THE CANADIAN CHAMPIONT53ODYM 1hl Itmsfo Mais oumint muoi h. phomid tu, 220 or tat t the Canaille% Chamontt Office tu Mallait. -In littho peothou I218 t ts -GCouooting ut a field 01801 in sutser lu give lu, suoluo yoor euuoi- Guelph laot Sototuy, Eool Cairns My for aidiuns that utatte.. of Mton plaotd seond inu h -Pactures of the high sohool thot-pot sud 00.115 Ak,2118. a ja1d tost held in Aotou let thiod in tho 220 yarod dash. Wedneufuy 0011 hoe pohhushed 0001 10021.-Do you 1(110 to reliai the "poot- -T'he ohildooo ud uhoport thit ouo' oonia, short as tl goooooîîo 1000k 100001ise hotterflis uudden]y at? 5000 about 00011)00 in para- smt-rgei f u t hetr cognof enals oit ooo visitooo and your ruooslu and rubbe. 011111 tomoite tho Champion ore00 lotoorestog? rural2 jeutons The fourtht line unis, fin graded after cul0 5011 brela, tooggrd lu the hol. -The tii f000 .essions of grati cut0000 and wee01115 "00 qudl loassnt in ibis f1nsi 00000 100th- er. ttit h.ob adiferettory lte -Stanley M0. Hotodooto GourbeSllloe 000 one of 200 studouts 0021 gradoutod tho 5000100 tottitoteo0f Tot (o i Toronto Fo(day i002the onocation in0 Byosou't S He wu0 a sataient in the Sot EIootricaI Toohnology. Milton Atbletic OSITUABY Champs At Meet Former In Distri <Cufuud 0010POO > Dies In 45th Yea 5000180 Boouta Juop, gilo-D - Williamt G. M. holl G, B. 0102101 Foooool service wu0 000, onThuotday, May 17 hy No, Juor Girl. Faol foo Alexander (Sario StnigBuiJn mt ezs h ida oA, J. Buker A, K 00)01000 M. R3. MilOotoirsixohe Bonnig Briand J-ot - D. Kl- rimai. He wu0 in his 45021 o, man M, J. Baker A M B0iso M Doiod of ahuohod a 10,42 Jouop - &0 BoodleT G à. thoo are Mot. Mc011000,, the Wuoo M0,P. ohot A, en0 Pearl Smith2, and1 t000 n aOThO0JBSO ' oKethoand Nanoy. AIto Doodge M0, G. D8000000 A 110 00000 hla lotoar ooo (0 o 50 Yard1 Daoh-D. 11010000M, M Kooooth, Kincardine; Googe, u G. J. Baker A. eyIslandoand o sitoo 75 Yard Dash-M. Noo G, J . Mot Ayling) , Jersey Islond. ir A, .KelmouoM. Mo MoKooooe wa0 lier Junior Boys Sunderland, Englood. Afa Runnn 2 ec0 JOu J Harsi the district. ho was offi R,îW. AgbiooJotA' .Hooi0) t2 the 0oston Poothot ' GAho,. AitkenE. Choooh, High Juooo-G. Aitken E, G. Mo- PaIllhoî,ooo al the funo Vey A, J. laoo,., M. oogho l1 e oood', S Polo Vaul - . MortonoA P. negoo(of the01 Wdetos JoSI 2,000000 A,. OShannon M. ng. Cliflord Brown., Clifford Shot PulO-J.* Harris M.' R Fige- dy and Cool Chith.t00 Intime G. G. Aithoo E, Intoooot 001 toîtt in 100ûYard Doh-G. Aîtkoo E. D fIrcen Cconooy, mi] ton. McVoy A, W. Aohîo A. 20tYard Ooh--G, AitloooE, Dý McVoo A. J. Harris M' 0101. Girls Hall Filled Roooo.IgBr..d Jutop-.Oo Ladn- ~ TL12.lî clair E, A. Spitzer A, N. ZIoG On igi G, S. Forhoo G, J. Rayer E. High Jotop-T. 1Rocher M, F. Grey E, H.KolanA A -plic11.,,ig e. So11(011 Thoo G. Thoopo G, Mltdo T l h . oooo J. Royoo E, N. Z)ilo GO Wd a it SlYuodGuohE.Ootoo he en..l oo îLdo. Niglot et Ziloo G, B. Tuohoo M. Cî odCpoî -0, 75 Yard1 00,21-2. Armtonog E, od A. M. N Zito G, B. Tashoo M. The 001,010 so db,,, ta . lu, Iutemeudiate oy ifu t))) s o of otooo and doos uN0)000g Bread Jooo-O. Tester caroto. ooolloped pototoco ond B, D.Vaghan M 'J 'Tirai G. o 00nom pot0 00i2 10h) .IIIhJotop-E Dodg M, RO Mo- 00"'0 Of ourse thoo (00. 0111 G, N. Aohîo A* tou ot -upus of Thoies tîhio Pole Voo Juc B GC, E. Drodge sauceoll adooool, 002 tale M, J. Davidson A. tfl eotdwt 52101 Pot)_ E. Cairos Ma Col,._ (0(1100 and tuIpsI The 00(0011 dott 50,F. Gordon A. M. 0101 hotu and 021 Wo00o0ledin 1t0Yardfloh-E.Coîo-.M G. ,fineoOOoodld ( Torttlit G. D. 0.000,00 A. usoool 0)0 00000. 220OYard Ds-bIh 0.Ooooloo A,' A T. Woootloy 500010 of E. Cairns M, J Totalooh G. Clair Llndgo. wc10000d (ho, g Senior Girlu and ,otroduood Leu Coxo, Ma Standing Boood Jop - J e fC am0bell Lodgo. Mr.C VriesoG.D.CoeA.NBrownM. proiostd the toastta Grand Lo Runnig Brad Jmp-N Kon Watson and R. Coultoo. MI, M. Nodotîl E, D. Colo A .BonirWreso hi ep O11gh Jooo-D. Colo A. 50Fome lodgrs, 100 in chaoge of tht ,.y M, L .ooG. 00)0011. a ,o)1 121)000000espe boOthoîl Throo' . (bsoo M, J> Tho00ps.nG, J. DoVrieoo Mr F0 101000100000 50 Yard lîo,h-M. Opooo G,5 M. 011 th, bide, lu hi' Nod(0oll E J, D,00,ic, G.0 capable0 i,l, 1î d this ., 75 Yard D.îh-H Hcsl.pTM. M. p.aî,d 0, o b Mr.,R Cou N.dwooo E, N. Brown0 M 01-00.. lIre .021. .,d ]Id un Rooobog B, oad Jool W M Comack OTWlk, , N. RElli. W'011, ,, Hogh JZlP-D T, 0 E R El - hý,"pIo st M0, T Wolho M. I ,0 00 h,,î~ Polo VaoltB Bruceo A. R. I7,. ,Il So-t T, atitz 0 îo ChesoM(Moooo( aîî,o . ,îdo121î (ho) Polt T (0'01000c M. C 1t,-.p,,d ihhirs Dougîlas A. R.h x,5 ,,od Donîghîo tooho 100 Yrd Dk ',10 WAlk M, W. lî 1h', art r, 0 220OYard DashC. DooglîAT. m'l. th'. 011 I 00010 0001000 M, K. Ah)oo M. ,îîd 00,100g ooîl th,îo 1.h Nolayo grl -.101 M0,10111 01i, ol the lorko otîî 4.Do hyob . MoCOo00dh Donald. Mo, 01,0 Cîoullo, G, N Arbil, A. G. Aitho E. Loo Cooo. Mo M-o Cooo Hop.htooood Jbp,00 Mo, M-19tGoouîld. M, Gro W,,lk.o M M I ,ke 11. M 0. W 51T1 C , Roboy, hoyo M.(loo, Acto., E,.. Ir,0 Mo, (bool Ch, hoolo, MII MoPho(b. Mot. S. A. Foo. Mor;oo, F00110. Misat (bob MacNooghîoî Mo,. S Lougheed. Bertha E. 50(1 oolMot G. F. Thotuoo, Mr; AUCTION SALE WJ"Robeton. Mrs. George i OF HOU8EOOLD EFFEOTO W. B. Gb0000î. Liboo B00ldheu1 -s R. BC. Mottoo,, Mo,. Eoo Ineludin-g fuotitore, ocks. .000- F001000, Mm. L. G. Noodhuot, Gouo, lu s oius. oil lamaps. huotging Frutherotoin, Mmt. Gordono Hume oup piouro 010 toutoo, Mot B' N. Saoodooî, 1,1(1(0 Mc quaitt uf dlthe, lineO, IinltO0, Arthuor, Mot. J. B. Moore, Mot Wall h. bell at t21e popitoloO Roy Purher, Mm.. Hugh Harrison -home, Robet Si. Milton, ou MN. W H. Gtoot Ellol Boa1. A tRAMAT lm hoad, Mom Ethol Nooils, 50021 No "At 10Y.dolock 100100, Doras IL Wood,. Margarot MR U ROEAS NE99, PM- Galbraith, MN. Sien Bobino, ILYA»I ELLIOTTE Joyceo Houito, Mot. S. Cruoto l&UCOUM.r 081 Bato Bahoo. huoto- Notice te Creditors AN OTHEES La the Eitate of Charte. Nerr La.o.Deeeam&0 Ail persans h.ooiug clita alaitn the estateoc th 12111e 80001100011 loteofu thu Towno of Mil1ton, lu the Couuty of Ha4ou. 0ho died t the City of Hamilton. lu the Couzoty of Went1000th, ou the 3.11 duy of Novouhor, 1950, are required t0 file pof of attente w0112 the millier- signed onor O0 2ore0 July 1. 1951. Aller0 abut date0 the Pohbloe Truter 1001 potrod 10 distoihute the estate. haviug regard1 ooly t0 the olaht of 102112 ho thou shufl Doîod Ote 111h day of May, 1051. lToe Publie Totste. GOgoodo HaIl, Toonto. c Admii(trttir General Session Iirths, mrriaes Couný.o Balon Deaths, Etc. Noti lor1 hobyf th 1 cot lf Gooeul tlu o he BORN Peace and 818 the Couoty Court of the &Ud 0IOWARIOG M. and MNs. Phil OOU711T 0F HALTION B. Howard at Toonto Generat w011 hoe hlat ln the Court itou. Hoopîtol o Tuedui. May 8.,1951, lnuthe ohlsondt Both fine TOIN OF NEILTION GIBBONS-To M. and Mmt. Wal- --ON- ter Gibbonoge 0100itorie Wa- TUESDAY, JUNE 50h, 1951 trt) et St. MIIy Hospital, Kit- ohene, a son, onFo(day, 5007 IL at the tour ust 1 Ini,, D.S.T., of o'ttth aIl Jtices0 cd the Pence, Corouers, CS$ltabi Guo- esaud u itir ISON nO 1 0 »01 a il- BlED quetd t0 teit, uotice und att.udi, te do atnd poofotu 8a1 dutles tohtrh MoKENZIE-At lait homeo, Esquot- appertaot 1 hnt ing00 0 Toop., au0 Tuesday, May1, fauLL,5 J. ROBERON 1951, Alexandr (Stody Mc- iztîtiOt, GO. 1800 Ko.aI, Solovrd huihood of SheolO ffice, Miltono. May Pearl hoith and father of 10.1h 151h. 1951 c-50-3 and Nancy, in lits4521 year. Funeral srvOice 000 hld otn Thuotdoy, Mtay 171h ait 2 p.00. In- 1000000 foflo00rd in Evrogre argent - - - ---- Cern ,try, Min0. col 0fj AtLEY-01111002y aI tho homeo of TOWN 0F MILTON her soo Gulolto Hooohy, on Sut- Notice to Householders hcygear Tus 011My1t wl ct Opublic service ut Bethol Uited IChirchOI. Intrme t 10 i Bethet IjSPARLING--Roddenly ostere- ubobO it o00f a000100 aooident I Tootdu, May 15, 1951, Dein1 Mo- j htsO dioo. uîleOo f jIvan Spoorliog, in hi, OS youo. me- his is o adiseaile no ollctio ofdeooly 001,81d sonot f Mo. and el, R. os., otil ho made.0 thste unti Mm Ivan0.00 Spuoling of ramtono S' !Il- an d deoo bottieoo f Bill, John or h. foost Thootday of Noootthoo, 1951 jFooooolîooervices ven.on Thoo- as- d altrnaiet t2.30 p.m. ut the f000- jýdeý No 10 dOOS highway aitOOOOY ohild- PA. G. GROAT, Cleok Wo-t. olc ODN-I loin norar of010810 ue .i,, parent,, Haooy L..o11, 1,0000.011 0)001 Apoîl I1. 1900 l in 'q and Elizabeth Estb hewo mer~1 é0101 Mal, 19, 1050. îoldATTENTION FARMERS! - mo wIla.s ,v000 1 WE ARE PAVINO THE HIOHEbO PBEVAILING PRICRES * ,-- vtefii 000HORSES - CATTLE ..HQGS ~oaf9Eet a- FOR DEADOR C010-21.2 FARM1 Coi-Eet Tolrphooo C.10,0 fer har-disir K 00100f0 Cmp GORDON YOUNG LTD. , OE- MILTON 210 00300010 EMPIRE3-,1636 A- S- I.1, holding __________________________ XIS___ 0ý 0.010 F0001y May (t. à ,- 008,0 p.n Mloo _î ad- pr-,,Admis0 (0001 Do u t oi oorbuuo ooght niO ORDER 004>3 FFURNACE AND OIL BURNER NOW in.AND AVOID DI$APPOEKTMffT ppod A deposit 10III iod articl til req.uood Milton Oil Burner Sales & Service w000 C. Lester, Prop. Phtonte Millon 152R24 or 96R31 (21,1 AUTHOR(ZFG 01 D0 EAIER Alto ootroots for Gii hoooer seooîoo 00000 We clean and vacuotu ilfuoss *l oIroSil s110 PRICES T E A T . IHRSAY AF111 Go "TAELIGiALvOMN el-Cood in"TH FURICE Moa OOAh TFWCK W(0( 000 H WoElA G R0E "II WEEKS WITH LOVE" Oood Enteîtoooooot JANE POWELL LOUIS CAIHERN THURS..FRI.-SAT. MAY 24-25-26 "I CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN" WILLIAM LUNDIGAN SUSAN HAYWARD S.o upecial ad1 for this in the Chamtpion [AI AT AD For Sale FOR 8A3A-htotl brick boue ou Oak St. Phono 40001, c FORt SALE-I oohle foot G. K refrigror. Phone 17. o old. G. Bllti, phone 201 FOR SALE-t otait homeo 0Ith hat, double garage. F2100. 423 FOR SALE - 1940 GC doaso truck wth new otor, call 49. FOR SALE-Lots inoutll e011 of t0000 Apply B. Solio(oti. phone 374w0. o-lt FOR SALE-t0 ton of glond huled hoy. Apply Thoooot Suoto. phone FOR SALE-Jotoy 0000, duo iu FOR SALI-t York pli ute 000h0 cira. Clarence MîGrcody. phone 155r22. FOR SALF-934 Ghoo. standard1 gelait oooooog ride. Don MoEaoh- omi, phone 36e. FOR SALE - 0000000 shepherd pupplot, 01(01101, for regislttio. FOR SALZ-Universal 0000(000- sta, gondototoohtgondition. Plume 40. G. N. Kerr, Milto. oe FOR SALE-OSO lhooo qoio ton Dodge piok-op truok. Phote Milton 077, AI ooditio. c FOR SALE -Stoody (0011101 steel bolo elevatoo, aout 2t foot FOR SALE - sOto ototpti0 tank, io glod I on. Aplo G Gilbet, MiII St., III,to phln 10011100 Al0 touatitO ait lir0. oooling priooo Phone Mollon, FOR SALE-Stouo11oooy plant, Premier0, DorsetGo Mo, oo loo KoI 3EGlen M21 ry, BFair FOR SAL-E-Reg. Holstoin 00(0 vacooOoteId and aoîooditod do, May 2021 P21on, 003r22 A. T. FOR SALE,-Too 10,000( tooh t , .oh: ooe sorm00 10(0d0, 5'0~3 4 ldrge pa0e0. Phonie 26oto FOR SALE-Odooa fotruock, cab and chastit, smoIll Olotoooh i-7 Da 1100,. d0 îll ho 27 000110. >5n: ,1,)byMAlo Poh- FOR SALE - Tomatee oobdg, 'hoý I 0r000 000000csspIp, a0000, Afrioo olet10. glo- Tu, f00.Ma 2000 , oini, forsythia plant. o000121 N- 210,,on 398w. t A.-o0 p01000to210 FORbSALE- igondîbuiding lot' -dplea0 e )0 1 blI noCourtbt. ont] oWo ooad, M- E o Chop000 ' Ol tc111 01, hoo 20x3O f11, hydro, -, il ,n F010 Dondon r.o F0on, 293r4. o %i,n) s -o y 2l00 ;b lit121 FOR SALE-6 1,0 Foooooo Pot Hý: a 3 l, c oIok lav, 0000)0)0 cl.ît 00d good resero000, c0,1 or 0001 ____________________ P hone 515w0 aile 6 0.00. t FOR SALE-Tpoh.e tr00 Oaile ,villa 2 0000)0, 00)001 foooloto gond l,0,0, 00110(81d Bobpb PASTURE Whiltey phonie 468j, Milton.t FOR SALE L(ghtep doo solooo a.for coal or (0001, high 0000 and1 WA E ED --il. chaset. bagain C A essp00 ethtoc Phonie 754ow. Toto Haines, Box 20, Georgetownl, Glpo Phone Colloot Williamso 0-49-h BRAMPTON 379,22 FOR SALE-Pool Brand 00000 ___________________________ and100, grasse, stootly ail No __________ 1_ tood. Woo.CouseandSonsL11, hloo'ol ,1, phoo 18 collool. BottutHOun I FOR SALE -Ici, bo, chîldos playoll, tabloeo .,l l (11000 -t II n012 1110 k oh, Aîîî 10211t0 II F vo OR) ((LE -1100 Choî. -don, îooollenlooediti.olado, hooll, 0,f.t(i fog 1,02100. îoder'ootod, Hlorace TomisonD g Iow norl10d00 $1225. F210, t CHAPEL ST 1.o '.,oî, 50 BRAMPTON 77W1 Ihoîl tpoî'pooboh 0101. swe0 oeil .Soî,P-1ollioî, -I p.)~lants: alolloua lEb1oobrib tObole- oo ' jîhot., Go,1,oOo B,, ,hoo .. .. . ;I îh î.oî Milton 4911 00 (F1h SALE -CI. 01000, 0,0,,, 11,...g,11,.,dhaî rack, 2 hîds (0( h 0,,,. .0 I oo o r 373, i,.î Canadlian Champion -o0oîfIoo ch 33 OINtY OSE -Ooooid .0, 951 Classified îîo,th,, air0 condition andtrot Iu Mr.totutu Soe plus III per 110cl. f.ora,l t. Arbpl 2c, a olrd0 1 00111mm ItO u , si neaoO t fluNe. 1. stin 810 10. uddttttl Ait 1.1 AOI,.rtiaoaoafa cuon renais Ohe .00a, batra Z, Ma Wedageuffis 1abgia,0d 11,00,11 plant, Indoy 00100011100 Food loooîois foo fiebd ; a, oopdlog tomate, 01000 obot, F1100oooopoiso( Ne anpodooed ton and 1, roîpdocolons;ozinnias, aster,mar- 9P .oh-opo U,,11. imups, calames; laO 100 '40 Mooy sedan 0101 ouel o poroo hooo Ford '40 Ford 101100 Bt-Il aod Sono phone 2023, 0ran1 '54 r soo %îdan Burlongtot. Ur 000 prut (or this Olob e '4 Nash sedan, opuited and I RESIDENTIAL PROPAOTY FOR nie. $850. SALE-$tO.00, Haltoo Coutooto '41 Plyout00h sedan $858. 0-rooo brick hbeao 00110 mode-0 A convenlences0, boo(tod(og hot0 00o100 E ARLY" S hooting. rutit, etc. Hpdo hard- 00001 f0000. Insoltono. ooooîtly drotratod. garage, table: los tre (0.oont2y5 acre.ot5II teî DELE f00nt Guotoh and M0 oiles fr000 Toronto Bus srvice anod 000001- FORD AN» MONARII 1ent li toores, stution,, sohoolî and oltoroho, Foruher paollouloot, W.meil. ec, ane al CARS, TRUCKS Gooittete, B. . 1. Gatopbehltl. Photo Milton 519w0, eveuhtOî B FOR SALE cOFIMlomr NAY FOR1 SALE-M.14th ton aI bar. C. X Coltai, Acte R. 4, plono 119JIM b, FOR BALE - 200 Ford a 00011 condition, reo.uty ool ed. lu1e0 prio; a180 0007 con0 able h.hy ourrtufo excell Bown. Brimat, St. uTILI0 ÂVjàiDBZ-Coa Canadian andioordatto $0par hou. AD No n d. Coo ud1 Sens Lai, Street. phone 18 oollec. bIi4 Wanted WANTED - E=preuco 1 APPlF Cautroll'a Storec WAtTED-ltoot for coliteeu 00115 ch(ldren sud ouIlle.0aS 154r12. WANT-Goo1 bontes hr WooH S lml puppi.. p ILIG0551 PR3iCE-For fot chlohooo. Nuot vlooI PPu KilIhog Staono, phone Broo 3118014 or 33014 o4 WANTED - Curling 000000,1 Gromoby Beach Curling Clu,sr puy $W0 pr pai. Aoyono hat atones, pleine o ntact0 A. Sproa. WA3OTED Llve Poultpa foothoosat 000. Highott pII petd. Phone Ruoldu» & 500r10i,8l ton 143, or Wo. Dent, Miltot 921 o t e Moses50,0 Zouoo. 402 D00 ourot Rd., Tooto WVANTEO-To11oot for pono rmt racla andtwo, w.h0010 Miltton FP211,0 50210 during 1 Tho lo00ott or000 tender net n hy May 3lot to Mo. E. E y0 5oo00000y. Lost LOST -FPerian est, on TMa St., 210000 ooîlh black. hoo Miscelauneous BOOM AND0 BOARD foor1 gentleman0. Phone 176. t FLOWEBRS for alI 0oBI Gooter Bra. Martial, 00(1049 Phone 4M8rll. 1 PUTITNG IN0 y000 tO(00 lette AIt Balton final.I JACK MOUJNTAIN'S-Barhîî F101000 0(00. Plaot, 000011)8 hogonna, ohooho and hodgo,. Ph.1 SPENCERO SUPPORTS t a.Indioodually désigood hoo'alth, houy and1 canuotn Dennjo. 23 Pire, SI., Buolootoo phone0 4328. Personal SKrNNY MEN, WOMMEN! 5 10 15 lo; 0000 pOP. Try 0 Tonio Tahlots for 0000. tui flesh; 0ne, 0)400a. Itrodooîoo , aoqu.ontd' 0(00 on10 0. A,11d Notice of Meeting Whooooo in the 0000 1910 îîoperial Ordoo DaOghteroo ol Empire, c00eived donaons hoopital puopotot in tho Tool Milton, Coooo of 100100,. îohrooî il i. 11000001 e.podlent positioo i hetoo nt - 00000 the ai,1 Tooo oi! Mllon. in suooundbog 0000(0op and tl (02100, ooho 00ad0 donotions ta 00,00, aoo hooohy notifioO th0 ll bo beli 011 tho Too HalI the 00,11 Towno of Miltonon1 111h 000 of Juîoo, 1001, l11 theooo Potl vooo ,oO Tiui too toc pooot rfder Mollon Chapter' rogardoo 11210 Milton Chaio shîl] t00-k, Il amenait recerved ho i îho 1h Diilnd ol Mlt,10 10121 0)1 May, 1901. John Mi,11on Ch.olo CI.,0 3 Hoopital Cloront FOR SALE Vob15. 91 $ à i TRURSDAY. MAY 17%b. lu Rotigo, Wallon. DuttP Chol and Il inttotcd 10 Teaobtrs' t IMM0 $00 1 Salaries of givon anothe A tootheoun tie a of Sp ionb Io the1, gootlO in J., th, l]-y for un t, Oh, ooo îî,Io . Bo o,,,,for tlu c-h, dioone tîlloîle tiho 5,11. Booo1o oo ho boo Soobo wiokod thid,,I hoqo l t h, pBol ing a thefoo, si00(n, 1948. 1 Oull, the1 12 doobIotooo .h. bavcobel, Guelph. askeo tO oht Isui 02b0d no bA 00)01,0 and th 0110 Tî,d Bl 01100l2 s a 000210 Bo,, for 6f8 95;0J, Ilia, r0lof(Jb0G 01101,0 JO ((o o1,o(oo ahoîpt,.io no01,0 0fto Hr Tho 0f HotiI. n,0100 ood t Th, 0011 ooin Ole d'y Jf MBl L pih ho. h a'ht Provtinl cplut the Ho