Our Sincerest Wishes Fanrflac cary meerînci cf Clanenfmasos and fthe Happiest cf New Ya's gc fa cne and al a STORE MILI REMAIN CLOSED BOXING DAY Grimw'ood Jewellers MILTONi YoulIU GO a Whoco the gis5 Io caghost. Gotodycar Scsddod Sscc-Grips mil PUB pasthcssgb whlacco thelirdes slip THE CANADIAN 'CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO lace-cal Junioro Raid Exclcnt C.F Picket, V E.MeAthuacncd Metincaca Seaccarft Hailen Ccacty fnay cclilab, Asacelafa DinectrEtqetîci- erccd f car Juccor Faracara. ccc- Sanle May, C. Wriglcccnef l, F. cclil tcawasor celilcaf fa atend caaail. flac Acacai FubleSpecakinancd Nasawe -TmPtron AcaternteafrfarclccaîConefas fgcy Tt 'fca la flac Ccccfy Janîcrs ai lanheMl- ecr faclaicnl, Wfa. Malaca ton Higla Sehlai.Wflicay flran Nnlaca Ercia Dcciay, Jcc cirla- ncccg pepcen arlieleafcd lanflac ardscn, Johan caadfcad. Pulie SpeanaacCeapetilaca, flanc Trafalgar - Llcyd May, TM cc anc aillaSec cmncceddfr Iheir HiacdrnDeorge Hall LeI t tuscqtip peso ttruck , cg e l e acf cr dauitr or arfor" îcceceiu adranreepaferin a eclich 0cr artilen cthlacScaf Drill INHSNO doni atiad\? ec seaing oapctition. A ttd _ym enHlo atsr GIJhBÈ*EAR pea tg.ctathc pr c'iriheat loyalaee bc pr- ileedanca cernc ic aure ihaf had-ecad tsraîna icrece' aacpiec lacd laceprcead ce cniy Mîue edWTHOUT Cee ccirregret iltatefcc lar Ch e r a e or acfra c flc iaiche SureGrip C4er-entdrlate eafeefan. fakllen frcclarî o eerdgrain. s le il. the rarAcateur Elrcaca c Thira eccecg, ic crder fa cr- r fai. feeHafd. 0cMcea r mlaîc rr recîeec claaeaf enw lie accre lccled crer fhr fra. Al Ihaf MM ASTER MOTORS le ce fan ac cr rac n aaîeeeeadaflIaericc DODGE DESOTO SALISSERîVICE rier, carae tefl laîrespent- larcene. We alo coeceed Wal ce, cffccfLl flact e -rn Prace- ter Clrce îeunyweedîrrseecr _______________________________________ vort cchy. che cîflecle e a ca an cd lac toucwmqu«<s<wnataanaaanoaftu re ercng ce drcped Mininflacrcg- laeec faecadrenelle feec fthn end cilre cecîllemeecin foflae acecci drlsite felcnd. AJcercrc Tlarmeretil acacld al Alc fflaefaecercdladtaî AthlauaceoftMr.cand Mra.Douglrallenhadceanndflairccd..fc III:si..oCerre and c ccc eaplrlag ffand lefcee 75acd 8fIlad lanen VVIbIIII~ dîcea ale e M apeclerinafendace Thea n cef eggecf Igain flata aidege pecntc A' cerf lad Dr Wc. MitcelelVS. age cf teflannaee railla cccl la YAo Aoff aft e H eeln alUtasCer tce Ire ceedieg an ceelaacl job, inetedng1 a lerrcteefcelae drThercrrrrl. "Ui ci î oyL eerere'f-lokscre eflccre 1fr E;Im n irrerl lae ac i lrfre her e e c-rie-rfe 0CM ~Vîrrrer cd hT erre sltecckf, ehy -Irdrrero e Tli r orn andHrrrree fppe cc e frrlae. . e rrher.th arcfrodtevhIm th, I fielerre ief cl aîrd rulg apell.da mp]rrlaIecsr or e e R.lS ADMS SOREvoritee e.in ther-itlfMfI ;t(errIetkIteeeee;reere f LIM TEt c e- e f r afi - r fr i' lfere - 1 11 d c d , a d- bo t rr errr f gcr f ila-errtrhrdbrtr-hop reee-ie PHONEDAM S ORE It rf. f ier - tr, fiyfrîrrf e [MI tttlcth cce ce...niECccSaecmfaicaRIre h" la adIlccc1V HA A 11,ha e t,1, lecl fe ca- y n ferre r >,rgr-le -filmcf , I I The de , r n - ce .io a - fecrlale r 1 4,,d ythi ta -1),ereerlfii ercarreeceti aelefhfererndfcerete»L tr- - leIl.Tre P flerr e rrf fîffe a Perf,,,l.ecteecfe nd t - TmYftwAy, ou~a n. tisa Ads are Read-That's Why They are so Effective Givevyour famîlv a holiday treat d ;r c-aeytîri Haceyca Chitmas andicew cac Dttacat , ~ - y 11>-r", e HAWTHORNE LODGE r-t Tuky hcen t e a k c er ee Aaifre-e9 lierr .E f i f t i- a4P9 erf V E ff rr er PHONE 532 A Sire ,-,Prer ce Plecieeceke yceeecresecrf-icer afrlrc tfeccr-feerirf MESET CHRISTMrASi ANDfiHAPPY NEW YUAl drr rf- ritereIreeeis rcre a fi. cierrrr eier. Me ie .ectaclfflcaiaaiccacilailaiattattaeaccc -frff I rhfleterced ri McKim Hardware and Staff ce Me..ceJ.fC. Ccenieelacc fdrrelaeClelamef MeDell-fernlay; Lloed Fslar, e oneefec Nlece Nec yEllertn ir CI-eCaýcaeiiLeceilre J H, Taylor, F-rencnJ. Ettlenece Trafaigar-Lconerd Lister, Hcrm- lace Franka Hafl, Sîrecfanifce J. C. Manrshall, DaiaarJack MSarrcrcet, Harnay. tfaatagaweya-ftaglaWaritafcfc Ctmplalniffc: J. MePlsl, Caep- blcilflc; Ram Daordan, Rochacaca. Han. Dfrcefat-Sftalc L. Hall MPP., Haglaea Cicanor, MP., W. J. Robcrton, Victor Hanl, j. A, Etlittt W. IL Ecocko, J- A. Ditafa, l ai XT. Maffat, AArhurt Damond, o Mother and Dad or anyone on your Christmas ist wiII appreciate such a thoughtful gift as a bus trip ta the Sunny Souh,-to the bright lighte of the big cities-or a bock of commuters' tickets for everyday use. Buy them 'from ycur local agent R. HARRIS, Agent PHONE 404 MILTON 1W.PRAYI.......... ...IL..... IwGoC*SN t. F. Goodrlci cuLi tttlMft.. P.t Sm 9-c. bot. tbtiti-P a.d boA5cm abala titt We wtsh, at titis timc, ostond heottioss Cbristmas Greetings to sic many fiîttdg Johnson Bros Garage PHONgE 586-MtLTost * Lots of Ger * Extra it * Two Big, 1! Mlw XéIr kwa ésl-(l Vos! He e thle longer hottor-woaring Permattax beauty of titanium-pare wahite bcauty cf Paiystyrf MiimA llwnecon an a new Ka viatc Rnfi OTHER MODELS gM -J TMMSDAY, DZbZMMM ». OU 1