- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, micrTON, ONTARIO iem for ths oua c 5De hndt 220 osettathe Caedta Chempion Office inMiltn. -flash tc eshool. and for the -Juste ittle eracotheetii Ppih cs eU labtheptsi Is Thcchgtctsg. This yar itn Sik.iya plesnt change. Oct.be th. -Oneofthe wccersinthe dcily Canaeda Pck,, ers cte i the Es- -Me-t-c bc5W0 Uited Staes, hibitonwuMc. E Peeedcc. Cebac and Ucandian RSec,,,ect Freceman ai th Blue Spr-igs Stcut Sesev in eesgawcya Township ter the -Frimkie Morlecy Jr. u hFi rt Cecedies Soer cMccl. o cc'lses'of a$5 cash p,'Ize ertihe La.Dc wek-entd. «Lek Star" ight ce the POcus, Theate on Thccsdey. Augut 30h. Mlles FOc SBrigade atcered -The teechavebeesjeealu s alithe home f Mtt.A. Henry the t,,,, for long ectgh-lhey on Mli. Stucd50y'eeti.sg et ae begtig tcturnbriht cîccice 6.30.0ltw. c oo igh ad M m'. a eflead wccli epletly i- et nrE y hadlitire. The cles5,y ahinesthe cet-den bloomts heoe-,ceght tire and ie e ereecal- veay long. led. De s t eiu latcg h, pacce cted hy Mi Cet-s nead wccliehteechtes Est Mi cf' Useo rct-pht- esd Guidence. M. fet Wisnccceeds Me. Ceihees. High The the, meehes f ccc Hic Schecl Staff ceed nce cleedectiei School btttcl--s oectce 1555ri 1 ~ cpsl.' J. E. M rccls, . McWcc News M. Bt-ewn ecdaM. Secs che cc plet, hessale etbes et cu st. Declady techc-t, Mm. Dcc By Janet Etîcct cee. Mt-. StevenscIand Mc, McAi Thcheetb a fMUS ae soce hbs.ther,, heet ce have hed ctth u Zieg wtth cvestion acd happy te, se, ime,,e c OsO cth u 155551e, .Seheo si he -pecd foetocecmoce tlest-cesie lettg cl essthe t-et. TO,,, cs ac tetes- es le tht- ellet-dicoura-gcccct ehese Stftt-sh ,sthessm andde., su et t tcs. Seciccise te "ceckhaOctde, îhct At ihis eitice the ncmeenc e,." Tcetcct-ofts chccarecc. clditehschel ths yeecltn teeisg, tht, eccet-ecce bh ecce,. scctibe 1 thli tyt-c hale h a0 edttt-eqeet itrleidsing the inortionet for tec t-exteeeck. . aeeyeem. Ithebs eeetdect Wccccc ilpceaactl-lturprise, st thehbegteSisgsofchcctcandtc1ýt. tsecthet dtccg thecestoeec'a loi thehChitmaseaed ESte, ctione s sche bs heec decc exaecinatics. Te thsee chc aetcd. Thc stage backgound, chitl cettes hece te, the iNt time, AIbOs e henbhie, te, eteseyeeet Jiahewidcticeand ccnfstsetc. ncccahcght cheerltcanaeecosts lt ata Ite, coers I e Sttttd Thc ceHs, tethe euditriumt S l1e te dedicaepaecIof est- citten teci hiebut îhv de tafreashcm tht, ceh cofpetet. 1iknoctha eehel ii To, eeSccese, ae, cccoceth, ee eteci ea tle esiee in cee plea thehcid f a-e "scs jfe.' As t-es scI ccc scecceedicet stan.d caeshtsg h, people iecsesd Wei, iddes, l'es etcstd Ihs yeeesnodcshetycs ee aiittleicst heelat elchtnewtalis eeî ad iiiat e.c. Thsl aisccecjSestcchetee h ilpoahiYttndtu ta ec. Yce he, c elt q11 morettted, cîlh nescc Icce er: ,,kea Olhi etoeeaed peehehty teet onr . e ,ithe acacetiets, hetelit'Se clong-frcee. eesegtgtces isccntcîfend _____ tee itseelf ote 1,irst time. S feti 11h the 5, iedt tc, 1 SMALL COFPEEMAKER mie, O,,. Meey 5ofesc frecds- expeeteced i and damna oftthers Dedclecheeetccestp heetts-eeci ee yee. Dsehtt--reemadeapc eiedhy a ic, ,utere h,, cliOc esest- hi tsiicc cctîcccelt reportsehe tcFiceccie ccc chu e ci ti1hsc. ee- t Pst I i mnctchecd for ts ySel' ccc sc'ccetdigss ccda v.rd-y24 psitaim qt.eetlsees. Dtlc ye e,, geSngce.Medt- etPt-ct-egice icce feei disecucgdscnd distheecd, et Tes essy eei esthoh e c dc, atuect e e- pcchcg" ccnt-cc end hhesttce s-esote c Oiest oefleces W, cii cclOs iepcckig oc yee or becs ccnkind, t'etly. Pes,, ,e. meehe, hetc, te ,1tOc 1001ha t nee ime. Bertha B. Browni Atwecehcae, dtet, legce lc eecodnwsine 01 te rccOdealekeon. REAL ESTATE sIcctIce end elptet ctiliae. Dc et think havade studceles MAIN ST., MILTON te, teom cetcimteet Ih l c tht-cetgee oets aec cpctescded, Oc,, Sus Kight's euesst lacettco. We ecfýli ieeecîng, tee,. ccc iletc erelhreee PHONE 237 or four gradeehed ofyet. I lhish s-ec ettlttcd, il t-c ese c.-oeteand cclctltcg te ceeh. Illel MOHS ce eey oc, seshel, _____________ th gt'ccdesl place inte I, etd I hepe 1001 ycs cii t,,t cl rec te ________________ e toc cl,, cttdcts il ces vvtsb edelce oc elcp rTe ccttr,c LET US DO YOUE te. sre lcasswtilcec te ecd thce, eTherecoeltshil Grde. er BUILDING wec etendahesrtit- etece te MOHS and etîîh t-ce clhappy tctectg. TrayElor Thmet tec ct-eldlecstcc t O C ontr ction Co. ce se, cn- le-hec, Mm. Mektca, M, Secnsand M. Wilso. French GENERAL CONTRACTOR ecd Oesten, ftret-cct leghl hy Phone 485W M iss Lecck. cli c lseght Ihît PO. Eoe 86 Mille, yet- Oc Mc, Mchcee Mcc Stee jROBERTSON'S COAL - - e! .1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FURNACE OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE NkIL McPHAIL Charles Si. Phone 432J Milton APPLIANCES and FIXTURES * Business and Professional Men-I S Lot Us Collect Your Pest Due I Accounts IPromptly - CeuEeesily * Efficiently - Eecemically THE McFADDEN-WILCOX CO. 6ACien E .-Gkll en I..p«6AClo. t . - Oki ,tcMIIclIlIIiIIIMIIEiIUIIîMI MlU M iU.UI M MI ItîIFMI I 1460II-IIM h GRAND OLE OPRY SHOW of STARRING a LONZO AND OSCAR Direct fron Nashvie, Tennessee, a THE BRAMPTON ARENA ~t Tliursday, September 20, 8-10 p.m. ADM. - $100 a person includes dancing 10.30-12.30 et DANCING locly> afler 10 P.m. - 5OC a Pesse a- Tickets cc.'O flonsale a CHINN'S PHOTO CENTRE, Oueen W., Brampton .tMail Orde,, c/o Brampon Arena k.l SBOWLING MENS COMMERCIAL BOWLING LEAGUE - Annual Meeting - Mon., Sept. lOth, 8.30 pa. AT THE BOWLING ALLEYS Al hose interested inbowlingaend hose.asho wsh to Leer en, pease attend. R. Bocn, Psdnt PRINCESS: T H E A T R E 1 iiTHURSDAY, SEPTEMEER 6 "LUCKY NICK CAIN" GEORGE RAFT CG FEN GRAY FR1 -SAT, SEPT. 7-E r-î lYprsens he MON-TU.1 * SEPT* 111 ] feîcu on * 5 "Bonnie Prince MAGRTLIGHION MRON IREMANI Stokes cnd OGît urn-r Instalîcdan cd Sevisad A T~o ADMIRAL TELEVISION bi1 7 I REFIGERATORS . STOVES Ai l Eltriil ApplancsaJ~1 HORNBY PHONE 76-14 The pîctece of h. ee THURSOAY, SEPTEMBER 13 ""RIGNI CROSS"" DICK POWELL JUNS ALLYSON ~Birts,Marriag.I ouhEtc. SHEPOEED-MP. ed 50,,. Baigh day, npetbee 1. 1951, t MIn- ton Pt-tteHospitl. MUSICK-Me. esd Mes.itl. . 05:- 101,Eclys S.eli hep- py Iteae ce. h, bietIh et1.r Moeday. Seple.ebee 5. 1951. et Mlton, Ptivete Hoepital. JOHONSON -5Mr. ad Mem. Edsec Johnssnforeey Tees GalUo- h an-e notsesce te marises onAuuset 22 1951. cI Moust sHamilton jEsPIi. EDWASOS-MP. ced MNs. Ernesta EddseteIlsbel Ambshe)e achappy t50 eoue tel h, bielO sfth10ir sn, Douglas S lm s SeleedaY, Septecehe , 5, t Msunt Hamilon Hospital. BAlLEY - Mr. and Mms. Wlliame Rlley et Hornby ae hapyS Occege Ales, on Msedey, ESet- ese , ,1951. e itonIIsePriteS Hospitel. A Stether for Dise. GILLETP M. and Mm. 9R, J. GOI- 1,11 lre,,His Des,> i 1Kin- w Alsa.,rehappy tueesssssce theit ftr scn, 1Er1e Jamees, en hi, dsddye Olellldcy. Wedcesdsy, A ugesi 15. 1951 et Otgh Prairie, Alsa. WOODS -Mr. asd MN. Leyd Woods, H eeshy. ae-,happy te announece the ith cf ther diecht,, e S cdey, Septeslhee 2. 1951.,st Millos PrivtetHes- pitet A istet' fee Reth, Char- marBoset, acd Mardi. PEG -AI hie hoe. Klbid,, Ot. Secdsy. Sepleichec 2, 1951, Thomase Wlliamc Pgg, hloed Ohecd etMeede Tresdeit, le his 82cd yest- dcc Tueeedsy eilh itercent le Bthel Cc,lety. IN 5IErdOEAm BRiDOE-Ic Deetd esd Sect-cd mcetecy of cy Rloed lisehssd, Atth B, R,w,, -hs cll ed te Ojghr serviee Spteb,,9, Oh, otec il coetefohe us Thàt des, tce, se keld end Oie, itetcgee-ets peace ctlh Jesoe Recemeted etih I.i.cg theechis Oy hic cife,. Dite, aed cisc Joyce. AUGES-le lecîcg stcscty et cee lectcg tee" etd -the, Arth r George Auger, ethe died te HFraence, Sept. Ch, 1994. ic mcet'ry ie cekeepsake WteS chie li ccc,, petI oed lsh cinte Os kcpceg. We he ,hi.t ie est-heett Aleeyeceehct-cd Oc Mec. Ded aed Chetttc. AUGES-Inl iieg tcctccy etfte> dcec Otteheed, Artihur-Getrge Auert- w the gaehcicthe te Francce, Scptc.cOcc dIS,1944 chie servtrcc.thcthe ,Qucct'e Dcc ifes. h tet eeceii F, tese ce teke me, eetc, Tht- 1 c-etc i it e ,pettesg. Tht-e gref ce etc heit linget-tyct, N.e cet-de t-eld desct-t-îhsyee Se loingeccen cder and kied, Yeec ct-et-t- ci lwastbSchcc- ished, Rt- the de, occe cu ee tlt hhicd. Yeusae sebticee,-eeeccc- echce, Test-face>,tht es eh seel, il ceO ct "tcloecy drcetm. I cilc'y etcycî ecd s Yee siticg 10tet vso Jîî1> a etcernoy hut eh se des,. Yee, Wtt,, Letteeccle. iheek ht--ec iehhees ' fteds ced W.A. te, lle-et-de. iccensd Declcmet and tt-cccdes adci cth- hor-s che t cpceddIletOce ilfe, hc.c-fetR-eeHrtbe Scseî'd, SR.. Hecheeli Thtecmlc et tht-'laet-Thomase _rd let iha kfert, h .ceet- icci arteofeypiht-. ePt-t-'d hb et-cehhcce Thtet- kilde-ece havec Ceming Events M]lorse cOld Feehicet-il Tccl Mct-tcccepct-ct-t-0hle 'tcdý 1ih De.idcîh HOrctccecand t-c c. c-c.chcight. c iehcl Untut cheîîh A1~~-~ w~i~l I For Sal G3TP TOUS pe,,cli hrysaath- mu eces mJek Mceetee, phoe 42w.e FOR BALE-S lip89 cesid, C. A. Wie, Cae viiille, phoe PLOWERSS tornKaIl edaa Geter Beas FIse!., Eflbrid, Phonee 48r1. 0-U FOR SALE - Ltctted qeetty sed ree.$2.00bOse. Phone 9r2, FOR BALE-T pigs, E ceehe eid. 100 Reck pelleta. Eôessethe eid. Sec Ceenie, Phoen .56,14. s MRS SAL-Boue, chllhco- vencesdoule hgerage, aileeted ce Mets t Apply J. e. Ceow.c. F'OS SALE - Pi treegette; Qsbec hetee and Qeses bester wtth cvees. Mma. Meset,,, Saeah FOR S aLE- 1940 Foed coue car, 5-peeceegee. Ocnemel gosd Pearl SI',.tele icad, erir ttDXED 9EPc34WODD'415 ,eed ceîc teasecel. Ccl et Ceamphell- vilie. WeII, W. R. Sree,, Ses 150. Wtedecc Phone Weldece 154 c14-2 FOR SAL-1947 Plymouth, le- lue ecdan. radio, hae, s lips, Eeg anl tcl-ep lighte, lce, 36.00 cites lpt-icee. Sidney iFey, phonte 258.c FOR SALFlfeeced 4e4sE $13. Al iesItse$3 e leed. Heel l s-es,- seli. 5 chseks, T7 0b. ..ech; 1ift pcg, 400 lb.; bled clece, ccd hec. Slc,, phone iMt-15, .me-c. FOR SALE - Hoct sicrlesece. gccd coditon; 3 tees fOnctee cil hot caertankl wisth 3.000wactt sidet-c heaep. Dr. J. S. FIrsI- becoo, Vicleels St, phoene 471. e FOR SALE - 1950 3-tes Feed cm. 5 ysd. Eced acli t'ocd cth 2 ceech.sijo OslicgseheIt le Mîlesess iePV. -r'SI o tek e jrphoe14460Ddt.c FOR SALE-Coreeet etNIoc. c 97 pc, cect. germintion yieided 10es yee 52% bus. pet-acse, .$2.20 per 'hes.Aise 2 Holseten Oei,,,. IPoecierl. Oc-de 14bles2 RECESSED BATOTUBS $00 Smaret Methe Washington ced ichilee stetetese the ses bahotesets1,0.wcOte $1930. Il $189910. Cetcced $274.00 cespiet, cîtO Oessifllchrome, etttiege Ai, eteditteelse urnses$ 295.009* SP,. cel ottes te pisethe, end heild- estee. Secvet- ,'eisehi, edol- tees. bey wcconienldcee end hOe aceiceoece. Satisfationlcgus,- eteel Extrasdisct ff ctal- oge ,cticet tf ce îeppiyeeeythlcg t-c eci teetfor cmpel' pisesic o e ti Ocle ste1ltetîce Cet elo itledes 1110e photos et cale E lx- turs 'prces and instllaticncdlag: ets, tseedyt'ubles. ehoee,. stîces. ttt-igert'elt-. Presue, cl,,erys- tems. ieh hnse,,septie teen,, ccd il tanks. etc. Tilt oce ceeJoh. son Mai Ocde,' Divisoc, Stet's- ille Haerdwae, .Stt'elcclli, Ontar- i. Phoce 261. c-to--t FOR SALE i-d c-,tucstct , n lest0Pet-d delece tedet'. îeaei .icle,,end ic ecarcon- 1948 Mecete 114" WR Iuoe,,lest ceOhueld ccd e gced est- thogho 1947 Meeeeey 114' tedet-. 't-l gccd 1901 Pymousth sean c9U Dedg, t passemecoei 1940 Dedgeecb 1938 Pced coac-h. in ceed h.c 11146Ddg, sdcc. ic gesl odscue 1937 Stedeake sesden,.$2250. 931 Ch,,' -cht, $190. 1936 For-d cpe 1940 PFord coach,.ie AI cnditiont 1941 Dodeeeh. gt sec7 PTlet- lIc exeeees, e "al 1941 Pet-d 2tonchssie ced cb, $3093 19359FPet-ipck-up, $125 Perdt-Itectet-. cdc,' ereecetlet seeelît- in geel condition i ALileCOsiceN t-ectet-, peily ,0 t> Forecilttict 7 t>. Pet-iltille',.tht-c et tedced, tertilîee tcgh e,ecîcd E A R L Y' S DEA LER SALES AND SERVICE Phone, Mcltt 132,3 1O PhoeeMilten519, ,cceî,îe 513 Anes-sey Sie cee sce- 0F THEKNOLL FARM SEG. cecae P'tsteiscCOoeh, Seelet JERSEY IIERD h.eusbsc 16 si Il ..m end 7.30 Pc.. Sec. Chus dec et Luck- TIESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1951 now, eest eake.S scta sicel. Ati1cisshDS.T. OdI T ae , cmelcm Mcly, Dcccl by Sept 17 Seppet - eel El Pc. WM . B.LANE, Cleicte Peescees. Amiecssin $ b,00. 50heedeofecg.eadtetts-ect-d. esude 12, 5te. Eee>tyb yIted Jeeye. Weieeesc h-9-2 Fercatalogeue, cette The Cceel- - les JcJerey- CaIle Cub, 299Lect-- eneAve. W., Toronto,. AUCTION SALE T".. a htua e n No. 10 idct -0 ieseN. ofBramspton. 0F fvlENITUBE TC. ROT HIRDLET, cli bhe ESth pepn5ieco JACK ELLIOTT, WM. GIBSON, ILc eeclleeheeethBe igsde Assctioeo aS 105105 c- Theren le5W a paeng,.- cee FeU SM ~ OP.mnlon ceCaaedlashghways Hcndey ESSetS Aucles,,for evt-U7.56 Caaadlaui. Want.d 'WASTED-FtetM ee tgege eam-. esesîls i te'71569. eî Ec e2 Cnaiae CC. lc. Bx e. WATD E1p tor renardi Ocg. Mmc Thes. Dec, hs 26.e )MLTORE Dry Clesneee phone, M5. Belg u yoses eat hsgc, We teSt py e eseh, a.y asecn.. WA3ETED - Lise PsSe2,y aed tesîhe,.s waeled. Hhghent penes pel& ph. R.lcsdfl g& Morey.pUn.I tes 143 se Wm. Dentsi. l1bo ni orws oe s cen,M EUDonc, coert PL, Toronte. Tg LIVEFITOCSEWAITED-55 heai HteiiaehI , f~oi it-lvr, ~geM. e esnd puc,, hndsa sitg Ypesyais cpelcgig e ctemehe, OcEeber. for Estrn Cenaalsabicipent. F. M Hlmes,acd Sec, phons e Onc o 96w2. Acide, h-7-E aie OsnMilon. Espereece notsels,- clspofitalesdsesechec. ssttcsAtfin Es0 te ligh Pecdeet, have hcc esidtfer DepI. ML-I-284-IES, MsIe,,1. For Rent FOR SENT-S opae, ees tehed t-cees, M. Seheiek. uR R ý' Mlton. Lost and Found LOST-COele cith ce OctMem Lechesce, phon e ,r3. e Miscellaneus MILTON 50PeOntI,, and Deceest- 0' itetIce esd esteelcre. cp,,- teecesi cctkcee. Free sUatee X5 Seliset. phoee443wcrtes 6 p. COMBINING00 cctees cee4 Combhin eiehi, cithit 24 heu, notieschi112ead 8tt. eut.Self pôepede. Phone,383r3. P. COes. cIte, c-lt-S AUCTION SALE 0F HOUSEIEOLD FUENITIIE TOeiJsderaigssd hOee ececicet Inetructions fotee ,Ececeteseet the Etete oethUe LATE EOlTH EOMEWOOD te ssii ky public, ectiee et he tle Wcîdee,. Johe St.. Miton, m SATUISOAY, SEPTESIERE leth At 2.00 eciock he 1h, tsiisî c Boit Chesterfield, i Meicting Cheasin;1Dveeepctt; i Console Redio; i Reg 9,10, Rsg9"'F Reg 6'9"x9'; Fiset- Leep; Bridge Lecp; Pait- Teble Lamese 2 BaI Lsesr; Dictcg Seees Suite (Chairs Leethe, Setc; ietch10e Tabeianse 4 Chairs; Quehe Cook Stoes: le Box; Oey Bcd: Seseti Csphcaeh 2 Scel Seegetteet Qsee Oster, (Nec>; Odd Tehle; Etectrle Vecs- umCtesce el ndA,,,,,ec; de- tiqueTeble; Fec Stscd; Fioee Staed; 3 Bede, Spricgseand Mal. tresses;4 Desees; DressngTable clth Miecet-; Nigbt Tahle, Tcue Wesh Stend; Fldles Bcd: Alcaot Ceespiete Set et Diesa; LarePi- tsortiret ofDasweean ed FeecY Chiea; SevececiPies,oetSiiveceses iLînes,. Beddteg, Cushteee. RitceO Dtehee, Teetsr;Irlee; Mepe; Pale Pets, Etc,; Dachege ,Pelle; TcIR Lcce MecSti BIETMLae;ce1 Lacs Chein:; 55e,, Dete; Garesc Hose; i Roll Red Teee BeickSiEd- t 1 cnýRM&,,.CsO ctb Ctet-O DeYc( NO RESERVE Ocdliey il Elleit Auctiiccet Ph. 19,3 Set-ced, 177J MilleS Horaesifiedo Rates NOW IN EFFROI? Neechargeteerasseeceeeet of Blethe. Meeeleg,,, Deetl and Esgegeets Ie M.ea Meom 0Phua SEc pr Unae f e .ra. AtlIea tor Sae,, Senetc -Sc a ent piE aldtlE aBer lîms .. Mt adiEsea CseslsgEveEa- 59cpar Ail Elaa.ltd AdveOlneme Eontpanse oW.lo. beay IVeluese 92.-Ns 15 TEEI COMPETENG PLOMMEI >Stercdey te tepreet lueld in cecneeceioecil On the 1,11 John Red cet cwhus eenlit, igh The Icwocys cccpee MatO chad Ceeehîeg EelOead cee,' Leceilu ende,'. NALTON REP AT JUNIORS' Bllon'CcsePlecsM ItelCetI cIto Oeltm Pliig Match aed Colecî cntitetu'eOld enth, Gctte Readhcad, .ct lice RcedOead scd Jl ei lht ecîtt-eI, t CIei ii ci h 19t11 i .tech let Deccil, Pll-i. ug 'c tculcu u dilet, uelhikece, b M, Tîcchutesd il u'eiuuns et ti e ,^A, l lccu orth,-tc t-liFet-cu,eecdilt yîciium'. -'l Austecuîc, u-- 2 ti c- -, cet-e1te g! M'ylt-uI- Mt, .R.R i Auu,- ilIl 3. ilccu.gt et- hi iii t le e",1 cîid lî-et nt-c. R.e4 uciît,P,ectieJ.t- R~it IR.S2, MilIcen ut- SIl I.1 Hlechy, w-c , Sht, ttteud Hue,.S R t e"t tht- eccne,c, incte ic utn t mucen e 21 te 25 ycsc Cc.h -ced tf-oc rttpt' $1 i setcond p,ePctinn- Chidren Overf Township Schou lt 1eceelcg wO,,, aeh Ou thn "I Ate 10,-il.hcedctMu, Ii1 OfI tcîSphecitr.ceg ti, Iîtt-dhchool, c~ t a ai' ic ch t bht uct- 45Iliu Ple Pi' utPt-t'ed cithOrelyet ,le.A ltt-cd m cddlc ear -e'85 et Mspie tel ltped te 113 iis ht-ccd setOert' che, c ieth Lite cOccice-st1 tý'hte-Icg cîl 30 pp-ies cIe plans teased snnet. 'ecclO,, seiteci. etO 10 ted esan Siteees Sceh.o 'l tcaad thts-et- hae,' eci Oely le the heoardcccl ct h,,, îhsy cii ge ocortee aPtc,,. Il il