STAFF. PHOTOS RE VIE W LOCAL SCENE JUVENILE COU NTY CHAMPIONS, Cattpbtllville knotked Mltot out if the pay-offs in three sttaight garnîtin Aigîst. Shi'î'nt tht baîk toi, ate Dîîg Sharpi, BlliiElijt, Eari Cattts, Archie Cairos, matnager, Kit Mote, Kit Wiltshieand Cuti liBi. I thetfrot oîttiiare WImer' Eledgi, Gord Camp, Bill Lakng, Jackt Robett, Ktith Luit, Rtg. Wilthiret, Stuce Moote and fîsI Hityti. Titi EIIott, bat boy, s in front. LANDO0F DREAMS COME TRUE tas the tte if the pibltcschoo eti tcasispit),d wh hth hirstanding fot tht Nationral Ai- opttetta pesetîd i Aptîl by titi Milton Pblic Sihiii iInthttp thîti n tht loweît tiI, tht fout youogsters sit and watîh as dif- let, riabe-up is btigappliid. Tht bluthielis lîppit ight) ,titi Ietîtt îîîy book thîtacttîs appiat Pitid Itot ightt the thId- hthrd gtupifli'tts tedancetandusing.Inthei ettittht tttîaretuld the trucstityiofioPtp's shitp. HALTON COUNTY CHAMPIONS tht Milton lnttrrntdiate hall Club trounted tht Oabîille boys front tht labeshone aea intwotuaiOt of tîte garnis fin tht îoîeted tounry titie. Tht tearn tias de- ftatîd in tht final session of tht playdîuans fît tht ptovinial titie. Shotin att Gervais, Grenki, Cairns, Ltver, Manshall, Toettaha, ay, Stoîît, aid managtr Star) ay. I tht front are Ciernent, Heipul, Stafiti, Mlaîsîn, McPhai,.Rîsit, Early aid Eohî Clernot, uath tht bat boy in front. CHILDREN COMPETING fot pizîî on btst decotattd bitytit, tricycle aid doiiiiatriag classes at tht Garden Patty in Carpbllville are sittaît itit lefito i tght, Sllit Ctamp, Tim Patker, Hardy Putdy, Lis Iogîs, Glri Pudy, bist bcycle; Audrey Eatly, Murray 'Inglit, ittît tricycle; Joat Erly, Ja Cratp, best cariage; Drk Pdy ad Bevely Roberts. -ON UKSAR nteMlonRtr lbs onlau ORTIETH ANNIVERSARY if tht John Mlton Chapttt i.O.O E. YOUG PCI STRS tt Mti RîatyClb'ttou iogi 'as celebratîd at tht hmt if Mts, W.. Citittîts tn June. stts artJtry Paupst, Haold Titbitand oig Black wifh Shi't hrhtas thttakeisbigtutiareMts.F.Thitipst, im Tnry Titbrs nthtbatittit. Te last garnts if tetîtasit ttidat pasttiegt; MsDEWlsnhonotaryteget; Mrs.C. wetîtplaydintApril with allthetitibets if thetix tetams Wooi, sctitîyMs.G .Giidhild, tîgîtt îand Mh. h tettditnk atd hottdtgoftit theigititi Ttty Tibtît Yatt',pastgintt il MILTON JUNIOR*AND is pctîured after a Januaryiconcerttin tht R. Pîtdy, E. Hood, D. Pnt, M. Laughton, . Fotd, 1. Wilson. Centre Prînoess Theatre wtllE er gutît artisto, Standing at tht itit of tht ou, C. Ke, f. Hay'tatd, R. BSali,. Loikie, C. Andersot,, D. Co- band are the MiConeil brothtts of Hainlton, and Mr. Ralph Mitet- wn, S. Sttvtnson, K. Catwraight, M. Whtstorte, V. Sarkhiii, G. stose. te leader. At the right of the band standing are Beverey Cheitet, . Lausîn, M. MDougail, K. Riddeli, P. ipali, . Kerr. Marris, Sharon Begin and Stela Lobay, al of Hamiltron. The bnd Batik rota, R. Drtins, G. Jones, J. Book, S. Wilson, K. Cartwright, are frot row sef6 ta rghf, W. Ipali, Hamilton, G. ipail, H. Trayes, T. Braithrnaite, A. MCutcheon, T. Hopkins, L. Betty, R. H4niIton, P. Lawrence, L. Couitr. . Kerr K. Mcintosh, R. oster, oster. BACK TO SCHOOI. go thresets if twins. Sore'hat of a record titat 6h et ses of twins sEauld be nclîded in tht 25 pupils attetding Lirestont Sihool this year. On their way ap the waik of No. 2 Nelson go Jamie and Janet Coulson on theîr way for the firtI ime, Stuart and Steven Hay- ward tht identisal eight-yeay-ods, ot their snay t0 grade thro. atd Dawn and Bgete Couter, 10 year-olds, goitg lo grades fine. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THLMSDAY, DECEMBIM 27, 1951 IHTJESDAY, DE861d IN A COU 1 LANE 1btLIasColiS Inlu bt rnt' -loin ed hvig cived a old Thtdey 'a Ladies' E year 1863. Thooku Grandrnoher whe,, îh ithe lity of Chicago, fathtt, wo hwu 'an Eng rnaktt. oit doing fine altantof lChcago eh r thtebhteti of t heChi 1 wu wooeidg th, jus t bout Aotttîu Ytîtubitk in1863. A ctuîtithtdtd, Rttty quit aduitsrtel. otty Nwt Y.atu ibt day oftîheyta Yu the spelligof -- ,-etteipl oftttecpes t1konî- ttiYOy f the ilde , pt fîottty havett abs n 't thîtat -ap of paprYeu tu îtt you pay abill. Oit, tha icoum. I of humant tt1iity lilyn tîtît il a1'timt ilttiyo of titret; buton ns tat by nu o nsa -thett la the p mi btity 61101 dmnoftcafert. let Sdinntthv bett geto 81 lae., The on o ait that MAil htt, aenwPoiable due t ceipt- fuîtd inthis ir thtî ght o thim thtt-on fami 1ly, Thettta has. fotth and theri.hed h,, biotd and , t h hli,O a ional outl. and th.t ..ght tu , etu1 i otîtly cy il ast o Ther,y ,., -if îiyh tayîîît bt,., Il ttîpki,. *Th ,,,ot Po -ser., Ctdtt , tt,, hayhedto ti3hb,ttttttt,, enuh l' rt ade' Tht goO Ptîtîdti.g dt ,ba. , t tht e rb' a theo,_tn-lot ev'rhanteltloth, et, the Of tt.t il]'llt h genuity. 1teo'aht 't, food yîld th trntt,îtt and pl.u, of thth iti, T. do thi,.ora'te leguslat, d.isg Ifil tdetîttitdtytt altlunt tmnhî ,-îttn a oththtt the hust ketpiog largtor' Sirt]î'talt A wohi s nit tîttotially lo fîiOttIl, futthought. and god stnsetannott i age h ptttdetty or cotttably. ter what amooutiîtf.e haetat httcomman,da wohashnttanrsye f. rt and trotdyig dî,,ydttli, fttuh and pltîiitt, neia rnah monry eh ayispent otutîand uipholsteryy Il ilsotin uîty' buttman lIaI il the gret equisite tuing o tlttgenitnt5. Thetoa pert ttt ilttheit btnd as 'tilt bEtrequietît pugtt HIESELF rt thet an and that tlemtert if peaurt a ebtyttio hitb no appoi madet hrough the ettstaîff vatila untIpossess-..jta a that ttorty ctIo oyut.nd0 ally ind.r.i Thtc luîonyi Thatt a thi,g altttad alItr i ud ial] that fat quirtd. Btttîand nsîon OPtlite tendt of thetturtrti but if tht wottrîs hoat Ira ItOW er to pocurt bcon tarttîl 1o haett il drttt Oeetrrdat il la as gttd a thty prftttion rl'qutttd bantda; and itis tht ight, tes btsght l tobar ona I attion tih iv taitt the ti beauty tand valtetrot ta o I lEStE yau'te wotîsath.t Gtdey- I thîttE thte bati Vluet 'ls Il, t it t lI dlsrlgmtsd antd heart It il la Iffe. But Mr. Gtdeyas la «M oS0Und. AMd Oýw - a nery happî Yar 10 eath and sveyoso