THSIRSDAY, SUPTRMB~R 10, 1154 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO if' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D YOUR FUTURE INCIIME AND1 INDEPENDENCE BY RAISING IBUIL THE NATIONS TOP LUXURY FUR Chinchilla RANCHINGi S MORE THAN FASCINAT ING IT'S ROFIABLE * WE REACHED $17500 PER PELT THIS JUNE AT THE NEW YORK i AUCTiON CO. THUS MAKINGj * CHINCHILLA A SOUNOER THAN * EVER à INVESTMENT_ a A stabilized industry recognrzed by the Department o f Agriculture and eading fur buyers across S CanadaU.SA. England and France.I For an invstment that grows on you. Make it CHINCHILLA and mako profit. Inspections any ime KEN WHYTE'S * BLUESILK CHINCHILLA RANCH _ George St. WATERDOWN Phone 49M M M On show aI the Famboro and Waîerdown Fair Sept. 21-22 and Milton Pair Sept. 24-25 Worth Reading TWICE Worth Remembering FORE VER t sblee t80' of what Canadians earis spent for i,,ngcot txe, ndother enpenes.Theeper cent.of tererigs hypu enoLife surance.The remanng 17 per cent. they use for ail other forms of in usting and spet.. aing. Andtise 17 per cent., to public re- coris, accoants for oniy 15 per cent. of the valun of estates, n rýe he thre per cent. that wîn n cluLile Inrsuraisce pro. duces 85 par cent. et ail that mon lbave for their families! 1 , neyer good aI figures, but those whu arc tell me tirat hSproves that Life Insurance is 32 imes more certain co do for a mans family and hi mseif, the rhings that he wonts clone trian ail other formns of inuesting anud specular iig eoîrsbînn i FOR YOUR FUTURE ASSURANCE CALL DAWSON INSURANCE A. R. (Art) DAWSON 443 MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE Tise Norths American I.jirand (asualti Cs. 1-19La luIets. O ntarlira Lite, Accident, Sickness, Income Replacement, Hospitalization, Group and Mortgage Insurance CALL MILTON 661 NOW!1 Ie Sudhury. 71 voeun certea-cretls reraititair '.Itte (T tor Trmli.nloforspiiand issurd ithtia netatr oet ostîards. Mitea T-Min spos-,a drive r rakiig tsr il ciscrutes of sali dîiing. tirnotes the licei e mirr. ,-cîtfese atrdttise timi and drcps il in tise mail la tisCerofIPtolice. Tf r' hî- rlt , r iii unus h!it.'ofrit.d,l. tirc i u r.rrrrrisîseî.isr' -.Wlîrr ur tttI lii "ri"trîtnthei ti - ' cre i t, al'I trie r hïî Titi rî-sut is a .i ) l v .,t iitri.i',';,e i ýi . rl t ril c te iad it ait t ftti ii t Ir i. fît .rt. . t t lucî. e l. e 1'. i t ' 'i",land -tE 13 i l*s certuain]stliceflisnttrtspo iilitî tttts %%titlttttrinîg a c. lisisr-iptatca'r.ltOur- al lu gcarIti tssi tIi tiietiftî)isfr c tttursrna orî. % ofitrtsareititticuitsa aiteanuuii budget. Outrerespiesitruitisltttiibieg iri srf. trtett.ttrte.e, ttmieit i aris M'eu c Ieeîu ding lsis farq uitu- a%hite. Oie lot this mes s filled mith specials. Hure are a foir et or sound valuent 1940 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 1949 MERCURY, wits radio, air condition, overdrive 1949 PONTIAC S passonger Coupe 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN 1931 DODGE - 4 NEW TIRES-$2500 C-reirnand loui'around. You vc'iilue undrrie,!ii fation. (Our lot is open eacis eveninq tli 9 p.m.) Ne have rareed mecisanîrs te cîpaîr any mole cof cac or truck wmts guaranfeed satisfaction SERIES TIED AT ONE GAME APIECE, DECIDING GAME HERE SATURDAY Color je its own remord when you use Impervo Enarnels, Two finishes ta choose from -Impervo High Glose and Salin Impervo Low Lustre Enarnel. Smooth flowing-quick drying-lasting beauty for years ta o Cle. HIGH 61055 Il's super durab le for iîsido or omside. For beauty tist aIlsts. Haon.yelluxing White.- 'A FN-12 LOW LUSTRE Truly decîîative pel moches and meors weIl. A modemn tinishtin maderne calrs. Qt. $2.75 BenjominA Moore pit Tihe third and decidiog game et Salurday, Septimber 18 at 4.30 their buet ofthree O.. A-Inter- m. medate B meiles btwens osi- Tisere la a piisibllilty of a doubi manvilte ccd Milton witt fie liyed hiader beiog ptayid Rturday ________________________ iih Milton Leiue Juvînitm play ieg haut tue ie aner Juvenites P Hanîner won tise first garni t-Ilos YTuesday. Tiese acond gaine wau se Two omes Pary tir Tlsuesday and wBth tise fti grounds ln her rsncodtr ,End Bail Season il s very uelikely thse garnimil hi ptayîd thîn. Ifthtitigarn Ii Hi nby bil clubus lad a tful pstpoeed t mîlI ie siyed bitorg scisdle liii Saltury ateeroine I trreîialc'garni aaring a ,id r Ai,' i lifs tai trriii 10 irai Veli ire vititei tic. park furi,..e Aller edgrrg lire Bommannîl cxhibitiun gamne. The Haeeby girlsItermedialcu i-7 in the seccie mire rictoirus. The vsaiting teamn game, te'lRed Six are all setz irai treated la sandwiches, cake miiap ptiseir sereeaoneSalurdut and pop. A relire garni ia pianned Ne Gervai, tbe lim rigislbhnd. in the near future. enmitb lts oae iehail, witt itis Tise village oif Vellare la tira aid y gel tise iii ta stiel lise tii a haîf miles meat if Muple. game. Gterria, is, asaibe piteis At .30 tam. tsure fliamed aitrg biilliantly aIt seasan, la ani bail garni isîleen te married aolise bisg caga in the Rted Six ma me and single mes aftie Hîîsity chine. commuîity. Deapite aime autataed- Thc' licia, s.havhue bieni isg plays isy tbe aId tanirs, liey ltile musk defeiuivily in tise tas acre not able ta inercami tise lui gameu. hupe lhiy haie shah single mena lead. enrrhelise irlîcrsand ils tise hi bats of Eri Toîctzaanîd "Cisuei Tise amuaI cammanily coîtr." -Giecrvaisrrcming. they ari rast rrlirilrceld intheiOrange r adytuo lp gong aloigthi Hall us accaîrttrlfaratisîr cued:l- triai-tilttrain riors. Aprrramateiet140 sal damn l'tStofthire bigieaiuiigforîis tri iry antd cerSie ete 6i dorit lfie .ha'ing (if theRed Sutis couasauf set coni iîdr isahoternlrauiirrn tiseimprircd pli3 dag, coIea nid lace. An erili-rtt î ll'c'Seratinr i tir stars3 abi, cr'el'itr.i iii. nitl l h 'r'i'-r-, ard DonrrSouth, tlirfeetc Thisr u-athitirdilliit, f"! .îîru)>ý itilrilr'tSourth rai pla3 acticitier foî i te yar .r tliîirrlI t11 thtre uuttid poitioîns, ha un-c' roia irc.rabanquet lai lise !>,,rti itttihall iatamr lîritibe u hrl.iritrethle tiai uforttisr-iteîi.drirrirte I an i. ii t tIa! I nr. r'i::l L, îu.iw. 'hlit i > ha, î u r e n " TI Ilrîr-irîri t Ilen trche mu INSRACE ' f'f i. rît trltirtee itl b S!m i i ' w iii'. M rîruf et u refs L rf E pANEpl o 97 Miles of Wire For Telephone Uines ru: r t i ' ' ter ' 'n '01 t f -hi,. f dtri ut io "t rM t 1;1 , an 97 fl - f 1:1,itii i , 'ru Ili s'a i r io . alor . . . I a le i, )'n i, )Ctui a i ns u.î d irttn ti usr.-i .ns in h'rîîc' ni ' 't oritiie. t!i ý îlý i in it '01 tii 'ru 2 tri ' i . ', Crut i ndrunîr it Iue ii d t, "i rtî.îrndnt trat zuîati ti- nO n i' rv nid, rut %%ail u airil nat, il ne tc' 'ie ilthe 'ieît.n.a lutn, .arilulfouica rfiurs Ci-tirerFir ntir tar on S t- nmi d utclii inr. nil Cîanaic sto isiî aac ci. 'ut tan 100'000it oua tio, 2 x31h. h Eu-t anid form i tua 11a.. >tri. 11-115 'Boy From Okiahoma' STARRINO WILL ROGERS JR. N COLOR mis Addecl Shorts Wha s Who in tise Zoo and Danish Sports Deliqht MON.-TUES. SEPT. 20-21' "Thep Naked Jungle" in Techniceler starrn e ELEANOR PARKER CHARLTON HESTON Selected Shorts-Tuna aod Northwest Macsey WED.-THURS. SEPT. 22-23 "*'WINGS OF THE HAWK" n Techniceler starring VAN HEFLIN and JULIA ADAMS Wth Addod Shorts: He Astied For It King of Clubs The Simple Things Comning Sept. 24-25 -- "Big Leaguer" Y. . [il Iu at Convincing 10-2 Win Over Alliston Camptuetivilte upined tlise cocnd roand of the OBA.* Intermediats C playdawna with a eanvincing 10-. 2 vitary aeer Atliltan in Camp. belleilte an Tisurday, Septeimber 9. The winners banged oat 15 bits atf Wrigist, tise Alliaton hurler, mi s atawalked onetilt tirabat- tirsan astruai eut Ima. Harry Hamilton, ie gieieg up but two ueearood rues. alimid five hile, ane wath. hit twa buttersaond utru eut ix. Il iras a soarelem bhal game an- tl the~ lait af tise foieth wiscn c rîrîphelinilte pruduceci tîren rani. K'i-1iiiig tihe pressure ln the uis, lisey midi the sore 16-0. Icn tise suis, ingles and a thriming errîr wîîî gîod fai twg mire rues and ln thîseveolh, Cimplailîvilte earnpleled Ihets 1 TERTRSDAY, SEPTE14BER 16, 1954 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEU 1 - l 1 TRACK IMPROVEMENT, NEW HALL, SQUARE DANCING FAIR HIGHLIGHTS Imroraemeets on the race tact.fealune mfthelisMg far titis yeax nctudiet constructimon a!o e a mu wlli bu the Square Dunce Csmpot- riluug muntire bends and tise addit- itirme mis cus pries oiallieg $50 in th ilsyear ofa!allsitftiijuniur oatted tir the ibsithBresquares. sformer and commercial extctbittuTise eent la te be îmnducled le 7are jst tira of tise nesi feattcec feint efthtie gnondtied it 3 p.rn that hune bec added tc this yeors mn Sturdmy. editien et Milmto aIttaieuetiid- Alsa aciseduted as o belon-tise- uted tir Septemben 24 und M5 te gracdsand teotuee are tise races the AgiutturalotGundc. ih $7501 leprize rnuney il aloSe. Direcoae, iisaiiy prepoeing thi Roy M. Currie isîods tise foit ucamedi tanrtise amnuît ment, ix- lis yeaî as preeident, baaeked up u rai. baybia îc Howlard Armtron, ifrit vice- pet a lly bitiiuesianvpnrlis a. tre ideint; ThoscianBauîfîeidmec. aiura trtfetii ecý.apc eusmondvîcee.ireidn ad Mi. G.E. atinsand henitisexeatd o C Radiseadi ieetany as melasa lhings migisi t eauricocmpieted inîmtsietfdîeectmî lrsa hoatt cantribute wlame linIytise bu its . obtliiyhthe unnalul cas if the iren.t irrî bemot mtnr iifl.5' tisaI laI yerdreir mcm 10,t00 Onuetfthe maey exciieg nimnlurîmrs. ir t' io 'S. ýn Lr a )o -Manies single and Hisdircini al le diable pradaîed tee rus to matie SxSuaeSris D ero e Als 2-tiese si10qur-r0s.~epwe llSO ten hie iraI if tise ergistis leirstnt at s.Bo a Aisonbaterwa sllWonanhrorwm nville Now in Semi-Finals sy la Cuires. Tise neet mis Tise Mlton Red SxMnme tram For tiese cond tcme centiree du s, 1- 'ake bc ut a forci il thiîd It il ri adge lise Bammienrîle Cimpbeiillîle rptaamred Attîstan grouiers t iret andsecond mIs Braahdale Rosis t-Tinte sesecoed te AltrîtoenenSalardiy, Sîptemiser cricneaot. Tise ruseeca advanced a garni il thiiteist of tisrm CB.A. Il misen lise score mac 12-5. Tise re are on an iOlrnld ail. mecod ta Ittrmediate B anuis. Tise garenire put Campisîlînille inIalise GB. le ft. arrd tiîn mrlh iao eut l a s lydo idwp il . Itr eit e ifn gMilidbal] ment tisraugis RarI a as aioeamrdsmeattla.gintelNredale oC ilsemr-treAI- le Caiirsta maire lvii uns. ccnmd wuobavieîd lise iilly wmees-tonlse sed fiai prîchersinletiyieg ta aWhiiasd a atogleaand a doublesthier Thei Red Soxcocmisîd tisececseistise nsitiri pister isut nisîn lieAlliroacashie EdgarWhite- Bam manilîtihuilera for a total oet1gaie op 135bist ns alis, iit one Cy ires ad Gr il Hmsian.îaci 1r hile, isucadîrg a hum eîaa and ilattrrand struots leie.Jack i rad'rirîrai tHailn = rtrpc. RCbesl mt thi reste ftlie min- ir',d tir CumtIsrnlil.iratiacis, Bcuce Marshatl, malrrrg isiferîitnesniiyiffctn eiws in Il'iltranrud Earlyibad adouble s'cundIlutarcf thesiîes. rdised lrt irrlireemh.ieî ' V il Iluntl te sevnth laise hin e 1 uilî In talilRabtsavie ais an Iorir hW ti'Ml Ebict wo iscd lthe Irta'5 mer. su lace 10uists. tai alksand slrcaiouil. tirndiBill 1:Iiisit ues ertiatsd aisha. Btitrunnriri adv'anced uo li wssa secoleîîlhall gamîegîieg rt..lenbae. Cu.ruchDicsClement ntnthOe f(Ilisrrisioiaesdersoe h R IatF!riialir inhi., aie relifmantt.tlised. vientînotird oni ltys e Vtr ittdriiti 2501'Nil)' (iriai irine r'tird tiese igl, and scrrrdrnaistoeldout. le Alin . .u.' 00000t1)2 2r5î 61 î id,.but i tIbiture itrîrir cncers Itvas s5h11 a 1-0il a ulte guinui- lirtttiîiWr ",1,t and Edgat. ri; l nndirarte i s i ngrrlitaisHindle.înuEnc lispe aiii r 1rll.ihnc' In tire tireeiiiîiig' Gevaîi nmtsiilc alîn iîr.i, d Li, di; 't gî 1ar : it a hall ite pîlcser. whist r hrisîiv tr.alsed rnly use iaateir. iis.Hindeisoi scrid and Eaclu l' riraI rttgrrî i îrur run a ile ttid. Eail Carrasîrnledini Question, Answer i1 -. . crie. Elirnîî%vasirbol theîprîîiser 1i.oC!, r frît, .irnisanitreS candRobCtrireruld to slasre Coins ,For World Trip l i;i il" a "'rnit i ii~ti' u"ýt andriput Ellioitt n tritird. Fireld ' ,rî . i i' is'-:;rtten ,t I I l,, L ' ' itaintI Ci ledtB l lI*., snged ite lafie piset i .. i t)a Ioto1, l r ,utMii îlisr' ad R oube'ris and Winrnaie tri trieetrillnis StactiaLt-a tir rli tsie Irases. Fielda tI II ,apeL C ri tlîou, nldig frrrd n lishrlait, Iut Pariy'c singe '*." . ttI' tt rti Sel)tt. 1ehrcoiach. ise() d Crll Cairnss aid Wregcii' rin or id TIt i' idn, îýrs 3,î%l injI( îuîed tri s a ii 'Screi.Camirislirilli a. Alîrîtîn 0. I t1,ý .. o jni wih eth inning to In tIhe laSt cf riscsinus. Coberts pra-1, foueth a.r irrati baticmdieny hkoe sa rpe -e "t I. a, do, airtisisot Iuietriimbtr e vn'ir r t'ILrrdouble .rndl tris ingeanrs rdnir. ocifi l , arcet iin- ruiSu 'r ciiraciie, IItI Ilrrîidcredîisc irons IliAllîs. ,ý ri, tlIti rll1illetîli ti î ii' ts . hemr ishe lcad ton. Ir) tise lest tof thae seeith a .lt ao ;slirt ,ý, hhistr attriiheOfraciî.o t inketh 1 il' i1 îri IrI.sent "Il T ce ,,li.ten rd ir ctedsi l titrsiti Oui4. ltstrriortheeise i'r.i tIr ýtir '.'0t N tixon fin tutuandti hrce ries in rilCarrrs srngiid liiitrias i nt ed 'tir ~ ~ ~ II 'rti illltt I ni th, rr tr' ,itheiplat, Triie k fa rit int iti.irbs 't Linr e nes ând n-,Il . A r, il*.tiiitclî.tî rrîîa aiisnrrd Eiris.alripleisy Bil o îrrrîr tire t'oiti En îr ,, lat e "t' i rI.ý,i ty int Flii tiand a' sit iii itt 'ýePiait arn- andiirî Iit i a]..,].t i. 'tirg. tr i li Irirns i o iate' tire tiare tir it~îit mitd'0« CEuriki."Go (ist..aaes rhc ,- ttiiaastieonls i,ý- t..r.iiir tii 1,,st hi d 1 rt' E.' ulpiti i t.r a Ih tarsingeand a ti.idcrisahice BILIND II W ERS ig, i i at. ti ýI, 'ie di," tuaen.inalî. rt ei12 t105. V: tI't i CIo S j u!,:,l . l .l, cineul 1 I l lriF, -, . i'i .riiwhsisir ttrngor.c - 2 12 c - .,.),fo ti.tzhi r i fi o u a ' b s ciii îd 2 )toi n rtîs io tise 'iir.'i-î RlOd Cca t.t .. h-,ci*t,,tî)riCo,-,,n littisrwekh.iiaid tlritainlee. 't t lt r r ruC .iti1s l 't' i stra BilF Iinýti tarIa tt ttttiad a sinale -ini uI t- aoediaI.rit1i1rlt andrsrertiriitdesîît ,rI B rînaîrîtI! s*art(,r St.ntl). . rI.U nid Wir.rce' Earl Cairns~ (ýjI)l LI Et ii )e u res te plia' F LY NN'S ' R20 Htt l atrhis Siturdraird Ireai hrme it<I: i an910 400 30 8 10 :3'saficlad Sipteii .9 R R 4ACTONPRESENTATIONS, TEA sp 0 ':ýc!rt \j:,. r, t,: p i):cFOR SATURDAY BRIDE c r, aýj fci " 1O o-la 1,'- SI 1iii i"* t"lIlla i îs PHONE 124w4 i i; ,n:il, td(;tnt tii ]] -, al*e il,1, ihont f Aitoiron - I ý o 11,,?I ttr ýCi, lt II h l 'il '51 i. '51Jsan - a fi jtt ayi S A t '0 i rr iBaib nsad 's1 Vit i llJr i Ctthi es epee- iiIth, " tIlt"d te ire griitit "!4 4 I o , Ti "'t i a . i). ad t liis dr-cri * i :11, I a a enig a Un e liii- le-rslia1superins tcn f Mi.James Crili I i IS C ici G FOLICY: Tire Showrs Nightly 7 and 9. Matinees Saturdays .t it. I.r t ilt iEr :, and Holtdays at 1.30 p.m. 'ti iai. n'I Otttrttt i:Di .CAT C.DT 17-19 iiiItiit '0and tîjîîî rmi.-3m i.