rat tit of endet. met-bIc, sym- cand reeetc tbtieg ln sur. ente and letae- cf respeet aed tod. a contant centeete te the WORKS bet yecr daoe o det.ett a c cec cethe cttoe eceecceevl amat. A ec et keece et ceetecie le e- teccettet ce ectdeeg tht et eeoteelon ercieds. NO EGULAN ROYALTY cedeecec1tteCeeada bc th' tee c Cic-tn e c cete metfthec Bec a e ceclc et deetet"' hee-ee That's r, ce c eteediegt cete h echb:,the iaciltttt teal otcecttioee teth. t.'teeoe sugesetions ateeadvaeced: tehbje.tteceeldtlctcecttcce bintettoetthe etfice oet oeec 'îeeeal aed tcteeatt eec etc t, el, tetht ecetyaleeeilc. ,:aît Leeteece cccg c*1t' eteeccecdeelAethcc.-v, ttttt.ceceeteal'cg Cornchon, ,tlie e,,tcte 1pkc cc ecce ce'l. ec ad et m: ihe e thce c.c. e cor ectî et tc de. itent Wlth B. F. Geedrieh 51 fown oteuget 0*Extra NîttettO 0 Lenger Mitteege 0 Smoothet iditg Cecineatd tee UetC Johnson Bros Garage PHONtE 586-MILTOP 'à' c s c e t. Bt, îes iîîvee- Y. OCTOBM 4dt. 1961 VIUE NAIN TO ONDIN rts R.ceiv.d The heat wded eet th on .MS.Meeting l g lle f el-o ,mn Iloyd Ctt..tttd tes heelesaeeeythteeg te cehe hm mecom W.MR of t S.Dotidatetebte, but thaeewu tle tbey onTuay atemoon coud do. HU i.tce kect ttetet- *s eMOI ePÎMed the eteet- teg, "If tete t ceeld ethl" a peee "Ceeeds". There e nt c leed te the aigieg ahymtehe Lorde ehe btet cddetly ci fr11 tn heets eet repeted. MisGe- -teectctg creet tht eef, pette- lioe t-ed the Bible leson. tee in the ciedecs et.ellleg tcesh weeececeiced tee.. the and cooe. The iek dettet ltttdy and treaseetc. The Cheet ce hcd te the ciccetee. Thete In reporeted five e itte f frt fthe houte toed tht ete The Weitttte itedWtt' tie truchceth the etiteteeite- tetece rtported lhttt e ltaolae eghoeseonethe cecf. Te ess etetilear teet theThe ec tetekteg t cin for 'Det" oftd t atile. fomth cad the tdiet stop uecelte ai meeet leitee held in Oc -_____ tee ivitation tes reteived aseeeeeeye W.M.S. tn et- Cotton tece bcce-cee in dittet- W etTa ke g mteeetig et elours ethatilce't hae t ber. te tee dycd. LweeteSharpt gave a tnteresctiegtOPlee te ceiettecay ctth. eepee- la Fecettt. roel Seli s et-t epeded to E S L tbe etted "Rjetce". Tbe KeîctIieg. A picete te wasenjeeteed be the 17 Ineset. J. Suthelend eeeeetpeeccd teA. Mette. Mc. . Blatcb, L. Mhet and Me. W. Gee etttnded e cneetce ot y chett toretebebldlnSt tee Ch eceb. Fctgtte, etTues- weetetteand epert e pleettet ptettble tec pent. etfItepîceletd CelteEqele- B uet e.l Ett, Hite RI lecley 1 teLEX. 1B P ETRIIE tetehteecNe 13 etie Eat et AM-ett nleeett 7Acfetetleetttet WICCNEAIIAY, OCTOBER 10, 1tet IMPLEMECTS I Fecel Tc ecce N M2d,1 et,.Ucd 2îLeheecceele t1 bota tetecee 1ALoe CeedeceA- - Sae; t ececceceLUlI tcpe t4 cc ceecttce.1I ecceecce Sde Dclcvece tlec1 tt'cteeee5OABO-21 Tane dec Dc iseee w; t Fegeeee J.- ceTke-cît; t1bFocd Fecectee tttckhtek Majcr Aeelc D.ee Teee ec Cece Cetiecec. t Elite -W.cc eosc HoeeDecece. t" uec; t t' cecece HycctI ecMee Cec t1l-tectced eltBetcttec Itaec ttc Feeci. 1Ceckehtt '"'-tetelecet- 'e-e.hucteD-,ccMedel "H' cee51 Bic-e t hecl Tececcre Wcecd. 15,cIlttlh cpc.1Il' HectItack. cc ht 't. t1 2the .dTe elec tGeteet cettogBo, c40ie'ccc,;cc1 'cIettcdcc nutaco ye ccc -tett.tt2ehc .Gee- i lle Mette eeve'c cect; 1 Deele- (cette etc Ncctecee, .. Tecee.,etc. GENEeAL EQUIPMENT t ecutc BeatDobte , het tettîtee Wct- teece , ceyle; , etececet e / e' Gececce. ccc 1cBeaettc Lite' Car- c-c, cwcWiee... heece detye t e-ei cette c tetec e 24t E"( etc nLcetde. t t e.tte efr;11tte Hec SteeCe.cc Hsee1týe t2 ett H.eet Ce fleece Cher.ne, tWete F cec'etec.nT'et.tte, trce ~ bette tececcHeece. T on-cb teceeeCee blecct2 t tecetteMetk- Ueite.InItentional unDete Cîetet cetet-leetetece Tired Cee Taettoet- : WocedttCoeetytettUnGit: 1 30 cet. Hot Wet etctt500w. eBeed, e et Aeutettaed Oteet ted Wit'e Teeetlcetio c3 el.etHet Watec Htectt. 75e0w. Bted. cett Aqeestet and Gteee tnd Wire Ilteteet2 tet teatt Btackb Ieet leettest e1tt deiek Ceoercc tttt1 Otte HeteetDte 2IcleteAntimal Clip- Detr. litdet A3; t Frankltt Tttet Otttct; 1Detet Bette: 1 DeLettî SîtipCete: FltItt Die, Intfitte.s t-ttttt-ttttttSBIeetetti; Mddlers. Ete. Th.tItteets e eteecetettbrand teeeand in eelletîcondition. TIIBBs--Cteb ettlemete tite Ceb dte tet sle, At Ithe ae litet etd'paee tht feteracnislting-ett1taes Wtill le offet.d tforsee bîftee ru etc obl. ý-I M thlstis. Recause tht.. Btttotit epetlae. letete tteegleg theit tmindcis&buttinlge etyc. One getetetiet etbeete eette aig tht letel t dieeteetrtedteoeutontettt. ted then tteeg coteste teethitg tee, tnd qett eeelntedeltoy feetht netlgttettieetet exerett teilt. Tbetla letlty treeentte eegh et de et givetietaeLetedeal et tbeeghl. Bel de yettnettreretet geeteeeet in fbebeet tetet breghl op wtlîtet te eeddieg tr teeteg betueet eythetegistedetaecttIbt wubed ter bebyt Yee eutet te tht teIle otet dece ithie crib, ted ibht llredy eeenetton tee lifti.bletetand ebeeb-eheeb hie beet feegs. Deet heece bete teete bebitt tee ccth aetctpinet tieief lele théije ittle etttelt teet beceete De. Sudebob te Beitt- tetcttid yeeteeetdetdenbbý il yee httetd httt. The leeg caree e tteteoetpeebîtenehildrece ted geedelte torettbdy et te tht e ethett ny bentebece ctddltt tegh. lette etteoetbah- tes must t e ced ted cettte aed ettecet te epcess thtttttlv. Wbteb ceteettht e teehîttet -teenteech eteemic orte eeteet ..pemi.n etteigt btietetette tet w.Attdlete leotetleetht chtld ecycheteptete det ce ceence tiely ewetidem. ent thct Icececbît hec t.kce ce a long weyt'rIcacere ehcehene in lite, tht pttbed taetid oard t lie peeteddaboutel ighllette.. dett Cette thtetiliet. Bhc tteed thte letrd he ttteteg otffuteltmittee.. th lb. telg tn tep thaï; ters .the teste etherethe normaeet tetetgo le lay theit cas.. Ret-, lete heet. the ettetet eeteed. Chlcet-bidde ld he gg. tehteh peetepUy e teti offttheleeardeend wucoteetd by tht htddte bteew. lied babits it teet abhtw te ceblethec ettet. Weil, I heeled ce tht ttep-ttdder, ted te tetetetofetacete lece cth which 1 tueletd tethte pceebc-I twcentheteoerdeand ecleeg. "Thel ie.etc.u" 1toted Chce-bidty. - Bel I dintt cdeesteed thtepe- ettenetoeta het Net tferCettetht ciebeecd, aetetet e teeettpet- truedd.ac eece ebout thrececec didt, Ithtc e etsibte he ceeld thtet -teeor e eoteA dec ert te tîte tet tiet cetht teeget eteet. I wecet le tht e let h oueIo tete met et te thtetectacte oftChickece teddc Itectelet tnthtetteete ettick. Wteet ieemoe,estetteid heegg ject et t ttteaetd, jute ttaecowemc.0' coueet.shttetd iltenthtetairted he istrsteed anteetett. And etc thet se eee l dccttfetd uet Chictece bittty ecy teoeed teete fteteteetOc ae te heI ledu testepece. ,jecete e how teet MECHANISED FANMING IN A COUNTRY LANE IIe LiHan CoiHer Graye Tht e f ettieoemlesee"e- ted tccoseeth etetl et tk.tew lIlwl h thcilehnyeachee tof caltsht t e tleue tllae te hae t he' geete dec aed etgbt. Ated cen thec eh et epelte deth le thteceet smerteeecisaeeehltt- aItn e etet, cette de chite ftetele teethece tightt, bhptel tgc ted etîeteoet heceteatd pteîteteg teetcdeteteaedteedidtt 1de't helieve t'ccee e eet tr e ece t etete blue tece eeeced bet ew tccthe het tr e ita. Het thet tee seecceitl ectctce, tetech te abondatnc e eofnt eaneteleacceld e dcc, tI wonerce Ttc cccceeach etfceictec eeelde ne cteaiesoon ilciht gi'te c '- etcy .dee cce e aecete t t eth, Il - eeeetee etec etc ette- hec eeý twill, t et cet ecelcet thecceheecedor leeh or ee.On- ttc , iget oftee eeîc op~ etc cee , ne eîoudeece Aed butcedleet ecceect n e -vne tol. ececethet, te-c nd teecît taeset et et te.e cc edeotettc eblhîteteecete t teee I'd Eleete cegott cectît ecet ue I'd cee need to e @ Il eecttled oceiceaelet beekete et hecse cliece tec cehe eheelet eedeetedlc he psycho- ceelycce. Althhee',1tdee't bete. cae caetttth e s uccl tenet t eet te that clam oet1icecet-aetrcethet teceteet necceteecycerdesieechîte ceecît twte ceychelediete ted petc AUCTION SALE [Business and Professional Men Let Us Collect Your Pest Due NiinyAccounts Ptomptly - Courlously Efiinl - Soily E THE McFADDEN-WILCOX CO. e 69A Coîborn . I . - OakviII. BuNs. Phone 1940R«.t1460-J PENNS) EGG PEA BUCK BRIQUETTES YLVANIA :KWHEAT STOVE NIJT COKE CASCADES Howardts Poslte-y Noedles Royal Putple aned PaWs Stock and PoulîtryToics Hartz Mountain Bird Seed BUILDING SUPPLIES Litme, Gyprete Board and LaIh TENTEST CEMNNT MAIONITE leslstte, Lots. and latts LIVINGBTON STOKERS Sales and Service R. S. Adams Sfores Ltd. PHONE 48 *.. froIq tA«VRith tift* « iv~e w .te.# LOWEST COST, FINEST QUALITY, IJTMOST DEPENDADILITY AND ECONOMY PLUS THE HIIHEST TRADE-IN VALUE!9" This ye.'s Cheroetei a mteectefevalue, eeteeee..- and it's ail yeteel ows If yee cetetac ith Blieety-yFcsetee stceegth, îprotecti'on aed p-te-theeinte styieg -i hecceeettsi. If cee te afeeee.'c a t teIcet lac'tttct 'qc'ltt.a breete, teee'e te eimlcetee y te fitd tht.. thatteethtesehetl ef e Cbee- telet. Aboetail, if yee'ee leetieg for ad- veteed etuettehet ptitcty etombiee pîestee itte pefomante, jet lette te tet NEW' - imoed Cente-Pointt Steece. itg (aed Cetre-Point Deeign), et.kttg eectttecrn v cereettectpeedteand lieetee (ccch Dccht life ivecîtec hethe- -e.fe,metecheeecemreefcenet ted moete eetifeltehanteere efoce. Yee, Cheecoettfore'5t it tee" thet dclles tteepeiee tee.. evety cieteptiet -it- cleditg pite. Se, if ye'etlete teyieg teitte the ettiontoet eetling frt ee e recer - ceone in and seettoweasily ytu cae leey ohie ttetifey xact-el. Take vour DiscoDive Kqumm.*Ljqffil in a 1OWEJé ite tte thtPoerci. ltltyears -ea ieeecettteieee ThWeee " letcheptedelt Ye cndriv-e lday ithot ee *siftins agear! And riebealf I.htevrltts nw105 tep.en dineexcivetoPweGl S dve, t tee Mt cdriv.e 1. *A BINERAIMOTOPS RAlLE -- -- -- ---t -- tiet eheccce tccdagly. 'Threeic. "Inttecc ofeteceeette", rthice cc -petece t -eahec." thc ecied Kecedece c the cee Kideo ticetteece t thte tektctcchazdtttccteteeecouentrytintth ofSir Jaestceliec ndtee, 'Thcee.,Id." ecid eoge'cTeecee cecccete-thtepectttthesk ee Btttte Meec set ofEctectece, ,roseetof t meacfat e ee etîce tee" tchoeecceeethcetew Agrectetete týi Aeccec. ch!, Chickcet bietete ce c' ti-er t t ethc 'Sec" mutc-, pcceetecc0cflceecet tye.,. South I eeetleetet e ac-c At,.e. îhe itehigheett , e. c.Whe dcd chec tht-cc crc 13,00t cecheec t hecce1. te-ceeth.tehec-s he-eteececetd 300,000 tract-al eeceetoctefiltethcee teltfoectieececeeut 't ceceinthec....t rc THIE CANAeDIAN CHAMPION, MIL.TON, ONTARIO PAM 01M BELL BROS. Sales-land