Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Dec 1950, p. 4

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»M oua THE 4 E CANADIAN ,CHAMMIN ~t~~ w'~aes r OMAM ALIID Y Young Friends Aid Mrs. H. McDonald- 42 Dinner Guests HOLIDAY DANCE' ln Birthdlay Party Hostess To W.M.S. On Christmas Day SATURDAy, DEC.. 30 bYIR SPeedeg the Chritmasheli. of the Kethe-et. United Cheeeh hotd hesttetettetMearthatlltttty fTOWCES HALL, MILTON d.y. .thlierne, alto Misn Char- toet Christas meetitng et the et- Christtas Day weeth 42 gett ests frast by Tiey Hopkins and his Orchestra bhome. the p edet, Mtn. Cttatle Pet-Me-heiCepeSPedtt OPRIZES GLORE Mr td Mt sed Douglas tprosedeeg.Thtetteinu etes ad te retotllt he ete tbdit-a Mter*tedMs leHaroldet etae etuettte- hahe Me-eintterdateOOR PRIZES, ETC. DANCING 9-12 hae ovd no her heaseceofth roar, et t ethie operatttega eh.- sa- .'Ladiaa SOC - Admsission - Gansa75e Frede witl be et e- e ste eaBe. M es da teithte e Ktbt th te..ARya rtm ~Theeotteali t seee tt eth Ms daNclo fi i,------ ddf aet te Ataye'frerrsi 1ws noereeght guet etMiss__________________ deteofthetdistict squite il], ttin t-oren-tetten e otaeteetthe " Toreeto bepitet ce-rd Re& itt -Mrst Ptct pre-t- Clee BreeonetWedieedey. id r -e- tht eedtttight settietTht paet s titethtetettettitie Mt"terta Btttbrtentetaied i th the lo et .kn pr, fAeh aed Zteeeeretan hedtthtey~~ " nu berOf Oungfrfndsat ier , BIl..d.Mn. owad, n.tppot-ttity etf t'etthieg their hoentte occasioette 1et besac- Grtter. Me-t Cites end ttrt J thitdt- pttttrtt e inte Christease ete btrtbday. The geesta teeited Ptcett01coer tshttdet adttet. utrte i IL O N IN .aeJty May. BevereRsyBeteMrsChar-le Pedhtee ttttatttd - ee; eetitet Thtt e te e ps-ed eto Jenne Ptterate, Ae-sePEaeeek tht Utete - ttti e - for.1951 as: ;;ltç. 0rte bieg theffthtt. Contetes-NWYA SDY NeteBreeher ted Mrguerite Htetetrt- PresttetttMm, Wttae oe - ,. . .'-shw-t E oin Peetetb. Ait bed e tereti- tmte. teretdM- mutttee-.n -',-, - ---'itr spirt. Mtss WtitaofNE etRS Cairns and Mm. John Hthtî td Mt. erttigg e Chrstte is litent ith Mrs. Liii- e-rth. Pt-eidet. MrsChat. Pttr. ' -Schel-ad e CatwrJan.o Ctpet Miss Leti- Cam. steeVce Pt-tttdett Mt-t. At-the'- Zm era aeth i o mn blttotTorntMad Ms.Gao.Cee-et; ted Vtce Proe-ttMrt ttttntth ucstesetwo cont-t FruoanDetofHeitonEt eteHtheiegtee 3td Vte Pttt- 'I TNOUGHT YOU SAID POU WERE SUPPOSRD TO KffP c-e-.tee nteterettiet Santtatee$10 .cus Mr ted Mt-. Ge.. Fctte-tn.iledtt. t-Je-Htenry:Sccctae-c. POUR EYE ON THNE BALL.' teatetetht teteite ttttptttt-et-1.0r Special Dinners$10 Inlsv tity, tt Otbtiete MT. ted Mm-. Mt-seNttte Betie. Asitete c- --tht thttdt-tt. DugastGreetofMoteal Mr. cttc' tMt-eLe dilht-e-er: Cet- Mr. andMes. Harotd Gwtd 5 PM.TLL7 PM and Mt-e Robert Ct:ehttatd escpdng Sott--tt- Mre Wtt anedtan eton Fridy for Fat tecete .Wte-too. Bette. T-teeett-Me* Chte-t'P.eL.Robertson Co. cnrdg esedChristtmase ite Sptti.ti Chittt tetmas iv c a. Pt-t-t-.Suttie Sotartte Mrs c Mm.ssrnrnasassparents. htedetnOtath Preshyteim MtAeth1ne Mr, Win. Peet-t ted M.dM m..patte n Chrh]s abt.MssCrs i, .tHwad hita t,, Has Large Addition u M efan rad Met.Lly eteebes. Cameeed Mm.e AedeWtht-et i eet-tetpaedeeg preducee tettio fMr and MmWitt Me-b The ae ofttMr.Harr4yeeacceeeeiurty Ft-e.deht ,MeC netd. L Roerts..eet M tnfc -e Httttze Sctteted tee, Eriet, PddteCttti.î esatDtet b' tttattt-tttttt.atitttd 1te ja Fett Me Gte.Pt-g Stt-eWtt et-eeg Ce. eeeddigeathttt-ttet-eoftBramptn, wettSudt-eettttttt Mt- td JMit htttpet Ofh-lt ce e-dee~letdt s tc YMttte t etM-tdtttStt Chictttttwth Mt-andMu.tHt- yNEW YEAR'S EVE fun RI ftMse. Met WeIL -ig t J Pcehetc tttetc M.ýf0iiatb>r c led or Moitli- ew ibie fMne n Tc- MreedTmt-eEtrandEtht- etd hap ea.vteethie Met HeMBGeead tht-itdioneetetlted bt-eteeg teciere.ttchelteCamp Borden Mr. ted Me-e J.Galathetoef eeMt-e Je- Ht-tee. Peecie'. Th,rceet ecdndebrk ntett-eattthieteeet-keageeendtteettt- Ottee LOWVILLEMie MDonajeee itectetMr.E- FoneceeputinethteeaningsttagrecndttitFortLeisCAtent i Mm. W E.Meredith vieedwith TW ALMLO ,ItAtthur. ce eed-teetett of- inet tht, t ee-entd cith trieds te Net htt-ier cuhier. MtEdgar- Camp- b' Special Services, e-,e- Yecg Adctt Group et th,,deelit e eeg e-ectheceeedoet Wetmineetrt- B.C e-cetett-atd blteit -eithetoidet- cete-ed.TINY HOPKIN'S ORCHESTRA td Chur-ch tend iteChritmstit r ttce per e t o ewetttîttceîî llhetr te pred hi- Nt ew ece s Me- ted Me-e A.Steeetsen et- y Dinr o eI e-ttth, hetmetof Frtc ande hr ddtd te thtetafe th ettre- clt-ttc thtt aise. Mietonet Christtaeta t h X ce-rsTp ek otecMcAeth oneThttcedae tct- ductiee heetireteehtenieettee-ehoet eiettdaghttt-and lie'siSpontcetd hy Milton Fiee Depertiet Chrstmaseeceîeeetc'e-c tt The- vet-tthrty proscitttand thedditen ttimp tyetehe h'hee M ile Mrs.Bill Mte-t-v t-ccs r fr rd Dette prtciedft-rctht ceett tmeeMr antt b TheUtdit hurhu-rae o ibsarmcese' WADMISSION $1.50 EACN teettot-tat-rUeîrChrte eeSt Geieeetehceege --Forum Gests ofMr.eMeetctb in a Whf*Git St "-t etfgondus-Tht- ettero oiet- foree1t-t- e, s CAMPIIIEVILLE Activities Typical Rossitd ee- Crietet c-t-tMe-n edcltin adaRtefllî ct adC t, oroar ndecaited Me-fot ag ne tedMeta o urintn n tetttettltteLfere tetdhche-t-te-eer ed et thfole,,tteeeedlt-elod anPtgtOet Ma ie-erit-ttLe-ndonegeet. mrier itceTe feitititht taseitte tVece sdt L Eiee aCapbell Family I s ie cilc-_m-e-tteee-cLe eeethee ctor-canhd etethtîý h t--- etced-e.eetd1 -toede atedl tcpecee teetMc. ed M .re-i nfr te th-0hertd .ede"eeb't Gcetec MeAtthet-- Socer t etph iven C '- Gfteect t ntt ihee altoexpest c ed .aýMce T Botgeet tett Pac adgi irigthetcuet Jt ,;t roas 'o eetterandhit in ed t t-t e o . deecnse et Mlon: Mt- ted r.JPck CSteeeSetEe e-r- eeet eceet. Ne et0 Scci t-et- Me- Jehe Camp-Anl iktadDo e BGeot-gtchcet ee h Eet ted te-tee grMeA-htCne t-en d tet-etlete lad thtr ,-t tclanceee edeenChe-tetteD. htd a hceettcl1cete lteehieceCeeteectice Lec-.e Pt-te t e ttee vol t-t-ct-t tht-t- ce toteMloe Lecteet Pe e- e-oru ei, t1 Mr. aed Me-e Jiet Mya, lvs ineth tevoiget t thte- Burns. plOide xcemple t,, f Ctttdt- tt-itd etite MccHaddet- hrn thtttt-h e-ht- Pt-c ett e c -tht- e e te e r. tee Ptc Tte eh. Voe'eOfettht' ttelhcedt- Mre teBtetteti t an e receecte tht-ontecdtin eehtpies eehttgtctcrdtd Mr n'O tth .dth-pt-ee Peettite hrld thte ChritemastefteeNite-Met-de-h Metet-et - e-H re c Wit e. M- Jth MP etce-t e-G ter rd deeN r r . M-and MceHarode etece y he etet vBt- Cce Attttte Wealace King and Jehe CtmelltvtiMteoghctia,ýot Net-t-teGuetth. ced Me- ted Met M.. Meeroe- hcccd e Picttetet-f Aftie- deity et- t-rehmete e te-tNASSAOAWRYA S.S. Ne. i7 tvt eece te as Minter fMie famlt- rop " cted homeeof dM" hioh-sth ora t-ee t -eetiv y w, ilm iha r d 1Z -,IOg thsh. Vttct Net-cee ted Me and Me-ejSataCl,, tOarr-dan f aa. -- onet at Scsaool ttct-ne Mm. Frangtthieh Oette Pe.t-toceScedetBctCte hettttcde thtae- Ceeeetmitt- ie chargeM td M- t-- Mr. ted Met W7m.C-etelce e- det-ibtodget-C froettet-tthtccii- ct-eMc ted Me-e. RBht-gi cieIs WeII Attended st -tCheitmatetet t ,,d led-e trtc.Mi. and Mte Rbte-t Elteef. Me"et et-iet Tante jette tht- teteeegreet- et Lunchew- e iedhbthe.het-teand Me--.Wllam cte R e-td e-obt~ett ttttt ettsMer. teeRcegietc,e s n ,g h M-edcVJ MAthrceee eesisetdhc-dcteand ete.-Dart-c Me-t Gerge Igeee MsseGetrude theellattttechc ttcill atted- heteden i esi ChristtmasDtt- Weeeec Het-httie- ted Grta Mac- C e llhi c- eretid eitte- dt c-echldetepet c pe et-tee Teetee te rn f il MteeMePCîltptdhtct-e ee-t-et, ta,, rht- chotir id eneet ech deegethoir t-t-ee tetetvoe t--- cth Me- ted lie.iA Me- ted Met Jehe Hlltettc-, t-th e-heh e-tetgitte uetlt. eSe-ta Caste art-ttt-t - h 'vihMr.-ed Mce Joe- eIV MsndMake suretyoa beve tt a pettel eeeup Cettelliaedeee-îe tleeTettet cctee aie odtegithe Chritmate hall- IBdteettChitmastetonertt we-te (iftetipceeetttende-t-.atdoe- tte-cttBeecdivate-et-taeteket- pyte3î.ettyttti M, .Md" h , o n Tusa hh otecideH ii i efor frieeds cheell bc dreppieg ie. t et ll Me-,,ted Mec B.ticette ted BlttmC-ct-hethe-htOet-ioe t-t-eeiet-eterot-t-neeeeeMr.c tetsantd gefttiMm. t-elu ietetCampbtellst -e BSun-eeybtgeeedihseete. tett had Che-ttece tece- te ie - M.ted Mc Jet. Atteeatd Jche toehet-t- th ct-etthr ehett -etpet tehte0tt e-et - et -ie Met B-e t in c tin - yo eer lI ecce 1-c. yeteceBeerM1edM- Wtly-etHtt tSNe i Conete-tc.'erdeen lýeit-e eeheptte lecaelttBettee redy orey rýi Tht- McCrtedt- PettîtTeccetlt-et ct-t-cSceece ietee t ch Fr dcctt--etegctinerthe dirtectionteehalercthepheidepe . M ni Mm, SamReid and fa-humr-tî eetsite tht- N. C Wcggltecce-eh teetit- McM et-te re Crtwiet. tlteWiettBp tht teethet- Mc" ccd Me-e Jet Franeke ttedtdi, fOeitgh; Me- R. Pt-iittcric S»hr O ut the yttr. teer Ch-te te ct-rtd Thet-c tIltIt-te- tteppt Bt- Chrtist- thgodn w i9lestcch t wo f-McgPletraan a yet Hrtlrctand Mt- E. N.teehtd.ceeten Satet-dayet- etg citte Jehn Dlecece et Camphtttie. tc rgetie . Mcatd Me-t Hec- at-ht MA ecediet te thtetet tn fane attht-cMr.JBStherlatnd te chair- A n eI.- tt-etettedietricte te- ee ad M,.-and MrPFrentecg-LDomitgnlinStore iwîs/heeyoî Mter ted Mrc P. trtttt-e-t-ret-neaelegthteetsmolo cot ctd - t-eprte te htbie-eh et Jtte- wste ceddth,-echeet coeceteenNo.e i t - oe-e-t-cig viitcsetth- ci t etadinettaitShterdan ete ce-hpttiicgbsht-ept-ttted man. It hacheeaht-ywcbteslt ckchtede--tet-atgond cee Petlttce-eeho.,cChristmasDey 4, I rismasDay ' th Bo Sout ofAmric byc_______ S hot. KfDMIIOSTO'~/RE i.7 MreB.Ceeleceeendcse eocrte, Lrd Realtte.Chie Sctt-of-the Mt-cBeodet-Meteceasethee-ee Chritmaevictese e-tetldcin Ecece tDomineienît-hos et-tht HMCS Huren at h diett Briteish Commonwtealtthte cet-b ettetthtetntitut.tdeil ich-he-tc theclcih-cc tetSceete tendtt Canadiescho hav he wthlitt-t MRtecdheo et-îthctoh aeteery of-tctiege cetctetettht-lChritmsA htttetaed lccetct titgtt.te cdet't eet bh, .------ et-dat- the Unitted Sttet ccert. Ye e c tiido e. IAENb'ORUIM BERT everY MteteneceoereuIJMReheadMrs. R.ClteMF.Ctt FWSt- le.Cot ec, eMruFAuckladMr.F.W.Bar- Canada te stude. and slive the preblee t he tarc te- tttte, R. Etteate . BCemeets. VE.MeAthur HDeti. reo'e.Me.E. Beadbead, Mte. J.M. Sesdbeetl. Mm. G. E. gether. TheFsareeFrs are the veofttthe ltrcrnIe- W RNHuee.A. C.ecîeteR.Must,hMet OB.teretht tterte MAletMtWNo MtGA astoflsetFrouep.taeaetee-hhte .eib ae wBeedt te Elt-Cte. JO-AneeMcAtur.RYMcArthee Mrs. ME. anspssttbesgreps.head. . Berttetk, Dr. Mther. Mrs. Baeersttet. Cecitte. Mrs. V. t-trrit. Se. Met. G E. Rtadbead, Mem. H. »Uek roc. efttoS rigti, Met. B. Tilswertb, G. Cetîtte. IFrot-rowet lett te rigbt, Met. V E. MeArthur. Mes. B. W. Richardson, Mes. H. Deetis. -Staft Photo Thts tdveretie e- wilappeinthee ptet eetkly R31ockey FRIDAY, DEC. 29 OAKVILLE vs. BURLINGION 7,10 PM, NEW TORONTO vs. MILTON Publie Skating Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Afterneons 2-4 p.m. MILTON ARENA ADULTS 30 CHIWDRIN 15< Largi Sees ton ai- in the Ce-eps le rnte. Aifbsa SCthe a-tpf e adfat gre thi time "bei-mt! ' a et angre Rosat evmitg S 2%e gamme es CMd ches G sueral inhetet sMi- Petteem te Raiders te 2nmt'r5eelvet5 Gesrgeteown -a tbrfr toal Thes Oreaibe et off tegeth'. l-etd hi- Bett Stefore the perle -ttte maede Ili3 Georgetownte* ae tte plati ilt etelved eapenalty- ed petiteS. Or ros'gluis'g et 5.S1 off the Getegeto get itte the pie and Mearsett Floyd' Mut et.. miS. 3. I. FARM MA SALES ONORE BOY MILS. VJ. A. E Lttensed Att Real E Weehet at thet pertocextei ic te Hal Yeé Phcne Cent. NSgbSty Det5t Ope Caee S t. ad FR1 -SAT. JOEL MeCREA WANDA -int 'Saiddle T Ccitt- hy Tee GALA NEW YE MIDNITE 51 SUN. DEC. 31 AIso Shecissg tk Tht funnestt t-h ecer happete fat-cli RONALD REAGAP CHARLES CO RUTH et 2 p.c A Happy Year To. WID.-THfURS. The MARX ESC "'Love HaF It's s Isugh tioIt r te finish 1

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