Gurna Btttdtos Stagte tro Cib; tht "Big Foot" rluh ELECTRICAL Ftield Dat i ituhtatc, aurl Vietotia and SaDtiotayoftlutirrthioas Guro Pottthuutgh, ahe Qtuonte club lu AN sydot inHalton Itrvasthureu-e Nrttuhtia Hoattoga and REFRIGERATION tona of the Guroar ttid taot Edirurd,-ruatira .. coi. ut th.r irroarirta hy the Haton tand P c ool t ut in Woatro Ontario. Cluah. taîtt itio huit Valley Crot JProt. Gru. E. Rtaithhy ut tht Ftaîr, ticr Pultirmo i o ur 200 Ontatr Agrirtaittaol Courutwa Phono 354 ha -rdei ata ir familtes wru in chargeofu tht lodglot schrrl boita prosti Ntarrd uuiorg the Inthe orit. Fotluowîog tht 1oîirtoiier hrerrt iftro he orkh burui ou excelleot trutruto toto uttof udute tht direction ut PrdotJoY.MrRuhh, ut tht Hultro-Prot Club. This ircudoi ahuri addrtottt hy Dr. A. R. Camp- ATTENTION FARMERS! ursyBeds Aocain WEi ARE PAYtNG THE OIGHEST PREVAILIRG PRICES and griutural totostattiru. J. E. Whtttitth; a prarat ut tprta HORSES --CATTLE --HOGS tur tht Young folk and a paradeofu FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ARIMALS Bert0 toeury, Ctnyalrto Vatdey 'Croat Fartas. Tetophot Catteot far taoaudtato Setvice i I the totut ou oarrovt tht Hal- GORDON YOUNG LTD. ton-Peel teamotutpoitoat their toi- MILTON 210 TORONTO EMPIRE 3-3636 Duttuitu thooatouiug outathot tht ____________________________________flettd uch rtdituotheditror- ateofu the Hultu-Puot rctab andt al"i ut tht huata ut tht dut, Mu. atnd Mue Drt R o f utlley Creat taretaoo mA a thet ou Otanuout- PENNSYLVANIA stndg suthrrrot u F00 PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT CekYu ha o BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES Hossau Fty Tht Otuotian Fît sors trotu ugo Hou'ard'tPouttry Remedie as iruttd asathertot destructtve latarut attorhiuu tihuot on tht tield. Rayal Purpe and Patt's Stock end PouatryTonits F.rutherpaotonorî it Hartz Mountain Bird Seed bo ot to ntîrarîri BUILDING SUPPLIES hiedtw ti qire tofartauor Hltot Limet, Gyptua Boad anad Lath gtuottro er n nrdrin oa hai itar ataog thtrtohrt torah TENTEST CEMENT MASONITE offt i rt oert tht gu.... d Utro invesiaton thry troota Insoutou, Loate and Banst ohot urruired tihu itou artdt. This ta tht rrosaou the Remisat LIVINOSTON STKES l th taatptthrhtth tales andl Serviae cooltath erthia triuas oaor- ahlr for lis durrîrpot Tht adoit R. S.Adams Stores Ltd. magt rmths gswr PHONE 48 stn. Thror rroggrtoîîrhthe loîarrrot otthr temsrirandrocas THE CANADIAN CHAMPý)N ixttRD Y. J11LY Ila wakened onaditifo, and FASHIO qa-nat breakage et or near the A HO HN grouad, and at about Otai tuon of year.G.i EXTRA ROF The adait flirt etoage the latter part ut Auguat and in tarir Sep- PROTEctIONf otohtr andilay thttluugg on oun.t tour ouheat or on earty seuattd If the faid la 000, stoded, wail auheat atubtoit ahoult bu pluto. uoder uttpIettiy u auo ut Pua- sible aftr tho shoot ts a toatd L 7L 7f t L and thoo orkud O tirot thte toit. Fr0' ut the tira waai bu abletu Ou Il pluowaoa ranout hoe donc pauompity, lot the voltuteer o'hrot tait u. Tis irbuat totO hoe er-V. lier thits the reuoariy sruduta toheai iodut normtal condatios anda trtlluctuaa t'p rptfr theugg ioyaog putauta ut tht Oit. Thia ahud ot bue pirord itodut ittil tht rnd ut Suptutohut. Latr plootloa ta talo rucottorut The rur.irtuc.rsi-the cialur udhby mir'Eotlgiarl author- ciiti Th pîitrd styitaabut- Let it l ;thyw tbugtW hteïap tara. In ahuri, tf toit iota truahid cher Irrr ryrurid duttariiith alw hywntbdg!Wt hi pc ,ilah Htootaol this ttor sowo oust imanodarin routai'. Ptelsai and toff 10 Ikiuag device, th"y present a Unitted front ts uni uas laie tasi ta inai r our dîirict t rta t ut irai mtputaoru thuto and unoather. They're durable, fitei-reeletanl rhtai ugrroodt ibfre wttr. utkinggrito Cretainty iitbiluiry In Duar opinisita ho ud range skbît ill hrrp oit ail the t ain lu ee mical - and thoir distinctive pattern, lin yo truar rrauhly. Septothur tt a tour. ou choico of colour, prov'tdee o muet uttraia Soptoarbor 15th. 1appoarance. Fruit lu pro ýdo a roruor- 1Clcar dishes ro. hr rootuioard îil urotu lu Canada it tht prou. bu thets tor u itrtou tuotit. Thisas o (uff de" anudUflt0ttlt inrut ot Nota Stutia, Nattruns- rptetoital hazrit rua ho atuldota Cu ithoo , Otrl ao r a d thraghoui th botuluatu toutoudry Clemnent Floor and Roof Service Culatoit or tlirriu tt duha t ut-dt.Matn S. Milton Open Euentegs Phone ad ta Car and truck owners of Milton! Meet a new Studebaker Dealer! MODERN MECHANIZED HELP FOR ACTIVE DUTY ON THE FARM FRONT I thse campaigai for food, mechrumcal equipment -~ia plraying ain increcisiagly important part. Machines enable fewer men on thse forma ta - maintain and increate production. SAu a reotait of tise contînuous reseaurchs and expert- î ~mentation loy thse agricultaral implement indnstry, formera today can gel tractors, comubines, anad Spower machtins that offer greater advantageo fin thse sosing oftimre and labor. lI limes of monpowt'u produce liest resttt. For more tIsonie huondred yeara, Mauoey-Harris has been ai leader in devoloping machines tisat through service and efficiency contribute ta tise progress of Cancidi an agriculture. Youz local Maseey-Harris dealer will be glad ta give you particulare of the latest modela. MSET-MARRIS COUPANT, LIMITED EuiUbUshsd 1847 -o i Il Studebaker announces the appoïntmnent of a new dealer in Milton CHJSHOLM MOTORS Main Street Milton, Ontario "àMORE MILEAGE" STUDEBAKER SERVICE TRY STUDEBAKER'S -NEW AUTOMATIC DRIVE Compoete facilitles for thie finest kind of *It's a"na clutch-no gearshift" matoring at its car cars aud tnick'care! Modem equlpuint!1 finest.. extra cost but extra marvolous! M ai 426 Wk