THE CANADIAN CHAMPION LL.i kee tsce,eeps-imp essnsr oftieithesiseceagi and Mailisse BritiIsha asmulons Ccorac Dsrit i OhioSaeea"es For Canadian Mon FÂ R M < ;geeeohBmck HrrisV- F E MtA,-th,,ec and Cee Ceeete thsited Ksegdsess lth etisdegneeci arsecgicteg a 5ed te geeteisesgisi- WtHetee Heed A-,a,eýee ess itene'et ttteegs OneeofthMe NR tt le ,eeeed ltest ie s to e ate histile N IEW S In May of5148. fft-ý id<,yclre tre d sd ti is atise quiet- rcc:en nHalton ecfig grde heedser toesR se tte isospeep tisesugi or - etedsteds ofgrades and pue- andgieaeIsesfeesour-to e E 3A-i- RletedP . i- ýýs ýoýodvy ý,ýd he ,mb,, bcd ete-d shoir Lersde edtc e eefabietittiset desslsatlsg -:E"te,,, RcseedPesdA Tdlveess ibdh lce,,for th' Dec,-,' ieed teeproeeect Wee.II.ttAeeesdig tethsestyledofseave. AW -icslce EeY 1,pent u zatono lehe - g the Dedee thiseln s-tpervc odeccects ths c teessMaey ecest su Sdee bcK t~'J~peecc ~ ciee ,t ht ,gic ,ehs ieed-dece , th at eh ecke 1se 1eete, er tihe mste ofs wwt" gue' e-, ehe t th~ eectes 300 ci, etvndncchsisidal c- fo ide trn ssee-cg o et h fite,, Pl,, ecs, lighte-d w tes i ns t c ionteete dete g teeos te srpe fe-, hseg ee e siedeen Itt e s týredI -i ,ý Tu-d, - ingOf tuin th pat w k h,,,, ectlkis eteted teer cstttet.Th e sspsible te pick est tisecsses- 1--t ectkAegd ccccd te- cteetd meneoeeeeeeeettced hetdaeaeee oreteWestatceeite scditisthecsseed eye ises "à Pl,,,,",,ccshc,- c ýted cg e ofe ,cethett-c-se-e oCp s-t ervsdyGeRMe- tiey aectherecand tey leeves .4r McKccueceluccth,-e-cnesthey have gee cett fthie,- Ineetteeeet-etttscs5.ttst-seeestg 5teEg Mdilhise -ttecticeteehiee,,,, c ,fd Ttse eetetetoeeeseess ere fe etn iseisicite h ' ceec ce isccec thcCespeciec-Ottse'.hcccdccenthce geeetforte sctweleefine e io5t twis sprs ..e Christma Dinner tise eteissege and aaesis tlitle ChrstriasDin er tykes ae sgettisg setsteeIecy. Atftet tisestep tise YMCA istel. For newspapermen 'A 1itest tisey Otiseget tsekcy esnd A Chistas tor tht i a av-ceaiseey sucte. Yeeis, yee seigles uelwtis cewspepereete 1tteisesdid eMthes tisie dies Hte nIt deel iethistise edttei Tst e su, isettisettert. tetsd hisseit eeeiig o e e s dî- Mer eee dees ged tisey ae-- lionforteetsh tee ol'Ig mseetetsg tecte eenogiste isave Ches-tets teteeeeeg oe ofetiserepertersise teeisyetisoe. Asd SEas, isýeese speedçCistms. ,Ace Petot isblck tisee.c-Tiscptissed setmetassetece ee testise lsse Weed. tes-testeamest idg tes- Chisittes dineceGe deeeetetsessionieaeedi Sesiseshiseedeeptemes set etist tise peee eid tees etcget- e deee veAiisticyed aisp se le. te et Tises drep eeeesd t esstO f esghcey i yeik s - hQ ;u dt ,a c c h ;e to f e e e r a t e c s p e e ti o d cC e5 8 4 2 7 l i. c oe. T i s s e t i e sa î e e d f r e s s t h Ccspstc ,etetteefe etedchtiO4icececheetscestseseee MIc - etc c t he Nh terthct Ii noh, dcectee '~~ALVL tise ce , Ctep ccc , te ý e e t- aetcieeees tTe dcc of c,, n Y 111 n 3, o.bteft h ooru S lted bt a Cth eccccc cc ch,, cc , cc-c- , , c,,o cgc ,, rik.Ho eet thtteceisceis h cndect e h etss tts P Peec,cc sr ý:,, ,c htccbcchccetc cdc- t tcA eedce Mc ra ce ccti bte ceccprect on.hc thh- cet i sttPed e te e op tiI ,,-h :cf thhc1949fcteh .Tc-Kccc Ttccccchcd ec-cc th , c t hhcfcetcd, Tcaehccedeigsete os on th",c, c hd8950 7ih c cctantec 1i 8 lie t cc fc re t the s i eg m aet s. B rle L O E -cd-t secdc - c c, ccc cf r.i.ln crscf.cci, he t and atc tti st eus m a c csc ed Ot h.etoecteit Tse hcen et ciette diet onlht ees-t n'y , t c cc- tttotnpJ c c - ,i c fc c c ec e c thc - ccc d c ct c cc-f t h c,-ae c ereceecd c 'th e n o r P L A NTte ide ý,dd- s 1 enet ti plance tee nde-e set ceevth dt cd te is H c, c ce.c 'c c e c isc rc cnotntaltcc h cisce a hed e7 e Ib s o ecec t c c te th e o elsce nt e s r at h c Id, b 1. Il PP, i 1 11t ir lin -i e t h, t,ehce O cef,d , , the c'ttprs -ri "res e tdtecI A I e decgee ,, d ý t 1t lh, a chcced ceser ccwev iostd, ih h H i n h , - -C h r i s t m a s G i f t ehes ce t& e e-c ---ce e ceeThc' Bcce, ed Thise tene ethc-d -1-tce tv cthccc,,ý,- ecctct fore1951 thedeeasct ,cc- iced,cdc tctheTecteceecTcce.enhcc, ideet, V E 4IO th;cc Il t 1e1- Halff eh,,eC DO Occiece Cc-ceti pceess-earod Pietfe2dcv-cpie,, istcerfceths-eceheetec frOntce" WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION 0F 3. pS'i cee so c--cc-c ýc,,,Dc J.C uosette- EqclOt ccccc- C,)11,,,et fisc Oe theAecce CUT FLOW ERS eLItet Ftc heHct Nf e JaI e is t.a- er-ttceh isccc d eet.-cTh e y c eot cad c c cctct ele c - Ht SAli HEMUMS ROSES SNAPDRAGONS Listr. FankHallNelsn, . H Qth.In it t, bed ,c<,i,- ien nia chage ith iANeC CARNAARN ONSN TyloreG-eestecdh,.-dnR, Eltce ticccc ,cl ,ttetchc--ec-er tee. necehec e-esh Ne Steevieites ttrcOcO ecethethflWsanie J F. En-cisc dccc 30IseceisA MFRROYCHRfSTMAS eccd HAPPY P(1)'1E[)P ANT Wes-eecgnt DcFit1tPettes,--ceit c Hatt -tsJ itetteece De-c- tccefc.e c oneC-ecc-dStle.te 1 NEW YATe Yeeeand Ye t 'CYCLAMEN LADYMACBECONIAS A/AREAS HetlMPP CiegisceCf ,ec- .P10 Tisecece t e fce ttise ttct Eticeite W tE t ccecccJtAhDix-e e e e etece ee ceBOB AND EU. MtKIMPONE A AN M CP/ S W n Reicteec W A Rteinceee -c, ceh c, ce c ete ce tise M.. P kT MNhieccc"ccrci'e cp ccd cec et ee ecd HS.EALRO>BONIOEMEMORIAL WREATHS AND CROSSES assecte Deecc e e-o-ce e Ccde. Jecct h, ce tise Ctctt Ws-ctgfcec,ccthCed Ceddc-cc Cccccc-cHoueMilfteenehn Dr et.cCHRISTMAS, ARTIEGCALANC HOLLY lis_-eeNure.e-Ne ,g'be1c 1 L.i Ottcceenoth, Ue cet c-eccc Godoet m t ee C-e Ccec het ctec ce T.cecece et Oc tse r wrdayweeyu ih-Alleodes mstseessprepai dise Rchcdee Oee ecc eceoeIe l,;peý1 i ceoronto-cJ]ebethe Mecx Ttcct He' c .Oc 1ttcf ni-oeceI teda ecn eeec-eop Audit Fn etrtt1-MILTON GREENH1OUSES ceý, dececeece Otheecee ef_- Halettet Cetechec ccvi th ,ce c, buethe e rt.,cttethetcccMAIN STREET PHONE 151 Nighet ceec ccceo cetpogaeece cec t he foiscte It5ý -,teftt ee, h cefnan cM--ccde.etcecct 1/ NYLON HOSIERY cdes'Nyoe H-cee ectk ette cn ch ece ecee,, t,.ic, sSce, $1.25 PER PAIR $C SHIRTS wOc MAEN S WOE SORE SHc ScZES SMAtL MEN' ANKÈF ANC OERNS OR EL WOOL, OR At 75c tc SU-LETTE SLIPS >L PLAID SHIRTS f0 OARTAN PLAIDSOSItRES, AS-s iADES EV/O MAX COttARe .L, MEDIUM ADLRE e7.95 EACH 'S FINE SOCKS HALE HOSE, ASSORORD PAl- 'LAcN SHADES, 00V/ON AND cEtL WOOL. ScZES 1S-2. o$1.95 Per Pair MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Soe Our Range 0f PLAcI SHADES, SANFORIZED SHRUNK, COLORS, SAND, tLUE, ýrc. Î,"f -t ccE icc S cEvi ECPF CRrCeEN ScES1t OC) 7. $ 3.00 EACH f EATHER WcNCSREAKERS ANC OVERCOATS GIVE HlM AN OR ADAM HAT WUTIP TOP TAILORS2 A 51FT THAT IS SURE TO PLRASR FlDM I L SMADR-OOMEASURE SUITSM -A EUE FELT ADAMA HAT IN THE ~- £ 8 ~ e SEMSONS NEWEST SHADES AND A r STYLES. Milton $44.50* '*'s>UP .M $s.00 EACH rihonse£I215 AIl a * Agate * Agets * Agate * Agate ,Agate :2-- PLifate ILifetit Lifetsi Lifeits rnLifets 89 Th L DO Yoe L>ZUMBM 21. LOGO - -- - - -- - J9 l THUMDAY. DECZBUM 2L 1M