PAGE TERTHRIMDAT, NOVEIo0 & ira ItnsaforthIlol. nc tirbnuaonrn ied tu2200 snt tu theCanadlas Champon Offcn Miltn. --ZI wuaIl Wedcdayatr 'Wcr ger ng look lik noalbo a plol bu thgh os'York" thoapht one eidan HIgluorn M25.o Ne- vilg nhi ho c AU eluded la Mlossinhtai Coontr on, Noaambar 15. fouanr nný f themain * t 'ss on mr lit on, the Depurtsna ni Hschmaya mîdrard the ruade. 'Siaay tha 400 hua', sa l a 1h,' sahI sahal oluonros t0a bchatd au ss this yera Moust classes bha'e hs'ss lllîd bot aplicatioons la -Satsn, hrockea, akssng nadlsill bsng rrrosad for lb toaonscg ua ail fhe sports fhaf aoa courent haing fthe mucos the noms cahies cn iu forae. registration. -Construction oc nutdonur pro- .-O2agrayios of Misa Nur jia ada bîe îoosldîrchiy bsmipo' HaloS t eu Beu Tafuphocî Bf nd mitlu Mîe înly Coang Of mmns Nanuu, on lier naînut appel -Pan sac Re vote on Norîns mnt anio P..X Seogrvi Ou bur 22 atdrîgialîr our fasin aitn-Nagr itit ds$samnay oald inforout in ooudn aion urmiunfy Staff.îl guramouc Ioio afanous 901 -Mujor preaios coo or -Doc' florgef f0 Ohialu bul made on the puoshilif y of the omran Y. ga thefb poifo oc îlmfiou d d.iopîang and the artrirol of a Tfsrîarensonyiosoîes otfstaice warm essigond gor nn in Ontauio lu s prat. Muncial rimucions flS -Arnmbcasn of grader, front shorfîr, booinssisg mitE nonsin end loader and masn mîtb shorîlo arins Invesiigatu promias". Ehînama Ictrons Moa clfs if3 -ts "Oh decn" for hostîa Wellsngton Conto and su --Snou sohonîlosy are rffy brar qoossu Tomnhip nf Nuiton t tbiu r. Theîlasaan mînhan ti auot.mshîrdîîicirbucfisgasb touase tef yro u loup, oifbr That barIad h ansonded rîgolails sluantnuf-hlmon unaon a mou l cae mo theu b oprnoscasn uaSbîu shr for thrrî doms fnlifng ond -Sîow op in thr oasouh alodirsa Dîaaabnr 3. you drsi. Night and the saa _At 'obuton naado sel dangun for the At l Nolfon Asainon fil I counlîss motonisl oud uthuai wo o'îî int Mifon, o tour ofI trop' cenrlu mmlr hlm. ion of conu buildings ubon fluaI ail mor no la xc'llenticon -Wsdsth da s ofi rIMag Onoîssg ion" . The Grand Jury, turden Far nhy-bsgh, it iu mnore diffiuni uhur mi Viyter J. Rorrio, thoughi onunE lumkep u msfh fho Jononon. heolfb unsf buildings rotfsun on The Sil musogoon la Moat Moe îrnmdîd. li muas rported, Jouo arenorao1g ilpreuty augh hoe aitopo moold bie Iniron tom s ovrmnta. D. C. FEATHERSTON GIVES DETAILS 0F HORNBY'S EARLIER HISTORY Fohlwn sa îîqaîs for non.10 lOorsaigu, anman ho the na oonrrRomhroandsnssaifrday., alfJonathanocsa ofrtduau pablsbd ho thn Champion foot und griot ousîl hoafh of Noya' arnlu, D.C. Fiautheation. a lirThe caul oa arl saveshi long rcsidentof Drssmnqi sýabmssuand flated thmdclon ta sak tîd tha foftamsrg vaauly und -om hrotai osr loadd os, ha tîreuig detuisi, Dr. R. M. Pu'ter and shspped ra Bufflo. ono Ortoroîlîr. Mschigan. ra A t tis lime lhare moua r quorlad tha information mhsab aill les ad Inciai themifllbuat1 bc tarrled tasin, hank, taMr. sihlice ndtheaoseveb mous Fcofhîrsfor. il nos dsssst Ohrough b-est. T 10 rar ugo oui taaodad ho a man Os- ssom livirg. by the came of Davsd Linsay.s Tire ota William Namrs s Thîasta usore i ho'n East sas rornmisas os yO the saîssas, rorndad hy o mari romrd Mafdsl. thas ulso muda mbabsy ou f the blakossfho hop wu fosusnl.d genasa staffIt aodash. in Isy a raon hr thr rarse r fCà. sp. barrai foIsl I rautuot sa ouhyre tbe panrir suaahsaond beoro tbe brick ahana KLRID rus hast bof 1 bm soîlsrrd tuni h I ______ liear it mou cf fh. Oto.ansfsid , Cauafory Sone f00 ycrs ago. Cwapacity Crowd fi tbîny mon a muais l borr Obîî' Hal lest norfb of the CPR. frorc. on Dance Fis H l the saob liro iuif o ]fllsal oafn- Nomby West Tirh a moosu halsi ou tsss Tbrr fbr mos the Hambs va('rflasrV en Frsday s's'oasra s Brrarry jsi o Isie sral 0f la durce- Mnas vas cappias Hambr Eaut.operued and onvrd MillOr'uOrbcsraand EmortR. by EdwisuBruin.I uoquit, abhry -n fl.oormuruaîr por-r- uigbf to sec bim ru the A Nui5asor'c mr arsta wa uOabriillosaub a laird of 0soia asansso w as edsisthe h bîgs ofuber Thios aliaft6ssan ocn.d y loasssoo tor t roua unr Th!, mur aasgbrd cilais- srdr thsea-s aat poandu. Inregard too-ufr pomr rnem ThermarrsuueofOonald s ,fi rs. oara a.r sMr ai NORNBY Mis. A rtthur Dou5drso tf Collsr -sad. OaIsts. ta, ps5as O.uad Digger Beit Breaks Orib 3brd lati .s 'ltss05sO G. Leslie's Armn thr' RIs J1ts, Ssasstl :s Groso Cordo T5so>,f, . n rssso tsstt g st ast thGsfdotrsic atl hi.,lranulaM urda l lot3 a 5ss's ru sOi rru -- ~s. msstlsr, Mam Or tisa Ma ursl Maý tn fil,,st li. r Tsrs s. l 1s' 15 as 5 Murssar'ss.sssstt ' Pollock and RshuosC,s,,,, or- asth-. -h- Camnpbell ls. a, ti. ' 5rsstutsora 62 uiateu SI Nonth GA' S Inauddstson ta the Oslra ..d i__________NE _ Mheproviscsal g orarrmcnt, Casa _ __ __-_ _ ado hu about 4,006 m urscspul gar _______________ miug bodisr. BLIND WELPAEE Bertha B. Brown Specoliy tro oed tsas of eycRA S speniollata o-onu the P1 5. mi go Su R A S ATE Afrina sud Mhe Fan East noot year se uar Out remhin catulsos MAIN ST., MILTON This. moulu ouI ha of aouid-aldo Ovrn Sos Kright's Important* anod cdMM via ml rs ta . o sOmiM- opople ln40 oula PHONE 237 toi ranging front the Pacifie to fie WE Iod0 Glenn Murray Studio Photos token ln your oni home WEDDINGS BABY PORTRAITURE ANNIVERSARIES, GROUPS & COMMERCIAL Phono for Appointment Milton 392-Ring-31 SHOPPING EARLY ? Osoe Gsft Subucriptions ta The Canadien Champion thss Christmas. An appronsot. ed gift 52 imes a year. A gifi certificate is mail n your name. Canadian Champion Moin St. Phone 220 Buy T'he Best Norge Oil Space Heaters Conrhisation Storm and Scren Doors HOCKEY SKATES AND STICKS Take adnantago of oor Lay.aonay Plan for yoor Christmas Shopping BUY NOW DAWSON HARDWARE CO. MILTON PHONE 499 Overcoat Prices REDUCED ROYAL OAK COATS $69.50, lasa 20'ia ROAYAL OAK COAIS $600 eSrs 20f'._ $52.00 Sans ng $13.90 ..... -$52.00 Savng $13.00 Other Coats as Iaw as $25.00 - - - e - - B3US KNIGHT MENS WEAR Milton, Out. Phone 361 PRNCS T aE A T ' THRObyOVMS T CAPUR adETMICU u FR 1 -ST OV -1 ROB AYER MINA BRTEL i s .lssE t op s o s e taa th yii T RFRI. SAT NOV . 951-10 ýDA NNY KAYE P o E A NE TEREY A gaad usie c l na sech nlo go Pr il Winigl Muic l, om ,1Nd ftn ea ~Births, Marriag.s D thEtc. WILSOR-Mru sud Mrs Cuam i Wilsn ne oiurmno Laouni are happyst unooneaSho biuMh ul thuin r onu Moday Ruovsubn 5. 1951, at Miltn Pnbnuan Rua- BRITTOR - Mn. and SMr. Glenun Brillant are happy ue nnuc the bath of ubern on 5 Mon- duo. Nooroubur S, 1051. af Miflfout Friasu osital A fîiî or Riabo ansd Tai. ELLIOT-At Tononfo ou Monday, Nonachur S, 1950, Maugarol Jarre MîMoufur nf MiRon, On., bu- baued vmfe of tbe lote Jodgo J. W. Eliiof, desor motbenr cdoh Rlisu uf 50 Spener Ave. Ton'. no; Marganln 11dm, M. W,. Mn- Donald), Edonon, Alo. Faunm servico wu bîid fînon Mui Ynnhn Brotheors Chorpl. Thouo. doy au S pou. Mntîrmn Esîrgnoon Coorruy Milton. CAIRDS OF TIIANKO M. Jack Yatm nuiolos un ibuolu tho stamf t Militnt, so oRa pllai, Dr. Symt surd al.. h. fiîondn for thîsr bhcdooao dnriog his mu- lot illns. The fomily cf fhe iste Charles Mtarshull mluh tu rapasa ibnin 010010e Eunk fylîndu, cîi boa., relative. Bmv. Omsbua fnr rcnfrting mondsanod specioi Ihachu ta the Coanadien Lugin Bracb DO6 for floraf uribona nand nsari nt nf Mhias doring uhosu Coming Events Miltn Hsgb Shboni Comnsce- mantf, Noaanshlr 29 and 30. Keîp tisd ri ci Insd. n-2-4 Oid Tsouî Danca, Banhashîl Rabl, Frsdny, Noaronhar 16. 1u pouP AdousasasI 50a. L.OL: No. 1184. a Sensoa Choir of Oyaî Anglican Chsaucyh Rommoge Bule, Fridor, Noanoubr Oih, alterni and vn icg ou the Fonosh Halb c-21-3 Lina t he Fansiry Nour nsith Res. Aiphos Nnarmnashy îals'y Snuri faons 0.1050 t045 pou., C.K. Dancra nid linse and modern, nu Oîoohasila Nuisl, Fosday, Norycîhor '. Red Nammuo's Orchestra. Ad' Dussssr, Fsîdiy, Noarouhar 9fh, O ta 1, Milton Fusr Ornootdu. Gonn as sas. Admsson 50c. Auspices Nulîssa Agsrobutuas Society. a Eoahan Purty, Lsnory S,haol, Fss' dry, Nrraouhar 16, 0.30 poua, as asar Lspoy Fa-o Fa sîsso. An' Wrsin 5 Lunch pro sds.d Bass., snd Tr., hashai Unssted Chasr, of, aS uardua, Noarsahar 24th. 2.30 pou. Assopsaro Dsoaqas W.I. Adoossasoî 25,. Tas cap -l'ding. c-2- For Sale FOR RALE - bStupa puonir 130. Phone 473mu FOR SALE - 18 wenen piga Phone 2ouil Rarold Rond o _FOR SALE- 'Fou terrier poppy, 2 mocUla ni. Phoane 147r31. FOR BALE-Hulaloin bruirdl O. Robisonu, phone Miltn Mrli.r FOR BALE - S paire of ladies' sbalon, aloo 6%5, Ifs., . Pbuuî Sf1. FOR RACE - i pain mod gnu Sinon 030000, bOne non. C. Pui, phono 460j. O FOR BALE-OS Hyobîsd poiîiu, Luguo n sd Roulu. Fîud Tanlu. iphone 87r5. FLOWEES for il1 omoaboions. Ganser Bras. Fioriste, Kilbrd Phono 411Rril. o-S1_ FOR SALE - 1920 oio "A" Foud, $100. Tom Bunniand, Coamp- FR BALE -12 pig, 8 moîho nli; ainu Holstin nons., due la Donnoubon. Pbne 2SMr3. o FOR BALE - Childo. ouib ai sprmg onotsirn, la gond onditin. Frai Cbida, pbho n , o73 FOR RALE'-Mudiomn sed Qae- beco brouIr; nil bonr 01011 hîau. ey; moud lo ave00. Phono 479r. r FOR SALE-mabl hifobusý ang. alun Oau diaisg 10.. iaui Ap. opartioc oboso SOcClorî'o Store. o FOR.BALE - Roribn B py sud Oroîcina applîn; aico Si L.S. pul- rfa.s Homard Gowslausd, phono 288:4. c-22-2 FOR SALE-Whte Strand rang- e00e wiru2 iîl bomîes Excellenut conditmon, alun girl's bicycle, lib Oms. Phono 11. e FOR SAL.E-RaffOlkansd Oxdord mout lamas; aian pure buod Holstein holl, aourîdîiud srvice 40 £roms R O.P. dansi, Rail Apple iood Uns. Gordon Simclair, Burmnguon 4M00 c FOR BALE-Cooo sud Hnry J. Seî and ride in tho nons ldînry J, tbe ar Mou gînon yoa onO" for yornicanod couluou ta àr.ý For informonu phone F W Rabbins, 450a, BasSon Si. Mdltn,. New and Used Cars o FOR BALE-19ol DM010o Seduan, nnexrilentuandiin, mita fuid dysia, rouions radi, Insu limier, eimîrn aspor. gond tires ip caeThis ur hou a aood body and aailanso.rîo Bessarabie Tyasnu mur hie arrananu PJ. Mr asnnu, phne 782, Dakvilia. r MORE EGOS FER HEN. Hy. Lsoerhieskoon, brai liOn god o rsd crs, ually lay aboot 12 rn cuass n a ru plir 100 hsrds h.aîad. Ths .nsabout $120.00 un $14000 marn pîr osor Ordar Ny-Lsneca rhs now inr hsah egg pofis. Faîd Nurse, s~ereon Phoneiru honsar auO'Ng Tçaigt Moites. lard OistioS L hsas 0.30. huhîrat, "pAîrsia FOR S L Voast,". Speaker, Mra. Caprlussd. Madl 30 MansrynaaOnî, nom W. A. us-ar. Wadssasdur, Nar- i O fi. Moouny Haris TiSonr liO nons ombar 14, O pou, rn Su. Orîsours i 1051 Chro. Sedsu, oua Charrh. Lomaîlin, Sardua brhGai i 1901 Fond Sea, ara Roam. Faymworkbhome ai,g 19O51SOîs'aapSeain, nm ousdr Proamannd fus. i 1951 Auti Stton Wagn aouur und Bahsrg Sala on Koo.. I 1950 Htudoune Sdan Charoh Snaus Sclhool Roa.s iri1 100.0 O.tnse dnirFsdT Sauardar. Noorobr il. Aytrons for Truak uru.uaaod 3tso rm,, Auspis1 IGNMC bfton Pick-up NMil Lau.f ard Get togelbîo ii19,17 odgo hblsonsysic-up Gonup. 0-23-2142 taiuartear Inf iaup Thr Noral Jsunior Fal aR"Ba- Nsm 1rraornsbTok o o ms il b h bis ra htcwmustms 11.11î n raste deioury oTuandua, Noormbar 3uO au 0.30 Ph.oo Claude Guruos 30r15 p m 'Dr. Raou.s O.AC., Gsssipb, Victoria statîl Or Orli gssrut pyezlSl f.lomý NORVAL GARAGE cd bo dusso. o-22-2 Phone Georgetonui 33w a ElO r otd DoEr..s ss'oE qaossssg Young Osharaîn Club, S Turoduo. Nsss'otshaar 20, Nsqaaîsig Solen Cammuos.y Nuall, Otam,sttoso ________________ Cuado 0.30 ,hurp, Lunch aroasud.d STOLOO- Nsghf ou Eta liai., 2 gond asso'o, Dors' tflo lstOO atoul furm guates 18 f0., Osaa bau o ~ ~ ~ ~ b2- tdsssr50 h'" a , san. 5 NelasoTp. Ais-ryifarst a'o aion, p le P. Hoarsth. Nl TOe Wamoa Musoruro Socie-y MInr or thbsosau PslssiRhau of NubOor Papobytursi ni tn hold usd a a3-dur RoSir. Tbe fIsu aacts'u________________ su Nosambar 13 au Miltson ms'h Mssý W. N. Braarridgo rn charge, 14omît i Nelon Vsllage ,vlaMr.E. Pods ard Narombar FO 15 aot Lossoibi mslh M- F. Beau- FO SALE -colu Th. alors niouuk'r ton uai meatira, s. sc Doroiho Osîpat- C'srasinund o, thresc gand mi mnsairsn o i TatI roas MORE POWER FOR YOUR fsrodan sosi Oig thm ta O0n $$ ODOLL-AR$$ ,ýet.nïi 191 toefrrasy Sportbaduhr. A.,pt- rsar -sOO rudio. nsai, ss nsoilu Oru.tas -d dafrontas sui rooIs, o rta aqaspmaos. '50f chs-tcar nrdI A , rsa, Canadian Champion ' . lo7îrohouso mrdios~ Sost Mss 1s45 C.orh-A fir Classified 5540 hs' stic s O5,b st Advertisinq s7 5t Sa Na carge fossannroamauiu ot Osrts. Mnarriugru. Deuibi and Enagrmrnts In Mnso'iasn 50e pis. lue pou Ilou fou ere Articles fou Solo. Rouf. etc. - 2a a mord Minimum Cash 35e lu net palot until ador Insertion Moi) Bux Ne. la tht. office Ill îddotiosuil Cumlng Enonts - lie pou nounit Ue millu 50e mnimuma AIli CIassIfied Adnert5.ommte M" ssai mahes cOftse balises 2 pma. on Wedemop. t5lî Ostsst camp- athe exolivaino metersa for 1a ltcr oasarhslednd cayr-u I prcisio mâles;ogfOUilaod ýygod tires ard ai. Gis allsion, eoaaomy Sut Ford Snda-u Boiradi. s Outr and saf cave,., Fssaîd tou40 Fond Sedan-_A arry rcbiab * bon. f0ui Wbînfo uina. menti, usbnuo tacos ri o,2 45ns riiod and readt faunuia5 Cash, tnadî or Sermu.s Ishirbîlur S O wRI uit yno huaI. E A R L 'S Milton 011 Burner m Sales & service C, LESTER, Prup. FOin AND MONREOH Phone Milton 152R24 or 96R31 SALES AND SERVICE Phuno MOiton 519wr. ovnnno 51O AUTHORIZEO DEALER 1 Volumo 92.-Nu, 24. ose un, Want.d WANTED--Buose Mru god nulio laria dug Phone 2703. WA3FPED i~ Snsulog mnnchu -:odinnu ic i, iu gond lunds so.Poo230. -WANTED - Rauta sud huard sr SlaSht hoooohoenpag traiona fnn bu- mcou moson. Wpl5o Bou 80 Canc adien Chasoplon, Millus. BOELP WANTII - 11=uunue tuoun for Fransk MCaans Mditor. Yusg raten la tu 20 yros, ntreted ilainaggaroge MENd WANTED - WlEh suts, suonlredgeouf macnhiue molu, aga huumn M0 sud 60 Yeats. Slnady moulu, gond mogon iu right mon. ws'te Boa 235 Millios Pu. e WAÏNTEEI - Bonluimnpr-sfruug- grooa', fflmtiai, excelent wuuiu- logundiuona. Slulnssnsd accid- ent boneliea. Wzste Boux OS Cso- ial Chamupion, Million, Onti e LIVESTOCK WANTZD - Free. dueusoomotor pins cash ot your fouso for dead nu dtsabiod bouisa on cw.Phone noUlent Milton 29t Wlliamu Stone Suons. LSd. n-si WANTED - Lino Pou5op sud. uluhues msusud. Riguost pulues pold Phono Rasodall & Morley, Mil1- tnn i43, ou Win. Dent, BOISSon 9SnlO nu mOnoe Muoses Zooou. 402 Dou-, cion5Rd..Tonto. TF WANTED-Msu Inn steady tran- elomung uureson Miton. Punranent luonncin a'lh large manofufantue. Oniy noBlahie bouai- Ion ruonsidrd. Wuilî iSo'nlnlgh'a Duxuf. ML-K-284-SS, Muntuna. For Rent FOR OSENT - 3 uufouusod rueras; ollua 2 onfoonlalurd nounou Wniua F0. Bou 620, Milon, On. n FOR RIBT --- 2 fuihai un W.a- lonnialurd hokeephunoum PRua- onabl. 05. eSeg, bhue nli.l Minuit. n Miscellaneous EXPERIENCED baby alite on- osill Phonu 560i. YOU ARE iuai tu on casl chowngoz f oun nea Perona] Chriatmas Couda, sud oumiol larda Ion mîmbonu of yuou fomlp and rinds Clrmontu, Paint-Walpap- cr-Gdfo e' DENTA-LIRER fon lause pautru. Tightuons ftirent puruanlnuy fou ti li10 cf yonr plat. BSimple ta 0- pfy mnabeannmruf., disero- fort. Goaranlard. Oniy $2.r- ai Piabrtt'o and Kerroa Drua Store, c MILTON CORPORATION LTD. Noticn of Suendor of Charter Noticeu s herby aisaîn fUait MIL- T'ON CORPORATION LISOITJO osll ouohî an applicaouna n 0 Hocar the Liersunanu - Dunînsl for loaveuI su srrînder te obarter. Datad this lut day aïf Novumbnn. r C. H1. Aonlugh, Suarîtuty Horace Toinlinson 1 CHAPEL ST. BRAMPTON 77W ILTON HARDWARE bC arry lain ug DEPENSABLE EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL, TOO- 1 23 yesons.osoiencehbockci CT LEV LA8 WANT *ADS, PRESENT REPRESENTAI reprsenîaîf e al 'Onos re-eleclion for o fouris dote, Mn. Hall lionu ns oiuncil leader of the Ci NEWCOMER TO The Hi bears lihe standard of t ni E. Joiliffe lnfîf, mu Lngisiatnn fur fhe Isu ativein the C.C.F org PAGE TM WITN TNE PROMISE of ltighf is une of the fhrr B aong the Libetoi otu He cnnusned theHo n Tonmpsun (ef) Lbr grnaps sin ohi upporn Evidence Equalizati a,,. ouN t, a]iý tai atnasgrsoarsss.slis Moral ratai -k 't aisr, Madu.aonhsaaaand Tir uaooo -s55 aso lu-aw puard Os Cratt M0OsrO eoublsbd tha ohî lais Or olr m5rarupl550 tlt' srlsint TOsa Oo- apsi.pouid ho DOksîls, a, afinGeogeown, whsrO a. herOsg Ipobussay .Osdga Rsoison 's 5555 nI, ,tht i s , lasnsad uhebyiumw Inlaibs opring addra Judge nise nuoggouird thaï; 1 af inufbug tho vaidity nI the ualuble borne ifialIl I moaioipubIiio and unb sldi bre prsond tu the Jouice Sapîrme Court. Thoeacourt pnuîednd fa ul idrusîu fur pnrsoufaion Onprrmo Curnt. Cusy Assonann Ford Rui a91ing evidut, sidi "if upt Inou nie ofb l cusoislauI uued Eu Mhe îunty, tbo tIlr emonoth Monay roua Ra uoforued Eu o narybsgo urnplet5un uf reosaseustn 0uui5r mundei"UtRîui THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO