,PAGE rwo THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO flmpJfDAy, ROVENEER 8. 11158 KCNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCO MILTON. GOSPEL CHAPEL nEv B. 0188010 rsnaleer Ie the FeameeaRo'udleg mmte G. Rîten, OinteS - - U7ODAY, NOVEMRER lt,1951 'Agie Shahl Not Weary Tbemn' Whicb Is Greater? 1ND , OEB It.95103a-.mdySSlndA- 1.00 a.mo-Reeesloee Day See- ait Biolo Class Nos macy of us have been on a battlefeld. Have yoo coticed 59? We're mas coescous. vi lce Milta» ost No. 13 of 6.45 min-Communiao ocf the On10te Canadiec Lcgioe oa eat- Lorsa Rsappeav Pew ofusbhavebheard tbeacb achfire and the WihDwrdesslenrbeittal ted etacetto cote that the machive gan hammets out. the Koreîtt campaigv st5W in the news il ts ondes- 2.00 o.-eRaneosbeoe Day Set- 8.00da ç.ee.-teoicg Set 8iot Not manyof us heumbled alng dalcraads standlabie. Yes, wescewar cocîciouî, toa, ho- vice et th Ceotaph. ' MI aila-ya ie a roogb tiding truck, wish the destication an- cause ecanomss scggest that our econornlc lys- Shos. thieo- Novtesbof 5rs J. 5 - Yvog kcomc and ocly the rosoits af enemy astack ta co etsriewtotawr et3,Nntbe1,24 5. Peopieas Society. W.M.S. smeeting. Hostess, Site. Toesday Noneober 13 ai 8.30 consider. Nos many af os have csassed the seas Bus hem peace.cocscioos are me? The cary E. Orehoeo, 1the Maale. Mostie St.; 8 o- e., the. Eceeing Dept. o-rayer anod Biblesatody. to, distantccuctsies ta bactle an aggressor ac- mord, peace, is coming ta have an ssnfavosrable o .MS'Hses i.E Ua ecm 01001 to rab countries of a heritage of freedom. roeacing because of the maciy peace petitiocs .Robertaon, Chsarles St. Not mary of us mete "oves shese' ta baille and peace conferences that wese fleased by Red î and drive and puhand dig the may to victory. psopogacdistî bi Ibis cocntry. Na, beadliles il ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHIJRCH GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Ail the gsim seminders af corfiut have beon the coaspapers do't toy mish peace as they do Dooabt,-" Me. RIt K Cee BAr J. Bais r ne f ocssraicod to fat off baffle fields. sl s mith m,5h mas. acdsesootsha eab yar e, s anatoc, Wo oemsomsims t 5ah asseveslot o-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1110, 1951 SLJNDAY, NOVEMBER 1110, 1951 pride an epc htec erwa ain esensmtmst akorevsit,10.00 a.on.-Resstoe Rehl. Tosooty-didoh Roeday oftr To-sooo- pause cn our daily routine fat t-no minutes' te- osas becausoe eofton Iach faith ic othera. Itai 11.00 a.e.-Sesetcboasoe Day Smr- Reieaerasee Dso membracce of oar fsiocds, ceessados os relatives usualy somo rnail iccident that, lgecaoîe of vca. Norsery- Clais aod Jonior 0.00 a.oc-Holy Cotmsunsio. "LEST WE FORGET" Rehool 10.00 ame.-uraday Selsool oa esho did cot setosc froos the last morid caniflicto. someoccIs onteasonableîîeîî, dooelops in50 the 2.00 o.o.-Iloosocbeaoe Day Ses- Rible Claaaea. sl s m;sb pt:de shat me pey sribute ta theo Lad of basslofiold oc wbhich counsiess pesisb. vce ai tIse Cnosds,. 11.00 o.ss.--Cho-aI Miatins and Ser- loaoeeted oddooso, "A Vosit t 2.00 o.os-Reesb-oooe Day 0cr- baeCndaswown rmticonrto usa co usroiose tan he5 csai 0 Patr-c 7.0 Jo-c. in nioeip at- moene.so ophold the Dominion's psinciples af f seedam hapass O nepitt htcrar h ain Mooapa" iea h eca agaicît she sysaccical challengers. oSsefe ol al rc a5THE GO D L DAYS PA cs0k o 110t o-s. th A' 7.00o-o.Eosg Pe-rua Remombranco Day shis Sucday is e s;me toi Ther's somoshivg Russiao propagacdisss wud cas, folo by a eetsing in Halya-Rposes Osa ao-sosiomeos havea sughjob ombttig mih tes AVEte Sunday Soisool Rooes. Taeeda-, Nocese 13-.2.30 o-a., pay tsibate ot only toi the Salorn aha did rot rc-hv og o obtigwt hi jos AYAV V SEEMED ousdy, Noceosher 13--0 a.os, W. .Aserioooa Bract W.A. osth tsn but 890o tohir selatives mho see obbod su he Wall Iol haverta be asvounar5K. Sectisoal mollo- os 10 ame laoose of Mes. Johson, Mass if pleasacl boots soge5her. To those people mho, Sourd as the Iran Castain is sysaocicaliy BETERuindDo hy ioooib s- La;01 -s oA adhfriueaddtrmnto etehathftETooatM _roo ri sa AO- egu,81 mAYP fotsd addtsmcso bttsc osh Wssh armament races rushiv0 Àas '70o asrCceorc îOeHlrs -. ua stoco masm and a glimmor of hope cn theis clace ta the homo ssesch boa car a Wall of t-as5h oS sho b 0 odiiyinsd eitaa oesor1- - hears, oor heado are bomod vn tibute ardce- seh buist? Fifty Years -ci uwenty Years Ago ihe. Tbcesday, Nocemeshr 15 -7 o-om. membrance. Peaples do't accept tytarny fotevet.Onein- oThmarFrarocatbrt 1Tona. Juniar Chir-o-eaeail - At te ceotap Sunay, s reeill is rump divdualwho lairis tFrpoeheo Conellsgath Ci-Thecavlcan sicf Fa-moi-on TheCiCososd hamiooef strama-osCncecfaiostsee Seior hairreo-esl At hocnorphSude, s evilr rum dvsdaiah cess heporaSfotelig he Tluserdco. Naceaher 7tbs 7arda hrsar050,10 1531 ia la-s-o; 7.3 o-eToi 6a.45 . JH',NASGWY eted and the fleg is raised, lot us lifr ut- aur Scute ard several svccossfui predictions to bis _____ oeme 2h 91 yo .0p.. ri age. T ONS ASGWY heads with nom detormivarson ard Saith ard ctedst doas that by Navember 1952 ltaliics dic- The oldeet oesdctin sh vircsinio A cea-inas Missouri edusar efouses PENTICOSTAL HOLINESS and hope that nevor agair miii the mos dago be ses tatrshsp sill ho ovortbromr by reolution. That af Maaslamn, sn 1cr a-es os Ofa palsa Ohary notices ofCHRC ST. GEORGES, LOWVILII looetoatvstuchgiatvrpoyausgou- podirsamehavmerlarstey or atJoeph Coflinu yasad amay Oc peoleao hitiiniatoltd ta .,E aw enCH Re Anglican)Reto loose to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Moca adsrsvoas, gintcro 201h u cur-pI reacierma aae srt adacrihe lautMonaya ha lo 28ocso-oo-to-,fibcrbeta 350ewpaOrder of L WOD Sereltts.ILL PrrttReto ageoas lives. orvertheiess tl s quise possible thet internai lae-c ucAîog abguestaosîdrosPa-o sHeder of0W HervicesIAY EME 10,11 Age shailct ae themcasrthe yeerscnrstrfe ftoma suyprossed people sill raplode toi shoalthtforovselim, hia death aho dao oabelthomseouo den n tergme a oaarahal uslvvked tor. Dr- o-aur arr drad aoo-aay, andl-so-5t o-aido. 0.30 om-aProyes eti 2510 Saoda- aises Toucha-y deocrsergm.oaed aae88-ram faanrodlbaido-assiamaohmoo-mssvsaine.> saditota idyot M.Log 10.00 aa .HalydaCommunionand aategigcon ftesr n i h on twuld tabo a greet many melsons to lay a lr hcord-aho r A01 rcleaHats dos. boree Saesoo aSt. John's. Atve ino ther damoit orl tho sure Av vln shet train ta nt St.51DAY. NOVI.3OiER 1150. 1h51 130 oes.-Laymaros Serviat ai icig formidable Wall oS t-aith bot thsnh abat a for- The no-a bridge as Lorille vas Tonto in10 minuaea, bat af 10.00 a.o.-,Soday Stisool, St. Deasats. Mo-. Stanley Jap, Wo shahl remnembor thea. midable proectaaould booampleted ifoeach in- cemicirird vs Saluadaislart ordci coase mass people are celai sch 11.00 .e.-Worso-pService. L. N., wmlivesn the addoresa I a ras sayrao-ao-nl. The o-lsI a eash tei rearh Toroade 7.00 oam-e.Erooîtlitio servte. 2.15 o-eo-Saonday Sohool in ------------dsviuainichefreoaoridaere talay hisfaith in os7ao5oabu-a.nhndefExMyr .W Banba Raosbelvle ootoayot are block. Thet faith shosid bo rn the future. A dlas. Tho-e -sma tv dsso-c on full hlvom sn hia cao-do-s Tbso BOWRS BAPTIST CNURCN rate as Nasaigaatya Peeasby- Lilce the Indians? sommas brieS thet the Scute holds valoable v-ar the ho-idgr Oas Wa, Huches 1-, oes are mvslh oerîrg. De Hoghosco No. 25 ceiait Chareb. It bas beon taLer for grarîrd that a sraa- tls.rgs fer thshol b o rdMisaie aai asseOsc-uavle s te ho J.ao &. Vundsor, oad io-of, sor Roer -Me.m aide Vhrdy Ao e 5h 8oo- h Storm rnd areel taste ofawivter must precede Hea much thought dowe haveofaar? Haa Moi.s,s bl c,vshe, go--el t.sh Mrs asbovhaad-hid Suaso- Nos. lsh, 3tpm-,oauD prisîbatstheohaa& .ined Indsen bummer-îLes much raibed about peried much fessh do ae rn tho future? Whish is s.uoaacouosoinCanada uOsiss- sen, sito-d lhsr oncle aOd auvs, so-ervice in th. 700.F Hall Mm Toms Da5ra offn aldy.Teeerydy fwne r ho greatest- Cvlivfre inTosonvos Ms. and Mo-a N. J. Hure, vo Secvai Mitvc Eiierybady ateveson tfhefiiayîThsearidasaasvereWmo Read et Orusgccsilo-, Oas WhtehhusaginBo-acdossh aStenrseferrd ta as Squaw asater, but waeover - -yea----- -pichard she- Msller homo-.seud, 200 ro- Iraday, Gev. Muls and P. OvI-sr theodays the ofst sraafailiandasrterf thsyear acre as, b0ave lic o-o-btd boaqaets of Mayo- eta weecerrasrly aS the soal baistrous variety ard Production and Distribution Maîhreon lrotIera, o-rr, Mil - v-oy ensual o-vuresor in lbis P O ESO A IE T R certanly nt ver effeinate tosas, ase Sslso OC, havo- pvrt Jvf e Cahv hasESINA casC rortsri ra veî efemiateThr latrot figures oS the caît oS living snta- an aa-i rato-r aFooB.,lla altoh ans tho as g o a sr- Wr dsffer fîvar the Irdiars rn aur way aS 1,fr Casada as issseed by tho Sediesal bureauofa cis tosatda yuhlnhirha Silo-- o-o- in Cundea - 111vha a'h AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE inshis Carada of meryaoatbor chorges betsic tissrcssrndatean inrsesof876per cert.aoves Theosstas fudaass fue thc-ae o mess v froneto-vmlehcrr ___________________ mayrespects me have similasities t-eshaps you lisgcssntoyasiadaeypeoig esgh o-aira was tnshediaestavaek ho-oa-rs arrue. MisS and iStvb liaiy cost interîs meitl peeiged eversothaca issa-tadbcaas toc luors hase hcoae raluobla ardl v MEDICAL DENTAL caticed boa rhss cald aictsy st-eh hasterod the Watid War IL The rIrease sirco the oatbroeh oS their ara-usai They oicl he aitaat-d vao hor cf peopn-ae . as -, île DE. G. A. KING remoaal aS ocreors, the punscng or oS stota air- the Korear mar is 13.4 pot cent. onîthe oast oisroe the- hatl aud oa.ssu. tara. THE STEVENSON CLINIC DENTAL SURON doms, the fiisg oS cars mith avri-freeze end the Caradier pople are ram grearly yeocerrod asic-oevov Os Tueadaa- aftr-se a tram et Pones: Ofite in Rorol Building, Multas aecrirg oS peovisios from the cotry aroucd. vehshisgcoadtoCrdarames MREDhomrs, do-lots a- Dougas Middle Miltoas Natbes Hoori 9-5 Ail those littie thirgs ahich had boon delayed ar o9bae hrfr caiyteioestATrESN-MAOES -As the brook, oi s aaasocn, ra a03o tram CosbtfiNnt 5e4 Esesbog ho- Appoistoseit from dy ta dy îerehasteed by he ad-are bihoaelmaf shrtfbrideaualauthercrMos.homthf sraab-ietdeO Hulehevas. teOcorrofaD. De.hC. E.flurenniDrseC K. SrvensorXotaTServo- Tel ieone I edcs ffo rcsigad dstribution s Mass a4 blirne aett Taronso frai aIoeanod romelo osddss Dr0 J, A PmerDPEEAC K fso datodyarobsteedytead ecasofoodroossogrdTashn na Wedoesday acae- De. . o-i vont of somo real asctr moathes. Yos, mie still moto respurssblo Sas colts ta, the consumes thar sacn, Orsabar 3mbh Bertha ta sto infota ai tbe tea hall ohro Offse HoossR F .BAC oeed Sqoaw airter and Indian Sommer cian ryobs atr Albert S. -atoeeoss, 3od Lune thestuof eth5e wagor knclrd A.M.-dày apo-oliomeot Orlo- DENTAL SURGE0ON Orayohrfco.Ta-faloar. socs Milsos, ba- 50-y the Sooltaso oser. o-I- 7-9.ojeone0fitisc o-rosent day mode oS living. Vos, me are ast libo 0e preesaus occasiors the budget bas pub- Oea. C. Pidgrsc, af Streelssilie. H. A. Cao-tiI hos rteired som, SIJIDAYS-Eosergeotbts usio- Nsghce AvrPrbiaesa- har pu Olsshed the-o botta-eu ofter airey -ad 4-4 o-es rosa- Boum: dayh batne MyB hucdseds aS othots. Wo pu n the acti-freezo th oat sroy vade byerstn thr US ba congratu- Cap ElvdOfieA aod mdo e oocsssuntapgt Ott-l0 oS agriculture. ScL shoaed that if LONG PALL lasstram old Mscis Ou Tusd. -vy Ree Nat buttoOe oaso adtaay depatmen but_ hee tilwitn orlrd the SOadhattos broadra s MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL Hoata O tN 5 Teltpooi 658 and ~ ~ t paaussao a oesî a a hfarmr gaveoaaaythe boacsic a t6ccanofS For25o-orsMorisa.otter ln frsa CKOC Hailtoes Ose lter X-RA Indian Summor to semavo the vorardeh octeers. mers ciothirg the suit aould stili oeil fus$4 5d 0 ' as Eoss Side gaa-ma-t farsaro-, liait a fa-sma Johc W. oao, cd Jomsa Coronts, .o-JO asd Gant Surgeon cuMOPnAaTOa ser haro talr fat math. Ore seosg N. oho stats bie oas hsa-s If ho gave aay the ahoot la a 16o oaS oS bread esoassu, haoreer, scstrad Of vs the mehocI WiOamolt tarra 12 DR. G. E. SVER L. E. MeaDOUGALL, D.C. InBaka dW iethe loaS aauld stîll rast the coosu mer t3.4c. If chro-kiso cn at cure, Sie orrived it yoara afin. I>he-ite ced Sarîeeî CHs00OeRACrOR Meeing ar otenundly entheed y u-rhe famer gaar away thc bears on a 16c veri oS charhisa tes. Hs fare oao orbes- Mm. T. T. George, Domisiot and Office-Jams Street WEST MARY ST., MOILTON Metnsaeatoodi cstesdb n porb and beaos, the cas moold srill cost i dc ar ricin arah ourtO pasg St Cn Ts osvica aded rotha- .cau 7-03 P o.o OFIC HRsdeof Ms.CMoly nco-ssaty argument. We attorciddomeeting 50rhrrcoyto rihroan Mcs Sino--smo, Offis BoMscs: 9ssrsrotr-u C araso W1-35-o cnl htseomod tai got thraagh the businets SATM.Sheprahi fMlo n iiiy ntepo ooe E. 2-) o.-. intl thd rda nd (er nlndtibleeta oury Lsfe, a Britssh Columbia faem publica- busc, deosasded ta nom ah ie ho hhtsoo sitsation sn Ontarso, BAT. 2-9 p.-________ n oo odo ad ot iclce t blive that edited by CaleHayder, qute matwre laIe, Morrisa ooriied, -I teste ____- Or 011 apo-oaOtoseo tolto-huot %W5 a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Charlie gaceges ase nomr -a a fetothil t wnw rbekas SUE-SNIVECDT DR. J. W. MiCUTCHEON Oaksillt oStfires Ofie Coibosot 5St a ci gdgtvsd heoba a efo poorte t r or -osr aS Oissriburrng Setaices', isîued by ed oas or stiaer ha-rabtal SUPE-SENITIV CRaDI Stee Tech 4 length aS the rmeetssg. As eaoh member aS thshe Chamber oS Ceamorce oS the United Stases. osMrît SOherte n storbe mngne upena be O-aretsur- Oasidiog , is Stte elo-u 4 gtoap spoeonthecuestionefore the rom- Thsrepor says tbateabout 50cof every cor- cTatata500snhoarT. Threoed- hosetaaBusnessaEftliasrsEx- fTeten 95WtJSN-Te hrpél miliot ho a as recssirod tai use a 5mai1 micro- sumer's salas dollar gars tai pay distrsbutior to-e Digrat. hihitivn et BoistaI, Eegiasd, lî a __________________ 395J Doues1 teetiuil phngsvr his samo, and bis cartriburion ta, the r-drI sano-tion so-sea fusbOo-oLIA 5hVor oig strorbees phn.Lsra ceada casts- rher thnrc are nom et ieesr 15 miiliaao-ca oho Laensno-eg. ahero 00e tamcd scsr us s roaates a oooe-rr ors- rEA t sr fPatc disc.ussios aias reooded. ore ercevd peegeged indsstrsburson; ard that the p- Ooido-oe foh hara juet aoutestaoa- sîtoI tephase and a drrve oherc DICK & OICK Mac.. Tats., Fti.- 2-5 o-.m. reportaofrthemeetngerndaonreedssgstaeeur-pe a Lady- Attesdast misseviwi have a saiutary nSfeo-t os future cestageaofaorbrrsindstributionrhescrses fraa o-rd co-sisifrm ia- b2,lOsasr hyhbilscaneshaoaedsih uts-K t-oer o-ont. are hvsdrrd yeers ego a 25 pe ailes larger thos Lahe Ontaeio. srssaîsvs ha reo-msa crosal. W. 1. DXCK. I. Wrd., hou., 2-S and O-9 o-. meetings whose sash e secordisg doasce aight o-es a. preursrd huda cet.atpesOt arrsors, Salirsttrs Os or Doess;son Sore, Otortosuo be uerAvriig gpilsdi h td BowStrseetaisrcsatcs Frn hooe 150-W a th aves-cn mordre ad n ,sr e uled us frss assrr rher.tl dsssrbursv cistits miicriuioehot _______________ rave1 ~ ~tc rhse inessç5tiesahs rs-v t a relation tottaaist as the ecareay e0 Weesrseab _isog somo other meetsngs ut hae aotecd-d. Sur, ofaS hudsc-oryntarpdThslsraeTe T. A. NUTCHINSON, K.C. Ala- -1a1 'haîldangsofreeosol alota 15 course, 5iefreesr disyssisas cas ha- alsssed di,.rsoo osots sstsral rus a- o-sa-t-l- 'o-sý-NeCntc --~~~~f - s 5 'M ANa? FRtAN K course, agrseitbvnaosero-irieseand muncipal'~ sleths moald no dauht ho aIl Sos such a devico. We fooed aauthes adoantage aise. A co-y oS Editorial Notes the minutes cf the meeting ahoan ta ur family bas cnicad abem that me asocit ary more Blessions have saseiy rbanged. Wos a time esîkatire tboc ctbee mec and that's sometbicg abon public halls moto et a premium a mocth mc coold acese oonice thea aS hefare. Yes, ito beoae pollicg dey. Ham only the faitbful tcrc a gra tbieg at times to have thîngo in black and oct to hear thoir ovin paety. mhite. - Aîcoedsng toi ac eusbacge, this is a tsue stosys Tosocto daîlits are sesteirît- shamicg thele It mas their 2Stb meddicg accivrsasy and political leaniega le their repors oS the preseet the miSe said, 'Well, old dear, boa are me goicg caspaigi- Sesaîl monder if the electosstt seads to, selebrate?" Replied the boebacd, 'Hem shoot enly thec omso la thern keoesieg that tbcsc et tas mniutessilece." OS crse, sacb a thieg lilest cee prcparcd ostaide oS Onterio. cooldet banc beppeced an sar tome. - Aaatsao-s1c ansosi» Cl-s Mail, o-oct taîtst- Detatoeit, Ottaca O. A. DILLS, o-obliahte Founedcinl 1860 Moasher C.W.M&A. ami Ontario- Qiebet Diisi C.W.R.A. Adertising Rates oe Reqceea SUESCEIPTION IN ADVANCE, $2.50 UN CANADA, $3.00 1N UNITED STATES b monthe, $t.50 Single Copies, bc TELEPHONE Bosicess Office------------- 220 GEORGE E. ELLIGIT C. N tMEN Bîretete, Sosiitee, Notony o-chie Racai offbe-in Fates Buildicg 123 Wessaaa-t St ý ., am Mate Street, Milton Phone 7001 Teltpo-boe 70 OPTICAL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CARSTEN GLANN CANADIAN PACIPIC RAILS Saceesor to STANDARD lIME H. C. LAIRD Oaoon Eat-7.91 ose. daila-; ora Ao-ooitmets Poboi 56 Miltoe re'doo- 01 oo. îlat Soodcy o1- 9.24o. LEVER & NOSICIN Doiog Wolt-.35 as. daio-; o-os. dîily, 12,45 caes doit- ta Chlieteed Aeaaaetatc. Sssodcy sbIeg). 1E305 R £erpoia nsati> CANADIAN NATIONAL 130 Victooit, Tordgto RAILWAY 44 VOIselsSt, Tosita O5sg Nsetle-.00 ais, mg. 9131 Debre Soatb-7.1O ee. THRRAY, NOVEM YouhI Go IN SNOY Sureb-G rip., MMMg DODGE NEW I RINSO & SUPER DON A NAPLE i WAX DLJ PEBA S lIl KIDNEY I SIDE Bi RENNET P VELYDET MIRACLE 0RIOKEN A SPECIAL OPTER BALMON ]Bans wpiT< r,.,ago SOU NRew Inqsrovid Rs COFFEE PEANUT J RED< iMo-EROsi GRAPES - CELLO TOMAI PANCY MICe. APPLES PRIER DAILY-Celcery I Terni9., Eaeh Cetse an