PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTARIO TI4I9ESDAY DES2EMBMR M. 1954 Good Wishos at Christmas There are so many wishes we could extend 90, our friends at this ime of year, mhen the world isuwont to0 sh ,1ts îtrlilDoru vieil. The wish of happiness; but happiness cannot be reached for ýand plucked just like that. Happi- nos s an end 90 attain, and the means 90 attain that end takos finding. The wish of wealth; untold riches; great pos- sessions. But so oflos material things like these only serve 90 make an aimions lifa and the goal of contentment harder to reach. The wish of succass in business; but this is only another name for riches. The wish of golden hours of lisure, filled with entertainment, sport, travel. But leisure is only rendered precious mhen il is bought and paid for with labour. The wish of heaith; but content cornes not of heaiîh but of hom you use it. The wish of greut friendships; but frendships are earned, not found. The wish of peuce of mind and tranquility of spirit; but these corne oniy to those viho have earned the right to0 mut. The wish of farne; but fume can only corne 10 those mho have made a contribution 90 the corn- munity. The mish of pomer, but power con ho us evil as it may be good; as offensive in abuse as it may bo defonsiva in une. The mish of laughter, but aughter is only the outward ign of a heurt made ight with love. The wish of love; but love comes only mhen a soul le fiiied mith understanding. Thut ail these boons may corne 90 you this Christmas, and through the coming year, our one wish is for one thing, one force 90 bring ail theso boonis mithin your reach-the Force of Furpose. Christmas Recollections ? When 50 rnuch misory is caused and Christ. mas is rrarred for many by drinking of alcohoiic beverages, me monder mhen Canadrans and those in other lands miii make up to the realiza- tion that such romd1isrn hou no rightful place in the Christmas festivities. Christrnas is a tîrno for the happiness of others, littie children especiaily. 99 lu a tima mhen self should ho forgoton. 1he custom of puuing the bottie t Christmnas con ho attributed irgoiy 90 the pianned promotion of liquor interests. 99 lu pureiy for selfish gain. Motor futulities, office parties, treating the delivery mue and making his mork dungerous, dlrinking le the home before children are ail con- trary 90 the true Christmas spirit. Christ, mhosa birthday me caiebruta han no part le this habit which hue bean fostered for purely selfish pur- poses by thosa mho profit from the suie of intoxi- cuting baveruge. Make thin Christmas a joyoun one for ail, re- memberieg the huppiness of ochers. Just dont drink those beveruges thut muke a fool of you en the ayos of those you love. That louves only re- gret fter for conduct you yoursetf mould abhor le otheru. Year 'Round Holiday Land Frore Quobac City 90 Georgiue Bay, the frosty holiday havons are nprucing thomselvon up for mhut they pradict miii be four months of unpre- cedented business, reports The Financiai Post. Nourly every room lu sold out for the saut month and forecusts of excellent kiing mother are ox- * pected te, carry the boom malli 590 March. With good skiing on Laurentian his siece * eurly Dacember, Quabec rasort oporators are forecutisgonea of the bout saunons on record ut- though noma rasort omners note that touris ureelt spesding money quite us freeiy au le other yeurs and report a lot more "shopping aroued" by lncoming ekiaru. Tise eurly seom. thay nuy, is a good orn. Muny half-heurted skiers louve the hickories in the basement for the seunon if the countryside doesnît turs white bafore Christmas. Now, these somi.esîhusiusîs ara predicted 90 tuke mont of what's expected 90 ba excellent skiing methar. BUSINESS AND Buck to the Bush At Chritmastida the treas and bush are mai- corned le the tome. Since November the hauuing of Clîrstrrr.s tri-n, othrie rb<irv efires h os ber-r quiro an activity. For the meeks around Christ. mas the treos ara part of mont every home. We ight them up and have fus decoruting them and udmirieg the affect. Almout gone from the Christmas curdu are the once truditional designs and many of the cardu portray mintar scenery out le the country-much oit protty oid fashioeed, but ail of i9 quite le the trend. Alil through the year ma'il huck amay and fell the treos le tomes. They gel big and interfere milh power und communication lises. Christmas treen are difforent. Trno meeku of thomn n al theirI gay lightn and dacorulion and thon they becorno a probler n l the colloction of garbage. Mont tomnufolk eoringiy like trees--but sot for 900 long. Our Changing Conditions Whrle Onlario's total populoîron han more Ilion dovbled since 1901, the total farm ucreago has decreased by 469,000 acres and the sumbar cf occupied farmu han decreased by 50,000. The farrn populatron han decreaued by 98,000 par- sons since 1931. With an oxpected increuse en torai population from 4,500,000 le 1951, 90 16,000,000 en 1961, the farmer mrll ho faceci mith some nom situations. As industrial and urban uctrvrlres increuse, thora are serious losses le farrn area. Profesuor A. C. Robertson, of the Depurîment of Agricultural Economrcs, O.A.C., nuggests that farmors todîy should regard their farms au their mont prized possessions. le spire of aIl the reduction le acreaga, and le the number of furmu, the total farrn valuauandt, buildings, rnachinery andlirvestockir, u hree imes mhut il mas en 1909. Today Ontorlo farms are morth $2.547.969.698 comparec i wth $932.483,- 069 le 9901. Much farm land is used up inlire ncuvrairie- r.elopmeeî of uarger cr9,05, and alilthe services they dernand. Hghviays, povier linos, pipe uines, a-rporîs, in ustrral stes and residenîral araîs al e.croach on some of Ontarro's best fvrmrrrg While total farrn acreage has decrease i hy only 469,000 acres, the acraîge of improved farm land han decraased by 573,000 acres. Mire 573,000 acres of rmprouod tand hava been lost, only 100,000 acres hava bae replaced. Other Papers Say: This lu osetirmo of the year mhon averyîhing needu 90 take on un eeîireiy differeet ulmos- phere. Wa drop the usuai for thut somaîhreg Ihut s gay and of a festive satura. il helps 90 ramae t6e spirits of averpono for the very atmosphere prevaiing is of good choor, of morrimant, of joy. Itis a ime 90 nmiie and mish evaryono hoalth and happineus. - Huntingdos (Que.) Gleuner. Strikers are Col above the lar, mures the Cal- gary Harald. "No ose has the righî 90 interlore with o pichet lina mhich ru organized and operat- od ccordieg 9to aw.But no prckeî mie hon the righl 9cm nterfere iîh unyone comieg or goieg on thair lomful occason.nThe Ford sîrike has evary indicatron of becoming a brtter and protracted dispute. T6e loms of Canada must be rnarntained and this munt bo made cloe nom. Fishermen le B.C. ionded 40 imas as much sockeye sairnon le Soptember os the samo rnonîh onst yeor, reports 16e Financrai Fost. It brought total valua of their ueufish catch 90 9he hrghest point le hitory, or 65 par cent. abovo the samo monîh last year. Tha 8.C. catch 90 Octobor t this yaar lu up eighî par cent, sn valua from 9he name perrod tant year. On 96e Atlantic, the Sep- tomber catch mas up le value lso, 9he eiee-moeth lecrousa i5 nia par cent. Frorn Every Corser of the Papar We Say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALI Publiojed ln the Seart cf Sultan Publlabadeery Tisursday ut Min Si., Milton, Oct. Memiser of tise Audit Bureau of Circulations, the C.W.N.A. and lise Ontaris-Queisec Division C.W.N.A. Adverliiggrales on reqsest. Saissarlptionu payable in odvonce, $2,30 ln Canada, $3,500 Intise U.S.A. Autisorlaed us Second Cluss Mail, Post Offitee Deporîmno, Otawa. G. A. Dfia, Editor-is-Cisief James Dilîs, Munaging Editor David R. Dils., Production Manager Pubiiahed by the Dille Printing and Pobilliing Ce. Llmiied E D 1ITOR 1IAL 0F F1 C E T E LE PI-IO N E 220 NR THE A S T W EST T E S No Tisse For Feodi' I Nsos Draft Plan Ii1;,,rIor, Il,. foi", In Actonrmurniciparrd of ap- li.hmrihav o h, a.d of rom , asg' ea drulîpla , flood .d ctims ri Duirl y s,tingsu bdus. sivi lforua240-lurI pro,urni a fond.Tl-, tac ha h.ui,ri , ju-ri, hwestrnrc,rnerîrofon -I ru sr brSthtd.tional ;il- Softes the (rows? !r* a ig a., d. 411-- In thlc lie c, i ruf puttirv ing- ther uS î orritclruu'lglooksir be a Whos C<oaSthe- Biase? $152,100 th, I .1, Ruuu In (>kvi'v lîe i,.ke g,, ronStarre riiv rurrr , uns S -n nr 5c, 1r, Ilhucr cri 'en'u1rhlhcar". ofuti ,rrrt hrr cncA tmrc onfla.b,of th, of r1 pîîrRublr. Lvc1,ncoiayad , ir,,,s C, Work ý Tire Cr-sn uantz$92.100 .1,r ý ,,t . pai t of ti 1,11,'- foretS, .ra d ad buld.igs ard it to tlk- 'n Wi e rrat,rlrl ,rîrrih S0,0000 uudab critrtairîrur, lAnd ncmrutri herial . i, ;1'-:r n, i'i."%;, r-Santa ai the Bush Broute ys Idstry 1,lrrithi,-lli ra 1. tmus nut b. Ir, ,iru, ui o],1,rLu,r lilrrgod a0U arounldl$llreii nt fo, nn 1 95a. ri,, I. , 11Clau. , cac, tr, 1- r1 ,sf t S , da- ofC i. *. d * , ' , i.41 ,: , ,Id ,,î 11, bu-1,1) of , l ,,l ý , ., > .r 1.,l r, % ,iv v and ,righ la r c* . -Ir. , i<ic r Sà ( iti , ,ni Yuv1 r ,0. e- .,nt . 1t,, r, g 1: -. tI91,,u.1- a 1,Cm r ambS , , T4r .r, .1 ... 1y 1 l'a, t erre,,. .4 U5tu 1rC)tr:v. This and That in Erbo Foros Citizens' (ommitire tri Ern. ru led frurn iclcal In Burlington, d.nairfrrr u,.îpr, in- îucsu(d thrit the,, urie eXp inarrrvn sureiding Club Ors driate1d 1nr dnîmy th.- rmrv miof T. V 1,,mb- a- policemen 1uthe school buaed for lu frer] a îduiî,r,,cmltt eHreecrr- RlcFun ere $l- tiurlem,,r.d tueher tacts.Lmbr-Z23.70; aitruis us maioreeet ýspu urtrof office at a nb!r,î hrew op a srne hch pasre. meeting lat-,îek aftersrerm.rrg ietoeee trs',cneigisýtdec*s th d orei are o hresofad wnt n put aholei inoptnead nn ,ssra idow EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH ST. JOHNS, NASSAGAWEYA Commercial Street and rFvrmer'y Bomea Bupîml istCurcisi ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE ,Meeting ternporaeily ao. Millen (Anglican)r TonnHalîr ey BR.E. Pereitt, Herser l'ASTOR, REV. tFSYDR CIIItOTMAS SERVICES OIINIAY, D94CFMHER 26t1.954 FmIda. ,-ce misr 24, 1115 pro- 1 iea.n, rStinray Srbu,, and Ad- Hroiy C,rnrrun uta Si o,1 it Bisîr CIa-,s GEres. i1,i0 aie -Mernu,,g Wruhir, OINDAY. DOCESiIER S26i1. 1954 TOOI Eenul Sernice I9301a.m.--Hnly Comimunion,, a. Wmrîeudy, reuieis-r 9 tvîs M.lns Herihs. Wiý(n(-day Derrnbr 2 ;il8.1 Il)) me 914,- Coummunions ai Paend i Àle sIt Sud>.,l tI Svi. Jhns h .otr~n, e 1 41)0 pm, Huîy llrplrm ai Si. ____________________ 8.100 pcm.-Th Carnî C.urtirigbi CALVARV TABERNACLE ", 0-e,Lae t.UsGeoeu . Penterostai Solineos SiCmLt OrArr . BRONTE ST. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Pastlre Ren. A. C.T. Sara Niniâter-REV. J.L BLAIR. B.A. Orgasîst. Mes. Harold Magee. SIJTtDAY. DECEMBER 201h. 1954 A.T.CM. 10.00 aa.-Sanduy Scisool. SUN!DAY, DECEMBER 2Oilî. 1954 111.00 ar..Morning Weraisip. 10.00 a.n-ýSennor Scisoot 7.00 p.n-Evusgelisuie Service. Il.00 ar..Hem Yeare Service. Jas- ____________________ ior sciseol and nursery rlaao. Wcdnesday, Deceerber Z9, 3 c.m.- KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHlIRCH CSrusrmos meeting or St. paalms WA. ,il biseisld ai tiseb-orne REV. E. OESÉORN, Ministe ef Me,. Stanley Randell, 27 Mca. Barisaro Reirisbald, Organrsl Kmng St. A cordial invitation i. extended te ail ladies. STI!DAY, DEC9IMBER 201h, 1954 10.00 u..Senior Sciseel. 1100 arn.-Junior Seisool. Classues for ionises tieo yeurs of sge and over. 11.00 a.r..-Mernisg Woeesip. Spe. nual Chisitmas muniecisy tise ehule and 'Jude Learos Hem Chisltmas Cornet," fifis ser- mon ineaueeries on thetiwene disciples. 7.00 p.m-,A an uua1Candirrigisl Service. Ladies' choir. mmed quartette. mule quartette, dort, choir and rongregeliens inglng tise mel booms and mel tee. ed carols. Wedneeduy, Decamisar 29, 8 po.- Tise Chisltmas porty of tise Couples' Club t the home et Mr. and Mes. Les Willlo. We wreuld espaciolly like le me'- corene ew- membero le tise grosma. Friday, Derembier 31, Il.15 cin. Combined Wtchnight Seremer n Grace Anglican cisurvis. GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN Bev. Norman Green,.BSA., LYSh Rector CHIOSmIAIS SERVICES Cisestmas Eve tîl nm.-Hols Communion. THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED BETTERj Twenty Years Ago Fifty Years Ago From the Issue Of the ChamPi-Of Fr.m the Issue -f the ChamPi-O f Thursduy. December 27th, 1934 Thursday, December 22, 1904 1hru lui uratiuer hbru lunrd tiurgs un thern un o fise sheri ni mcc us Mit- ton Amenu, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Blumpiad, et Buffalo, spent Chriotroas utthlie boeeoe her fusher, Thornus Ford. Hovember mus said te have boas lise rildant for muny yeuro. The rereel cold snup milI prenent De- cember frorn eulublisiig u similur repulalien. Il ois senerul titchea te close lise mound in lise foot of Emart Hall, Trufulgur, mises his aoe slip- ped miile rultiof a tree. The Champion auleodu congratu- ltiones te Croies Attorney W. 1. Dins ef MilIeunmise mue rrecently appointed a K.C Gonersor J. F. MeCalluso treated lise elgisuprisoner in lise Ceoty 104, 004cr his c n o 1aChisitmas dinner. Tise membersoethlie W.Y.A. St. Pols United risur i lstributerl Chistas usrieer omoog lise prison- ers of fruit, candlies, nuises, pie etc. Il usas o bunch of weary imed mereisanod tiseir staffs, mise ment home eoeîy Chisinmas more- ing. Fem stores mere able lx close ai sidnîgisl os Chisisîas eeus mans eostsmeeomwere onisuod for lasI misnute ecisuses.. A Casudrn silser dollar mill be rinrtedscneere, toommemorute tisc 2516 unomsersaey of King Georges accession te tise tisrone. Il will be ralled tise 'Genege Dollar' and milI ise slioislly tiiier tisun tise pee-sel S0e pucce usd nigitly iurge en ci ietcece. One of tise nîdesi boues lu Tee- bIg.e tîriesip. tise ise of Cisas.' ers, irn e seDuodas Higismuyut Pr,îtnlle. oms desteoyed by fier on Satnrduy nisit At 10 onlosis on Chistnsmas mors- ing Santa nisited tise 30 sisilders t lise Goedon Homne0andiseoogista geneonss- xl ofYoletîde siseer. BORN LOWE-Ai Boensnire General Hos- ptri. T renntor. ne Deciîber 23. 1934. 1,, Me. aed Mr.Arisîse rLowueo douister. Mru Mirgi, Biuslurd rut Brynu leto n uru e riprror l cru reeds ut Didsuny, Albeeta. Mies Nnea Ponton gel isome luet elgisl afler epending o year and eigisl monlhisn oMontana and Poit- 1usd, Oregon. Cromo Attorney Ilici s su egit Mes. June Wutson's reoidence, enr- ner ef Tisomas and Sarai st01. Price $1800. Toronto nemspupere isave us- noenced tise engugement of Caxslin F. H. Douces of Milles te Miss Etisel Emmeres, eldesl dougister or Hon. H. R Emmeceon, K.C.M.P., Minioler et Railmuys und Canais. We underotand Telfer Bres. isane aisout rompleted tise purrisase ef tee imprted statuions lrem O. Ber-. ley of Goelphis a isacisney aeda iseany deaugist. Ren. W. M. MeKay of Nornalmwill be indoeted imb iisr pastorale et Knoxnisoris, Milton, on Tuesday. Ren. C. T. Toogis nf Hornisy, on Wrdssdayencsin g, conducted prayer meeting serniccs in Boston Cisoris, Esquenig, und aitie close mas pceoenled ils a beautiul mroaperse onsining $50, uc- rnmpunned isy a verre appreciative uddeess. Tise peeseniation mas tise gift nf 1he Bnosnisorch svsgrega- lion as a maris of tieir appeecialion of Me. Tonîis srcîes an isterim, moderalse dneing thse eenelacun.. ey, wiinisas ex isoppily terminal- ed sy lise isduetnon et Bev. J, E.. Waliný Me. and Mes. H.P. Moore of Ac- tnn nceleiseatrd Iheire envertmedding sosnrneory on the 3edis. JIJOT AS lI VEARS GONE BY WWWH IT MOST SINCERE9A9 AGAIN MEIORY CHORISTMAS TO ALL NO ROAMERS Sydney. N.S. CPI-As part ou a police crOiugn ix oisae peeseno see o ligiser rein onslier animais. a Hllos Creris former mas fieed $1 and csix froflnisisgisisshorse tc ambl c neecuied on e se igismay, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE MEDICALDENTAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Pisene Mltee-Numiser 2 Dr. C. K. Stevenson Dr. R. G. Bines Dr. E. Fits-Gerali Office Heurs, AM-By oppemelmnent enly. P.M.-l-4 7-9. SUNDAYS- Emeegencies ooly. MILTOH PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-RAY Coroser, .CPB. and Oai Surgeon DR. G. E. SYER Physiian and Surgeon Office-James Street Pisone Ho. 38 Offiee Heurs, 9 a os ; 1-3 7-8.30 p.m. Ceoroser DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON 57 MinStreetI Office Heour 1-4. 7-9 p.m. Telepisone 395W Heendenre 395J C5IROPRACTOE A. M. NIELSEN, DC., N.D. Dacisse of Chiropractie and Naturopathy 42nd Veor xf Proctire Hommes 2-5 p.m. Cloeed Thsur@ Lady Attendant 19 Main St. H. Georgetoies Pisone TBiusgle - 7-3612 WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. Doctor of Chiropractie Breste St.. Milton By Appeinîrno PHONE 1023 X-RA2 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC BAILWA' Standard Tisse Going la Toronto - 7.41 arn duily; 1.44 p.m. daily; 8.30 p. dally except Sssnduy; 9.24 p.m. mît1 stap te deteais pussengera fron, London and meol and wdî t opepI pick up passeegero Sunduy osly. Commng from Toronto 9.25 ar. dily; 6.31 pot. dully; 1.10 onm. dati) rocept Sanduy. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Goung Heciis-7.58 .m. Going Soulis-7.10 p. -Christmasu Day 10.00 a.m.-Ciidren's Service. PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS 11.00 a.m.--4Holy Communion. 1 FOR ADULTS SSJHDAY, DEO7MBER 301h. 1954 Mosday ...........1.30 10 5 8.00 .m.-Hoty emmumen. Tuesday .. 1.30-5 p..ond 7-9 8.00a.m-,Hoy Cmmunon. Wedsesdoy .....9.230o...12noo. 1.00 a.r.-Snday Sciseol. Tbsrsday .. 1.30.5 pot. and 7-9 p.e 11.00 ar..Merning Prayer. Fis ..13- i.ad79pn 7.00 p.m.-Curol and Candîll<htidy 10- . ad70pm Service. Saturday ...............1.3"-5pi. "UTnta yeu is bore lhiseda> - Publie iofiday* net indiais Savinar, misichis laChrist tha Lord" Seool childfen have separate St. Lobe 2: Il.1 bouse DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SUEGEON Office in otoyal Buildmng, Milton Boucs 99.& Eveningo isy Appoinîment X-Buy Service Telephone 107 Dr. H. F. GALLOWAY Dental Surgeon Offieis Furmers' Building on street flooe. Houes 9 le 5 p.rn. Evnsnge isy apoismest. X-Ray Service. Tel. Office 05 LEGAL DICK, DICK & McWILLIAMS W. I. DICE. Q.C. K. Y. DICE P. K. «MeWILLIAMS Parrinters. Solicitors Broies Street, opposite Arena Telepisone 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. Barrister, Sotioitor Etc. Office-Hexl Door Champion Office-Mais St., Milton Telepisose 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Barrister. Soicitor, Notary PublW Office-In Fuemers' Building Mtain Street, Milton Telepisone 70 DAVIS AND BALDWIN Barristers Solieitors.etc. 181 Main St., Hilton PHtONEt!600 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE.THATCHER FUNERAL HOME Fursi Home, Ambulance Serime PHONE 637 NIGHT OR DAY Siocere, Courteous Seurvice ACCOUNTING LEVER & HOSKIN Charteresl Aceounimots Succesooro 10 JENKINS & HAEDT 1305 Metropdious Sldg,. 44 Victoria Si.. Toronto Eso. 4-9131 JOHN J. KIDD AND COMPANY' Chartered Aeeuntante Josn J. Kidd, C.A. Jameu T. F. Daclor, C.A. 63 Celisorne Si. E. OAKVILLE Telepisones Office: VI 4-3891 Res. VI 5-OMeQ JAMES & WANDABENSE SUEVETORS Ontario Land uneyere F0511' OEDIT - Crescent 8-2»0 Milton clients plesee euh D. Wandabense. O.LS, Clorcoon - lîKyior 3-054 "Hark, the Herald Assois Sinn Ci4p Qauabîati Q4amtpin PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TMRSDAY, DUMMBM'28, 1954