LcAtAY 114=ltm -Ops Win First Game f Sem i- Final1ý PIa y -0ff s MARi lut SON~ kng MILTON, Mr )DGE eMe-etee Ca Cet aee one cees 'leet gaeee etc ie thelr ea-- 1 pice- etta hy cictue et a 2-1 e---e Oakeitte. tee-ea-eee'd of. moe-thae c-ched tanit the homee club cthee-egh ceee-h . cell earned e 'nidee-ets ot the gaine tlee rie-Cl gealiea, Legeae and v-cho bath pltyed supechie- e-h egeehdbytfarthe mCCt k te- do. epeceiatly le the the-ed ,d e-hee Meiton realty tcee eaec pratauree -e heî ceý ae eefo the tenit timee ine a ce- garce, te-ted ouet CeCey eeec .ions-e and hcd the beoys weeeb at a] l te-nce Recd Lintee, yine Mce the teetth ftt'ard ce ve elaye. catme thcetgh cith a Cta performeance and wce-c Il ee Cee-e-e-cd if Red titatly cne ae il, e L, ee.tore aet ceaehing ycL cel teo selle, the deteece preb Ces-n e-e oceecasionsthe boys ce ou t of etpoitioe. Hloeee e,,, l1cje Chat qaetien in the- 1,e hcedt et Rata. ilc play-ifat gaeee le vois 1e-e teegiet and thee penalties re Ice-e-ht lheCt ettote be- en rm e-f zeC hat o ta irricteet- )avi ce. Lawenece aed BeRge- ce th,- eih et the Qakeil le teamc th e-ron an ac iMe ce-tanc [ET'S GO TO A MOVIEI Mil St. ACTON Ph. 110 t. Ian4. ..-Fel.f.7 F.tCM. atat Hottdoys faom 6.ît P.M FRI-SAT. MAR. 2-3 "'The Sundowners" le Teehnicleer, ROBERT PRESTON CI-ILL WILLS JOHN BARRYMORE SR. * Extra Shew Value 0 'Att af Clabn"-"The Lion" "MEN 0F SHOOTING STARS' MON.-TUES. MAR. 5-6 111 GET BY" IneTechncoeleor JUNE HAVER WILLIAM LUNDIGAN hENNIS DAY HARET JAMES -Addod Fun- "MONKIER IS THE CWAZIEST PEOPLE" "BARBER SHOP BALLADS" "JUST A LITTLE BULL' MES -THURS. MAR. 7e-R 2 BIG HITS ! CCPRETTY BABY" wee-h HENNIS MORGAN BETTY DRAKE EDMUNO DWENN *Added Peaue 0 "aThe Hidden Room"' etaccieg ROIBERT NEWTON A Ohe-Theillec Etillee- Pic,- World Newsc Eveeet CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE '(Or Cýepoatlve Insurance in Halton Conty iadanct't1 st.adily with incr.asing totue of Bueness NALTON CO-OP.- AGENTS t St,'eitg Tasu aith ette,' Cnancea at Lem Ciat PROMPT,- EFFICIENT AND FAIR SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS EcqetateNR actat Ced- Georetownc C.C. t Tcatlgar-Noraea Gilhet- Ceacte P.O. Neeao-Cahte't Meecltee. Fteoae RCR. I Nateagacceca aad Coaaty Cepeaetatte- C. E. Heatheriegtoa. Catepheitiite CE, 3. TH-E CANADIAN CE-AMPION Jce-leacteforane,taea Our mîan Ccaackshatk h o weas ceanecd be- Geoe-rgetwn ceas the pae--ît ttan ce he caeed bath Meitot goala. Thbe- lad lsa c te-ah- e-e et the chd teheal, ttaCiCg C aie-ia,' te-te cf catît as tEace- Fac aed le ce c cie-acue t eacth bien le actian. Ne-t second geai mois a be-acte- ead Lcgcae cee bad a e-han-ce. B,' clae-inas cce-Il e-e Thececce le Oahcitle, ma, ceaie expet ehc Me-stc beteagainesaue-and e-t aie gces tee-l. Satecdae-t cette hbon waesh hoe and- e-t nWc teaoy bec e-ce- te Oak-elle Thecedae- Oche-ille Le-gece- Me-Ne-île-..Wct- son, Ge-lbr-aitb. Lae-ececee Dacieca> Sue-cee., Ce-e--Cec. Me-ce Calc-C Milton Be-tell Cee-tic, Foce Mee- on ce-ee eee Nee-e--e Le-alac. Mae-,c Crc-Chahas Race Ke-ciece. HNeee. 0e-e--e-e O: Bcggc l-e.5 PC-cate-cc HNeelee- ) e-- . - be-ce-h. We-hee-c sceaed Cee-td Peeaites: Galb-ce-eh (2), Se- ceea,. Geic- Me-cele-y cee-c 0eke e-hie-c P-cHet M Ce-c-ehae-he Ieiacl Pe-calte- Pelle-eh. KeeMcc, Oece-be Galb-ce-h. Unac. Fr. e-e9 c e-4 Cdant GEORGETOWN THURE -RI. AT MARCH 12-3 BOBBY DRISCOL- WALT DISNRY'S "Treasure Island" tee-becoala c) - Aino - WALT DISNEY'S 'Beaver Valley' Tee-beicolor- MON.-TUES. MAR. 5-6 BETTE DAVIS GEORGE SANGERS "Ail About Eve" WEDO-THURS. MAR. 7-8 "Sleeping City" RICHARD CONTE COLEEN GRAY -Alto PATRICIA ROC "The Perfect Womanaa PAM vuY 111171l" 17 A Busy Year Reported By IODE Executive; Mrs. G. E. GoodchildElected Regent Aceual teetinga ina tht Jaohn tucala tetteetn cchich added Miltone Cheeter C.OD.E have tee- greatytCethtte ejoyet et vce- Cette ceacte emec, Cakea et a happy mteeting:- Misaea Etîce Dîetty, Hiec- sacial coeteîe wec tht teteec tht,' Hae-cecd. Cee-el Tatece-d Nec- gathet tac Pae-lack bacee tcith etC hadecace, Faye Cîteects, the morCe tabc bustescs session Anne te-e-ett- Mesdatmes G. Neacetl, tlllowitg. Fa,' the" ocecasions tee, Hae-old Magcc, C Leebte, H. Dec' tht baome et Mca Gordon MacNch tee- Ced F. Hayceaed. bac CeeA heatttahly bee aened se Oc Cebe-ecce 13, 195t. the lace ehat reportsanCd lciea recaits Criai1 Ocdec Daaghtct-a eftIhe Empt- etegein a mcttletcantandet le- ie tbeacgheal Canada celte-a.ted cal atannateahece. ehec Golden Jubee aed teCa m Thec39ttannual eteting thc- -monacte the tecadiae et the tact, tabaceed the tane pattern on Ocdee- metahece, eftChe John Me- Fe-idce eveeieg Feb. lled. Attend- tee Chate aeteeded divine cee- acce, atteachat cee-tcdcd b,' tht ie ait De-ace Anglican Cheece ce 'tee', ceaC ete-fu tecetateet tht peeetec Scedae. Thet Cac cela gaehectd tee- tht excellent necahhacicee Chaptece tceec Aetoe scptee-oftthce-ecenpceedieg and ceectceetalt thite-victe of wa tht cectee cet tht business et thc asit. la Naceahee- et RCeee paceyear. cance Sac, Cce-beccacee -eeae The aeecte-ts aed eceatace-e t cethe tttte-oic tee-ce and a reporet btb cee-ted ahcee-cand heaatai baskeet et tiaceeceac satcsctae-c yat. Aeecolishmtents elaedcatthecfeeae-hinaemoaec hald bee-aeceeidehtbe Thcce had et tht mcen aed coeec ceha bcl be c gccceth eft ece-le ln e- îcacd the c-aen scfceienl tcea beebce ead ae cee-ake attedanec Waeld Wae-e et tbce-ty-u tac, ceeegulce- meetings. We ce- ca cacas et tht Se lcdgcag Ceace thte-n scggestions Ce-l aI nied Cbcce-e Meats club fcc fture ecacecce mate-tal. o Cac-et Scie- ladices aight ehen Cci E. the meace-et gcteeed ae-aaed tht A. Cake,' ce C the cccaker: et the accpee table. ibec irc recacec Haine ced Se-bcd Asasociatioce-, ac-tcceiao ce ele-etc cith che-ccceecccl Empe-- De-e ece-ce-ac Ichce-blaaee-hceetheae-e-ce y alnthetecee-aceCleacbeocl- A fieaccet ceterlccde, pecedccC ccco alec te Maetala Unicon cee bascee--c sesscon, ceaaevoc-l Waac-e Itttte e-etcced ca, ciao e- Katbce-iee Halese ced e-ic tht Gtardet Club aic-el ie Ince; cc, solosabe-Janet Ellit, A et- aittheta rye-eClub cener ceico cctce-e- ceh,,.,,-pe-ait et Me- G. Se-ce ceace et the eCcautie CT sacea eladehe, as rec,- coe ee tcctced adcad the prie. cce-gCe-ae,t, ad tcc tbe cctccce lege oftheaeingGeorgecaccd, c e-e-e-cg cetb bie-c. ccc tcadeed hih cc-Sal scdeecce-hahadce-en e-nd etdcacdhe the cache-ec. sentcaadelgate b-te Rtare- McaMCceNab ced the ce-tchtteet Clubh le Cattat ta attened the Ue' coe-ece. Mac Moeye- ce-c cIec ited Natione Caneeee- dcceieg the cecaIe- thcebed fac cee leasact e-act silacacer:- Ct the Miltoe Nie-e arae-enets ofthee-coing. te-bcd cehe cee ceHe iee-ctcd ce a'- The etctattfoieee e-leeced tac tened Oee Niche ced lashe a e-S- tcm n e-ac c a e-eCe as ce los taîcet etetee ceas pecrit ct the Gcir tece-at. Me- G. t. Goachiid .s le-IOcde-' Mathe, aed Oacghtce ece- e-ceee-e-t. Me-a F. Thoaceece; 21 'quel ce the Towne Hallt e-cecee-t Me- F. Me-Niee tee- Tbcacc the- eft.,c e-of e th dce- Me-a C. Stec-ce standard becee- macaccaece-bc iitiace vce agace Me-t O, McN.b- C-bcc tectace-. sent ta the e-adpted selhant ct Big- Me-. W Scott;edc-toal tee-re-v ccadeacChritasceccecese ce-a Me-t C. Ce-l,; e-ce-cee etade tee-ece-h etde-et ce-ce te-e-e-cd- Miss M, Humce: ceecllee-c Me-cr e-d Ce-ee- te- ce ,-t- ticdenetz daes- . Dcce . J. P Bcka. L cne-inee-cdcctiegclc-, eteehMil- L Skc-e-EE.Yee-.CRW.Cabe tac Ce-e-ie Se-be-e ce-- e-e-e-ctcd C Tcer. C Leadae, .Mt cccow i Jecce-tor 0oe-ee- Ce-atieieee-e LandE.Ho-cce-aeME.NCaC Ceng,h E-e-. Ce-ce e-ec-, ANNUeAL REPORCT 1950-51 Ne-ee E e---c-- ccdn Macece lfabm Milt Chattet I.OD.E Te-aece- L'-l-ee--e cee-C eiei i c' e--Y e-le-ce te ache-cc the e-lce-d e- thce e-e-e- fetee Milton. e-hie-cH eceth Ae-e-eae- Ce-e-ce-efet h, Ccchlc Se-be-e- libe-ec e. Hice Se-he-c Jobhn Me-le-e-e Ceancer-. lmecd Oc- ced a--ce-e-e-d sc-be-c dc- O-ghecn e-t cee- CEpice This c- c- cee-eee Me-e Se-e-e ce- ha ee- l Se-ee-e--ce e-tde-ceee--tc in -cCeed be-t e- I ceeS-c ee-e- e- cvorelande-cc cc-eebce-h. e-PiHcfe-etChe--cae-ce-,ie-e-nd, Se-c-ce- che ece c0 cece-e-ce ee- e-e-etie-e te-e titis cec-he- naca- e-ce-c ecce '- ce-ceae teecnd.ce- cie--c-ee deect-d e-e the- de-e-te-c e-t4-an-e I e-eec3 ee e-e-e-Ci aloi cecedcisccn Mlton-ftcc-eei, cve-c- be-Id e-e- e-e cec Ile-e s cecce clccce- ceece ecee- Tbc 1cc-e-cc e--e-e-ce M,'cte M ccd Me-e L'-eeceeee. --d-- tee Cý Nc e-e-ce-d be-e e--ce-ce-- Ce an-1nI e-ec-e-e Sc- - Me- FM--ceee- e-ce- e--ee-e--cele-ce- e-e ece- e-ceeal %vas the ce-acte-e-ce e-t e- ce-e-c-e- cS-eCeceet e-tra e-f ce-ct,,t r Nele- Wbccecc te--ce eceaccîcce e--c Mc a k, nc Se--e- Cec A te--e- e-eecect fte-c e-Se-e-teece- se-sse-e- Ce-e-ce-Se le-ede--.ab e-ce- ce- ehee -d de-e-ce-e-e-e-ed tîwe e- a-e-e-ee Te-e-e-tc. cee-b e-e- e -bcceea- of ee-tie we-.e-ce-ee-d, accin-th, ted ece-ech c ee-r -e-ce le-e-e presta l, K-ce- Seee e- tehe-c~ee ced -ce ce-c-e Me-. Emae-e-on Foredcegav ee aliMrs, C, T urn-eeerTC p-c e-ee-e ce--ede-ad iite-ec,,ip ccoceat vedte-d te- eeconee-d-ee-e-cee-e Te--l-ee--e Mc, HeaId Mag--- e-Ce-- Te-dý e-e-e-c e e-eeeece-lee-t Cec-- enm- Tee Ce-cC Wce Coe-eee--ee Me-c e-e- e-e- e-be c-See-e ccd Se-c e---ceet a-t. ce-c te-e- -die-c edMr-GCe-v e-Ce-eaee for--it- e-ce--e-eee-eee-fetbeetted e--e-e te enb-e-îee Me- M. C. 0e-eee- We-îte'- le-e Me-c Me- Ce-ler-e.e ae crde-e-e ce-e- Ne-e- ce- Coe- e--c-e e-ec ie e-e- Te-c-cecco Oece-e-st e---eand e-e ce e-ec-ec-- dee,-e---- ceeL-l-h- cie-ce- e-e-e- eec e-tee-c-e-t e-cth cee e---e--e cn e-ceIf-te-- e-e e-de Sele LCe-lde-e-e- Hptee-e- e-e Tb sl ter-c- e-c cecee- tee- e-ee-ee-e e-, ce-e-e-e-a h-, e-c biec .c-e--e -CS- ceel'e-ce-a e--eead n e-c Ih- e--le e-etee-e-cee- e-d e-le-e-c-cedee tel, ^rltteeRed C,'ca-e-c-ece-e- te-e- 'te- e-ee-c e-e-ce e-ad e-eete-e--hs te- te- i , e---ee e- Ne l- ce-e-id cIi ghtec e-e-e-e- acd e-e-te- e-'iee-iceceee-- ti e-ec ee- basee e-f e-eea e-aee-ce-adeece-s ceee-c cee-e A e-----e---e- te-e-se te- Me-c L L. Sbe-ce Ce-C- cýll the- ehou 'ea- - cee-ccde--- tee- verv importan su cel ý _ cee canarie-e- Ne-e alIroili o e-e-'ancd heecce-ce e-t Me-e Shae-, th e-ce- CIece- ce- cgc-ede-c ce-ce e-e- ce-e-c wce-llb of infta tio e--ena thns c7>d te-e- e-e- e-c e--ee--e ace-heeCe. e-le le-ete-eed acte-eti-ele- e- Mee-ecee at c Cee-ee-ee-e e-ce-, cce-ced iate-eeeeethcca ce-e-iae'o- Mc. ce-p Ce-e- ae- ece-e-ce-ce-e cd e-e-ideeof e-in tee- cec-eace thea e-Ceeeee '--eec---- teet- ce-c ice-isted ceecle n an cee-ececed ciee dne-eee te-ee-te-e-e-e-e ce- e--ee-che- ce-et-cece---ec te, e-ecthe-e e-ee-ee-e -e-c tee- lel- d e-- eee----e e-- fee Bal Je-e te-t ce-c 44499 Much Praise Given Late Jack Miner The caie Je-ek Mie,, Cacadiat Ne-tee-cI-t, e-ae-Cl-d achat he ciea' Centd. Na e-as ont a Gavececet Ecpe-e-e tac de-d ha rce-iea al tcae Cccm a ct odaa- organisation. bat tee-oM Ciee sC ha Caca lectues teo tiecece bic acaeha ce is Cacadiae Bie-d antuse-y At the titte ot hit dae-tb the Jack Minte- Fecedatien traht tfull charge aI cil oe-eatiace ced cachet ticaccal ae-eatc tale tec, Ce-e-. e-e-c-e-e- ceae stated he- Hnce-eheT. A. Cree- e--.bbe' le-ced Ce-ccdccn e-ea-tcc Ie-b e-cg et be-et ccid e-eI dîchi il thece e-ci -c e-te tee-d et e-ceek le Cacade e-cee-e-e tihohaa gien-morae oe- e -deed a gceae-e national Cere--', te Ne-e-h Aceica ibat Jack Me- ce-. Le-cg hceoe be- dicd bait; ette andcee-e-bhadhce-tCce-ageiC'd in e-e-e-e-satc-ades ad ol eastbnt p-ec-e la qutee ceat ee-eied le M iecan e- en-cc- and la he-ceace Cahiet Miele-tee te-e Ontare-oa ce- ceaelc ec-d- "Caca Iceet a Cheetti-ci hae-t oftJack Mite, Canadahbase- te Gad'screeeatae chb asne ducceec ccc acheean a-ee-h. t le ce-e-t the-ec ae. ebut Jackh Meee- ecancte-aCe t a The- Nicet Hnce-e-ehI- 1c Me- te-e- KC le-e e-e-ec te-e-be-e-te te Le-te e-e- Mie,. cead. "le-e- Mie-- ee- e-ee-tte-e Ce-ced-e ae-e-the-sie- e-dac e-e--eg ae tee- Ce-cace osce le- ac-e-et te, Ce-cnteat t ile a le-e-cg e---eriaI e-e-ehle Jack At ce-cee-oo e-Jack Mie-ec cee-eh e-le-ete-c cee- be-e-e e-thee 1e-cc Jck Me-ace- e-ete ce-te ct e-ce- as a e-e-e-e-eicI e-cc w caca Ce-coct-al Ceee- ce-seted the fc-d e-lace ce-e-h cue-e- s tee- t e ahat wac un- eec-----I-de-eedcd e-te--cc-as ta cee- a Natte-ce- We-ld Lie-e We-al te e oe-ie-d de-dec the a-e-eh et hSe- he-,thdîe-. baee-e e-eda c etacdietacet, ei-ec t meeancd the See--ete Ce-cadiaci Nationcal eeIld Lfee Week cee-cee- sied e-c c living eteeactal e-a hiet. e-ee- cae-ee he-c e-ce-te-aprv, ce -inte- e-cdolie oN- 0e--e 0ee--- MCP Benjamin Meace ced Co. gave te- cee Na tte-c al lcttete ce-e the e-ce-tee-e- c-c- -ee--ele-te- e-c e-e-te ioe ie-tetng insights on hoae Ctied the- Milte-e Gicl Gu-ides.- Ch, dce-ecatiag. illeeCcetina her Catkbyh Macith Be-laef Foned andl te-M, choicigtîcnefeccaabiataea Ccllee-eeMcemoil Fand. ----- ceith e-catieee- plaint deaeIantd Ste-tee te, at vrc th,' Chaneter' .'- ~ . e-.-.e.'. .-essoristcttcceed te, lace aI tace et thicel lea Deae-heMn. E. W. Fet, momers inte assez ofMm W. and Mec Wtt. Daet enettaiatd J.McCeahan. Hcta-ary e-Bgeet, H rod C a cth Chritmbasceadbtgsandtaaeic lotdMes. CM Fathee, c cat te i helidaet tead and iedeed'a Rtecae. bCth et tahet ta, a l,,ata et PLUMBIRG and tittina climtax tfor tht ChritasC heecele ite'ested te the acattîta et taeting. MiIe-eiate cece eec tht Chaotert HEATING rach itte-tetcd Inheacieg Mc Hamiltn. Londoneand Montcal Mina Hatats eccourt oftthe hietecie vcce, the cecet oftCh,' cetale-ateceteIF of Miltntgiettat the Jenarantd aeaaaConentionscoandret' meetCingCR te-a.acdtie fr'ina the Chatte,' wCce JH'aýNIL Cet only -did cct atpecate ouee ciment ande Itneicieg ttette-a ORON 42, nILJ sceee bat -e tre gRetetet Ca tht h,'aaght bce-. Mmc L. L. Sheca 1 RPR43 aîîeeclctg cehe taoend an with te-at eaetplimted one haetcag beten 0 eieced 3ed Vice Regetet ta the Provincial Chaptee. We are indetted Ca earegct. Me-t. tFrankTheCtItCCtorcher spedid guidaneeand leadetshilp dceteegthepatayeae;te Me. C Dehie tee se be-edle acditiCg u beeks and te alt cett oeed tele hoenes tfor the uae et tht Chatte,' raetcatcd ie aey ccac ta tehe theceyeaeea etetnf o eee. ir- decele- geatetal. And noac s Ce ce d ibe Hc- eece-leaedeeake pla fo t c fturecletcacheoet ofeueteICe Ce de ccc peert ta tce-ceeed C-,e geed ceech tee the heitre-tet et e Coutrye- te coete in ce ehe-eca and et al] ticeet athelet cc ictalsancd hieet ce- 0ede ctivC MaCC Gaaetchild. tdecretarye KathlecC Theece-ee Ce-ce-et Cal ce haed Jea. et. ce $04,16 F- t Eheeceta rv t. O Dý C Cît $167. CCede. ente-etanieecce16925 bccde- ..ý - ce-c.c Sale, Dc,,c et Ccc Ccnd . cclý0 PICKLES - - - - lb. 94c - - 16 oz. jar31c ) boedere te foc O ne 532 itario -tallt te Saant rtie h n Nortehe-d bee Me- e-e athaîeacas-u bc..e-rita dcc ceatau cdeetactei Oe-tari e-Caeeth ce atj ep rtsi 'see- BLACK CHERRIES e-t17< 1Metcalfe Pork & Beans 2 »TZ 29% Lynn VaIIey Lima Beans 2 %,25c J.T.L. Choice Golden Corn 2 Ivý 231 Raymond choite Macedoine 15c York Choice Peps COIII2 29c Peter Pan Phachese-...... 19< ICCULLO--CCtAItSAi'-TANG rOLD CHEESE -47< -a-cOLD SALI SARDINES 2 ýr- 23< Dominion Peanut Butter té~35-< k, (hicken Haddipce 74, V-8 VEGE1ABLE JUICES j 19, Cateli Çboice Spaghetti fts 15< RIPE Bananas l.1c Cennehy sud Crip Green umau Efl 1Celory 2 StaIks 23c Green Peus lb. 21c MW~~I ~od DM Umm MILL BE HOULD ON TS Announcing iý The openitgof a nwsriefor u PICTURE FRAMJNG The eeed ofais rnew service bas been feit forc e-esidecable teece and at last a suitable arrangemet has beee made wheceby ail kiedt of Pictecce framing can cote be iaoked after by us. CLEMENT'S WALLPAPER PAINT PICTURE FRAMING Phone 129 Milton, ont. 1~Easter SaI1 Canpaign :For Ont. Crippled Children's Society 5 MARCH Ist - MARCH 25th M Aseiteecb- : ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON : *Please seed doationes t *H. C. MORRIS, CHAIRMAN Bank of Noa c ettaE Milto Ecte-tc-ac irn e-c eeee Cclenace pp cee-e-- Ce-t.c- Sun-ac Nctioal eGUDE. Fe-cde Milteon 0e-e- 0e-ede $1409.5.1 $11145 44.5.71 29.18 1699 66 q8 1 - 0 an 26,91 11.1[b) 4.9 W 100( 50t)o 25 On 1000