FAflU ~ THE CANADIAN CHAMPIONe MILTON, ONTARIO TMIIOIBOAY, ROVEMBER lit, lOto Itemso fon tisa columuas mua on phimed ta 220 or sent ta the Catadian Choampion Office in Mllin -Th, proîidofn brighl. soni A Michigan man aha sasbd laoioy data bornn etor baC a tka Son mas iaalnad insane. Il -Tho tant anoinil nail. ne.. toatt ahonft av on otstd srprisench any diy nna. -h b.y txCt,tivitns honing lin a gno.d bitobi nom. ta Miltin boit -Th, oi F.11 toisn toila tntSnd in tht Cuin Cont Ilousta 15 -W11Sibl Sotoi, tr oint ions tna notd nota ti tht soras nI th. Soir oti rtontntdc ton the nigSI obonil piannd fan Milton Itoi t non More ann nitl nsming la. -Przn mîonns aiithe Agriîtot isoal danne tons Potdan nome Jane Wrînttnnnnnlb and Gonrdn Win- field and Jnan Ninhosn, and DOoglas Sales. About ti5I alended Tio Sonte ton potot ibiasnnd b apt 0 0 a' taonSes.. acitn PO00tîttnoSthe ply and ountn laid dîirit noms. sales mîlleits Onouao iob-onthnnî -naoitomnn milla atO lits ghoalO, arr Iwy ais e noiof at ibniopn ennh wou ondn nd dnoreio notib isaek lt$2.0 p- nea. tlr or onnihar nea. Onte. t h. daimy 0Pa00n 0000100 n-tnP_ t ttn n onr tan ittOhn of mnmw un TMilin a t _ t, rit înîîîît, 0ooî. o Thîtndan. Apparnty tht fait fi ni o oier. sttnod oni Wtdnnsday aterntrn odit tivd satl 'Thnnsdoy moon- --, ur ycni ,îîîî,ni., t on the irg Tht compictioni tanbi ns \'.: t.* Li. Do tOtn o t tfor et rc toit int to haneocnail. Dtd CAMPBELL VILLE Many Guests At Tliankoffering T ý li ýfitiar Iittiig ofi rît itrotý Ma. Elii, opcn.dtheb vith thtooi C.1 mn ..bîr ou i niaiy- Aller thenatning ni a Stran onoaticle "Lnt it goto Thn itvtiottl arint no n t Charge ot Mas. Moohon and Miso Hdampshiof aIoston ChannS. Mro. A. Cainsted Mnn, DiSon tcomo- tnol Sn Mm. Menld of Kiît- bride, tans a mmml dont "The tShepherd of Lone". Mn Wilfrd Ganenions abs Soit taieatttnnd the gonol spnaker, m inntannd Mat H. S. Reid, ansenshn ai the Coonnît nxatîno. mbi gane atnnmtintletingtnd infnmmatin adaes dettitot moslî miib the pmatnl lbîngs mSînb 000e plaît n tib lt port cockers and aI hiatto The sîbjat niof t dnnot Nassagaweya Lot Mecca For Match Cvnt' iiait ,isPtn ni Ciast 1--Joînr Pion. -in toit t, t ý S . O nt . Dot, 2ad, Ait Diobîr Jotntntitt. 3r4, Sion May, Hoînho. diS, Hoîity Tîntheno, Un- Cito, O otoPloto in 004- 1t, io.o Mono0C. Aiboton. Jad, Jack Ittanon Maiali CI..t 3- Joinlo Plioma ta Snd toit, Minle Tîmbena, Atoorao tnd, Gotrdon Lavna, Honnty. Citam 4-Tratat in Sot toI, N. Tyndall, Richmonnd Hîil 2n4, Dnag. Rnid, Brampton; 3r4, L. C. Kn- nedy' Agti.t; 4tS. Win. fi- nanson,' Maltn thi Spencnn Wtt- son; 6iS, C. F. PîtOni, Gorngetown. Citas 3--Trottons in aodittto, K. Mnaoy. Hotnbt. 2nd. Nons Bromn, Noraot itd, Win Orata, Noraaî 4lS, Sitin Dants, Atbnnin.st 5th. L. Mat. Milton;, 6tS SheroamiitaHnte, Moton. tb, Jatk MaromnaI Norn 'A ihottond mites hongets mith one Cloam 5-Tatort in Soit iHa;ttni litin snpa" Mas Raid aaknd far lis, Arnotld Hoadn, Milte,: fad, the pamem it ttnayn fon ait lt Johi Cunnainghamt, Hoonhyt 3ad, o.ne Glenn train, Mîitont 415, Paul Mm Menoîna thankod Mm. Rnid Citin Milton; th Jint Ismînl, terd ait ahi had tatan part ln tht Georgeowitn; 6h, Barrn Archen. anagrans. Tie olîernag wu k n Geogetwn. bo-MssaReid aad Mrt.Sharpand Clam., 7Tranniarin Sodi t, J. dtdiatdhnaîeigîeg one momentf WnPictknHnmt2ad.JoliRnd- athntta Thetmetgmnt onnd haad, Milton; 3ad. Gardon Fntg.t mlth antnnr bn Met Tinotie ai non, Georgetio; 4ib, Harold Fan- MolinL gallon, Fnnnmaa, Goosto meno mataent Iron Mil- Cites 8--Tnantsa Mnjîatnd Ploma tan, Bostoe. Onîttos CSannh, Pas- an Snd-lI. Donald Armttrong, lnnh, Kilbnde Utntted, St. John's, Brampton; 2nd, Roy Warnaaoe, Nassagamonya. Canspeiln, Snd, o, Dlon, Mat R. ngues ma. aa tht Pntnpt- Brmepton;, Iib. Jack Taylon, Fren- lot conetitten Mnt S Cairns td mrt Mam. C, A. Etaten mono lt hosa- Clam -Traniors ta Sitd 3 For- et. The lunch anas isanvnd ho non ist, Ed.Feick Ktchener lt MntI Gertoude Hoinsatnd a ver Chas. LeRithe, Milton. picntlf ot oita at Cnnmnd Ia tht Honte Shom abene Mat darni1bis nslting pennad. Faahtastoneofn Fooesat sots the oficial îotgn. tho naads mono a Dama e t poato ýu lt,,SS aIt. Jobs Tient Da ag tov Potato Stanlem May, Hart ît; d4 Jack Tontn.r Moitait dtb. Caused By Digger Mrl imboher, Auoa. Muofsthe damageltupottoa1 stPlo loahoI. Merle Tint li annntttimnslattontd hy thîStt.Aiit.n 2od. Hary Woods, dgnr As impnopnniy adîtim CamtIiitollr; 3nd, Edgar Mon. dtggep etay hans nnatly uI-tan Hitshs Oih, Stanley Mam, Hontan ofth lnPalalmol Adi attîeg theîte Wbile itis S thfni Match aI teasoel. deatb nI dsggoo ahane, btd on Not igomona Township ton onnndanfd agitaton oftbtheevnan saur liatit tîmo the nnatdnnts of Chain andhntinraaýg puddintgthtTowshipîraîmPtibnntiid on~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i titi dlCtnut-so h ho hn9î51 î ilth Hoatoît Thenol.iftnotl oItIh. dîggtn, toma Allan Magot. Agnirotionai Eu- ,?ý7trICenirat Coninimasi Foreto ettr ni n h.I boit Tb-oe donn l b ... iinoin p.ttit oaiust aba, Pollock and ol- hmor tnY itoristiot 1t hait Ahi tiik. III Camnpbell p is es fi 6 i 2 Wator St., North GALS Thn tpnd ni the .inontar baéil! TELEFIIONE SOIt eboald ol tnPnedtt15nolenta ste, Usoalmatpp trat bialf l=t ______________ tin an tais gean spill aine thit coni-1 taon, Thn agîtatan spnanheta shatid nat ho oseS anleuso anl teanassan fls ert diffintlt ted thtynott bM PLASTERING nrnoed an ilastcodtisa pen Mit- : PATCHES Inlaey Rmy bn ondatod fotbno STUCCO By pudding nil parts ai tise mtachin e CHIMNEYS nEPAIRED t5.5 oen otact witB the posa- a BRICK POINTING tu& hbbe tuhlog on tht thalo atdBetiog on dellentor le Slvt- E. H. WILSON o le oninato Injttey o ptott MIL TON 441p ettoud be o»eralled et a low aqead. WM at e te S âlon t t Photne 436M -dol aBi adUtUat pedion - PR=0 ESTIAIT» ~ - t.peIeIqaBpet Glenn Murray Studio Photos tahon inyour own home WEDDINGS BABY PORTRAITURE ANNIVERSARIES, GEOUPS & COMMERCIAL Phone for Appointmont Milton 392-Ring-31 [HOLY ROSARY PARISN PENNY SALE GRAND DRAWING RESULTS i Lare Cedar Chesi, No. 3362, bors. C. Curk, E.R. 3, Milton, 2-Tri-ight Flaaa Laenp, No. 2826, Mrs. L. Nayler,ilton. I4-Relianne Electriç Iran, No. 776, Mas. E. Galbraith, E.R. 1, I5-Onneral Elentrin Clock, Na. 5168, Mr, E. Derais, Camp- bellaille. IOUE SPECIAL THANKS TO THE MERCHANTS 0F MILTON [ WHOSE GIFTS TO THE PENNY SALE WEE OEEATLY APPEECIATED NOTICE GARBAGE COLLECTION TOWN 0F MILTON Pinase rate tai narmencng Naaembea It, 1951, and1 contiraîng ta May tt 1952, Garbage arîy ,niil be Cal- Iected an Mandays and Ashes arir an Thursdays. Garliage and Asles must rabe miaed. BY ORDER 0F COUNCIL Co-op News Cool - Farm Supplies - Feeds GehI Hamaner Malin nom on hand for prompt deliv"r Fig Starter 16% Dairy Ration Hog Oramer 24% Dairy Sapplemeet Saw Ratiar CalE Staater and Orawea Chijol Ornants Dry and Fîtting Ratian Lay Mash Colt Meal Hatnh Mash Reet Palp We mont b houy Ontario Cato-Contact Us Pre. Deîivery on Route Day Sereine with a Smile MiltonDistrictCo-operative Head Office, Milton Phone 127 Branch O ffice, Georgetown Phone 86 'PRINCE SSI T H E A T R E' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER int INDIAN SCOUT DAVE CEOCKETT SAVAGE SPLENDOUR PEt -SAT. NOV 9-3 LET'S DANCE gelino MON-TUES. NOV. 5-6 ai tha JOHN LUND THELMA EITTER Sanran MATING SEASON '.og en isst. K.t adaîta t$ Rints NnteshC want Ans Are Tour Communiy Market Place p.ta. mlii the coo Btweo< I05akt Imirths, Marriag«s DuhEtc. CARNEY - Mo. tedf Mat. Janiesc Camey ano happy ta anuat th. birih ai thisoi dahina an Titanday. Dotoben 25, 1951, ai Miltoni Prirate Hospital. INGLIS - Ma. and Mat. Chantas Ingi m.iah ta aaaoaeoce the biah nf . daaghten et thn Guelph Generat Hospital se Thaatday, Ortobno 25, 19ti. A saten inr MITCHELL-Mn. tami Mm. tona Mitchell, a. a -a, Miltaon,ar happy ta annoonan thn biolh et thelo datsse, Soarsia Manlota, an Suanda, Ocoeo M., 1951, as Miltn Pr'it Hospital. ROSS-OiALL-Oa Ocoiber 20, 1951, ai s.ovrntssst t'noabytaslan Charnh' Taronte, Sa Ror. Rats K1. Camnsn, Mortel Many Hiall, Honby, daaghoo ni Mas. Enith Onattiso aa tht lt Jon F. Soattie, Saneotartilo, ta M. Rab. art A. Rets, yonger non nr Mr. J. B Rom, andtheîata Mr.Raa ni Seanostos, Ont. MANSHALL_-At Hamitn Dater- aI Hospital ne Falaa. Orlobon 26 , 1951, Chsrles Marshall, ho- lovd huabaad ot Msary EIitsbeth McRny, ins a ;Oh yaa Srvice mat iront MarNaS and Son ttîat Clînoni on Motîday, Coranttr Milton, Oat. VOLLICKAftr a IIIth tuantss ot hil rsdrnto, 45 Huxtey Are., NothS, Hamîilton, on Suaday, Ortnbrr- 21 toi Charlea Hsn. vyVntih. brînad Sasb.ad ni Aitrr Pîorrt and dear Ethanie nI M,-m Waiter Prtrs;t ai Hamnit. toit ait Wiliam Vrliab of Kit y stntoi service n.,n S.tId Weil .net.ay. Intttîntnt Hnmtn Cront- Fa. t Mtttn CaS Pack nom. "ThanS non amy ranho tannary ane h. hiorpd thoramaille stinj Apple Day asnrnr.s Net P ronondo Coming Events WATCH PiOR tht npentng of1u ion dnponimeni Miltin Handware. o Moione HigS Scoo Couaaonre. mena, Nonntobma 29 ond 30. Koar W. A. Saiir, Wodorsdo.y Non- onthnt 10. 8 p.. in S,. GCItont' Choîth, Lowvîir.e SuîiJ't Sh1,oot Torbry aipra and Conceort te Aton Unitoed Choiatb Mntan Nitînabîr t2 Adotia t. teî Sonttîttrn etitiog t,f Mitoni 1- iradi HOockey CluS ai 8.30 p. mt. n Tonit,î, Noný., 6S Or otac Doance, naid tîmo nd men, as Bookvîie Hait, Fmdot. Nanieht O. Red Nawmana Orohetrn. Adt Mis on 0. ha Senion Choir ot Onane Anglinan Chonrb Nonteaga Sale, Fnsdan. Nasieer OIS, aittenm u tee tas tht Punisa Ht. o-I1-O Listn la the Fanstir Hoan mith Ren. Alphent Nosemnthytnen Soadan taonsr 8.15 la 8.45 pari., C.K. EV. p-OS-I Dabino Womntoon stiiote la hold- ing a nanbt n td dance, Stewtrt- toma HaIl Wedoesdtn, Naoneae 7 as 8.30 pet. Lunch onnnnd. Ad- etission 50e. Danis Htit't Orchet- a. hu WANTO &ADS, FoirSale. FOR SALE - Sinaop plans $35. Phone t89j Aotioe. n FOR SAIR-Tno 601teilsntd labo,. Phone 217r1t. n F OR SALE-.Bara mineo ornar- noinS alto Il an 12 rotas. Phono FOR SALE-Madono lahe, an At conditio. John Cannon, Thoas St. FOR SALE -195 Chon. toto, Bsoffelit. Roy Weston, Milto, aiter R an. FLOWERS faor oS Oonin& Onott Bo& Flat, ilid. Phoen 46r][1, c-tE FOR SALE - Hoan as aphory ctan frmil plating. Jot. Psob- ett, phono 088r23. 0-20-a FOR SALE - Appias, Unnaninga. Spysand fliottan. Apply Wns. Sanasaild, phono 284aI. o FOR SALE-Mediuansaiad Qa'n- bat Saatnr; aihumeonoatoano o ; a- r; ot nd bon ato. Phao 479. t FOR SALE - NthSan Son and Gnnaatng appios; alan 30 L.S. pal. tnt, Howard GnmUadi, phon FOR SALE-ontno. prattical- iy nem, Sodroons and dianttn anitît, robins taonS, mat cair,. nOn Wnîl Bna 10 Canadian Champion, Wti F-ÏOR SALE-at stu n Cil 'tian litnatont, Christms crndo, Piqti crSbnnn Sooks; iln gond sot mnt of Biblns il Jatck Mnniaiîs FORSALE -Cttdatnidaov.il- abler ai thn Ina priet. $13 a niord. nas sinon mnnd. alit, ST s load: aloa ttîng mo at nowe Chain ,am. $2.50 Pernhoan T mrr ý3.50 finr Soar, wii eut -vi tino snding trnn,. Pbn Miltn ittrît alta 6 p.m C McMaster Motors MAlIN ST., 'MILTON Faîl Senoninas ltnd Cana Vangad 1950 $1200. Otadnhahnn 1950 $1756 Dndgn Sedan 1948 $1395. lsdgn Sndon 1946 1100 PInrmth Chn 1939 ï9. StiideSakrr Truck l9t7 $550. TRADE TERMS RECESaED BATHTUBS $60.06 Sart MarlSa Washington and Ntnbindge ataîinsa ahane pitn bathranin sts, white $16t.0M ta $100.00. Camred $274.00 nanspînte mîlh beantîlfal chromte fittiata. Air ndiiing listanae $295.6 Se nial otfnrato pisns bttdaild Pr, flas Sont mana ralsabn dol- lac, han milS cnfildence aad hart a airer hons. Satisfaction goto. antnod. Entra discaants nil catal- ogue pninal if me tapaîn ennantbing yaa rend fon nampîlat alanshitta on hnating intallais. Cnttlagstn inclaent litho abotosan ainn le- turns, gricesand installatioa dltýg- ltis, landan lobs, hb.w.r,tan, onirigonatnns. Pressure mai00 sas- tens, ail hanent.se ntn tanksand til tanks. et10 Visil an mollte Jahn- tan Mtil Ondea Diviiso, Sîrets- triSle Hardwarn, Stnnelsniilne Ontar- ia. Phone 261. a-nom-t CIVIC NIGHT Come out and' "MEET YOUR CANDIDATES" Tan Nornai Junor Fariana Rat- ni 10 miii bc belli mn Sttmonttamen Hail rflgrMmrilHl ne Totdon, Norenthon 130h l R8. ro30 MmnalHl ans. Dn. Reansan. O.A.C. Gaelph, umiii ho th got s ptobat, folio- MNDAY, NOVEMBR 26th ed bndcance. C-22-11pm AHaltît Cmsurtl Foinatla Ofai fbuteOuil-, Aginýtant Armnoul Montant, mill Snntto Jupo tht aomn-ra be lit an Milton on 'lTntdnr, otaJnonCnbo Dnccobnr il. Spotial speaker milI of Commercen en Mr. Jack Snsdritb, St. Caibnn -___________ ion., Paoaidnat ni! the Ontanio Feneatin of Agricalture, h BEmonsg Dîante ai thn Robinson itnt Colinga, Multas mîil ha______e__ ndsrttd traim Mnndam, Jnoannry 7Sih at Maom 310t Eneîmnetn. stIOe- mmmtd Innet Nnmnethnn litoi 1 Naoomhtr n lta Teorbasen 559. Remeahnm St. Potila Anoat Onnsthe aidn, Shnt Roe oaisdm Nitmn!eati 2.3. pet j MLISI à SERVICE Ptntti mnmh. kaitttd giodts, orso. bore .kigC.dy.nd1.cý ;ýd Ho race Tonson tnyir tipf ta wîtS ou 1 CHAPEL SI. fitn nd C-it ni -2. BRAtit.MP5TON 7W5 'l it -1 -i t t; iAita. To. ~ ~ o titNtitiii1 Canon tlannioohtntn liii.. tii 5,0SSine Farts i onit Il ts m11 i I Ss a ! fons Hai t , o,,, ii totan Cootnt ait wh ni Toan Talla.i Hal cad Noamben 7, 1951, 6l.30 pata. .Visn Mountiand ani teotnisnns. Mr. Gorgn Et- Cl., aponken. Mo. lIn Foîl & en t Oahniltn. Admnission 150, anten I2 neans 5. n Banirensten of Aaisnooo lhsmh mîlI he helli Sondar. ero4lh. MantintOterviceti uttd h a Ril E A. Car- Antan. EveninegSerie8 IlRev.J. B. Moreto Wtt- At the evening setvice, r mIi Mc aoited By EnIe Tantby anS Dente Btmtt I Wtterdnwn. SAYn MERRY CHRISTMAS - ottth 52 Weekly Innes Main St. Miltn WANTED - Gutttl hnaaýtmsrwe hntwe mnnh. Phane 41Oom. WANTED-CaeSafg snet. Goa Robertson, R. R. 1, Aclt, phone 9032.b LIVFSTOCKC WASITD -Fen iba"eoett lo eunh ai- naa fims faor donS no dOtahd harans ns cl Phane teSlete Milton 2k Wdlln= tont ons. Ltd. n-a WA:NTEDI - Lion Fnstltry and fenibson mantnd. Hlthtn plt pald. Phane RandatE & Matiy li tan 149,,g aWn.etMln $3oîî CoutRd., Tornto. T? For Rent ROOM AND SOARD-Aa i.tSin fso gonteant. Phane 471). n FOR SENT-2 laasiah' batlise- kneping moina in tnt homn, ouit t an 2 girlsarint orn .lig nasale. WntnnBox 12 Canii Canspn, Milton. Lost LOaT-CbOldaa edlntriyle ont. int nf Woodward, Cour ir an i ai. Phne 527a. a LOST - 2 hsnds, niiniit, ol Ononsidn. t han and toe ai t bianIt and mhite milS bro niad Phne 61 Ailan. S LOST OS STOLEN-Ot Thutrt Clay, Oclnbnn 25, nge bnand tise. Asan la 'Jnmot Pon id raitinaitun on ibis dong Rot. t'a Pntnr Fnatrne GInnîpn Paon, nbnnn 154,22. Il Miscellaneous MILTON Palotent aed ,Dnntnhý an iteonirand taior ae nnnd onrkmn. Fane sntiient M. Sîttasool, phoe 443w front t ap finT7ns. niti- NOTICF,-Mn. Rpnaid Sioman is tineetedl ta oasang a vocal oint te Milton Oiine pninaîn titOn. Annone intnrntted ahane Miton 73 fon informsation. c proinsatanti, Jadn Ana C in , ha, gnnng Salanday, Noenthen X0 12.30 ta 2.30 ans. Rtes vra nota. onabn. Fan panlinolans, phone MI- lia 502.a -ATTENTION FARMERS Eaiperieanttd Datob fton hein avaîithio. FîlI in tan appîn,otn nomosuylau mdl havet he.s -sain et tarins. Sne an phione ane Harhnma tiraI tie meai. Stiano tan, photo 338r3. n.nîn. HOIISFWIVES meloinnt lt Ftnsilne man ion gsaraniend a, esstin, ansnai points, Pan. qum a qotîn d sarvine. le cie te entd ai a fom agCntý-pendi ncm fan the inleented moanin Il :t tell noo bam. bn mritngtu Pansilea. 1600d Detanînsien. Mont- Bertha B. Brown REAL ESTATE MAIN ST., MILTON Oser Ens Knight's PHONE 237 BLOCK & CONCRETE WORK COMPLETE FOUNDATIONS Burlington 5988 Canadian Champion Classif ied Rates 50W IN EFFECT No charge or autnourtents of Oaptbs Manniotnn, Detl ted Engatgeents Articlnt fan SaIn, Rnt, elle - On a msord Miomoot Cash Mn0 (If nt paid otil aller insertion 50c) Bec mn. e tbis nfiet 1te additinnai[ Contint Eronts - l0t Pet tuant Rant mlth 30e motltanf Ail Etlonnlled Adnertnemet Man reoeb the gemfe befe t ion, ten Wedms Voltme 92.-No. 23. TOI ALMOST TO THE D; type af blankeing s Lat yea's stotm mas o tlundra oan No first and wonnt Tis lte nantit Foie wiii la LACK 0F SEI FEW INDUSTI Themotteroftindusn in theTonshi ta Nt hnittght ta the attnion Tonsaip Caitanîl ai i mtng ho A. Sý Nimbo D3 Lunas of Stintn. Thn a onS ai anagn fattittin s nnsd to ha tînt block ta otalti lonipoS, altbogh il ti Pi, ten. of induties th, Tonship af Nntn ISsui the Toma of Soin 0., iitimttond thont Mn. wouid ronsîdaroetoi loti bar plant la the toi thitinh ns tetinOn pi gtîîori TSaigb tht or, inn,. the townaship mtg dînian, o mot said. lYis giro n th, sort t to itheb indatries', Litas. Darling tie discussio, lion nf assantantt tan ntnneon ithnathe ne Ltnonnlanbnnt Sai W. Tbnape thoaght il questlion thoatt go bitti DPatent ni Mautitial ..If il gont t taw em, ttoity assît bann lt ptr inî.oy, -Cn1dl tho tht tnspan man,' oand th udt nmaasioed the imp. Sît iig thn Dnptrnto t ii' Afiin etaightrn i thr Scfti i oI.1 If mwt antannnCd ibot iltolmant ai tanes moiti ttia lsntohip an Ne,, Ani ~Cultl ofi $4n5 me 154d for fon boanltn lin titi Obmop bitlld. Tne a Reserves Decis In Damage Acf Jîîdgetmt mat Justice S. W. Tonianron $1000f) himagenationcc tha Poil Am- taatn Miton Thtsuitmita iabed h 0.11li on bhhit of his nir tit arar.ohinttm frt.iniîa toi r ittii "itilii atch. Th, -i Trafalgar0 Sabtot itîti, i ThIittitai tiiin as ],>t Tht ohonitift, strittitint. nifirr atr il, ii, ttiiiida, lot nlt hi wa mtms th, tIII, tioonspi for the ploostoitf nOst angood thn dntnnt ettonaise ta ýi tnhe Ibm til 8oehtanacident. A soargien tunc enidonce disntosot. and sot-ol-ptnhnt espenan i ot ta $060, tht pltainiii clair Drn J. W. rnnte, nattat dntnndtnt, tootliind as mats n frature, bot IlS bonlot ta la. Astilame eo tht ant heomensnomatle saitli Tht doiondant dnîd nOS tttulng i was anormal t IPont mite the tebterof ai Ilium Mail Gnsnt Snhstt1 'lait tht sport, 1 IPAM ;;ýfpIo. 5 Mill. tu 'tt'I THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TRUBSIDAY, NOVZbMM Lit losi