Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1951, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR OMAGH CAMPSELLVI.LE H. Peaicock Marks Rev. J. Sutherland His 84thBirthdlay Conducts Funerail Anothek of the ykotcg fealook7, . M' Henry Peak7kk. clebn7ted hi The laie M. John MePhIc o 841h bhdy IttlY fh h, ho- T.ron. vs tuid ink the Prk7s of hk Ls Le. Mmr. Cecil Patt'nk7 bytekkkk Caoaetey at Campbell wciýh kh,,k, bn I7,kdk ville on Tunkday momingk7 at 11.30 1. the v-in g, Mm. Pkknncoso "m R- . S. Sutherland 717c- cntrkain k i asuprise patykin cd. Th Ridtalk d M iss fauk h.ý,H Th, gk.kI.w MI m"Okkk ri hdycktk Kath, ne MIh,.. kkkkdkkkkk ofk Hkk t i h,7, and Sy7kkkhkki .trkndcd to MIS. f1,7 7 ~ G- Te TIaag Thka. anhe de.ikh kMs kkhkký f k,, ha- &d, ffkK k î k.k arkkk th wo, fk 7, Noa sr saa on Jams M- th, Poak , ad Mr li vm Oied arygkkkk.kkkrds andkj Se a lakdies fnt7Si Dîvd's ,,hk. fl, ,ntin.k-d hc.iIh L A aktended the Kilbride 'ot Bi-ha grtie t'.kkc f7 b '1 kg akkd baaaî kn Tkankday aon7ao Si,,kkh ,kkl7h i,,ý,dkenOkkud,>, Okk Fank Thomapskf cf the 17' k'kkkk kkkkig 17k 'k 71 yOag Chldrek's Akd w gaest speaker, fkcd, at a p.kkkY Mr. knd Mrs Muray McPhcii, A fa m il, dkkkkOlra urpris kk'7M'ga ettand Lnk',kare ow c- pak'tk u hk'd la 'sat wer r.cpykkg theakpa'takat Gkhfatraws George Pek7kfkh onk the oecmik7' maaad frort. Mrts. Chales Me- t hierbirkhdkky,kathehomek Of Phaki i keidkkg wkitMiss Jean har dkkghkOk', M-. T. Jakson.t M,'hcif. Th, p pil of Sý S, NO 7 aoc.yad Nmierk Douglas Parker isad the a Hkllkkan Pak'ty kon Wedkktday roiaf7,aaae to fait ai S. S. No. 10 kftk'kkkkk7kh thek' teaher'.Miss tkhool o kkTueday and fratu ra Rac, Maky akkkkkkg kkkt- kand hi f rro inkk7 tkk places, hafwe th. ca, tak7 fancy dre.ssese eibke ndue -riat. He la baissa P.aked h,'fkk' ahe kk'fi eY7t Of tk'eWted ia Milton Pt'ivate Hospital. the jkdgc . Mr. and Mrt John KobfaY ad Wikkak' in fkay coues vie hk kka kt i, es Jkekka Pattenkk as iv Ck- .nfy-rcb r Ckakkk p7c'7 kk-t t. D.kec,, LusB etopracd her on the a' 7f Haen as k *kg' and Jkkkl f et habirfhday onThursdayeV O'Conkr -s da'nkkt kIl k coki'nkg. Sha praarnfad ontth a 7kkkf 7ioe bto aseet. Ak77,bktkokkithkkk'worpire Mks WilamSmfith, Herrtand set o cethe chkldk"kkîkko fnrd '7'70 Skkkday gtiatts edfh snkOkl tekkkgkklk and pek'kktM.r adhaMm. James iy. kkd ppkhkhkkO A fine lknch Mr.and kkM7 Robert Inglisand broukg hi k happy kfila'kk tc k Mr. and Mrt. Roky Donakenande clseAudrey weeSkkday geefa anith Fricods wll bc sorrYtitkla Mr. ad M mt. Ge.Igikf. thtke Mm Wil1 Mark hm bleu a This ts the mtk tilitey Nkkae- pktikk t fkor -cralk dky in a Pet- bat' akr reckkded in Catpbalkille ,a'bka'kkgh I-kepital. Mm, Mark ha'hay. hko ho' homeo 'k'kh ho' dkkghtnk. o ty .rpnenshv andkkkutlkaftatkykt' kgkkas a Na'kghbka'7y News lut Saaeday retkdent cf thek distr'ict. M kkkt'kikg. 17 i plrakkfg to kio'a Cogr'atltionsk t Mr. kkd Mfa't sktktekkk appeataa their ef- Joli. Rylkkkk on the akt'kta7 l fots mI fkktk kkkd t'kthee crt'kk- MkeAkd'a' - k,'tki kfGkk t7hkk7compliment. bywu a vister ibis week-end o'ith he t'r kknk'd fmikly. Halk en pt'kkkkknO werequi busy kk Wt'ktkkdat' evenkek Okt' EYES t rikk wk' hat of atakfg the o.farr'sa" gar'agk. Seko'alal E A I E bue Pkt.we sa70 ekad froci their THURSDAY hkok kkd pti a t barcdacrogk Nov. 8 and 22 the rcad naa Oaciagh asto okki 10.30a.m fo6p.m. ,the a'tult fihit one Omagh ytck G IM OO man kkt'ur0g a 770e kfaa afd ks G I W O akkkd hkttaaag the baarriaade, thea E E LR carktuked aea'taaaci sirace,. MILTON PHONE 113 Mifss Arma Peaaak v-Ut ceatae hor cighth bfefhdaea on SaturdaY. M.ky happy rafarsc'o Assai. Mr. and Mam. John Galbraath of Buatt'ha'as are visitors w,17 thet, brother and sisters in ibi Get those Christmas Git ditrict If hsa hoe sever yea eine h wulas hoef7 Tfa- -Problems off your Mindi gat' Taownship. Mr. Waltear Sharlk Bac sod his hoae and wall be aking hl3 haot k'77h hie dkcghtaa tn Toronto. C kgratkalatffoc tk Gîta fa-taI. akd Charik7 La Richea nter reakaat ktka ta 0ffte pica'fag Lk Pier wo had thaeihafa- bkaa parifkpatikg la tha Otarifo Boys acd cGirls Inter,-Club Baaf V-T.. A Hallasta'a Pea'ty wu tald 1 Md7 a, fcar ahe ippla of Oakagli Scf 1 1' 7i 11 kd k fin, tkafa ]Piaaa fta' cntkktk xr ware k7'to H MarIsion CT~'f Fkord kd Jeaknetta Piala end CO, kkri Fkord t't'kt'kkd tha pa'7a 77 kkkkk7 ,« .acs. J. A. ELLIOTT ienasd Autiosaer and REAL EBTATE Phoke 177J Miltos llighest 1rices Plaid For SCRAP BRON, STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES MISCELLANEOUS PARAN SCRAP Deiivèred te Or yard 175 Caret,.e St. N. HAMILTON I. Waxman & Sons Phono tHamilton 27061 1 nd 83611 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTABIO TRRIItSDAY, NOYEIIMU t. 1901 NOTICE GARBAGE COLLECTION TOWN 0F MILTON 1Pleasa note thaf commeaciag Novemfeer 1sf, 1951, 1 ad contina7tgfohMay lst, 1952, Garbage only will becol- lected on Mokdeys akd Aslaas oaly on Thursdays. Garbage and Aahes mustknot bcmixnd. * BY ORDER 0F COUNCIL W.W.V.A. Wheeling West Virginia (;RAND OLE OPRY SHOW IN PERSON - DAVE DANIELS With his. Puanpkin Centre HilIbillies Milton Town Hall FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th Time 0.30 p. Admission $1.00 Aayone comias in aftar fhe hockay ganta will gef in for haif price TRIPLE T CLUB DANCE, AT THE Y.M.C.A. ACTON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th Dancing 9-1 Admissioa 35c BUY A POPPY Sat. Nov. 10 Ali citizens are requested to assist the wortliy cause SPONSOREG ANNUALLY RT MILTON BRANCH CANAGIAN LEGION REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE SUN. NOV. 11t1h -- 2 P.M. AT THE CENOTAPH, VICTORIA PARK, MILTON Parade fo at ngki Hal 1.30p.m Nassagaweya aPublic Meeting in the Interests 0f "Drut Murray Deans M. LiBERAs. IANDIDAIE FOR HALION COUNTif in th 1e Oetarios Praviecial Elestian * BROOKVILLE HALL MONDAY, NOV. 126h I BUCHRE AND PRIZES Cosmninoet 8.30 pa.t jDancing Following . Coffo. osnd Sandwiches Provldod Ladies Plooso Bring Cabot EVERYBODY WELCOME Milton Council Hear Water Report kConflouad froas Paga Osai Direct relief, nov....... 238 *.6 Rat. Oas. fao ded. - i126.3 F- . PSe'-, cffia. haIp 25.50 Stycea e a a 56,17.37 Watea'torho _ .......... 56092 Fare, igtch and pclica 485.70 Tau'c hatl ad ce-ei's 141.73 Peitahe & cntfflgeonles 148.65 Ktadatgaa', _.o....... 232,46 industtrialand plaanning.. f1i,; $6 0,487.09 -Aliaaka'7khenfof couri1i w paacnacf0 thif metinght and Mayor C. H. Heetep paaeside. Durns 7h, course of fha evnohfg Msyee Ha77ap prenidad andwiclhes and neffea ter the Ioesobaas peacrit. Comicil adjound ut 12.45 as. LOWVVILLE- Record Attendance At Supper, Concert The United Chen h wua fanoed o'ifh a tekalynfkaifg and a rac- to attec eoe ai thain f7rey cuppnn and cnerat o Tuesay. Onfdena 30. This teu repai te, h a h flufaf turey seppen and tcanert ihat Letelle Unted Churct Bhm had. -'WitB Rnn. W. . LoBe, charaaocc the folloi7kig artiefa enfaefained t h, auadienktce t a t7,7partci ,tl- nous prog7akn frtan 7 o'fl7t7k: m usinal stif7t on piano ad v7o7i0 hy Mr. ued Mos. Keiih Miller; piano du777 hy Met V. E. MAt'thua' andk Met. Geor'ge Ceei' Son; orgue oausic hy Mmt. Jack Daoyt' solos hy Mias Wistrad Caft', Gutdae; Miton Ladies' Trio copie of Met. Leluaa, Mes, K. Foert acd Ma'î. F. Haytad, - cokpekkd Bt' Met Gnege Raew' aill ,kiolkita Miss Maore Orya data. gkld makdalist, wth hanrlire' ah,, Robert in Outi; accoedifonieO, Missesf Dona 5'7raes and Liief Hogar'th, 0kamilaton; tt'kakpei plat" ers, Lyall Brother ta lntul Sotch st in osetume, Mia, Rassrua Mt'Laat akcoafpafiai iay herm- ther, Ge7dkni hanjo saelcon ha' JI yot oay; eadae, halas Oea' na'it'BerryHsamilteon Thie teiiaslet peaget wu cloeOb at' tnquet sanea nurn' bet' -Onalda Saufl Wafers' y Miss W. Catnr et',,eoaoira hy the r kagakiet. Mt'7 J. Gany. Met George hangleaon cf Geai- lands, Mknitob.a, hren viitfhg wi70 hrankd Met S. T. Ceuavu ued oatar ratives eand 710 ftrads ae7kukd ihis coetailtk' Quktt' a tapt'sntatika geeap at- ioOad thenengeiiî apeplaf meeting on Tieit' United CBeec, Burliota, on Senay oftetiaa af 5 pnt. f7 her Ran. and Met. Chas Tckpltn. ued Linda. Mt'. Vnlia Nris tptoo.t ai tha Sicday ekrfnifgan fikeear servaice at Ashgeatva Us- ited ChuroB. Thy alee 777770d with rha. afnO Mt'. Clatte WlI' sonad fuetiiy, Georgtown.a Limetcoa P'ata F'oum heid thni' 70co7d aoating of lthe - on aith 7hm cdt, Ma' afd Mea. Falefha'one CefSang cf Mesday fkghf. At ah, fîtat aeetnfg la t'iae 7177771 ah, pre s i7kt eh,t 77117777fg 7l0c17,0 r lised chairnkk. A. W. Dolhal; vice- t'hukrooek.Mt' B,7t' Harris; secrt'at' - 7a',a77,7, Haet'y Ric'h' kardson; pt'7graa a7akffttee, Me. Mrs. Georage Couleef; lunhf cnt acitta', Ma'a E. Oaadhnad, Ma'a W. Catera M'a. L. Coul7on, Mm. Mauricer ReadBad. With Me. A. W. Gclhrl pa'eIdo.g, off,, the h,7adaot 77,7 gr7kkpi w-7k fkkkokd afd har. Roy Efla,- -an opk'7inions er orcarded on th7 f t'lt' obnt "Ar, Co-ops MIN Dm.k7,.777?" Hn th, busifess it- ems, 77 7,7f kkf7kk7nd thaf Mr. Pa'rr kf th, Mitokk District Ce-eti *a v7o71d 17,7e 7 7fsti the feat M kmetikg kk th, home cf Manud iM, W. R. Hume t. kklh fiaa'hr a ,7t'htt 7kd Mm.e Ooch'fkd knd Mr.t Roy Ellykfkk, being kalattaka co777tly1 kia' a.k'kgkyd tasiks, 77 ful1,1 eit1he cloeo, "7 ahe c""t- *i k7 thatykkkafi 7k77k m,,iaat SMilton Arena Public Skating moN.-WED.-SAT. NITES BEP. & SAT. APTERNOONS Figure Skating Class (ANNOUNCING) BccE's Coffo.t Shcp ut the arena Open daily feomn 4.00 pa. ti11 classing liste HOT AND COLD SNACKS I7OWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR Clerk's, Notice of First Posting Voters' List 1951 Municipality Township of Trafalgar, Founty of Hoitlon Nofice is haaeby givea fhaf 1 hav7e complied with Sec- fion 9 of fhe Vofeas' Lisf Acf 1951 and fhaf 1 hav7e pocltad Up af my office 7f Trafalgar on fhe 5fh Day of November, f951, a lisf of ail parions anfiflad f0 kote an fhe ssid muaicipality af Municipal Elecfions and fhaf such lisf reans fhere for inspecfion. And 1 haraby ckll upoa ail kofers fa fake immediafe proceadifgs fa hake any omissions or erronrs cornecfed according fa law. Tha 17sf day for appeal being fhe f9fh day in Noembar, f951. S. A. PEATHERSTONE, Clark of fhe Township of Trafalgar Gafed this 5fh day of Nokemiker, f951. Co-op News C-O-A4 On bond for prompt doivoi, WANTED - ONTARIO OATS Contact us foa bout market price Bout PssIp to Arrive Soon FE ED S * BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, BREWERS' GRAIN, GLUTEN FERD, GIL CAKE, SOYA BRAN MEAL, SOYA BRAN MILL PERDS A canspiete line cf miaod feods far poaltry, hats and dairy Co-op Qaality Feeds Panina saiss Free Delinory on Raute Doy Service wltb a Smile MiltonDistrictCo-operative Milton Phono 127 Georgeowsn Phone 86 "5Serve Healthful Juices at Every Meal" TANGERINE Orange JUICE .a. 2 se 27,i ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE teiu2 's 25o CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE rca2 33 HORSEY BLENDED JUICE sna2 '~~ 3 le HORSEGrapefruit JUICE 2 un-« 27É~ I Box » HcoLATEi ,a' 62f Golden Corn aTI. 1 9 CHOICE PEAS w-20É CWLVU500151-ED rime cLaaIlL!AtitcDSoOKfE CHERRIES w1OI230 SALMON 'n. 47e~ MEfCALFE-I OAfO AUCE LENNOX-HOGCZ Pork&Beans 2 1a'3 lei Applesauce 2 a1,1. 33Y PRacanf-OOLafs OR WHIElfEn ASR CAEMIXES rkl-32ef MONARCH 7S.c a ns uSkine antf Fuit of Juin, S &,56 FI. Oranges doz. 29c i AL"' Grapes - 2 IL for 25c a45 OtroFMCelco Large Buei MI1XED PICKLES Celery Hearts - 19C 36& Jsslep cal. Val. OSsokist Bise îîe Oranges - doz.45c asanausoghes mas. Arablan taed 16 ... cent, Pho. Z. . Pifted Dates 25c R.o. G,:d. h:e:0f.. DOIMaNOR OTOBREt LIITE» &tehOa, fta& seth THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THIntemy. NOVEUIM 8. lui B'yrUISDJY N CIVIC ~Cont "MinT YOUI Trafalgar P MONDAY, N Sponaored by f ai gar Jota Of co LA HRAR Sadii Fri ADMISS ASSI Past growag Stat GEC TO Box 592 THE N01 AI Notice is herel 1951 (Section taillbeeopensx liath, 17th da) ps,., and frace S. A for the purposn Propos.

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