TEU1~8DAY, Z~iu ~ THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TWO 0F THE OLDESO ennbers in I. 006 no ircls n Ontaro, ere honored and pseseoted wndh lene atsaspec.ai meeinqhe'dninIC00F, hall inJly. Membesfsom different parsof tire prve ,ndcis o ii tended the celebraon. A boe are emembersu'irou'ere onored.From th "r, j HM ,,,y ro n ept ,adMse o narowomd h rsna tir oMr doe, W iansi Edge, Watedo-n, wlo nos been a sembes of the Georgetow'n Ldge 65 ,,3r ,nn,-- Alien-, Milton , nenrins nofhe Miton Lodgé 63 years and C. A. Htnieson, of Gron-I Msn' forC trio 'noondehe presentation to Mr.Allen. Our Annual P ictorial Review for 1950 Pictures on this page have appeared in the 1950 edi- tiens of yeur home town paper. They are again pro- sented here te refresh peur meemerp on the avents that have made ep the life ef the cemmueity and district dur. inq the past year. THE DRIVER of e heavy sand and grandl trickr escaped serions injary when the vehicle hurtled oner the collapsing bridge about a mile south of Mlton last December 29th. Upper photo shows the bridge with the trock oniy a feu' feet away from the gaping hole. Bottom is thr truckr perched at a precarious angle on the shoulder of the road. A feu' srnal elns frees held it from toppiing clown the 10 foot embanirment. FROM THIE WATERS of Lake Eie, Fugene McElhinney iroled this 28-inni nine pound pickerel in thre sirallou' off-shre u'ater t Port Buruellin August. Retuninqnfromodays fshing in whir riey hd ladednonly six white fisithe youthreeled in the psoe catch It is cl!ed tobe cneof the largest conght inthe lobe. RAMPAGING SIXTEEN MILE CREEK marooned eyerai familles residing on lomet Miil Street this spring. Considierable water damage w as naused f0 wmernhandtse stored in merchants' buildings. The mater mos fine fef highes tiran ouu aif flowed pont the Milton Miiling Co. plant. This wsin early April, and hod the mate r rnr oothr thfree fef the mmml lom-lying portion of the towo snnuld hone beene flooded. IEACHINO SMAlA CHIIOREN fa do tiings for themseives is tire a needie is also teugirr by Mrss Miidred Gaiiowap miro s sirowing aim of tire Kindergarten-Nursery classes eid in tire tawni hall, Betty Cle and Janine Grimu'ood hou' ifs dune. Peggp Marsir. sponsat'ed bp tire Milton Homne end Sciroal Associations. Aboya Douglas Timble and George Purdy mure busilp engaged in erec- photos taicen durne0 classes indicate tire interest of tire chirldren. tion of bridges and buildings mitir blockrs in tire lamer loft pirata. Top loft shows chiridren sitting dlown ta ea effet iraing set tire Mitir finir teacirer astirhe piano tir enlise claus graopad aroand ta table. Tirey are Teddp Cairoan, Barbara Shepird. Mary Jean sing thier chiidren's sangs in tire amer left picture. Ï)ckensS and JîII Pauline Cancan. Seing and tire tireading of I OVER 10,000 thronged the Haiton Agricuiturai Society grounids for the 98th annuel Couetp Fair September 30t. The warm weather was condun inn ta a ieisoreip enamînatian of ail the eveets and eohibits as tire fine attendonce spoke meli for tire worb of tire fair committee. Cilidren were admitted frtee ted enjoped themselves thoroughly. The weil-arrtnged hall exhibits ettrect- ed mach attention with bakine0, fiamers, children's and mamens mark and W. 1. displays. CATI PHOG tresh, Cailr, SM w ' F at kM d;3t *ie OAJi Thsu ak Mu nds cM miso M hnsel Mrcs.H thE ghu ar c-74 Roâ !ri Mï- Sma DR e oc $5.95 RO 0