THE CANADIAN CHAMPION UNITED CHUR( r. J. ui LAm 1 r. Zob001 E. 0010 LNU0ARY 141h, 1 iior Schood. roing Worship. D and8 junior spho, ening Worship, 000 15--C.G.I.T. aoy 18-Tho Mon l300 and Kay 1 010000 17--St. Pa the Soodoy Sc] aary 1O-The F0, Cooo3oghos ait poit-Tho 30 NASSAGAWUIOOM o==O===O= IFS, LOWVILLII F000311, Deaon , Floyd 'Marlatt îtooo OS.. Milto. Pht-, 010e HNUART 1880, j3 lap afteo Epîphio J. I. CASE yCmuinîý'FARM MACHINI0IY y Commuono 8,03 eALES SERVICE t8 o 010 oof FIBRE Boy (Loot Voaum 00000 I1 038 ,, MILKERS 1o0000 L curc y 19, 8.30 0-a y'5 ,,ptog of h, hoho of Mr." îdy Welometo lOPEL CHAPEI merO's Buoilding day Sph..l. nsîo S-vooo Mo. '008 Bpîhany Go, ilt. -11U fao- ,.,y 16 at 8: bibio otudO roRY UIDE S. A. A. KING 3.0.0PHONE 205W i ABCOCK lt hoeate AgW,,o l' TO,, te ,00,orot n0 ?-5..d8,-9 0008 Hllo Homemakers! 3Creooo 00090, hotter h00 oy dith w080 000 ne ftlUth tîod ned for a nttitiou satioyioc food. The tollO and fat tht ore 008 to o cloohlg hn lunch- hox 0811011sud8the socotohblesthat pooid ooootoh ion and vriety ...p. They aoepore8000ttlayng h00 oclao sooos adood 0as8,fi-c asohosodoos. The flavoooobe soctahle, su lly sivedor00pOFOOd aobooî oth the iqoîd in080300 they 08000 oook e8. aFe coO08hlOd w0811a o ootoh 000008y wht se.(A 0008088 ationof81 ooohod sogetable and one freshy oood one la agooot,,oy o ,oing lettosooc.) Howevess the secret otagood 000008 sooy îlies8in0ohlOg th bai -poiysd yo will havethe 00038 form08800 0888 (The ooîy EolOpo th, doble 00300F oP the proviodes tood, 0000 1008 heat and preventsosoohing. 2.1Measuring theflooo hfoethe fot is a gssd ides.18 îoooo ,,ooh- ing the mesîsurig poonor Fooy Wos,,'0 , 8U 0 O foootheno ll 00,3100 ,d yparthbaco dFîyyog - -oob, loolO Osood 3in O-inch pî8-0and oast 08on a ookir, this fragrant tea "SALADA ORANGE IPEKOIE FAYo and SONS luitibIng andi Ieating Slwvet Metal Workç MILTON, ONT. ibWheroothe going i ogîîott, Goodyear Sodded SooO.Oips 00311 pol you thooogh and log. Lt quip you truck or car for opOstivetrac. Deep, ttooog todost liho tracor o olos, bite WITO ÉUII D>! SNOW IO EAR ~dd.d ure-Grips OUAL .. mCMATIK MUTUKS PA'CTOR PHONE: 171 s DODGR DESOTO SALES & SERVICE Evening 7- 13 D.y 00,18,0e ho 146. ALi 1 By Bus PM. dodoy, ex, -- -38 008 dit01 VINt 51 a..., 2.7 po 3 a- doîly.06 DAILY SERVICE _ TO AL L CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS NATIONAL ' CHARTERED BUSES 7 8 m OFFgR IÇEAL SERVICE I.0PM FOR ALL GROUP TRAVIL xpet010i00 of a Et te ioto 080 thoo thoco hao 0010 for oc3t e le,, 000E. . . a 00as shi swete1oo8Thickly BoIt, wth eeo design in snotdboho, rein- fio 1re0 or othe oudoor 0801- tskindofswOeate 0te po- Wear flo tki otltty and t olooes The otoosyrlbod , svwIit andOcufsare 00ut. E1000for actoand a tleu swtoter bhOOOth are aoîher Etto. RoOhoo oobtoooloe to boy. sweate010s0 eqooloo oterpoltlog eoperienced hottert. Theyro hthe tirn ad touble!Choose îohl coo t0ht o os or game1t odove grey Watclimaker Isn't immune to Sliock lit, Ce,opooWllcoo 00010,0o W.d, ]il,, ' anoO,08 'od '0,oobpooF'ooo,,3 8,. 1,00 ooarg th' tooop'oce andtakLo 1 g18 oko'hot 0,th ooith tOpo, Ho 0o18 183dh,o"sho anod 1800810818h8000t8000in. looo 880it oalIdn3t ro. hootofio A toobooooo 08p00oin0s 00t8 Oho 18 hofopo hoo looao tho f.,, bat th.bon-00th,, hos O 008800 ened, fo rlanoog o oooth r ,hoî o,-th'- Do-ol,ri,thooght U Trho hings Otoo.,oo týll do ta t0o3s 108008puoP.,ysso o, ad- soprtslo, ond , O lO pyoet a8simple sppo3ojob ta3pot thioos sIght are ooohlivaleoa hkiled ssîph08ohoo One man0 Osoght is ,,poopdpd. oddps 8308Ppie-o ht hîd . Hl p o.yotod th at ho ,îtoh hod hpo 08358000 forposevs'ob monsoh 'he thoF dos 0he0 Ofo sofe a aspao toooyooisso ldot, plan0ts he'd foood I a80thebo0- tom8 of o pot of geranftoot. Junorlot' d bOoled It ther, and 080080 bd booo sooOOioI 00000' Fb x t," Papaorcdered atoills. sheet inc 001ot loototo aveu for 3 mintes. GOr080 oooso 0000 bit, tltd odaobscitor01100 8Serve ot0 8 00000 0808,in8hot sooooho081. Yoo 0800 goootbh 0830008300d panley or0F lery 000hoto, ,,sîolo u op floor 1 119. toit 3 1000 080000 0801 Mi fot ove o 108 hot. Add OSo and ssoogs. M,0 otil c080th. Add 08310. Cookov8000 oilng 08tr or 10, hoot. 518008080 0000001t10 ofo 4to tIl siogî T.the propared ooooot sc, add sogoa0101.soRhoat 0.00 w0 0810 o "Lo' lectric element, Cok2C p oooooSooy .a ..od 0qood fero5 08nutes0 Preso throsgh a îOoOoo Moke a 000008 iog the 10080 t0 h,îf quantity. The pooo holp 1a hikn hsho . CsoO8of Co- Soult mis. 000800088,0 tyle orn.0z osle oon Osand l Ooohot wot-z o. Coo, caveredoveolowoboat for 158,in8tes01 Prssthrough oaros ic o Shoold ho approsohotely t:- c p0. Add to 30000000008m s ' S8p,0015 olO thpaprika 1 Cpo8,Cossot Soup Molo1ocp fincly gr.ted c800008.11 gpaoîd onionoCOOLooopd.fos10 o inutes.A1d 8, 3 c0p808 800 auce, c ,1pht Spik, tohl1îbpý "h ,h M 0 8 o.osîod 8088 TH1E SUGGESTION BOX .830 tins.. ooohooîth papurssoosd th,. rit,,8ith pi,,golohopog as ý,,tltthoOo.tOOr bah.b-hoood in 010. B00008000088 :T. 080000 rog o. ob e i. prpopcethe dsogh -Il in alo' g ohîhicstip and plitoointoooolar îo'h3on in a loy- in th,ont8,c 5,pora o of wa8t-oo et o theo8 jar and i t will o008crack in ,.t,00ven t, of 003 do-t 000_ WO,, 0.oood io15 solOto, ,îp-n bc .ood out and f,îotisd 088h erooood ohiko or fooh. tcoo ,18 for n more801. 0010yod- o.ol Y318000001 oho-s olp, 3100 f., 4 o3 s,,g,os18 phnklo i3sîo bdn opîos. 0h-,8hako s 400do- -,o,oo0lo oith a00ong ho0dltd 0000A, 'ho 0000' ,11on -o g ,o,,,,oo,-1-1. i03 8000"cite08 to 1 0,,,0, so o, oil,1 c9A9, o,,looooOO d 0800 81c,..rg ,0 .8pi, ,00or0art- p a pol 00p000'005t Go t10 1 olp soopO "Of ... H,atl." and Mo Slshodkis! A108018 anythingl ."Mhl .00a0r, FighiosO for?*' O oto gos nthos brave, ns orloPd- ,ooo 018 odinOh,, f3,,8 88' ihroon ,s18'8 -Lcadcc Il-ostoO o- oiAbr,,ho8, Lioolo ,,rig .pi gsttkin holOOtdo ,oss, ortt. h88o,,,,h. LiOOOIO 18000a0 "i1 ort .,to o e008 1,sîysd Pollock and boO a ntc _^r,,d h, h0038,00 and chnrc. hc .ne ghou cm- Campbell ootsded h0380IosoOs. 'You s 88801 ho O0Roo,ýo of. a veryootpeflioh 0800"Liln ce-spo pied. "f.Otîoftsh' N.t t. an! t d3d HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS il for 08y 008 sae,. nt fort he MEMORIAL EO810IAVING plot"1.1. 2 WateS, Norts GALT t stijl hosoo't odd oooby aoh T1nEPONB lm the 0800 throotghwtt'hs 0100900101. ______1_____ PENNSYLVANIA EGG PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES = Picasso Composes Surrealistic Play F1,,. the Hamilton Specftt0 Surrahlt ahard eoooh tS tieon canevas, Put il hohiod the o.tlghts and the tabol, onnoloca l à Poblo Pcasso, Span1Oh peint-o and solpytor, sho b f00108, osthe -. tfooodpl, of sobiolo, bsco 08tteo a IN A C UNTRY Pay olled Destine Ccght hy the Tai" ohOPO 0wu0 podoood privai- LANE l io mltotSteino b th other night. The ooltcs goveoIla a Ry J.lilan Coller Gray dreod 1 pyootig oandt ooooood itop as "tripe 08th Oono." Bot that verdit soundctonsa,,ouy inoface A do ldey dylt h et of the poslocand the generol time inte0158ld togt out your ewOdermet ofolthe audience scrapboIoIs. Tht i, iOc cagood 0h00 th FOPiFIIproooodlogos wPO 038,0 if yoo hoppoo 10 o 01a000" -over. Eso,, soocIhoFof the PESO book ddît-od Ikoo' 080y oofesed tht they ddot hoo wome a0re. I donot Shhin Ibots 0ht ttooailOot.o ay male 0008000Porsof loopings. PersoootlkePicasso, ofcourse. 080e jot ho,,, hoiog oaplp.otîpdot pîlos Inoopotional 080p0d, lovely 80080 0080800 over hrce. To oand hey arediposed 10 point 10 bc sure, thero ore toospol 08000 the prsct odespairof hosoOoty is that wi 11 ha ve o awit aotoher an00008000 o ac i'iljîotion fed on dolS day Thp o hooks lI'op hopo pon.o Whe Il contes t10inter- ,end nghppn thold mo00t00fy pretlog life, they 001ktOs do 8siI ownclipin s ow j00u1018how .o 00001 which are ao,,, ond hpyond 880,100 0008g000'Ù 8,00h 0fun000uto cdinm reooliî,,. poposo ooe iow tu0 8 00 10 ho Ths pay of PF300008', 0000it a m,tcrtoPo80the o 08,8 8P81. Bt 1,0 In Paris durngf80 1,pour wthPd perhop. s ,,Ohh 5, wil b asertoud- ogihs undePthe Nozi ocupation, stand whl 1 clpOintht ag..d in 1944. Few art3t, in su0h ci deal of i0is tofO -s _ci 080n01000008808 8a80P0. ood bho p88000d. t. may 00 ssia o ad tforgotten sOon,8theip 080 dospondencoo .out -coosooo. bat 0il0 000Bot jool Osago, h3. if 0080011 ýýe"0008'me,00000110P0d Il. t'00OePofthe har00100il, infact bost l0,e resdog the words of soute ano, ,on ad 8088 0h08, arc oherpe-pos. oly O how thcY Oow-os. '0A frustralod nosooOi8 are0088 osod eso'en though they iskoooooas ig Font and there i a0 _ uterly inf.ii,,180 . ,ild oooph 0h8o osppood t. Znt w3oOdso o ,,, 80,8 08000ortaoood o'oarl nethppopoross I lo, o,kd Ho, an Lu-3oooha,, Siteoi30 pcPOP1dte8ho,,, 0008a fin il yoro po l opr nt' O additionaî foos or, twonopcn0037 hah'othe, oihietodo., - il g night Ie018 sho coflippoog and The dama,0030a'8 ,ombrhe bogn in ,, t. 1o.,,ntd hreeo mixture0of paon, mie,080. 800838h hurdreddoo 1w 088y001p. l and od hogo, s, tinsBig80801' reald th- ospOhoboblyon-tudio Alth, hrt,,op othe"soor _ o noi8, 'cgIt sl n shoOPOsO and oyso3,g fosrfod. srls oleaooot 0n0 oi.n00pleins0Picasso818030sthisos olOsOho 0,18 boo-îoo000,0'83 ,nd3nt8308 haing vosht 1transparent legs. thrc, hOOd, of0th8, m-1oOht and hoh flash deci .1 oo 0s018fer" ,'e00 10 m -ob0 h 001 10.803e80 , t80 he stage. Eoî tht il il 83thepeloos of 8,080 8,8,0thoso diOp08odilom108,, P- 008003801300t,8 o8 fo ce0s', Andpoooarth, wcd -st 8,0001"Oh the0 s ote oho anse,,318 t yil-11, hlllifsî"' Ohlto.ss118 o cpo ont doisOsol 0, 0000,r8030 oopprgonOt ofh.gc siicpPpn, and Thot th-ooh,îodood ogaooIlleqouite008t305 8,8P01880 Ooohtpp nie,00 f,lcg ,,, a du13 l, oopo Th-,oo 88,0no 00'85 hos', d8,Io 01 octl s Ih, rit-id of th', 8 0,00 th, po,toosocI.Pbnck. 1jpleooof dro,08oooohobcdostospod in r '188h, th, n,. of t.,i,, and Ho'oe 0080 tall , il.qcul 8'8,.000 of art iolo hoîpooht bc ci ... il en.dy000Pd in sivimmingtr'0008 as, '000088' Nobdo hadlalkcd 0an oooPOth,, stageo ssnorangeF0,1 nt, 'ho,8, ,î, 010f th- 0the- 000 od ollowbaersof00,0, ttin3,g le I "id"' "'lot 'hm I 'a' t8on A- ouootill0 th us?')Th- o0580toooIft rted , r I08000Io 10000,800inltheoblOohof h,0 bc.,Ad 1 ws sorOish din fid 10see adoo083818380 P0,a sîth hod,,0 8,0' 30800l0'8808ohd .ottos,-Ildahath T08o h1o il on,30, ce tha'0 0, oo fhp tohdo, Il h000 , 030 h ,,O8. ,oo 8th . t 080080in003t iho,,,oo l O lh 3o18, o, ,oltle poofol Tho 103,on Th000,001oo,, 00 'Rof oO . le00 Onof t'oo 8 000 ,h 3,0,0,80 o 1 th, eter w, ,f.00The8.0180 -r0318lent it inh 0, ' cir000- 0,003oh ,, Ao30'oo'op3oo11 dit, 0o0o , t, 3,.000 1e" " 'toto1,o 0180,0,000. an. , 0,033000 ,303 ,d 03 e1 - Ilr , ni i,,0030 nis, - l c00e 'n ;loTt.3"h z ce-.. "0, r' peoho 3 rcwr - 'i',0 lt88 il,,1 t 111100 .o ,o'0300 0,o0 îo O îoloo I,o e3-,lcidoiloo d,,000, o.8 n-8000108080 ,jooO 80 j,.osoOpo.o18880003en 0mode T i'no, 11Ch,,ob 'O col.' 031000000080lo,t loo' '50b- 0,0,ol 00poo088001 830,nd1n80' " 8' n f t n , ><il o onoh. 018,80,- Il bol, thos,îo,,81o1 'il 0, t -'3 8800 0 h" t8, ,,,h,,,81000 ,g,,ld nof t,8 arth.00803000os 38,000030 ,thisTh,. l'o, 30800 eit p' o f It80 ' -lldltooo l 0,O o p,ooh, l0 0 e0a3308'0 If ,00,8~3q~"p8p8,h0l0000 -te000f0 ot o0000l80008-11 n 800181'8 "Oolo pothl ,iîlso3' o-i,. ei, oo h te,'0 03 01 000 Isîl o afti,p ,88 ,10 ,0 , d r 8008 ooO 8000' 18 th,003 ,odooo'd o-lpenOOpe In101' Wi n - ,1 t n 001.08te,0,0 re00 W,' 800 l o n00 in- thino8 81 il8 AiP8 th,00 dossop1op...o 00080 p0000 or hOOd 0000W, sn 8 ,ittooo,n 1 80' th t . - a0100F . f_ of ,, 0 0 3 0 " 3 , 8 0 , i n , .0- i 00 h80 13n "Rlueback" RED SALMON'*? 350 ALzaSALA» FRUITSn'N Z.33o Tounato JUICE 2 "i -19o Ruby Golden CORNN'z 0o. AYLMER F oma PEAS 22@ GARDEN PATOIIRICE0 KERNEL CORN21M3 oz25C 1TýVeal H2 1JZR CAMoeoooL'o TOMATO SOUF 2 -e 21C LIEBYs EVAPORATED MNLKz &F«-27c GOOD LtOK MARGARINE ' PG.39o CATS P "oz-17C I DANDEE TEA 9KG. 3So, 75o DATE &. NUT LOAF z 'z21c Go04 Mouiug MARMALADE 2oL 45o AYLMER APRICOTS Z 29 SPICE CAKIE M PX85735s' AYLKER RED PITTEDI CHERRMES T -m .21c1 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2Tum 250 BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3-2eu50 Lea & Perrin'@ SAUCE -1135@ HEINZ BABY FOODS - Çe9 DailaruI'a MEATIES CB MG1440 BWIFT'S DOG OR CÂT FOOD PARD 2S2LE PARD 2TINS SELF P'OLýS..NG FLOOR WAX TN63, $.0 HAWES' FLOOR WAX -ON 29c, 49e ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT Doz. 37c 4 for 21c LETTUCE - - - - 2 for 25c CELERY I*RTS Bundie 15e FRESSO DAIL(-Bodlsheu. Loot L#etEt. TQMt-is 0-PU. Baaa % Oý«rs..Dom Howard's Poultry Rmedies Royal Purplo and Pratt's Stock and Poultry Tonics Hartz Mountain Bird Seed BUILDING SUPPLIES Limeo, Gyproc Board and Lah TENTEST CEMENT MASONITE losulalîo, Loose and Bats LIVINGSTON STOKERS SaIes and Service R. S.Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 Ili - 'au -ana dpwwm maimmmmm