ky, MAY ft& TRtIpSDAY, MAY bd, 1951 A Ciement flooring and Roofing 426W, MILTON MASTIC - RUSEER LINOLEUM PLASTIC MAIL TuLE SANDINO & FINISHINO :SDAY AIL TYPES 0F ROOFING -S à y K - (DICK E CLEM NT NIA VS MUT CASCADES itry Tooioo îeed FOSTER'S REPAIR SERVICE ELECTRICAL AND RERIGERATION Phono 354 MASONfET STOP! hs Ltd. And See Us * PONTIACS 0______ BUICKS a *AXAL *G.M.C. TRUCKS *ACCESSORIES 0t PARTS Sooo SELECTION re i CE USED CARS * COMPLETE SERVICE AND REPAIRS terne Garner Motors Acton, Ont. MAIN ST. TEL. 326W 3.38 ETSGO TO A MOVIE I $43 Mill SI. ACTON Ph. 110 24» 4 Cant etcn. tht-o Frd tros 7 P. Rati Sae anId.y foo, o2 ru Coe f~ 4 Vieil Ocr Candy Bar tRI.-SAT. MAY 4-5 h29 mcbeAt c aughBil $ 3.02 "Iriquoîs - Trail" a~t c GEORGE MONTOOMERY E7 RENDA MARSH-ALL "~27c -AND ' 16e "Triple "tt~ 17< Trouble"' 17c__ THE BOMERY BOYS k" A P MON.-TUES, MAY 7-R Montezuma" HEINZ Starting INFANT FOODS RICHARD WIDMARK 3 sne- 28 c AGrneatcn Stccy 5RIStiE*S--OcAL Ceint et- Teehniclcr ARROWROOT BISCUITS WS.THURS. MAY 9-10 -1po- 34« IRENE DUNNE FRED MaeMURRAY Vadu, att lt "NRDD as Neyer a DulI 1o,toUdda- Mement" -2s or -f World Nes Caomln Flowrs, ood, Mute Stove Given Ladies Hig md OMIt-lt-Ilon aSdhootri4 at- are aas miMg tMlaure c o moe-aout cokig frntmthesaac- t CmBleng Sceel oce Wdsccdp - N W ltens.At-ol111h, ad ThUrdedop vecisg, At-til lOh, wmo ore 7IE ot- CSmour EseBaeh alenedfthe sonsmiaccnsnotnd bP One igta aIMiltnBighbasBn FrigifarecPredanea f Canada, ML d. temcmdfgoeforcaolhccr yar w acd lCtCMcnM sHomse PceslhMg. Oceaga,npaentand fremdaof Gnegeowmn. th, eecfensa he ego ethe ohool Miccslt-la Amundasnfeomte Un-otO se acc ehiits f toetlas met-Bse leecajt- of Aberta, aaaMlced By Mrs. ae e e neiepthe neegrato. OrcenLoia gaveoam oxhibiio Ilwumac sgBten hre oPoarns s and ccchrfand acf oBd mact-flteMgBet-ch tddets coudC art-iles thteeloen ert--coneiM a bho ccto ateed ilB theoCoca- u uckyhIlfeac. en and act-Mot-psore hel heirt Staderefat-Ccde premete t-a ehiift-ec lram amd deo Min he hgeeOf gt-ctetie orfeeaheofîthe st-Bnci TBncutcamf holdngma sesinc, mekseg at f the ladiea"-Opn-eNigBe' ,netitthe t-arclas nerelBc hpnt. te cnnetsc Bollat- et-gelf ilS Oc Wefnefdan atlcnc nMm. tht-st-c. ,itmct-ieanfllceama. Bet-oclheesotne emritacdoceyIl mes cefetle. as informtiveinD ceraoge fnt-rheitheolcdeel layaceeocec-ohalreelcnig Inohi, pae- t preenct anefoneThct-daee mtherts d t-c c d ents alchE mes pt-entecd tecMc t-et-. Me. . On May t- tcthe t- heet Ct-cetilH N.t-dn ace Beitthfet-on e Wdao- ce Boldieg lIt oeecal pcleg fane-. M det- attfndnr. Cheser ercet-teo Tin ntHopice ot-chetra wmit- ec mifedaaltndnhecntdc pesene etch mfhemuicfaodrehmech-s Bell Bt-ne ahi e Beeolteancon t heotat- o Onfonresenttethete-rm-ncethcnecnf csMCalcnert-r eshbridcpt-ctct-tnefthe ecipiensoncet-mihpbeth-otolcmohe Il mmc Met JeneWatmrsanacfMn.c t. geai scet-cm. RteMiw.e t-Be edollarecnchces Ccmosteideec st-mt-e hcet-tht Y dceatcf Bp Cabhe impson Ce.mot-c impresioe OaI IlaM Icecai". Il w wnBe Mt-. John Mt-Cct-ectandf ceriail Drens Ma pticeal mhinh mrsN .5E.Petlt. thol eieSonotho minfa f te w A cetIof gMus noligcrtctne ishe mae ppt-aetenmhn havo etseni ca oncceedrs. A. .WOmcS t-ctemplaeing tht- ctsggeg e-w adafetfl.set ht-ca Boit-Beiseof acorsnage. f Foct-f Filfdut- M lanefcamMng ncr.II The grand t-t-lot- iccet-Wod- Fac sot-ctai dat-a eceou, heesoti net-tfseaflte cee - Mm. Joh Bce eBoe gllcmsMg -enc e Irs Elete et-Bn e-it-fed aicenit ableblolmh ing high le thoeait-and it iomp ecf Thneefot-ee-rsg Mo-. hceSng hcgchballenff lt-ceint-trtp- f Cnt-1iJaetlo ec-oltd a loelemi- teejn forethe nrncft mr ot-. B eIB mcc fatof ht-Me- Th chneitpinsandfclegs avet-0 Octet HomoemriehMngt. Mm at-t-lt-cfIf est-cen ct-ferf er e f I Colin Anedersnne mcc te 000thnar litlîtnk-etcandBac nct t-ercrprsC thoeef a c îful- ytc cellct ok mB t-Jont Hletr. he Frigidaire-c ctItit- onte. Whiic o short meic e admo ItlM possible haI her iii ho I GcosCteTwm"' c e clg preseCrffit-c moreoenumacshtfeoehe cocl the odece f g00d lhMngs reig etet- efds Brmce enm eefan tcef eefbaedheh - taed he he.nI d Uet-IcSeyot-met-.sltCng91 Bll at-ft-pt-oeeetcema Bn-et- c tin F t-ct-m, lagngete prece eiicccglegplheCe . alittin Ctomt-.pehaPse mese. f Oe hehef nI tht- LcdiesOtgaie- t-e iiifMw nc*mlBnt aties f he ilce hctnha. ccThalt- et- peivlege. Oct- ode ation of te Miton C- Bepc w oot e . 1cm d îtgreoci set t-t-cdt- slf alitictse h Mnt Lt-tht- Wiespet-etef t-e t-t-t-cth une Bt-tilt- ececgh te tlis fteteet-t-tt-ccthca joele ct-t-t- Anetcrenifna. pr.cnnttfbe and saceet-c-th.t-n. wl St-given as iritg inthetc Tht- t ojt-pi I t-e cisthe Stef- CRUMOUIN t-teCeeceel Wnhtlit-t-nth. le-t Heavy Rai ns Cause 21ba t-it-lhct-eh t-te- Th, St-f eit CIec I cliet- Property Erosion inIt.i, h u- a197f cet-etint- t-e- he e t-i ci e t-t en 1 Thne-- e ,ct-ct e .vt-t-nshe- iglahînhe idet-ltandetfnthcî lntnd he nit- - Mtril'dihhctpt-'sehich gedelle degncte a anI feint-me- lattitdet-I tpttht-ad etfnfcliemn. oiogthemchnnt-e, n t-enct-ne' parent titnhe eehnt-meo Tht- lt-t-lIt- i t-ien fit-t-cle tht- InleSpct - er t- t-tcle f e floft- hefee eatpirt-icefnt- pecltcnpacgns The T-h, cnt-eh loat-el-h mhelsfndhactrtt-andtwll-'4o-wt-k"toffthe tlaet- c-tett--rt-epnnhceg. c-t-tted î tertncacint-ct- et-net- ha,- cethet Mn A Ccnp- chie, htt itt-t-Christmas, Che hehheeafct-poedtofhsfinet tce ct-ct-l hm dencnt chcn cIof ecf- n e pighht-t-n ilt-eacihnnthe t- tnfnt bt-fy ne the Tht-tn-snCt-ltlt-t-e,,di.t-at etht-l WhyOne ecet-sof t-tnt-at- iche t-jt-ece St. Pct-r't-Chet-nh. 5lthet- ntnnl epathe t-med t-fI n1 crncdt- cconhMey-ltch tIs nect-heîhnohel-pthe ce the perttOf cteel teuthe cnemneite lIe st-it-t- entthy frot-e sntacff Huent-ccoPctt- adet-f ofnlt- lhe accnttcnnhnea t-ent,-f ce -Iul-if t-- bclt-cie hennit-et te ny eon Tht-cnt-.,t-t-t-ct-needforaeone-i Ahottgoeepet-t-nttoflNnmfccf- 'tlutSet-cnttuhtmn hct-zI lenciere ht-t-is tht- ManIde ot-Aele - dficteaia ui, n t-ct-et-lt- fntht- cm - dd.t-ne ced ,i;dIent-e lt-nef c tht- ee- hfet- hînBt-t-cndin tech eint C3Lyut tneheht-t-m Ochet psil ehecîf e nfd us;ltde. Acci ndt-t--oet cothienhart- GEORGETOWN tptect-s it-c iht-tc C o. nosacoht-ttom700 ceintetr-t-t-t-t-tlet neftîndeet Hoay$ropt M taa'at. -a vnnsd tidt-flhe cif t-ci ie holet I tramo.045 p.- haet-tht-et-m'rt e cnetmn nrte ____________________ dicntinte tht- tlt-ttedmchmbut heh.dcif ncnn cend ef ife FRI-SAT. MAT 45 thct-c Thcs efult avefni-n ec ht-e be nBttsccesticeble valce I VAN HEPLIN the ellect- f the în95 et-cneSok YVONNHE t-CARLG Tht- t-finalieme .wmet-. t-ets -wit-u he cicdeal tcdeeo Wcho ceet nte eatitude f SPepeno- cîl#difoense temed nd t--thlsg ht "Tomahaw " the tcfctCCt-rct-fdncsor nesc .et,'et nihaIt-ancfba-t-t-gt JUecNE ALYoN) orc il ofotdb na DICK POWEL "'Right Cross" MEC-t-HUES. MAT 9-10 RICHARD MIDMARK LYNDA DARNEL -if- "'Ne Way Out" (Adet EntotineOt) .THE CANAflIARC CHAMPION leavers or Bulldozers? Cheaper Choico Floods Road, lot is Immeasuroble Good Boscots reioaod lM Naago5torta asycar. Beacoca anecetottaiciy leut Trmocla lo M 049putl allosCou-co cclI hoc Bul-dzers TBt Sports- y os teo cop as bg mco f the mots Ascatcios dooocnoo graI t.,omni naeleMthe provnceoota ct-cdu Cnor lia initia offart le cas- o-ns siaciencosetionlos cchon wmlhthelBn Bace on tect ptcgtam. Nom, unoire, puahlest-le-bel tBatlaM abottncsetfar-as; RBoy inla arocscdtteit of mak- lac ce. Talef fetie ilbispro- ng anigct-ccaproclcrttishnbacc ject-eqcincclBthtficaiBaBng wmcllemmcnvd and tescamsdcc- oftcapîlcal gocsrighbodies. tt-cycd. le Oect, we ncdccoeaod Wr cofooseasd thoet-US Bnie Bhal mo t-at-o anc aitrcadp Bronpcit-meetindcoftetCoeatad set andfatpotiMcnoedars del- Cemmillcr ibia moaB mhenc m IBetalce slcnycd. Ti chat- O ecasonuinaOcthe Brane pt-B tlghed actinsbschct-laknBcsBo iem iShnlie fudanoe mc Co cueacm'allaseci nf altln- tcnfdentast-acin ela oBytheB cscd rt-idM ascagameahBeenBCos Cmmlllten o eatheBnacoc for tnmnct-ac'iSpfslddBy a Bac- Ifalo Cocot- milI BaenthBrgos- mach fmat-rce-atef bp tBe dam msilappt-et- ofthBe aot-ayecs-acd Aceaeltle ccrec hBoa broc patticîseit- la iBbis0,ruMltrgard BcncgBl l e Ba pccNcmsgawrya te Inemee. Faliief tn-Mgo ad Temecît CaunotIl micB cocllcf mllo at-n ccatt- a ocieospcch- le c ceomition einBeM t once theBolem sitcuntcy distict. BaaiMg Dcpoelmecnt f Lanscand PannaIs ce Bcylee moIe M s tllprot-- thete ac BBat-ec'cemcttcf. oiionetclmant- Oct-ne, dct-log c-tacste c alca shert-ago le tBe scmmct- menthse, c-nhlgof toi C.1oiceCeente o fastBecenmieg a de Inn tBae srosmncil le qhvot-ie Be Insleadditione Bct-ce t et 100l eiinelatcive le B Bvctr-cas- fat-osjen tce cent- mhee lBoa srtat ct-t-j ct-tiCacttneimpoth ht-cceceectc-t-te Bcnd fcg-ott etcamatcteh iolftltosay mcet-r Cet-m pends. Pt-aehnally ai' mcît-ity. nectelahot 0 lfait- trtpticgc and otramc t-Mn behe B recaertaexeccciNscgamct- esrc-mnt censecet-ycnev Cecet-'i to etCa lithelBn 01- imo cn t- hat mcciel helf Bn t-al t-ost-celilte, cesl dif lace f eat tcttaluec le ehec'soct-iter cf t-et- mhe tht- Iccel octlhe t-cafhe conecte.fet-distacn t-cm Inho mes 'ietcf hta geef t2e inchc". ccaiemcot . Thoet-ct-ehav-e doc Afee the oaec-f m a a magoificetjobhandd mcanmoo went el mcii li Mst-clef en urgct-n c at-segîyt IaCno effort thc led ceIt- nIfthe hoacet-. cplnf shecîf Bne panof la Smo Ots. nllB he nce-ie pticg raie. iocc stMtinbsg 5Mt e-c-ct-.M tioedfthc e oda git. fil ohcafofrmatione Bact-tchcd as Ihat ccc lieormcmheefehel tchebenr t fhehcanceB as alcncdy hcos dam, Bp Blpisg tleoee-cccoc- cccghl Bp the came motdes mnd is tai mactespt-lt- Inifît-tt-bmf- li pt-ehsilltt-la ce lIa mayt- ils the mhlrecelnt-. Thensuoct-dpBruc Cccety. as ac n-mach mac the ceente as a ethnie shcclf os- ccet-nlit-mclcn Bk thc Dopat- eemetedc-esonibilt-oft-eetectmetofîLandc acdFot-cceafon Mng thc Beat-ct-and ntmollef hrat-ct-toeeemlraainlshaO ats. thit- cpertallso. Andft le moe that lihely hal the Sineo1948 Ballt- Ccutlt-baa Bcd t-cgcnct came cftc ceinformtioneBef e ConsevtioMn Cmmitencmh aret-ethe Ceelce f Bruenet- nheroehiC enprecoelatine f oncte gatdieg tht-etonfct-fcl joh heaeos cegecicatice le the ceente. ictled- Bcait-cdeadyden nt- je IfaCnte ieg teCo Cntp Cetet-it Wr ccg- AI the c tmeet-fil c admited getn ibis Bttin f te cBee-e Ma athet- ce-t-m cltlOn e -c nec t-Bot-t-gc te ehe Conervit-oncetcaie amecet et damage and Ccmmittecc tt-nroec les t-enettct-d -tome ineoenelce. Ast-- at-f tht--er cotilise eistec. ot-ct-t-n scetht- distiaenaget Bdt Ueicmit hmnmffitlt oernmfhecnt-e lothetc'oresghttinceci- inftuccet Cedco mith ibitset-etot- ion th ecf ils? Besetit min eeî issoet. tBtetofchat unIeljr-ef.ccucceieh thefiad-eetat- At-c Cet-et-taice Cemeittne ce pt-tpaettcheipt-hcp cete, Itcnc lecUP toel-ttpaYet--tt t re-t-lccnmctet-teppIt- t-t-tn te coaenet-it-tehnt-e t. te th,-tct-teht-f-ttng tre nprot-- Cemnetten Sct-t-ttnceot-e t-ensîle nitiegndetfdeacteelte tht-e-et-e hact-t,-t-tithnet pet-tet aliemt-t-ltt-it- jet-f hieh i cdmetillci thestteltc't-t-ft-l-lengieer-igeet-eiitahlt-frtniet-ltet-mlt-emad oftlhnet--et rte bn dýtet---d Bt- t-t-t-c a-tdent ne t-tcoente tht1-ret-t-citftetman. Ief s et-t-ih si tltel fjet-cd lIt-eto- es tht-e cuine pe-ehehîe tht eoc--tat--- tfolt-t- h'tt-.n eat- lt-teone- -et-' tht-e t-aYent ettftiut- 1 Týtcj-t-Centte iie B n-tg l t-tt-r nce l-te t-I fllete ,tnlhe thesnet-f -Cdoller er lt- oet- dacfnd htlpt- Neln de e to- ct-ltad hinh.nticetothiee-forthe nt-t tf dett-einthe-Unef cet-lethat et-t-hchtthhe-tet t-cm w et- Nhtr lt-- re-ttcefe t-mplie5s h 'n u ltIt-xe-clante-C.nttiht-e-c New Highway Northi of Milton .daago to . N IC.tadlccf fos Pagn One) jentt-hec nh the- pt-ct-e-nf l--i .ao.- C.I lt-t-t- hgh et- te Meciet-ni 1 Tht- hcgh eta-mhcthch il týe-el t-ae-ilt-e ht-ec tteTorntttese JTMJSTREI. 55 tcnie-ttrt tal ettht- nthînte tI Windfeeadtet-f t-t-ee-etast tei ______________ e pt-it-t-ct-Tihbt-y t-t-cm Ihene' f tgc net-eastelne Bnscn-Ne. 12 ch iguesîte Lononced No.3 E E je-tc ctt Stc . t pad et-ls nbu cet-ct-m EXAMINED 1 at- tThe t-c f cc' neth te e pint TNURSDAY l ie it-lc-etslt-netweedcîcnh. Tht 1hieccet t-Il pnchehblt-break inte May lOtIt & 3lst r-traiehtcnett-iInHamdttn ced tht-e t te tteTorentontht-et-h Ktctht-t- GRIMW OOD tvn tlttf nt-n lt-hc-tcpe-c htttett ttn-cd iltJEWELLERS Il - MILTON PHONE 113 )OEITUARY ,Life-Long Residentr 0 f Trafagar Dies Tee lie h-p. MmesidHtth-tiClhet pet--nn sMilton PeiCec Ht-, pisc ons At-fl 21h ic ht-e Tlt pt-cc Ht- ed ctlt - h--- til- lt- deneý Mn Glbht- e'-tis-snOt- te.Ltdgt- cent- MilIce et-f mos Reg. Coulson Tells '0'Ott-ot-h lict-ccecChen ýt-h ofmhn tItht-()Gan-e Lodfg M issionary S.ory nwhin ce e s ae meo-.attend- Os Scefet- tsceiog aItCBchei-it-ePalheoe-s wmecRice octglas. edfChnet-h nsOt-Cthtt-lItms-Haold Ont-fIs, t-mersnceoceti Ceitte. Mt. W. J. HolietgscneCh Comet-et-Mat-shalaefd ct-bort et Iihbiefchafthatge of te set- Matshall, nelhots vct-. Me.CRoRaceofam il- sctitig Mt.Galbrhael ish ton mdil be thtospakesel Ses- mfc. thtet-mot- Loua-cMtHiah, dot. Ccc fangerc.Me. R. . MeGII Mes E. B ClcmcnsM Mn. Velmo IMt-t-llnI palntstclMms. J. B. Led- Nceeas, Ms. RCtnîe. Cfm. E B.'gee ILoilnl. Stic ancd heen Celace, Mst-. Cohtot-f anf Me. senso. HerbertToronto; WiiereI. E. M. Readef elaccndrd tcme of Calitocia. Ut-.A. ced El. Tat- Ihc oessiocs of the Hamilltcn Ccc- algat- TtoîhIP. Oceccor Bracch oanul maeticg aI S. Johsa Chrh, OastoBîr, on Caoa lrgnaI Mand le Baffle Tarodop and Wrdcraday, April 24 Ianddln tIse Artile Oceas. ltT7- tenC 25. 1î51. 754 squrt- man8otares. PSXTUEE *PUESw * MI UNERE * XREAESAN REPLACEMOENTS E E PAGEIVX Wednesday Evening, May 9tb dB pet DS.T. The guet speaker miii be Dr. James M. Matfter, Diret-ote cf tien Halce Ccenty docleh Unit. Acrdinaicc iexetnded bpthe Boardof Dnects ta, ail tht-eniietnnnsted in the o ntk cf the Scciety. E.D. MAHON, President, CasnpbnlînilLe, Ontario. THE .0.D.E. ptoody prosotthe WALLPAPER STYLE SHOW pc oedlep Canadao Waîîpapor Manafasta ors Liro ted Reg. N.Roser Divnsis and Mlton Hardwareo MILTON TOWN HALL MONDAY, MAY 7tk 2.30 p.m Featurung and Demonstratîng THESE OUTSTANDING LINES 0F WALLPAPER TNE FAMOUS CHARLES DICKERNS COLLECTION Desgnedcand cclctedint-Clifctnic byMts. Donna Cnceîcep whipi ct-eederiîc f ftcnt thentic pcmphlets iic-cîted ie 1869 and ctcey nId heit-Icete clits. iend-made about 1840 Soo Thoso Designs ... * COCKINOTON GARDEN * DEVONSHIRE DAISY O MAYPAIR GARLAND *VICTORIA POISY * LONDONDERRY *COCKINGTON EARM BANQUET Aod Maotp Othoco Made Rt-Boxet- DURAWALL WALLPAPERS chiccare elîp dctblelepBBoxer-and may bect-ancC witiesccp and wate-orctentrenptinO. foretOtytoemnin pece hcmo. Paticnlcnlpyecc rBthteems and Kitchons. Holtywood Fashion (50) Fifty Dsigncd acd clcted in Ccifcrnic hp Mcs. Denna ouneny, ospenialit- fer tho Motice Pitue Co Ccnp. ADMISSION 25e TICKETS OBTAINABI.E PROM MEMBRES OF JOHN MILTON CHAPTER ..D.E. The fotesato hoîdors cf lceE numbors mil ii me of.M Charge, oach a omornocf Masoerpioco WaNipapec. 06« Iacky nambor etinooro mi i ocON . Ic$ T IRENE E. COOK Relai atisBeekor Coonjvile, Ont. annoences the appoietetent cf BERTHA B. BROWN AS MER REPRESENTATIVE FOR MILTON AND DISTRICT Phono 237 Main St., Milton ACTON CITIZENS' BAND HAS INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE WITHOUT CHARGE For prospectiveo mtbora iolorocîod in 1010109 tho bond TaLe ad-cttge cf Iis cppeeutely. t-neinstuction endet- thn capable leadersheip cf Me. A.Enectt, Sandmtne. Fan fatthon iiformoatioo Phone 133 Ato,, Colasc CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY T-h. Anoual Meaeing of The Cildren's Aid Society 0F THE COUNTY 0F HALTON ciil er held in the Ba.'dap Sahool Roont of S. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH, MILT-ON, on 1 1