lîe Ctîctn. o 00 t in-tontho fort 313 91 mos-o FA7IMIMPLEMsSNTS. ETC.C BOSlIOu4hiIstovin mcoryut ocloot it. Fin ers can cupphy you Bis oichuI icicr- niiotaoen inOf bomnes, oboine bisidinq lots, c Ioos, ,,oaInr iras-stparollolte10Ford tosotor, '51 mcdel. ws lb igittiiý 001 BOWRN-nlvigmmr fHy-Lres asti 10 cter sandiard Miltce. Traei lestb îv x-idusteîal sien und fuems in ilicontre ineocf the main linoicindtiresv basin; Deeing tomer; (.u\i ' Chartes Richard Bcmricg. stO tecedo and ceosses. Wrîle ce phtone cei mlîîîoîprtscîty. Nîîlhlime oh mrierage.ý,iýckr I iltant filin fret (50'0"1Ford eegucon 10" btîtom plown. -' pascri te hiher life ce Dececa- te Fiher Orcitards, Buslinglon. Wite u neRawlhs :D il ouîd eM enec ,ecori mmnýserlo thoetrc)m t lookstnd unirns lite nem: bsy i, be 6 1941 Ont. c25-16 L-2MI-189, Mcloetlah. P.Q e rgeh- iniIeý theoetc ýrack; Cvesitt 10" grain gini- N ' Y f -.. er, aei lvl aConnut TIRNCF.Soulth0-Oen dperec- r. MB grain iinior; sloop JE, Where iearlc arc ceer tle. SEWING MACHINE and vacuum WANTED-By Oakvîlhc solctor, tvoc io thmitv .orniv Woi1 (S5 Ircb,MB .mavuro opreuie; A lanreofîeten tacehdown. ceanr saesandnservic. Nwand mney for excellenliit andisec- m L Bd h0om.t7Wuog ucmp rate; eoiheetirci fctmmc. 0/1f Becaase ileatraluyo. useî machinrs. RentaIs. Guaraneerd ni norîgagec. aiso mrîcages for Berthia B. Bo prOW l :oWtemn.,"fdm mco Elcî. it-hoan ft-gnbug;2fr wans epaires 10 al mutres. A contpletesamle aI bigîldiscounts. Apply F.:eo honrîao fet 6352 t net arrpomi; lîchî nuvst o!;- MOWRIN-Ist oicifn emory ci ine of semlng aids t Neighoritoosi M.Feston. 75 Cohtorne S. E.. at- REALTOR ,oc barinirdth oo 63 sel n tinf hom; sht oncuset of ose fates-. Charlea Richard Seistg Machine, Georgetownt, TR ville VI 5-1689. c-tf Mais St., Milton Phose 237 THONCE Soîtît Imnty-fîor do- iol ombrro atr inî Bomring. mhc paaed amay Dac- 7-2802. 45 Mant Street Nrth. c-tf dul ri ans;cte;snl DEDSO EVIE Mism)iriiof Ontario Real Echalo Ire t thîiry-sn minutos West (S. tarness; eeeam coparsîne; platfoem ember 26, 1945. 211 irîlrSERVIEo'3M'W.) ît-î n ohe;rotnhe;fnit i But chas-actes- andi repsîstion are Tocfarama lu suittor perit ~ *~~* M t $10 ari fo dosior dithrld Bac ribty-righl hunieîidthso eot (56- grain crudir; tcf croie: fooha, one adsthe same lhing at Bol not toc farifortoagit te10 Lick RftmaaI. ors torvo.socom _______________ W 0 I mre ce Ie. e n ut acehuino. bools: a no. cf ncc impIe- EARLY MOTORS. Namely, uni- rearit. OLD ISORSES 3e La. p laitiaIlt Istn riooIef îlement and wagon tvvgues c qsan- Sweet tc rememiter hlm cho once WsseWseByr & For prompt service phono clîcct ,,iheis,.vterly lîmîl f GreuStreeht yo 1 nd i 2" lu ime. etcr form Iow ps-le. andi oifos-m higl a here, Frelion 22r23 or Hannion l69r2 o-Il the nortbeasterly tîmîl ci REAL ESTATE -Att te soe liy And mito. thougit absent, s just DONT GASIBLE Steve Pecostu 18 nIte roet. cou point oftinter- lime uni pace ibere mih ibe ffer- qa - y onttare our word for 191 FOD WNTO LnetORtos hisg aIso:thebe soterly cdfor oale. 1oject tluaureoeve bld. . Cornein aod psove ilt oyous-- Ever rememberri hy ic daugitlers. B95t:RD soy cuTcEvalivc l eaibulr nIOîSLcnltc igt()acodn n h am.cnitigo 0 arsslfwt lance oves-r t PIAN-I lvig erar s ue H00 uby. fahýrq ls l eahrti.api,îst filou in lIc aii Roliitry wmore ce levn mitit 60 acres oort- mes PLAIIi'-In lovflg nseocry ci non tyîîng, comPleitely cîs Hîghct pires pi. We cutI Phone THREE 5 ACRE loto on Walker Of'.c nîeEuhî(eon i(18). ile- 12 acres cf cedlar. mupto unid o bs-as Lir-teranwo astedmctbeo mollir oit rigger torcque powe. Pumhiy Wlson uaîd Son. Mltcn 302 T NF C LmrPntmiopseamyor Wm. DLtMltoc 9r5hr) uic e hle lo, 200xs1188 fent. Fsli thnIlSOF SorI fcrty de iieeool1M butb. balance patsro: gond Jdoaary 4, 194. 15 LMI" oipimi oîZor1 epo d ~ $00 $20 I t ;iies Nid:540 degrec- o-lIe ouppty. On te aiitarmn 1953 Pontiac Club Cocpe GOd knows howmachme miss ber. air ccni:i:cning bruler ani l ip .pho.neGOrcitrd 5h33, Toroctu c-tf 1 ialngsu iitharlyI-hn-eeciat ov fro t9 MecCar Neenechal ber mensry fadir. cîleor-A-I r.ýndiîton.Priceci mn- imeO itui$1,000cdownc 1er- nil of GroveStretfoîuîrîr ire o b:îant ibarnimpemnt shed 195Fcrd Coach Lavice toaglbastail eerncer loc y $1295 WANTND -Applirationcc hidI oîcd ni1 naier. aid iorniy-l îoîandion-luic- i- a-< echone. This farm ni i- 1950 Auîstin Sedan Toate spot shere Msur s laid. 1952 CBEV. rouipici ntl rsdic- aceeied for, enîurrenem-ini-met: o,-lihc rtî(422.0l') mrecoh Ie~s, aldonco onty ecui close 1e the 1949 Citrc Sedan Ever rememteedby Art, Laura, and beatere A raryusco hoPa.eosttiiuihifieat.iins aue andiltrian rlîn bar planter] inthe sai village of Campbe'Iiii.li7edea Son astd Jus. roul 10 on.PrieîcnlpS$1395. slary ecpeemed bty biter lii Sec- NEW HOME, garage iî beul cmiii oel hu f lrbeb T emoonRot ol da^1 ýif 1947 Mcrcuey Sedan ROBBINS-ist locung nscnoey ofIa 1952 METEOR Hrre is arouI dur- ietiiey. Giorgmct:,n OIdrîîEý-ltio Sioeîi,;id on tue tein at tle cent. of eltinil prue ovdyc drariy beioved ile asti Eqippri mth boter.s ip Cmommisin.îGeoretown, hi-iimi- d, uie floors, full loi. A cerf Iniiisoil mîl fliTir- aIo RBalance in 30 îanv or on cIi-- 1941 Choc Sedaîn Lorraine June Rbbics, sto feu cnees and whîte salIz. Picei Joooary I. 1955 Ail api;Oiciiooisv bati:lom ore. Youare stilIlin31 il: sriinii 10o sidailou o-dite. Senerci Unrd Cars irons nny..... 1195. auilte troalci nihstiu-Fcn-0et :m.eEghbenv i18). Terms on chattolo Cash ih $50 tna1,10 alerp inter Saniusr.Orresier oc . . . . . . . n payigrlet. Wynot boyone "THFNCE North foty-nine de- cloeh noday ofsale. 30, 1949. 1952 PLYMOUTHS. A r-uit good i fîmnoco iioelvl ne. cr lrî n:cieWnlNNcoeobUCSADTATR rcm cur happy hcme and cuecie. clenecar fur the fsmiy man. f49 iculyhoes rt * r36 W oinufmîr,ty-N. ni HNoLNY ANOTRUKSNLDIOTT.O Oodtbastatenconemweloned. tricid fir qucuîsae. Ony1395. 49 drcîtree 6'W., oyniie and IN LY AND etioneo 195Ford 3-tonHoist and Bite is borne smay frcm sin asti 19112mIICE SEDAN. E c i p p-]fve:ith rt(951 oeo ,ssAitýe sorrow, mtcradio, dynslos îrunm: - FOR RENT LOT 50N90, utOfMai t n ili,, ciiipintu.f:1eommence- tHM: Ian, e oh -27-2 Ptatform Tca anob sti mlatone: tuio. sli p envers andimbtcnuîi mlit. 1947ou:îge usîo Pick-up No ne now ho muh e Mss ire. Picd o'Y . $595 te busines ecin wthn HE SAIO PARCEL eenlot i1947 Hall Ton Ford Pick-uip ber, 1951 PREERT. Hereis a cr tbol FOR RENT' Sapatments, self- uldn ta cnbeuufr dýitirntoafnumu erm- iv941 Ford 10CR anL Nove bul artung hearîs con tel; mll gie you Milesi:ftrouble-econloinein ioMlton onelarge 4 Law or ot fie Ih ý,,,t, olc n 193 New Fordson Major Trac- Lot oneart,but fcund inman. frecediingn. Pricei onty $495. eomed aprmen; onecimal]in- mer le,.1cr »and nem i-furrom Jecus icrtahi Ihingu ei. 190 IERCSiRY. Too-tovo paint artmeni. cult ho ineoo coupl. BothARCEI "B" -Beiumeopoe: C~ampbellpiouîgh - $11895.00 Lovingy remet5bered hy busn- ljotnditecter. A resi nbrp privaio bath asti etrance. Wr) *a.. o iri Mf NCNabStreet. eoMnîaraecf iacoruaye bondnd aoly ble s riced n ..$895. Bo 75, Candiban Champion. Mil-JAUMNCNGaOUNTAtIN Il nuacurrsof BeIcre yudaPc rby n e a194famiiyVtiAtcar ty lvi t o.JA K MO N AI niren bacrbsn hi-en pîcnîeî inm lb: HIGH GRADE MEMORIAIS ce ssci cas. ront ce ractor. B mi» likenewandpried or are.l Ral stae Reresntaive Siet, bo;nIlsn tho tiîor!eictery MEMORIAL ENGRAV<NG bcta10y05s-ainontage toaie EARLY CARDS 0F THANKS cl.Ony Crof negroeBrkr iil t fPukt ou (4iiio ii so-r S, e th GAT MOTORS-We can iacr 900 t0057. 1946 PONTIAC.Ti cr bcgod n1i62r Sc c- esScs.iraNmorthsnfdsne lie.n boraihdy undi n BEAUTIFUL SAVOY DELUXE PHONE MILTON 551J ts i 17)a b-o boom-sner Tlphona 2048 a dEAlYMTh oRfdec Mm. asti Mr. Wiiding asti îamuîy raiy Ie go. Oviy ._ 495. COLORED BATHROOM SET _________________ trdI i ty o tcedam pcrIner- lvn 24 t AL MTR woud lke a epres teirap- TRUCK BARGAINSy1 ndrwpale]t mouiite n oprn estirtri 1952 F0ORD. I1(voonpess. Nere i rte entre- lune of te wmainir Christmsas imr. a rc rggei rcki, mote $1500uac n ird stnty iherfeow li (b50.ni0'ta)liy e I iui tattant aillithse wtonsa arme0 gocd service. New paini esrdesel erma ietakaddsatffyfe tioely rememnbereî me at te <h oitrs nyaimtsDlvriATTRACTIVE PROPERTIES igasodsan iht ux n ix-fo tiit angls herdo Christmsas season. Hapupy Nem 1949 ERCURY. % toIn plot-up. In corai. bloc, green and prîhow, tp-nune hîînirelts fort (<006n< THENCE Southt senen degroes Year ta alA.xLy N. em pint jch. Thisti.rucktracls Includes top quaiîp plastic seai F R SA E meacred neiortees atnng thtilen minutes thity econds West cvi yo. ndarntsite nec. Prired on. anicnvor. AIno ingleamingmwhte F RrAL sidnoteitentriytuwiî feccthe, IS 7iegreeut0' 30" Wl) ong Wr moui liketel tant Dr. FIcz- lv. . . . ....... tO. Wav $ e0o ia atsHarsCm es- i atonge Iheref. , sou prailet uine fifîp and lmcnty Geroîsi, nurses and staff f Milton 1947 INTERNATIONAL. % tn picmtung and heaiing ilIandInfvesînsent Propos-tins Hen iCNnstitveonsEiogt ,N roenmesuIv irbr ittefe t 50.21 mce Private itosptl, stigihors and -ict-up. A gnnd ltte truck.t On-tomite<bt scintNt74eie aionaepaednlt- frensfe kndes ho n ar l ......... _ ...... . RE Pitons 7,decreos ID' 30" E l onn aid nali noutitmmteely limit of Etiza- ala i es-rg teay in tospitul. 1946 FORD. 2,ion ste. dtplat- U.i hnredtlits ft, <1d.31< mccc bTH Stet. Sincerely, ~~ ~ fteeand rackts. Oniy ..$395.H rl ans hnrdh etf02'moerTEN Suhotyned- Bicrry rene cnd Jins Dilbert. IE IISLEZIU Dares onaIlan ibon ibcr ptntedi n the grecstirty-nin minutes East <S. 1 tke leaurein xtndi m DIU RDNALHilton 357 ncrteaterty lmto Eiaeh49 degeers 36' El) aong te aid heiethaiepeninkstatexîeenîng LEyDOCK RESDALL -- nRepresntlug Streel. Is fElchtsocvmeserely imîl oreitundrosi heastiet tnot 10lit Firmen LE DE<>RS'WTHER NE ortit friy-nno de- and nineieoo and iftfy five tunu Cansdian Legion, St. Pauls chusct, Uma*1 l o os sotswscm0 HERS SILLS, REAL ESTATE ereen, thitr-nin mincito Wost <N dedtsfet<1.')mrorls nca rd andhristia . fo Ir ie iuii l IViii42673,Egllnion Ave West, Torantl 0crmeesI36W.) alnoc ot ene aid pint cf consmence- ra-uaiCrata hr-fo- WHERE WtIEBUTEIRS hGO" ityu rprywt sfr eltrvlmtoeh'r et ceived. Wishisg one asti eh a eery Main nd Goeph ts- TR 7-25971 Open Monday, Weinesiay and u orpoetydta o ntri, lmt nehciri nSmet Rolpy and Peosperoot New Year. AlmaYs a satesoan ta bc o! service F-i vnng ui99aiprompt action. vnelorn toi fific-five tîînr-ithn THE SAID PASCEL containn iPhuS c>ý.1y. a you! -25-13 fert il 19551 more on ýýs i-n tmî vl vadmeancrement an ceea of Imelve Bilscreyt yut_____________________ nr iani v tn duo --- udedîs.30o ar <.1)aned Mm-. Wn. R. Ecrard, Main St. RIDDALL FOR FORD ail day Satariay eli n lte crinralin- tif lit: mss ounrts ofac-il-t.1) or -Adý-V n"M 1