THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 2201 i 1Il Guelph Presbytery Charges Separated Tise Preasyery o! Guelphofethtie Prlbytecian ch' ch met ln St Danîdo cisunci, Camgbellvîlle, an Tursday atîersoon andt evenlng. Septerier 14, ton tisein egular September meeting and to conduet tise service ot deignatias ton Sev. J. E.' Suthseland wiso leaves sort- ly Os taise up iis duties as a mis- iosacy ln Formasa. J. A. ELLIOTT Licensed Augianeer and REAL ESTATE Phone 376W - Milton ys Kroehler &"5499Fi (IlGANTIC EXPANSION Opens Monday, September 20 - GRAND PRIZE This beautiful Thrifty-30 Range wiII be presented SAT., OCT. 2 AT 5 P.M. ta tise persan wha gues- ses correct or nearest cor- rect weight. Hi Folks ! We mani pou to visit us in Georgetown and see the face lifting w given the aid place . .. The only way we can do this is ta you sonne exceptional BARGAINS.. Read what's below and judge for yourselves! Free Gift for everylady who cornes in the sq Harold C. McCIt SPECIALS!I te grey. grnen, ced and eiashroom. Recg. price $209.50. SALE PRICE Your Insurance Welfare Is Our Business FOR OVER 40 YEARS THE RESIDENTS 0F MILTON AND DISTRICT HAVE BEEN SERVICED BY RAIYSHAW'S Insurance Agencies wth Fire, Automobile, Casualty and Life, Wind, Stormn and Weather Insurance AT YOUR SERVICE ANYTIME aitOffice Main St. - by Phone 108W or by appaintrnent at vour hanse Grand Prize SATURDAY, OCT. 2 -rigidaire SALE 9 o'clock BARGAINS 20%Reductions on ail Furniture in the Store. $169.54 $249.54 $1 54.54 $199.54 $249.54 SPACE -SAVERS 2 in Italian Tapestry, beige or green. Reg.$79.50. SALE PRICE ...$59.54 2 Suites witli Matching Hostess Chairs, brown and green or grey and gren Reg. $89.50. SALE PRICE.... $64.54 ;n grey, mci, olne, niastrootet and grpineReg. $6950. SALE PRICE. WIDE SELECTION 0F BEDROOM SUITES IN LIGHT AND DARK WOODS DIAL 1090 CFJB DAILY AT 9.30 CE nie iSuites 1McCLURESI SInGIReg HOME FURNISHINGS STORE Sl -$54.54 REMEMBER 1 A Free Gift for Every Lady who visits us as weII as the other prizes OPEN EVERY FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCKI L. W. EMMS ELECTRIC Contracting and Srcing PHN ITON 270 MARSHIALL * Painter and W Decoralor * - Free Estimates à PHONE MILTON 503W à M BUILDERS *CONTRACTORS: *OR FARMERS No. 1 aed No. 2 Hemlock, à- Spruce and ine LUmiser * Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by truck. à Write for Frices ECLAPPERTON I LUMBER CO. Port Lorng, Ontarioj Tieagistise bisy somer, ment- ings erre iscîS esce a mentis. In Jene, Mre. T. Drnwisroeis eelcein-1 rd lise Gettd te iser iseme; in Jaty,1 Mms Dormis mas isestesa and ; Aegaet, Mms. Roy Etlis mas istens.j As alpisabeticat plan isas bers madce rther cîenie et tise cisercisanS tireegistise commer ineetings plansaveebers laid tan artettirs aisead. Wtndsor, GsI. tCPi-Petice ceom- miettesnisrr deceded tisat circu., tatd nominal eperatens must pest a $1,000 bonsd aganset damage la anyciety-ee'ned prspnrty. f It's Need-AbIe Itfs Want-Ad-Able! Phone' S. A. FAY and SONS Plumbing and Heating Sheet Metal Work PHONE 20SW MILTON, ONT. Prizes Daily McCLURE GEORGETOWN )gin. etre 1 ýure 2-Piece Kroehler Suites, 4 Only: 3 Only: 1 Only: 1 Only: 1 Only: H ES T ERF1E L D S Nylon 2-Piece Kroehler Suites an green or rose. ecg. $299.50. SALE RC 2-Piece Davenport Suite, red frteze. Eeg, $199.50. SALE PRICE 2-Piece Modern Chesterfield Suite mashroane Reg. $229.50. SALE PRICE 2-Piece Airfoam Modern Suite, med and black inetalîn E eg. $299.50, SALE PRICE 6 Only: Kroehler Platform Rockers, 5-PiE CHROME Kitchen Sale'$ mtal Beds 'LE SIZE $69.50 $54.54 le. Iwo* Bec. C. D. Fondlis o! St. Andnew's morning and evening servicens.4 chunch, Gaît, mas eleeted modenal- Bey. F. Williamson wil ncontinue on to sueeeed Bec. P. G. Macînnes te ministen letiste St. Pouls con- ot Eloca. Toro young mes, Leslie gregalion. Barclay and Malcolmn Sommera, The same enenisg, a lange con- mere cetetird to Knox Cllege and gregatios amsemtled toc tise desig- a tiird, Albent Coals, mas receeied nation service. Bsn. J. E. Suther- as a candidate ton tise Chritan land mas pnesnnted tfon deaigostiont ministry. isy Bec. E. H. Johnmon, tise Ocere- M. M. Coleso epoted tonrlise seas Secnetcny of the Genenal budget commiltee that $2395 more Board sol Missions. Mn. Johson, isad beesn eeeiced ton tise mission- hismol, oenced in Manchunia be- any budget tisas aiIbis date lasor tenhie man. yean. Bec. P. G. Marînnes, report- ing ton tise eomitee on Christian Edocatios, outlinied lise acticities n A p aebc lPa isis depatment tiis taîl. Tisere 10M ph b tia tibc as tnleadenshsip training conter- F rC e n C uc ec o tren-age monisens in Knox F rC e nC u c cisercis Gocîýpis sent ineis .Tise Tise tadees ef St. Strpisce Yeaung Pîeptliîestet iilart alîtGtt1,dlttteniysy tarted thi eîrs- aratngtin ttîtlaethtt , tsa ji' iii-ti.îtlysretttaa oe Sept- coneeaieîeîr tertoiers. Tis emriis8at tisa ant, af Mts.. cisîrisshotelssrs eralymwittRatph Kessingdo n el menbet be lter sn Septrmtoer in Kitchener. mcm prerit anS tise roll cati inas Seperate Pastorales a n pros n rtise basaan. Slomer It wao drcided to separate St. Pts inene gicen te memsiers ts Paste cisrcs. Guelpi trem Bonis- tart cettîngs or Cen isflowen otll. eeeoodand Eden Mites after c Fertise pans erem made ton o ohmr bsSt. Faute can have betis isetisattise tain and cemmitteen apposinted oleoteeSater dtterent IrMMSDAY. SEPTEMBM 16. 1954 PAGE PMV Engagements MrI. and Mns. Louis Mauro wisb te announre tise engagement of their only daugisten, Lena Eliza- beth. ta Ronald B. Bluli, son ot the late MCr. and Mrs. Peter Bilteof Hamilton, Ont. The macriage to taise place on Satunday, Octoisen t at nie0oclocs at the EHoly Roary Chunch, Milton, Ont. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Lucy of Milton announce the engagement et their onty daugloter, Beverley Jean, te William Laurie Durnan, yeengest son et Mes. Edwnin Itar- rop f Miltoan ed the tati. Mr Wil - "l GDran.teTise ina iage ccili taise plaenon Sssrdey. Onteher 16 at seren o1clock: in St. Pool's U.nited chunch, Milton. Duties of W.A. Officers ToId The September meeting et St. George's Women's Aissociation wao held aI the henie et Mn. and Mis. George Gastîr. The president. Mrs. H-ateoard, oras in charge et the meeting ehirh epencd hy ail jein- eeg in singing s hymn, folleeed hy prayer. Repente efthtie dittferent commit- teesoore given. The ladies were al] sn lacer et oetting the date for tlent night. le 8e held in Nec- ninher. Mre. Dethbel gave a very in- ereotint paper on the dutlim ot a W.A. otticer. Mrs. George Stoeiso tread a perabouttlwero. The nesrt meeting wilI be iseld ai the home et Me. and Min. C. Winn. The meeting nloed eith the Membens' Pnayrr. Lunch mas oerv- ed and a secial haIt heur ciao n jeyed hy att. GAGNE- CUNNINGHAM SEPTEMBER WEDDING Reteerta Jean Cunningham. ciaghtrrefMr. andgr. R. C. Cuninghasm, marrind Sepsrmhnr Il ai 7 pin. te John Wetter Gagne. sonet Mr. and Mrs W. Gagoe et Fert Francres Tit i-tde isa .egraduareofth1e Hamittont Geseral hispetal and et the University of Toronto sen ns- Tise groomins a gradeate oethlie ie Vecit of Torrteo inPharin- ait. TOrsesit reeideis Foe- Firces. Gel. HORSE LIKES CAKE Fart WilliamGOt. CPi - Sid Wamisetdt has to e crareflt ee 8e Pars. Rex, tise blacks gelding Stattuls is ametsawagen. Rno %as se aed tiseetiser merning eti bshIeisad mse a hread truck. ilgetp;sg hieseiftotetise hahens geeds. HcSTOREC COIN lTernte (CPi As agr-htackened conminted ie 1840was leand iin suauaian Eteisicahe. Dr. Ernest Mastroaintea loesS t ethile raleesg ins abacisyard. UPHOLSTERING COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC Low Cost Free Estîmaten Ose Week Service Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 259 MILTON ELECTRIC Fvo av eliff-W 1 qwýmw 19