BER 13, 1953 w1h t d 00 FT-ED-g anI Vol= 92.-No. 29. Ten Home Print Pages-Six Con- en 5 q.m. and MILTON,-ONTARIO, TMURSDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1951 ý_26_3 T - 'rgogt- NELSON TWP. COUNCIL APPROVES lej. C, > iFe-i-,, -je - "'BASIC LAND USE MAP", MONDAY Five By-Lows Tabled At menti dament- ,,d.r,ýp nalble, MI Alterations or additions may only C .. C-Ilo' Fred Walk 51 Fïnill Countil M u fing be made to the balle land me map .'a wi" lie --' Year's deputey'- TED Free ci the Burlington Suburban Arrau Cave. ,ad hm. Planning Board by the minister rit Alo' hel s'lgg-ti-- W. r,,,,ieCd ýh nt y=r 1 tria At tiret fral. meeting for 1951 air Tuesday evening Milton Cormeil Mllton 29L planning and development, Nelson Ir ard ta the ef- Car C Planning bu laeoleui il" , by.laws by giving thent thý required threc readings and U(L cI Township Cmancil wls told ai its flet doit Nelson Township taire Cal, vadings te two Othe, by-Iliws. Couard authorizeci by by- Ranch ritatutory meeting yesterday after- roi- 1.Isidrti.I the proposai ta lal, 11, la liowing of $26,OW. the v nicting mie an agreement viith the ln Md skurnk rami. make New Street and King's Road T'olo For and th, lien, and date .1 the frst C.ureil noecting of Write or a' This information wax relcived the main arterics leading ach y-r . Second ruadings wei c gr, en by-laws authoi izing the exter- 264 Spad fl'coo the s -Clary of the board in Burlington and to lac for a min- 1 sion Ili ý,w,,;igv ser vice, and the collection of fines for draille violations WA 8982. e p c-24-7 reference to*a lesolution pamed by jouant, of thC. lares in width of I. , Coureillors prcsent werc W. F Whewell. G. F. Thompson, lultry sordIr ug ý7- th. Nelson Township Craimeil in thex, hfarcs. Dlýp.ty-,CCvC B. R. MeKerr, E. R. Peaien, C. R. Anderson, Deport-Regve [gh sit October, whieh gave approval to Palmer th ght New Street might Jý W. Higgins and Recve K. Y. Di k. Mayor Reslop presidd Mgrleyf the mal, subject ta rilterations ., bc all righ't'but questioncri wheth- ýx 1 1,4- ,,, itrllced ancll- 402 Dirracir- Planning board sec retary plan Milton IR additions The letter front the et Kings Road would fit int. th, read twic,, to authorize the con- ý s-uns, p,-,d la,- ja-rucul: TIP Coul , pointed with residences budIt clospi front the Staff of The Canadian t,,rti.n of a syýtý. of maitary Finance CrIntroittec $3782.59 out the couricil d on y Word to the strect lire. Champion to al] the many readers, Iscý%,cý2ý.sitlpon varjous strecti, in the Si ... t and silo, 2485.,Q recelved for the resolution as a oving the The ncemsary documents were advertisers, and the correspondents Bouef Ild survey, This by-law hm Waterworks fflA5 doit LI gba&gý pp signed for the ch, na's. lie. maya. Subsequently, yesterdati the ing .1 B,11 vvrao have contributed to the past Ito bc sanctioned by the OmnrioýFu-C, lighl Id police 1.1.60 ns il ripe- couricil amended the word ing tu Avenue. year of the newspaper. At this les- 'Municipal Board before any work 545.00 tained at K. relit, 'arhat we approve the baac Town hall and sewers R. Welle.r, R. land trac nI tive Christmas season we extend clin bc pl.CCdCd with. Il las P,ýi.ting Id ,lItiIgC.Cis 10483 , hopreS introduersi as the restift of . pet M roulait bc our greetings , nd that each f ý KiId,,,gýi 22.89 are Mond The nainister isn't going ta an- lion signed by the majority C-27ayi prove anything unie. il hm bCen NNHSDR Ends Yeur and everyone May benefit spirituel- -;ttepayen in this subdivision. apmv-d by the planning board; ly front the celebratio of the $9171.64 b rive tain overrelle th Pl anning At Chicken Dinner Saviour's arrival. From ail of us to A by-law wm intod.-d arr live- K Y DIëk -brni ltId a boarxi laid Depruty-rev C. L. S. all of you a sincere wish or a ieild the necemary numbe, b rt.l i fi. f Id fer ut e f , al lialum- slat-ent et aoney ,..Ct The by-law aulhorized th a _ Y C s . a fire last ycar Therc Palmer, wh. il .]sa a mentir- ýf Metobers of North Halton High Merry Christmas. ing of $ 6 ' 000 upon deberritures ta il a balance in the bank of S36.21 the Planning board. SCh..] District Board WCe g.eýt. t2 terly iniffatif Informa ion liait b"n r,,,i,,d of Chirinala Rom Carbert al I 'a' - il del ay lie cost of installing new which bas net been expended il Iton, Trafal- by Mm. Lucille Walker, -Wtant Hawthorne L.dgý, nca, Milo,., light ing on Main Si and piovid- as dcCided to place this amourt 1: clerk, Idiot u.ýbý,s had inever bCn fer the final noectirrg of the yC.,, ;ngmo C adequate and imýjoveli in a contingency fond and keep il in write igh ing throughout the municipal- foi- an emergency under the clin- carie BI-,d., put on the houses on Richmond A delightful chicken dinnr'wm ty. The approval of the H.EP.C. tee] of the town treasur-t. C-241-4 Rond. Contact win, tu bc rallie ,,,Id and th, pprti.ti.n of thý h en lceciv'd for the imusole A mcti.. sp .... tell by DiCk ,,.d .ith the person responsible ta sec liospitality, the guidance and Cour- oý,dt b, that it donc. A motion was tesy of the chajiman, was express- hIC debertur- Th, Il-al Pearen hand hcarrýCd, reliai as fol- hydr. s expected, psy Ws: t a t e C erk arringý with eous passer:! appoirating Elme, Faste, Il., cri by ViY,-ChalrI.I John BeIJ of deb- turcs as they came due. Tlic the cartilage contraclor for the col- _ _ _ fence v iewer for Nelson Township Aise present ai tris lit, of the dbC.tuel ja 20 y,.,i, 1,Mi.. of Christmas tCCs Id Or- dore Watson. M M. Robin... was reaPP illt0d vvnit was th, former sec, -lave doIs not b coin(, et- ify the publie by a notice in Il,- the practice to the BurIiýghm D iat ciel offigir luta-. A. SpI..t If Milton ThIbl y a I t,, il il y the Ontar,, Chlçpi... virs, Morley', flirt School Board The clerk wax in- _,ou ba'ine. fallu". g the M ilton Soldier Is Pleuse Help Local Legion Nomes Municipal B.ldý A ]Citer was re.là front Vs. E ,Id ýDnta- fu lire file eIdý A,,..iIl, fiamed structurel] ta bill Mr SkcC al a A by-law was introduced in,.' M. Det%,er prutesting the payl' g .1 Ply, dirais for us. Ont.. $25 1 1 va, bhel r( ild thre, Imes authorilinq Ir, $66 for the of a leilonci -id Cmb.11- hi., truck. rotci fo $14137AL W ounded ln Karen ispiny adoCtiýeinents ninst L. Pope President rrirryor nid CI-Il ta ente, lit. Guarani- De ty--CC C Lý Sý P, 'ht, WI't lis, nov'. cri- hi, in by Scit-doy a- if tiCy Il lai. Si "A ,pOI,.rCd by H. F, Pickett's and prýipdýed in the absence nt Mýýtoo Sts if 'a _ Word reeci-si by the par- are to contain illustrations for At the meeting of the CsI.dia., to',n 1 ilh The de: ;,ýIrhcý,,lldT1 aý,d E R, Pearvu was _CI 1 Iaoý Il. vvho h r ai, of Jack Smillie Monday finit Ilext weck's ilstre. DisplaV ad c G M rý, ,,, -l' - Legirm B.E.S.L. B-eh 136 hCId on liner] the hito's If t In, t'IýY foie ls I I lu rge W. Thorpe, who 1.1 til Ir là et rertising withýt illustrationgt I tIon rI.d as t 'I' 'il ý'ha g' wdl a - InO bad bien %votindc-d white livre- hi, RMERS patient in Si. .1ICph*, Hopi .1, f ") Monday, lire annual elý',ion Of, mari and pot 0 il) charg, Of aýI And e,.Icd thirt C A. Martin farra, . rr" p «We need a new Bible," mdI ' t falloir- ing with the aimed forces in Korea and church notices must bc in fricera Wa, belli. Th, .-ling Ind t, bc appointed Tratee on the Board .Ppli by 111-ant, ai 4 Delladin, th- .rjy Corancillor John Atkinson. Il ý of on Sunciay. The, rofolination lard 1 Was weil attended. il fol th, tout, hall. If the North H.Itoo High Sellant ,hon, Frank P the volume tied arcond with a "Il rote lie hall bc,. -Ondcd*ý for Talc nýs and clamified PrIsI Jack Pstt,ý.,, 1,1i,,,I, ad Board foi the vol, 195- ^si, BI, ma- picer, of string. Il,, B-rri fer il,,, -bill hall In relient Jettel, Jack had ents il wedo-dirry the hall- durrog th, rold -r1k, ard A a-tion strict], p.n.,.rd b, if '"Yes, and a neu elorbir clock, b,, il pl -c.tdý roI,,I.ld to a ja', ut Japon al 4 j).m. 1 A âtter Ilion, hro h, plarined t. hos The Charopiola If ici, n'Il il ', hi, Was tak- by IthlI to-, u or k, ooi III ,to r, K Y. Dick and E R. Pearer, ,,d f 'In", M'Nab. "And _., vert ),ai Iý, s, hool Torri gavu Mls, Snoilli, of B.-to, Si 'n a Ili p Ir The fol a 1 ir, lat,' "'i g 0 i"" p, 'hiO t', th, For Charles Laund- hm fa'n- 'hoi %Il W;llt,, T3i,>I,,, votild b NI, detall, of, il," cýYt'-O ln Il frich ,,, il,, -- 1952: p,,,idIr.tý BI ead, Snl,ý o-rouel, lhId ihe t- il vrith a sk,',-II of Blaze Threntens fol- 1952ý th, Milton bol, -c, ,,,IIdd Plc,,Isýs.,ý!idel o Cornrad, LO,,iid Pape; first vice- l'Il l'il >h""Ii 'h, ,,,ýv'y If th, B.ildiI-1 MEW _ýAl1 A 1,11e, f-, J D YI -h thirg., in as pIidIt, Contracte Ceci! Blouk- ligrad b, th, id ,il ,I at ,tablIhirg the t,-t lire D, ;hC Try t1>11, Il p -1 .1 Pu sibl, tu I.Ilp .,uh tre. Hote, On Mon Iý ý'd ori second eiCC-pCý,idIrt, C..-lji,,t f.,:ý Il- ,j,], Of Main Sh-,,t, the ta I w,,,bCalthY doy hý il, of thCCI,,Lt- luddiog, 1-oclan, hich roig', 11, lor, holffliry. get rad, Harald Mage,; 'hould l'av, b,- - 1.ofiýdbut, ta the rosi of th, -,Ilrv- ,,uctAlyl'ý'.. M ission Circle TJIO b, 1,Ibli,,ýid A,,,, Corarades Roger Pt icutc] quIt, till, i'.i. I, Mr t, th, CýtrIt of $15." FI,,- dI,!,." ïid ý,ý,kd th , Inoil Ica.t --®r. K- ClI.",t; sjIýlI: ha, no, fol- Il, vrao George Def,,,C,,t W., Prescrit Ire- portion Of Ijhýth' et IIý,;,1ý,oHaý 1 'Ith the Appoints Officers ot as il at-. rrn.,ý Contrarie Fred, foi o'e, a ",,«," Til, ;o- th , meeting ,zIrdiIg the M., daY, and fol- , M'Ile 3oaod 0,I, Blaoll was B hon- and pr.pII-ly, Clon- t,. b, sogod roll of a ,IWIagc lat-al al th, tu -Il. f th" oi, fhý Il j,ýao, The CiI]C If St PsuIýs rach, Vince Cahoon; ceui A :,od I-d hooc occupied by M,. W,,i-i,-n. Tt btl Ni, one a, gi-a 1, I'x-ý1JIiIId Comrade Tom Bradley; poppy fund. fii, -IuotàIý a, vva, d,ý,idd ta have a report of 1 1 ai, ijd In, L" - on WodnCý<,I.,,. Sunday School Fi, Chi f A, ('Il rt laid th, ý Mi^ at the bu-' of Francis Rom; bingo. CIr- ooot if Il oý il, the lý,.gC inspecte,. M,. Brui.a. W- 1 -l'igii'atl-li 111 [Ili Sh.,i] for ir , The meeting rame tu St .dIIýSt Ir I Wjl,,I.; eut-tairotrent -gaod to taffi, Th; uy judgracot .nid be rop,12 uýIrg il bo- narhIr, ard of $73, 1 in-der With the Troclident, M.. ages Nativity Coin ad, K- Sh.Itý; M,.bC,- 1 do,, -t on ibis lateral. to'ch. WCrC un.king of Aton, ho i, M 't "g Ch 'i'ton. thught 'bill, Contrarie Frank Shannon: Ontil approlvd l'Y il,,, Dpartna ut ThCI %ver, -ivell tuait r tw. tInnira t. bing the lire -troing flInu the 13..rd thigs yo.r cl'01. j OnFridly -Coing droit. the pup- service attirer, Comrad ' Chattes Of Hgha."ý,. froun Si. Joxvphýx H-pitl] rod Ta,- ,nnua ondeHcon roi in th, er. -ath 'l. th, hop, thst nno- p- The -11, s eport vas th siek Ce. en L, . the ai. -front of Gl- Audcran.; anittee. Coloniale A b-law pas-ci fixing th, onto Genvral Hospital for ndl,,- in I.cad and Chi,ýh Suridiry SCh-1 p,,sCntI. -a, Meeting ne raincs were cotirind th,> woohj bc .,aide in . dfiI1it,ý Mrs. Frank Middleton; t,.np.rtati.I. Ih,,roo,ý,,l, day .1 th, fi, Col Patients. The accouct.s wela r. ,es, e the building on tho fjr,;t building prOgrion this yvar.Chair- Mary 'JeEachern. Mr, Blair and '*The Picture. Rock", a nativity C.norade Ken B-sh. rf te The filt meeting il ný,od Ir al Il -C ta lie turovd ver lqet, 1946 fi..,. .1th.ugh -1-1 of tir Illoir Ro- Caribert in thanking tne Mm Maigaret Fay were in charge, pla, by Kathlýn Mary Stokes. ir C-rind, TCd Wood W. r,-,p- th t Turiday of Jari - tri th, , ... ty Mers for pa,.Cnt roc- re dion Id by -.k,, Boir, a lo, lh'ir ,-'i,>tý,ati.n, ý,Ilo 1cthpd,,.ti.n.] pelri Id in W ne Palish Hall p WC lg à tr intCd secretary - tee and .1 fads or, a h.lid;,,. ristrict No. 5 water. l s Iý l eeý il hope tir arc ef- th Y --.,td a Chriltmax film The play in te. ,croc., dCpiCtCd John Hall wals re-appointed sud- then the I,,-Itj,,g i, ou the -WO r1glet thrit Cl*.vdCd postal atyr Licence h a t, ta th, baie ty the Animal riýI OlOoc ý ýY.Od ralIrk 1952 in wit MIrs. Blair resdi g vi story begin- jtCr ing day, The ton, of the facilities delayed many of cur us- amis, calois ning with th, Annonciation and The ,,h.i-an of the Santa Clao, i, 730 p. I.1 Ip.-L, frour, the O,,.uIdi.ý iCensing Dis- adq.It, eh"' A nombIr If Chri g ...g. in risin M rs. Norris Host To Ploiera'" lie ditit. continuing through te the offerit!, comm il Ce ad the sports C.m lot'> C"l'I Of ..m.nli- lent lu by th, Car- ouritiC ùýjtiT tilt thi, micro- BOi,,,_ .as th- dLeu,,,d rod of W ... hip tu the Christ Child i., tee were Tell in abeya ICI inatil fil" 1 li, I, urth Cotincillor V. Jý respondence I i- 'ZIl The C.,,-pý,IdCne .M korrght M ountain Union Christmas Communion Ser":c-ý new year as those nominated atiNolirs in the chair, ThL,"-lloýLiig -11 bc included next week. S.: in the D,. M-tin. N. Picketl. il vas devided ta habit a te, with Ir, Cconty of A Jý BI,,hi,,,ý,,,, G a postal Id bsking ,aie. The pictures in.The Picture Bwk'* the last meCting would nul stand. daythe 30, h The Devembe, ni of th, W 13,11. D,. Milac, W wvre blought t real life un th" The next meeting will lie belli on Mmonon Cing Mountain Union Womý,I'ý lrsbtllt,' Aý The election of officers, for 1952 stage with beautifol IjghtIný ci- J-intiarv 7th when the installation Roll calbelt -l' conducted With the f.11-Wi.9 'el.,k in th e .. hCld ai the lie., ofoli ts V R trou, il holding office': -s. D. fCts sud brilliant If th, u- ffiC,, wil] taire Place 1 il will licar a le, jnt p ... ident, flit tions for the Noris With 22 il Al] Ilooc llau t":Martiný ýecretary-tremtiýer, M- About 25 hild,.n Irait P-.,:Ig , cccrd.n1ý visitom prescrit The pI,.Àd-ý - Mrs. part, in the play and . hidd,ý, McKERR-McKINNON ce ACt, 1946, Mm. M. R-dhad. 1111 h- l"'I' K ,crier. Meeting villa the lýIltltiii, od, Jam s Johnson; prem reporter, chojr :f NUPTIALS MAR ED IN KE NOTICE ý M- Merkleyg rat sir lier the PRETTY WATERDOWN SERVICE Col in the nid prayer. obj. The l.dies LildlIg f-l county Assessors The -Clin theu came to a --s. The -bal, play was b,,-jnd 'in le followed by a social h tinl,ý,,n,,Itoly by the icading of Waterdown, Saitirday> December ;hall fileghjoý a minute of silent prayer Nelson Il our wi h lunch being se-Cd ,Y v sp tory of the nativitl'. Ist, was the saienc of a verv pretty in -Ring on W_ reral in ul_ Meet At trac al demi ostt :the h .. M.. Gru MCE.Ch,ý,, while il ,as bIjng li.,tayM an ,,,ddi.g wh- R-ý J. B. Ir u- ýCting. ne of the mebCm, M.. a p of OIkYill', wal and Mr, MCklCy. ifed in marriage Margaret Bertha ýge, K.C., Wright, who died in N.11111111, 0 t the stage ty RCgi.tar. The Minutes wIII lerd f h, A,,.,,-, D,ý,v Tue pitniýll,, hravy snow ýtorrn of Mr. g, the P.,*fh Hall W n.ý T TýI t cKimalm f, o rý th, loloty ai Nelson Tolve fil], merc I Bldg, i't Ir ""'tiIg of -C'l iDecision Reversed - -d ta C.Tacity for the prescot- MCXbrr Mille.. moilton, Ont. opted. The treasurel's v.ýA ix la given and corresil-IdI ci, ýop. of Al ition. Aller the play the pri,,'l'aThrGel'i'g'ý', givro in un by rend which was followed hy lit" 'h" ha', ry fer nî fur attends-, lessolois and Icriffini lier f,,thI,. 1.8 Id lO,,Iy in a dr- business period. The roll cal; 1950_19.51 of oll reins rcsponded ta by Il Ch'isto., over thé. past ycar of p d r blac ýhcCr nylon over ver., I-11-11 relt o th, judg, W. N Robinson --edli flrb,,Id by Ili, -lar, Isf1,tý, ilh noirthing hI,,ddI.,,ý . 1 jo',rood f. 111, -0 Of Magistrat, Lamuloa l'Id a of Id The Mpion Il a, derided ta -ud ý1O ýo g 't Ný "' for diII-ý Od" bl-id,'., Ily aýtCIdIn1 W. lier Six. fi,, " arl, l', Il i il - k in ricana g a St. John's W .A. le,, Jean Helros, wCalng -,a',,, Santa China, Fond. $10 -1 -A- E r. l Til, 11-Ou Pid arrel lioall'i't'd G,.rgC"PCId'ýý 1. climat Id tu hIlp urd, fannIY Ir C h i f harge of abeitrr ;ývIoo over týýfIIta le ith match! o C'hilma s ilio 1, -,r, Il, ' . "t':ý'iHold Annual Meet or Il,.: o as fI,,,d $2,, il ed th e Mr, W, kl 911 th" Il_ 1 o to ECT 1 rthnr ha bel, of -'l' tho \Vý 1-d- houle, sl"i.gfiIld Fa'n', I.dir., With Itl"q', l'ianu p.1iC,ýpravI,. 1-riany flour th, LIvi,,_ý, vith 70 glIt,ý,ttCIdiIg.Thblid,',ý t,,d EdIto, jet eh Int. case vvà, Picard L-.. wax rend and ariptu, , -1, 1 trother -ýivd in a drIx, Il tell prosentation of a cap Iodýýd A r ým.riCs and a ,,,a To,,iý- vird by Mr, E. DavC.p.1t. bloc -,,.,ýý,pb.Ck .-C a^ AugIOt 29. . ' Ir ras ir. Incena de ta Mi'-. B Tils- firo, IthC 1111-o-j Constable Chambers relater] tirai Reports fr- th, valim., C.- in The grocran'a , Ce na lie, dIpi,,tlli I fronn 1 h, by Fer Il lie Tarit b,,n C.Ild ta a Illaln St. mittees showed 1951 to havc beCn D ký Toronto, a De. w s -a hip, vole h-111 Mm' y" C ,mis communit Mrs, E. B. Citai ot, Al liolnel "a' "Id lopariment in Georgetown ta med Zorld Day - -r Short - an interesting and pmf:table,ýar. e la d- of pin, the Y illitil rhief -'ty a.,ýý.r. ' _jv p bI.Ck as toc Per rend ddress. ver, rainir, by DCptltY- i iat, in a light bCt.een Pelletier and Arrangements for the vend Cre e, accemories and es. Mm. B, Tilswot hi, taken by sui - :.I - Alfred Borbilcau. The offiCer cIlfin- of Prayer and the 1952 baie werc a corsage of plait roses. lent, tc. prise, thanked the ladies and pro F d ;,ýýIsnd "lady finit Pelletier jrmaped 1 up, bride, proposed the toast to the ker. Regret ed hier diseussed and planned. Five new Mis. Roy Ellington, tuant of the mised she would still lie crie If ýh vas sprmed ai the Marias of and struck hier, in the chest and tremblera have joined the gro il£ nort - bride ln absence of the min irter. f If Dot group whenever p Ible. G"19C W Thorp , eh,-s an the Il. with lits fiai. Retiring president Mm. R. Car Intion 5") A In occlus sale follo Ild Hami ton. Four otage witnesses besides the bert expressed lier thanks to the Affer the reception the happy _ _ L rý yffice 150 with pro eed amo-ting ta 11.1 admitted ta hospital in -r couple leff, for points north, the ai .. 0. B-n and John Blair Constable testified nt the hearing ladies for theïr support during h, Mrs. F, M. Readhead C..rtey of revisiOn, of the nippent. Judge Robinson two year terni of office. Rev. bride weaging a gr RETIRING ^MR 27 YEAU &S a c a ýýIa a - After the bon= = uple a H)c per convenor, thanked the h -stes,ý. wee lilimm cunifidered that Pelletier had been Porritt conducted the electlon of and plek suit w Moffat was honored al a presentation and socW *M id Minimum auctioneers, the artists and il who intoxicated. officers for 1952. The meeting les and a gardenirs corsage. ville H Il by the Nassagoweya council, officifis MW Pest rummente helped in make the fieraient a yard in C.mids, closed and a social half hour fol ton. st- Sh.own here after the preraentation ver Reffl elect S. tore bogme splendid auverans. Largest Imight at terminal Op, A rumaruge sale 10 where YOU 1OWed with a dRii lunch being wM reside in The lunch contraitterr look chante la Montrent% Turc 55. buy stuff front soinebody aloi al- served by Mr«. R. Carbert and tended front Toronto, Hamllten.i Moffet ln the chair 4 was tud.witdhq a and everyone enjoYed a ROCI21 Cyne erated by the C.Ndl- il bas BjohrS)ý Georgetown Md nom. lenton. About 30 were preterd et 14 1 tic to store In your owo, Mm Porrut. together. fles of traclir.