nom WO HE ANADAN HAMION MILONONTRIOT8f12AY IEOVEbomR lis las VOTE AS YOU 111(1, BUT VOTE NOV. 22 Pro Election Thogts ... Perhapn sonne of pou, lice ourses, cao re- merisier earlier cloutions where weeks befr lice ellectian tic. Tories le ooe cam n h rt in tics oticer 00000 not sen leecn ohr pasy. We don't argue it mas a good lhiog but oerlainlp bolic sides tuok the issues ta heurt wichc lis mure thao cao lue said todap . . . toi- dance of lice apathp mas again bound le the nomvination meeting test meeb whes oely a hand- fat of cauotp cilizens atteeded and thuse attond- i.g decided a public meeting folluwieg the nominations vias uroeconsary. Bear in mind, tic. caodidlates more un hasd and prepared to discnss the issues but lice audience mas laokiog ta hear them . . . Quite a cotrast t. those cominatioc meetings thaî mere rogarded as the icighligict ai tice campaigo and nsually pacbed lice tomo hall in Milton . . . Atteodance ut meeticgs af caedi- dates bas bnon cery pour ccless sonne form ai enteotoioment is offered and tice speeches are ioept ta a minimum . . This sort of tiig munt oclp le evidecce in this election but hon icon ueeu cn these parts fcr the pant 0cm pearn. lice public ts cortaicip mure ictorested in a dance and a fren lucuh thac ticep are in icearicg about lice offaors of ticoir pruvince, or Dominion 1cr ticat matter ...But taues are rertaioip a lioelp tcpoc mhoich duesc't seem linted or anp cf lice piatfcrms. Ber- haps licals lice reao 1cr bercer ictetet cn muni- cipal aibairs ... OGnecaeccticeip 'ccdericg iccu apiatform wcuid ho roceived if it more baned ce lrss free publictsrviceuandredottiuof taxes. A plan tical gave lice corker uns moe errcd voiticcut dedcicns and lot im nuppip bis cmv needs. tut porhapn me are aiîoodp tc, icvolvd lu regain uo indepeedeuce . . . Wtateor opu thic beucre andvote nect eetad mpthe best mec ho ccoec. 0cr lice poitocos cf pooblict trust. Those Turkey Suppers lice ucroti futo supr hauto trot geegi guud trowdo ted prcooeg trp pouooir ocento tcrougicot the toue ted district. Ttcp on- ticutrdip offer the boggrut food otolue o pro- cureti theso dtpos. Homaedpu luopt appcoouao ts ubetoataol soppr. Att thc average persan tv st ptooooy ardîvooduir ho rtoumbs for hoif on hourovrvsvco avpoheroccasiontand threorvcoooiitrticens o> a Itu, bol a foui ooppvo0 Weil, tat't a do>- eret ttoeg. Looovveof poperstdocileroro avtu g theeuonvd or thord ttble vot nu oosotle togvsocf impatoecer and tro cotr ticop du arrooe ut ttc lutte licrp ett thoor 'voti tappiip, bt. qooootiy, lu maltr rouet for the trot battuioe cf to.egry gorstt The mrait, of cour, are c sot ect in tem oseoves. Tortry ts tho fuvortr oflat yerrt brume, wlhdcore, and tcourptned tp fluffp dressong. Moteti pooolvoo. loreopt avd peut. saiudouand cocuie tareomutland uhtattoorîti oorootp fruom ottoote 1 ooto. Thon lice piatter cftltortcyipoptttdotvon ore, ymtlcofouo- top uospitai lp. Or ove t rttcvtoai til vne have t secod heipo toto'$preytthrd treist. If pu hator top roct erfI, yoo gc on lu pie, top taritppyutotrrtIotnaerhot tercffeetand toi e antppie o 10 r intriov car on the ootý homer ilt o trotitc joh for the 'comn coto arc ocgmtvrnog ttc foodu o> tror tvoorlp vn tti coolran for tOto totttodt utoarocsin allp protofdi olo terosce, bot for theronoa tion,oto vrrdottftif trr 00 000cirr, more tatosfyovg oustom than lice cootai foti nopper. Are You Interested? Me peuple ce theo Nurth Amerrsanotinent tloukoor aro prey gucd. OuGtandatirdi cf tivung is igl bt s os tloe tunt cf lioing. Me dlaim tu ho the tptcitiers of trmcraoy Ilougo maep cf us dccl' quile tederottet ils ltou meameng. Me ail claim lu te Clocistoans. Urfurtccateip co ruamplo ocnt the bnI. Tloe Oemnocracp me ephlocd ty all getting out anti vol- icg un elieou day i oumotoovg maey dcclt do. Mon foglolfor the proicgeof voheg acnd mumeo sureameti untol thop mere grantoti equai franchise. Nom a 50 por cent. regitration foc noling sa goati. Nurt Americues ment uvor la Curoa to shom them aur monderful may ai lufe anti cur mon- denbul support ai Democracp. But, bucu in 19ti8, 90 per cent. ai the Southc Corens registereti ta vwe. Mure tiomnialin of muys ab life hune beien bcasglt about icom mithis a natias or empire tisasm frais wfalsan, Gno thle mont ceont était- aimplès wn IlIe downifstl ob Fruste in -the lutI niwd watt »Siall scd hîs "Reds" are appareslly the neol mm-, Knowing Ourselves Cacadiacs bom moro about thce Ucited States tican Amoriracs do about Canada, reports thce Cacada-U.S. Commitlne on Educatiuc, bel theo igcorance on bolh sides is appalliog. Irecoctnsuroops Cacadiac studopts, icclcd- mng tbcso atlecding ccivnrnilp, more foucd ta have ucip lice skeluhiont kcumledge cf U.S. hin- tory aed gecgrapcp. On theocticeo side cf thce bordr mure licav hall licose qcoried could ccl como thce capotai cf Cavada, coir tep prcmtrocl Cocadoor ujneo lice dapo cf Wolfe oed Moncalm. A feu thcugcl that Matckenzie Kong ws a hc hep ployer. Tisot ulue cf affaors, obseroes lice Fovucul Pust, taises iterreooog queutionu aout ttc cdu- catiool focilies cffered in Canada avd the UitedStteu. Crlaip uo mottaligoranceof ratcc ticelscoutryis aconstantlsorceofirrita- hcv . nt citizens on bathc sides cf thr border and il coood bcocmodacgeruntuc. Wicrv ttrp go abrcud, Cacodiacu avd Ameni c snvrtore bostovg tl s ro uale peopiru aout tow cvii me tuc, rach other ond gel eoog oe tou ruiogicteord contovevt. Wiccc tom- ptrvd oitl ottrs, il iotrorcur rrcordtas bvo qouod. fol dototelrdy thrc cs rcm for omprovo mccl. And the pltce for that omproormeol, ou Editorial Notes The ony dilferroor uni.l tivooi) trtooev Nrow Yort and or owo horetooto o thuî ur do'glrattrickiovoorrrtkiookovgat thtit hor li-ong Lobortit u i te giod O ho gorrîrd on tre front page of toe Sîtor ly tho pic boy cof tooootovo tht Lohborti reatier in Onvta0rio. Acco rtlooo to an voltoi in c oroghtoorios oootovgv, GOttriot (ppltion, ou 4,512,000, otolo rotot 5,000 hy t961. Thit ctom tomt powrh ictettory hvoo ttre vOl oooly in thot off o or Tuv opportvo.tie luor cttzees top mothîn tho neolfoumrt we -oteronoProinialaffaisvrt Ttorvdcptandaooioo cn municipal guoeremect thervrvourrhk GovI lotte ilfor tome oteriJoe, iu oroh cfrvr the job pouottolf Tut veto of bouens rdorcd thetccident ttz- ard en ttc good olol traffoc dapo. pointsou 00 ttc Mutreai ate. "Theloucratruasn'tcely the resuohofilouuperds. lutsetscftrismwrcon ohargeoofroopetsiol. If thetriorddv'tlotve 'vetoe therhorsedod." The'roootomphven cf otoosctheg spirits lots dottied in Canadt sivor pro car dtpu, otates the Fort froc Lellor frooron Brrr tout ptioc tus tro*pird htaoostoou sow thut lice rioocg tostocf lot- ing icas hati vu effroI vn becrecotsuptuen, uhc loto soon a ottotartial ices ic 1ol4. Micoovor Cacadoaco map to guivg millo tout, tlorp a re vol guocg w thut thilo q cor. Gne cf ther bog troubles mollo govrrmeeu, bome ts tuoSwft Corovot Suv oobotoot0ly oi yousilf l.oorromertu have vot tho Dotooe loo5ht lu regulale our iooeo anti business, ast ifo thoe people doicnt gel cp un thicer hieti legs anti pro- test, mec en goveremeut muît oeeîoailp muet ta rogueisth ie map me bruoh ur toeti Theo Mitilacti Froc Fress roseets theo recont blomuffo on neuspapers ut Canadian labur con- ventions, challenges licem ta du as oemspapers do .lo Isteati ai haviog compulsary cico-offs matie by lice employons on pour bohali ontier a year long contraut, mhy nul oeil[ pour union ao- i cies" anti your union lesdsrshfp uoiuntacily i oh no sarings ettacheti, Ilîe lis editars. anti pobtishers oeil[ their newspapersV" uîmard ticreat but a still larger ticreat os thein ward complacecp of the people that inhabit the democralic cousties. Thoy sCer noumb tu ail the moitings and taliigs of the nemspaper, maga- zone and radio. In citons close to this towo bnown Commun- sts can rue in an election and poil a large share of votes. France feul quiuhlp on the tant war andi one of the reasons mas the pre-wur public apathp that vuted loto, office tice undermieilng leaders. On eleotion day neut Thursday, Nov. 22 gel out and vote for the officiai pou thiok best able te serce, and folio-' hi5 actions for the cool of oh. teom to evaloale his abilitp. "AIl fo-oe gaoe-noenta, sehstener thio sassa, arenf es -oah ,uevernmonta ho puhlic oiniuno; and fi fa s m0 os qalty uf thua pnhlir coinion that theio coanofts dojuand." THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED BETTER Fifty Years Aqlo Twenty Years Ago F1oet the Isaaeouf the Curodudo, Fo-. the Oaoc cf uho Cusudiao Chuamruon cf Norrochr idîh, 190u COotoooooof Itce i9, 1931 Aetorpo t ttoootg ut. Couciol Io ouduooeoht. Bo. .,on, Athgruor, wer tho uoomhbro and po..rd Thus hr-iat mau fcr ofothreringalruordhemrioru the puopoto of ouoocott$,000.00lI ce anruyter ouluper. cover theo tout s paru cf iuul mou- Ontaro cvet the Pou Amerocturs u00000 oiumeot rotief murk. otothcr froouitehoho.GOeuat, 0oOooofdt69uandl640merr goeo (NwmYr), hdagretr vrueoo.thftoid secondrodop, Bt oflfruituoforarutenral itroo ouw 639Oooo rovodeo 1r the o.- of fruto of suororor xeecer n ofld roloo or Otheucenocîo Otario socred the gut modalOn Go34ot0ooo00 lfor th, rcostutionof oudorodotl oshoholu the prounce,_o --, ï-d sc..odiposa] t.oroorid oll20goltmdi. 3 iuo- ,oolon.andlfooth, oooouoMil- ce tootooti metonse,, llOOOOo , OOtou for tho Thtehucoooog Got on Thl,,do'. on,0ý $00.000. fto th toottot Oooooohooi0 ooh o oo-,ter of ot.rmteorsfor W.FFý iOtof'oTvo itooforononId od hoootto-agoootoo Moion oyhootootdtheoo'oo l00 t.oto. Oovonof.roog Ott tooohlioodro hoood O'o00 oerk aod ho O ho i,,vh ths bandeuvoohotm6outil D.H ..k loo oto"o itGle Tsov tttto hijoontodtateso.v o0thhh.ooohOr**hleliingiopho COo Thudoo, thooeeTotoh va.ab iroo0ohho. The lgauitoO, ho. th.Ith h.t,1 olotooooO tJ h ueu et the horu, 000. Tht o, -ytod ootoJ.WflBe""'o- am, otor . tohroruueoo h, holloot etot r ioh loto N h N W, oo.gho heore the hocomou Oa o hý oo.tFioth.uhd "" "roloo c , ootoChohtotsrogramo tflahfiltdtantdrnrd oohi ? anodo M,,.onletE.Ch- ,,,et oed a froyhl, loom tho. ttooo' toto htave tooo trom thoil -ido th to ostO t1000t ootoB,, vOpt. oroc i, r - roueth a- ottoooo"l-nh i, rt tc.sO.omm - Oo Poohrh lboortr tht toturo of Th to stoto oftlho -00 o.Ooo od lt $025,000.00ý wa ad, wto dur teromott oh H o.ooOll pa oor te, oto,,pcrt, too .thttoeopetu co - 1tot hu,11I Iloo ht hove Aod Oh' Ooohorg t,-Ootcooouuoro.,.hdtt -ti ooooo too . Oh oiedero thoprooot goot. oto horo looaloooooootol, e"oovtho Tho lttr hoho oill hob o Wtt. Golhooo o ato t-ru a, Al0tSait.-Chtth. tootoOh.ooolof thtotoh.hroh, Th, -ottoot Coooottoes htoto,,, wth a .ooes occidoent oroilru of Moflt Puhlic Sototi ohil, Ioooog otoo-tfroavtitt rthoh00in0hrt-tohalltoT uo houlr 10 iolo ho, otol toto oOv oottoooNototrlOl 1th J.H Ottt.oani OOnlohtootit o Frototot, Chtoo'eoo ofth, rhoti t voîth booard rrtodtd. Goodot Loudao vo ho , tot MA RRIED aotoho o! the lton Outblo 0OIOCLAY-S0G'TAt t ho -iod Sotl toitrohoo sotf for t- -n, 00.ot tht hrioo prenrt, hotS 22t,to3tvqovvewo Ticdo hot ootooooed. h.toopottoptd o cth Ototro ho thr urov î M. Pt ot . asto.hor on Hamolton ttrM.A. Dovod uv-oit, of Moio,, ttoMOth Goltt btooet- dogho orS00000,0,0,0 Mitonha Joott ,,-thoouoc a ag tttttohralMt cTovFx-oNYGF. At t h, ,,id- Fohh ottho. dooto too'uoo. Mrco the trootus portoo ocr allert Chtiootuo, holodoty. hob toe tov I. oe Otot Cro0Odt fftherhighuo00yi t Goroea Steuart Sott t oirt-iq toretttot.Haiton lt- 'O lu, Molodtd. 0v Go, H Snoor. doog9hoý ofo FrtOothc cr th, toth -otttt Soodau r Soodr. orgttott11 river bo Wm Agotot -NIto T,,vooho ut., todit dam- Gooovp u95o a total of $60,00,000t oigrd vhe io t oa hodro polot ,,as roi0 coil ho Wkmeru Coin- ohotc uts smouttd t tht impat. rroalite Btoardo le iedoooteuo ot- Mr, Ag,,,,o on.0 Wiooo, oIt codetcaoes. oottO iu0too' The Canadian Champion astc,, Sec rrond (lacs, Mail. V-offi-r DePsstsuesi, Ottuawa G. A. GILLR. Pubttahor Pounded inl 1860 Mosshr C.W.NLA. sand Oantario- Qaubeo, Divisian C.W.R.A. Adefllsing Rat es os Respassa SUESCEIPTION IN ADVANCE, $210 08N CANADA, $3.00 IN UNITED STATES 6 mootha, $1.50 Single Copies, 6c TIPHONE Business Office-.- -,.......*.. 220 Losaeo 8.15 Pmu., E9veisisg Wodnsay, Novetoar 21-4 p8., Junior W.A., Nte:a Little Heipsos mseetins huave beasa disoutinued. Thunsau, ovmher 22 - 7 con., Jtuniur Chour rehuaoal 8 pu me., Oosluo Choir reheasal. PENTECOSTAL NOLIRS CNURCN mE. EL WOeOD a osas Orderof ervices iHeid oIn 0.0.1. Hait> Fridor, t.30 o.8.-Prscer 8108030E sud Rible study ut Mre. Long- duls baine. SUIODAY, OVGEOfER 101h, 1051 10.00 sou -uday hohool. l1100 a*o.-Woshlo Servc. 7.00 p.o.-Ocosgeîisîir service. Turudar, Nuceoshor 20, O oso. Ycuth ocriety me.eting aI thri home rutBessi. Sou. ST. JONI, NASSAGAWRYA and ST. GEOEGR'S, LOWVILI (Ansglican)l Roc. . . Poreils, Bocor SUTOGA, NGVEOBOR 101h 1051 201h Ouvduy utter Tricoîr 10.00 a..Mocclog Pruyer set Srmon uit St.Juhn's. 11.30, Idu-Mrcicg Oooyeroand Semocad ChurOhScooul at Si. Georg's. 300 u hootuduto Shovi !Il Ctruprl'oOe ohool Hou r. Ec'rytody Weloo.vr THE STEVENSON CLINIC Milvo Stutter i Caourheiivlre-Nuoher 3t2r14 A.M.-B Bpoiotuonî otily B.M.-i-4 7-t. SUNGAYS-Eurrgotoos ovlt. Comphoilvoicl Gtficr Houct 4-6 pou. cooro ucr dut hot Thorudut. MILTGN FNIVATE HGSPITAL Co...e..o, CPN aed GatoOhorgro DR. G. RE OVSER I'hciao and OSureo Gîloor Jomot Soroto 7-830 ro- DR. J. W. MaCUTCHEON Fotottu' uilding, Mait Surecu 021,cr 11-orc9.-. 1-4 7-9Ps. Tticphotr 395W Nocodrc 395J DICK & DICK W. 1. 050K K.C. Barrotoceca, Scitorso tOtout SOrrr, upoto Artca Tcltphuto 4 T. A. NUTCHONSON, C.C. Oourriase, Siolicitor, Eh. Olot-NroI Dcur Chtmpi-n Gffice, Mont SI., Mille.o Trirphcno 54 GEORGE E. ELLiOTT slrttr utiuNutore Pbi',oh Eosa inl the oharls Pstlur. Taoady , oaVSOshr 20 - lise Mo. EîSm Cloub Win meet us thse hsomea of Johs and Sturjotie Psrdy. Thucsdsy, Noconther 22-The Por. or Cirole wiii sceot ut 3.15 p.. Foiduy, Noceoshor 23 - 6.45 om,, Tyru: 1.30 p.00., Tetil Rsatges. MILTON GOSPEL CNAPRI, Io the Far.sors' Building SUNDAY, NOVEMBOIN 111h. 1h1 10.30 a.m.-Ousday Bohouh. t.45 pos.-Commaucios uft ho Lurd's Rupper. 0.00 ps.-Ecooisg Serc, A gruup of yoOung cr0p1e truc Bothusv Guospol Hall, Hamol- ton, oll tshe charge uftîhoa Ticorda, Nocesuher 15 ot O - WomtncoMisisoryAuxiary ou tho huome of Mes. Fr00 tRcb- hica. Froday, Nuveoulur 10 ai 0--Yucg Poop&sai utOho home cof Mo. J. Tueudar, Noceouhor 20 aI 0803- Pruyrr and Bihle Studot. Ail tre Woloos BOWBS BAPTIST CNURCN Ou Hlghesy No. 25 Pootur. Rohort F. Ssydeo toucoi Nov. 100h. 3 r.m.-Gosool ic th, IGUF. HaU, Gffice tn HRoa Bilion, Milton foonngs hr Appulutoursi N cay Service Tclrpfuo IV? DR. F. E. BAECOCK DENTAL SUREON Oftioe 0cr Prianau Theastre Nocht Appuoutmntt Mur Bc Arccnged X-No0y So.roce-Gos Etrtons tH.-o c Ou 5 Tclcphuec foU L. E. MauDOUGALI, D.C. WEST MARY ST, MILTGN oRLooduoce of Mouý C. Morlet) mOto. 2-9 pou SAT. 2-9 po. Gr h5 uptuintoent tolcphcvc t521 Gthoolit office: fisa Culturue St Tciephuor 146 NIELSEN - The Chirepiastar , Drustoas Thropiat Mu Lad0 Attendant Tort1,uc.,Pri, -25 pou. Wod, Sol., 2-5 and O-9 pm Closool Therctap LOtor Gominon Store, Grcrgctoo Wcr rocutrtur-a5 tui 30 Alto oImtf holidngu fruona i uu ANDT FRANK Auttooito o Cauooholleiile Phone Mitona, OSSel C. H.DYMENT Reiltoc 05'TICAL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CABOTIN GLANN CANAGIAN PACXFIC RAILWAT Succsso taSTANDGARD) lIME H. C. LAIRDG Guuing E&t-7.51 sm. dslly;, 2. 02 For Appointents Phone 58 Milsos Eým ddb 8.57 V.m daîîy, eaHOî usay. Sunday udry-9.24 p... LEVER & NOSEIN GoingWcu5-O 35 a.m. ailyo 6.31 Charierat Acomtate m. daily, 12.45 a.m. daily os0eP Ssecessasn ta Sna fa) IENBM & HARDY 1305 Mercpolitsn BIdg, CANADIAN NATIONAL 44 Victoria Si., Toronto Gcs mt-A 5.81 lg. 0131 GOe Soutln-7.10 pe. Want Ad Page: Wbere OId Fiienidu Met PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE MEDICAL DENTAL DR. G. A. KING g" -AT Tt. -mnm»n '4)woThe$ Business ai GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCN KNOX FESYTERIAN CHURaI Le seo Rata, RITý. RORUROXIR. ]Instae e Ilan. J. ilosas Farri, B.A, LESà Mms 0. NsWafl, Orgasel StINDA, NOVEMB32B iOth, 1951 SUBDAV, NOVROOSI sSth, usa R roîeny-atoth Btotdsy siar Triuity 11.00 s.a.-Givng Gsi Nia Frnc. MPr"~ 8.00 s us.-Moîp Commution.s. doism Effisiosaîp 10.00 u.o.-Bsuay Shaoi ood 7.00 s.ot-Boilis for RIersity, Bihle clanss. Taosisy, Rovembor 20, i ra.m 11.00 Cossotun acd Curosuhios Grous,. Hnss Sormoa. Prosoher, Mn Rb- lira. Go. Dawsos rt K. Welah, D.LIL, ai St i. ________ 7.00 Evisnanu sd ST. PAULI UIRETR qIIECN Sero. Pranhcr Ber. C. N. RajSN" .1 69A0 Cal P. Blugre, rector ai Fosîhil, Bss~"'-& L M 1s1m11.& A RaOly of yaota pople frosae Orgmssiot M. Rabert IL Csm Bs. Phase 184 throughoUt Nuitos D.sscry ta- hctug hasi ut Gruca, Charoh BUNDAT, 00GVEMMM 5025 19M3 MMUAXCCRCMUzz ibis Buas>' 10.00 s..-tssssr BSoli Toaadsy No -hs2-2.30 pa.,. 11.00ç, Sarie Nar A masoo Bcaoch W.A. it the mery Clam aid Juanior h..t bosmea OloS, . R-PtOlessL Vtt 7.00 p m,-Rvaoisg Wsostbp. taris St.; 7Iras., Chr Pbos' .... 0.I-- ,s -T a THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 11111111= TWO 10W IS TNE TINI Ws sadflaleg 7555 te h C n l e Es o e , Sis 1951 ms an aomhlsd i iiR s ils zn -WMpobshlp lassOn Orho s Wii gatis and&i Mas os 00 sae libta aasnsssisy tasi 1 NDEI: Ws csins Si Deaus- 1Xl CREAM cc ICernel CC Fancy COI PEAUà Green REA SAUERCR. SUICE» BI IoUP Appt. JUl Tomate Ju JUICE Prune PLU> PINEApp, Shelled W, PAAMTNT PARC P1;c OUT DONC CLARK'S 5 Aylnuer Ci BEEF WIifGi KIPPER SN FRUIT COC BARTLETT CNICKEN H (ALFG81NIA 200 ORANGES - MtACINTOaH N.. s APPLES -- CHROICIE MSALAGA GRAPES - LGtI51NA SWEET POTATC IrlaSH DAsLvY-CoBfil' aphos