Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Dec 1950, p. 10

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*nrA*L fl&1tBmBïrtsA4cirriages ILt~L=5LU~ * Deaths, Etc.Wieu ften fruth 0* ourn irroorubphoet 2 r ent teho Couudtou BORN W & T À D S = -Th hadr mpibo upru lnuMiHoung ad oorr(JhDMAYES-Mr. and Mo. Jack MaI'00 For Sale Wanted the oedtoofoa treeoo egflao Ho about a srahoropt-he b rth of ther sonDeerihur FOR SALE - Holrs drWITO- omadhado -Powt iu the hutehe oshop vin- o t hio pope Ctlroptotop Jto an.1.Phon 9oltCI r toruhud root n how tumien duri o rothe oorh f h up ure ud Od uol Whoherfor the twrua, Cho-stine Brh, Ilori Store. dos s mohe mrkofthap -owcoldth "ldLayohoad Cauoline, and JSorbe. FOR SALE - Rndgnr!1o jruoaohhogroterSssion m L o . aShoe- hcor ord? But COMPLIMENTS 0F 01.Phono 239J.rtBhwaa WAI4TSD - Live.Ponltay en -I-e UThaels ateIOws.. itweO acuto ARRIED FOR SALE -Word, eu007ypntýd PhonoSods SteoyM soppng todourroohe rChrit he rutaCauoparadeconpeety Ts ECfIIrgh.Appe T Rouirphouetoot143,r Win. Dent,Mltonérnîî. moslnta lt 1tuspeopleto te he finrflou oin he pa- THE ULflWWITIMBEBS-FINLAY-Ou Su urdaytOrIl1.rcor 'rote MoreZoner, 402 Dom- ~Classeorttheooghuoshoulhaveode The Odtladyoruohrooght urmerir 1690, tOutKno asae n ourRd., Torouto. 32-M coood for tru Christmasuciorn anddOrMltountorugh the aurpicof !ERL OOSPreuho-terouruMaure, Ar o, b O-hRroSAE - Bod odro. ay u 'rillreopenonTurodue, auory . the Milto MOlrgCo. OL O T R he Rer. Robert H. Aroutro u ts, io4 7,ot-o Purondition.t -Agar Itu pur teer u pte- Tue oîR Cuury otirAr Kthiru Rth, otpdoroterof ___________ eduntrtuhelp iton and Zote ,t p.i hi ya tee n ri- -Te ato Cdriy oic A-MILTON AND CAMPBILLVILLE Mo-. and Mro. WilltiaJohn Fin- Ordere pour Chritmasrorturbup Ranta Ctaorus UIIpRomo eond don, oR pertY d nor u rorrt oOriao metinrluurhengtou tari lac, ArRun, Ontror, OuGeorge _uru Soratt heur, 1Btet15tIbth. av- ttone tu Sur. Cru. GilbrtMI e t. reoon lraveu» haver brrr 'roo- rrk -heuin he totto'rtug ffirer >>>>>>IItIII>>>ba>>Iiiiii3 KrrhTrsr, rdert on000O!erage.o-houe 282r4. 2r- MltMo. AUTdontions wtt! h tonl ut ora wuee. uror lerted: preideut, CRief Fred Me. urd Mer Jsueph Erorror -c- urbuowîrdordi. Clo. u MEod. -ThelorultiPro brigade a0rwoered Olivrr Brouir, uerretury-Oreauurer. _________________________ ionher, Miltun, Ontario. lb FOR SAL-lt pigo, 7 rrur lurd, ehotrorno Santa Claus Fuud, r-264 ________________ --eureptiuottp ygord tuot. o-houe 467 al ou Sarurdue oflerrocon for o Sergi Ler Berru, OubrilterGogr2,AT.K gdnc cieto tire Ber orthe Arroourier Htrhouurnd HrverHurtwrer BlED - I .T trdo . FR SLE MaintshSnos, Lost rouirmag ifas ibr s riulh Thrriedn rTironrt o darrur ASpyr anrd Drliteour Appler. G. uH. _____________ -This luistetm ofhe onth Te adIne* ac pou-M RIO -O ensaDc-Gwa hn 8r. c2- wrear-ur-obererdirel oebeh ereCrrooeA erbrrr ,1 t Milto-riote urodproloo -lBLOST - $W.o-e'rd for tantt e m vewhelmedwith th mal- sred by he Brone CorturumiiyHospitat, Williari c onud fmlmdu Istolor t ur ererriuriou Or du al Club. wibih 'rau eld lunte Cri OC a.vcdlourd bdo f d tHeiru Crop'plg, FOrire, blrto runre'rrangedtmrO our Christmasropîpirg carry bur rioiti Ho rall a ine h uueor Oeason s X andderefuoheof Morguretr i r od rerroviir, peud ruudtiuu. siCblattuord Rwhrtb dta, 0.e neut brrr brrr Thermirr iai ruerlird b hhi 0 u 70h pear. I. Mcro-edy, phourne lI.r22 CBA atroa i O. Ca, eAmurrg tr ,e reetings Foreralsieire onu he brd tri FOR SALE-l8 trenl tallu. Brai- Muoro od, R. R. t, Ont. T -Nveubcly aci ihc C h r imos Cidcre A iirrofrdte o-u- Srbe MurNoh uud Sou Chotrel, Mil- tOchaebui er. oec; Wor ont _ _____________ sessin wih anaburanccof dc-. tv Cub sChiIren' Ch,ýtmý, l'ANDoFidu DcOrrer 2 ihe 2lrrpri ooler. A I.Lyon,R. r reruidhrhoducofe-ri lh hld-c'Chirriy HO4Iieerieni Erergeeru Ceririery. oeuiiuihi crihe nore a uipori- P>A 'Legiruiserire.) FOR SALE 14 iia ea tructir ousiscioCo it ,,>ai. iatc, cayi-A rordition. Apoly Doua ingîuL iv socsan e Il i irood horIhiianr'iadroro ie ailc rtrrapc O ~ BstlAfoka 2Cuuiphelleille. phare Mirlte6I2 UP TO $5.00 EACH for drad or Tto-Pl htti a] daln-,fr-t - ' ae e tW s e ARDu 0F THANSOCOdiuubled buore, bo ors, at pur Mirureth! , i hhca,iuca Ad, hoflu iS .ta ihe Cýhoirrior h gn-A FOR SALE-14 erra, 7 oreeho chid ere horr i icd od oc li h Srodr'cii nin N ilL?540 lo ruiaueie. ieto îi, : P~rmpt servier. obrrrCol- e rttoiererro cHuHa-ruirsr nO gu ond hcaers. R H.Kiîgdîî phonr Ltd., togers l urilOOnt Su. ger artlriiadiac,-cecd ia-, ci q ri clror il,, ",a l cr cie oH Zt Ar ail ohoowrc-rrr ied and aruer- 97r]4r.tc bordi' irrnesW iii- Si, -c-cria Il a' t, ýnd -ra t.ff-n ill ie MeSrire-T ProcociYîtw Yid AFOR SALES houilding lotsono -Thiîîri-- he irroric ,hlicirihn ic,iri raeheCcriu tt rs. owh te erC i-eielleuorrc ~ M s el ucc, a ..tl 51 onDe- wk. l -Idbc iuh ppriapreur Aronidhor-rrih hy-dreoand Mse neous aicicfi50 roiDc t ra-il i h rer a am an nrseae mm r Oihrr- oirce i h,îîtr ond aureeiat-o aiere ebone 293r4. e IVIý.Fiaywl ,t, hr-d ILIUN UKEEIIflUE> I oirro eiaelatives.frierds RoBarrnud Bourd uroilable, AU estd oda nI hi lonzctlirhl bol \ii Townschi Carci ha- iadniihhir- fr Oe heirird ru- FOR SALE-Beehice or Sbatonircouverirurro Phour 176, f ru dii-' ITiriridail bi, e nbh rri MriiCi, ad SOir- î, MAIN STRET PHONE 151 A ircaier ilfiyrriathy aid fir,] loir; laIt r stere for 45 ral. î la aui riledcd Idon ir rrrrr iota hechs-ord adWaiS Wld- NOTICE-Gorhure rollection iril the ii dur if o ieer ci-ie f Tronto no rp eac ns oi centnoadib,-.vca ,nf.iw',autaoaoaaur,'rsnauspubuc hn-Ou cember 26 and Januarya ~Grî,orcon Maibi St aidirpoelrplaelfor-Nelon,______2.____c .Iid bcidir odcarachlaii !crhrrcccirlette, __________________FOR SALE--hrcreiid. lirtit$3 those who ýj-c f wrpper fromthe eparment f Hihwa-iod: alisecord uîîd $15 a cîrd. FLOWTEBS fo ie casos andho reo hedi ic ifhoereoi-cri Crier in h DororrieofsurrihoaCom ing Evente logs iii icerlh 12 un ig, eeha Dînoer Brio. Fluririr. Ejbridu, ueMac il o o ntrid co ertPir]k Accrienti ireaici A Finitiaio ofitherscacon Wc-d -OhSALE-Tii ian chaintuun, Os, ESSMAtISO-Setulg an d atrartire. lodran Poit yallrJri.y3 ein l'luF oe ya; sratiouu if att birds dune top -idai ,oa c . Lne i oîdies rc; uoi anh ilrdruperfied reririator Wddo iriîr adi Aiilire c tie Apo-1eAIruSherîffu 2ndorer a oprure eddue: Policia Poblic SchîoI. Mira ieton ara r hîrl Ph. r -oue 7IlrtO f rCompliments reA igt.rs..,Cnet h ___________dit___ 6ai, Decrrhcr21 ai 8i cii Admiri oOS SALE-1051 HadsonrSedan; Minlton Ro15adu Improvemen191tInerna l Trmuh^TrHilirar Sedan.r Notice to Creditors CodIpovmn F THE AGala ChrriiasDrc-c Salordar y 7.Pcirait rdo,1049 con- III De rc-etr O. Tawne Hall, ,Mfiliic l e Teib.b e cPaîrd. i roaruger - Hîgh To Be Investigated Sao otciaadpoSiTorii 150rSeoeWa..r TohnT Rr, ot 0 School ee F -cd dcaî cii C tLa-or Scaceirioidnccrr Mini Salersad CounOpof Balton, Par Former, Traflgar: Mr G Ttcric cccidi is cîea in jchrc aed diecrît New s Q cc-r. ',,,i pit ,c-^nprc-ie tb A b au- e P..-or Miltri P t 1-utng Mchiorco AderA, ;'ierii dntiot S rrcrrlrc eogIret Yorkhbrc tbe Esrure if Wallace Rohue Wrl- -I r Moîdceroi aiAeh uni e.an trotechoi Oc Larie -r-o-Hi criruerrai r 6hi 80-0orotho lonid ,, 100e if the Townuship if Nlsion, ADLIflI f25clLaiCr RroUIDteTtc r pilI.,raedur ic vr- inruthe Couror oflonuo-r o-ar- Oci rreO- rtcioardoc- teri-i tii id ri>n %IIIE nu TcsclTriaic4.r crai ay, wuc- one aid arrc- hc-rnmeredereaird, ito dird or or Crat latio n 'Ccrrai-, c ai, f r dicnil racco o hraerec- o- olccc-llcrî Cit hcIiro,r crîchri aid brierîcolit bccdrîr bt o d ni ta othe 5ih day of Orroher, t9ti, Cherreri , r-aidatrccrac-.o-rer r MILTONPHOGNE 2980 lo Gc-cre-r c-a Cia 8030,Otinriqu p or ircirfo r rc t he underuigoird sloicidr un or ho- co.baidoî-,dii,, anigýt l1-,,rýS d nard acrr ci"aedoforer-aeehc iceriorarf irirrihii1r5r; irhareirha r-ccncr brich crcar r-rci l cc-o u"" ý i c ý l it rwite 5 a of Sunouer Oir -rourid bruir i nb ,dw u rgrdt hi lis Wcrhr -c- ,od tc harar cir rirCLEAROANCE btl,k 19,50 Or-Moie e cr or;, hi c St C.r110iat 01. i adr cr.r.rrOntac-o, ai hiSaaaa ti .,Hjatiidra ra ip rarO-a Si lrfor hb c -îrc in~~~~~~~~~~ rt.ictia 50 hi--t,0a-ka oCoe oo-- r M"In ira Cr1t ci ilci .Nie 27,1950 i-263 hr 'prrc a- L i i tal-h c-brai Pr, -C botuice t C-ditors-iii1:h-S uitro li-iM"c I oerkara -I i er cO 1,ch M '.M Ira \ h :irc t anr.ri icrcr - ___________________ton Sou. t,,g rîr h". lP l h t ftheri astai,,c-r rtiai br r aFr1 aiacrii 950cWiBa kibdy h- occupird. NEW YvRa ieEVE IOSe m oHneiSeOcoato-.1uf Wi, Patra tiinl 019450 ni Sic-~~~~To' ofrîd i t ccir LIJli dOOltNon. tate.ofthr Irai 19iioiaiaie Ch- fhecattan Cabnetroc-c-t Bd,..,rci St iacidoitlecc ait.r: FI bra i o at-k u ,.vt, t r- d. anrd FIrkrrr-vicioirri , PRINCESS cr ccîid harirircie- u -ccdaId ccciiMIDNtGHT DANCE i"",ktaati ii carii a .ktioh i, Tc-zaccuc.c tca. i -rihiroc c-ii- aiiiiii Gi cal buc-r, TuerIlir pal h , i ea-i ,i ing. .ol cit- t thc-a rit Mr s ndcar-ibeO nu il12Suaa.ai.ca, ci-if i Olto tithe c-aiiah-dhdarc c]IIIcaihit thi, _______________ FR.-tAf. DEC, 22-23 Narci, hc-iraiirro aii- r--h ir Si a c iti, et t, foInin o th, li'illiil 12Oit dii ilOclotir, 150 f - i il ]t iccr r cA c-îarric riiict -ccr- TNA tni n e c ed ou c cd th e rc,-'ait-, S're rrd-îcdci î ri -d ci-ai ai int TWNHALL, MLONF i esr.dsliio o r"lchabod and or h l-rireion o-r c-ni hid il Trclrïic-.r,,,h-I ahi O ,Dud , NY HGPKIN'SOCHESTRAA% rIs tdii c i Jaune 15, rb-'tne aoaa bonuSi i-pmii tin eua rai r% Go-ORGo-EE ELLIOTTI? MDSNE d ar-arborai e -e cc-raid, tni Sur c-lie- graerorialsbYDNE rcr t 1cca t c-t cS Tir' ao -ar , aMii caa raed and r- i i a id ciiîoccc- el- anriT,,îr AO Mio.ODc1Il 190f c-S3a oet -sucihiearni ic-d-r~-i Ibn,- - 't-I- yAOMtSStON $1.50 FACIl and_________of__parents ThCtccIncar ,r h _ -haoAh rhc-Ilh-ua- Ai2o-isAtc, ihoiot irh c-rierai dc-c-nt eroiicrcrc-arc- Ino,tii,- UOrrritaEn Et.-n Md.ai C.ritr Mac Mn crer snLuorîidaic -ohohrdrthercc-hea'M i in Unti la.t WIdritsda, %c hl th h, fthf-, ort-.1 EP _._NT.Laughs" ficon triift bartarrarcer w i-c aMe. Fx ac i, r ,nreidîci Mn naivenîo Aitrialia.Th a i',coc a nkc-a i ,t fr car e M o r ns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ urnor r e liunaîc ehte M Canhc MrlElgcnrAaWeck-Mndo-irai renrtari c-ridai inr li re gc 1Wýter iFoS adGREETINGS DON jJ EGN RRG lerDracirraHortiace _________________ rire. the bu >anr ai u.nieSOr ihe or a Merp GChisrueai H P T ou Ted Brisai!. irho cai honir AUCTION SALE adaHpyNewheur alsoicarryRrmpton Mur.-Taos. for, 25-26 aoond wira iS C erb-d rîrerberJ S ia ooIHlru idCenm P Grade TrolveataiSerer lteol .- ni FOîEOO)D IJIOlTthierouhearîfelt Super Offni uCeHan nhsmsPougrraImeOS rit if te it m bci tcyirbch th tecarsorte orîddoi ----------.1r ra hsbueec-beîroird .urthe,îi Teiieniaijgcdtv,îici ti sprikorthome ro her" 'My ru onnrher oi Grade Elevere To gaien rc-to ion orubeufte ie ayaly attention. mcc- iniord Ou tube deai- JOHN MOFFAT rieeMcalyor is Yourslo tir ation. One inteeplid lad bSr c Toîli c poin icrsiraa yourand gay au tSe i-1 o 1, car , t,, I; f ChitismrCanadian Champion iOI-rcii nMlton Lumbe andn JACK CARSON WED. DEC.MBR 27Miltn LmberandDORIS DAY MOFFAT WFD 006 lrre rail i.tSAKELL A L130 oc-lochktanirari r uirina -un c aria r rtc c M.TdBritton Is c.î"a aiiaaaccooal Co. CasfeaAuirtCorindp ut Mr. TedAdvertising riarroi - - sOduy, Don 28 rub alriid t tcih er a chic--, O-t:c- cîtood 1 tu gOfaihion hccooherec-rrcatihou hi Oitia caro r oenitL ~ .a ecre culat rro_ ___ "My Gai Sal" r o - e d e e nr c -ic a t O lh S a n d Ec. c g et, ,Tk t *s nou i ora riS fnihîrd Soho as oncrt-n r rornurctr d Mo- urd Msagaer oa n cd Meu neruier nd an d dh Wott o n Fno anur cfHueiltura but o ra lad1 o-o. au id ut' "' " ' " " urintt ati1ir; aTfMc Sad CuoS ir aISle;o doPl Morr.tfeurtbiPagerunuummtet.horute oeir se ulrd Ctou-rohe .on s.I.nsuudop indLEY ANS)_f eLLI2onl Walter ..,og . n M n a OrMy: ilinu r t, S-Il-Ith Ino Memrieau oc70epin or trper tinoeoruvrse%., Amirk, -r orSain Rn.ira MOiiuriCPorto5eR(if nut raid utrottt uter toseroion u0e) Boxn No. teothbirofftee t5r Cour o-rmOu Sc iniumoo Attl Ptuootfted Adrecioneenln mari reoeh the office hefuro t pm. on W.dnred.p IRIPA HAYWORTH VICTOR MATURE Ibn Lnds o oagî, Dno anda Laghr Christmas Sol Fnluiely 10 Greetings Miltn Det. Sore TO ALI 0F OUR MANY Phoneo112PAtN HAIF A Cl Mre, and N wbere the5 flous, Mr. Mr. 6he1 Mr. Anrer bah, Mes, osai nîa n »Mm* Olt Is gother ol aud art - boaro il proertnu Oro nîdrot ge- rurb topO, Ou onrber Oi e Of Haltuu, i the SNeos presideunt Mouday r for-umnSe loi. AI mouS. i a cbalo-ru diorouirn thegrerup ,aiun, the a reort. theoounrtr lruton ac- Se odquaa t o-ardu O ooru o'5 r Obat r tut Io the Se for thr Fý i0 iriued, of OSe gro Loonesor siorce 1941 riro groa -rnrbined boireer, S oa-rnForc Hutoir fio If rai' fur 1pari ,d th coaig Frodoc ah Spnra r- in i f thi ,.u,-ion lie Sioan HIL the meraia B rerea, l * rbeol Arc- lieSk, agrica nS a ehb'Id cee CABE donaned Inon laIetPied raid for rc, Farci Pari Mea- of TUE CANADIAN CHAMON ib

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