BU 8~ 1081' British American 011 Distributor GEORGE BUNDY PHONB 313 MILTON, ONT. Furnace and Stove ojitGasoline PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE N A CO NR Mater Measured - Ticket Piffied I O N R FURNACE CIL RURNERS Ictlled with teck *j.u 1yLiN'lirGa __________________________________________ The lct helcdcy ceek-eci of the yece took s ic to "ee, e heece BusiessandProfessional men u: e esecethe laeseeandbil etld Piet usceeny beetitel pie- turcs. We 'ccc, eeht Ie that u : Let Us Collect Your Past Due a! lan evctcthct e teceeyme.,en- Aon* chan ceg glcecpcee of thece deep MLI.Uflat ic, eethenlche etcdledi Meseec e Odck bills.tEeoectter P PmtIY -Cccttecesly N he u10 P eth, he cec- * Efficieeîly - Eccecetically e eidyoofaTnThmn ladetce Ad itla eestc ecc s tnd whyeeeerayeteeurCmadiac rtst * see e out thet prt e tea T EMu. ncAih,,.N-vILox Co. onryfr* i aitn. ROYAL ENGINEER - Te.sohlierhaeed chac che tee ccld die W, ccct cp thrcech Braeehtidîe a loeoctive, Priccess EIcaeteh teck ocee the eeccm is fCece<he 69A Colboreo St. E. - Oakville a th ilch, -a r teeflI thrcegh NahtioalRailccelocecmotive60517 ced pltcd thco Reai Trainfre a Hcc11eecee c, ec t toPeers, Alta., adistance of14.4cmiles. Aboc,chela beicg ste Bo.Poo 80MteiLk l e, ce 1h, fi etlecc iotc cie cbbhy lher hecheed, Prince, ?hilp, and fiteccue J. J. np. e.140-J cjcceti Lake bia h.lccet,,, Waitmgf cg lethe to tefcithe Ieder ic A. McPheit, ecien,. Lecit But.UPhneU184URas.*16 : riervilca itht lckdd otet, ueloe e.ceree ngh ic. RMececi,,,epeidt,t'westen eg,,.N.R. .ad thesprucce.l eeac t h, lleh Cd te raite ,hills latnd cthan deephe tarcti fe apes et t ed. ee wtlSh ow oSri t wcetccestg tcleeh the T ldcaiaahefctcplaetae hwsN jri distrc t Meehehe, the Hetche,- and cchcn e c ted heecllce,liens te $150 mellionsetht o ece tc tnHghlands, cnd Nipieieg flic- hec,, tyle teed le, hecce e al- hchco lection pete ie the t'it y eetc keY. Tht cecIls ete 14,000 checches ceece sCacada ce- oAlg-ceqecearekte cee icl ced isplyecedeseî.eBut Fhe mosty ycec.lecc hbhg cceley, ee-ccgc bhcdc cth ceeet et de ldgece the cthtIlîcc.cc.t Tînaccaileets and purtewhitce wegscecectype ccd epeatdhby Hltee Ceecty Btcetcfctdicevealc tOcsthe et gelcchea eh Ieecust-eh folk. Mc.fOivlerandhjctai 'ecaeh oyhid bruiteforthcj,îfdeetity. The eativee fieteilît, Mr. Oltrs,,' chpeepletofCaneda escet nlecigthemelvee Ocbccy ills je tht eee tctu nsu.hine w ere thet hecîeg hee th, fIcet hck eh ý accccy pre,lcean teed uanmger intctht tecchccteln 1898.Theccentuese gotechecchce dceey inthe piest ceccccth. MI fOilletti, thtdccchtclcofth cud curteonec-tccety.cctheof Hctctheclaeeend rieshavetfis- tal, C. G. Meriait. whe 'cccforte heail ecrccelcthe h,- cjctig nce e ,Ttc Le, tIceY tteIl Commocdocreoft ht) fr .t rttirig led.ThetL , \ /Sncake Laeet, 5ed Lake,. ececer RCYC.,cccnd fo ealytetyytear.sOece th, lthethe cccy Cctholc bch The thccc je te Lateot he wne fs ayrcigto etesret tt iO Tcîe Reecevcldh ilspehbie cmp Bu oe a uc the 0e ille,,,etlt Thc$120lmllionsetae$1ml lionsjece Ba sie.Vreswccaccrhcer, dcam aed le-ch. Proetatsand Catheîcs tecthoc EI ihecceAnd etoc t e fd t'bcchtcte dyleleec tlitece 101, _ taieodcccthathe ethcd ac seectlecec aceecitcneteru cc lae thet heeatlel celtuesctthet We cpccd sx cccvceeocee ck a-cc I ccI edceîeead ho e t IcoT cch 1$10126ccllcecejn eclco, e Al hunercanceec-shoot oncofîthece CIVC NGH chleandhetteaec ccc,., Eecc'ltineinthce mdrcceeed Ccoreout and We secd eeclythccce ieces a ec aceccclacdcaeofl clctlcegj "MEET YOIR CANDIDATES'c eehehcthîc ceeee hecey ficccetthleheccctclthe do lec acd theccdettecc bty.ccl 7icdt itcheTlak ce fi ure cccdicg oc chrcehtatvc quali Lake" thalt 1heIcal'lld ft e - Tafalgar Maitecriai Hall leccîlde cha e cccccd oc eroc- cc cchleeelccce ec MONDAY, NOVEMER 26th fie tîc ehtcceedc Iîlcceleeegntltheeeccsadhbilse -g aedlceceetccc cr chat Il eda Vichee o ececcrt'ad; ,h p.m. cee ccessu n opaclcecceccsp- ,Id cnlyce eauhety beas pn cri tcd he Oakvlle Pliesdcc Theîcc tIed. Ilga, Junicr ChamehTHEN LTheccsilenccec eeeet f o.fCommlerce A haic hccedth ice ccoect-ccghth ANGUS E. LANGULE dWc hccnycndgh 5 s, h, lc erettete Halton C.C.F. Candidate terctt tctc hecheoe thepphdoc.- ae btteygcedor httheccla - -- -- - 'ou c ccheallO I c pcodetch t ch l etc ce sccmch tate ,herts et DO YOD WANT A BETTER e~ec i ie he sinec ht wtc AI BcceBey, ce turcd.soth PARMERS: Docyce Ccc aFetcMrketcgAt bcdeonthet ccddccdccc, a ccîdgo,cc prcpcced hy tht Fcdt tcec cf Agicultuet5 hjhccccil , long chh I e,, hIe, INDUSTEtAL WORKERS fie yee e-ccda C ICkeffctivcîe Lelir ot et,,et ececAndît et hs ellc code? Paer] htc'ccamea eecg thes ccl- PARENTS lIc yce cent assitnc ee iitecc'cg qeclicd t cet e ihlehids opire R tudccts i ftio e cllegcs end uie ste stc t. lehc. acd netld 'cn, an BVR VTRDcyc Cteectetc ccct d thth e cte ccleh à Station Wagon heelth iceetecefie yeodeS C agoeenttthal Ccl, LaeeThis, w',eedtdedIa, C ot wiIl imptoetheee nq conditicosCcd w l give, ce- h, plaet cc.cccd litke, c p lsep ficcct hclp te peetcceccîcciPitY teeccbe te lcc te cWc teItttherc wcccld helesý-M crry cencc theet tesccg taesteeceofehic tîtceccý,eccdte4eî8Measvarrl BIl t cch- ch tOt Oc c, S c nd vihfc8 ce Wn VOTE C.C.F. ht ndc-Idceetrtcccccc , cc a wodctnecllWt, ~, ? :I h iIite owerl 7OYd ch- that I.nCleeatgrteLice cf and ecca hicn e eprecentillg theiselte e eett f R y1York hccedcthe lnlca$9.95c Ot $4.9 A Lthe Cassadia people. aeccd he c ccciel tqejcccccclel- *$.t .-. lcc.dcggta chc ledge. ORONgE 12 tTheINCdC NtcI'ta atil haVelce c bVie bma *Lod .1 Ielephoue aerve I J rn. ctt Ilo oc n en r' ne ofEtdoy'a 0 c in ale a, th Fo oe thlcg -jtna Tolophoca mc. inasocf todopa hoatdkcya ehccc't goecp as e aot tet cthioge ycc hcy. Yec, celcyheone one itemo that km leu of yourcbudget th.. it cced ce. &gino- i'higger aleo h "jceobechseaoaotcycoucao ttk to ice ascay peuplaycecceuld tonyeotogo sdoefootijien gecticg teleyheoo ecvey day. In ddiion-ae'ehee ole t kepo cdl mpovi,,,tb 1ly cf tifteaodioaly frmnndly Med helpfal aericc Ifycn hoceo' yett mcase - ce cao yoacthko., nes 1 ed yesce telcphocevifi ho îeotflied joat as qniklyos peossile. EBELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA HaIton County C.C.F. Association THURSDAY, NOV. 8th, 8.15 p.m. LEGION HALL, OAKVILLE 71 Speaker: E. B. ýOLLIFFE, K.C., M.p.p., South York C.C.F. Provincial Leader Most yo r C.C.F. Candidate, Angus Langille Sponsored and paid for by the Haiton covnty C.C.F. Ass'n. SUITS fie, end Sc pîece ts. Ail at Reduced Prices PnkeandhBlce. Sce2,'3candd4 $1.47 Ea. forcs hldttc Thchct cetcengece onlcthe aret. Red, ney, green and bhocen. tet/ Ite10. 'AI THE ROSS STORES WILTON, ONT. ""Your Family Shopping Centre -PV-NNYLVANIA EGG PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES Mowad'o Poultry Romodios Royal Parpls and Pratt'oStockand Pooltry Tonien Hartz Mountain Bird Seed BUILDING SUPPLIES Linme, Gyproc Board and Lath TENTEST CEMENT MIASONITE Inouation, Lot.e and Bath LIVINGSTON STOIESS Salea and Service R~. S.Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 eclicc t cp et Mcy -the Bact icI, prc- wecrdiag scooche, - PAW fflp PAGU MM JiNýs d -di i , b-d.d