THUNSOUAT, NOVEMBM 8, 10510 PAoe HOHET _ _ _ _ _ _ THECAADANCHMPONMITO, NTRI .,,,WUTV N U MInyIn Chnge tnheoa~ b Poet's Corner . E ito Directory b1e ýclledý ey wchen the sember- 4* 4Ateysrtopn et 9.15 -m yeu are eekig e tIistli in the Stuteseeuun cencae, yeni are * FRiDAY NIGHTS SUITABLE FOR CHURCH Au iportat change hues heu dieeiey Cet.ic dl t te t Ou LEAGE 20PLAYeS ude un the ew Milictelephoe Ocnet of50telephoe dittectedru And ceuter tellueles loIst LEaE2 lYR diretey weht.ruuouldt ith- riuwbeine ublhiihdteh yethy W,ihtfoncealone te caecl ll * E oteibere hee lot uVeei. The Beil Toltpheee Compuany of Ceceteut Yo0V arrccuru. ceecuetu EIf i.storosted contact E n vTew hOf the inetuiug iceport- Caeuda.tee hundeedu Of eatrlt, And peepuguudu-teuth of tcracks; an' E u e e a l lolitleu lu thils heTE laret and occull i lis Ont- O'ereut the skieseelh mta iSgs H . A. CAVELL] E eegen asu telephoe cettcu the aeie-Queec ttc'eiiery, tht coin boob Pelluet the toutE weih coieseuc E ourse 46 Aitoys 444 E uew dretiey hmueeeuehuugete feorsbueibeeuhere otihcthelo- Atto?'hi;unlaetededth feell. UEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE M iee'Ttde telephoe nucieee ter euh- tul intfercution ust th1e use ut the Thuahici th eph t o] sieet in Milieu. Bramptonu Shel. telephece uud long diutaneue rtet IuTed. devise yeee eltct lae bunGTr rn evi eu e eeteu pelne SoeTe eeueilute eece heciher man.. hueutc-to Pointse,îe Oeuccih And sill I tuce chut yen are wrecu and a fow oth- etriesuely. Ais ppeeed naeu ne fo te Teeeeh hejeci'D of eetl ae * ehe, leuilege tetle' heeludtd lu lising of eneeegtey oucuhbece. utrueul *D I the Milieu diectoriar c eetuie Sueh c'lgid ecelie seuil yield ut eiuy ATTENTION FARMER htu sced teeor theeeuhet-Act- toitaýy a e et dereteet cehih hom RÉFORM AT I.AST Thcy urc The feels acd spoerts ot N ' M ER eu-Rielceuod Hilluandeiiit. Ai loeetlot, there ceuy he oreie Whe etie te manufctue hut. HO MSES --CATTLE --HOGS Acico'e suiuc ~e ellct e epeecc h epiiht twth etTyo c VON DEA D ON CN P LED FASSI A NIA S ei tl .5 e e d e cc l t rce t- iy' s u it , suys Th e Flo c ue uieed tee hoes aud betiess e- Post. A repoert fein Ottawa ihis Aeeoiiieg yet thut ceertain et Teleccloss Calet for 1sosediste Berico tuhllehmeetc hete thit yeue. aceerd- wee tat c thut the oue cf Ccee- Whec mari shi meet lie cqer- 2 9 y U a -r R 1 3 b6it te A., A. Fracis, Bell Tilt- ceue plauc te appoint a opeeil icpct. M GORDON YOUNG LTD. phone maerfo tee 11 regiet, ascc eettee te eecuelec und riunegt- r ttsmn e r MILTON 210 TORONTO EMPIRE 34636 cmpced ceith 1,600 weht tht leit euecrd chargues. Acueeticg cecllt cf teereî octoe _______________________________________ dieetecutosimced. Acyoe ehe aue gluieed ihe'eeeh Muteilihislctfe te dA91 __________________4,0_______an_________or________the_______ Arthur Lynnfci-d Smcith. chcugcd listines, tht Noeehc 1951 cehen thc Heue eue in sesio Ceuleiheted directoeye' Te tily ditticteithuhît TtalitVi ihut reteec e. long _________________ Iro telact yca ue'hfteceed itsi. duet.The dehteeroleonforehei, grec er eA setficet uuetiy e a usaleî cpt ascemble'and tTht directoest hut heec pcied u-iih 11911e atte eetion et r m LIIhU Io tu l presct telethoe u ectet- fleet te gulleite. Otîpie the ef- C IVIC NIIGI'1 er n feote eimat iuttd eeTh fots oftihe SpeakertttTthTuTTt Comeouotand et niee custec deeieg the neet eeeeh efth9e ie ectdtt tur teece TMEET YOUR CANDIDATES" 12 -ncth. the cehect teppoerd te bc eedtert tuaneu eitns Th . aciseuecd it ie.___ Trafalgar Mentori. Hall T..Io...aI I No O d tehtcrierhcee T eckVT coetiy hOME BUDGET].NG MONDAY, NOVEMtER 26th Our~~~~ ~ ~ ~ cee'dIsNo p n n pemeeai lCie et irtlephoepm cutebtet ogaieet heuhtte Ilic. lne ii s ix eeeuile et 1951 Spie.. td bh the Oohcile-'fruf- DOLLS ELECTRIC TRAINS cd in ThteT eeh boo cad te meto Ottw hua obtied fta eevte- cceJue hch BLACKBOARDS STORY BOOKS In euh htgei ihate eceece. enues a haIt bdilio dellar ore a, u CuTTtTOT j Lookeeg ep tht dteied cumeha910 hod be rtquieed te cet o orne DOLLUL COLORINO BOOKS j hctee e'lUeg. -tht ceaeager coLA. goeet epedet in the petitd. MECCANO GAMES I FUENITURE TRUCKS j TREE DECORATIONS TRACTORS TRICYCLES WAGONS SKI SLEIOi-S I Comin ande son aur large assotiment I ..y Bus DAILY SERVICE TO0 A L L CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL Visit Mflures Record Bar li We hav ust ottpleted a meodern recard bar inc aur Marn St. st-ore. Ail the Tops jn Pops. Ciannios and Christmeas Albums. g SPECIAL THIS WEEK HUNDREOS 0F NEW RECORDS 3 3for $1.35 m LM Yoo ceilI aise find or radcoheclparttcit well stocked ceith * Cocehinalion Radios and Record Flayors See McCLURE'S for Better FPrices in Television Ou Oepotable atflee'n wilbe set up ayour homTe *fortrialuîperiod. à PtWttt- t t to 100. .d th. 114.. Tuh.p T. TTT1 T ' thu L . LTT c ty IM Zo T Jackr Armstrong, District Roprasntatve OEOREETWN. ONT. Branch Offios Brampton, Ont. Clork's Notice of Fient Fostfin of Voters' List VOTERS' LIST 1951 TOWN 0F MILTON, COUNTY 0F HAITON Notice Eehe'b give thut I have eccmplied with section 9 oi The Vetert Lits Act 1951, oa thut 1 hue postait up et ocT office the TownT Hail on the 2nd duy of NoeOcer 1951,. the liait .f uji perseet entitled tu vte in the cuid Meeicipality oR mcunicl- pal elitiut and tEul suh lsT romauint ticet e inupectio. And 1Ihereby cai ecTc ail votert te tohu immtediate pro- ceedingt te havTTe' n T omisiToso eTrronse ceeeeeted acettdtttg te bec, the le due' for appeal beicu the luth dcy of Nocembcer, DaTed tht second due' of Nueert, 1951. A. D. SPEOAT, Cîerk cf the Town of Milton eucec-IN-tsuc DEScGs ncoc-rhMEc COMUScTIOc eteco-oro cAOTORt LtOuG LASTING noucoS Snscc etuce UNINtS T, T 9 C ,th T ... le h., T L.l T,ýg .1 th. T -bITTT. C TTTT d tC TT TTT TTu CT OTTT .L TOtT T TLTT . T *T trAa T . -dT 2C T.. 1T b- TT1 TTdl, Th i, T TT TT TtTT T TCO T TT oT 'T ChTTTTL C tTTTTt A TTT TT t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d T T I.,TTT h hTT TTTT T hTTTTTT TT TTThTT T t TTTh TTTTT- ThTTTTTTC T h CTTTTT O TTtT. - T- . l hTTTThTT TO T TT h T n T T O T T - l, T TTT tTTtTTTTT TTTTT TTT T TTTT -TTTT TTT h. h Th Tp' h.1 TTT T eTTTT ATTTTTTTTTTT t T T T T T T T TTTTTT T T-T TT AT TtT TT TT Tt T T T A TT TT T, T TTT ihT T cTT T T TT TT CTt TTT T h. ih.TTTTT TT-TTT TTT T TT TT tThT.,T T. T .1 T TCTTTT CCTT h. c,ý TTTiýh. TTTTTT TTT T- . h u. T f T . , l' ly.TTIý. T- TTTTTT- . hit p TTTCTTTTTTTreT it ... to do more work for your money .) : ...... Jtst tube a euhk at tire engiceered-in rceetrny tttitTTt cf ChteTeict trochs. Feeturcs i he hTkecd ahost ofeiheTt.Alihei th ot i,eec-Ie. engineeringoandeoeottcturin egPtitectcf Ecery doy Coados lorgoot trck buder ls usod to gita Seitchitg ta ou gravier acauamy an tht job. front these And Cirturolot ecoeonty goas fqr beonod loin operciting coits. lit moas origines, chansis money. and cabs willtandplacirrrogh, tough oce nth cfttr cetrth, yecr alter yeut. moreandtmortrutck csers oe nwCheveaitt trochs. Tolie a Olp trucir-cise bcyars and get enI- corail aind meore ceork f or your CHEVROLET TRUCKS ARE FIR ST IN SALES-FORS? IN VALUEI ADVANCE-DEIGN TRUO<S A GENERAL M00001 VALUE CTSI BELL BROS. Sales and Service PHONE 98r2 MILTON, ONT. TNP CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTONT ONTARIO j Hc FARMEES: Du INDUSTRIAL Il MOUSEWIVES PARENTSý De EVERY VOTR helth fîicin carry c iThe parie T brlie For leforneatiti BRONCE 32J EHalton THURSI E. B. M.IE yt SpuocerSd tndt 1~ 1 iummyl Briti Furnl Met FURNACEi Instolled wy * Bijsi Let Eff TH E u.Phn